HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Mechanical 1980-05-25t,{ 1-25 DEPARTI1ENT OF ENVIRONI,IENTAL TIANAG' -\T PSB, I25 EAST 8TH AVENUE EUGENI, OREGON 9740I (: 'Ar,bi i catl,un',,*,11-'26:(0:Kt) AsglgftPqrlHu 6rC,ldr , =4 ^1 Job Address Appl ication for z_t..comrEiitir,,'lndu$tiitl t_t prtatit R^ttU/<,he reby certify that this information is true and accurate.ffitricultural building it will be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and ing) and for no other purpose. I have the following iegal interest in the property: tract purchaser;lessee; holder of an ['nowTE?'[eable of $r-il app] ication. exclusive option to purchase; who i I I )or ilr$ndi{4,,:.ui$,iip.f , '..rrqpef ii.i Affidavit: r, BbEf- If this application is for an ag Lane County Code Chapter l0 (zon owner of record;---7(-dut y au thori zed t<-ic-or S i gna tu relAdd res s Tel ephone l,,lhen permi t .i s ready noti fy 0urner Con trac Lor Contractor's 0SR# ^"t Da te Appl icant Owner Plumbinq by rac tor 1 Phonc Phone z"l z'l DO NOT WRITE BELOI^I THIS LINE If Conrnercial Res idential : : f of $torlei # of bedroom # of employees ,*. ,of ,,'U6,1i1,,' ,$$5!r.ri l-U Existing, Bp # /_/ Proposed, SI #SI test holes ready tee code Dtt &[l*iit:l.ftt,,iJ*:l il}ni.tli of tltas- Eoat Valuation Tota l Va.l uati on: $( /_t Received by tia ter Suppl y P ropos ed Yuu. Inrtul.d Subtota l TOTAL ) $t7{a $ ,/2r O-D + rtT,El at $ at $ each each t $ 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of 0ccupancy PERMiT PROCESSING Zone Part. #Parcel #Parcel Siz l'linimum setbacks r t, f.ont t, side ; int rea r Ctxlne n t s To be type.J on permi t CP& I Type By Da te Gro trre lone _ Use Classification To be typed on permit Da te Phone For plans information cail (area inspector) Directions to site ,' / sifo CP& I l,PC By Hold Slip to PCC P'l ans to set set s S Da te Requ i red Da te Conrgle trd Da te to PCC islock I Structures now on the ) UkS-/{ztSS rt*l l- Fee t Existing _ nlff ll tAl t I n x n I Windowr to Co an lier io lt ierDoor I I Heoli I rx rag llbd Floor Coveri Co binets H Cemcnt roncei Weo I herrtr i rch Enclorurer R I o (- F coDf Fy t{,s l> $ \li )! tr- t\ ;'*\! x\ !\ h t- n ;\(t, F\$ ) -l) below will be periorme<i. i rpccilied in writing bclow ioltier 1r- 4. Lo ilTA^ c /-r', rlf /_ L ',9 Ccr,t cl o 4 t: A r-f 5 Lr.,fr ouk- { or exompio, interior or cxtorior llointing or Dccoroting (No. Z6) ir pot pqrt of thi, controc, unlorr n 6'eA C'6 C'2 NA (f t/ L / I /- lsr *il o -7^.I t-t. ,l/r, F{ ,5 /{.e 0 Lo ",TR * Jo a L/r4 Sr 14. cotrAAa.rfon, T,t I /,t ,t- ^)Au A c (-Ts Co t-6 l-'A LL 45 L ,0/\ (:t,6/\-t a t,A /-l\ol A frU I I p t-/ c-r I (Fr LL-O2rL to tcA& L 7t I I A,tg A Lt I ti, 4Ao-loA 0 ht- y*fo L 0 />- ^ \*Yo t4-I Rv c-l o n-l{1 CLo E e/Q.$, Jgr''a s t-L- C/ gt r"1r t-Tr Ld Co,fo (\,) o Co rv c- o r-f{ &r L 'A l*t ^) z.-" A 4f (.' t :. ) ( )I I ){ : rr { \\ 3 9 /t A u- tAa e. C.o xrlAatJart- T0 I j AiL l'/ FlSFrt-A r-r- leporit of t $ How *o be ftno l^O PU RCHASER SALESM,AN: PU RC HASER Thir og controc plcd byAddre P hono 7:L-AT t-l To bc po Fx, y Fp,tqf bt or rocmonl ir not volid unlcrr occoptod by thr D, co t-0n-L -L* ^J 7)s7.Accc ^;Fo n- TO AT-LCo lt -1 t .>9Pt tilt,Ftt.tit Po. lor within tar{dcys frop dolo oF Cgnlrocl -A)*4,Sta JHSlrEATTraro no o ilTR t tAn /l f t i t.;r.ii',!T ?*.i;i4 t ,,# *o T,d *i B, 9r d I.ANE COUNI-. BUILDING pERMr_lone ccunty POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUiLDING AT SITE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # LC'2680.80 JOB ADDRESS: 2790 N. 23rd St., Springfield, 0R 97477 TRS, TL: l7-03-24,4.2, 2745 SUBDIVISI0N: Third Addition to El Bon'ita Gardens, Lot 2], Block I CONSTRUCTI0N APPR0VED BY THiS PERl4iT: l4asonry fireplace. Val uat'ion : $2 ,500. C0NDITIONS 0F APPR0VAL: N/A PERMITTEE: Bert Cornick DATE ISSUED: 0ctober I, 1980 BY: Hans Etti i n/Susan Kel I er Setbaqks - Subsurface Seyracle Di s posal Existing or new SDS specificat'ions:Se tic Tank Drainfield 'l 0' l0' l0' I 00' max. depth of****************Jr******************************)k************* tfenChgs SETBACKS AND OTHTR CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE STRICILY OBSERVTD. VIOLAIION CAN RESULT IN REVOCATION OF THIS PERIIiT, CITATION UNDER PROVISIONS OF LANE COUIITY'S INFRACTION ORDINANCE, AND/OR OTHER REMEDIES ALLOI,JED BY LAI{. From: Interior property lines Edge of road right-of-way Building foundation I,iel I s, other water sources l0' 5' 50' ga1 . mi n. tank; feet of drainfield; I^IHEN READY FOR INSPECTI0N (see reverse sjde) call 687-ready: Perrn'it number, job address, type of inspection and phone number, and any special directions to s.ite. 4065. Have the followjnq information, when jt will be ready, your name Envi ronmental l.lanagement Department ]25 East Bth Avenue / Euqene, 0reqon 97401 (