HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-06-02fitr - Qcr(sll!o- for, $a oln Lane Corn*y Authori za,ttot:- FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Applica Permit * lrwo coe s of Plans Three Copies of Plot Plans Mech/Plumbing Checklis t Legal fnterest Document PIan Check Info Sheet '(x3 :\lwlisHIP t'( BANGE@ SECT /)<J OUT OFTAX LOT,/PARCEL-o BLOCKb ZTP [l n,ruri. "38 7-5 ON PROPOSED6.USE OF PROPERTY idential fndustrial Commercial 6n 'tf, f,iscRu>TroN\oE pnoposd(l{d rfinm I S.C DECI,ARXD S VALUE O:INERr S OF Y ed2 AND OSRNAME TELEPHONE NUMBER Existing {lo-;3z that aI l inf omation ri{^utnori""d agenrf:rther TIAVE CAREFULLY EXAMI THENED COMPLETED APPLI PORCATION I?PERM rtice he reon true andfy corre ct thaCandthehavefolJ-owing reinte t theINIe gal oownerproperty record actcontrnn purchas WI eviderh once authori ttachedaItycertithat.al1and workfyany shalf omed beper lndone w]accordance th the nancesOrdi Laneof andCouty Lawsthe theof Sta te of OregontotheworkheredescribedInandNOthatOCCUPANCYbei11ofmades tructure wfany thout the onpem of Buithe Div1d-in ls 10nq r fur-the ce thartify re9 tration rh the Bui de r Board fnas fu1 force asfe required 701oRs 055 tthaby t bathexempt for rii-exempdhereonandnotethatonlyildubcontractorswhornrh701oRs0551employeesusedthontsbeectHAVEIRNADprolANDCHECKEDAPPI,ICATIONTHIS I ffir,oooer,aru, 7/7-7 >-',"fu= O1 Date: uate : No QL //a 6 COM}IENTS: El'ryllq.EXAMI NATION: Site rn flood hazard areaa[-l ,"!r.=, SEE ATTACHED SHEET SANITATION: S r. fl B. P. # 4t/-t CO}L\IENTS: BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: Installation Record Iss Parcel #f] plaxrlrnc/zoNrNG: AUTHORIZATION Parcel Si-ze rear COM.!ENTS: Date: Date: callon Tank Lineal Feet of Drainfield Installation Specifications:Maxinum Depth of Trenches 'ror READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. Y Partition # - tL, =ld. llinirnun Setbacks, CL, frort TOTAL I/ALUATION $ Description CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED BY TH rS PERMIT Sq. Ft Fixed Fee/Unit Cost oosFloodplain Fee Subsurface Fees Building Eee l.1echlPImbg Fee Pr ans Check pee State Surcharge DEQ Surcharge TOTAL FEE S G s ) $ s $ $ $ 14PERMIT APPROVED BY BUILDING OT'F ORS 56.80s DATE r"ANE couNTY DEPART!4ENT oF PLANNTNG & coMMuNrry DEVEI0nMENT / 125 EAsr ETGHTH AVENUE, EUGENE, SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INFORMATION 4 9740L .qt W* \( WWZIt 574rt R.IJI,,EPHONE NUMBER I I IS I I D T Pr.3 use S area 5N 4T'rcwd- SETBACKS AND OTHER CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED. VIOLATION CAN RESULT IN REVO- CATION OP THIS PERMIT, CITATION UNDER PROVIS]ONS OF LANE COUNTY'S INFRACTION ORDINANCE, AND,/OR OTHER REMEDIES ALLOWED BY LAW. WHEN READY FOR INSPECTION, CALL 687-4065. A MINIMUM OF AT LEAST 24 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE POR INSPEC- @eul-rtav6--EEe_Eo11owinginformationready:permitnumber,jobaddress,typeof inspection, when it wiII be ready, your name and phone number, and any special directions to site. BUILDING DIVISION: REQUIRED INSPECTIONS: 1. Foundation lnspection: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms erected and when all mE$EiETE-fd-t[E--foundation are delivered on the job. Where concrete from a central mixing plant (commonly termed t'transit mixed") is to be used, materials need not be on the job. construc tion does comPIY with such Drainfield 2. Concrete serv place bu SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE"SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS: I. Permits. shall be effective for one vear from the date of issuance' the permit holder shalI 2. Upon comPleting the construction for which a perml t has been issued, notify the Lane County DePar t$ent of Planning and coNnunitY DeveloPmen tby submitting the installation re cord form. The De partment sha}l insPect the in this division. If the construction to determine if it If the construction does not comPlY with such rules,the Department shall notify the rmi tpe aiI SIab or Under-Floor Inspection: To be made after all in-slab or under-f1oor buililing "q"-+*""t-""4"It, pIpIiry accessories, and other ancillary equipment items are in t-betore any concretlr ls foured or floor sheathing ins.talled, including the subfloor. 3. Framing & fnsulation rnspections: To be made after the roof, aI1 framing, fire blocking, and iJi.ffi;'.i"-ffi.s,fireplaces,chimneys,andventSarecompIeteandaIIrough electrical and'plumbing are appiovea. AI1 waII insulation and vapor barrier are in p)-ace' 4. Lath and,/or cypsum Bgalq Inspectionr To be made after aII lathing and gypsum board, interior il.a.":...ra.ifr","-ffi.ffi""lp:."'t.ringi-sapp1iedandbeforegypsumboardjoints and fasteners are taped and finished. 5. Final Inspection: To be made after the building is complete and before occupancy' AppRovAL REQUIRED. No work shall be done on any part of the building or structure beyond the point indicated in each successive inspection without first obtaining the approval of the building official such approval shall be given only. after an .inspection shall have been made of each successive step i' tfr"'tonstruction as indicated-by each of the inspections required' NoTE: AII building permits raquire inspections for the work authorized, such as but not limited to: A. Brock waLr: To be made after reinf,orcing is in prace, bY!-before any grout is poured' This Iis-pecETon is required for each bond beam pour. -There wirr be no appro'"al until the prumbing and electrical irispections have been made and approved' B. wood stove: To be made after completion of masonry (if appricabte) and when instarration is comprete. rnstallation sharr be in accordance riLir "" appio.red, nationalry recognized testing aga.r"y and the manufacturerts instaLlation instructions' c. Mobile Home: An inspection is required.after.the mobile home is connected to an approved sewer or septic system for setbaci requir-ements, blocking, footing connection' tj-edowns' skirting, and plumbing connections' 1. Footings and piers to comply with state foundation requirements for mobile homes or as recommended bY the manufacturer ' 2- Mobite home minimum finish froor elevation sharr be certified when required by a flood- Plain management letter 3. Mobire home tiedowns, when required, and skirting shari be-instarled and ready for inspec- tion within at least 30 days after o""rrp"rr.y.--ri"ao*tt and skirting shaII be installed per enclosure- D.SwimmingPool:BelowgradewhensteelisinplaceandbeforeConcreteispoured.Abovegrade when PooI rs rnstarreq' APPROVEDPLANSMUSTBEoNTHEJoBSITEATALLTIMESDURINGWoRKINGHoURs.THISPERMITWILLEXPIRE rF WORK D.ES NOT BEGrN wrrHrN r80 D;ys, oR rF woRK rs;,'PENDED OR ABANDONED POR MORE THAN 180 DAYS' SUSPENSIoN oR REVoCATIoN MAY oCCUR IF iHIS PERMIT WAS iSSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATION. ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POINT OT REQUIRED INSPECTIONS WILL DO SO AT THEIR OWN RISK' complies with the rules contained rules, the DePartmen t shall issue a certific ate of satisfactory comp letion to the Permi ti holder. holder and shall re quire satisfactorY comple tion befor e issuing the certificate. F ure to meet the requiremen is for satisfactorY completi on withi n a reasonable time constitutes a vio- Iation of oRS 454.5 05 to 454.745 ahd thi s rule. Setbacks - S"l:":lg9g Sewage DisPosaI Septic Tank From:Interior ProPertY lines Edge of road right-of-waY Building foundation WeIIs, other water sources C 14-25 10t r0 r 5t 50r r0! 10r 100 | LA,!!T COUNI Y I NSPFCT toil- RICOBD DA]-E I SSUEI) 0t^,N N PIRMI T ENE REQU I S P EN FRONT SIDEL I NTER I OR S,REAR I J"l$rn r) SI D S TION /t4 Approved Ol/- Date fu"_pl -&#--mr I NSPECT I ON Da teorrecn Insp ector Pffi.ilIitrEROUNDilORT - I-NSPI.CTiON Approved-Date_ -_ --_---_l'orrection-----Date--_-- -Inspector- UNDERSLAB PLBG. N /UTDE-riiu-R-pftr I NSPECTi ON App ro ved__Da te cti on_Da te---..*-_ -l nsPec tor i. fl ;,orre SLAB INSPECTION Approved__Date --r,orrecti on Da te Insp ector Roucl{ PIUMBTNG (ToP Approved- _ Date 0-uT)-t-nSF-EeT ION Correctj on Date I nspe ctor FRAMING INSPECTION Approved ,a,rz o aLe-Lt ]i-:AA/correction-Da te I nspe ctor NTUm-ilEEHTN'TEATApproved Date Correcti on__l Date Ins pe ctor ]XSUIATTO-iI- T IAFOI-BARR I E R I NS PE CT I ON Ap p r o v ed lQylD a te _ {, - Z1l -8 X _ / {-" o mec t i o n.-*--Da te IETH-7-GYp-sllfB0An0 r nStrr cTI 0N App r o v e d _g!2 _D a t e * - (r::2/rS $ - t,: or re c t i o n----*- D a t e rw/n00-o-sf0vrrl-'--- Approved ____Date. --_ _ __-/(.orrecI _Inspector tion.__- -_.Date--.-- Inspe ctor I nspe ctor .orrec ti on Da te --.I ns pe ctor r r-L-E-H-0'l'tE E-7At- flthtE[|rnT il - ,o tion Date I Approved-.-_ . - Date nS)).Approved. - __ -."_.0ate 7- L/- 83 I Ok-/4{u pector Ins p. W* rRS# \q -b3 - ,}u -q, d.,'t O I r-iMt.-Pl TXBIXG-TIISPE cTITi'{ Aoprovec! -- _.Dat d Da te t 'D.pu"t,ent or Environmentar [::33:h:llr!?l^E5li'lrn Ave., Eusene, ,reson 687 -4357 Date -5 -/(^-8s By To: ffnermlt Processing E Ptanning I nuut ic tlorks Permit No. 7 //- Partition No. Subdivision No. App I icant Name . I r> rqZ Z zl il.rl,u Address of site z SFD AG M. H.COMM. Approximate flood hazard study area, extra precautions may be appropriate to assure that the building site will be reasonably safe from flooding. Detail flood hazard study area. Data Source NAAP * 7? Mobile home tie downs required. Substantjal improvement. Site in regulatory floodway channel, buiiding prohibited unless it is demonstrated that the cumulative effect of proposed development wilI not increase the base flood at any point. Contact Floodplain Management for rnore information. @ Nn u u w n BASE FLOOD ELEV this elevation ATION + I' = uired as ec ' (l{SL). Certification at or above ow. OTHER E CERTIFICATION OF ELEVATION I. ,aRegisteredProfessional in the State of 0regon, do hereby certify to Lane County, that the following elevation represents a survey made by me or under my supervision. The foundation elevation (including basernent slab) = ' (MSL). =o,E N tli\n tr Enn The ground elevation that structure will be placed on = The first floor elevation = ' (MSL). The elevation of the top of floodproofing = 0ther Reference Bench Mark No. Locati on , (t'tSL ) . ' (MSL). t'l irSi gnature Date 0rigina'l to be certified and returned to Lane County Floodplain Management I st copy wi th appl i cati on/i nspect'ion 2nd copy to applicant 3rd copy to FloodPlain Management SEAL LitN[. i:{]t.,HTY }EFT El'lV l'lGT' RECE:IF'r {: '7118}3 DATE 05{SS- Al:.Pl.-:tilANT HHF'l-lrtrFl't [tl-l]!;:if", .JFrfiH ,tnl]E;:l?4] l-lAFtVti,l'f l.N", ,SFFIi., 0EEGilN TL{, 1?03:144:104800 S:LJIIDIV ?Nn p'DD 'fil FHYLLIS frARK L-,lT ? tlLH 3 i.-l l:'l-l lf I YiM:-- t4 Lr l.-. l/ i:iLli.!l:::H ililiit:l ^' {]41'U : f\fiF .ttrnll : O I Ati H:il frY IAt) L;T l.{Ht. AF'F. yFI L,,SH t{ BDRF'iS 4 LJN]:TS r}fii ,lT$ft1:F-S I '*BL.DG"T '}i}1 FH0NL" ?46 44??- t-Ai{sFtH, J0l-li.l AI}I}F: tt!?s l'{u. :10 1'l{, st}F D " ilRE:i;iltl 1... Nfi f.1{:11':till.,l }[::;iUH:tFT]:lil',1 SQ FT' Ui,lIl' f,{li;T VFrl..t.,t'tl'l:nN FEH IiAYS IJf-' ADIi IrAHIl...YrtilLll"1 { ?U 4'7.'i0 il45t0 I.i l;' Bl:I T' F' B[] t [rP' t-l: ?11f]3 RAS 84?0 Ft-. NLI" F:tX'l'LJr{Hit: i.|fi,, uui'Jt'lr.i.ll'{llts: Is.i}s llAill{ ::: t'lHfii-l i'tE.UFldrF.lI f,Al- F tiE: SLIfi ii]'f,t'l'H',liljFit.lHfri;:i,i::. {it F[:K i]l..Ai{ f,HHCI'; f[:[:: dls]{ FF' '74.50 3tc}. r*J 1 l.r t.tt.t rrr 1 [] (,'1' su,!: :r r cfi Hr.'1..ln'r ]: ilil DAl'E: IJrJ ? 1't]'l'Al- l-'Elitt"x N l'r- Ft il1'H t lane county D' ANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACTIV TTY INFORMATION SHEET @ COMPLETE THIS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS WILL BE REJE I E R / Lo,r**8* _11/" a4< I DDRE MAILING ADDRESS I n q6 -44:a dt BUSINESS TELEPHONE # h1J^ -4a7f, MM_TTIEPFONEI BUSINESS TELEPHONE #m 2 PROPERTY ADDRESS ( IF DIFFERENT F I I R S 3 rvlae el PAFIeEL NIJMBEFI (from tax maps in Department of Assessment and Taxation ( REQU I RED I NFO RI,IAIION .Jn\ or from tax statement) t1 vJ4 MNGE SET-fIbN 2 8oo 14 e TMN-SFTF'ZON ING T0II-NSFIF EANCE SEETMN M ZON I NG MfrNSHTP MNGE SEETION TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP: TArT0-W ZON I NG ACRES 4 ,rrrUr-ON (if appl icable)7-B LOCK 5 REQUEST (state exact'ly what you plan to do) 6 DIRECTIONS TO SITE:/l/urH a.(r4 n/t -IlCeb----Lo I ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY ** ZONE/LAND USE NUMBER DATE -{v aJ', -l BY : _ DATE :_ TIME I N:_ OUT :_ I lane countyTIOtID SLIP APPLICATION # LOCAT I ON NAME ADDRESS & .t//^,t '4( , C"J The above applicatjon is ing held for the following reasons: ,/, d^t plztCcc -b-h2 fl*,{ rL a/eut + CpPJl L^? J t-or -a.4t S/*F llt Z. Su/-r;/ ol/,' //JrJf:hA*<qes *)27-a-Jr tua-t-( ar/1& c-e't* U //{buJ '/LO)Lt'L U;h--r Cl.o'rl C ,b L \l/ -) AVAILABLE BY APPOINTME T ONL Y (NO WALK-INS) TE 687-406 r ()PHONE HOURS f the information required ation will be cancelled. ATURE This application wjll be held until above has not been furnished by te your app c RETURN THIS SLIP t^lI'iH THE ABOVE REQUESTED INFORMATION. BUILDING & SANiTAI'ION / PLANNiNG & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 125 East Bth Avenue / Public Service Build'ing / Eugene, 0regon 97401 / (5C3)687-4061 ?8^9/h'zt 7lp C0ur li c /r \ I $j 7 I E- FLOODPLAIN I{ANAGEMENT Department of Environmental Managementll25 East 8th Ave., Eugene, Oregon687-4357 *e)_)Date -T - Zl -B3 By CdLIC To: fi,rermrt Processing f] Ptannins I Publ ic Works Permit No. -11\-fj-,b Partition No. Subdivision No. App'licant Name Sonxl LANIIRE: Address of site ZA% }-.[ . ZOV ??H?. 1-l4T-7 }..IOT E.n E} u SFD AG M.H ADD COMM t--l Approximate flood hazard study area, extra precautions may be appropriate to assure that the building site will be reasonab'ly safe from flooding. Detail flood hazard study area. Mobile home tie downs required. Substantial improvement. Data Source IAAP rl1q BASE FL00D ELEVATI0N + l' =' (MSL).Cert ification at or above this elevation requ ired as cFecked below. Site in regulatory floodway channel, building prohibited unless it is dernonstrated that the cumulative effect of proposed development will not'increase the base flood at any point. Contact Floodplain Management for more information. NA' N CERTIFICATION OF ELEVATION I,, a Registered Professional in the State of Oregon, do hereby certify to Lane County, that the following elevation represents a survey made by me or under my supervision. The foundation elevation (including basement slab) =n n n tr tr ' (HSL). ' (HSL!.The ground elevation that structure will be placed on = The first floor elevat'ion = ' (MSL). The elevation of the top of floodproofing = 0ther Reference Bench Mark No. Locati on '(MSL). Si gnature Date Original to be certified and returned to Lane County F'l oodpl ai n Management lst copy with application/inspection 2nd copy to applicant 3rd copy to FloodPlain Management SEAL 7 I o dl I N N I+I N -tr + B