HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-02-22.. RESI-ENTIAL.. 22s North stt" s;trnffPLti.[rtow/ptawr Spr"Lrqfield" 1regon 97477 BuiLdLng Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPFIHGFTELf' z>Job Locaticn:E ?c,fi Lot # Subdioision: O,mer: Addtess Phone:a o uy.ci hsr>2., /7/xG'aheV7<k/fVaur az fuZtgzz Desct"Lbe llotk: l-t fn aP Le Hone Date of AppL.i.cation Z' 2 2-88 value z 2 ry (a7 Additian Remodel GeneraL Pege 1 of 2 Reeeipt # 1O97 Ka .)*,-L) R- ad;4d l.u G-4 \).E __9A'q-t de-LE e*-N Date: Construetion Lender rt ie the reeponaibi-Lilu of-tte permit holdet to aee ttnt alt inapections ate nad.e at the prope? tine, that each ad.dtess is reacahlef.yr-tly st?ee.t,. and tlat the petnrtt card. is Located. at thi frcni of tlte property.*Building Diuicion appt'o"*ed pLbn shc.Ll temain -on-tlte t"Llal"b'siic at aLL tines. PP)1EDUPE FoR rNSPECTrotrl R!Q.IIES]rjCALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your citg desigrn-ted. job nwnber, job aciz.ess, type of inspee;icntequested and uhen uou uiLL beieady for inspeetion, cont?act"i" oi a,mers"nane L"e iv.;. nunbirl.- iA;; -"n"eit;ed. befcTe 7:00 an'*tLL be tade the eitte dcy, requests"iade itio z,oo- o, ttLL be made the neat tntking day. Iot* City Desigr"ated Job Nutnbey fs:9Go SITE INSPEC?f1N: ?o be nwde after eecansation, but pt iot, tc set up of forne. rN S L.'LAT T O N /VAPO R BARRTE R I 11 SPE CT IO N : To be nade after aLL insulatLcn and required uapor buriers @e in place but before ory lath, Wpsutn bcay,C ormLL couering is applied, and. befoneoty insulation is conceaLed. DRYWALL fNSPEC?I)N: ?c be made aftet, aLL dtyuall is in place, but ptior to an7 taping. IIASOIIRI: Steel Location, bond beons, groutirq or oerticals in accotdotce tlth U.B.C. Section 2475. WO0DS=T0,/E=: After installation i" {i:ccrnpleted, ""':, |,'t CURB & APPROACH AppON: After forms .^ee erecteC but prior to pourtng / concrete. SIDEWALK & DRfTWA! For aLL eon- crete pauing tithin st?eet right- ef-?ncA, to be made after aLL erca- oating canplete & forn wrk & sub- base matez-tal in place. _ i i !l!!l: hrhen conplete -- prouide gates oz, nouable sections thtough P.U.E. DEUOLTTIOII OR BUTLDIiICS Sanitatg seaer capped et g,operfi1 Lite Septic totk panped and. filled trith gtaoel:To anu T P0pfiNc & FQANDATICN: To be rm,Ceafte! t?enches are escauated and. forns_ are etected, but prior to pour"iTtg ccncrete. U-NDq-RCROUIID PLIJMBING, SEWER, W.A?ER, DR!,IilAGE: To be naCe prior to fil-Lirg trenehee. UNDEPILOOR PLUI,EING & ILEC!]ANICAL : To be nade prior to instalLation of floot insuT,ation or decking. P_OST AND BEAM: To be nade priot, toinstallaticn o! floot, insulation oz, deeking. ROUGH PLUIIBII'IG, ELECTRTCAL & ME.C!]- ANICAL: NM until these inspeetions haue beer, made and. approoeC. FI-D:EPL,ACE: Prtor to placirg faeingmate?LaLs and. before franing inspec_ xLOn. FRA|.,![NC:_ Itust be requested afterapproual of rough plunbing, e1ectui_cal & mecTwnical. ALl- noofing bracing E chinmegs, etc. rrust- be . arnpleted. lto uctk is to be eon-. cealed until this inspeetion hasrbeen nade anC approtted. linal - klten abcue itens aze eqnoleted and uhen d.qnclition is eomplete'o, tt r"-ture mooed ud. pretrlees cLZaneC up. is cotleted, EillAL PLUMBITIC FINAL MECHANICAL FTNAL ELEC?RICAL Mobile Hcnes Bloeking otd. Set-up Phtnbing eonnections -- saie? ard, uater Electrical Ccnnecti.on - Bloeking, eet-up and plunbing connections rntst be apprctbd befot,e requesting eLeetrical inspebtion Accessory BuilCing Final - After pnckes, skirting, deeks,etc. are completed. ALL proiect conditions' such ae tte i.nstallation of stteet trees, conpletion of therequired Landseaping' etc. " rmtst be satisfied before- the BUTLDTNG F1NAL can be requested.. FINAL BUILDTNG:- rh? Final Build.ing. rnapecti.on nl.rrst be requested aftet' the FinaL plunbing L./ Eleet,ieal, otd. Meehanicit 1iip""tl."o hi"L i..iiZa." "ra approtted,. (o b .);f *ALL I|ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS [,IUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTITEIII TO BE MADE 1.T NO CCST ?O CEY Aesessore Map # ,,.rVDZ*3C-*3 7 &b l tr T SS REQ.-JOB NO.SOLAR AC dL-CO Bedroons Access. Sourees DT House Lot Faces -rpt Sq. Ftg. % of Lot Cauerage_ # of Stortes LCT TWE _ fnterior _ Cormer Total Height Iopography Panhand.Le CuL-de-sac -- Fees -- Building V<llue & Permit This permit is granted on the etp?ess condition ttat the said-constmtetion slwll-, in aLL rZspects, confomn to the Cndinance edopted b;! the City o-f Springfield, including the Zoning Crdinance, r'egulating the ecnstmtcticn arrt uie of buildtngs,- cnd may be suspended o7 r'euokeC at c*y ti.me upon oic- Lation of an7 prcoisions of said 1t'divtances, Value fae"4 TOTAL VALUE p_rP FTG xrTEM -9 .>e cnnl<- -) SAl-Date Pai-d Bui-Lding Petnrit ?otal Clnrges State Reeeipt #: Si,gned Plumbing Permit No pereon stnll canstruct, instaLl-, aLter ot eltange -anA nea-cr ecisti.ng plzinbing or drainage sAstan in uhole o, in patt' unless such person is the iegal pbssessor oia rsalid plurnberts License' e-seept that a petson may Qo ptbnt'i.ig uork to p?ope"t! ihich is otsned, Leased ot' operated by the appli- edflt. 3l NO.FEE CEARCE s-O lictta,es Resil.ential (1 bath) Seuer Plwnbing Pettrit State Surcl".at ge Tctal Electricol Permit Where State Lau requi?es th.at the eleetz,ical uotk be done by _an Eleett*ical contractor, the electz,ieal portion of this peTnrit stwll not be zsalil until the Label hns been signed by the Electrical Contnactor, LP Petmit N0. V* -3> Na,t/Ectend Citcuits Sezoice 4+ 4 State Total [^hrtr tldt^t 'N^^f F!E CIlARGENC. * Mechqnicol Permit bhanet Hood Vcodstooe Vent Fan PermLt fssuanee Meclwnical Pez,mtt -- ENCROACHMENT .- Secarltu Deposit Storaqe Mai.ntenance, Pernit Cuz,bcut Si.deualk .?en2e Electz,ical Label Mobile Hane €xrr:z 7 ra> ' *t?>I "2{ * r HAW CAREFULLL EXA\4INED tle eompLeted appLication for pennit, artd do hereby certify that aLL infortnatibn hereoi is tv'ue and cot'rect, and f furth"e, certiiy that any ard aLL uoyk perfor*ned alnll be done in accov'- 'dan e ,,rith the- 1rdinancLs of the City of Spz'ingfield, and the Las of the state of 7regon pertaintng to the wrk cescribed herein, cnd tlnt N0 occu- pANCy ?,riLL bZ ,mZe of any structure uithout permission of the Building DL- oisiin. I fur:ther "-e"tLiy that o;'tLy contraclors and enplcyees uho are in eonpliance ilth ons 701.055 uiLL be used on this proieet TotaL ) TOTAL AMOW? DUE:*b8 a5 Date