HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sidewalk 1982-07-20{ 2zs North sth streey?PLrcArr,N/PERwTSpringfteld, Oregon gZ4?Z Buildtng Diuision 726-3?53 */,r-^a2 7 OO &/r) 4* /3// Ddte: dob Locaticn: ?@btH ao Aesessore Map # Subditt,sL0n: C,met: Phone: Addtess ,d, Desq,r.be l,lot k Additicn 4,+r**L,S.->"--zd Value I tzDate of Applicatian 7 - b - GeneraL Sotilag saset capped ct propartg Lir:a Septie tank p:,ryed e"d iiLzed .aith g.ratei Fin-al - t,4.ten abcue itens oxe cc::clexeiarui uhen denciition is concle=e ;;-;;;r-ttee noueci otC pretnees cleaned. uo. Le llcnei Bloeking od. Sex-rp PhnbinX connectio-ns -- sate? otL ucler ELectrJcal Cotneeticn - Blockir4, set-ui:azai phnbing eorznections ,r,;st !L'o>rciZC b ey'or e reque sting eZ eciri cal .t "sp eZ :.i,o-- - Aeceseor; Suiliirtg Firal - r',ftur pctc_i-.es, ekirting, decks,etc. @e eanpleled. ?4e1oi! Constptetiott Lattder Lg the responsibilitg perfttt no 7l,er to seetre'tteet, atd tlat the D.Juicioy: aptou*ed p permit Lbn ehcl L.aated lltat aLL inspectiana ote nad.egt .l4e irpnt of tle propetat.tfi/tLdLng Sitc at aLL' tikes.' J?dt,I D., -' theHiq WRWUZST;CALL7reqzresteci c.rj uhen uoi ,,riTTEieaciy fon'-iZL be tmde the "dr" *y, "equests ncd.e 2f.-176,9. (t,ecorCer) state you City desigtzated, jobr.r.s.pection, Cont"acxc?s or A,ntet s' nane 'cnd- piroteaft* ?:00 oa ttiLl be nu.Ce l1;;;;;;"i:;"r;";: job oi.bess, tgpe .',equests recei:;ed inspeelicn '?obe prtat tc nacie after set up of catd L8 redaan on the but tnL @ta dlll^D. nzo;zS97, numbct Iour Cifu.Deeigr,ated Job thnbet fs:Fa/ 02 ? arequiredud?o?ba,riers LN p 7a.ceEE !he p?ope"tine,ecch .-),h2gg reni"i ,e befcre 7 c0 .eTrl TileDd.ir^rr- =--y t;te._t-_J1;. e.acaation, but forme. , .wrk is coueted. FC=?fIltc 5 rcUNDATICN: ?o be rmCeaitet trencn2s ane eaccuated aad. farms. are erected, but pr.ior topou?Lng ccnc?et€. - Wwttiustlc,. sstqP.'t,4t-R.l I WI\|AGE: to be ,,a*iei-fid-i6jlLLirq trenches. ll qroyprucc!. yzur.sruc t yusnurcat, t-t 1'o De noie prior co instaliction offloor insuiaxion or decking. RoUGil Pln|!tst:tc, |LECIR:CAL I WCg-ANfCLL: Wurtil these insoecticns lwue beet nade ad, oppno,tLd- FiiEPL:?: Prion r.o plccirg fcc.lngmcte?1.aLs and. before fratring inspee- tLOn. FF-ai|IIlG: ltust be teouested after app_roual of rough pl;riting, electri-u,L & neel"attical. ALt roofin4 brae-t-tg & ehinmcgs, etc. trust beconpleted. lto aotk is to be cor cealed. until this insoecticn ias beea made uC appro,-eZ. Ir .before .otgL COUeTLnd insuta,h;n Laih, app Wpsln bcarC orLied, cnd before LS concea Led. W{fi"33 H:e*zl ::, W #Hgyry'decking. ,nn2"ete. DR\TALL-!tts te:C!t: ?c be radeaIte" cLL dtgDdLZ is in pl,ace,but p"1o? to cny taVing. US0NRI: Steel Location, bonCbeans, grculing or oe?ilcals inaceoyd.oee ,nLth U,B,C. Section 241 S. 'viC0DS!0,/E: After instalZation iaetnpLeted. ffi SID?\IALK & DRIIW;y: por aLL con- I A.J cr-ete p@ing uithin stteet right--of-,xy, to be naCe aften eli Zxea-oating eanplele & fom usork & eub- base natertal in place. Afte" fotnsto pour|ng l{hen conplate -- ptouiCe or nooable sectians th.rough P. U, E. lIllAL PLUI/{BMi FIIIAL I,IECAI]ICAL FINAL ,LECTFICAL ALL proieet ca.di:ians, suci". as xhe i.nsxallaxion oi stueet t?ees, cc::tleti.on o:'thercqtired Lattd.sccping, atc.' itllst be satisJ'ied bei'ote the tsUILDI\IG ?IJAL een be requested.. ?IllAL tsUILDING: The Einal Suiltittt4 lt".spection mtst be reqtested ciler the Fincl ?latnbina |Leccrtcal, oti Mecircniccl it-spectLcns hatc been made ati apcrot;eC *ALL i.tAIlHCLiS AND CLEAilCUTS \UST EE ACCESSTBLE, .4DJAST:E\|! T0 3E:,tr? !.! !:0 c:s! rc cyy " RESILTNTIAL.. T SOLAR A ESS REQ.' L-co c* Seivoons Siqzed: Mechqnicol Permit , JOB NO Zleetr")ca! Lcbe Pe*rrat issttcrce Mechanical Pertr-t -- ZNCRCAC|iIIE:IT .- _ Ir.terict Co"ner ?othanile Cul-de-sac Lot Faces -Teat i-ot Sq. Ft4 iiouse Access 7 cf Lct Caseraga # of Stoties 2 es -- x B d V o I U e &P e r m I tuIno corli tion lthzt the said eonslntc fu the C"Jt'g o. ihe ccnstrucil iion Thi grcnted the ess f confcrn +ho ardinmce ,)nstn7.L ^1 7.!e saects '..n'rn Crdinat",ce ?egu Spr')ng !ke suspet^ded 'Criirances ?arc kec ', .J f-ine uian nav e*s 2 ,)/1gs L4 oJ prctsisions o I 6aal f. >.u.u Euilding ?eririt Date Pa:.C: State To'ucl Ctanges ilro Prr CiJARGZ F1>';tEes the Resilznt'i-al ( 1 ba'"h')do Seuer cdnt. PLnCng Penr:tt State Electricol Permit l,lhere State La requires tVa't the ele^ct*Lcal uork be done by cn' Eleotrical cont"aetor, the electia'i';;n;';;"- of this -peilii tn"it not be valiC untiL ;h""L"b;1'L" itul" sigzed fu tne Electrical contrecto"'Nau/Estend Cirqits Seroice St te ad n oaq.r5J bl@tst HooC Vent Fot ilcod.stooe Sec.u-J gecoait Peen';t Si<ia,:al.k 5 !2!AL A!,!CU!IT DUZ:'Ao.Y I IIAW CAR1EULL| gXStX:lED the cornpleted qplica'.ion fo-t penri,t, crui da i"i"ly iuti;-U "i*t ott infornatibn heyeoi- is tzwe atd eorteet, a"C f frrtib "not'i.ir- that ozg ort oLi uork perfotmed shall- be Cone 1n accor-'dince'ith the" )rdinancLs oi 6u Ctq bf Spnngftelti, ad' th-e Lc;s of tce iit. o7 Cregcn pertainina'to the uork Cesa4bed heretn' c:vl. !l"a= x0 1CCa- zuiCy iti b"e ,rade oJ' any saact"$a ,nithout pernissi-o-t oi the Suilciing N- oiaion. f frtt,ther certiiE that ctlg conttecto?s auL z'loLcuees xho ar2 ''n co,zpliance utth CRS ?01.-0is uiLL be used on this projeet TotaL 7zr-?z- Signed ?_ .7ie? -lOn Mobile ilcme J: