HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1981-07-13c €6l\' - flr4 7-l ''#i,\LBLAEK INK KID CONST. 2 PER COI{PLETE THIS BLOCK.LEASE USE MEN AND PRINT. CE USE ON].Y Two Copies of Plot Plans Iuechanical Checklist IetumUinq Checklist Plan Check Info Sheet Cooies of Plans icatt+ TOI.J}ISHIP t7 03RANGE SECTION64.4.2 I I BLOCK 4- LOCATION ADDRESSa5t5 l./l 2Tq. . }oXcL. , O,.o-x liiitr "' (n PROPOSED UStr OF PROPERTY [J-n?sidential I Commercial Irndustrial f,euutic S VALUEa STORIES *t)l AIJ A.Pr oposed i s+,ing Ctbt*fELEAiioilE NUMBER SOSR#^o*r*ffi Ad oX fZttccro Or^dDIRECTIONS TO SITE APPLICATION FOR PERMIT, and do hcrcby ccrtif)' that a1l" informatiorr hcreon is true and corre?t arrd I furth in aqcordance with the ordinances of Lane County and the Laus of the State of Ore.r?t1 l,atLaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be nade of any structure without the pemission of the Buildillg Divisj.on' I further ccrtify full force and effect as requircd by ORS 701.055, that if exenpt the basis for exemption is not.rd who are in comsrliance with ORS 701.055 wiII be used on this project, I HAVE READ AND CllECruD THIS ffi,,u, 6-aa-61 SlGNATUREprint)DATENAME ( perforred shall be done I TIAVE CAREFULLY certify that any ad all with the Builder's Boardthat hereon only subcontraclors and I Contract or ! ag..t PLANNING ZONING:zon A6 ,,",,,34/ Anl'i, Partition - 6 Parcel rt,. FXIOZ, ,"., T'RIE Parcel # I ffrOOOpfrafU 3 rn f]-ood hazard area? fl ,o fl v.r, see attacr]ed sheet. Date: Date: Date:I nunal AppRESSTNG: Efsanlry{trlN: s. r. # 6/error < f 6-xa8l m tnstall.ation Record rssued? ! v"" ! N" !"lilimum setbacks ' CL, Conments r Installation Specifications: GRID COORDINATTj N , side E B. P. # GaIlon Tank LineaI Feet of Drainfield Maximun Depth of Trenches Comments: PLANS EXAMINATION: TyPe Comments : fN "'oun/)l- / Date: Use ftxe CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT Pixed Fee,/Floodplain Pee $ Subsurface Fees $ Building Fee S Sewer/Storm Drain/Water S Plumbing Fixtures $ Mechanical $ Plans Check I'ee $ State Surcharge $ TOTAL FEE $_,%%_ Check flcastr Description TOTAL VALUATION S PERMIT APPROVED BUILDING OFF GNEE (per ORs 456.805(I)) LANE COUNI'Y DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT / 125 EAST E C74-L94 SEE REVERSE A(o Unit Cost 6 q,tgFt. + sq FEES PAT By: DBY: n CnroP , G{b-BtDate: AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 9740L o-bcrue -,;il"*l L*- ; -Jl-{,,',',fl >))*,1^;)il,J,- 0 I ,^'*r7-19-E'/ fu a SETBACKS AND OTHER CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUS.I dE STRICTLY OBSERVED. VIOLATION CAN RESIJL, ^I.I REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT,CITATION UNDER PROVISIONS OF LANE COUNTY'S INFRACTION ORDINANCE, AND/OR OTHER REMEDIES ALLOWED BY LAI,I. WHEN READY FoR INSPECTI0N CALL 687-4065. A MINIMUM 0F AT LEAST 24 HoUR ADVANCE NoTICE FoR INSPECTI0N REQUEST MUST BEGIVEN. Have the following information ready:. permit number, job address, type of inspection, when it *ill be ready,your name and phone number, and any speciai direct.ions to site. BUILDING DIVISION: REQUIRED INSPECTIONS 1)F0UNDATION INSPECTION: To be made after trenqhes are excavated and forms erected and when alI materials for-the.fqundation@ioo.Whereconcretefromacentrai,liingpiint-ilo*o.iv-t"","a;t"ansit,ii;6;1-li.tou;,;a;.materials need not be on th+Job. 2) C0NCRETE SIAB !& UNDER-FL0OR INSPECTI0N: To be made after ail in-slab orcillary equipment items are in p1or floor sheathing instal'led, including the subfloor. 3) FB4MING & INSULATI0N INSPECTIoNS: To be made after the roof, a1l framing, fire blocking and bracing are in place and al1_pipes, fireplaces and chimneys and vents are complete and all rough electrica'l and plumbing are-approved. A11wall insulation and vapor bamier are in place. 4) UTtlI\NDIQR GYPSUM B0ARD INSPECTI0N: To be made after all tathi ng and gypsum board, interior and exterior, is in place nts and fasteners are taped and finished.or before gypsum board joi 5) FINAL INSPECTION To be made after the building is complete and before occupancy. APPROVAL REQUIRED. No work shall be done on any par"t of the bui)ding or structure beyond the point indicated in eachsuccessive inspection without first obtaining the approval of the building official. -Such approval shall be given onlyafter an inspection shall have been made of each successive step in the construction as inditited by each of ihe inspe-ctionsrequi red. NOTE: All building permits require inspections for the work authorized, such as but not limited to: A. BL0CK i'JALL: To be made after leinforcing is in p1ace, but before any grout is poured. This inspection isrequired for.each.bond beam pour. There wili be no approval until the-plumbing'and electrical inspectionshave been made and approved, B. [l00D ST0VE: To be made after completion of masonry (if applicable) and when installation is comolete. Installation shall be in accordance with an approved nationally recognized testrng agency and the manu-facturer's instal lation instructions. C. |40BILE HOME: An inspection is required after the mobile home is connected to.an approved sewer or septic system for: setback requirements, blocking, footing connection, tiedowns, skirting, and plumbing connecti ons. (l) Footings and piers to comply r^r'ith State foundation requirements for mobile homes or as recommended by the manufacturer.(?) Mobile home minimum finish floor elevation shall be certified when required by a floodplain management I etter.(3) l4obile home tiedowns, when required, and skirting shall be installed and ready for inspection within at least 30 days after occupancy. Tiedowns and skirting sha'll be installed per enclosure. D. SWIMMING P00L: Below grade when steel is in place and before concrete'is poured. Above grade when pool 'i s installed. APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING I^JORKING HOURS. THIS PERMIT t.lILL EXPIRE IF WORK DOES NOT BEGIN I,{ITHIN I8O DAYS, OR IF I^IORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR MORE THAN]8O DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION MAY OCCUR IF THIS PERMIT t.lAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATION. ANYoNE PRoCEEDING PAST THE P0INT 0F REQUIRED INSPECTIoNS TJILL D0 S0 AT HIS 0t'lN RISK SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEHAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS Permits sha'll be effective for one year from the date of issuance. Upon completing the construction for which a permit has been issued the permit holder sha11 notify the Department by submitting the installation record form. The Department shall inspect the construction to determine if it complies with the'rg1es contained in this division. If the construction does comply vlith such.rulesr'the:De'parttnent.shall.is3ue a certificatb of satisfactory,completion.to the permit holdei. If the construction does not conply with such rulesi the Department shall notifJ the permit holder and shal'l require satisfactory conpletion bdfore lssuing the certific6ls. :Fa:ilure to meet the requirements for satisfactory completjon withjn a reasonable time constitutes a violation of ORS 454.605 to 454.745 and this rule. Setbacks - Subsurface Sewage Disposal ' under-floor building service equipment, ace but before any concrete is poured (r ) (2) From: Septic Tank Drai nfi el d -T0T-Interior property lines Edge of road right-of-way Building foundationllells, other water sources 'I 0' 'I 0' 5', 50' l0' i0' I 00' ;IOID SLJP lone county APPLICATION # I -h/ LOCAT I ON U.\Drn I NAME ADDRESS C The your appl i cation County Building and Sanitation Division cannot proceed with processingbecause: e I a Inc efi ci @h-to ap Proposed number of bedro oms in dwellin g Approvabl e p'l of pl an (see+ttaetr+ne*t appl icati.on ( i tems .d tza,tlov' .loru Aa.til tss and/oP direction$l ,{i%y,rv"fa\!r,, sL/mo pbE- @ff."1) tr tr \ Datb. OFFICE HOURS If no response has been the application will be denied. Notification of date test holes will be ready. to qDD received in regards to this matter OV 73 2 3 verification of existing system required (see attachment). Two test.holes (2'x4'x5' deep) required for expansion or repairof existing sewage disposal system in the area of the propoied dra'i nf i el ds . Z Other:4 \ \ from I?S q9tlr BUILDING AND SANITAIIOil DIVISION / ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEI'ITNT DEPARTHENT COURTHOUSE.PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING / 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE / EUGENE' OREGON 9740I I I w[tIJ"n a,at)lil 7 1l PHONE to ) 687 - 406 v1^ ^ uttodttlhNrl S IGNATURE t )TRS, TL Job Locatloa (Addre Permlt f Perult Pernit ?0 X. loL' [o$siz<, i--)o,-1-x . 2ist. Str e r Permlt f Perrolt f-- Permlt d Ore on 97477 For Por For s6 ,sl' q5'- o' :; Plclt Plan For For, For Subdivision Lot ie i,,,hP_* lTol-Kl Block Scala, /''= Zo / 5EPrrC \l I I 'F- - I 7P.^/K t I "l\ l.iw) (]q a =\U aet tJ.o a( ktF\tt{J (J 63v'rO o,, .U ..o \o$ I I Ix I Ixr{lQIri \; * I Ix I L--J I I to,u-o I i I i 1 I 60!o" (ci a{ 5a Nqx!,/ N'Yr CtrO ,$F \(_ l. l o . i C7lr-150 Vlclnlty l,tap .; ) ) \D\i i -I \ ,L_Jc:!IrR.oF 2/ sr: ,TTREET ',/. , r-l \\I I 5L/ Eo ZsgT luD 7/sf 7oc lg,'t*/O, str(r /A aa,'t-I O 51)?* 7b - s 7 une 15, 1gB1 Variance Appl i ca-t'ion No. ( Appt j cant ) (Address ) (Map & Tax Lot) The above referenced appf ication to existing residence at a distance of zv BI-144 Dean Dial 2585 N. 21sr,SpfId, OR 97477 17 -03-24-42 / 50L construct an addition to the south side of an 34 tt. from the centerline of Rhododendran St lane ccur^;ty in an AGT zone which requires a 45 ft. setback has been XX approved with the stipulations and conditions stated below denied. The dec'isjon uras based on the fincl.ingswith the provisions of Lane Code 15.9 of this office (copy enclosed) in accordance 2 6l2slBL llea r ngs unless appealed to the appel0fficial ) on or bbfore that 00 The deci s'ion w'il I become f inal on 1 ate body ( Beard-ef-Gaunty-Gemmissieners) date. An appeal may be filed by you, your d or affected person in accordance with the* The appeal is to be fjled wjth this office representative, or any other jntereste provi s'ions of l-ane Code 15 . 900 (8) and must state how the decision js in error. If an appeal is fj1ed, you and the adjacent property owners will be advjsed of the date, time and place of the hearing before the appellate body. IF THIS APPLICATION HAS BEEN APPR0VED a notjce js being sent to adjacent oroperty owners to adv'i se them of the'i r appeal ri ghts . For any quest'ions on th'is matter piease contact thjs office. Pete Watson, Planner * )'0ur appeal nust be accompan'ied by a$140.00 fi'ling fee CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL None LA.NECOUI,IIYPTANI.JIN(iOIVISION i COUtIIItOUSt PUBI.ICSET]VICIBUILDING / l25E.BTHAVENUE / EUGENE,OR974O] / (503) 6B/4IB(J 5 ,ilotD SLIP 6l!''- lane county APPLICATION # LOCAT I ON NAME l<+ ADDRESS E The Lane County Building and Sanitation D'ivision cannot proceed with processing your appf ication because: I ncomp 1 ete 'r;n**cat{ph sile a,aol Adrd're .appl ication ( itemE /eficiep t("0ild\4 dAAa- dnilltcau, ol- ss and/0il directiond to applt t 'l 2 tr tr Proposed number of bedrooms in dwe 'l1ing. Approvable plot plan (see *atttchment). Notjfication of date test ho1es will be ready. Verification of existing system required (see attachment). Two test.holes (2'x4'x5' deep) required for expansion or repairof existing sewage disposa'l system in the area of the propoied dra i nfi el ds . 3 )4 Other: ,0dfl ln4 from toEHRPHONE Jf no.response has been received in regards to this matter bythe application will be denied c0uRTHousE-puBLrc sERvrcE'Jl?li?rft' tr*"iJJoi'03+'Ji,iolr(rilvrR,NMENTALGiiil'5f[iJr'iifll,rnr, PHoNE (503)687-406 $,L L I Po; .4 I nnta 4l a (t'.1 () ,t f (ya , {r(/ ) ll I il/ 7- d3,a 3 / / z/s-o / ii tv t' couNTY TNSPECTTou REconoLANE Ol^lNTR'S NAMt PHONE N UMB RE E PHONE NUMBER K L RONT INTERIOR REAR l^lORK AUTHO RIZED BY PERMITr\t't DIRECTIONS TO SITE 6z6: SITE ADDRESS PERMIT NUMBER TI N INS E TI N App Correcti on Di sa pp roved Date 8^ 1x *F(InsPectorroved CONCRETE SL / UNDER-FLO IN PECT I OApproved Correction_ Disapproved Date Inspector_ UNDER SLAB / PLUMBING GROUNDWORK INSPECTIONApproved Correct j on Di sapproved__Date I nspector ROUGH PLUMBING INSPECTIONApproved Correcti on Di sapproved_Date I nsp ector Approved Correction_Disapproved Dur"8=13_-BI_Inspector fruffim Approved_Correc ti on--D'i s approved Da te I ns pec tor LATH / GYPSUM BOARD INSPECTION Date Ins p ector FINAL PLUMBING INSPECTION Approved___-Correct'ion__Disapproved- Date I nspector FINAL WASTE DISPOSAL SYSTE M INSPECTI 0 N ApprovedCorrect.ionDisapprovedDateInspector FI AL INS ON BUI DIN B Approved Correction s a pproved Date E I nspe ctor Q.ke7 mTImOr occuPnmcv Aooroved Correcti on D TEMPORARY CERTI FICATE OF OCCUPANCY d Date--_-I nspector-- Form C74-197 r sapprove \t F s DE :/\ktY4 HIc