HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-04-16.. RESIDENTIAL.. C OME INAT I ON APPLT C AT IO N /PW,],EI 225 North Sth Stzeet SprLngfi.elC, Oregon 97477 Building Diuision 726-37 53 SPRINGFIEU' iob Locaticn 385 North 2l.st Street, Sp ringfield,0R 97477 ?e t-ot * 5100 Lot 9 dasassons wp # 17-03-36-13 subdittision: N i chol as Gardens a.ne": Wes I eV W. BrOWn Adbese: 385 North 21st Street Phop: 746-L149 zip, 97477cra: SPri ngf i e1d, 0R DeawLbe llork: RatroCeltt f,i-l ,-, 7 ^*r*n Patio building Dale: rL lb fL Siq:,ed:1* $s. oo .20$5U Building permit 4% Geteml 0Wner PLw$ittg ELectrieal !,!echor:ical Consttttctton Lendet Idr., city Deci4rutd Job ltunbe rc: 820293 It Ls trta reeponeibilitg of tla petntt hold,a. to see tut aLL inrpectiorls de nads at lhe grq* time, tkdt aach;ddtese ia rea&b1.e ftan the st?eet, ad, tlat the p*rrit eat ia Leated at thg frant of tlu -Wq?rtg.lBuildi,w Noiciot aV=taed pl'ot elall rqgtn gt. tle Buiuirlg Sitz at aLL timea. PPxADaPE FoR INSPEz:./;N RlIWSil:: CaLL (ifrit i!*rla*) stata your cifu deaignated, job mnber, iob aidleas, tgpe of inspecticn @qayfoiinspectiot,cozLvacto?eoia,,lBte-,,Ercod,phonetaotbe.Pequ,est8leceixedbef*e7:00'n --i|.L be noLe the aane d4, ?equ.atl nr.de aft* 7:00 ot, uLLL ba flad,e tha nat wkinT dag. Paati.soi lt*oa*i,aa )Etoii!fi!! aR vj\at SurL:::tcs S@ti'.@A aaset cqoei :t poge*g Lina Septic to* Vaqeci ai fnlieti .nth lizal -,!..then abcue iitaaE ee es,tpletedcd uhen Catriitiot i; cot.rlete or ture nooeti ani pr*isas cleanei up. ilcneB Blocking od. Sat-'ap Plmbing eonnect'icna -- $a)e! atC. ualer Etrectriccl Ccnnection - Blcckirq, sel-up otd, pltnbing connecticnE r;at ba bafote rcqteaiing elec'.rtcal ir.spectiot Final - After wtekee, skirtin4, declcs, etc. @e cryiate<i. Accescory BuiUing cfra fno?Rfnit. auuatioa, but lo be aft* prior tc a.t tq of fomn. UYDERSUB PLUMBIT{C. ELESRTCAL & MECEA.ilTCAL: lo be nada befote angwk ia eotteted,. FC1?IIIG & P0UI{DA?ICIV: lo be md,e @axcaoatedod. farne ee erectad, but pFiot topurina ccflc?ate. UIID1RGPAUW PLAAENC. SST]ER. 91,4?ER. diMilAcEi To be na.Ce priot to fil-Lirq trenches. UIIDWELOOR PLAT,E I.\ G,! !.IECEA NI C AL : @o7 fToor itsulation or decking. PAflI AND B1AU: lo be rmde Pr'.ot to:^-installati.cn of floot ir,sui.at'Lon ot deckittg. TOUGE PLA!,!BI\IC. '!ETq!CAL & ,IECH- ,^n these itapecCots iuoe beett flada G1d. qroueC.. FI-oEPEACE: *ior to placirq factqnetertals otd befote iraiing inepec- tion. !R4.!,8X0: l,lust be raouested after @aal of rough plur,bing, elecL:rt- a,L & neclroti*al. ALt toofizrq bructtq ! chitmcge, etc. rruet be cryLeited. llo trr?k is to be can- cecled. uitil this inapeetlctt las been rrud,e anC agzwued, FflIAL PLTNBINC ilIlAL IECSANIEAL lIffAL EIEEIRICAL IN&IUTTON/VIIPOR iARRTSR IISPIC?TON : ,qtis"d oqot bert*a ce in pla,ce b,ut befo"a oty lath, gllpsnt boai ot taLZ av*brg ia qpli.ed., od, before oal i,naul,attbn ie conca,Ld. DRWALL IIISPECII1N: tc be twde aftet aLL dlUl,ELL ie in pl,ace, but p?io" to ang ta?:r19. WQ!E!: Steel l,ocatiott, bottd. ffigTarrtitq ot oerticak in accotl,o@e atth U,B.C. Secttbn 2475. l-1 tooosro,n:l)@a.AftE? irlstalZation ia m ,9t1,2?eta. SIDII,IALK S DRlfrlAl: lot aLL eor crete paoing trithin etteet rLght- of-utc1, to be rrud,e after aL! ezca- uating carplete & fonratk & cub- base rrctertal it pl.ase. CURB & APPREACE APPON:de arecteC but prior gatea After forneto pou*ittg l{hen conplete -- ProoiCe or aooable sectians through E E P. U. E. ALL proiect eonditione, such a tlu instdllttton of e*seD freea, concl;;iott of ;he nequited Land.secpir4, etc., nust be satisfied before thc BUI|DI]:3 EII|AL :cn le reoueeted. /f,1 !fN.4L BaLLDINC: Ta.e Final *uil.ding Inepeetiott nust ba recruected. af)et lZe linal ?r-nbing \_/ Electrical, otC !,leeitoical Inspeetiona lunte beea nade otd qptoued. *ALL I4ANfrCLES AND CLEATIOWS I4US? BE ACCESSIBLI, ADJUSAIIENT ?O 3E !,L4DE /.T NO CCST TC ::!Y F4elofZ ; I I wu;t" ,qa,," Datc of ewli*d^fu razea $400.00 l r Lot Sq. Ptg. % of Lct Couq?aga_ # of Storiee Total Eeight ,iapogrqlry Buiding Pd,rit S&te Iotal Chatgea LCT TWE _ Inter.iot _ Cormax _ Panho'rdle Cul-de-sac Bedtooma Building Volue & Permit IlrLa pernit ie granted ot tlp esp?eas eorzdi,tion tltat tlv eail conltm@tion elnlX, in aLL reapecta, confonn to the 1rdLtwtce anoptud by the cnty of Springfield, incltdin4 the Zoning Cvdinance, regulatittg the ccnetmtcticnod uae la,tLon of buiLdings, and may be suepend,ed or reool<ed at aq tine upon oi,c- of @ry prcoisione of eaid 2tdirancee. * Reference llwnbers: Aceess Ith Job Nwnber: 820293 Lot .oaces - DT IYEM SQ.FTG x Value !,lain Gaace, Caoott Aceegao?u 216 $400. oo TOTAL VALUE $400. 00 s.D,c. L.5 c 5.00 lcot" eoid,.?n Plumbing Permit Ito pe"son stnLl conatmtct, inetall, alter or elwnge G-nA neu ct eristi,ng plnnbin4 or dtainage sAetal in alole or in pot, unleee euch petaon ie the Legal poaaessor of a oalid plwrb*'s Lice.nse, ezcept that a pe?son naA do phnbing uotk to propenq ulvich is owted, Leased or opetated bg the appln-qnt. CEAPGE { Soti Seutet ?i,sturee Residzntial (1 bath) Plunbtttg Pe"rtLt Stata Electricol Permit Illpve state La,t reqtiree iri; ,# "r"ctrieal uork be done by qt {LecLrical cottlv.eto?, the electrieal portion of this perwLt slu.Ll not be oalid until the 7,abel \as been aigned bg the Electrieal Cont"dcto". *Total NailEctend, Circuita S*odee Mecho n ico I Pe rm it blw,tst HooC Vent Fan Pemrtt fssufrlca Mechanical Peynrit I HAW CAREEULLY gxAI,tINED t?e eonrpleted application fot permtt, and da herebg certify that aLL infornaiion heteon ie Lfle and. cc*ect, and. f fittther eertify that oty ard all uotk petfonted sllall be done in aceor' dance wlth the hdinancee of the citu of sprLngfield, and. the Lo,te of the State of 1r.egon pertaintng to the work Ceecr'[bed herein, cnd tlldt N0 occu' PANcy uiil be rade of any stnrctune ui,t?tout perwtseion of the Suilding Di- tision. f further oettifg th.et only contractors azd erplcyees aho ote i.n conpliance !)iirh 1RS ?01.055 uiLL be used on this project TO?AL AI,IOUW DUE:* 4-9-82 --Pettnit Signed$ s.zo Cnbeu! Sila,taTk E Leet?Led.L ilobile llqne PLan C:heck Fec.: Receipt #: Signed: sto?aqe l,lainf.enme Total C'luroes Panee Y-)