HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1989-08-09Job location: Aeceeaors llap I ?c,.r lot il Subdiviaion: Amer: Phone:Addreas: LL Deacribe h'ork Date of Applica n Net t a) Value Addition RenoCeL .. RESIDFNTIAL..," APPLICAT-.-,/PERMIT 225 North ith Street Sprtngfield, Oregon 97477 Buildtng Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPHINGFIELD Rcceipt ll AA Date: re General -:\ I Plurnbing tlechanical Elec E r lan1.S1 Elec E r Su 0R !.:owD Sani'-ary seuer capped at propert'1i Line Septic totk pt"odped atd filled vi.th gra:sel Final - hhen abcoe itens are eanpleted and uhen datolitiort ie catplete on strue' ture noueC and pretrisee cleaneC up. Hcnea Blocking od Set-uP Plunbing connectione '- aater and oater Electrical Connecti,on - Blockittg, set-up and. olwbinq canneetiona nust be appnot;ed befire requZ ettng el eclrical inspec ! iott Acceesorg Building Pinal - After pcrches, ekirting, decks, etc. ote conpleted. Iout Ci.ty Deoigr,ated Job Nunber Ia After installati.on ia p"o?et tine, that each ailrees is readabie ' nw:ben, iob aCtfueea, type of incpeclior ntmbct. Request* receited befcre 7:00 ct It ia the reeponaibility of the permit tplder to aee tlnt aLL inapec-tions ate nade at the fron the etreet, and tlat the penrtt catd ie Locatad at -th-e frcnt of the--pt2pentA.lauilding Nuision appror;ed plbn,alnll renain on the Buildinlt SiLe at aLL times. PROCgpUptg !O!? INSPEIION R1QUEST;CALL 726-3769 (recordet,) state your City Cesigmtted iob eadyforinepection,contracto"sot.0umersncneandphone uiil be nnde the edne dcy, "equelts nade aftet ?:00 anttLL be nnde the nett wrking day. SITE INSPECTION: ?o be rnde after a;aoGio", b;t priot' to aet up of forne. IJNDERSLAB PLUMBINC, BLECTRICAL & utCilnfier,: To be nade before anyGF li-iZrered. POOTING 8 FOUNDATICN: ?o be nade ;FA trencGa ane ercattated and forma ate etected, but Prior to WUP'tr1g ccncrete. UNDSRGROUND PLUMBTNG? SEttPR, w.4r!:!i. DRAINAGE: To be nPde PrLor to ILL- TIQ-tre-nchee. UNnERFLOOR PLUI.\BTNC 4 MEC\ryNIC,AL: ^7e S6 nnde pnior to inetaLlatlon oI floot' ineulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be nnd.e PrLor to ffiTGiGi'of ftoor tneulation on deckiry. R)U1H PLUtBIItc. E4EC-IRI?AL E MECH= ANICAL: No uork i8 to be coe"ered' .ffifTth.ae inspections haue been nade ard approoed.. FIPEPLACE: Prlot fP Pldcirq facingffit;G and before frodng i.napec- tion. FRA\|ING: l,tust be nequeated aften fif6o-al of rough plwrbing, .electri-dL 8 meclwnical. ALL noofitrg braeing A chinmeya, etc. nuet be ; coilpleted. l:lo r,tork ie to be con- .ceCled unttl thio insPection lae 'been nnde and approoed- INSUL^TION/VAPOR BARRIER I!!EEE,!!P!: To be rrude aften aLL inaulcticn etd rcquired oapor ban'iera a?e in PTce bui be|ore oty lath, gypeutn b-oarC or tnLL couering ie applied, and befot'e ory inaulation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPECAION: Tc be made "fi6-atT@lTte in ptnce, but prior to cnV ta?tng. IIASINRI: Steel location, bond iiffiigooutitq or Derticals in aecondotce tttth U,B.c. Section CURB & APPRCACH AP!?ON: ate eteckdT;t'p-rTot' After fonneto pouring cotErete. SIDWALK 8 DRIWWAI: Eot aLL con-.r*effi-frtifr etneet right- of-rxy-, to be nade after aLL eaca- oati.ng canplete E fotn wrk & sub- base naterial in PLaee. FIIIAL PLUMBINC FIIIAL MECIIANIC^L FINAL ELECIRICAL IENCE: Vhen conPlete -- ProuiCe @ or nottable eectiona thtough P.U.E. -.---ALL proiebt conditions, such ae ttrc i.nstallation of street tle-e-1, conPletion.of the nequined Landsccpilg,-Lt..'-i"ibe eatisfiidLofolre-tte B7ILDING FI1AL can be requested FrNAL BUTLDTNG: r,he Final Buitding rnapection mtat be requeated after the Final Plunbittg E1L:;;;.;;;L",''liinirur7,oilli"p""t-;'"o'tnuobeennadeatdapprooed' IAT,L MANIICT.ES AND CLEANOUTS NUST BE ACCESSIBLE, AD'IUSTIIENI ?O BE I'L4DE AT NO COST TO CIIY Page 1 of 2 0 l tr tr tr JOB NO. Lot So. Fto. I of Lot Cooenaga_ il of Storiee Total Height TopograPhY SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- Gr, TOT TYPE _ Interiot Corner Panhandle - ,rl-dn-oo" L-CO G+ Bedroons: [nt Faces - ReeeiPt il: PLan Eratntner uaYe r HAW CAREFULLY EXA\4INED tle conpleted application fo-r permit, and do l.i:nOi iirtify that aLL infortmtion hereoi^ ia true attd cornect, ani f funth"er cent-iiy that any ard aLL unrk penfor.ned alull be doae in accor-'a""ie-vttt th'e-1rdinancLa of the City of 'Springfield, atd th-e tcse of tha state of \regon pertaining to the wrk ceecribed herein, and, tlldt N0 occu- pANCy ttitl b"e ,mie of any" etructure Dithout permisaion of the Building N- uiaion. I further c-ertii.g that onty cont"ac'tora ar.d enplcyees uho are in conpliance iitt ons 701.-oss uiLL be ueed on thie proiect a-l-) Aceese.P. L. Iteat Itouae t xSQ. FTCTTEM tbin Gcrdae TOTAL VALUE Date Paid s.D,c, 1.5 x Building Volue & Permit This petmit ie gronteion the erprees cottd.iLion Llut the said'consttucLion shall, in atl reepects,"';.7,i2;i;"^lnn-b,*at-i"ce adopted btv Lhe citv of springfieLd, inc\uding the Zoning crdi'nnc-eliLi"i";t"g Lhb ccn'sttttcti'cn ' and uae of buildLng.s,.;;^;'\;:": e-i-$n"d'ed or rbuokeC at c'iv b'-mo upon otc- lati.on of any prcuisione of said 2rdirunces' Building Permtt Total Chargea State Signed: FEE Plumbing Permit N2 person "tu!!,?.1:"-tT""i;"ii"1,lli."L:,"i,';;y*,xr2i!.K""n"inx"zi^'1in ,n" orl?"1'Y."2i,ff7':72 i!"i;i" pi:,^b;;''z lt".L,,"-'n, et:"pt ttut .a pe:'son na's do plunbing uork to rrrr;:"i;"':ni;;"r'";;;;:.'lnosnd' o'r operated bv Lhe appli- eant. Fi.&tLreg Resilential (1 bath) Sani Seuer Ptunbing Pernit State * lTEM Electricql Permit h|herestateLanfequi?esthattheelectri.caluorkbedonebg-anElectlical contractor, the atec*72"i';;';;;"-9f thia -pe-rmit atnll rat be 'taliC until 7h;';-bb;1 -ha" been aigned ay tne ElecLrical Conttactor'Nan/E tend Circuits Sert;ice State Total NC.FSE CIIARGE Mechqnicol Permit , khanet Hood Vent Fot tlcodsto{e PermLt leauance lleclunicet Peririt I -. ENCROACHMENT -- Sectritu Dewsit Storage lhintenance Pertnit Curbcut sida,talk ?ence Etectrical label Mobi.le llane ,IOTA(, AIIOUNT DUE: I I5'IS taL Date v Garaae Nortlt ttEns f IISouth I