HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1979-11-05uc$(:n) ',i,).-d ADDRESS: TRS, TL:# Ir? POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE CONSTRUCTION PE RlVl lT +r Subdivision: This permit for the relerenced property is hereby Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions ot Lane County's lnfraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. Applicant/Address: Owner/Address: Contractor/Address: Contractor's OS + Violation can "'rtln, 2756 Tertk f0tb fiFfd, &rtfim Telephone: Telephone: Telephone: lfl Total Construction Value Construction approved by this permit: ij ( Fam rrl Structu or tdd& ;tfiS BS, .r, f f.,lwr, sTpie rlor o*)11{6 "@J,trf"\Water Su plv PLANNING DIVISION + Bedrooms +i Plumbin F ixtu res Parcel + centerline of road, front: Parcel Size: ; centerline of road, +Em loyees Zoning: lVlinimum requ ired structu Partitioning + ral setbacks, from side exterior: Special lnstructions: For information call 687-4394, ; interior property lines: ;rear property line: WATEB POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION site lnspection # lineal feet of drai . lnsta llation specif ications: ield required; max. depth of trenches: Special lnstructions: gal. min. septic tank capacity; nf ng oa &i Setbacks fitEiofproperty lines 'dge of road right-of-way .,uilding foundation Wells, other water sources Septic Tank Drainf ield nh f,ron rddf.ttsa cerctrucfisr ld{t{Sry qd gpol p"i.*comea a.rt!.O v 10' 10' 5', 50' -T0- 10' 10' 1 00'For information call between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m., CONSTRUCTION PERMITS/INSPECTION DIVISION Type of Construction lnstructions: Group: Fire Zone:Use Classification: For plans information cal I of this between B:00 a.m. and g:00 a.m.,!7SFor i ons (see back permi t) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 m lane countyDirections to Site Date lssued: c55-1 3 BT 11-o5-I9r By:6l!' - DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE / PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 ,: S I TE INSPECTION APpRovED ReuaRx s Drre FOUNDATION I NSPECTION APPRovED Rrulnxs DrsappRove o f-7 Dart !(2 llov 6c( t*specron qil ,-E FRAMING INSPECTION AppRovro Ifr Drsrppnoveo Reuanx s oart l(a- rhu f4 I xsprcron qAJ u-t LATH OR SHEETROCK INSPECTION D t sappnovEo oart lQ ,tOo V I Nseecton qil,i+Ap pnov r o RruaRx s F I llAL I NSPECT l0N APPRovEo m DtsappnovEo Reuaax s telou Fq q^, ADnrrI Nsprcron CTRTIFICATI OF OCCUPANCY Rraov ro lssuE Reuanx s Nor Rraov ro lssur Drre I xsprcron d Drsappnove o /-/--=-9,*rrr*o^r$"8-- l t1 'l -t il <r :. 11 -.1{ i I I I I I I t ir I I f. 'l D2/rr-J frt:-L2 7D 3€ fclo c4iEP B f CLs< A c€ 7o o LS Pl/{?'J i *r; -tt/vlit->l .J I\.I I i ,, a'' on{ -t I i 0 .l Iv tt Iq' i i I q \- g -.t. ,l *'i'io39# ki:;?o* F,"'.{rf.WiI( A )i\ r !ll I CI tp rJ tri te-* c\ t I..:;l*-5-l./* l/O., /* A (! I -i*' i\ *-*.' i,- \\. ./ I i I ti I ! I I I t: I i FOST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE JOB {pDRESS: 2756 ltrorth 20th, Spfd, oregon CONSTRUCTTON pERMtT * Lc-3Lg2_7g Ths, TLr L7-o3-24.4.2 14.3N srMiri.im Thit psrmit for the ref€renc€d propertv is horeby ePProved. setbacks and other conditionr of approval must be strictly observd. violation canr6ult in rovocation of thi. p*mit, citation undei provisions of Lane cor"tv'. i"r."ti"" ordinance, and/or oth€r remediG allowed by law, Applicant/Address: Owner/Address: Contractor/Address Contractor's OS +r Construction approved b y this permit Lemuel C. Martin, 2156 North 20th Spfd, Oregonself self / 97477 Telephone: 494-IL6Ll746-3610**** Telephone: Telephone:TotalConstruction Value: $20,k;,r/1/ -(+{oom add/panrry G 100 sq ft;Structures norr on property: resi 656.00 'h";J*, and frrn r6on dence @ 486 sq fr Water Su pl na PLANNING DIVISION + Bedrooms + Plumbing Fixtures +r Employees 80 x l-50Zoning: AGT (RA) Partitioning + na parcel +* na parcel Size:Minimum required structural setbacks, irom: centerline of road, front: 50r ;centerline of road,side exterior: na ; interior property rines: 5r ;rear property rine: 5'Special lnstructions: Pool_ to be lnstalled permll . DrainfleLd to be rel_ocated. For information call 687-4394 Helen El-liott WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Site lnspection + na lnstallation specif ications: nana lineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches: na gal. min. septic tank capacity; Special lnstructions Protect septtc taok from addition constructton. rf damagedt be applled for, Addltion and pool placement will nake 1tlacement area. 4- ee,rn^i* fr o.ko nq++rr.iqJ, .l+ ft^ a=+qw poEed. R6, I ca\^5{=t{.*s,na, Setbacks nter ror property lines 1e of road right-of-way - -rlding foundation Septic Tank Drainfield a per"mit to repair urusdifficult to find rep \Qloce*e-:x4r*e,.^ '10' 10' 5', 50' ---T0-- 10' 10' 1 00'Wel other water sources CONSTRUCTION PERMITS/INSPECTION DIVISION Type of Construction: 5-N lnstructions: For information call 687-3953 between 8:00 - g:00 a.m Ruth ant Group: R-3 Fire Zone: 3 Use Classification: ADD/SFD For plans information call 687- For inspections (see back of this 3767 between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 permit) call 687-4065 between B:00 a.m., Jim Lamb a.m. and 5:00 p.m Directions to Site Date lssued: c5$13 na hne county L1-0s-79 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE / PUBLIC SERVIoE gu|I-oIl,IG _ 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 BY: Kara Adams/ttcy ,0 ll- 6l!'-r- r 1- 1 4 5 .-- 6 1I t0 't2 t4'v l6 :; t I el :Ird: t-fiNl:. f,f-]UN'fY $Ef'l' [:.l,iV HIT ItH:l]E:Il-'l' * 31!]I'?? DA'IE:! A|:'F'LrcrrrHT t.itril;:TIhi, t-.Hi'{uHt.. &r,}F.: :l?:i* N ?i..}Ti-t ;!r,fi:tNi;F'IHLD -. r!.-ti 1 '703144?043S0 :;LttrX,I iJ IiHyLL i -c rlf\tts I ;j1' ADri l:'i'l ilil t_ill'rl NHtl [rl-t]l;'IY!:'E LISH fr Hfi ti$Fil,ls 0':l l.{fi UN.i'Ii:r {ir1,i Ni-i ST'r_ifiIHS NLtf,UiiH Frl;:'i': rrLi r:\llI;Lli'.| $[Si;h:iFil']:r,liq ".:.i;..i i.iir-Li'{::Lri{T'Vftl._UA]'It}iql8--*,- i::;...,.....', ;.........;., i:ri;rit{ 4ti* };L":15 iT1:5iri' i:]'ql.iTl-iY 1 0,;, :i5 ":I? .i:ii540 81.' '*i{ F BF' 11 --rF t-r:: 31 L];'i? i"il::l.,];: ]:iil*:,$FL.. t{'1, F l}lTi_t[:i:i] : N[]. rlili,{ili:f,Tr"'}its' : :i " uii lirrruti := 46 H[i]H i,t!::ilFtAN I C&i_ f:f:f*-ii.lft S1'':1'Ii: ,luti[HA!;:i;i:r 4:i4r l-'i:K Fl.iii.i L:Fli:.Li!( f:'i::[. Ii(:]ljt Sf S irii:i.I i.t.i;i'i rJf: *iiHti.-iAr: i 50 i 01I'7? Y /rt f f 1 4 trL-li 2 fILUIIJ UU 1r'[L: I]AYS {,;,s, $0 5 * I HLEV AT}DF: I.'t} fi$i-ltlLETrr.' sY HNVH I'UTAL F FE r+* lr ta r.t i't lI t.t t.! l.t 1 S'?, ii4 il{ Ir -- r0 ll U i.l l.t t., I2{,'F r: J. l"llr J8 60 Ij 54 Lt!]rl F i_AN I 6 5 4 3 DEPARTIIENT OF ENVIRONI4ENTAL I'IANAGEMENT PSB, I25 EAST BTH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 9740I u/KA /b/o Job Address 1 L 2Aru l5r :i$if .trii: -s #(/AKF/ {LrDZ AO ii$*ti. l1 ,fit'Fsiki Z /-/ iitl$tl*ititflfilXi r i-$tlF.x:' , hereby certify that this information is true and accurate. Appi ication for Structures now on the property Pas, otaJ iiHffifiuu.irU*U;iii;d#ii$il6fsl?ffi:i:: X i*s.**d#fi$$#ilii /_-/ i0ffif'#$t.nii Affi dav i I,LE1Vuru C, K|AfrlN If this appl ication is f, :t,FilislEsSi:iiPliIrnS:llor an agricultural building it will be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code Lane Countv CrX owirer duly , S i gnature/Address Te1 ephone ttSrt-lt6 When oermit is readv notifv: owner S€Liz -(&s€c Appl i cant /_/ }wner Con trac tor ode Chapter 10 (zoning) and for no other purpose. I have the following 1ega1 interest in the pro of record;con trac t pu rcha se r ; 'I essee;holder of an exclusive option to au thor i to act r the owner,'ls knowl-edgeable o f t6Is appi ication. 5Pfr,1 Date lO-t'1q perty purch f?&D z1 7rl and ase; or'7'lL-3L' I & 17 Contractor !y: z1 z1 7 mail fi pnone Phone Phone Contractor's 0SR#Plumbing by IJIA If Commercial Residential:,,,.#,i$f .,.,lefii+ti" - ,.:f :,:::Of : :::bdt Yi6{ffi !. # of employees #:r;#fiil{ttj}:tsjii:i i.$$Siit. /fp Existins, BP # 17 Proposed, SI # 3* Val uati on Fee SI test holes ready iftneii $s&-t&$itfiI:iifi$sirii: ,1]::::::,:::'::::::::::::'::::::::::::|:i:|::l::,:.:.:.:i,,'',.. ,ffiii.iiiiE:t:ril:,ii(i'tt: Uiit:i #,r,iiif,i:,,$.lit-U*i, :$fl$&:. Total Va.luation $$ $ $ $ $ A at at each $_ each $ $ qa- /_/ Rec ifl*.!ii.,;.;,,.;., ,UIl€Cfi:r!# ,\t ei ved Subtota l TOTAL $-7 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of Occupancy Water Supply Proposed _ Year Instal led $ PERMIT PR0CESSING Zon Part. #Parcel #earcet s:ze 8a x lfO Minimum setbacks t , front , side ;int. 5 ;rear -{ By Date CP& I To be typed on permi t rvp. 5-N Gro Fi re Zone ?. Use Cl ass i f i cati on By Da te PhoneFor plans information call (area inspector) Directions to site "-=n 4 ? /_/ srro ficnar,fr tl'ec CP&I _ set(s)l.lPC set( s ) Hold Slip to PCC Da te Compl eted Plans to Da te Requ i red Date tb PCC /7 Planning /-/ Public l^Jorks f7 Elevation @ n/a /7 Address l-/ Facility Permit l7 Environmental Health L perm.it Control Center 687_HELP {GB7-4357) ,.YA Existing _ p-?. FoR INF0RI'ICTI0N about progress of your application call: c74-L7L APPLICATION # lane county 'o/*ly HOLI'SLIP 6l!r\Iz F, q Name Address Zi p Code The above application'is being held by the Permjt Processing Section for the following reasons: UJT\,I- fi-4, €> t\ BYqrk\.\E- Di vi s'ion : Si gnature: Division: Si gnature Date pltlI }K-\Date Thi s appf i cation wi I I be hel d unti I required above has not been furnishe Fees paid for waste disposal systems the septic tank and drainfield) arebuilding and plumbing portion of you v at ate your app . If the information cat'ion will be cancelled. applications to installsite inspections and/or nonrefundable. Some refund ma.y be made on ther application if cancellation is necessary. In the event a Plannj!g or some other long-term problem exists over which you haveno control we will hold the permit until the problem is resolved and we recejve wordfrom you as to whether to prbceed with permit issuance or process a cancellation. PERMIT PROCESSING SECTION - 687-4394 c74-L39 f DEPARTIiENT OF ENV I RONI.IEi']TAL IlANAGEI'1ENT PSB, 'I25 EAST BTH AVENUE EUGENE, ORECON 9740I Ci tyIAddres s Township, Range, Section, Tax Lot Subdivision Appl ication for Structures now on the property Proposed use of property: fr/ Residential Affidavit: l, ! l:t1.4))81 {, fr*iA Lot l-l Block Z---4-.-l- /_/ Commercial , lndustriai hereby certifyPTlN purposes a the fol I ow ier; I essee; hol deis knowledgeable of this applica ormation'is true and accurate. State Bujlding Code and rest in the property: sive option to purchase; /_/ phone Phone If this application is for an ag (p ri cultural building it will be used for Te;ae-pilnTI- Lane County Code Chapter I0 (zoning) and for no other purpose. I have record; /-/ Publ ic that this infr 11owed by the ng legal inter of an exclu tion. \-/ OWnef Of-# duly auth S i gna tu re,/Add res s con trac t purchas ori ed to ac the owner, Te1 ephone H z1 or _Da te When permit is ready notify: / / Appl icant Owner /_/ )wner /7 Contractor !y: /_-/ nail (zip),lti; Assigned Numbers Appl ication # Co n trac to r -7-(zip) Phone Contractor's 0SR# l\IlA,-4" If Commercial: # of stories Residential: # of bedrooms SI test holes ready Code Descri pti on Plumbing by # of employees _ # of units SDS lR Existing, BP # /_/ Proposed, SI # -e- Valuation v Fee Sq. Ft. or # of Sites Unit Cos,t Fee Total Valuation: $$ Cl casn Plumbing fixtures at $_ each Sewer/water conn. at $ each Su bto ta I 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of 0ccupancy $ $ $ $ t_/Check # Received by $Water Supply Proposed _ Year Instal led Existing _ PERMIT PROCESSING Min imum setbacks Part. #Parcel # TOTAL Parcel Si ze $ 8a y t{ra ; rear, side int By Da te WATER POLLUT]ON CONTROL Instal lation speci fications :fttan of d infi d; ma depth of To be typed rmi t Tel Directions to site /-/ srFO Pl ans to' ;r3' - ::i[:] /-/ cP&r /-/ .y{PC /-/ Pl anning /_*/ Public Ilorks / / Elevation /-/ n/a ! Address /-/ Faci I j tj' Permi t /-/ tnv:.ronmental Health Da te Requ i red Hold Slip to PCC Da te Compl eted Date to PCC FOR INF0RIIATI0N about progress of your application call Permit Control Center 687-HELP $87-4357) w (,) \ lAt UU NUI l,lRIIL BTLUW IHIS L1NL /@v;a.7/,E/,1 $ ) Commen ts To be typed on permit ,l A'o, t ' I 1 iXlrr.] f1t:19 7D 3C- ?c1ac4E, Bf C{S< A c€ 7o o eS * a1 1 I I : -\l '1 I I I I r) -{ '1 0 { i) It- ' rl CI t at'oi.C) { PV-tL"i ': *:i; ' i..v'v \:l"z'-{ bl I t I Gr ><,]. * @rx 'rl .,. l-t r4o A o!r t :\ i !'l 0 .--lt- $ iAl..:( E)t l=' -"' G1 s s (,Nor* I t'- IlTI| --' I .>d .'. ?'*--l , r--\t t r 0 LOT 14 LA j'.iE gLC CI.'L ?\\,'*;' - I o(), {-'-:-.- t-"'j i ,"1: \'a. :.a tr L b \ i\1 I iI A'-ll t .\ I I l\ +--r* .t IP I I 1l ti It I )I ( 1- I { l I roB))D R ESS TKS, TL: POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE 2756 North 20th, Spfd, Oregon CONSTRUCTTON pERMtT n Total Construction Value:$20,656.00 LC-3]-82-79 Telephone: 4g!-.-LL6L/745-3610*** Telephone: Telephone: L7-03-24.4.2 ll 4300 Subdivision This permit for the relerenced property is hereby approved. Setbacks and other conditions ot approval must be strictly obseNed. Violation can result in revocataon oI this permit, citation under provisions of Lane County's lnfraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. Applicant/Address: Lemuel C. Martln, 2756 North 20th Spfd, Oregon 97477 Owner/Address: self Contractor/Address: self Contractor's OS + / instruction approved by this permit 9*--4t&Cloom {o,;LrSrrrn rirorn 0 486 sq ftadd/pantry G 100 sq ft; and Structures no\^r on property: resldence +r Bedrooms: na +t Plumbing Fixtures +r Employees: PLANNING DIVISION Zoning: AGT (RA) Partitioning + na Parcel +r na Parcel Size: Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: 50r ; centerline of road, side exterior: na ; interior property lines: 5' ;rear property line: 5' Special lnstructions: Pool- to be lnstaLled permltfr . Dralnfield to be relocated. For information call 687-4394,Ilelen Elliott 80 x 150 WATER POLLUTION CONTBOL DIVISION Site lnspection +r na lnstallation specif ications: na na lineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches: na Septic Tank Drainf ield gal. min. septic tank capacity; Special lnstructions:Protect septlc tank fron additlon constructlon. If danaged 'EesE , . , ierior property lines Edge of road right-of-way Building foundation a permit to repalr must be applied for. Addition and pool placement w111 make itdifflcult to fl-nd replacement area. & gOn*1^* i.-r o-kc $a+1.1^;.11f {-b\ale4*e- yAs+e/^^ {" 1''tqyu poEed tb, t cdt^,.t1ii{, ' "10' 10' 5', 50' -T0-- 10' 10' 100'Well other water sources CONSTRUCTION PERMITS/INSPECTION DIVISION For infornration call 587-3953 between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m.,Ruth ant Type of Construction: 5-N lnstructions: Group: R-3 Fire Zone: 3 Use Classification:ADD/SFD For plans information call 687'3767 between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., Jlm La.mb For inspections (see bdck of this permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m .{ 11-05-79 DE'ARTMENT oF ENVTRoNMENTAL MANAGEMENT By: Kara Adans/tty I $* hne cctintyDirections to Site Date lssued: na Water Supply: na na n2