HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1984-12-31{.. RESIT- NTIAL.. APPLICATION /PERfuIIT 225 North ith Street SprLngfi.eld" )regon 97477 BuiLding Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPRINGFTELD Job Locaticn: Assessots Map #?c,E lat #3 Svbditsision: )tmer: Addz'ess:Phone:6- Uo,d)ru MDescrLbe Ilov,k: ffi ValueDate of App Lication / a-- # a.\-a -crd Additicn RemoCeL 14echanical Date General ELectyical Construct'ion Lendet, Re ottir e d Tn sn e e tt'- cn s It ie the tesponsibility of tle penrLt hoder to aee that al! inspectiot'ts oe nade at the prope" tine, that eaeh address is t,ea4able fron the etreet, attd that the pe?fttt card ie Located at the ft,ottt of tlte propertu.*Buitding Dioiciot appro"*ed plan s?wLL vemain on tlte Bualding Site'at aLL' tikes.- PRocmUPE F1!t INSPECT{9N-R!8IESLrCALL726-3769(recotdet) state your Citg Cesigntted job ntm,ber, job aCiress, type of insoee=icn eadyforinspection,coitiaetaisoia*,","",,*,.L,,apno7"numbcr..-nequestsrcLeli:ZabL7ct,e.7:c0cn'*ill, be made the sane dcy, ?equests made aftet, ?:00 on trLLL be nade the nest:ntking day. Iout' City Desigr,ated Job Nunber fs:8rl a?q / SNE INSPECTION:e*.Aaio",6t ' Io be nade afterprtor tc set up of fonne. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL &wcutrtC[Mna aork ie coueted. FOO?fNc & F)UNDA?ICN: To be rnaCeAftet t"enci;;-aa,e e$cattated and. fotns ate erected, but prior to pourtng ecnerete. UNDERGROUIID PLUMEING. SEWP, W.ATER, DRAIilAGE: To be nade prior to fil-T@-fiZnchee. UIIDER?LOOR PLUMBTNG & I4ECqANTCAL: of floor insulation or decking. POEL tU? BEAM: To be nade prior toffiTffif,a-i-of floot, insul)tion ot, decking. ROAGH PLI]!,DINC, ELECTRTCAL & MECH: ANfCAL: No uotk is to be cotset,ed -.- until these inspeetions tnue beer, nade and approoeC, INSULATION /VAPOR BARRIER IXS?!C:!C:I :DEHOLTTIO!] OR !.10W) BUILDi|ICSIo be nade aftet, aLL insulaticn ald required uapor buriers @e in pLa.ce but before arg Lath, Wpsum boatC or tnLL couering is applied, and. before otg ineulatlon is concealed. DRYWALL IIISPECIf1N: ?c be made @A-AT@aAfis in pl-ace, but pz,iot, to any taping. I,IASONRY: Steel Location, bond beons, grouting oz, oerticals in accotdotce t th U,B.C. Secti.on 241s. Sanilan1 setser eapped ct properfii Lile Septic totk p;.anped and. filled utth gz'a;;el Pinal - I{lzen abcoe itens are canpleted and uhen Canolition is conpLete o! sttlLic- tute no'ued otd. prenrtses cLeaneC up. After instalZation is CURB & APPRCACH APPAN: After fornsee erecteC but prior to pourLng corlc?ete. SfDEWALK & DRL'"WAI: For all ea*- crete patsing uithin stteet rtght- of-teA, to be made after all esca- uating conplete & forn utotk & sub- base natertal in place. ?ENCE: When conplete -- fuottiCe gates o? notsable sections tlwough P. U,E. ALL pnoject condittons, such ae the i.nstallation of street trees, con-oletion of the required Landsecping, etc,, mtst be satisfied before the BUfLDTNG FINAL can be requested. ?INAL BA1LDfNG: The Final Building Insoection truBt be requested aftet, the Final PlunbingElectrical, attd Meclnnical fnspections 'nqte been made and apptoueC. W PIPEPLACE: mat;;l;T; tion. FilIAL PLUMBITIG ?INAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL Prlor to p1,acirq and, before franrirq facing inspee- FRAI.IING: Ihtst be requested after approual of rough pltmbing, electni-cal & necVnnical. ALI roofizq braclrg & chinmeys, etc, rntst be eotnpleted, llo ucrk is to be con- . cealed until this inspectton has'been made anC appnoted. rr Le Hcmes Bloeking otd Set-up Plunbing eonnectians -- sa)te? otd uatet Electr|cal Connection - Bloeking, set-uo and plunbing eonnections rn;st be qtprcted before requesting eleclrical inspeeliol Aecessorng Building Pinal - After pcrehes, skirting, decks, etc. an,e cornpleied. Page 1 of 2 *ALL I,IANIICLES AND CLEANOUTS ilUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUST:tEtlt ?O BE tiADE !.T fiO C\ST rO Cyy I I r tr l1 rooorn ,o " l-l ,-, JOB N o77 /soLAR A ESS REQ.-L-co c Bedtoons lleat Date Paid Receipt #: Signed: e? Lace Plumbing Perrnit No- person stnll constyact, install., altet or ehange anA neo cr ecistingqlwtling or dtainage systan in uhole oz, in patt, inlesi such person is- the Legal -possessor. of a ualid plunbet,,s Licensb, escept thot a p-erson nag doplunbing uork to p"opertA uhich is oumed, Leased oi operated by the ippli.-cant. Plutnbing Pernrit State Iotal Electrico I Perm it Wltere State La't requiz,ee th,at the electrical uotk be done bg an ElectricalContractor,, the eleetr.Lcal portion of this permit shall not be oaliC untilthe Label lns been signed bg the Electtical Conttactor. PLarL Esanlne? 1-u 4 * f HAW CAREFULLy EXAMfNED the eornpleted cpplication for permit, and da hereby cettify thtat aLL infotnation hereon is tmte and corueet, and. f futtket' certify that any ard aLL uork perforned stnll be done i,n accot- dance trith the Oydinances of the City of Springfield, and, the La:,;e of theState of 1regon pertaining to the uork deseribed herein, cnd. tlnt NO OCCU- PI.NCY t'ril,L b_e ta.de of GnA sttaetu"e uithout perwission of the Building DL-oision. I futther eertifg that ottly eontractots od enplcgees dho arb in eonpliance dith CRS 701.055 ui.LL be used on thie pnoject /--l-z--a=. /a =t/c -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permir This permit is granted on the eep?ess eond.ition tlnt the said constrwctionslnll, in all respecLs, conforrn to the Oydinance adopted 6:y the City ofSptingfield, including the Zoning Crdinance, regulatlng thb ccnstrubtibn and..use of buildings, and may be suspend.ed or reuokeC at cnA time upon oic- T.ation of dnA prcoisions of said 1ydinances. VaLue Bui.Lding Perwit State ?otal Clnrges ceess toue ruE14 T 1U x PLan N0.FEE CHARGE S.D.C. L.5 c DT House Lot Faces - TOTAL VALUE LCT ?WE _ fntetict _ Comer _ Panltandle CUL-de-sac Iat Sq. Ptg. % of Lct Cotenage # of Stories ?otal Eeight Iopography Fi*tutes Residential (1 bath) Sanitary Sa,tet, llater CHARGENO.FEE Res. Sa. fta. Na't,/Eatend Circuits Ianpcroy Seroice rTEM NC FEE CHARCE I Mechqnicol Permit Ilcodstote Vent Eo1 bhanst HooC ,S PetmLt fssuorce Meclnnicel Pernn t -- ENCROACHMENT -- Seaurtty Deposit Storage Maintenance Permit - Cvrbcu'- Sida,talk Pence Electz,ieal Label Mobile Hone TOTAL lil4OUllT DIJE:*/S.6gv Signed Date udxe ) Total C'han,ap-s Stofe ?otal C'ltaraes