HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 12/1/2022City of Springfield Development & Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Serial Property Line Adjustment k E Required Project Information Applicant Name: (Applicant: complete this section) Phone: i- y Company: Fax: Address: Applicant's Rep.: +h Phone: y Company: Fax65!q—W-tAn Address: L ev-t p ROPERT 1 Assessors Ma #: l _ _ 2- Tax Lot #: 3ooij Property Address: Property Owner: r:kv�- 2JL Phone: Company: Fax: Address; PROPERTY Assessors Ma #: Tax Lot #• 34U i, SoQ. Property Address: HIVAirw4c Pro ert Owner: MLU&A ' IAC Phone: 4l - Company: MtUmVit Fax: Address: 4ZG ' ; Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Proposal: Si natures: Please si n and rint our name and date in the appropriate box on the next Daae. Associated Applications: Signs: n Case No.:ZZ Date: �l 22 Reviewed by: (� I°�1�777 Application Fee: $ (IN Technical Fee: $ I Posta a Fee: $gO�> TOTAL FEES: Hol- tV I PROJECT NUMBER: Revised 6/6/11 Liz Miller 1 of 4 Signatures The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate. Date: Signature If the applicant is not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf. Property Owner 1: Date: Signature Print If the applicant is not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf, Property Owner 2: Date: Signature Print Revised 6/6/11 Liz Miller 2 of 4 Signatures Property Owner 2: that the information in this application is correct and accurate. Date: '3bKh owner hereby grants permission for the PR Date: owner, me owner hereby grants Date: Signature Revised 6/6/11 Liz Miller 2 of 4 Serial Property Line Adjustment Application Process 1. Applicant Submits a Serial Property Line Adjustment Application to the Development & Public Works Department The application must conform to the Serial Property Line Adjustment Submittal Requirements Checklist on page 4 of this application packet. Planning Division staff screen the submittal at the front counter to determine whether all required items listed in the Serial Property Line Adjustment Submittal Requirements Checklist have been submitted. Applications missing required items will not be accepted for submittal 2. City Staff Conduct Detailed Completeness Check • Planning Division staff conducts a detailed completeness check within 30 days of submittal. • The assigned Planner notifies the applicant in writing regarding the completeness of the application. • An application is not be deemed technically complete until all information necessary to evaluate the proposed development, its impacts, and its compliance with the provisions of the Springfield Development Code and other applicable codes and statutes have been provided. • Incomplete applications, as well as insufficient or unclear data, will delay the application review process and may result in denial. 3. City Staff Review the Application and Issue a Decision • A Type II decision, made after public notice, but without a public hearing, unless appealed, is issued within 120 days of submittal of a complete application. • Mailed notice is provided to property owners and occupants within 300 feet of the property being reviewed and to any applicable neighborhood association. In addition, the applicant must post one sign, provided by the City, on the subject property. • There is a 14 -day public comment period, starting on the date notice is mailed. • Applications are distributed to the Development Review Committee, and their comments are incorporated into a decision that addresses all applicable approval criteria and/or development standards, as well as any written comments from those given notice. • Applications may be approved, approved with conditions, or denied. • The City mails the applicant and any party of standing a copy of the decision, which is effective on the day it is mailed. The decision issued is the final decision of the City but may be appealed within 15 calendar days to the Planning Commission or Hearings Official. Revised 6/6/11 Liz Miller 3 of 4 Serial Property Line Adjustment Submittal Requirements Checklist NOTE: If you feel an item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. ❑ Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development & Public Works Department. The applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the time of complete application submittal. ❑ Serial Property Line Adjustment Application Form ❑ Copy of the Deed for all properties involved in the property line adjustment. ❑ Copy of a Preliminary Title Report issued within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances for all properties involved in the property line adjustment. ❑ Narrative explaining the purpose of the proposed development, the existing use of the property, the sequencing of property line adjustments, and any additional information that may have a bearing in determining the action to be taken, including findings demonstrating compliance with SDC 5.16-125, Property Line Adjustment Criteria. ❑ Copy of the Preliminary Survey Reduced to 81/2" by 11", which will be mailed as part of the required neighboring property notification packet. ❑ Three (3) Copies of a Preliminary Survey including the following: ❑ Prepared, stamped, and signed by an Oregon licensed land surveyor ❑ Scale appropriate to the area involved and the amount of detail and data ❑ North arrow, date of preparation, and title, i.e. Proposed Property Line Adjustment Survey ❑ Boundaries of the lots/parcels involved, including dimensions and area ❑ Zoning and plan designation of the lots/parcels ❑ Existing property line and proposed property line, clearly differentiated by line type ❑ Location and outline to scale of all existing structures, including required setbacks from current property lines and proposed property lines ❑ Location, widths, and names of all existing streets, alleys, or other rights-of-way within or adjacent to the lots/parcels and the location and width of driveways ❑ Location of all public and private easements and utility lines within or crossing the lots/parcels. For properties outside the city limits, location of all septic tanks and drain fields. ❑ Reference to the recorded Subdivision or Partition by name or reference number and blocks, lot/parcel numbers, where applicable ❑ Diagram identifying each adjustment, in sequence, cross-referenced to the separate property line adjustment deeds Revised 6/6/11 Liz Miller 4 & 4 (P) Increase the degree of nonconformity of each lot parcel or structure that is nonconforming at the time of application. In relation to the line proposed for adjustment it appears that both lots are in conformance prior to this adjustment. The adjusted line has been established no closer than 10 feet to the structure on Tax Lot 3007 such that all properties will remain in conformance after the adjustment. II APPLICABILITY OF PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT The Applicability Criteria for Property Line Adjustments is defined in the Springfield Development Code Section 5.16-105. This section shows the applicable code in grey text boxes with narratives on how the applicant has meet each of the following criteria. 5.16-10.5 Purpose and Applicability. (A) These regulations am intended for the review of Pmperty Line Adjustmentsand are separate fmm Lane County Deeds and Records laboarcel consolidation policies. A Property Line Adjustment is the relocation of a common boundary between 2 abutting properties. A Serial Property Line Adjustment is the relocation of more than 1 common property line involving 2 or more abutting properties. Serial Property Line Adjustments can be reviewed individuaW or combined in a single application as specified in Section 5.16115 This proposal it to move two common property lines between three adjoining properties. This proposal is a Serial Property Line Adjustment. (B) Property Line Adjustments may occur within a recorded Subdivision or Partition, as specified in this Section, as long as the adjustment is not a reconfiguration of or an increase or decrease of the number of lots in a Subdivision. In this case, Me Replat review process specified in Section 5.12-165 applies. The properties subject to this adjustment are Parcels 1 & 2 of Partition Plat 95-P0719, of the Lane County Oregon Plat Records, and that tract of land conveyed through Instrument No. 2000- 070596 of Lane County Deed Records. This adjustment is not a reconfiguration, nor does it increase or decrease the number of lots in the Subdivision. The adjusted line is being shifted to the North approximately 16 feet from its present location, meeting the definition of"Relocation" as defined in the Springfield Development Code Section 6.1-110 (6.1-110) "Relocation"A shift orrotation of common boundary between 2 abutting lots orparcels. III ATTACHMENTS 1.. Application Fee 2. Property Line Adjustment Application Form 3. Deeds 4. Preliminary Title Report 5. Application Narrative 6. Preliminary Survey (3 Copies) Posey/Rule PLAApplication Narrative Page 3 of Pu DII, INFO. mm s.w�aaviel reme�zaolwue�m.n vwwzcwmst�aoesamre urou*-vu_I P s " y �C7ro 9 r D�O � ®aGb❑®o®>o P E��*��� _ ®ala t�A�� Z'� d wOt'�W Z O I Ni J R ll x trJ Q NO°14.19"E 15LlC r Qe \ 62X"1 MAM dy ic pS°011VE IM89 8 43ZT1 -0@ '�2y 9 $O� m \ -- ,,--,OOm Hla E6A1 / S a cc CJD n - _ wm MaFFlle S. p�etbV131 quIN3-0�W<1B]Meln%AVwbGP]IBi <]N_OE6&Py 1PVOIIM1]Ik Hm APPLICANT'S STATEMENT AND SUBMITTAL CRITERIA ANALYSIS FOR THE POSEY/RULE PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON APPLICATION DATE: November 10, 2022 APPLICANTS Brent W. Coming REPRESENTATIVE: EGR & Associates, Inc. 2535 B Prairie Rd. Eugene, OR 97402 Phone 541-688-8322 PROPERTY OWNERS Lance Posey/John Rule (Deceased) 960 N 20's Street, Springfield LOCATION: Assessor's Map 17-02-32-31, Tax Lots 3000, 3006, & 3007 REQUEST: Property Line Adjustment between Tax Lots 3000, 3006, & 3007, under Type I procedure per Springfield Development Code Section 5.16-100. PROJECT SUMMARY This application is for approval to adjust the property line between Tax Lot 3000, and 3006 & 3007 of Map 17-02-32-31. Tax Lot 3000 is currently zoned Medium Density Residential (MDR), and Tax lots 3006 & 3007 are both zoned Community Commercial. The properties are currently used for residential purposes and have one residence on each lot, except for TL 3006 which is barren of structures. The owners have agreed to a two-step adjusted line which will to adjust the South lines of Tax lots 3006 and 3007 16 -feet North, to provide Tax Lot 3000 with direct access to S. 43's Street. APPROVAL CRITERIA The Approval Criteria for Property Line Adjustments is defined in the Springfield Code Section 5.16-125. This section shows the applicable code in grey text boxes with narratives on how the applicant has met each of the following criteria. Posey/Rule PLA Application Narrative Page I of3 Property Line Adjustment Criteria 5.16-125 Criteria. The Director shall approve, approve with conditions, or deny the Property Line Adjustment application. Approval or approval with conditions shall be based on compliance with the following criteria The pmperly line adjustment shall not (A) Create a newlol/pamel; The properties subject to this two-stage adjustment are Parcels I & 2 of Partition Plat 95-P0719, of the Lane County Oregon Plat Records, and that tract of land conveyed through Instrument No. 2000-070596 of Lane County Deed Records. No new lots are being created by this adjustment. Prior to this adjustment the subject property was composed of three lots and three lots remain after the adjustment. (B) Create a landlocked lot/painat Neither lot will be landlocked as a result of the adjustment. Tax Lot 3006 currently and will continue to access "Main" Street. Tax Lot 3007 currently and will continue to access "43rd" Street. Tax Lot 3000 is currently accessed from "Main" Street through means of a 10' Access Easement but will instead be accessed from "43rdi Street at the completion of this project. (C) Reduce an existing lot/parcel below the minimum size standard or reduce setback below the minimum established by the applicable zoning districts in this Code,' The minimum lot sin established under the Springfield Development Code in the MDR Zone is 4,300 sqft. The minimum proposed lot size is 25,538 sqft. The minimum lot size established under the Springfield Development Code in the CC Zone is 43,560 sqft. The minimum proposed lot size is 8,567 sqft. None of the properties meet the minimum standard for CC before adjustment, thus should be exempt from minimums post -adjustment. The lot areas are as follows: Tax Lot: 3000(MDR) 3006 (CC) 3007 (CC) Prior to Adjustment: 23078 sqft 21724 sqft 9671 sqft After Adjustment: 25046 sqft 19750 sqft 8788 sqft The adjusted line has been established to maintain setback requirements established by the zoning district. Since the adjusted line is being adjusted into Tax Lot 3006 & 3007, and this line is a side property line for that lot, the line was set no closer than 10 feet to the structure. (D) Violate any previous conditions the Approval Authority may have imposed on the lotsrparcels involved in the application, The adjustment does not violate any known conditions imposed on these two lots. (E) De"'in tally alter the availability of existing public and/or private utilities to each AWparcel in the application or(o abutting lotsrparcels; The adjustment does is not detrimental to the availability of existing public and private utilities to the lots or abutting lots. The locations of utilities servicing the lots are shown on the site plan map and are well away from the area affected by this adjustment. Pruey/Rule PLA Application Narrative Page 2 of 3 •C 1 R - gin z11111 C IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE COUNTY ID the Matter of the Estate of JOHN STEPHEN RULE, Deceased. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY Case No. 21PBO9560 THIS CERTIFIES that the Will of JOHN STEPHEN RULE Decetued, has been accepted and LANCE B. POSEY has been appointed and is, m the data hereof, the duly appointed, qualified and acting Personal Representative of the will and estate of Decedent. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I, as Clerk of the Circuit Court ofthe State of Oregon for the County of Lane, in which proceedings for administration upon the estate are pending do hereto subscribe my name and seal of the court this 2ND day of DECEMBER, 7021. ELIZABETH RAMBO Clerk of the Court By. Deputy IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF LANE STATE OF OREGON) )SS. COUNTY OF LANE ) 1, ELIZABETH RAMBO, Court Administrmoi of the above-named County and State, and ex-0fiicio Clerk of the Circuit Court oflhe Store efOragan for the County, of Lan , do hmcby comfy that the forgoing copy oftcucrs afTcmamentnry hm by me bean compared with the original thereof, and Nat if is a nomectuam ripl therefrom and of dm whole ofsaid original as the same nppears on file in my office. Said Imam arevow in full feraeend effect. qqYYcpp'' In Witness Whereof 1 have ey hereunm' stn1 my hand and affixed the seal of said Circuit Court this Ed pf��fjTDmtLW IIC ,207. ELIZABETH RAMBO Clerk of tthe Court By: lr 0 MSUUi _ �L\ Deputy