HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022 04 19 CCI MinutesMinutes of the Planning Commission April 19th, 2022 Meeting Minutes Approved 5/3/22 Springfield Planning Commission in its role as the Committee for Citizen Involvement Minutes for Tuesday April 19th, 2022 Meeting held in person in City Council Chambers and on-line via Zoom Planning Commissioners Present: Chair Andy Landen, Vice-Chair Matt Salazar, Grace Bergen, Michael Koivula, Kuri Gill, and Andrew Buck Absent: Sophie McGinley Staff: Sandy Belson, Interim Planning Manager; Molly Markarian, Senior Planner; April Miller, Communications Coordinator; Shannon Morris, Planning Commission Assistant; Kristina Kraaz, Assistant City Attorney Chair Landen called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE None COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT PLAN: WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN Molly Markarian: Project Manager for the Springfield Wastewater Master Plan (WWMP) introduced the topic and shared a PowerPoint presentation (Appendix). Since the Wastewater Master Plan is not adopted as a land use plan no formal adoption of the Community Engagement Plan is necessary. The purpose of this item is for the CCI to provide staff input and feedback on the draft Community Engagement Plan. Brief overview: • The Wastewater Master Plan is being updated in collaboration with outside consultant, Murray Smith. • The community engagement tasks are the responsibility of the City of Springfield. • Master Plan Purpose – Identify needed improvements to the City’s wastewater collection system through the 2042 planning year • The Master Plan assesses existing and future needs of the collection system and develops cost effective solutions for managing excessive flows. This plan was last updated in 2008. All capacity-related capital improvement projects have since been completed. Changes since the last master plan include: the Glenwood Refinement Plan which redesignated 207 acres; the UGB expansion which redesignated approximately 780 acres for employment and also included parks and open spaces; and House Bill 2001 (passed in 2019) that allows homeowners to build missing middle housing types in residential zones. • The Community Engagement Plan guides outreach and engagement activities for the project with the goals outlined in the slideshow. The target audience, key messages, and outreach and engagement strategies were also reviewed with the Commissioners. Questions and Feedback Commissioner Koivula: made a statement about how well the wastewater system works. Sewer overflows have been drastically reduced due to the work of the people managing City of Springfield sewage systems and the MWMC. Regarding the outreach plan: 1) Will there be a way to include problems with the system i.e., materials in the system that do not belong? Could Minutes of the Planning Commission April 19th, 2022 Meeting Minutes Approved 5/3/22 these issues be included in PSAs highlighting the materials that do not belong? How does the plan intend to reach out to community members like the homebuilders, realtors, faith-based communities, and the environmental NGOs? Also, if the sewers are going to reach the UGB areas, it is imperative to include outreach to the public who are directly affected. Commissioner Buck: pointed out that there is drainage in the area where he lives. It is important to educate the public about how the process works as a complete system. Is it possible to include educational outreach, outlining the different aspects of the wastewater process? There could be differentiated messaging targeted to individual areas according to the issues they face. Commissioner Gill: Use graphics to demonstrate why the community in general should be involved and care about the WWMP. Since wastewater management is environmentally related and impacts the Native American Tribes, direct communication with the Tribes should also be included in the outreach strategy. Commissioner Bergen: Is it possible to partner with our Team Springfield members, like SUB, to include an insert about the WWMP in their billing statements? This would go directly to the community at large and would direct them to other resources, if they are interested. April Miller: The City collaborates with SUB on two billing inserts per year that reach 10-15 thousand households – one dedicated to wastewater and stormwater rates and one dedicated to stormwater education. Printing costs need to be carried by the City of Springfield. We will include information about the WWMP in our webpage and social media graphics. Material is also available on the City of Springfield and MWMC’s websites with respect to pollution prevention and how former issues were dealt with. (Response to Commissioner Buck’s question). We have worked in a limited capacity with direct mailings due to the expense. We have focused on digital promotion and sponsorships with DPW and MWMC. Outdoor advertising is an option, but very expensive. Sandy Belson: It may be possible to include information about the Wastewater Master Plan in SUB’s rate insert. Molly Markarian: (Responding to Commissioner Koivula’s question) Educational pieces could come in the form of the FAQs, which could differentiate between the varying audiences. The City of Springfield has E-update lists, which could be used to tailor direct outreach materials. Depending on the recommendations developed, the City can evaluate options and establish their capacity for community outreach. Commission Buck: Point of Order. We may need a motion to adopt the Community Engagement Plan. Molly Markarian: No motion to adopt is necessary since this the Wastewater Master Plan is not a land use plan. Feedback is appreciated. REPORT OF COUNCIL ACTION Commissioner Koivula: The Mayor decided to extend the timeline of the Main Street Safety Project, with the result being that the City Council’s public hearing on the draft Main Street Facility Plan is now scheduled for February 2023. Molly Markarian: The Mayor issued a press release stating that both the broader community and the Council need more time to understand the draft Facility Plan. There will be a series of Council Work Minutes of the Planning Commission April 19th, 2022 Meeting Minutes Approved 5/3/22 Sessions beginning in June to review the contents of the draft Facility Plan, which will continue in the Fall. A public hearing is scheduled for February 2023. BUSINESS FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSION Review of Hybrid Meeting Commissioner Bergen: The meeting camera is placed at a very high angle, which makes it look like the Commissioners are looking down and not focused on watching public testimony. Commissioner Salazar: It may be advantageous to adjust the angle to show the Commissions’ name placards. Staff responded that the Cares Act provided funds for the equipment to support the hybrid meetings. It is possible at this point to change the focus of the camera but not the angle. BUSINESS FROM THE DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Sandy Belson: Due to the lack of agenda items for the May 3rd meeting, it has been cancelled. The next meeting will take place on May 17th, beginning at 6PM with the Committee for Citizen Involvement and 7PM for the Regular Session which includes a public hearing. The agenda items include a Community Engagement Plan and a public hearing for a zone change. We will also be introducing the new administrative support person for the Planning Commission meetings, Sarah Weaver. She will be reaching out to you in the coming weeks in preparation for that meeting. The meetings will remain hybrid due to State law mandating public access. Sandy announced that she will attend a national planning conference in San Diego at the end of the month and speak on a panel dedicated to public hearings. She will be using the City of Springfield’s experiences of the last ca. two years, especially about using the platform SpringfieldOregonSpeaks. Kristina Kraaz: announced the Joint City Council/Lane County Board of Commissioners Public Hearing on Development Code Amendments on the April 25th at 7PM. Commissioner Koivula: stated he’s terming out of the Planning Commission in February 2023. He put in his pitch for someone in the Commission to take over the Community Development Advisory Committee attendance. This program shares Federal monies to homeless and low-income populations in need. ADJOURNMENT – 6:45PM