HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1986-09-23^{" La,Authorization for:ffirce usE oNLY izi'^ii"i'":3702"-od, 7 RANCE 2,3 P BI,oCK^a PROPOSED USE OP PROPERTY ft"tutntial f-l commercial n rnaustrial I r,ruri.ELTION "2,ZTPCITY ON P - BE SPECIEOF PROPOSED Proposed sting 'YOFoFs TELEPHONE NUMBERAND ADDRESS osR EXAMTNED THE CO|4PLETED APPLICATTON !.OR pARMrT, arrd do hereby certify that all infomation hereon is true and correct' and that I will be made of arrl srrlrcture without the pemission of the Building Division. r fur- full force and effect as required by oRs 70I.055, that if exempt the basis fo! exetru) SIGNATURT <// DATEase "::::il:#ff: only I TIAVE CAREFULLY authorized agentof record;conlracL prrrchaserithe following legal interest in the with the ordj,Dances of lane coMty and the Laws of the state of Oregondone in accordallrieI f:rther certify that any and al1 work pertaining to the work described herein, and that No oCCUPANCY with the Builder's Board is inther certify tha!th oRs 7oI.O55 wilL be used on this project. I llAvE READ ANDes who are in conplisubcontractors &dis noted he THOROUGHLY.CHECKED YOUR caIIonInstallation Soecifications: Tank Date: u,.t .l.S -PTANS EXAMINATION: COM}IENTS: NoYes cor'tr'lENTS s. r. l+B. P. # ,rREn ,tJ (ffiZodS .Atl ,6e ISAN T ONT c L,s ide ORIZATION ltAS BEEN BASED ON THE POLLOWING CONDITIONS: Date Installation Record Issued? interior READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY Lineal EeeL of Drainfield Maxinum Depth of Trenches Partitj.on *- Parcel *- Parcel siI pmuurnc,zzoNrNG: Minimum setbacks, "", ?-zs -gq PERMIT APPROVED BY BUILDING OFI'IGNEE oRS 456.805 DATE LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 687.4061, I25 EASTSTH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INF'ORMATION 1 CltL..?S RAA- [...JR..L AIJDRESSING CHECKED 1[P 2 ? w D ryp"L ctorpL o^r".?-?i-€G 4hA \ SETB TCXS A}"D OTHiR CCNDITIOSS, OF APPROI,/AL }IUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED. VIoLATIoN CAN REsuLT IN REvo-cATroN oF ?lIrs pERMIT, crrATro:l UNDER PRovrsroNs oP LAN*E coUNTY's rNFRAairoN oRDr:;ANCE, AND/oR orilERREI1EDIES ALLO!{ED BY LAW. g+-*!i!_^..:=-HI*:-f9I,..cALIr 687-106s. -A !1rN*r}1url oF Ar LEASr 24 liouRs ADVATiCE NorrcE FoR TNSpEC-lloN aLQLLSiJ ilusT BL CrV:J.. ilave.the follou.ing inforhation readyi permit number, lob address, typeof inspecEron, when ic wrII be ready, your nane anc c)-,one nunber,'and any special dlrections to site. BUILDING DIVISION: REQU I RED INSPECTIONS t. Foundation Inspectj,on: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms erected and when aIInateriais io! che foundation are delivered on the lob. i.;here concrete fron a central mixingplant (comonly termed "transit mixed") is to be used, matetials need not be on the job. 2, concrete slab or under-aloor ll+egl&n: To be maie after al.1 in-slab or under-floor buildingEErv-IIe eiu-IFmmt, rcnEuIt,li!fiq-reAssories, and other ancillary equrpment items are inDl'ace but before any concrete is poured or floor sheathrng install.;d, -incluciing the subfloor. 3. I5!fI9 & rnsulalion rnsiEglEl:: To be hade after the roof, aI1 fram.ing, fire blocking, andbraciig are in place aod all plpes, fireplaces, chimneys, and vents are iompJ-ete and a1i roughelecLrical and PLumbing are approved. Alt waLl insulation and vapor barriei are in p.l,ace. 4. La!h and,/m G]'P_suT Board fnspection: To be made after aI1 lathing and qypsum board, interj-oranEexterlorl--i3-in-iTrce-Eul--EETq-e any plastering is applied and b.io.e- gypsm board joj.ntsand fasteners are taped and finished. 5. Fina1 InsPeclion: To be made after the buildi.ng is conplete and before occupancy. APPROVAL REQUIRED. No uork shall- be done on any part of the building or Structure beyond the poj.ntindj'cated in each successive j.nspection without first obtaj.ning the approval of the Uuita:-n9 oifrcialsuch aPproval shall be given cnly after an j.nspection shaIl have been-made of 6ch successive stepin lhe construction as indicated by each of the inspections requi.red. NOTE: AII' buil-ding oermits require inspections for the work authorized, such as but not. limited to: A. Block Nall-: To be maCe after reinforcing is in place, but before any grout is poured. Thisiispectlo is required for each bond beari pour. There wiIl be no approval untii the ptumbingand electrlcal j-nspecLions have been made and approved, B. liood Stove: To be made after complet.ion of masonry (if applicable) and when instalLa:j.on i.scom-pletq Installation shall be -in accordance witL an appiovea, nationally recognized testingagency and the manufacturerrs installation anstructions. C. Mobile Home: An inspection is requj-red after the mobile home is connected to an approvedEEieFoi-sEptlc system for secbacli requirements, blocking, footinE connection, tieaowns,skrrting, and plwb.ing connections. Footings and piers to comply with state foundation r equirements for mobile homes or asrecomended by the nanufacture! ){obrle home ninimun finish floor elevati.on shall be cert.ified when required by a flood-plaj,n management letter. llobj-]'e home tiedowns, when required, and skirLing shall be lnstaLled and ready for j.nspec- tion within at least 30 days afler occupancy, TieCowns and skirting shal,l- be instal-lebper enclosure. D. swj.ming.Pool: Below grade when steel is in place and before concrete is poured. Above gradewhen pool j.s installed. APPROVED PT,ET.TS UUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING WORKING HOURS. THIS PERMIT WTLL EXPIREIF h'OR( DOES NOT BEGIN WITHIN ].80 DAYS, OR IF WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED POR TIORE THAN I8O DAYS.SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION i4AY OCCUR IF THIS PERMIT i4AS ISSUED ON THE BAS1S OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFOR}IAT1ON. ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POIIiT OT REOUIRED INSPECTIONS WILL DO SO AT THEIR OWN RISX. SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEI{AGE DlSPOSAL SYSTEMS: L. Permits shall be effective for one year from the date of j.ssuance. 2, Upon comPleting the construction for which a permit has been issued, the pernit holder shall-notify the Lane County Departrent of Planning and Comunity Development by submitting thelnstallation record form. The Department shaIl inspect the construction lo determine if itcomPLj.es uith the rul"es contained in this division. If the construction does comply ui.th suchrules, the DePartment shaII issue a certifj.cate of satisfactory completion to the-p;rmitl holderIf the construction does not conply with such rules, the Department shall notify tire permitholder and shaIL requrre satisfactory compLetion before issuing the certificate. Faiture tomeet the lequirements for satisfactory completion within a reasonable time consti.tutes a vio-Lation of ORS 454.605 to 454.745 and rhis rule. Setbacks - Subsurfacc Sewage Disposal Septic Tank Drai.nfield 1. 2. 3. IiLerfor propert)' lrnes Edge of road rrqirt-of-uay Uurldinq foundatior heIIs, other uhter sources i0' r0' 50' 10' r0, 10, r00 | Ulvod Stove Pernt Application * ntg * ADDRESS FOR INSTALLATION C ITY * NAME OF MANUFACTU MODE * INSTALLER . :, r ,oRS# A PERMIT CANNOT BE APPROVED UNTIL A COPY OF THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS IS SUBMITTED PH CIRCLE THE SKETCH I4OST CLOSELY RESEMBLING YOUR PROPOSAL ur flrceo I 0ther (name) ) I I I I I I l- t-_CONSTRUCTION: * A. The unit is listed byl B. The floor protection is inches thick. (Material * D. Type of chimney:n D Factory [llMuron"y (lined? ffr., f[n.l Type o.f stove pipe : , nFactory fl zogu (or heavier) galv (vent connector) C. The wal I protecti on wi l I be : (I"lateri al ) L_L_t-L I0ther . E sht. mtl DI NSIONS: (in inches) I. Side of unit to protected wa'll_(unprotected wall-_; 2. Rear of unit to protected wall (unprotected wall - ) 3; Floor protection at side of unit- at rear -in front -- 4. Length of wall protection at rear of unit-at side 5. Hei ght of wa] I protectiorr- 6. Edge of vall protection to nearest door or window_ 7. Air space between wall protection and wa11- 8. Diameter of chimney and stove pipe(vent connector) NOTES i : (l) 0utside combuttion air is._reouiyg6 for a]'l fuel burning installqtions-. A 7_Sq. inch (nin. area).closabie vent toc ated within 24" of itre fiieplace or appliance on the floor or base of a wal]. (2) A copy of the approved manufacturer's installatloa instructions must be on iob site at the tine of inspection. In- spectlon cannot be made wlth out these instructlons.(3) TI|e 'Approved' plan/applfcat'ion shall be kept on the Job site for use at the time of inspection.(qi Hot att units are appibved for corner installations or rediced clearances with wall protection. (Refer to manufac- tqrer's listln!. )(5) lf msonry chimney is to be used, it must be fined. lRequired by Law) Existingl'lues must 5e appri:ved by inspector -. .prior t0 use. You must Drovitr accrss for the insoectnr(o) it riieptace insert is to be lnstalled' verif.lcatlon ot wall header'location rn relationship lto breast of fireplace is required bY law.(7) Flrepiace insCrts are not permitted ln factory-built or prefabrlcated-rEtal "0" c]earance fireplaces, unless speciflcally tested and Ilsted.(8) Flreplace lnserts are not permitted,llr masonry flreplaces with existing heat form type mtal fireboxes unless specifically tested and Ilsted.(9) Unllsted unlts shall be lnstalled ln accord wlth thc State I'lechanlca] Code, utilizing the mate.ials and clearances set forth ln Chapter 5. c-L4-32 APPROVED AS NOTED By Lr L,!l fr l- ]_- 3', <--t Il- r_ Date PERMIT # IF YOUR INSTALLATION DIFFERS FROM THESE EXAMPLES OR IF THE INSTALLATION IS A FIREPLACE INSERT, PROViDE A PLAN AND ELEVATToN DTAUIXq WITH DIMEN SIONS OF YOUR PROPOSAL. I LAND MANAGEMENT DIV. / PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. / 125 E. 8th Ave., Eus. 0R 97401 (s03)687-4061 n ,4 tlI 6I< PRE T *J9 PECT/oil EEaBE / LISNil 16 lA 'ERT \oz 3- €3G AT :IVITY INFORMATI' \ SHEET COMPLETE THIS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS t,JILL BE REJECTED! mI' -1 7c aear-Ec- oc-D tsaz;-r a ,s'7 MAILING ADDRESS I )7 7 C ITY STATE ZIP CODE 48*tq n 712 ,Ulao BUSINESS TELEPHONE #HO}4E TELEPHONE #BUSINESS TELEPHONE #HOME TELEPHONE # 2 PROPERTY ADDRESS ( IF DIFFEnETT TnO 3 rvlae B PAFIEEL NUMBEFI (from tax maps in Department of Assessment and Taxation ( REQU I RED I NF0Rl,lAT I0N )or from tax statement) #* ## #{eY I \ID P IMNSH.IP RTNGE SEETI_O.N TAx LoT(s) 0R PARCEII ZONING TOENSHTP RANGE SEE-TION TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP: W ZON I NG ACRES 4 SUBDIVISION ( if appl icable)LOT BLOCK 5 REQUEST (s;tate exact'ly what you plan to do)FaA-rrl fr-s , N P€crtot't <. F €tvLe Qr CS t^tS€tl--/ 6 DIRECTI0NS T0 SITE: fia:rl e.:L -r t)(JN'r V tna P ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY ** ZONE/LAND USE: 14-33 LAND MNAG ISIoN / 125 E. 8th AVE., EUGENE, OR 97401 / 687_ CITY STAM ^1 di" TRS# 17 - 03 - 24.4.2 2724 DATE ISSUED: 9-24-86 PERMTT#362.3 -8aa OI^JNER'S NAME PHONE NUMB E R ROBERT F. GOLD 485 747t CONTRACTO R'S NAI'IE PHONE NUMBER c C ET BA TS SIDE CK REQU IREI'IEONT C1 N + PI-UNSINE-FIXTURES L FR K AUTHO D BY PERMI I NTER I OR FIREPLACE INSERT REAR SDS APPROVAL REQUIRED DI None gi ven SiT DDRESS 2752 North 21st Street, Springfield, 0R F0OTiNG / F NDATI ON LE HOME PLACEMENTE iNSPECTION/MOB IApproved Da te Correction Date I nspe ctor P LUi'18 I NG GROUNDI.IO-RKApproved Date INS PECTI ON Correcti on Da te Inspector UNDERSLAB PLBdEJ /UNDERFL-RTLBG:E-I NSPECTi ON App roved Date /Correction Da te ins p ector OTHER INSPECTIONApproved Date Correcti on Date I n s pector ROUGH P iNG (rOP 0uT) TNSPECTT0NApproved Date Correcti on Date I nspector roved roved Date T N App roved Date rrecti on Da te Correcti onL .Date I ns pecto Ins ctor ER INSP NC Correcti on Da te I nsp ector LATH / GY SUM BOARD INSPECTION Approved Date pp roved Date Correcti on Da te Correct'ion Da te Inspector 000 I nspector FiNAL PL ING INSPECTiON App rove d Date Correcti on Da te Inspector t47 4 -L97 D Insp. D proved_Date----.-----Insp. FINAL INSP ECTION BUILDING / l'1OBILE HOME /AG PLACEMENT NApp roved Da te Correcti on Da te I nspector CERTIFIC Ap p ro ved ATE OF OCCUPANCf T Da te TEMPORARY_T ERTIFICATE OF CUPANCY fl LANE COUNTY INSPECTION RECORD