HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1983-12-13?cce;-lt !.. RESIDENTI.AL.. z2s i:torth stiz streea?PLr cA? r0!, /PERI,rr Spr"r.gfield, )regon 97177 Building ?tuision 726-3753 t SPFIINGFTELD !)/"-'' 14, d-/ ti, c0 Date: / Genem,L 1 ConaJrrcttca_!@9!_ I: ia 2he reegonaibi-Litg or' tlte per,ri: itold,er ,to aee that aL! inspectiorLs @e nad.e at ihe p"ope! tin€, thct e4sfu -)hsss is ten;.-'tlei.y.-t!r stree-t,. cr,c that the-pentrit cad, ia Located at the izvni of tl.,e propertg. '2ut-air4 v|ui:io:t ct=rot:ed pl.bt sicil rena-Jn on tie auilciin-a sitcbt aL1.'tutes,' lloezoc!1uPl, ?aR. iitsPlnnn.li,C9esr:CALL726-3769 (recorCer) state yous City Cesignated job mnber, job a,ri-ess, tgpereotestcci a'-<i u:':en '9ou :.riLL be readg Jbt ir"spection, conttactcrs oi anters ncne -cz,n gioie nu.zbcr.' iq"ii-"t receii;Zd.'-ill be ncde the santa ccg, requests-ndie cfta ?:00 cn viLL be nu,c.e th"-;;;;;"iii*'aq. of inspee2icn befcne 7:00 a. Job !,ocs'-icn:, a{o fd. bt #Aaaesao,s.,{,p , T{.) D3 3b 14 I 13( Subdiisicn: AdCto-ss:Pn^"' ??6 "Asr 7; zip: Tzvzl Deectibe h'ork: ACCittca 6/e?, a oVal.ueData o1' App lia.ticn I 9-t3- t3 ){*-(^) o-t 4 Ltsc. t Iour City'Desiora.ted Jab llunbet Is 3ae?3 fiISULA?ION /T/APAR BARRIZR IIISPIC?fiII : To be naie aftet, aLL instktica cti required uqor bavie?s @e in place b-ut beJ'ore ory kxh, Wpsun bcarC ortnLL couering is oolied, and. befcreay ins.alation is concealed. DPYIALL filSP?C?ICll: lc be nade aitez. aLL dzluall is in pLace, btt ptior to cny taping. W.SOit?Y: Steel Location, bond. beanc, grouling ot uerticcle in i- !i!\i?sLA? ?:L'i/sr:tc, ZLZePrcil r I 1 (:ci1t.!t,AtJ: 'i'O- oe nnAe oe:-O"e Cn! l,bPx La coDc?ed- I rcgr:ic I iou:tonrct: To be tace L_J aitet anenchas cre esccuateC arti fct.tts cre etected, but prtor -"opurirq ccnctet€. -=tr^f -fr7h^t Sanilaz1 seser cqced:t progartg Zite Septte totk V,;r.teC ard fiLLeC Dith grk\2L SI7! I:15?!C:P:I: *cavct'-on, but 1'otms Fi::Ai P'U:.B!::C ! I :IA L,'.!E C :'"1 iI T CA L ?IIAL li,CgTC;L ' ?o be tnCe afletpricr tc se! u.o of linal - it4ten abcue itens ote cc:ltoletei a:d ahen Cencl'-ticr: is canplete bt st--n-r- tuye noueC ar, pret:nses clecneC up. I I I I ujplczCn:p ?!LU2|JC, S1EP,'J.t:9?. Q.?.A::I;GJ: To be r,a:e pr|or =o ;iL-Lirq --retci.ce. UIIDEPI'CCR P'U:,B T:C 2 ]{ICSAIITC}L: ?o ce nace pricr '.o insxal':,atlon of floor Jrsuktica or deckirg. 7)S'l .lilD 3Eti.t: To be naie p?-or toGdiiioi J-:.oon i,Buition cr deck'-nq. l0.t:3i ?!t:!3t:tc. !!3::P:a;a ) |.ttc1|A;iIC).L: :lo )o"4. -.; to be cocete{uz=il ;hese ir-scec;iors 'r,.eue beetncie zl. 4=rcie!. Fi?!?LACi: N,or .a pla.cir4 fcc-.ngnccertzla ctd beiore fraing ineoei-tioz. iP-AP!)lC:- iLot be rec.tected afler cVp_ta,ta! of rcugh plttciru1, a-!ectt-J-cal Z neci:an*a!. ALI rcoi-Jry brarJrg I chfiorcgs, etc. rtsc- bearnple=cd. :lo ,)ct< is lo be ccn_ - cecled untal :his iisoecti.ctr i"a.e'been nu.ie anC c2proueZ. accordorce U.8.C. Section Alter ins talT"a.tion is a CURB 8 LPPRCACII t??CN: Aftet farmsse etecceC but prior to poarJng cofic?ete. SID1'{ALK & gRT,TnAl: Eor aLL eor cz,ete paufr-fr;m etyeet right-oflx!, to be nal.e ai'tar aL7. e.*ea- vating eanoLete t forn u:ork & aub- inse nater)al in place. lEilCg: Lthen conplate -- *ouiCe gdtes or nouable sections th,rough Dila ALL p"o;ect ccziitions, sucl es che "l.nstclZction of slreet itees, ccry!,requireci ictasccoir4, etc,, tr,:.tst be satisiied before the aaiLDfirt ir:rAL etion o1' tie can be req,tested, (l 1::t:i:!t-aiJt:t9,. Th? Final luild,in4 Ins.oection rlrat be yeouestei :iler the t,i.nal plubiry \_/ ileccr'ieal, oc tlec|ut-icci inseecxtcns hque been ncd.e ar<i'caoro,tzd,. tsZocking od, Set-up Plunbing connecticns -- siDO! otC uater Etectricci Ccmr.ecxion - Blockittg, set-u= and plmbing eclneetions nr;st bb apprcxeC be fot e request'Jng el-eeldcal ir.sg ec: ior Aceessovg Buitiing ?itnl - Aftet pcrekes, skirting, deci.-s,etc. @e ccrale;ed. ] 'AiL "lA:i?c!!s A,itD cL,Ailcws :tus! BE .qccissllLi, .rD,jas?::r:i: :o Bg :.!ADr :1? !r0 c2s! ?c cI?y )^.-- , ^,- 4-1-. - v: a "Y) a 7 ,,ou-tr" ,o.." t{.oD ,aa ./ T I ?:ce 2 ?at ca F.-4b -t<. L n. Z cf t*c Cuttere;t _ Izxetict _ Come? _ ?cnicntile Cul-<ie-sac '.'aLue I of Stcr|es lotdl laighz ?opogryiq L. Lot Feces - i.Ein a=cce AccessctL :,T.:,' IlALUT S.D.c. Z.s = tvc -F&i:,ires Resiizntial (1 bcth) SozitcJoJ Sexr ,cte! :io. ?es. So. fto IlailE:tend. Ciradts latrscrty Senttce ;tc. Et:r.--=ce 3?U'S bl,Enat Hool, Velt la 'Jcodsta;se l t 5.oo rS,o o /5-o a CaO tS-LoD 1 a Mechqnicol Permit Pet+,nt fssr"tance leclanic=L Perr-rlt 9ectr)tu Stot...e &*lntercze Pe:-i: Cttie* s1-!,e.'dL< JOB NO.q 3 soLAR ccEss REe.-L-CO G+ Seclccns: 2 LCCE ;oue Building Vqlue & Peimit This pertnzt ic gycnted on the eqte-ss cond.ition llat ,he said_constmtc!,)on slu.Lt, in all rbsoects, conictm to the CrdLronce tCoa:e,i i2y the Ciiy of Sor.nqf'"elC, ')ncludtng lhe 3oning Crdirznce, regruLc:ir-g ;he cczstrtericnqd. use of bu:,LdLngs, ad n=,g be sucoend.ed, or reucP-ei at cn! t-Jne ulol uic- T.ation oi a-y prcuiaions of aa.),C ?rCirances. EuiHinq .Denit SL7.te ?otcl Xhz:ges Plnh,tq Pet;it Stcte SutcLtce St2te t lleca:-cx fr: Electricol Permit Were State lan requires that the electrtcal uork be Ccne by an glectrieal Contru.etor, the electricdl portion of lhis Veznit IIELL rot be oalil, until the label has been aigne-d, by the Eleet*.!.cal Contuacto?, L I -- i;tc?.cAc:i:.!a:!7 -- PLcn Ezanrir'ez, L !,lobila ila,te f EAW CA.REFULLY lXilUilED tle conrpleted applicaticn for penai:, cnti dc herebg certify tlut aLL itfo:nation heteon is tnte azC ccrrec!, c*7, f f"uther certif'g that cng arC aLL xork cer1'otned slull be do;ze in acccr- tiance ',rith the Orditances of the city oi Spr)ngfielC, and the Lc;s of the State of 1regcn pertaining to the uork Cescribcd hetetn, and --ha.c yO CCCU- P.4ltC'I tLli be nrl,le of ary st"uctrrz uitho;.tt permisaion cJ' the 3uiiding Di- vision. ! i'u:^th* certif3 th-zt o-Ly conttaclot s anl. z:tVlcgees ul"a oo- in ca;ol:.ance'n1th cRS 701.055 aiLL be used on this projecz -a-rf .trirt\fr ^tr-..ts,bo a Signzri Plumbing Permit No person shall cotsi;ntct, instal!, altet ot ciwrqe cnA reu ct esistirg plwnbing cr tiraitage systat in aioLe or in part, tz.Less such person is the Legal poeseasor of a oaliL olumbet's License, eace?t th.ct a pe:sott r.ay do phmbing uork to p"ope"t! uldch is oaned, teased on ogetzted bg tha appii-cd,t. lccass.'ia!t4 ?ireoie.s; Ale st .ls-cr: lot:L Cbcr)es Stdto- !zr:e De SP]tINGFIELD l885- 1 98S Springtield Centennial year CIIY OF SPRINGFIELD partment of Public Works CERTI F I ED LETTER l4r. Fred Li I I ard 335 North 25th Street Springfield, Oregon gl4l7 Dear Mr. Lillard: November 19, 1984 The springfield Bui]9ing Code Administrative code requires that, r'n order for apermit to remain val'id, construction work urtho.i..d by it must begin within 1g0days from the date of purchase of the peimii. rt wort<"li-rrip.nded or abandonedduring the course of construction for i p.rioo exceeding-180-[;ys, the permit willautomatically expire. If a permit has expired and suspension and/or abandonment of work on a projecthas not exceeded one year, a permit to start or resume work may be purchased forone half the fee required for a comparabl.e new permit, provioei tnal no changeshave been made in the originat plans and/or specificaiions. If a permit has not yet expired and a permit holder anticipates the need for moretime to begin constructjon work, the Superintendent of BuiiOing may choose togrant a one time extens'ion of the permit not to exceed 180 dayi upon receipt fromthe permit holder of a written request exp'laining why the extLnsibn is necessary. The attached form indicates the most recent information in our records withregard to construction activity assoc'iated with your permit. Please advisethis office of your intentions with regard to the permit by ten (10) daysfrom the date of this letter. Please direct all inquiries to the Springfie'ld Building Safety Divis'ion at 726-3659. si erely, Li sa pper Building Safety Division attachments 225 North sth Street o Springfield, Oregon 97477 . 5O3/726-3705 JOB ADDRESS:335 North 25th StreeE JoB # z 832?93 LAST ACTIVITY DATE: OTHER: May 22. 1984 NO INSPECTION RECORDED: CURRENT STATUS OF PERIIIIT: xx VALID: However, your Permit will expire on l'lovember 22, 1984 If you wish to request an -extension of your permit, please notify this office in writing prior to the above mentioned date. If you plan to start or resume work on the project, a new permit must be applied for. *If the I'expired" box, above, is checked and we do not hear from you by ffi.l;}"s:l,3i,i,fi"}"I}iouil".;:;:H'il..",),wewi11c1earour *EXPIRED: Your permit expired on