HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1989-11-16,,.:''t ,]..RESIDENTIAL.. 1/Pf!Rl'|l1' SPFIINGFTELD- APPLICA\ 225 North Sth Street Springfield, )regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 DLll.' rsi I )il l'a'1")i l)l-,,s I.)ironc Gener;r 1 P 1. urnb ing ,Iob Loeaticn Tar Lot llAesessorc Mals ll Subdixt sion Plioni:Addtess q Describe tr'ot k Value)t- n Net t Date of AppL ieation DpL- \3- 91,ldditicn RcnoCel. iloblle llone fractor ,5 ZDlec E r l.Iechau ical S rrDerv Iilectt^ili It ie the responsibility of the permit hoder to see that a nspccti,>rts ave nadc at !1t.. i l',.",'r' !Ln;., L!;:t ;;clt cddress is reclai-e nt of bhefron the street;, and that the * BuiT-diryy Diui c ior: api:ro "- e,1 p card is Located at Lhepermtt Lan sVu:L L remain on tlr Build*n -'i.L-' ot ;l pt'optt.rty L Lines. 'til,L be nade the sane dcy, requests nade aftet, T:00 @n uiLL be natle the ncr,t:^t.,rki.n:j dalr. Icut, City Designated Job Numbcr fs: ,4eaui-ro,.l Tn cnanft' rne SITE INSPECTION: ?o be nade after excantation, but prior tc set up of fotne. UNDERSLA! PLUMBINC, ELECTRICAL 8, !!3j!, xll o lt 1_v!1!!! B ! ?,8 li Ir .L ! t s I I' i :' t' |, ) ; l ?o be made after aLL insulaLi.on ovl requined oapor. barriers are i.n pl.ace but before any Latlt, g!!?slon boayc! itr tnLL cooet,inl1 is applied, anl bclcre oty insulation is concealed. DRY\IALL INSPICTION: Tc be natle a$et"Zt T-6atni-rs in plac,:, but ptiot, to any taping. MASONRI: Steel Locatton, bottd beans, gtouttnE or uertiacl:j Ltx aecordance uith U. B. C, Sect't'.,tri 2415. WOODS'IOI,/E:;apT;m.After tnstallatiotl is CUFB & APPRCACI| API?)N: Aftet, ft>rtttsare ereeteC but pt,ior Lo pcut"tng concrete. SIDEI,IA|,K & DRI|'EI,IAY: Fot, all ccrl- crete paoing uithin strect rt7ht:- of-txty, to be made after aL! ercct- Oatinq conPlete & forn tnrk ,Q eult- base material in plaee. MECI|IIIIICAL: To be nade before anydotk is couet,ed, FCOTING & F)UNDATICN: To be rnade ;fter-trenc6 are e&cauated. and forns ate erected" but pt,ior to pouting ccncrete. UNDXRGI?OU!]D PLUMEINC, SE\IEP, W.4TER, DRAIIIAGE: To be naCe prior to fil-Tfr-liJ,ches. UNDEI?FLOOR PT]II,'IBING 8 MECIIANICAL: o7 floor insulation or decking. POST AND BEAI,,I:To be tnade prior to instaLtar;,i decking. n of floor Latiori or these inspictions haue been FTUAL PLUI4BIIIG [i,itti-!:,-;.t, r ,a/':.ri]l) :lil,a.-.(i at l?olct,tj Lt":.. ;'r';,1-2i,. 1,.-r;l: ,-,,'-,'.. .i rr:,i ,".: 11.:,1 uith grct'-:;, !'i'L;i - ,'7:.-n u.^.^:', .'i.,. :s ,rt',' e,^n:L.:'-t.: ct:,i. u:)i,:t; ,ienci'.lict: ts :ttpLete cu st.),t:- Li,Lye noileJ atri pr;-;',ets c.le.inei up. I ,: llcnt:: illockin,J and Set-up Pltmbl.ng connections -- sa)ey anC ua:er & Il i.c,,-tri ct1. Ccnt:eetiott - BLockittg, se'--u: ,:it t. i i : Lwtb in-,,- 2,.;,y'y4 s f 1,-t rt s rni s t b e ap p r o;.: ;.i befrtr,' requast"..ttiT ele..! t,t,:al. tnspec!i,o:'. /1 Lt..t c s c o t1' ; Bui L,'iz tu: L-i.tL,ti. - Alt.;:t, ; :;t'cti:-ss, si! rt!ng, de,'-i:s, et:c, tD"e c:npl;!.:,:i. made and approtsed. EIPEPLIICE: Pnior to plccirg faeingmcterials anrl before franting inspeb- X1-on- FRA\NG: I"luet be requested aften appnou-it of rough ptunolng, iinitri-cal & nechantcal. AL!. roofing braeing 8 chinmeys, etc. rctst be complcted. llo acrk is to be con- cealed until thts inspection lus been made anC appro"*ed. !:ENCE: hrhen conpleLe -- Proui.Ce gates or nouable sections tlrough P. U,E. ALL pro,jec:L conditi.ons, suL,li ($ Llrc in:it.,ti1at,i,.11 i)-i- r;.1),,,...t fr,,,..,r,_, ,..'-r,lr;: i,1t1 .,j- cie ne.quired L,tn,lsecpit:17, ctc,, tmtlit be :;,tLi::-ii.,:.1 i...:..1_,r,: i.];,: it.tji,:,t|;) i.-i|;,1L .,tn !:,.t requ.:sL,:ri. TINAL BUII,DINC: Tfuz Final Buildi.nit htc;t,',tl:t'"on nLr:;t. i;,: t'r'ou;,stei r.i'i,r.I'il:,-' ['ittal ilunl:itt,; El.er:Lti,cal, anC Mecheni(ltl fnspec:Lic)ti:i ;ku),] lrn,;r: ,,r r,i,. .:rlj ri ;'r','u. j.l FINAL I4ECIIANICAI,o 1{rrum ELE1I',RICAL -t rr-,- t ,.1' ;jl.-.t - vJ ''*AT,L I4AIIIICLES AND CLEANOUTE ilUST BD ACCESSIBLT, AD,II]ST:IEiII TO 9I: :,:,1i18.'1: I''O ''.'ST TC Ci:'Y 3sro 14 oleoc) .-"" ffl , A hn ) rhfi fYl 0 rs LLP: 0t) -tml,L,oal y, Arlrl r ps s l,isc- ll' Illr tl.')(\ r.-)l't1zt. f o { I/. _.,- a tr JOB NO Lot Sq. Ftg. X, cf lct Ccoerage I of Stortes Total Height Topography Permit Issucnee Mechanical Permit TotaL SOLAR ACEESS REQ.- Crott LCT ?YPE _ fntet'iot' _ Co?ner _ Panhandle CuL-de-sac L-co d nst Bedz'oorns: Sourees t. Signed: Mechqnicol Permit Lot Faces - uatePLan Etcminer fHAVECAREFULLyEXAMINEDtheconpletedapplicationfo-npermit'anddoi"';;;; iiittii-tnit ott-tnioiotibn hereoi i.s *ue and conreet, cnL l 'f"rtnL"- "'""tliiy that any and aLL uork pe1'f-otmed slnll be done in accor- ii).ii:Ati thL'ordintnls-of ittn city of bpringfteld, .and th-e Las of the ;;:;;; ;|- ;.;scn- pertainins to the wrk Ces*ibcd herein, cnd tlat N0 1CCU--plncv ,ttt b"e na1e of any struetura aithout permission of the Building N- uision. I fur"ther certtfy that only contractol's and enplcyees uho are tn cotnpliance uith ORS ?01.055 uiLL be used on this project * t Access terDTI!ouse (:aPQ.qe North ll Fi LaceIiesttoxelSouthlltlest -- Fees -- r'l!:r,t SQ. FTC x Va Building Volue & Permit This permit is granted on the erpress cond-ition tlnt the, sttidrconstrt'tction "non', in all rZspeets, conforn'to the Ordinarce edopteil ltiy the City 2f ip"tigil."ta, inct'uding' tie Zoning Cndinanc-e' regulctit'tg the ccnstmtcticn oird u"n"n of Luildings,- and nay be- susp_ended or reuokeC at cny time upon uic- Lation of any prcuisions of said ot'dinances' Main t DC es.D.c. 1.5 c Building Pet'nrit Fee: Date Paid State Sw'chatgle Total Clnrges NO.L'[:E CHARCE Plumbing Permit No person shall constmrct, ins*all,- alter or change-anlJ net.cv' eristing il"irllrra ot' drainage "i"th ii inoi" on in part' unless such person is the legal possesso, of " ,Z"tii p\'"'i'nn'i t';"n'in, eicept that a 6et'son natl do plwnbing uork to p"opnlty-rin;.-ii-i" ornnd, Leised ot, operated by the appli- cant. Firtures Residenti,al (1 bath) Sani Seuer Plwnbing Pernit State Sutc Electricol Permit Whel,eStateLaur,equit,estl"a,ttheeleetricaloonkbedonebyanElectrical Contractot', the electrLlal,'porti'on,of this -pe?nit slnll not be oali-C until lite Label -tas been signed iy the Electt'ical' Contractot'Nan/Exterd Circuits Se,zruice Stcte Total CIIARCEIT!M FWrace BTUTS Eshanst HooC Vent Fan Hcodstoue -- ENCROACHMENT -- tSecurt e Permit A*bcut Sidasalk !ence Electnical LabeL Mobile Hqne ,I0TAT. AMOUNT DUE: X 43 tc3 Signed Date Accessoru TOTAL VALUT l,lnten Storaqe