HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1980-09-24BI . FS, TL Subdivision Lot- Block APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRESS OWNER'S REPORT F RF EANDA Locati S D L S.I. Written Directions RESS Phone=-_- Mail report ( ) Owner ( ) Prefer to pick up. Call (owner, etc.) when realy. STRUCTURES NOW THE PROPERTY /2*:-zZ PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY WATER SUPPLY WITHIN ONE MILE OF THE CITY OF (No)_ I hereby certify that above statements are true and accurate, and that I have the foltowing legal interest in the property: -lSlvner of record; - contact purcha.or; - potsntial buyor; - rcaltor or agent. I further certify ttEt (if not the owner) I am authorized to act for the ownor ol NAME AND,ADD to @{p1i*n1 record, and that said TEST HOLES READ aware approves of this action Si gnature * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * x r+Qf,flQE USEONLYBELOWTHIS f * x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ri {+ r( * {r * * r} tt SITE MEETS STATE STANDARDS Septic Tank/ Drain Field Sand Filter Holding Tank Other NO tr E E E YES E' tr tr tr N SE COMPLIANCE Acreageor Lot svM (TorAL) partition i ng - 228-rD- [rffi6,"0 I Zoning fro Parcel # Lare-to'ulIr l.\ L aL,'\-, ux.t"t s 1\,o "'ArJ' RB/ tXSl s aj.J G*tu Z{ GPE IT. A Y PLANS OR EXPENDI- ct nD L, LO THIS IS A PR MINARY EPORT WHICH DOES NOT ENSURE THE ISSUANCE OF A FUTURE BUI TURES MADE IN RELIANCE UPON THIS REPORT ARE AT YOUR OWN RISK. IF SITE IS APPROV E BE.VE 1-Zs- AUT SIGNATURE DATE AUTHORIZED IGNATUR Division of Water Pollution Control 687-4061 Permit Processing Section LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 c55-32 \a' ,\- L! E. Date - \ ) MEMO TO: APPLICANT FR0M: WATER POLLUTI0N C0NTR0L DIVISI0N SUBJECT: CONDITIONS OF SITE APPROVAL OAR Chapter 340, D'ivision 7, Sect'ion 72-015(6): This report shall remain 'in effect un- till issuance of a permit to construct, unless in the meantime conditions on this or ad- jacent properties have been altered in any manner which would prohibit issuance of a per- mit, in which case this evaluation report shall be considered null and vo'id. Technical rule changes will not invalidate any evaluation report issued pursuant to this section. Before construction js started bring your approved Site Feasibility Report to the Depart- ment of Environmental Management and apply for a building perm'it. Exact specifications for the sewage disposal systern will appear on the permit. If the property is only a portion of a tax lot, a part'it'ioning or subdivision must be approved before the permit will be issued. Before a cosntructjon permit may be jssued Land Use Compl iance must be approved. 0n1y persons having a vafid license issued by the Department of Environmental Quality under QRS 454.695 to install subsurface sewage disposal systems or an owner or contract purchaser or hjs regular employees may install subsurface sewage disposal systems. A cert'ificate of satisfactory completion wjll not be jssued if persons other than the above perform the j nstal I ation. ) Job Address Appl ication for Structures now on the property cation is for an agr cu tura tdi Code Chapter 10 (zoning) and for no o ,{I!I!EOlKl: /_-/ rl,iiillJis:itffi$fiti /--i iffiSj:ffi hereby certify that this information is true and accurate. rposes allowed by the State Building Code and DEPARTNENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL I'IANAGEMENT PSB, I25 EAST BTH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 9740I Y /-/ ng it wiII be used for Pu ther purpose. I have the tr/ i*u+:l$fi$ff,it{utiriiffi R Affidavi t: I If this appli Jfl:ii;following legal interest in the prope holder of an exclusive option to pu rty: rchase;r of record;contract purchaser;I essee; authorized to act for the owner, who is [nowl ed-geabl e ofTEI s appl i cati on Si gnature/Addre Hhen permit is ready notifY 'el ephone or v /_ / Appl i cant 2( 0wner l-l Contractor z1 te Owner Con trac tor z1 (zl o) Phone NO 7// - oq? e Contractor's 05R#Plumbing by If Commercial: Residential # of employees _:*r.rt;l;Uurtttilii:iiiilii:rlliiii .: - li$$$n:ii /-/ Existing, BP # ! Proposed, SI # ,:tB€i, $s4p SI test holes ready i0iE$r,r:!iH**Uti:: .l.riitt:iil,; r iffi,tu:i :lf:,::qf;::i,$,lt+*:r: ',, s$i$-:l Val uat i on Fee $ Total Valuation $ $ $ $ at at each $_ each $t_t Recei ved Water Supply Proposed Year Instal led 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of Occupancy Su btotal TOTAL $ $ $_ $rruooExisting _ PERI'4IT PROCESSING Zone Minimum setbacksr t, Cornments To be on permit Part. #Parcel #Parcel Si Da te fronl-;t, side i nt. By Group.Fi re Zone Use ClassificationCP&I Type_ To be typed on permi t By Da te For plans informati (area i tor ) Di 1 ns /-/ srF)to CP& I I"IPC Da te Requ i d sli Da te Compl eted Date to PCC (s) -(s)to PCC --ffi /1 Planniny- / / Publ){Works -,/UEleuation //n/a l/ Address l-/ Facility Permit /-/ Environmental Heal th C74-L7 L a : 4. 5. INSPECTION RE ORD Approved D'isapproved t-O C) -.{o = Site Inspection Foundation Inspection Framing inspection Lath or Sheetrock Inspection Final Inspection ,. ' , 6. .Sl ab Fl oor, Pl umbi ng Groundwork 7. Gas Piping Groundwork B. Rough P'l umbi ng 9. Rough Gas Piping .l0. Fjnal Plumbing ll. Final Gas Piping Remarks: I 2 3 !mv =-{ + 12. Cert'ificate of 0ccupancy: ready to issue; _ not ready;date;i nspector. a------1 ,a ccuniy r I MEN,IORANDTJM [ane TO FRON,1 SUBJECT 57,6O-o5Lt+ -JL-ot 24,-4 t t30 DATE ? -1*8C Type on Permit: NOTE:Minimum floor elevation wiIl be required for any construction other than septic systems. Floodplain I'lanagement 687 -4357 lane county HOrm stlP 6llL\_I7APPLTCATT0N # fu.trZ4_ LOCATION NAME ADDRESS ZIP COD E The Lane County Water Pol lution Control Division cannot proceed with processing your appl ication because: I . Z Incomplete app'lication ('items def icient) . Address and/or direct'ions to application site. l'JProposed number of bedrooms in dwe11ing. flnpprovable plot plan (see attachment). l-J ruotlfication of date test holes will be ready. Verification of existing system required (memorandum explaining this procedure attached). eep )ged fi el 2 3 4 Two test holes (2'X4'X5' d or repair of existing sewa area of the proposed drain required for expansion isposal system in the ds.7eother:t<\htt ltt a ,?u bd tltct kdlu'h3S?Df-% SEfi-A'TURT DATE I OFFICE HOURS PHONE If the necessary correct"ions are not made with'in application will be denied. days, the BUILDING & SANI.INI ION / ENVIRONMENTAL MAN YENT DEPARTMENT 125 East Bth Avenue / public Service guilding / Eugene, 0regun 97401 / {503)687-4061 fl lane countrl ffiotxp sE.f,P 6m!'{rFAPPLICATION # LOCATION NAME ADDRESS The Lane County Water Pol lution Control Division cannot proceed with processing your appl ication because: 1.Incomplete appl ication ( i tems deficient) " l_l naOress and/or directions to app'licat'ion site. IProRosed number of bedrooms'in dwelling. l-l Approvable plot plan (see attachment). [-l t'totification of date test holes will be ready. Verification of exjsting system required (memorandum explaining this procedure attached). Two test holes (2'X4'X5' deep) required for expansion or repair of existing sewage d'isposa'l system in the area of the proposed drainfields. 2 3 4 Other: SIGNErURE-_ OFFICE HOURS PHONE If the necessary corrections are not made within appl ication wi I I be denied. days, the BUILDING & SANITNTION / ENVIRONMENTAL MAN YENT DEPARTMENT l 25 East gth Avenue / publ i c Servi ce Bu'i 1d'ing / f ugene, Oregun 97401 / (503) 687-4061 DATE lone county ffi(Dr,m s&np APPLICATION # LOCATION {/NAME ADDRESS1 The Lane County Water Pollution Control Division cannot proceed with processing your appl ication because: t.Incomp'lete appl ication (items defic'ient). Address and/or directions to applicatjon s'ite" Proposed number of bedrooms in dwe11ing. Approvabl e p1 ot pl an ( see attachment) . [J ltotification of date test holes wil] be ready. Verification of existing system required (memorandum explaining this procedure attached). Two test holes (2'X4'X5' deep) required for expansion or repair of existing sewage disposa'l system in the area of the proposed drainfields. 2 3 4 0ther:n,{n 't' E If the necessary corrections are not made within days, the appl ication wi I I be denied " BUILDING & SANITXTION / ENVIRONMENTAL MAN/ ',IENT DEPARTMENT 125 East 8th Avenue / public service Building / Eugene, 0regurt 97401 / (503)687-4061 ,1/ \- q/q 1 ao(fit ZIP CODE tr/ /./h ry 4/,?*fl k/ i4 ''/ t{ort/ n n k {'\fu ?(* rlt,t iiA/riA S IGNATURE DATE A : rt-irI. - 17 03244t I itElrtr SEt i Scc.24Tt7S. F_3W.f,lt LANE COI,T(TY l"rE t- f, 1?AJ vt.rff A.{ot, UItcF tFe, GLoeA 'Jz t,o F.Vt 1/'vt oFg .L =rrl !l-, COUNTY r{o 6Er Flr,lr, G, tn Ftn3(,oJ o F lr, lr,GFta I tt ;t I I Io 6N I uorr l-' 6 oz Et h,r ILlcI , vil Grl, arara f a t o t t I- vErtorrLT tlEEitEt I ffi!LarEt r .;5;: r.FI I ^YET.E E -.--tr5-E rlthto{oGi i,Flr, lrJc,FU' 3 t\Gl va a zlr,ct aI I I i ; I L /,flt) too aoo 2&o t@.loa __!1r!ular9!L_lY-E--r- at VI tct E lloDr rto tct --r@-lqtr !@ olg-o4 E I a a I I IItIat E' E Ss 3F A ctB5 DcJo(, tL l} t{J a!i! ocl!c4 o(, 2(bo r7(X, *. sl(\v I n@I ---g:-l ,l gtltr ro.o,ll1 a.Urrl.t !-.lrrrCI -tE- .Ft.ri -- YOLANDAl*_d :t C t t I I !_ 20{) tal r@ ?2(O 2t.r)2lo 16l t@r sr lEl t6a G.! -r. AYEXTE fl(,Lfi ST,TP APPLICATION # bne county 4,/arc, Z pd LOCATION NAME ADDRESS The Lane Countyl,laterPollutionContro.lD.ivisioncannotproceedwith processinq Your appl ication because: ('items def icient) ' I a IncomPlete aPPl ication l_l naaress and/or di rect'ions to aPPl i cat'ion s [-[ proposed number of bedrooms in dwelling' l-Z Approvable plot plan (@ 2 t-l Notification of date test holes w'ill be rea Ve rification o f existing sYs tem required (memorandum exp taining thi s procedure at tached) . Other: Two test holes (2'X4'X5' d or- rePai r of ex'i sti ng .sewa;;.;-bi the ProPosed dra'in eep) required for exPansion g.'litptiiat sYstem in the fields. 3 4 I days, the h^lt A/u @/ P'b" If the necessary correct'ions are not made w'ithin appliciilon witt be denied"na{ MAN. -MENT DEPARTMENIgT)urr-oou, O..gon 97401 IION I \, , srP0 i] 1990 > Water P:!'.:i;ona 6 1Cr': l. ENVIRONMENTAL F{)-S durul,/ 1l \r nilIl n SI# SITE EVALUATION WORKSHEET LOCATI0N: TWP. I7 RANGE 153 sr,cr;oN c{.O TAX LOT #/27 ZONING:RA.PROPOSED USE: SIZE OF PROPERTY:AMOI]NT US$LE AREA: WATE J PUBLIG LOT BLOCK PARCEL 1F STANDARDS FILL OUT: Type of structure and approximate sewage flow: /zq d tTD cpd Slngle Family Industrial cpd 8pd 8pd Itulti-f amily Corunercial 8pd MINIMUM DESIGN REQUIREMENTS : Length of disposal trench required Ins titutional /l5O gaI. Distribution Method: Curtain drain required: Other: \ J-or^,k -J,n,Loa.*- 1r U(LU1L Equal |XJ Yes SUBDIVIS ION/PART IT I ON ?lt SPECIAL SITE CONSIDERATIONS ES: 4 CI 3P+ /s'* Gtx 3 1 zs' t\. llt ll il NAME: c74-t26 DATE OF EVALUATION:Q-tt - Fa [f TNDTvTDUAL l] Serial f.] NolFJ t, LI SATURATED ZONE Predicted Observed Date rodr (,i (z) u' sr# ON YOUR PROPERTY THE DEPTH ITIAS: inches inches inches inches fu-sd/ +1 TEST HoLE .-I WATER ,dicted served 1n l_n Date 1n 1n |.\o \o Restrictive Layer _itImpervious Layer in Mottling 1n SLopE tr-3€L y SITE DOES DOES NOT MEET MINIMTJM STANDARDS. ADMINISTRATIVE RULES REQUIRE A MIN]MUM DEPTH OF: 36 inches to an impermeable layer 30 inches to a restrictive layer 60 inches to a permanent. water table 24 inches to a temporarily perched water table OTHER REASONS FOR DENIAL #Z TEST HoLE f ooe, 24'r? 24 ln ch (" QI 1-l t96/P l_n,# utt-s ,\-o f*rdgL(kv 48 L ,j 60 1n 2 tr 36 g- 48 60 Sr"*l !o- SL0PE 0'3 % PREDICTED I^IATER SATURATED ZONE ttling PRO}-ILE Inch 36 redicted strictive Layer _i, ,l_n. l-II o Predicted 0bserved Dat.e g-6 served te ervious Layer in PLOT PI,AN: Stream .-..fr\- Drainage or pond aa r.tt.rtta. aa,t, Road Test Hole @ \ % SloPe Cut, Bank .tt ttf Fence -t *2- sl- X-X ..}y T tr tr tr s!"j,c -(Gq - cAsfc Sc -ti,#^ yh(S,l) tL- l.ft,, --t"-* td -t4 S*^*;*\h r(ttj., ^-e $"^dh \"1 lv\- ,A"rr*'J ,.. )" o .i,ru.ilr (ri{ ll'i i;r ,c+ -,,1 :'rl'lii)i V-V2-{-O-Lt r)a-'i.:7- L-r L"\it--j\.tl Y.\-.,/(l .;r-L1-1 ()91f =f1Y..| ?filg(1 ^..L"r?d<l]ld n() f\9r-.rxn-!r-'l':3 : ou-\'1--L- t b'zet- _) r1 "-\ t ".,'r .Ji\ ..'- a :t '11 t'J'ql tt. r--r \-' z'. v tj' -, ,r-)\l 1 fur % "., \e-l 7S\.o,.r. I r J.- (.'1 o t l*c)"I E-trl{-ArlZ o/- l' -.i ) , -ar Je;o(a.;!>:L \ qsa '5 <r-{ .J l{\BY3qr JD ctr!("54 3)<l\a€, \\3q/\--VH -{ 5\51q ,/' u-] elgod cf, r.( iaqrar)'\ Yt ol-n ri ' 9'-'rw .=.L; .r'z sts 'dt.trs q-=r c it al c I ul c ,r9-' lt u*,o 1 o',i.5.tr \ r [: I 902"l\./C i:\ iJ \"/ :l{JA -11) il,.,,l :.,^'LjnS frNV-l- d i.Jr.:;I E:i:3.:j()ajEl (l Lsl.)lu 7'""ry b' UOfVH iloNltl tl El tI ()o'\\r --l-9-;ltr{,. a3f'\a9 '8 -5i.1:r\z ')-{ o 'rr D $^4 ':5\-1 ? !3rI?. \o't, Z, t 0 o .0 9 vr:aoI5 F:i,i\.) r o 'o tI ()'o 9 Uq=r.rlu x ) <) {l ut rfl, _r-=>:3,-s\ i?. x xtll 'Y:{a! <1i-ar-'1-1t j X^" {z'-:i'*J 9z.rgol V-n'an to* '\r. \)-1'9 i t c. 4 c b'129 n,.r' ,(1Lll',oJ rr cDI rT $.rEd Ir-l ! H:l/."!lr(!l)3I't o l lane county H(}fl,m SLIP APPLICATION # LOCATION Hev isE N tl6l?\aV- Kl VJ NAME ADDRESS2,,13{/ ('rL --7TP-TODE The Lane County Water Pollution Control Division cannot proceed with processing your appl ication because: t.Incomplete application (items def icient). Address and/or directions to application site. f][ ProRosed number of bedrooms in dwe11ing. Approvabl e p'lot pl an (see attachment)l G,'; ,. * -i 2 3 [-] notlfication of date test holes will be ready. Verification of ex'isting system required (memorandum explaining this procedure attached). Two test holes (2'X4'X5' deep) required for expans'ion or repair of existing sewage disposal system in the area of the proposed drainfields. L 4 Other:lsfl,{ tP ir^-J{- l'rLi l-toLt" f ar 9-t J ,^(Jt rJauw^ l\{L.n',rrt S IGNATURE m NE ) H If the necessary corrections are not made within application will be denied. /sl) days, the BUILDING & SANII,-iON / ENVIRONMENTAL MANP .,IENT DEPARTMENT tZ5 East Bth Avenue / Public Service Building / Eugene, Oreg,,- 97401 / (503)687-4061 l^/AY^jf ){NUL2t' fl L6'\.d irxi;*"d \ .'u&r.\. L!.. 1 t ,f{ /'iqct I i **i Lr J l\[]t-r L Dt2 Ar r'J " tf.r tltet. $.r &*Lll\ b>l{ J l!-uG r Li I ir-i "f ,i i t "L-u, '-ftl