HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-09-27" RESIDET\ lAL" 22s Noy,th rrr rrnnnaPPLrcATr,N/PERl,rr Spr'ingfield, )regon 97477 Building Diuision -dn --?o( 40-o / ao C ons J ?,reii on- ! endg!_ SPTINGFIEl.D Date: It' i8 the respoasibilitg of thB permit hold* to see ttu.t aLL .Jnspections oe nade at the pro?e" t*ne, thet aach ,zddtess is rersabie fron tha st?eet, afid, that the penrtt card. id Located at the frctt of the orooertu,*Suitding Diuiciot: appro"'ed plbz sitz.Ll yemain on the eunliinq :itc Zt :LL' tines.- PP11IDaPE F1!t INOPEU!9!.E]UES!"CALL726-3769 (z,eeorder) state Aou" City Cesiqnted jab mmber, job aifuess, tgpe of inspec=icn requested and when gou viLL be ready fot inspection, Cont?actcrs c/' A,nei's natte cnd phone innber. P.equest; receited befcre 7:00 antiLL be made the sante dcg, requeets nade after ?:0A @t vLLL be rmCe tke neat wrking dag, 8zt-1 SilE IIISPEC:JCN: egcaoction, but forns. To be rruCe aftetprior tc set up of ECCIINC 4 F)UNDAIICN: ?o be naCeaftet trenches a?e ezcaoated and, forns are erected, but prLor to pou*ing ccncrete. UNDzRGRAAIID P,UMBI\IG, SXWP.,'i.ATER, DRAilIAcE: To be maCe pn'icr i:o fil-Tfi-l-rmchee. UNDEP,ILOOR PLIJIBflG & I,{ECEANTCAL:@oifloor insul,ation or decking. P1ST AND BEAM: ?o be nod.e prtor toinstalkiian of flooz, insulation ot deeking. ROAGI| PLNETilG. ELEC?RTCAL & I,[EC1. A!\ifCAL: ]!: t ot'k is to be co"*ev,ed ffilT'these insoections h,zue been nade and. cppz,oo-eC. EI-aEPLACE: Pr.tor r-o placirq fccingnaterials and. before frailng inspec- tior,.. !M!!9: lhtst be raqaested after apptoual of rough plunbing, electni- cal & neclwnical. ALI roofing btacLng E chi.nneys, ete. rrust be . eompleted. ilo '-vtk is to be co/"- ' cecled until this inspaetton las 'been made anC approt;ed. EITIAL PLUI/;BIIIG EINAL MEC'IANICAL EINAL ILACIRICAL Yilr CitV'Desigr,ated Job Mnbez, Ie INSULA?ION/VAPOR tsARRTER IIISPEC?ION : lo be nade after aLL insulaticn ed, required uqor bawie?s ce in place but before otg Lath, Wpsm bcatC oz, rnLL couet'ing is applied, cnd before oty inaulation is concealed. DRYTIALL iilSPZC?I1N: Tc be nade @ZTT@ai-ts in pta.ee, but prior to cny taping. I!ASQ!!-I: Steel Location, bond Sffijgzvutirq ot' oerticals in aceordarce ,.rlth a,B.C. Section 'to0DSTc,n: arnpleted. After trzstaL|ation is CURB & .APPRCACH AP-o.1N: After formsee erecteC but prdor to pouring cot1,2?ete. SIDIWALK d DRf"El'tAI: Eor aLL con- .leteiffi';|ffi street night- of-uny, to be maCe a|'ter all. exca- Dating eanplete & forn uoz:k & sub- base rncterial in place. UNDERSLAts PLU\N:BITG, JLECTPIilL E WCH!"\IICAL: To be nade before any wt,k i-s eouered. IENCI: gates Dil? h4ten eotplete -- PtotsiCe or nouable sections thtough :ll "l l ALL projeet conditions, such es the installation of stTeet ineee, co:pletion of tie requiTed Landsccpitg, ete., m$t be satisfied before the BUILDIilC FIIIAL can be z'equested. IINAL BUILDING: The Einal Bui.Ldin4 Inspection nilst be ?equested after the linal Pllmbing Electrical, and l4eclwnical Inspections hste been nade e*i apptoueC' Job Locaticn: Aesessore Map # Subdiriaion: A,mer: Adfuess: Desq'Lbe Ilork: VaLue tt Nan n Date of App Licaticn Additicn RenoCel GeneraL DEI,ICL|TIOI! OB .'.iCWi Sanilug sesez, ccpped .t Wope"fij Li-ne Septic totk p:4ed and iilled rrith gratel Flnal - irlzen abcoe itens aye cerpleteC and uhen iqnclttion is conplete or st?Li.- ture noueC ani prerises cleartei up, e ilcnea tsLocking otd, Sex-up Plunbifl,g conneeticns -- sane! ad, ualer Electrtcal Ccnnection - Blocktng, set-un and plwnbing connections nvist be apprc"^ed. before requestir,4 eleclrical inspec:io;^- Aceessory BuitCin4 Final - Tfter pcrckes, skirtin4, Cecks, etc. @e conpleled. Page 1 of 2 *.4LL I4AIIHCLES AND CLEANOUTS IIUS? BE,4CCESS]BLE, ADJUSTIEIII TO BE:'LLDE !'T lIO C)ST TO CITY # $rd-, I n bA5 \_n. 11end= ph-,,-14\r-[oto- t i:on'traetoTs Ad-dress Lsc. I iltoL!ES Phone PLmbin4 ELeetrtcaL I JOB NO SOL, ACCESS REQ.-L-co * 3edroons Lot Facei - ileat P ltouse Access th Lot Sq. Ftg. % cf Lot Couerage # of Stories ?otal Eeight Iopography I!EM x Value TOTAL VALUE edFl<- Signed: Building Vtllue & Permit This pernot is granted on the erp"ess candition thzt the said-constntction sLwLL-, tn all respeets, confomn to the Ov,dirntce edopteC b:A the Cit:y of Spz,ingfielti, inctudtng :he Zoning Crd4nance, r'egulati;tg the ccT,.stracticn ad use of buil<iii.,gs, otd n:;g be suspenied. ar rersckeC at ari tine upan ulc- Lation of any ptcuis:;ons cf said Cr irrtnces. tsuilding PermLt ?otal Charges State CEAP.CE li.stutes Resid.erzti-a.L ( 1 bath) Seuer Plumbing Perrnit No pet,son shall consfu""tct, t-nstall,, altet or change anA nea cr ezisting plunbinq or d.rainage systqlt in alale or in patt, unless such person ie tle Legal possessoz, of a ualid plunber's License, escept th.at a person natg do pltntbing aork to ptopertu uhich is omed, Leased or operated by the appli.- eant. Plutnbing PetqrLt 1u Na,t/Extend Circaits SerLice Electricsl Permit Were State La requires tl'at the electrical aork be Cone by an Electz4cal Contractor, the eleetrical portion of thh permit shall vnt be uali.C until th.e Lahel lns been signeti by the Electr-ical contractor. lotal NC F!E 9YU, S bhast Hoad. Vent Fdt oo '$codstoxe u bq Pezwit issu,sloe Meciwnical Petnrtt -- ENCR,CACHI|ENT .- Cu?bcu, SidanaLk Itobile Hone TOTAL AMOT]II? DI]E:*LrL{ I HAW CAREEULLY IXAI{INED t!",e conwleted aoplication for pennit, arl. Cc hereby certiiy tlwt aLL info:nation hereon is t-rue anC cbrrect, cnC I futtket, .cez,tifg that ang ar"d aLL uork perforned shall be Cone in accar_dance tith the ov'dincnces oy' the cita -of bpringfield, anc the L,,as of the 1*!? of -a-r:gon pe?tainino to the aork Cescribed herbtn, end liat NO lCC.t)_PLNC, t,irl be nad.e of ana structure uvithout pernissi_on -o7 tnn zi.ttahg N-uis,)on. r ,ou.rther "L"J;"fi tn"t-;"ia';;;;;r\11, *a ,rw,Lr;;;;;h, are inconplranee utth CRS 701.0s: aiLZ be" ue)d.-)i- rn " ,?oJect Dim;affi;r^n T;- LCI TWE _ Intericr _ Cormer _ Panhcnlle _ Cul-de-sac Mechqnicol Permit .. RESIDEN IAL.. zz5 Nonth sttr streey?PLrcArr,N /PERItrr Sprin4fi,eld, )regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 Conatmrction Leder SPFlI}rGFTEl-D Daie: It ie the redpoaoibility of tla penrit ltoll* to aee that aL! inspections oe nade at the p?oper tune, that aach ad.dreas is reasai"ie fran the stteet, and, that the pennit cai ia l.ccated at lhe frcttt of tlu propertu.*1ui!di,W Diuiciot appro"-ed plbz sitc,Li reaain on tle tunliing Site tt zLL't'rnes,' Pt?1ctDUPE. F1R INSPECII2N RgqWsr:CALL726-3769 (recorder) etate Aou? city Cesigmeted job mmber, iob ai&ess, type of inspeczicn requested a-d uhen gou rtLL be ready fot inspection, Cont?actc?s c? A,>1e?s nane and. phone ranbet. P.equests receited befcte ?:00 at .vLLL be nade lhe sane dc.g, r,equeets nade after 7:00 an viLL be naCe the nest wrkittX- dag. 8z\1 SIIE INSPEC!]CN:ezedffi:A;To be tmde afterprior tc se+- up of fomns. UNDERSLAB PLUI,IBTNG, ELEC?RIC;IL & WCH.i.\|ICAL: To be made before angwrk i-s eouered. PCOruXG C E)UNDATICfi: lo be naCe;frer ttffi-ezcaated and forns ate etected, but prtor to pout'tng ccncrete. ANDERGRAAND P'U'{gING, SIWR,'1.4T9R. DRAIIIAGE: lo be nale prior to fil-Lirg trenchee. UIIDEP,FLOOR ?LA,EIIIG & IIECqANICAL :@o1floor insulation or decking. P1ST AND BEAN: ?o be nade prLot toffi^4instaLlatian of f1.oor insulaniorz ot deckitq. nouca ptanzilc, eLEnR: AIffilTthese n)nsoeeriors haue been nad.e and. approu-eC. F|-aELACE: Prior r-o plceirq facingnatet-ials and before fratring inspee- tion. !Wg: l'tust be teq-uested after appz,oual of rough plwrbing, electrL-cdl & nec|anical. ALt rooJ'in4 bracittg & chinmegs, etc. trltst be cottpLeted. ilo l,yctk is to be cott- - cecled until this inspectton has'been nade anC appto.^ed. yao CitV Deeigr,ated Job llutnber fs: INSULAIION /VLPOR tsARRTER II|SPECTIOil : ?o be nade after aLL insulaticn ed. tequl.red lqo" b@"ie?s @e in pla,ce but before ory Lath, ggpsun bcatC or tnLL couering is applied, attd before aty irculation is concealed. DRYIIALL I|lSPlC?f)N: Tc be nade -., aftet, aLL aryuall is in place, but priot to cny taping. MAS1NRY: Steel Locatiott, bondffi{g"outinq or lterticale in accordozce with U,B,C. Section 2415. ,I00DST0'/E: After tttstallation ie anpLeted. CURB & IPPRCACI! APPON:ffiaffi;ffi After formsto pouring etuJ"ete. SIDEWALK d DRf',EWAI: Fot aLL eon- cr.etendlr@ n-thin street right- IJ'-LEA, to be nade after aL'!- ecca- oating cryLete & forn wrk & eub- base rmterLal in plnce. ) tw pLUuBrltG ] rrrvar nECHANTIAL . ] rrmr iliclnrcAL l IENCI: lllvn contplete -- fuooil.e gate6 oy, nooable sectians tlwough D tt d ALL project condi.:ions, suck ae the inetallation of atyeet ttees, conpleiion of tie required Land.sccpirq, atc., naat be satisfied before the BUILDING ?illAL ccn be requested. IINAL BUILDINC: Ta,e Final BuiLding Inspection mst be nequested cfte" the ?iral ?Lwnbing Electrleal, and. l,teclurtcal Inspect:"ons itgtsa been nade arui approtteC- I Job beaticn: Aesessote Map #c Tc,a Lot # {) Subdittision: C;r,e'r n \Ad&ess Phone Desa'ibe htori<: Additicn t-l llq,)t Val,ueDate of App Lieaticn GsneraL tleclunicaL DEtt1LrTI2!! 0R :.i)wt Sotituy saser eapped .t p"operqj Lite Septic tork p."iryed cd. filled tith gra"-el lincl - i{hen abcoe itazs ate ccnoleted. ayzd uhen Canclttior. is conplete o? stni.- ture moued otz prenises cleaneC up. ilcnes tsLoeking otd, Set-up PLtntbing connecticns -- seuet otd. aatet Electrical Ccmzection - Bloek'ing, set-ua and plunbing connections trust be app?cted before requeetlng el.eelrtcal inspeclior Accessory eui.LCirt4 pcrckes skirtin4, CecksFittal - !,ftar etc. @e ccfitp Page 1 of Z I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIEiIT TO BE I"I'4DE !'T lIO CCST TO CITY id, r 7 ,ooorr" ro^" Plwtbiflg llectr.icaL -t\r Reouircrl Tn snaoli,anp ll l lIl I l JOB NO.SOL, ACCESS REQ.-L-COc+ Bedtoons: PetwLt issttsrce Mecianicel Pemrtt L I HAW CAREEULLY SX,LI,ENED il",e. carnpT.eted aoplicatdon for pernit, and. ic hereby certify tlwt aLL .)nfornation hereon is true ard, eorreet, ctt7. f f"u,tket, cer+-ify that any ard. aLL aork perforned alall be done in aecoz,- dance ,"rtth ihe fudinznces of the City of Spt-ingfield, and. the Las of thestate of aregon pertaining to the 'u)o"k cescribed here;-n, and liat No 1cc!}- l!r!9.:_*rZ, b: y!: of y.a^ st?,.1x.".t1 tithout permisston bi ;Ae suitdtng N_ulsLon. : i'urthep cert-ifg that -onZy cont?acrot.s c.d. .etplcyees uha atb ineatpl:.ance aith ORS 201.0-SS aiLL be-ueed. on .nLe proJect Lot Faces - Df House Access Lace bt Sq. Ptg. % of Lot Couerage_ # of Stories rno 4@! _ Interior _ Corler _ Panhand.Le _ Cul-de-sae?opogrqhy Iotal Eeight -- Pees -- I!EM F!G x Value TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 c PLan Check Fee: Building Vqlue & Permit This pernrtt is granted on the erp?ess condition tl"at the said-constraction slaT-L, in all respects, eonfcrn +.o the }rdirwnce tdoateC by the Ci:y of Springfield, including :he ioning Cvdlnorce, regulclittg ;he ccnstrtcticn qtd use of buil<iinEs, and mty be susperuied. or reuckei,Tt enr- tine upon uic- Lation of ,rly orcoistona ci saiC 0rCi,:.ances, tsuilding Petndt Iotal Chaz,aee State Sigxed NO FEE ?ietu.r,es Resil.znti-a,L (1 bath) Sani Seuer Plumbing Permit No peteon slall constmtct, inslal!, al.ter ot ehan4e any r.eu c? ez;-sting plwnbirq cr dtainage systalt in alole or in patt, unless such person is tle Legal possessor of a ualid pltnber's License, eecept tl".at a person na:1 do plmbing uork to p"ope?t! ulrLch is oumed, Leased or operated bg the appli- cant. Plzonbing Penrit Nil/E*end Ciranits Semtice Electricol Permit tlhere Stdte Lan requires tl^a.t the electrLcal uoz.k be done bg art Eleetz,ical Cont"dcto", the eleetrtcal portion of thia permit sl",a,Ll ?ot be ualiC until the Label ltas been signed by the Electr,icaL Contrdctot, !otaL iTlM FEE aQ t Da, B?U, S Eshanst HooC Vent For oo Vcodstole U bq Cutbcut SidanaZk ?O?AL ATIOIJNT DIJE: A Lrq n Mechqnicol Permit P L6rL EEattune?L'ADE Mobile llone