HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1976-06-05! Owner LANE COUNTY,PERMIT FOR PERIV]IT NO CONSTRUCTION [ ] IVIOBILE HOIVIE [ ] PLAN REVIEW [ ] CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY [ ] NAIVlE ADD R ESS CITY ZIP CODE PHONE n Contractor NAIVIE ADD R ESS CITY ZIP CODE Range f, 4 Section-T ax Lot '/ lJfCode- Census Tract Lot B lock Acreage Width DepthAccess to Property (Road Name) [ANF (flllgr'lrv cDrfrnr nrnr.rr ..,. PHO NE O.S. Reg. + Tw Subd ivision Existing Structures on Property: Directions to Property - Address 'r r.lrrrl rf,IltillI AnEiH STBUCTURE (# BEDROO{VIS)SO. FT VALUATION SEWAGE DISPOSAL: PUBLIC [ ] SEPTICTANK [ ] OTHER [ ] PLUIVIBING INSTALLED BY: OWNER[] OTHER[] NAIVI tr BUILDING PLUl\ilB ING 3% SURCHARGE IVIOBILE HOIVIE- WASTE DISPOSAL PLAN REVIEW TOTAL WATER SUPPLY: PROPOSED t ] EXISTING t ] PUB LIC COMIIVIUNITY. NAIVIE PRIVATE WELL OTHER .SPECIFY CONSTRUCTION PERMITS & INSPECTIONS AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS IVIIN. SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY GALS IVIIN. DRAINFIELD IVIAX. TRENCH DEPT I NCHESLIN. FT 1 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION- GROUP FIRE ZONE USE CLASSIF SETBACKS FT. FROIVI CTR. OF r/W FRONT SIDE EXT FT. FROIVI PROP. LINE: SIDE INT. - REAR ZONE AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES is/ : ISSUANCE DATE BLDG. PERN4IT - WHITE OFFICE COPY - WHITE COUNTY TAX - PINK PLUMBING - CANARY BUILDING _ GREEN SANITATION _ GOLDENBOD IMPORTANT Call 687-4065 to schedule all required construction inspeclions. Call 687-4061 to schedule all required septic system inspections. All construction shall comply with the State Buidling Code, D.E.Q. standards for subsurlace sewage disposal and the State Plumbing Code. All buildings require a certificate of occupancy before being occupied. (See Details on Fleverse Side) POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BLDG. AT SITE LANE COUNTY. DEPT, OF ENVIRONMENTAL I/ANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE ANNEX, 135 EAST 6th, EUGENE, OBEGON 97401c55-l 3 STAY 1OO' FROIVI ALL WELLS BU TIO ING S lTE EVALUAT ION -!*# BU t LD I NG PERM I T APPL I CRT I OX t.IO . SITE INSPECTION {v r\1 SUBDIVISIt %qE&4r_trAx Lor_LZ+ LOT:_ BLOCK:-K()APPL I CANT DATE PLANNING DIVISION l. Zoning 0rdinance Compl iance: 2. Subdivision Ordinance ComPl ia 3" Requi red Access 4. Building Site (Area, Width, F 5" 0ther (see conrnents) Not Aool icablezon"€ffi nce () () rontage) ( )() CKID Setba omc Front dBt Side Exterior Setbacks from inter or I i nes: Side Rear fim S,tE,,,-,-d- Fh!trItr'-,COI{HENTS: ING OI BUILDING INSP t0N Dlvlsl0N 7 . Plans Submi tted 8. Soi I Stabi I I ty (footings) 9. Flood Plain O. Other (see conrnents) () () ()t Yeslxf() () () Nor) ffi COMHENTS: DATE uJATER PoLUT ION CONTROL Not App! i cabl e () CKID BY 2 DATE No Yesr) TBll. l{eets Department of Environmental Qual ity Standards. 12. Other (see comments)() ()() TO APPLICANT: V (, E\'1 Building / Site lnspection: Can be approved. Cannot be app roved at this time as indicated on item N0 Questions and further information on items I through 5 contact t e COUNTY PLAN D s l0N Questions and further information on items 7 t rough 2 contact t e c BUILDING AND SANITATION DI V ( ) ltill be held in this ce unt you can reso ve the prob f"ooru c55-28 Your bui ldi LANE COUNTY PLANN lt{G D I v lS l0N PH0NE: 587-4185 ems S n ON cated. ls being returned. rmi t I ication f s bein NMENT 135 Sixth Avenue East Eugene Oregon ! PHONE- 597-4O65 74or /cj\ Not .-NV T RONMENTAI, MAIIAGIM]]NT I35 l.Iast 6th. Avenue IIugene, Oregon 97 401. Ha 'i'l i ng Date:.-) BUfLDING MOBILE I-{OI,IE APPr,rCArrOIt \ro " 1 2OjrL Your application for a permi-i-- is heing held f-or the reasons stated on the buitding site evaluation sheet. Th.ts additional information is needed for the issuanc.e of your pennit; we will hold this application untj-If , at that ti.me, you have not furnished th e requ ired information as noLed on the attach- ment, your appJ.ication will be cancell-ed and one-half (L/2) thc fee refunded to you. However, Lf there is a planning div.isi.on problem or,some obher long term problem of which you have no control, i:]-ease advise our: office by the above date; we may hold this permit until it can be i:ssued. (pnOxr 687-4394) We hope your early attention to this matter wi.ll help us Lcr facilitate issuing the permit i-n question. $ H9 i e);s PL0T PLAI[ - Sca]-ol 1[!2Ot-0 ParceL #t of tax Iot 10O Soction 2l+ do',rmspouts dralnod to 28th streot MEOHlUH[) By t'4 AY 21 tgi6 LANE COUNW ENVIRONMENTAL MGMT. /o( /- ?6 2 s .-.8r. 105.00 Dr **'- I Ill I I /C, t [/7 L a LANE COUNTY PERMIT FOR:PER NN IT NO n Owner CONSTRUCTION t ] IVIOBILE HOIVIE [ ] PLAN REVIEW [ ] CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY [ ] ZIP CODENAIVIEADD R ESS CITY PHONE tr Contractor NAI\,1E Range- Section Tax Lo Subdivision- Lot B lock Access to Property (Road Name) ADD R ESS CITY ZIP CODE PHONE O.S. Reg. + t Code Census Tract Acreage Width Depth Existing Structures on Property: Directions to Property - Address STR UCTUR E ( # BED ROOIVIS)IA?IT (F VALUATION SEWAGE DISPOSAL: PUBLIC[ ] SEPTICTANK[]OTHER t ] PLUIVIBING INSTALLED BY: OWNERI] OTHER[] NAM tr BUILDING PLUIVIB ING 3% SURCHARGE- IVIOBILE HOIVIE WASTE DISPOSAL PLAN REVIEW TOTAL WATER SUPPLY: PROPOSED t ] EXISTING t ] PUB LIC COVIVIUNITY . NAIVIE PRIVATE WELL OTHER .SPECIFY CONSTRUCTION PERMITS & INSPECTIONS AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL SPECIF ICATIONS IVIIN. SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY GALS.--IVIIN. DRAINFIELD LIN. FT MAX. TRENCH DEPT I NCH ES STAY 1OO'FROIVI ALL WELLS TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION=-- GROUP FIRE ZON E USE CLASSIF SETBACKS- FT. FROIVI CTR. OF r/W FBONT SIDE EXT FT. FROIVI PROP. LINE SIDE INT R EAR ZONE AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES lsl ISSUANCE DATE BLDG. PERMIT - WHITE OFFICE COPY - WHITE COUNTY TAX - PINK PLUI\4BING - CANARY BUILDING _ GBEEN SANITATION _ GOLDENROD IMPORTANT POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BLDG. AT SITE) LANE COUNTY, DEPT. OF ENVIBONN4ENTAL MANAGEMENT COUBTHOUSE ANNEX, ,135 EAST 6th, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 Call 687-4065 to schedule all required conslruction inspections. Call 687-4061 to schedule all required septic system inspections, All construction shall comply with the State Buidling Code, D.E.Q. standards for subsurface sewage disposal and the State Plumbing Code. All buildings require a certiricate of occupancy before being occupied. (See Details on Reverse Side) t SLAB FLOOR PLUMBING GROUNU/ORK AP PRoV E D Re ttaRx s D DrsapeRovro D Dar r I ruspecroR GAS PIPING GROUND^/ORK AP PRov E D Reua nx s D DrsappnovEo D Dare I HspEcroc ROUGH PLUMBING Appnoveo D DrsappRoveo D Rruanxs Dare I Nspecron ROUGH GAS PIPING Ap pnov r o ReuaRr s Dr slppRovEo Dar e I NspecroR FINAL PLUMBING AppRovED Mf Drsnppnoveo D Dore/O ^/_SJ_Q- Rrulnx s I HspecloR FINAL GAS PIPING Ap pRov E o Rruanx s DrsrppRoveo Darr I Nsprcron CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY REaov ro lssur D Nor Reaov ro lssuE D Rr pll nx s Dare I HsprcroR I NSTALLER: P OSEO SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEH REC Complete top part o, form to signature and submit bo,-,, copies with appl ication. N ") q, PERH IT 4- GG.tw,North 28th &ggg lvn Ag tu v ng ts rooms Baths sement Yes No Water Publ i c v 0ther-L i sttca Ft. f rorn wel I Steel n Concrete No. Compartments Gal. Capacity n5 e mens ons:t e sPosa e Len th t.,id h iameter D Distribution Box es No Ray Warner r str ut on-Pe NAME eet rorn HAILING AODRESS I 430 Mohawk Bl vd l,/lt ne N \ -f S rtn fiel d Ore n Front Side r Len t 1l€S-er e ov, 4 6.ile tn For Sanitarian Use 0nly:Date: ?'Z?-ZLln accordance with 1973 0regon Laws Chapter 835, Section 214 this certificate is issued as evidence of satisfactory conpletion of a subsurface sewage disposal system at the above I ocat i on. ffinpproved: System lnstallation conforms to current standards t-l Oisapproved: Ooes not conform to current standards Remarks Trench }Jidth, Total Sq. Ft. <ao Ft. Between Lines /D Filler Tvoe //Z tn er Dept ove Ti le an nst ruct onssee t\ { HaLtse r la'f Ar>,g !sv *Iv ti,, fiECEIvED *\ sEP2 7 1976 UANE COUNTY Iro.a N 5 o D'8ox {r, tPft -iLl f o 0 Y-rh ature ar anc55-11 STATE OF OREGON OEPARTI'IENT OF ENVIRON},IENTAL QUALITY gnat ure h LANE COUNTY PERMIT FOR:PERIVIIT NO CONSTRUCTION [ ] IVIOBILE HOTVIE [ ] PLAN REVIEW [ ] CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY [ ] n Owner NAIVIE ADD RESS C ITY ZIP COD PHONEE n Contractor NATVIE O.S.'Reg. + Twp- Range- Section-Tax Subd ivision Lot B lock Access to Property (Road Name) ADD R ESS CITY ZIP CODE PHO NE Code Census Tract Acreage Width Depth Existing Structures on Property: Directions to Property - Address STRUCTURE (# BEDROOTVIS)FT VALUATION SEWAGE DISPOSAL: PUBLIC t ] SEPTICTANK [ ] OTHER [ ] PLUIVIBING INSTALLED BY: owNERtl orHER[] NAIVI E BUILDING PLUIVIB ING 3% SURCHARGE- MOBILE HOIVIE WASTE DISPOSAL PLAN REVIEW TOTAL WATER SUPPLY: PROPOSED t ] EXISTING I ] PUB LIC COTVIIVIUNITY NAIV]E PRIVATE WELL OTHER. SPECIFY CONSTRUCTION PERMITS & INSPECTIONS AND WATEB POLLUTION CONTRO L SPECI F ICATIONS IVIIN. SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY GALS IVIIN. DRAINFIELD LIN. FT IVIAX. TRENCH DEPTH I NCH ES STAY 1OO' FROIVI ALL WELLS TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION_---- GROUP FIRE ZONE USE CLASSIF SETBACKS- FT. FROIVI CTR. OF rAff FRONT SIDE EXT FT. FROIVI PROP. LINE SIDE INT R EAR ZONE AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES lsl ISSUANCE DATE BLOG. PERMIT - WHITE OFFICE COPY _ WHITE COUNTY TAX - PINK PLUMBING _ CANARY BUILDING _ GREEN SANITATION - GOLDENROD IMPORTANT Call 687-4065 to schedule all required conslruction inspections. Call 687-4061 to schedule all required septic system inspections. All construction shall comply with the State Buidling Code, D.E.O. standards lor subsurface sewage disposal and the State Plumbing Code. All buildings require a certificate of occupancy before being occupied. (See Details on Reverse Side) POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BLDG. AT SITE LANE COUNTY, DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL i,4ANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE ANNEX, 135 EAST 6th, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 r\ rA$ SITI INSPECTION Ap paov r o Re ttaRx s D r sappnovro Dare I rusprcro L- ?C FOUNDATION INSPECTION AppRovro Rr ulnx s D r sapp ED Dare I Hspe o I NSPEcToR z44lrZ ?r FRAM I NG AppRov e o Re ltenx s I NSPECT I ON t\4 DtsrppaovEo - Darr LATH OR SHIITROCK INSPECTION Ap pnov r o RrltaRx s Dr sappRoveo D oo,,/-Z- 3-76 /) I rspecron F I NAL I NSPECT ION Ap pRov r o Reuanxs *D t slppRoveo I NSPEcToRDntr CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY REaov ro lssue Re FraRx s I ruspectoR /ru{-v6 Nor Rrrov ro lssue RZ Dare {a a c-a , tfl /