HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-11-12" RESIDtrNTlAL" 22s North rrn rrrnnAPPLicATr,N/PERI'lrr Springfield, 1regon 97477 BuLLCLT.no DLDI.SLOt 7 26-67 53 SPFIINGFIEI N Date Job Loecticn: Aasessore Map ll Subdiuist on: O;ner: ;d&e Phone City: Date of Applieoticn_ Deset Lbe htotk e^-. oo Vai-ue .tCditicn Ranoiel General Scni'-ar,1 sa.ter cqped :t ?rcpet4i Line Septie tork pziqeC ad. filLed vtth grc;el, ?inal - i',4ten abcue itens ee ccrwletei a:C uhen 1*.tclltion is ecncle:e br s*-rr- tuve aoued si ireises cieared uV. !.!cbila- icnes tsLocking otd Set-ug ?Lumbitg ccnnecticns -- sa)er d. aalet Electrieal Ccnzection - Blcckin4, set-ui and plunbing cottnections m;st be a.cprcxed beJbr e reques ting e! eelrieal insceetiot: Aeeessc,g Suili'Jng Pinal - After nrches, akrrting, decl-s, etc. @e ccnple=ed. ?:':e 1 of ! I! is the respons,ibili;y of tlt penrit ioll,* to see tlut all, ,Jnspectiorls @e nade at '.he pz,oper tine, -"l.,at each aC&ess 'is 7sa;abi2j'!on t!1e st?eet, arlC tiat the pet'nit catd ie located at the fzwnt' of ttte ptopetfu.t1uildir4 V|utclJot apirw^ed pt-bn sitcll nemain on the 6'"t!idlng :tte 'at atl' tines.' P!?)1!DUPI-F04 IttSPEflI1lt RIQWS?,'CALL726-3769 (tecorCey) state you? City Cesigr.ated job nta,ber, job aCi.z'ess, type of insoec;icn re.quested ar.ti a!.en gou -aiLL be reaiy for inspecxicn, Cont?dctcrs o? Asne=s r.ane er"C phone runber. Pequests receiued befcre ?:00 G':tlLL be nade the sane Ccy, "equests natie after 7:00 on viLL be tmde the neet wrkini da.g. Constrteticrt Lender Si!! i:lsPif:ail: To be nanie altet ercaction, but priar to se.. up of fomtts. UND|RSLI.B ?LUI.EING. ELIC?RIC,II, 4 nECi!).ilICAL: To be nacie before any t'tork is ecuerei. PC)tTlC , l)UtlDA?:CN: To be npCe ait er'.t ",nciz e{ ari-ezcasct ed atd. forns ate erectai, but pior topouing ccnc?et€. yil3n8-?9!l!p ? iL'!.!p r:ic, syt|P,'t.1T!3, Iour Cifu Desigr,ated Job ltunber !c: |NSULATION /VAPCR SARRIER IMPSCIICi\ : ?o be naCe after aLL itsulcticn ei reqaired oqot borie?s @e in place but befare otg La.th, Wptun1 bcarC ct unLL covering is cppLied, ard. before a'A o:nsulation is eoncealed. DR!|I/ALL iilSPlC?fi)l: Tc be r,aCe after aLL argaall is in olace, but prior to atrg taping. itlAS)ll?!: Steel Location, bond beans, groutin4 or uetticals in aceorciotee ,ith U,ts.C. Section After installation'Js cct,ruLe CURB & APPRCACH A?PCN: Afte? fornsd'e "r'ecteCWiffi to po'"u"Jnq co?E?ete. SIDFW{.Li( t )RI-,TnAl: For aLL ccn- crete paoirq uixhtn st?eet mght- oi--ua!, tc be naCe a;'ter aL! ezea- uating eanplete d fom ,,prk & sub- inse ncterial tn p/-ace. il DRAMAGE: lo be ns.te p-Jar Yo fil-Lir4 crenchee. floor inaukxion or Cecking. to deeking. PCt-tc:: ?:i.;:,!e!:!G. !:ic:P!::a,, .\!ECx- A:l;i).--: .::o ,otk ls tc ce couered. wttiL ihese ir.sceetlors hc:ue beer naie ztd. cgpt clt-ei. 71 wvps:ooP ?au:BiJG 1 !4!C!!AtrcAL:tt@of fl pcsr lm zeeu: To be r.cCe pnor; I GiilGf,iof J1oot, ir^.suia.z;.cn ?7?.!PLA:ii: Pr.Lor '.o plactrs lcctngncterials crd. befote i'rarirq inspec-tion. FR4 ,!i:lC: itust be reouested af.-en approu,;L c1' rotigh plwr.bing, electri-cal I neehantieal. ALI rcoijrq brccin4 I ehinmcys, etc. :ti.ss lg . cornple--ed. :lo tcrk is to be con- - eecled until this insoeciicn l,as'been nad.e cnC aporov,e\. !!NC!: llher conplete -- Prouiie gates a" notsable sectians through DII) ALL project ea.ciilions, suck as the insralZaxion cf slreet ,tees, 3ca.leticn cf ,'r:.e required Latrlsccpirg, etc. ' tnrst be saxisi-ieC belcre the aUiLDI:iG ?liiAL :cn be reqaesteC. IINAL BUILDL$C: The Fo)nal Buildtn4 Insaection nztst bo- requested ;fier the litnl PLubinSELectrical, od, t\eoltozical inspecttans lete been nede atd apptoued. I]I :l o FIIIAL PLU:481:IG FI|IAL !,{EC1IAXICAL ?IIIAL |LIC!?ICAL 'ALL !4A\IHCLES AND CLEAtt1u?S ttusf BE ACCtSSItsLi, .4DJUSi:ti:l! lO 3E ):ADE !1.1 ll0 a:5? lC CEy { 4 PLunbiru i Electriccl a iteclwn:iczl Llf N? t r N rb cJL/S- tr6\n? tr ?=ce 2 JOB NO. .^+ e- =+-eb p.t. . ta. Z cf !,cr Caterace ! of Stor|es ?otal lteiEht, ?opogryhy lotal Ch,atgea M:,t Permit fssuaee Mechanicel PefiflL.'" SOLAR - CESS REQ.- _ Interict _ Corner _ Panitaruile CUL-<ie-sac Mechonicql Permit L-CO G+ I Eedtcons Building Vtllue & Permit This peottt is granted on the eq"ess eondition tllat the said-consxtwctionshall, in aZL reseects, eonfcra to the Srdirance adopted. i2iy the Citl cf Springfield, )nc!'iing the 3onir,.g Crdinar-ce, reoulcting the ecnstntetlcn a.d use of build,ings, arui niy be susaeruiei or reuckei at cr.! t-:ne uicn ulc- Laticn cf tny prcoisicns o! saii Crd-.rances. 7-+^ D--'). Reezipt l: Lot laces - l^., - ^ LAee -- Fzes -- K VaLue 7Ci.1L 7A.iA! s.D.c. r.5; ?ee LtlAElrL liziutes Sesi<iezt"i.c.L ( 1 bcth) Seuer Plumbing Permit No pereon shall ca.stz"tct, ins+.al!, al,ter or change cnV v.eu cr eaisting plwnbin4 cr drainage systen in alole ot in pott, unless such person is the Legal possessor of e ualid phtnbet's License, escept that a pelson na.1 doplwbing aotk to p?ope"t! ahich ia ooed, Leased ot operated bg the qpli- eant. Plwnbing Petrit 3es. ll eu / Ert end. C incti'- s Sertice Electricol Permit llhere Stcte Lan requiz,es tlnt the elec*"ical uork be done bg an Electrical Conttaetor, the electrical porlion of this pernit shall not be oaLil. untilthe Label ius been signed by the ELecA"tcaL Contraelor. ,s *hast llooC Tent ?ot Tcotisxote -- i:1c?.cAC!::.:3:!? -- PLaz Zzcair,.er I HAW CAR1FULLy !X.LAIilED the eomplated copltcation for permit, ai da hereby certify that aLL infotnation heyecn is true ard. carrect, amC i further ce!t1.fr- that any ctd. aLL uork perioymed alnll be done in aceor- dance wtth the ardincnces of the City of Soringfiei-d, and:he La;s of the Sr.ate of 0regcn peri:ainina to tke,.vtk Cesct")bcC herein, trA lhnt l0 ?CCU- Pl.llCI ttill be ta.d.e of cn! sc?ucture aithout permissiol of the 3uii.dinE Di-uision. I fuz'ther :ettify ti,st o:tly ecnxtactors oi atplcgees ui"a crZ in cnplianee uith CRS 70L.055 alLL be used cn this prcjeci t '/,, t, Secarity Decosi*" Stotaoe ilaintercr"ce Penrit Cvrbcu ?1TAL i1:,!0U:E DUE:. llobile llcne Signeci 'tz { ai,lnaz nCa2S,s3?'1 soo ?enee LLecate-ca.L LateL