HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1990-01-29\ APPLICA?IMPERIffT 225 North |th StYeet SprLngfield, Oregon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-s7 53 .. RESIDEUTIAL..SPFIINGFIELD ?as Lot 1l Phone zip:Cita: DescrLbe h'ot'k: Value1-&q -qoDate of AppL icati,cn L O-fr\Q-o--tdditian EJ,ec cr IC a t General Plurnb OR !,IOVED BUILDINCS Sanitary eeaer capped at property Line Septic totk punped and filled ttth gra;sel Final - Wen abooe itens are ccnpleted and uhen denolition is cornplete o? sttuc- ture moued and. pranrises cleaneC up. Blocking od. Set-up Plwnbing connectione -- aa))er. qtC aater Electrical Connection - Blocking, eet-up and plunbing connections mtst be approo'ed before requeeting electrical inspeclion Acceesory- Building Pinal - After pctches, skirting, decks,etc. ue canpleted. Job Locaticn: Aasesoors MaP # Snbdiuision: Oumer: Address: Page 1 of 2 It ie the responoibi of the per*rLt that aLL inapections ote nade at the at the front of the ProPertY.Building Site at aLL times. tine, that aach addtess is readable of inspectictt befcre 7:00 o:t Lity ,'that to aee eard ie Located L remain on tlpfrorn the etreet,*Buildiytg Nuicion aP?zaov*ed P penmt Lan slwlandthe qROC DURE FOR INSIECLI\N REQUEST:CALL726-3769(tecord.et,) state your City Cesignated. iob nwnbet', iob aCd:r'ess, type- "adyfor,inspection,Contractar,so7ou*n,"-,-neandp?anenwt,tbel,Requestsreceit;eduiil be made the s;re dcy, ?equests mcde aftet, 7:00 on urill be nade the nestuot'king day, /\O(q(n SI?E TNSPEC?ION, ercau;non,'but To be nwde after pz.ior. tc set up of forme. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELEC?RICAL & WCHAIIfCAL: ?o be made before any6it'li-itteped. P))?ING & F)UNDATICN: To be ttadeafi er -ii encTZi ar e ic c au at e d and. fotns are erected, but prior to Wut"tng ccncrete. lour Cifu Desigr,ated Job NwnbeY fa: TNSALATTON/VAPOR BARRIER IIISPPCTION : To be made after aLL insulaticn and, required uapot, baruie?s ote in place but before any Lath, gypslun boarC or rnLL cooeting i.s applied, and before ay insulation is concealed. DRYIIALL INSPECIf)N: Ic be nade aFe"ZIT@nZT-te in place, but pz,ior to cny taping. MAS0NRI: Steel Location, bond beona, grouting or uerticals in accond@tce ?nith U.B.C, Section 2415. WO0DST1VE: After installation ie arnpleted, CURB & APPROACH APRON: After fornsue ez,ecteC but prior to pouning eonarete. UND9RGROUND PLUMBING, SEWR. TN.4TER, DRAINAGE: To be maCe y-ior to fil-Tfr-iienchee. UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: o7 flooz, insul,ation oz, decking. POS? AND BEAM: To be nade pt"Lor toinstallatian of floor insuLation or decking. RqUCH ?LU\IBING. ELECTRTCAL & MEe!-ANICAL:@ until these inspections haue been nade and appnooeC. rrYe4.nQl: Pr-Lor to placirg facingmate?LaLs and before fnanrtng inepec_ aLon. FRA\'|ING: ltust be requested after app-ro-ual of rough pl;r,bing, eiectri_cal & nechanieal. nll robfingbracing &- ehinmcys, etc. mult- beconrpLeted. No ucr.k is to be con_cealed until thts inspeetion las been made anC appnoued. SIDE\IALK & pflwttAl: ?or aLL con- cr.ete paDWAm street rignt- ef-teq, to be made after aLL bxca-oating canplete & form unrk & sub- base material in place. !E!!!: When complate -- ptooiCe. gates oy mouable sections through P.U.E. t LA iY"e/J \Q-a-.- eLL proiebt conditions, such as the installat1gn of utnnnt ,*"*,2*r*rrirr"-required Landsccping' etc., rmtst be eatisfied u"yil""-ini'iuliwtc F1NAL can be rcquested. PINAL BUTLDTN?: The Finat Building rnepection tmtet be re-quested aftez, the Final ptwnbingElectrical' and Meetnric"t ri"piitio)" 'noi" o""n *oaz'irl ":pb"zirra. PIIIAL PLUMBING FIIIAL AECHANICAL ?INAL ELECTRICAL 4ALL I4AN\I2LES AND 7LEAII1UTS MUST BE A1CESSIBLT', ADJUS?I|ENT TO BE I,|ADE AT NO ClST TO CI?y I T ruge a SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-co dJOBN !!eat Caraqe AccessP.L House North EireplacelltastllSouthlWest LO? ?YPE _ fnterior Corner Panhandle CuL-de-sac Lot Facee - Bedroomst Total Height Topography Lot Sq. Ptg. % cf Lct Ca.terage _ # of Stories ValuesQ. rTc xITEM tbtn ktaaoe Ca"port Acceagoru ?OTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 t Signed: Recaipt #: Date Paid: PLan Building Vtllue & Permit this perrn,t is granted on the esp?ess condi.tion tlnt the, saidr-c-onstrwction shall, in atl respecti,-conforrnio th-e ondinance tdopted fuiy the City of ifrilift"ti, inctluding'tLL'2L"":"g crdinanc-e, negulatittg tke ecnsttacticn qnd use of buildings, on'i^"y a't"u"iPnd"dbr rZookeC at "'y tine upon oic- Lation of "ny prcrtisiona of said Orditnnces' Building PettnLt ?otal Clwrges * Sta.te NO CHARGE Plumbing Permit No Derson slnlL consttuct, install' altet: ot etnnge-any nett.c!' existing - ;1,,tr0:;U"ri',Tr"a"liz"ziit*-i"'irr1" or in patt, -unless such pe*son is the Lesal possessor of " ;21;;"pl:*'bi''" ll'"u""L' &cept tlnt a pe"son nav do plunbing uoyk to p*op"f,ty*"i;.ii- l.-" o*na, Leased or operated by the appli' cant. Fistures Residential (1 bath) Sani Seuet' Plutnbing Penxit State Sut'cl"arge Nas/Estend Cit'cuits Electricol Permit Wel,eStateLaurequiresthattheelectyicaluolkbedoneby.anElectrical Contracton, the electtiilcot''p)ntion of th-is-perrni't slnll not be oalil until ;h;';1;r;1 'lns been signed ty tne Electrical contractot:' Seruice State Total NC.CIIARCE Mechqnicql Permit Eol@at HooC, Vent Eat Itcodstooe PertnLt Issuanee Meehanicel Pemrit ,+ Pennit Mobile Hone L Ctsbcut Sida'talk Date r HAw AAREFULLy EXAT]TNED the conrpleted applicati-on for pennit' and do herebu certifv tn"{"'tli" t*i':'^"9$" -7."11iii;;-;;;; a1'it'cbrT'ect' arld r ?-"-;r;,#,",!#i.#L!$rti",:t[*'SxiiT:!",{xr*,.";;";ti * state of oregcn p-ettaining to the *!.\S;rr oennission of the Buitdi'ng Di- 'fr:r:r",'i","*:"!""fr\*".iry'r'"ii1;.::iT;"':'i;;;;,1:cveesuhoarein cor,pl't)ance uitlt ons"i'oi-'oii "au be'ueed on thie ploJect PLan i I I I TOTAI, AIIOI)I)T DUE: *rs ts Signed Date Set Woodstoue