HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1994-07-27RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION lnspections: 726-3769 Office: 726-3759 LOCATION OF PROPOSED WORK:tba4 * ltp2tr,.n ST JOB NUMBER 225 Fifth Street Spri ngf ield, Oregon 97477 TAX LOT: SUBDIVISION: a ASSESSORS MAP:- ltl,D3&st3 LOT:4 BLOCK: PHONE STATE:C*. ICITY: ADDRESS: OWNER: NEW >/ BEMODEL ADDITION DEMOLISH OTHER DESCRIBE WORK: ADDBESS s 7 I €L -t z6<bL t r?,* CONTRACTOR'S NAME GENEFIAL: PLUMBING MECHANICAL: ELECTRICAL: EXPIRES PHONE CONST. CONTRACTOR # \ L * OF BDFIMS: - OFFICE USE - CONSTR. TYPE: WATER HEATER: ZONING CODE: FLOOD PLAIN: HEAT SOURCE: RANGE: * OF UNITS: LAND USE; OCCY GROUP: * OF STOFIIES: QUAD AREA: * OF BLDGS: To request an inspectlon, you must call 726-3769. Thls ls a24hour recording. All inspections requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspectlons requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. REOUIRED !NSPECTIONS [ {l remOorary Eleclric--r-ffi tr w F Site lnspection - To be made after excavation, but prior to settlng forms. Underslab Plumbing/ Electrical / Mechanical - Prior to cover. Footing - After trenches are excavated. Masonry - Steel location, bond beams, grouting. Foundation - After forms are erected but prior to concrete placement. Underf loor Plumbing/ Mechanlcal - Prlor to insulation or decking. Post and Beam - Prior to floor insulation or decking. Floor tnsulation - Prior to decki ng. Sanitary Sewer - Prior to filling trench. Storm Sewer - Prior to filling trench. Water Line - Prior to filling trench. Rough Plumbing - prior to cover. Rough Mechanical - Prior to cover. Rough Electrlcal - Prlor to cover. Eleclrical Service - Must be approved to obtaln permanent electrical power. Flreplace - Prior to faclng materlals and framlng lnsp. Framlng - Prlor to cover. Wall/Ceiling lnsulation - Prior to cover. Drywall - Prior to taping Wood Stove - After installation lnsert - After fireplace approval and installation of unit. Curbcut & Approach - After forms are erected but prior to placement of concretb. Sidewalk & Driveway - After excavation is complete, forms and sub-base material in place. Final Plumbing - When all plumbing work is complete. Final Electrical - When alt electrical work is complete. Final Mechanical - When all mechanical work is complete. F F rytr F ry ry lt'] UnO"rground Plumbing - Priorur to filling trench. r ffi ry F Final Building - When all required inspections have been approved and building is completed. Olher MOBILE HOME INSPECTIONS Plumbing Connections - When home has been connected to water€nd sewer. a Electrical Connection - When blocking, set-up, and plumbing inspections have been approved and the home is connected to the service panel. I-l Fence - When compteted. [Yl Street Trees - When ail required-l+' trees are planted. I Sf -'.? €,'"/),ztp, 97q?{ ABnnJ SECONDARY HEAI_ SQUARE'OO'OO''ffi E E tl E il [--l Blocking and Set.Up - When atl.J blocking is complete. [-l Final - After alt required - inspections are approved andporches, skirting, decks, andventing have been installed. Lot faces Lot sq. ftg. Lot coverage Topography Total height Lot Type X tnturio' - Corner - Panhandle - Cul-de-sac Setbacks PL.HSE GAR ACC N S E w ro THE PROPOSED WORK lN THE ISTORICAL DISTRICT, OR ON THE HISTORICAL FIEGISTER? - lf yes, this application must be signed and approved by the Historlcal Coordinator prior to permit issuance. APPFIOVED: BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT This permit is granted on the express condition that the said construction shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Development Code, regulating the construction and use of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at any time upon violation of any provisions of said ordinances' Plans z/#ftBy .4^/-"{Date Paid Receipt Number: Received By: Plan Check Fee:@,- BUILDING PERMIT.' (A) E \oR s/so. FT. 5o Zn FT. X (rszr,)ro ITEM Main Garage Carport Total Value Building Permit Fee State Surcharge Total Fee Systems Development Charge is due on all undeveloped properties within the City limits which are being improved. SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT C (B) HARGE (SD fzt?2 c)_ 6d IONAL CO MENADD ITEM Fixtures Residential Bath(s) Sanitary Sewer Water Storm Sewer Mobile Home FEE I8A3D (c) FT, FT. N0 FT. Gs.drW PLUMBING PERMIT Plumbing Permit State Surcharge Total Charge Wood Stove/ lnsert/ Fireplace Unit Dryer Vent 6 uE)i. os q@* CDb (D) N0 19.(t)' D. Vent Fan Mechanical Permit lssuance State Surcharge Total Permit MECHANICAL PERMIT Furnace Exhaust Hood By signature, I state and agree, that I have caref ully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I f urther certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springf ield, and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Building Safety Division. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. I f urther agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the street, that the permit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain /,nn^ru L 7y'Date ,Z s/- on the site at I times during construction MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Mobile Home State lssuance State Surcharge Sidewalk - ft Curbcut 3Q t, Demolition State Surcharge Total Miscellaneous Permits (E) /s,@ DATE PAID AMOUNT BECEIVED RECEIVED BY VALIDATION: RECEIPT NUMBER TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (excluding electrical) (A, B, C, Q and E Combined) 35/13 PdB ar (' ', , 727 ,i 7 7a do/ . Ft. CITY OF : .{INGFIELD SYSTEMS DEVELOPI',=f{T CIIARGE I-IORKSH EET' (C0HHERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL) NAI'IE 0R C0l,lPAlrlY: LOCAT IOI'I:2G DEVELOPI.IENT TYPE: BUILDING SIZE: I. STORH DRAINAGE IMPERVIoUS SQ. FT. ?. SANITARY SEI{ER-CITY NO. OF PFU'S (See Reverse) 3 A2- x _ x s424.31 x - x s424.31 oT siz 72 x so.2o3 PER SQ. FT. X 542.08 PER PFU x s424.31 2r TRANSPORTAT ION NO OF UI{ITS X TRIP RATE X COST PER TRIP Z x /,o 4 Use PFU Total From Item 2 Above) Hlllr'rc CREDIT IF AppLTCABLE (SEE REVERSE) S $15.125 PER PFU + S10 l{hrMc ADH FEE o TOTAL-MhIHC SDC SUBToTAL (ADD ITEMS 1,2,3 & 4)szG TAL AB0VE) X .0s -/o - 7* TOTAL SDC 2 s s ?/1 - 5. ADMINISTRATIVE FEES SAN I TARY S EL'IR -I.lI{I'lC NO. OF PFU'S ZZ BASE Y 7f, 7< ( ( o?72- SDC Coordinator ' 7?a 03{ rs7! #. / -ts -7r' [-lx l uHtr ul\l l .vA1 r-\/v IJ1 . r\-./tr r ^'rr-Jl_(-. 1!(rr])11(rl Qt {\clv t t\r(rrv5 n L'il,r L\(vrr.,.!r.r For rcmodels. c:rlcutjrlc only tlrc l![:I atJ.Ji:ii'rrr;rl lirirrrt':.) FIXTUNE N'PE Ball'r1ub....... Drinking Fourrl.rirl...... p1o96 erain. ..........:... . .. lnterceplors For Grea sc/O il/Solidsi Elc.. ".... I nl erceplors For Sand/Aul o Vr'a shrzEtc......... 2- t-a undry Tub/Clot h e srvas l'r e r Beceplor For B ef rigeral orlffat e r Sta t ion/Et c....... Fleceptor For Crcmmerclal S ink/Dishrva sh er/El c. Shorvei Single'Sta11......... Sink, Bar. Commercial ' Urinal. Stallf\'a11.... Wash Basin fL:Yelory, Single \l'ater Closet, Public lnsiallation. V/ater Closet, Prh,ate........ l,{iscellaneous t,tLr,.ls[,t L-)l: Lt;{lI' rlxlunE t..,8\i',t:1.\lul'iES l:oLliVi.LE,JT UlJltS ---T- A A TOTi.L FIXTUNE Ui{ITS z r /He,d I 3 6, 6Oothesvaqher - 3 Or l'4ore................... lJobile Hdme Park Trap (l Per Traiter)6 1 J, I 2 2 1 6 CREDIT CALCUUTION TABLE: Eased on assesseC vatue. lf improvements occurred afier annexation date in table. cajculate creiiis rates- Credit for Parcd or krd Only lf Applicable lmprovement (rf after annexation date) 9.2 xs (Rate X Assessed Value)x s- (Rate X Assessed Value) CREDIT TOTAL 2/.75O 0ft: b?r3=$ Year Annexed Fate per 51,m0 AssesseJ Value Year Annexed Rate per 51,OO0 Assessed Value 1,o79 or before 199C 1931 1 932 1993 1934 '1985 s3.21 \r.rJ 3.08 2.*5 2.92 2.69 2.51 1935 1 937 19e3 1999 ,rG1'l 1931 1&, s 2.24 1.93 1.57 1.18 0.79 o.44 0.28 RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS FOR STOBM DRAINAGE .? 2 Z2- CITY OF ONEGO'U 0D/I IH,l?:gino#f',?ffi,?S*#t'ff 225 FIrTB STRBBT aPProval. SPRINGFIBID, oRBGON 97477 ,--,- rNspEcrroN REoudi;' iib-vor0nlns lnftrr'J-' OPFICE: 726-3759 aae-}*)'\ SPRI'{GFIELO u8e ELBCTRICAL PERHIT APPLICATION City Job Number 3. COHPI.,ETE FEB SCEBDTILB BBLOV A. Nev Residential-Single or MuIti-Family per dvelling unit. Service Included:Items Cost 1.S# JOB Permi ts are non-transferable and expire if vork is not started vithin 180 days of lssuance or if vork is suspended for 180 days. 2. COIiITRACTOR INSTALI,ATION ONLY Electrical Con tractor v (rc7ZtC 2.-C- Address 5,/4" Ct ty -\t71r:: c44'D Phone J Supe rvisor License Number /f71 S 1000 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof Each Manuf'd Home or Hodular Dvelling Servlce or Feeder Services or Feeders Installation, Alterations or Relocation: STIBTOTAL OP ABOVB 5Z State Surcharge TOTAL d- Sum 110 so V -?$ 8s.00 $ 1s.00 $ 40.00 $ s0.00 s 60.00 $100.00 s130.00 $300.00 $ 40.00 B 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amps -401 amps to 600 amps 601 amps to 1000 amps- 0ver 1000 amps/volts Reconnect 0nIy -Each installation Pump or irrigation Slgn/0utIine Light ing] Limited Energy/Res -Limited Energy/Comm Expiration Date 'd .-J5 Constr Contr. Number ?"t7* Expiratlon Date ,/ol- >'5 of lsing Blectrician Owners Address Ci ty Phone OgNER ON The installation is beihg made on property I ovn vhlch ls not intended for sale, lease or rent. Omers Slgnature: DATE: C. Temporary Services or Feeders Installation, Alteration or Relocation 200 amps or Iess $ 40.00 over 401 to 600 amps - $ 80.00 Over 600 amps or 1000 voT[s see rrBx am- D. Branch Circuits Nev, Alteration or Extension Per Panel '0ne Circuit S 35.00 Each Additional Circuit or vith Service or Feeder Permi t $ 2.00 B. Miscellaneous (Servlce/feeder not included) s 40.00 $ 40.00 s 20.00 $ 36.00 RBCEIVED '-2 q f- 5 laP.cD Willamalane Park & Recreation District fob No. SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE WORKSHEET ADDRESS: LOCATION OF FROPOSED BUI NCS Street Address if Known: 1 Community Services City of Springfield srArE:$Lr,r 9!W tt PHONE: \Platt Name: DEVELOPMENT TYPE (Check appropriate dwelling(s). SDC Calculations and dwellingtype definitions are on the back-) A. Single Family - Detached Single FamilY home Manufactured home not in a Park NO OF UNITS B. Single Family - Attached NO OF UNITS C. Multi-Familv Apartment NO OF UNITS D. Manufuctured Home Park NO OF UNITS X $400 PER UNIT =$ X $370 PER UNIT = X $277 PER UNIT = X $280 PER UNIT = ax Lot Number: 00$ $ $ @ WPRD SDC $ 2. SDC CREDIT (lf applicable) SDC-payer must furnish proof of WPRD Credit ;tp;"*I s o iot'ii"ait worksh&r" $ 3. TOTAT WPRD NET SDC ASSESSED (lf SDC reduced for Credi0 $ Date d