HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1992-11-23I 6 L7/ Lz/gZ, 09: J0 AE03 726 1689 Fax; 2"8343etr 225 I'IFTII $TtUtIiT STRINGFIELD, oltr:Col{ I ON REQUTIST; 77.6-3759 t Ut 1. LOCATTON OII LEGAL DESCTUPTIONl-l o\ZLL1 f, os,L{no JOII DESCRITTION ', /0 (tr * *ueaw+li*tEt -z+tx* ;Pcrmits are non-transferable and explre,lf work is not started vlthln 180 tlaysof Issuance or 1t vork Is suspended }or 180 days, 2. CONIT,A(f,OR INSTALLATION ONLY SPFD DEY lil"IIN'JFIGLIJ PENHTT APTLIGATION Number FEB SCIIEDULE BgtOU -?\A.Nev HuIt tial-Single orRes Ly per dvelling unlt. Items Cost Sun @ ooz 7 477 726*3769 r000 Each sg ad ft. or lessitlonal S00 or Portion 5 $ 85.00 $ rs.oo sq. ft thereo Each ModuIa Servi B. Servi Ins t Reloca 200 201 401 601 0ver 200 201 0ver Over 6 f'd Ilome or -DueLling or Feeder or Feeders tlon, Alteratlons or on: $ 4o.oo $ 50,00 $ 60.oo $100.00 $130,00 $300.00 $ 40.00 Electrical Contractor A^lb Add ress ci Supervisor Lice Expiration DaCe Phone /:{fr-28{-751/ / er 374o g o-/-J rrdn or legs fo rruu amps -to 600 amos to 1000 amos I amps/voltsOnly * n t Constr Contr. Number C. Tempo Services or Feeders Ins t tlon, ALteratlon or &elocatlon lExpiratl on Date /J Signature of Supervising BLectrician Ouners Narn Arld ress Ci ty I'lrone oirs: Brarrch Nev, rl1 ratlon or Extenslon per panel One C It Eaclr Ad I t lonal | $ 3s.oo ESF Ci rcui or vith gervicerpermit q- $ z,ao lE* (Service/feeder nor included)tlon -:es or Less to !00 amps -to 600 arps -amps or 1000GiIs rcul tsD E 5 $ 6I $ $ 40 55 BO 00 00 00 Bilil affiE-ee OVNF.R INSIALL/\TION 'The lnstallation ls belng made onpropeEty I ovn which is not intendedfor sale, Iease or rent Orrncrs Slgrtaturc: or Pe l'li seel -Each Pqrrnp o s talla r i rriga tion I Slgn/0u lne LlghtiLimi ted Energy/Res Limi ted Energy/Comm 5f Sta OF ABOIIE Surcharge $ 40,oo $ 40.00 s. ?0.00 $ 36.00 : t,@t.Z- RI|CHIVIiD llY;pB,_ __,, NDU-12-199E Eg:25 583 7t6 3EB9 TOT ng+- P.aa7 -i) ,fO