HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-02-15coNsTF.;CTION /ptec PERMIT EMEN-,6l\'-- CO}lPLETE THIS BLOCK. PLEASE USE BLACK INK n PLANNING ZONING Partition #_Parc.r I i -.,----\/rntcrior r--/,"*T'|JJE Farcef S1 Ili.:rrmum Sctbackg:L, frlnlc c-+,, siae ^ FCR OFiICX USE ONLY Applica+-i Pernit *i Ir*o Copies of Plans firwo Copies of Piot Plans !ltechanical- Checlili st ! llumb.inc Cl''ecklist Plan Chec]" Info Sheet -To'rvllsnrrl I 1 to the work described herein, and that No occupANcy will. be nade of any structur. wiLh()ut thc pormi:ision of t-ire B'rildirtg Di'vision' r turth'rr c' r'-iti' that registration with the Builder,s Board is in fu11 force and effect as requjrcd by oP.s 701.055, that if exenlpt t:rc basj's for exeml:tl<'rr is'rrot''d hereon, and that only subcontractors and enproyees who are in compriance with oRs 701.055 wilt be usod on this Froiect' r HA\'IE READ AllD cllE('l"ED Tlirs APPLICATION THOROUG}ILY. ZTP ; OT STORIES -t', n D.\TiSICNATUiTE T"' ALUE NUMBER * A NAME (please Print) FubIic Re s iden ti a1 f, lndustrral Proposed Exi, s +-ing 'f --.'. ffi...'-r..' I1",,,*. Ll Comnerclal J n Cornnents: Date @ I rr,ooopr,aru ! rn f lood hazard area? I nunar, ADDRESSTNG' (;R]D cooRDrNArE ,.,.*)WQb lnstalLation Record lssucd? ! v.. I n" Maxj-munr Depth of Trelches No I ves Date: Date: see attactred sheet E s. r InsEallation Specifications cal lon Tank Lineal Feet of Drainfield .71,Corunents: El'ryauq EXAMINATION: rype Comments: t; Use 44 ,3 {-tv GrouP Date: Date CONSTRUCT ION AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT iptio Sq. Ft d Fee,/ Cost l-xe L F Floodplain Fee Subsurface Fees Building Fee Sevrer/Storm Drai n,/Water \3 nr*fns Fixfures Mechanical Plans Check Fee State Surcharge TOTAL FEE $ I s $ > $ $ $ $ TOTAL VALUATION $ PER}IIT APPROVED BY BUILDITIG OFFICI.\L/DESIGIIT;E FEES PATD By: ate: f] cnect< [ casrr a IANE COUNTY DEPART!4ENT OP PLAIINING & COI.IIIUNITY DEVEI.OPI',1UNT // I25 EAST EIGHTH AVENUE, EUGENE, OFEGON 9 SEE REVERSE FOR ]NSPECTION INFORMATION 5 o *"*o3 SANITATION: tr tr I lone ccurty PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPI'itrI,IT ACI"IVITY INFORMATIG^.I SH EET COMPLETE THiS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS tllILL BE REJECTED! 6tt'I7 I *S:te fi€ou)4a RTY o ??tt 4?q77 ffi HOME TELEPHONE # (from tax maps in Department of Assessment and Taxatiot or from tax statement) Ies ZON I NG milNsHIF RENGE mmN ffi-t-oTrsTTRmneEm ZON I NG mrNSHiT mGE SECTI-oN TEX*I0-TTs-)-0'R-EAffiEIT ZOt\ I NG TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP:ACRES O ,rrr*-ON (if aPPl icable)U BLocK 5 REQUEST (state exactly what you plan to do) /1 K '/a ,(il,1,^ lq 6t 6f,Jt4 7t4-53J-/ BUSINE-SS TELEPHONE # 2. PROPERTY ADDRESS(IF DIFFERENT F 3 rvree B PAFIeEL luuMBEFl ( REQUIREp INF0RI4ATIoN) 6 DIRECTIONS TO SITE:tril l/or*f /tts ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY ** ZONE/LAND USE: NUMBER DATE -tna -t BY: -- DATE:- TIME IN:._- ,?/ t OhlNER str' U tf( ffi ) /7 oj 1,{ -..a=1.J=,4_==.===T6TN.SF-IF RTN6T SMTMN MLOT(S) OR PARCEL # 3 fnra e t rsN[.-: Z!* ?-7#^-psstSSUED: BfjioBD rns* / ET L FRONT PIRMI T PHONE NUMBER "/- --PHONE NUMBER Sn SI DE i<'INTERIOR E./REAR 7',L I *n /? A IN Approved rr( Date 51 7-3F-/,|orrectjon._.__*Date_*,_lnspector pmBlmd-trmflo-tl0flf -r ru-$[l c r i-o [- fl Approved Date_ _*i.orrecti on Da te ,/ I nspec tor 'JWurfiiEpr1-tr-fi-u i. Ef-l-r{SPE-c-tTot( App r o v e d oE -Oite 5 -23 =-83-l i.o rre c t i on -_*Da te---....-- -- -l n s p ector SL-AB INSPECTIONApproved__Date*_ - _ _ -_l Correcti on--___Da te __lnsp ector R0UGH PLUMBTNG (TOP 0UlI TNSPECTT0N A p p ro v e d- ot t<-_ *D a te - bt:|.*__/ c o r re c t i o n_ __'-_-*D a te I nspe ctor FRAMING INSPECTION Approve(4,+- _Qate -b=t4 -*1 -/correction Date I nspe ctor ROUGH MECHANI'CAT Approved Aa Date_b=t4.% /correction_-___,Date I nspe ctor INSULAIIUN / VAPO RB ARRI r-R INSPI CTI ON ITTHTTFSu rf BOIm-i NSFE c]ION-*- Approved-g2&_Date 4 - /:{- 8 ?-./Correction- Date--*_-___--Inspe ctor Approved_.--.* _Date i.orrecti on Date i nspec tor 1-ffifIsemTcAl-fl- 7w-0O0 -siOvft t- - Approved -_*__-Date. _--_{.orrec tion Da te Inspector F INAL PLIMBING INSPE cTIni..l /\oprove 1,0 rrec ti on .__^.-..0a te*_*"-I nsp ector I-INAL I irlr -HbNr E 7nc PLACEMENT [] Approve orrecti on Da te Insp ector illeilPnlrcTf_l---- - --*-TE[iF0RRRY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY trApproved_ .-_!ate. __.._ - -.- Insrr - _ _ __ Approved. - I nsp ._t-.Uate s$v\qn COIINI Y I IJSPFCT I ON Da te EFN-TTFIC{TE*Or lane county6llr- - CHECKLIST PTUMBING/MECHANICAT APPLICANT INFORMATI ON: h OT rm-eas PLTIMBING CONTRACTOR tr Yes Firm Address E No n s"rt ruEGL{NICAT CONTRACTOR tr Yes Firm Address fl No I serr ,IESS or Cont. OSR# 1p Cont. OSR# PLIIMBING OFFICIAL USE ONLY Permi 11App #t Type of Fixture Number of Each Fee On Each Total Sink $ s.oo l,avatory I 1n /s. 00 Tub (with or without shower)5. 00 Shower, separate I s. 00 Water oset to 1 t 5. 00 Dishwasher 5. 00r5. 00 Washing Machine 5. 00 Water F eater 5.00 Floor Drain 5. 00 Sewer--lst 50ft.15 .00 10. 00 Water Service--1st 100 ft.15.00 each additional 100 ft.10. 00 st 100 ft 15.00 additional 100 ft.10. 00 te 10n 5.00 e'iector 5.00 It{obile Home Sewer and Water 10.00 Other ( SLE-TOTAI (Minimum $10. 00) TOTAL FEE MEGI,ANICAL Type of Equipment I,iuunber of Each Fee on Each Total Mechanical Permit Base Fee $ ro. oo Furnace up to 100,000 BTU/H $ 6.00 Furnace over 100.000 BTU/H 7. 50 Clothes Dryer Vent 5. 00 Bathroom Ventilation Fan ti D.rct /5. 00 3,@ Ranse Hood with lvbchanical Exhaust 4.50 Wood Stove o.0u Air Conditioner Only 6. 00 Fleat Purur o. ut) Floor Furnace 6.00 Gas Piping System 1 to 4 Outlets Per Outlet 50 Other (specify) SIIB-TOTAI TOTAL FEE t ?d/d t torm anc q ;ewaqe and Sur