HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1974-04-15Por 0n ly ce (- a Y s Rece VE rm t reanz 4/dt'gF h9.4. Township Range Sect ion lf Subdivlsion - Name: o4S r n rEs s 7/)-tr6 / Telephone # Proposed Use of Property: ?4,ry X H&; Property S i ze ga Yes No of Property Ownerrs Consenl s.l. # 7rt-U, Lot # 2l Block # / (A -l\l-\ /5 --- 6/73 REQUEST FOR SITE INSPEC' THIS IS A PRELIMINARY REPORT WHICH DOES NOT INSURE THE ISSUANCE OF A FUTURE BUILDING PERHlT. PLANS OR EXPENDITURES MADE IN RELIANCE UPON THIS REPORT ARE AT YOUR OWN RISK. t1 - 3 -21 PtE PRI T -,|f, G f ,*o/a t\c, No. of Sites No. of Acres ?t<-z /_ $ $ $Tota I Cas h Check { 0t, LJhen W i I Test Holes Be Ready?- /5-- I1ARK TEST HOLES I./ITH OUR FLAGS Location of Test Holes on PropertY Draw diagram of property showing I these I andmarks : nt Seller App I icantts lnterest Buyer Rea I tor in Property:0ther (Spec i fy) ame st ng tructures on rope rty te tion of any Iandmarks and relationship of test holes to .x owner X ( t 23 SS- rtb Prop erty Locat ion (D i rect ions) :2'? ?D ,l/ortl 23 <D s/' I @o $ ntY Js ) s { $'W MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: HEALTH AN MAIL TO: LANE COUNTY BUILDING AN c 55-55 177' ANITATION ANITATION DlVlSlON, 135 E. 5 th Ave., Eugene, Oregon 97401 iltad'""- zs-gf -> DS DS es _tr- What City? eoc5ropertythin One ter r UPP vroPose Publ ic X rtno District: L/el I TlTs P3at,_ I APPROVED NOT APPROVED REASON FOR NON-APPROVAL STATUTORY AUTHORITY oRS 431 . I 30 and 447.OZO OAR 4l-020 Par. I lnsufficient Iot size for liilfvidual sewage disposal and water supply. OAR 4l-030 Par. I _ Heavy impervious non- absorpt ive so i I . oAR 4l-020 Par. I I,/ater Tab le above m in imum l G[e s tanda rds. 0ther Aut r tze i gnature te St emds u.-\tY\ r<lu\rerm,x\ for SD>, Engineered Site Modification Feasibil ity: Poss ible Not Recommended EGiLD ING S iTE EVALUAT ION Building Permit Appl ication No.__ S i te tnspect ion 7q -22 A Pre-Permit lnvest igat ion :l.s /, a s2Tl /.2- TAX LOTR c J PLI NA}4 E ADDRESS tr .F-*e -21 B-t () -,\ PHONE() LANE COUNTY PLANN ING DEPARTHENT NOT DATE NO YES DATE iEEl icable -r) () () () () ("r (aE ({ (r () () \tr;- --" -3- o->rz 2. Zon ing Ord inance Compl iance(zone4ra-r -lSubdivis ion 0rdinance Compl iance 3. Requ i red Access 4. Bu i ld ing S ite (Area, Width, Frontage, Setback) 5. 0ther (see comments) ( ( ()() CO},IHENTS: BUILDlNG INSPECTION SECTION NOT NO Ie - YES NA}tE 6. Plans Submitted 7. Soi I Stab i I ity (foot ings) 8. Flood Pla in 9. 0ther (see Connnents) COHI'IENTS: () () () () () () ) ) ) () n3' SAN ITAT ION SECT I ON Sewage Disposal Usable Area I'Iater Supp I y 0ther (see Comments) aool icable--rr() ( NOT NO YES NAI'18 DATE 10. lt. 12. t3. ) ) )( () 7 () () () () () () CO}I}4ENTS: TO APPLICANT: Your Building Permit / Site lnspection: u-q g? N can be approved. ( ) Cannot be approved at this time as indicated on item N0.above. () () () Questions and further information on items I through 5 contact the Lane- COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT. Questions and further information on items 6 through l3 contact the Lane n Buildi and San i a D iv is ion. Will be held in this o ls being returned. Your bu i ld ing perm it app I icat io n fee is being returned under seParate cover. ce unt you can reso vet P ems tn cated. LANE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTHENT | 35 S ixt h Avenrie Eas t , Eu gene , 0 regon 97401 PH0NE z 342-t3tt ExT. 231 LANE COUNTY BUILDING E SANITATION DIVISION 135 Sixth Avenue East, Eugene, 0regon 97401 PHONE z 342-l3ll EXT. 4l I c55-28 r NA/'IE I DATE ( (() Permit -7+q>\ Loeation:sectRtl r.lf nS FIELD INSPECTION SHEET Completed By Sanitarian Tax Lot or Acct. No.J i \ere public sewers available or nearby? (Distance) Are there zoning or environmental considerations? Size of property , t\ h-. \U.G .S Are other systems in area malfunctioning?N\O Is there room for future e:<pansion? Surface feature Slope: con CT siderations: (Explain) Flood plain Plants: Rocks: Low area: Drainage way: Streams: water supply and utili Conununity water: Private water: 'R'nnnbovJ Location: Water lines: Gas lines: !{e11s on adjacent properties: Soil Classification (If lhown) : TEST HOIE RESULTS #1 Test IIoIe #2 Test HoIe #3 Test Holeo"s Sltrt, \sooc'.0"o" Is curtain drain required? REMARKS: fnterim Form #G 1 Surname Receipt No. Yes REQUEST FOR SITE INSPECTION THIS 15 A PRETIMINARY REPORT WHICH DOES NOT INSURE TIJE ISSUANCE OF'A IUTURE BUILD]NG PERTtrT. ANY PI,ANS OR IXPHIDITUHES MADE IN RELIANCE UPON THIS REPORT ARE AT YOIIR Olr{N RISK: No. Sites No. Acres TO{TAL $ No.Proposed e of Property Property ZE Ur Yes sting Structures Is Property Wlthin Mile of a City? cit Y No posed Water Supply Obher SpeclfyPubl-ic Di-strict Sprine Wel-1 s Consent No Name and Address $ $ Area OwnerDate erest in PropertyApplicants Special Permit Area Yes No Legal Access - Road Name Property locati-on: ( See Below APPROVED NOT APPROVED OTHER Er:gineered Site Modification Feasibility: possible Not Recommended:_ ffiFORE CONSTRUCTION 1S STA-BTED bring this form to the Building and Sanltation Division and make application for a building permit. If the property ls a porti-on only of a tax 1ot, a metes and bounds descrlption of the parcel rmrst be furnished.kact specifications for the sewage disposal system r,rriIl appea.r on the buildingpermit. Two sets of the building pfans and plot plan r^riII be required. L"A.NE COUNTY DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 135 EAST SIXTH AVE\[UE, EUGENE, 0Rm,ON g74ot Authorized Signature ATUTORY AUTI{ORITY. l+3l.L3O ar.d I+L7.ON IOR NON-APPROVAL 1 cient l-ot size ewage disposal Insuffi individual s water Heavy impervj-ous non- Water table above bs A1-O30 Par. 1 OLher c55-32 Date Trp. Ha"ge Se"tio. Tax - dofffi ) tJt a