HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-05-02,-- Job Locati.cn: Aesessore MaP # ..RESIDE TIAL.. " APPLICATIAY/PERMIT 225 North |th Street SprLngfield, )regon 97477 Building Diui,sion 7 26-37 53 # SPrt'I\fGFIELI> \)a b /kilrtl'r* I f-+,fn Date D Tas Lot # &tbdioision n 4t{i*fi Oumer:4r fi Address:*Phone Ifrdtnt ?ta,i,t s {6vl's;d* Descrlbe h'ot'k: rl/ValueDate of APP Lieation b *Lnt ,eaa tod ou Addition RenoCeL n fi; oaonrac tors General Plurnbing I,Iechanical ec tricaE c ].anElec tt:Supe t ho&er to see that aLL inspections ate nade at the pto?er tine, that each cddrees is reaCabieresponaibi atreet, and penrit Lan sht:L , Cesigrnted iob ncme and plonePR11EDURE FoR INSPI!!!lpIt-!!!!!p!:C A @eieady Requestg Lity of tle permiIt ie the catd ia Located at the ftont of thethat thefran the -prgpertAL XLmeS.L remain on the Building Site at aL*guildi;Lg Ntticiot aPprou-ed P ob aCdtess, tyPe of insPecticnLL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City nmber, i receited befcre 7:00 anConttaetot's or' o,mersfor inspection, an ttLL be made the nart aorking daYncde aftet, 7:00liLL be made the sane dcy, "equests Iour City Desigr.ated Job Nutnbet' Is: !.towDDEMOLTTIO!'1 Sanitary serset capped at propet'ty Lire Septic tank pwnped and fi.Lled uith gra;sel Einal - lfiten abotte i,tens ote ccmpleted and uhen dernolition is complete or strac- tut,e moued and pt'emises cleaneC up. HcmeB Blocking ad Set-uP Plunbing connections '- leL)e? ord uater Electrical Connection' Bloekitrg' eet-up and plunbing connections mtst.be apprcued before requesting eleclrLeal inspectiot Acceaso'::i Buildirq Pinal - After pcrches' skirt'Lng, decks, etc. are cornpleted. Pegte 1 of 2 SIIE INSPEC?I1N: ?o be nnde after eicaortion, bit pt"ior tc se! uP of forns. INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER IIISIECTION.: ?o b. ^adeAfte" aLL insulaticn and required oapor ban'ie?s @e in Place bui be|ore any Lath, gApswn boarC ot' tnLL cooering is applied, and before any insulation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPECIION: ?c be made ;fret,Afr draudlfis in pL.ace' but prior to any taPing. I,IASONRY: Steel Location, bond 6idi]grouti,ng or uerticals in accordotce uith U,B.C, Section 2415. WOODST1VE: After installation is arnpleted. CURB & APPRCACH A?30N: After fonns e,e "recte{il[ p;lot" to pouning eoncrete. SIDEI,\ALK & DRIVEHAY: For aLL con- cre tenaufr-;ltfr; s treet night- of-tfrg, to be made after aLL etca- oating complete & for-n wrk & sub' base raterLal in Place. UNDERSLAB PLI.,IMBINC, ELECTRICAL & UtCULlttCl,t: To be nade before any GiE-i.i-irsered. ?OOTIN? & FOUNDATICN: To be rnaCe ;F; tva;aAs are eccaoated and forms a.r,e et'ected, but Priot' to pouritrg ccncreta. UNDSRGROUI,]D PLUMBING, SEWER. W,4TER' :!mfiinct: ro ,e ,pCe pt'ior bo fil- T@-irerch.s. un?ERFLooR PLU\ETNG 4 ME:!!-4NIC;AL: ^To be nade Prior bo instaLLatlon oI floor insulation or decking. P0ST AND B\AM: To be nade Pnior to ffiiiTTillffof fLoor insulati.on oz' decking. ROUCH PLU!(Br\]C. ELECTRTqAL & MECH; ANICAL: No uot'k is to be couet'ed. .GTil-these iwpections lwue been made and. approued.. FLP.EPLq\IL: Priot to placirq facing,rat;nfu and befor:e franing inspec- tion. FRA],'!ING: ltust be requested after approual of rough pltrnbing, electri- cil & nectwnical, ALL t'oofing bracing & chimeys, etc. rmtst be ; eornpleted, tto uork is to be cqn- . eecled until this inspectton lws 'been made anC appt'otsed. FIIIAL PLUMBING FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL PENCE: h4ten conPLete " ProuiCejilZi or motsable sectians thnough P. U.E. ALL project conditions, such as the i.nstallation of street tree_s'- conpletion-of the *nqri:|nld. Landsecping, Ztc., ,ntst be satisfied befot,e the BUTLDTN? FINAL can be tequested' FINAL BUTLDING: The Einal Build.ing rnspection rmtet be requested aftet' the Final Plunbing Ele'ctrical-,- atd Uechanical Inspections hqtse been made artd approtsed' *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLDANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIEIIT TO BE LIADE /1.T NO COST TO CI?Y tr T D rl E tl L-co d SOLAR AC SS REQ.-JOB NO ?otaL Lot Faces - Bedrooms: I HAW CAREFULLy EXAUINED the conpleted application fot pertnit, and do hereby certify t?nt aLL info?matibn hereoi is true and coruect, cnd I furtkLr certi"fy that any ard aLL aark pe?for-lned llnll be done i.n aceor- 'dnnce z,rith thZ" OrdinaneZs of the City of Springfield, and th,e Laas of the * state of Zr,egcn pertaining to the wot'k cescribed henein, cnd tlnt N0 )ccu- pANCy uitl bZ oa1e of any structure uithout pewni.ssi-on of the Building N- uision. I further certiiy that o:tly cont?acto?s and 3nployees dho are in canpliance uith 1RS ?01.055 uiLL be used on thie proiect -r-;) - This permit, is granted on the es?x'ess condition that the sciid construction stnll, in alL *espects,- ooifor^io the 1rdinance adopted by the City o.f ipil"gfint a, inctldtng' the 2oning Cvdinanc-e, regulating the ccnstt'ucticn ir.d u"u"n of -buildings, and may be suspended ot, reuokeC at cny time upon oic- ta.tion of any prcoisione of aaid Ordirnnces. HouseP. L. TOTAL VALUE S. D, C. ,00 Accesa VaxFTC Fee Building Volue & Permit Lot Sq. Ftg rTEM I'bin L.5 o ?otal Clwrges Duilding PernrLt State Receipt #: Date Paid: PLan LOT TWE _ fntet'ior Corner Panhanl.Le CuL-de-sac % cf Lct Caterage # of Stor"Les Total Height lopogrrPhY Plumbing Permit No person shall construct, instal!, alter or change -any nelJ)-ct' extsting ptti^tlng or drainage systen in ahole or,_ in patt, unless such pe?son is the iegal p"osses"oo o7"o r'-olid pl*rbnr's Lic-ens-b, e*cept that a pe?son nay lo ptuoaihg uork to prope,ty ihich is outned, Leased o, ope,ated by the appli- cant. Plunbing Penrit FEE CHARCENO * Fistut,es Scni Seuer Resilential (1 bath) Electricol Permit llhene state Lau nequires tho.t the electtical uotk be done by_an Electrical cont?actor,, the electricaL portion of this permit slnll not be oalic until the Label has been signed by the Electt'ical contracto?. Iotal Neu/Ectend Citcuits Seruice NC FEE CIIARCE Mecharnicql Permit [,lcodstoxe Vent Fot Eshanet Hood ts Perwit rssuqnce Meehanicel Pet'mit -- ENCROACTIMENT -- Seatritu Deposit Sto?age Maintenance Permit Curbcltt Sideualk lence Electtical Label Mobile Home TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: *151{ Date State Bulldlng Plannlng ll-210.2 lintergency egress ()l)enings: livery sleeping r(r()nr shall have nl leirsl orre opcrable rvintlow or exteri()r d(xrr a;rgrroverl lirr elnergeltcy cgrcss ()r rescue. 'l'he unils lrrust be operatrle frolrr llre irrsirle lo a lirll clenr open- irrg withotrt tlre use of separate tools. Where wirrrlows arc glovitlcrl as a nlcarrs of egress or rescue they shall have a sill lreiglrt ol'lrul Inore tlrarr 44 inchcs above the florlr. All egress or rescue windows froln sleepilrg r(xxrs tuttsl lrtve n rrritri- lnunl net clear opening of -5.7 square feet. 'l he nrilrinlunl nel clear opclrirrg heiglrt tlirnerrsion shall be 24 inches. "l'he tninilnunr net clear operrirrg rvirlllt tlinrcnsion shall be 20 inches. Iixception: Grarle floor window nlay have a nlininlurn ncl clear rlpcrt- irrg of 5 square [eet. SECNON R.2I1 _ DOORS AND HALLWAYS 'l he rer;rrirerl exit tloor shall be a sirle-hirrgetl door antl rrot less thart -J I'ect in witlth and 6 fcet 8 incltes in heiglrt. 'l'he ntininrum width of a hallway or exit access shall be ttot lcss lhatt -J lect. SECTION R.212 _ LANDINGS A rrrinirrrrrrn 3-lbot by 3-foot landirrg shall be rcquircd on cach sitlc ol' arr egress door. l)xception: At the top of arr interior lliglrt of slairs, pruvidcd tltc tkxrr cloes not swing over the stairs. 'l he l'loor or landing shall not be rnorc than I t/z iltches lower llurrr tlre top of the tlrreshold. Iixception: T'he landing at the exterior of alr exleri()r rloorway shlll not be nrore than 8t/2 inches below tlre top o[ the tlrreslrold. SECT]ON R.2I3 - STAIRWAYS R-213. I (ieneral: All treads slrall have a rrosirrg or ellcctive projecliorr of approxintalely I inclr wlren risers are closetl. 'I he greatest riser height within any flight of stairs shall rrot excecd lhc srrrallest hy rnore than 3/B inch. (SI7llR TQ*DS ALso ApPLi. Stairways slrall not be less lhalr 3 feet in clear witlth. alrtl lhe heatlroorrr. rise and run shall corrlonn t<l Figure No. R-2 l3.l.llarrtllails rrray proiet:l li.orrr each sitle of a stairway a distanceof 3tlz inches itrto llre required rvirhh. R-213.2 lYirrders: Wirrtlers are pennitterl, providetl the rvirltlr o[ the trcntl al a Jroint not rrrore than l2 inches frorrr lhe sitle rvltere llre lrcnrls are lrIrr- rower is ltot less than 9 inches, tlre nrinirnurn witlth o[arry lrentl is nol less tltalt 6 inches, and the average width of any trea(l is rrot less llrnn 9 irrclres. If -213.1 Spiral stairs: Spiral stairways are perrniltetl, provirlerl the rrrirri- ttttrnt wicltlr shall be 26 inches with each tread having a 7tlz-ilrch nrininrunr tread width at l2 inches from the narow edge. All treads shall be iderrtical, one atrtl lwo Fanrlly Dwelllng Code lrrrl llre rise slrlll ltt' ttrt tllttle lhan 9l12 inches. A minilnum headrootrt of 6 lcet 6 irrclres slrrrll hc provided. Flgurc No. R-213.1 STAIRWAYS NorE: OFEH lllSEfi3 OPIIOIIAL '-o" mrt{. - --1 lta r^r. t .a mt{.j''j. at,. UAX ,l I U SFCIION R.2II - HANDRAITS AND GUANDRAILS It-2l,l.l lllrrrrlt:rils: I lllulrnils lraving lltittitnutrt antl trtnxitltttln heiglrts ol' .l(l ilrclres rrrrtl .l'l ittt ltt's, resPeclively, tneasttretl verlically liorn lhe rlosittg ol llre lrertrls. slrrrll lx' l'rovitictl ,,,t ni l"att otle sitle ttfl stairways o[ tltree or nrorc risels rrrrrl slr;rll l}C cottlitttt<ttts the firll lerrgth of lhe-staim atttl shall e x- i,i,,,t f, i,,,.t,"* lrc'otrrl llre toJr atld h()tloln risers. Ettds slrall be retulned or slrirll lcrrttirtrtte iir lrcrvt'l ln)sls or sal'ety lenlrinals' i;l;.;, sitlcs.l sririrs u,itlr a t.tal rise of more tha.30 inches above tlre lloor or gtittle lx'lorv:rlrnll ltnve gtrardrails' ..,"' lt'1,.. lin,rlglig,,.rti.lr.f the liar*lrails shall he n.t rr*rre t5arr 25lt iltcltes irr t.ross-sccli0rr:rl rlirrrt'rrsion, or tlle shape shall provirle an equivalellt glip- 1,i,,1 .,,,1'u, .. 'l lrc lrrrrrlgri, p.rtion of hi,drails shall have a snrooth surlac'r rvillt tr. sltitt P t'ttt ttt't s'- "it,,,,,1,,,it. ,r.lr.r.tirrg lr.rr a wall shall ltave a space of not less thatl I l/2 irrclrcs hclrvcetl tltt: rvitll ntld the handrail' tt-21,1.2 (irrnrrll trils: llrrt:lles. hltlcolries or raised floor sttrfaces localetl rrr0re lllrrr lo irrt.lrt.s irlrove llre lloor or grade below shall have guardrails nol lcss 111;111 .1(t itrllrt's itt heigltt. l{crlrrircrl grrrrrrlurils,,,,,,lr"n sitles o[.stairways, raisert tU]il:1t:L::.1:l- f ,f t onics irrrrl lxrtt ltcs slr:rll llnve inlerrttetliate rails or onlalllelllal clostlres tB which will tiot allrtrv pilssage of an object 6 inches or more in diameter' sEcI|OH R'2t5 - SI'IOKE DEIECIOBS R.2l5.lSnttrketlt,lt,cttlrsreqllired:Slntrkedetectorsshallbeinstallerl outsitle o[ each sc])ilrrlle sleeiing area in the irnmediate vicinity of the 20i9 " 1tt/z tll\ubP.44, ll iil;r .iile-r of,{*{t,,tPr 2 XLI OUl 'ei,,*.tt 1d,/r)0 b t, v-' + tAl,)/l ^ (/\a \9\ .lt/ ' .o 0IL. Tolu 0[' ,ftr {*/nr, \ 5 0(0 ilu( 5,'l o3 t h? I / a f ( fr J I 1/ fl 1/'6ve '. L )'4 lt I V ttql,[, , .1,/ lt" ,tlr .,' ),1" n r;FrJ l .i 'lt\'I a *! ,c{R ilu,. ' . +.{ u \'^{? - i,r i' 4.' .,i qrc= f,t 't Y len/ Frorn A ;su'n t qyq ,"1 it, 1bI ),lnl .tra,:, r1l' i- .) !iil (-\i J :i 1,1,i\ ,) d,/. /a7n.g" ?e- /. &7)v,,r.nlo*Jv 5?fLt,' oA l, \\ rA I fi 4i t' v I i .l .t'i j tl tu14 x'/ RarV/'e'u/' o'f l*ter strfi q d t,, -{Y* ... Sigr 1v ----a ?}.L L.- 7I l0 .1 I f,U i e,\ \ { U \ R. frs t^\) \ lt ,'t "db ,{r.rU: e Ott,',, # u I fr t lA l-..r ( 6:? h', :, ;t' a u t'.s.-': ,-'-l* t{ ,)a 5"F 8:;<,J1i r---Y A \{'\.1 r{ {'r,'ur. -, L.; i' t, " LXIL I Eorfam ,Sre{toy',ri.lv*{' ,$ x t\r \ J tcqtt > q s. x.q a ,{i'i t 6"n t fTnrKS Po.rfs i Yxt oofdoat< woal ftl0inrgb *r) CeVt €rv"7{D /tfuc/fa/L BflAca{,ry I / 4-ee4, lL a-z,z{to o Ii);,i .ZX izl tltt C4{ &X 43.- -' ':\" i I I 7 ( OA?t OccurexcvOeoup CIccUIAilcYL.oAD Tlrpl coxgr L EGAL DErcitp.noil 4tr.-:iEss Cr|l '-r.:i -oNTENTS HIRE OF !.{AVE IEEN iE1[EWED. Wm{ .IETi,".TIONE INDICATED tN COLCTREO 'INCIL CHANoE' ALTEETNON' rlAD! AFrER DATE TE.G'W '}IAII !3'P.,RcvEO aY t1t3 ButLDtNo OrTlcr^L CITY OT SPRINGFIELD, OREGON AF iot:olY DAil