HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1990-07-30.. REslDr^,TlAL.. APPLICAruL/N/PERMIT 225 Nofih ith Street Spr"tngfield, Oregon 97477 Buildtng Dtuision 7 26-37 53 P lurnb ing Llec nical to aee Located on the s-3- that aLL i.napections aye nade at the F;?ope" tine, tl,at ecch cildress is readdbie at the frcnt of the ProPentY.Building Sitc at all tines. Iout Citg Desigr.ated Job Nwnben fs: ! SPFIINGFTEI.D l,zgD Ddte: pRlcsDUpE FoR lNSpecarcu ngQutsr:cALL 726-3769 (recotder,) state yout, City cesignated iob nunber" eadyfoyinspection,Contractol,soiamerslwneandplonenumber.;-itl be tade the sane dcy, reqtests-iade aftet ?:00 on viLL be rmde the nezt:,nrking day. iob aCdress, tYPe of insPeclicn P.equestl receixed befcre 7:00 ct SITE II,ISPECTION: TO bE rmde after es;Aaion, bit prt* tc set uP o forne. UNDERSLAB PLUTEIN! _E@U!!qI 3 MECHrttttCef,: ?o be nade befot'e any GfrG-iorset ed. FcoTINg & EOUNDATICN: Io be rnaCe after trencies are ercattated and forns ate erected, but Priot' to pouring ccnctet€. UNDSRCPOUIID PLUMDINC, S|WER. W.ITER' dnnntect: ro be nwCe prion to fil- Tfi-t"en.hes. I]TINEPFI,OOR PLUI,E INC & MECIIANICAL : ?o be nade pnior to instaLLatlon oI floon insulction or decking. POS? AND BEAM: ?o be nade Prtot'todiliiillc-{o f floor insulation ot' decking, ROI,ICil ?LIX|BIIIC, EI,ECIRT9AL & I|ECH: Tntcat: lloiort<-l{to be co"*ered ffiiL these inspeetions haue been mad.e and approted. FIPEPLACE: Pt ior to plccirg facing tncteiials ard before franing inspec- tion. ,?RAI:ING: t4ust be requested aftet' approuat of rough plwrbing' 3lectni-cal & neelnnical, ALt roofing bracing 6 chinmeys, etc. nrtst be . conpleted. lto ucrk is to be con- , cecled until thiB inspectLon las 'been nade anC approted. FIIIAL PLUI4BIIIC FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL INSULATION /VAPOR BARRIER IIISPFCTIOry: To be nade after aLL insulaticn ed required oapor batT ie?s are in place bui befione ory Lath, gyPsun baarC or tnLL cooering is appli-ed, and before ay insulation is concealed. f il DRYI\ALL INSPECA!)N: Tc be rrude after.-d|EvuaTTl's in place, but priot' to anY ta?tng. I,|ASONRY: Steel Location, bond dddilgrouting or uet'ticals in accondorce Llith U.B.C. Section 247 5. WOODSTOT|E: cctnpteted. After installation is CURB E APPRCACH AIPON: After forns A erected but Prio? to Pouning concrete. SIDEWALX & DRIVEIIAY: Por all con--r=-cret;iat W-,'Yithin street right- of-unu-. to be nade after aLL erca- ,tlt'tni- carplete & for:t r,sot'k & sub- base nnterial in Place. PENCE: h4tet conPlete -- ProuiCe @6i or nooable sections thnough P. U.E. eLL project conditions, suck as the i.nstallation of street tle_e-:.,^ conpletion of the required Landsccpteg, Ltc., mtst be satisfiZi-L)fol"n-tlr" BUILDINC FINAL can be requested' .INAL BUrLDrlc: The tinal Buildi.ng rnepection naet be requested alter the Pinal Plwbing n:;;;;";;;1:"ic ul,"ta*t"al rnspeet-io'o ho'n been made ard approoec'T T l OR Sanilary aaset eapped et property Line , ,rL r r,,rr1tt6 rrrlf/Irll,r ,ll j./ ; l,t. , i Septic totk p:mped and filled vith gratel Final - l*ten abcoe i.tens are ccmpleted and uhen Cenolitiott is complete o? st!'u3- hne moued atd pretrtses cleaneC up. Le Hcmes Blocking otd Set-uP Plwnbing connections -- *a)e? anl uater Electrical Ccnnection - Blockittg' eet-up and plwnbinq connections rrust be appra;ed befine reqieating eleclrical inspec|ion Accessory BuilCing Final - After pct'ehes, skirting, decks, etc. are conPleted. Pz.,-':e 1 of 2 sZLJob Locaticn: 0 Tc,z lot llAssessora MaP # silbdiuision: A-mer: 7--7r^7Addtess: City: Describe h'orl<: Date of AppL IdD +n Value _44/t/L/Addition RenoCel ilobile Hone rS 744neCeral EJrect,r a ecEricianS rrpe E *A r,L HANIICLES AND CLEAN\|TS ltttsT BE ACCESSIBLE' ADJUSTltEtlt ro BE ifir)E LT lt) ccST r0 cffy \.--\-- n 3 L-co cSOLAR ACCESS REQ.-JOB NO Zone Bedrooms -- Fees -- cant Building Volue & Permit This permLt is granted on the etp"ess cottdition tlut the said-construction shall, in all respeeti,- ioi,yi*'to th-e. Ordinance adop-ted iy the C.i.ty 2f ip"i"gfi.."ti, incLludi.ng'tiL 2l"L"g crdinanc-e' regulathtg the ccnsttucticn and use of buildirqs"o,irrg n""suspende', ot'rbuokeC dt cnA time upon oic- Lation of any prcoisions of said 1rdir'ances' llea Date Paid Signed: Lace tote FeeBuilding Perwit State Total Clnrges Plumbing Pernit State Plumbing Permit No Derson slnll construct, install, a-!'ter ot' change -cn| neD -cr esisti'ng ;i,^ilb;;;'"; d"iti"iZ- "i"t*, in ataie o.r'. in patt, inless such person is the iLgo-t po"r"""o, o1"o;L1;e irrb"r's Licens'e, e,:eept that a !?'"?" nas do pliitliri uork to brop"rti-,iniih- is oan"d, Leased on operated by the appli'- L * Electricql Permit Where State Lan ?equires ttnt the electt'ical uork be done by.an Electz'ical Ciili"-"tir, ii, ni.t"7iai iortion of this _permit shall not be oaliC until the Label'lns been signed by the Electt'ical Contractor' !ota L Chan ces 3"7.50 31 .37State TaIe I HAW CAREFULLy EXAMINED the eompleted application fo-r' permit' and dc inr.ti certifu that aLL info:,mation hereoi is true and eo*ect, cnd I i*ti""n certi"l-u that ang ard aLL aork penfotned elal,L be done in accor- E)L"-Atn thZ-Ordinancbe of the City of Springfield, aruC the La;e of the * State of 1regon pertaining to the uot'k Cescribed herein, cnd tlnt NO OCCU- uicy i:ttt b"e naZe of any structupe uithout perrnission of the BuildingT Di.- tision. I further cLrtiiil thet otly contractors and .enplcyees uho ote in eanpliance uith 1RS 701.055 atLL be used on thie projeet PLan Eeaninet' TotaL 0 Lq th t P.L House Lot Faces - 1l cf Lot Couerage_ Total Height TopographY SQ, FTG VaxITEM i of Stortes LOT TYPE _ Intet'iot' Corner Panhandle CuL-de-sac Lot Sq. Ftg. llain (n1,ace Carport Accessory S.D.C. 1.5 c CEARCENO,FEE Fi*tures Residential (1 bath) Sanitarg Seuer Wc.tet, CHARGE Res. So. fta. @rtnrra Circuits Tqnpordry Sentice 4 i5.& CIIARCENCITEM Mechqnicql Permit Eahanet Hood llcodsto;se Vent Fot PetmLt Issuance llechanicel Permtt -- ENCROACHMENT -. Secarttu Daposit Stot,d.ae liainf'enance Pcrmit Curbcut Sida,talk ?ence Electrical tabel llobile Honte TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: * Signed D,zte v4, /410 Caraqe Access. North Firepttllll TOTAL VALUE 1,87