HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1988-05-05t# APPLTCATT1N/PERMrr 225 North ith Stteet SprLngfield, Oregon 9?4?7 ButL&Lng Diuision 7 26-37 53 .. RESIT'NTIAL..SPFINGFTELD Job lacationt Q-O5 !_,-d / ao33Q tZ A-5DCAesessons Map #?a l-at # Subdizsision: Otmet,: Phone:Addyess city: Describe h'otl<: /,bt{r"" Value Neu Date of App Additicn RemodeL GeneraL Cf- Qo)',t't' q -0 CC Date: PLmbi,ng ELectrical 14eclwr:icaL Constn ctton Leden Reouire-rl r-t ie tle teeponaibi-Lila oi-tne pendt h2Zder to aee tlnt aLL inspectiot'ts ee nod,e at the proF)e! tine, that each a44ress is t,eqCnhietry..t!Pstree.t,andtlzatthepet,mttcaldi,e.l,'ocatedatthefrcniofthepropelty*Building Dluicion approu*ed ptan slcll remain on thi ail.\dl"g' siie at aLL times. PRO1EDUR\Fo4rysPEcrr1tt,WyES?:CALL726-3769(reeotdet) state yout City desigrnted. job ntnber, job aCCress, type of inspec=icn ::f"i!"1_Y-y1":_go" -uiLL be z'eady fo1 irtspection, conttacto"s otr o,,rr"r""r-r. LA i?r;" numbet.' n"q"iit7 receixed. befcre z:00 cn'*'LLL be made the sane dcy, "equests nade after ?:00 on urill be nade the nest wtking d.ay. tour city Desigr,ated. Job Nwbez. rs: Qqn = q fcns SITE INSPEC?I)N: ?o be nade after e.xcansation, but prton tc set up of forns. WERSLAB PLUMBTNq. ELECTRICAL e WCH4.IIICAL: To be made befoz,e angwrk ie eotsered. EoOTIN} & F)UNDA?fCN: To be made @;;Eenncheze;- catsated and fortns ate erected, but ptiot, to poul"tng ccnereta. UND1RGROU!]D PqUMBING, SEWP' WATER. INSULA?TON/VAPOR BARRIER IIISPECTION: To be made after aLL insulcticn a.-d. required oapor borie?s @e in pl.aee but before ory Lath, Wpsl/m boatC ot,tnLL cooeting is applied, ard beforeay irculation is eoncealed. DEMOLI?IO!] OR !.:OWD Scnitary seuer capped at properQl Lire Septie totk ptr,ped and fiLled trtth gratel FinaL - l(hen abcoe items are ccrtoleted and uhen dqplitlon 'ts complete Zr styue-ture noued and. prenrLses cleaneC up. Hcmes Blocking od Set-up Plwnbing connections -- sane? otd aalet Pinal - After pcrckes, skirting, decks,etc. ate completed. DRAIIIAGE: To be made p"i,ot to fil-Li,rq trenehee. UNDERFLOOR PLUI$TNG & MECHANICAL:roben@of floor insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be nade pr.tot toffiTWof floor insut)tion or deeking. RoUGH PLll![BIilC. ELECTRICAL & MECHI ANfCAL: No uork is to be co.-eredw:til these inspeetions haue been nad.e cnd. approueC. FIPEPL!\C!: Prior to plaeirg facingma-terials and. before ft,oning inspec-tion. DRIWALL INSPE?If)N: Ic be made aftet, aLL dryuall is in pl,ace, but ptior: to ang taping. IIASONR!: Steel Location, bond beons, gtouting or oerticals in accordotce Dith U.B.C. Section 2415. VOODSTOVE: @mpT;tA. After installation is CURB & APPROACH APPON: After fornsee ez,eeteC but priot to pouring colE?ete. SIDEI\ALK & DRIIEWAY: For aLL con- cr.eteVat frAffi street right- of-uny, to be made aftet aLL etea- oating eanplete & fonn wrk & sub- base nu.terial i.n plaee. 3 I When conplete -- ProuiCe!a!E: Electriccl Ccmneetion - Bloeking, set-up and pltnbing eonnections mtst be cpptct:ed before requesting eleelrtcal inspection Accessory- Bui.LCing 'been made anC approued. FTNAL PLUMBING ?INAL MECHANICAL FTNAL ELEC?RTCAL ALL proj, required or norsable sections through U. E. ect conditions, suclt as the i.nstallation of street trees, conpletion of the Landscapir.g, atc., nilst be satisfied before the BUILDING F.NAL ean be requested. n FrNAL B.urLDrNct- Th? ?inal Build.ing. rnspection nlzst be requested after the Fi.nal plunbing \J Electrical, od Mechanical rnspeetions lwtte been made atd'approued. *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUS? BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUS?I\EIE ?O BE r,tADE t? ilO CCS? ?O CEy Page 1 of 2 ff tr I T eJOB NO Zone: dsoLAR AG-CESS REQ.-L-CO BeC.t oons Lot Faces -Enerou Soutees Setbaeks lleat Df House Carage Aecess.Ilater lteate? Not,th East FirepLaee South Hoodstoxe Iot Sq. Ptg. % of Lot Ccoerage # of StorLes Iotal Height Iopogrqhy LOT TWE _ Interior Comer Panlwnd.Le CUL-de-sac West -- Peea -- Building Volue & Permit This pertrat is granted on the erpress cond.ition tlnt the said-constntction stnll, in all respeets, conform to the 1rdinance edopted b:A the City of Springfield, ine?.udtng the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the ccnstracticn and. use of buildings, and may be suspend.ed or reuokeC at c-nA time upon oic-'Lation of anA prcoisions of said 0t:d'irnnees. TOTAL VALUE ITEM S.D.C. 1.5 x Building Petmit ?otal Charges State Sigred Receipt #: Date Pai.d: Check Fee: Plumbing Perrnit No pe"eon shall construct, instal'!., altez' or change dnA ned cr eristing plunbing or drainage systm in uhole or in pott, unless such person is the Legal possessor of a tsalid phlnber's License, escept ttnt a pelson nag do plurabing uork to prope"ty uhich is ormed, Leased or operated by the 6ppli- catt. NO.FEE CEARGE Sani Seuer Ei.ctures Resil.enti^a,L (1 bath) Plunbing Pernit Na,t/Eetend Circuits Setnlice State Iotal -- ENCROACHMENT .- ITSM NC.Frr ,t Mechqnicql Permit bltatst Hood llcodstoile PemLt Issuance Mectnnicel Permit Sec"r'Lty Deposit Storage Maintenance Pernit Cuzbcut Si.deualk Fenee 5. &o Electt ieal Ia.bel Mobile Home IotaL PLan Eroniner Date I HAW CAREEULLY EXAI4fNED tle eonrpleted application for pennit, and. da hereby cettify that aLL infonnation hereon is true and correet, aruC f furtker eertify that any ard. aLL aork perfomed slall be dote in accot'- dance urith the ordinances of the City of SpringfieLd, ard the Las of the State of Oregcn pertaining to the uork Cescribed herein' end tlat N0 OCCA' PANCY tiLL be nwde of an! structure uithout pemnission of the Building DL- uision. I further certify that only contracto?s and a'nplcyees uho are in eanpliance dith cRS 701.055 uiLL be used on this projeet s-s-88 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: *5,'o \ct Signed Date T?EM lletet, Electricql Permit Wez,e State Lau requires that the electrical uork be done by cn Eleefu*ieal Contractor,, the electrLcaL pontion of this penni-t sha.Ll not be oali.C until the LobeL lws been signed by the Electrical Contractor'. htrnaee BTll t S Vent Fo't ?otal Chntaes State Suvelnrae SPRINGFIELD @ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Planningr Department BOARD OF APPEATS }rcrIICE CF DrcISICT,T 1 885- 1 985 S prinqfield Centennial yeat DATE Augrust 2, 1985APPLICAM Larry l4yott ADDRESS 205 }ilorth 22nd Street cAsE I\l]. 85-9 \ZARANVG REqjEST fence ard setback 2 CITY RffiERm[CE 14.06 A. 1. Zoning Code At the Board of Appeals neetjlg held on July 11, 1985, Ttre Board of Appeals rendered the follcwing decision regarding the above referenced variance recluest: )oa(APPRC'VD DEN]ID FINDINC.S CF FACT: 1 TLre fence will not cause a p:b1ic safety hazard jn terms of traffic vision cleararce. Becar:se tLre fence is primarily visible frcm ccmnercia]Iy zoned propenby, it will not adversely irpact sr:n:or:ndlng residentj-aI uses. Ray !{a1ter, Ctrairnran Board of Appeals 225 North Sth Street o Sprinqrfield, Oreson97477 . 503/726-3705