HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1979-05-03t .t posT THts pERMtT oN MA|N BU|LD|NG AT S|TE JOB ADDRESS:2838 orth 28th str..t, 8patutfr..ld, Or.goa CONSTRUCTTON pE RM tT # r.@t69_19 TRS, TL. 17-03-24.4.r , 1i|8 Subdivision: i. This permit forthe relerenced property is hereby aPpaoved. Setbacks a nd other conditions of approva I must be strictly observed. Violation canresllt in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of Lane County's lnfraction Ordinancq and/oi other remedies allowed by ;;' ''-'-""'" Applicant/Address: Owner/Address: Contractor/Address: Contractor's OS + ^cnstruction aPProved b this rmit Water Su Ralnbow Water Dlstrlct wayne warner, 2838 N. 28th, street, sprlngfleld, oregon 97417 ,cr.Nc Same Total Construction Value: 91428.O0 Iool shed @ 24O sq ft Structurea now on propertys house. II Telephone: 746-0999 Telephone: I Telephone: I + Bedrooms: na + Plum Fixtures: ns + Empl oyees: na I ' parcel Size ; centerline of road, 85 x lllPLANNING DIVISION Zoning: RA Partitioning + M-278-76 Parcel +r 1 Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road.front: _15 side exterior: ; interior property lines: 5r ;rear property line: jt Special lnstructions partitl.on eouplete. Varl.anee p,V- 7?-laE,- WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION For information call 687-4394, Donna Lee Site lnspection + na lnstallation specifications: naDa lineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches: na Special I nstructionsl none Septic Tank 10' 10' 5', 50' gal. min. septic tank capacity; Setbacks prior proPertY lines -dge of road right-of-way Building foundation Wells, other water sources Drainfield -T0-- 10' 10'100' For information call between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m CONSTRUCTION PERI\NITS/INSPECTION DIVISION Type of Construction: 5-N Group: lnstructions. Slte locatlon la withln-til6-6-Ef455.0 t nlnlutru elevation. For plans information call 687-3767 between 8:00 a.m. and R-3 Fire Zone: 3 Use Classification: - - Garagea flood hazard detall study area. Top of "Lab--'A11 wood above. 9:00 a.m., Jta Lanb 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.For inspections (see back of this rmit) call 687-4065 between DirectionstoSite: Out ltrayden Brtdge Road, to 28th on corrrer, bronr houseo Date rssued: 0s-03-7e BEh?ll$.H?Fr.JlyySI;1,ilJtbMANAGEMENr Bv, Kara Adans/ty C55-,I3 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 hne countyo JOB ADDRESS TRS, TL POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT + Subdivision: This permit for the referenced property is hereby Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of Lane County's lnfraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. Violation can Applicant/Address: Owner/Address: Contractor/Address: Contractor's OS +r Construction approved by this permit Total Construction Value Telephone: Telephone: Telephone: t Water SuPPIY:+ Bedrooms + Plumbing Fixtures:+r Employees: PLANNING DIVISION Zoning: Partitioning + Parcel +. Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: side exterior: ; interior property lines: ;rear property line: Special lnstructions: i (., Parcel Size ; centerline of road,t5/ WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Site lnspection + lnstallation specifications: lineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches: Special lnstructions: gal. min. septic tank capacity; Setbacks I nTeiior property I ines ige of road right-of-waY -,"rilding foundation Wells, other water sources Septic Tank 10' 10' 5', 50' Drainfield--10- 10' 10' 1 00'For information call between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m., CONSTRUCTION PE RMITS/INSPECTION DIVISION Type of Construction I nstructions: Fire Zone: between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., Use ClassificationGroup For plans information call For inspections (see back of this permit ) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Directions to Site Date lssued: c55-1 3 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE / PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 lane county0!'.- By: / For information call 687-4394, Lr SITI INSPECTION AppaovEo d DrsrppRove o D oart :f- / {-72 tNsetcroa4!tr(S _ Rruanx s FOUNDATION I NSPICTION AP PRov E D Drrr lruspe croa XJ./Dr slepnoveD REuanx s 7 I r ( FRAMING INSPECTION Reuanxs 1 Dr sappnoveo I NsPEcroR qr\) ,/l; ? O,<5% LATH OR SHEETROqK Appnovro Reuanxs I NSPECT I ON Dr sappnovEo Der r I xspecron F I NAL I NSPECT ION AppRovro /77 DrsrppRoveo /-'a -Reulnx s Dart'7o o*Y/I NspecroR fu^} ci4- CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Reaov ro lssue Re mr'Rx s Nor Rraov ro lssuE D Dare I NSPEcToR %xffi Appnovro lp D sor, ? orlfl (K'A 9 -orpanrrENT 0F ENVTRoNI4ENTAL I,TANAGEMENT PSB, I25 EAST 8TH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 97401 .}i$fiii:i huL Job Address Appl ication for Btb Structures now on the property futr r:t'- A(7,rffir$il$fr#.r.xl, ,-,/_-/l,llffi$"*.ffii tr i*W$ hereby certify that this information is true and accurate appl ication is an cu ra u Lane nty Code Chapter 10 (zoning) and for nof record;con trac t pu rc 1y thorized to actTo-r the owner, S i gna tu re/ Te1 ephon When permit is ready noti &lner Con trac tor Lt. lding it will be used for purposes allowed by the State Build.ing Code and ro other purpose. I have the following legal interest in the propertyrhaser; lessee; holder of an exclusive option to purchase; who is knowledgeable of this application.(r)a rz rJ L r{7 or Fll /_/phone/ Owner /\ Con trac tor 74b -OQQat (zip) Phone Phone /fr Appli )l/ mail Contractor'sOSR# }r)-A Plumbing by NJ. A If Corunercial Residential: # of employees _;if*f,#lrl!*f. t.iil i$$l*jrii , Existins, BP # I Proposed, SI #SI test holes ready q5 ::$nrlrtr: :!$U$:fi:FeesVal uati on sJs $ $ $ Total Val uation:$ $ ( $ at at each $ each $/_/ Received by. Water Supply Rarnb6r"o (n*rzrc.D 5r Su btota l $ $ $ 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of 0ccupancy $Proposed _ Year Instal led PERMIT PROCESSING Minimum setbacks: CP&I Ty ,To be typed on Permit Existing v/ TOTAL t , front Part. #Parcel #-.,1&1'\I-_ int, side rea Cornments To be typed on p ermit F Q v- By Da te Group Y\ r\. Directions to site Fire Zone By LJse Classificat Da te PhoneFor plans information call (area inspector) -lq-T tt ':.ro rrars! ro: Q,lteryz- f,r{pc 1J nt.nning /-/ Publ ic I'lorks fdvation ll nla i/ Rad".r, l-/ FacilitY Pernit /l Environmental Heal th Lrol >EL\J,/ t./PC - set(s )to PCC Compl eted PCCi red4 FoR INFoRI'lATIoN about progress of your appl i cation cal 1 Permit contro.l center 687-HELP (687-4357) c74-L7 I 4/q Vfr,IW .P,ARTIlENT OF ENV I ROI.i14EI',.ITAL IIANACEilENT PSB, I25 EAST BTH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 9740I Job Address +h Ci ty Township, Range, Section, Tax Lot Subdivision Appl ication Lot Block Structures now on the property I-Lrft r *f- Proposed use of property: /. / Residential /]/ Commercial /-/ Industrial {ff !d3111: I, , . , hereby certifY /-/ Public that this information is true and accurate If this appl i cation is for an a fpTeEie pri ntlral bui I d t vrill be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code andgricul tu ing i o therLane County Code ChaPte oliner of record----du ly authori zed r l0 (zoning) and for no pu rpos e. I have the following 1ega1 interest in the prope rty: rchase;con trac t purchaser;le t<nowt eagea ssee;holder of an exc'lusive option to pu to act for the owner, who is ble of this appl ication S i gna tu re/Add res s zi Te1 ephone or t^lhen permit is ready noti Appl i can / Owner /_7 Contractor f,/ matt /_/ phone Owner Phone _-_ Contrac tor Phone Contractor's 0SR#t. A Plumbing by L A h*L Assigned Numbe rS if Commercial: # of stories Residential: # of bedrooms # of employees _# of units SDS: / / Existing, gP # /J ProPosed, SI # Unit Cost SI test holes readY Fee Sq. Ft. or s Val uati on Feeq5 c{g $ $ $ Total Valuation: $ $ Received bY i^later Suppl y Proposed _ Year Instal led Exi sti ng . P1 umbi ng fixtures at $ Sewer/water conn. at $ 47,1 State surcharge Plans check fee Change of OccuPancY each $ each $/_t k Su bto tal TOTAL $_ $_ $ $,$_ $ SS l"1i nimum setbacks t, front Comments To be typed on Permit I.JATER POLLUT]ON CONTROL Instal I ation sPeci f ications : Part. #Parcel #-.=..--Si int rea Da te ft. of drainfield; max. depth of trenches , side By ga1. tank; Da te Directions to site To be typed on Permit Tel ephone CP&l set(s) I,JPC --- set (s ) Da te Required, Hold Slip to PCC Da te Date to PCCl- / srF0 PI +^. Compl eted a-- Date - Appl ication + \ Code # of SitesDescri pti on t\ \ By TO PERI,IIT PROCESSING PLAi'IN ING PUBLIC WORKS FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT Department of Public hlorks I 25 East Bth Avenue Eugene, Oregon 687-41 95 PERMIT NUMBER PARTITION NUI4BER SUBDIVISION OTHER SITE ADDRESS PERMIT VALUE IS A SUBSTAI{TIAL IMPROVEMENT.YES NO SITE IN FLOOD HAZARD AREA YES NO SITE LOCATION IS WITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD APPROXIMATE STUDY AREA, EXTRA PRECAUTIONS MAY BE APPROPRIATE TO ASSURE THAT THE BUILDING SITE I^IILL BE REASONABLY SAFE FROI4 FLOODING. MOBILE HOME TIE DOWNS REQUIRED. SITE LOCATION iS WITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD DETAIL STUDY AREA ( I 2 3 MINiMUM FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION OF MINIMUM FOUNDATION ELEVATION OF M.S.L. ) REQUiRED. M.S.L.) REQUTRED. MOBILE HOME TIE DOI.INS REQUIRED IF GROUND ELEVATION THAT MOBILE HOI4E WILL BE PLACED ON IS BELOW THE REQUIRED MINIMU},I FIRST FLOOR ELEVATiON. 4. SITE LOCATED I.IITHIN A DESIGNATED FLOODWAY CHANNEL, BUILDING PROHIBITED.=-a -lx ro-{ DATE c99-21 BY RECOMMENDATIONS : U. S. DEPARTHENT OT HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPilENT TMERAL INSJRANCE AffiINISERACTIO'I E}(PIRLS: T0: FrA Regional Directors SU BI T CT:Applicable Flood Plain Managenent Requirements for Accessory Strtrctures Accessory structures (e.g. sheds, detached garages) are included under the general definition of structure and, consequently, apparently subject to iff tfooa plain management rqulations pertainirg to structures. There is justification for treatirg accessory structures which do not represent lignificant investments differently in regard to the application of flood plain manageiTent neasures. Ttre rninor initial investrnent in'such structures vuould be greatly increased by the necessity to either elevate or dry flood- proof the accessory structure. Such neasures may provide an excessive degree of protection for these types of structures. Conseguently, wtrcn an accessory structure represents a rninfunal investment, the elevation.or dry floodproofirg stardards of Section 1910.3(c)(3) need not be net. [:h{G$€!, all other Eequirements app}icable to strtrturee will ;;p&tr. These requirements are found primarily in Section 19I0.3(a)(2) and 1910.3(a)(3). Of course, the encroachment standards of Sections 1910.3(d)(3) (or 1910.3(c) (10) if no floodr'ray has been delineated) and the need for a develolment permit rculd continue to apply. Specific stardards for the use and cr:nstruction of accessory structures wil.L not be conpletely formulate<J, since there are many different ways of rneeting the general perforilEnce standards referenced a"bove. llcmever, as a guideline, the adoption and implenentat.ion of the foltcr*ing r.,ould satisfy Program objectives: l. kcessory structures shall not be used for hunan habitation. :2. Accessory structures strall be designed to have 1ow flood danage potential 3. Accessory structures shall oe constructed and':laced on the hrilding site so as to offer the rninimun resrsta.rce to the flors of floodnaters. 4. Accessory structures shall be firrnly anchored to prevent- flotation which may result in danage to other structures (Thisis a nandatory measure, pursuant to Section I9L0"3(a)(3)(i).) Ht,D-1r- ',' c TTUISIEIBUTKN: I,[-3-1, Qpecial (Direct by ASpp) NOTICE rrA-T?-rB --' t II i4kj 2 5" Service facilities such as electricaL and heatirg eguipnent shall be elevated or flocrfurmfed. The determination of r+trat constitutes a minimal investment may be determined by the conmunity, subject to revian by FIA if the choice exceeds the bounds of reasonbleness. The corrnunity must have sone inp:t in determinirg the cut off arcunt since construction prices vary considerably in different parts of the c.ountry. Conrnunities should be ar'rare of the insurance ranificaticns of exerptirg accessory structures from the elevation or floodproofirg requirsnents. If no rrore Lhan 10t of the policV coverage on a residential prj.ncipal structureis desired for a residential property ovmer's accessory structure(s) this can be included under the star:dard poliq7 coverirg the principal structure, regardless of the flood protection leve1 of the accessory structure (cf. "Property Covered", paragraph A of the Standard Flood Insurance Poliqp for a npre detailed explanation of this coverage and exceptions to it). Hcrvrever,if npre than l0* of the total principal structure poliqf ooverage is desiredfor a residential property o*nerrs accessory structure, or if ttre principal structure is nonresidential, a separate poliql must be written for the accessory structure, with trptentially prohibitive rates for "ns, construction" after the FfRM effective date, if the accessory structure is neither elevated ror dry floodproofed. The contents coverage for the principal structure may be used to cover contents in an accessory structure. There is rro limitation on the percentqe of coverage allowable to contents in accessory sLructures. Oon sequently, there is little incentive for a property olnier to separately insure the contents in an accessory structure. Hohrever, if this occurs, high prernitrn rates could be charged if the accessory strtrcture is neither elevated nor dry floodproofed and constitutes 'rnew construction" after the date of the FIRI'!. This material will be incortrnrated in ttre proposed Flood Insurance Policy ard Procedures Hardbook. , TO PERIIIIT PROCESSING PLAI'IN I NG PUBLIC hIORKS FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT Department of Publjc Works I 25 East Bth Avenue Eugene, 0regon 687-41 95 PERI4IT NUMBER PARTITION NUMBER SUBDIVISION OTHER SITE ADDRESS lJ, zsr:1 PERMIT VALUE IS A SUBSTA'NTIAL IMPROVEMENT. SITE IN FLOOD HAZARD AREA YES YES NO NO SITE LOCATION IS WITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD APPROXIMATE STUDY AREA, EXTRA PRECAUTIONS MAY BE APPROPRIATE TO ASSURE THAT THE BUILDING SITE l^JILL BE REASONABLY SAFE FROM FLOODING. MOBILE HOME TIE DOl^lNS REQUIRED. SITE LOCATION IS WITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD DETAIL STUDY AREA. MINIMUM FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION OF (M.S.L. ) REQUIRED. (M. S. L. ) REQUIRED.}4INIMUM FOUNDATION ELEVATION OF MOBILE HOME TIE DOhJNS REQUIRED IF GROUND ELEVATION THAT MOBILE HOME tllILL BE PLACED ON iS BELOhI THE REQUIRED MINIMUI.{ FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION 4. SITE LOCATED I,IITHIN A DESIGNATED FLOODWAY CHANNEL, BUILDING PROHIBITED.=-U RECOMMENDATIONS: I 2 3 -lx t-O{ DATE { - t'ta c99-21 BY lone county HOLID SLIP 6]!' - APPLICATION # Name Addres s Zip Code The above application is being held by the Permit Processing Sect'ion for the following reasons: Division: Si gnature: Division: Si gnature : Date Date This application will be held until . If the'information required above has not been furnished by that date your application will be cancelled. Fees paid for waste disposal systems (site inspections and/or applications to'install the septic tank and drainfield) are nonrefundable. Some refund may be made on the building and plumbing portion of your application if cancellation is necessary. In the event a Planning or some other long-term problem ex'ists over which you have no control we will hold the permit until the problem is resolved and we receive word from you as to whether to proceed with permit'issuance or process a cancellation. c74-L39 PERMIT PROCESSING SECTION - 687-4394 a i t .h ,"oi ,) 8 fi 1tb'oc te t{ ca la f il I/ '/ { €rrrdr- | h,tv* k$' }&. t'*/ ccllccrlr r i \ !L! iL I I i t riL(f--,ur- i {.rrr i 2,3t-0' 'e;r.r'i; {orlt' E, o ft rtrJ -l I L t.\\ *;ii i: fL* fttn P t "12'<1 1..-v. r t / elil; I l*. \l I / * br-a El, 1!f .eo.Q If + *r4 ') I gc,,lr t/rg't= lt-o"