HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2022-35 10/17/2022 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON RESOLUTION NO. 2022-35 SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET #1 AND APPROPRIATIONS TRANSFER A RESOLUTION ADJUSTING RESOURCES AND REQUIREMENTS IN THE FOLLOWING FUNDS; GENERAL, STREET, SPECIAL REVENUE, TRANSIENT ROOM TAX, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, BUILDING CODE, FIRE LOCAL OPTION LEVY, POLICE LOCAL OPTION LEVY, BOND SINKING, DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT CAPITAL, DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS, REGIONAL WASTEWATER CAPITAL, STREET CAPITAL, SANITARY SEWER OPERATIONS, REGIONAL WASTEWATER, AMBULANCE, STORM DRAINAGE OPERATIONS, BOOTH-KELLY, REGIONAL FIBER CONSORTIUM, INSURANCE, VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT, SDC ADMINISTRATION; AND AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF APPROPRIATIONS WITHIN THE GENERAL FUND FROM CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE OPERATING EXPENSE TO INTERFUND TRANSFER EXPENSE. WHEREAS, the Common Council has adopted the budget and made appropriations for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 through Resolution No. 2022-25 adopted June 20, 2022. WHEREAS, ORS 294.471(1)(a), (b) and (c) permit a supplemental budget due to an occurrence or condition that was not known at the time the budget was prepared that requires a change in financial planning; due to a pressing necessity that creates a need for prompt action, that was not reasonably foreseen when preparing the original budget; or to budget funds that are made available by another unit of federal, state, or local government, which funds were not reasonably foreseen when preparing the original budget; WHEREAS, the Common Council is requested to make adjustments to the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 budget and appropriations to meet unexpected needs and to allow appropriations of new revenues pursuant to ORS 294.471(1)(a), (b) and (c) as justified in Exhibit A, which is attached and incorporated by reference; WHEREAS, ORS 294.463 allows transfers of appropriations within a fund when authorized by ordinance or resolution of the governing body, stating the need for the transfer, the purpose of the authorized expenditure, and the amount transferred; WHEREAS, this supplemental budget and adjustments to appropriations are being presented at a public hearing at which the public may comment on such requests; and WHEREAS, notice of a public hearing, including information regarding such revenues and expenditures was published in a newspaper of general circulation not less than 5 days prior to the public meeting, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD: Section 1: The Fiscal Year 2022-2023 budget and appropriations, as adopted by Resolution No. 2022-25 hereby adjusted as provided in Exhibit A. Section 2: This Resolution will take effect upon adoption by the Council. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 17 day of October , 2022, by a vote of 5 for and 0 against. (1 absent - Woodrow) ATTEST: REVIEWED&APPROVED AS TO FORM K.ri.Wbi,a,Kr DATE: SPRINGFIELD CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE City Recorder Resolution No. 2022-35 Exhibit A Page 1 of 10 EXHIBIT A FY2022-23 SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET AND APPROPRIATIONS TRANSFER Appropriations FY23 Supplemental Transfers& FY23 General Fund-100 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Adiustments Revised Budget Department Operating City Manager's Office $ 1,599,228 $ 82,293 $ (1,000) $ 1,680,521 (1-2) Development&Public Works 3,105,437 - 3,105,437 Finance 2,595,074 - 2,595,074 Fire and Life Safety 12,589,148 10,350 12,599,498 (3) Human Resources 750,152 - 750,152 Information Technology 1,856,407 - 1,856,407 Legal Services 887,735 100,000 987,735 (4) Library 2,062,570 12,420 2,074,990 (5) Police 17,336,526 - - 17,336,526 Total Department Operating 42,782,276 205,063 (1,000) 42,986,339 Non-Departmental Transfers 852,378 - 1,000 853,378 (1) Contingency 1,000,000 - 1,000,000 Reserves* 8,664,351 (189,689) - 8,474,662 (2,5,6) Total Non-Departmental 10,516,729 (189,689) 1,000 10,328,040 Total General Fund $ 53,299,005 $ 15,374 $ $ 53,314,379 General Fund Commentary: 1.)Appropriations Transfers of$1,000 from City Manager's Office Operating Expense to Interf nid Transfer Expense.It was intended for this transfer to be included as part of the adopted budget but was overlooked.This appropriation will allow for a transfer of$1,000 to the Special Revenue Fund to provide a program budget for the Committee for the Inclusion Diversity Equity and Access(IDEA). 2.)Increase City Manager's Office Operating Expense by$82,293.These are carryforward fimds from the prior year associated with the Council's Mission,Vision&Values project which was delayed due to COVID-19 and City Council/Mayor turnover. 3.)Recognize$42,950 in unanticipated revenue(General Fund:$32,600,Ambulance Fund:$10,350)from the medic standby staffing from Oregon 22 World Championships and increase appropriations in the Fire and Life Safety Department for additional spending authority. 4.)Increase City Attorney's Office operating expense$100,000 to support appeal of the Climate-Friendly and Equitable Communities(CFEC) administrative rules(adopted July 21,2022)by a coalition of local governments including Springfield.This amount represents the full cost ofthe needed contractual services,however,a portion of these costs will be reimbursed by other coalition members,so Springfield's actual costs will be lower than this. The need for the litigation was not known during the original budget process,as the rules were still in draft form at that time. 5.)Increase Library operating expense by$12,420 to allow for the purchase of books across fiscal years.For example,books ordered in May and June which arrive and are invoiced in the next fiscal year. 6.)Beginning cash adjustment. Appropriations FY23 Supplemental Transfers& FY23 Street Fund-201 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Adjustments Revised Budget Department Operating City Manager's Office $ 57,912 $ $ $ 57,912 Development&Public Works 6,951,767 6,951,767 Finance 68,156 68,156 Total Department Operating 7,077,835 7,077,835 Non-Departmental Transfers 150,000 150,000 Contingency 200,000 200,000 Reserves* 2,167,503 6,972 2,174,475 (1) Total Non-Departmental 2,517,503 6,972 2,524,475 Total Street Fund $ 9,595,338 $ 6,972 $ $ 9,602,310 Street Fund Commentary: 1.)Beginning cash adjustment. Resolution No. 2022-35 Exhibit A Page 2 of 10 Appropriations FY23 Supplemental Transfers& FY23 Special Revenue Fund-204 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Adjustments Revised Budget Department Operating City Manager's Office $ 273,934 $ 29,976 $ 1,000 $ 304,910 (1-3) Development&Public Works 5,534,827 6,815262 - 12,350,089 (4-18) Finance 14,000 1,000,000 1,014,000 (19) Fire and Life Safety 270,508 630,000 900,508 (20) Human Resources 103,622 - 103,622 Information Technology 143,889 - 143,889 Library 125,180 141,740 266,920 (21-24) Police 393,000 288,194 - 681,194 (25-27) Total Department Operating 6,858,959 8,905,172 1,000 15,765,131 Total Development&Public Works Capital Projects 40,000 40,000 (28) Non-Departmental (1-2,4,6,10-15,18- Reserves* 4,325,763 3,161,253 7,487,016 20,23,26,29) Total Non-Departmental 4,325,763 3,161,253 7,487,016 Total Special Revenue Fund $ 11,184,722 $ 12,106,425 $ 1,000 $ 23,292,147 Special Revenue Fund Commentary: 1.)Increase City Manager's Office operating expense by$23,256 to carryforward American Recovery Plan Act(ARPA)funds from the prior year which were dedicated to support the Fire Governance Review. 2.)Increase City Manager's Office operating expense by$6,720 through carryforward of funds to provide for employee attendance at events supporting local partners and organizations.Attendance at events will be authorized by executive team members and employees attending will be doing so on behalf of the City.Funds are used for costs associated with purchasing of event tickets/entry. 3.)See General Fund Commentary#1. 4.)Increase Development&Public Works Department operating expense by$620,000 through the carryforward of ARPA funds to support Ann's Heart in property acquisition for a new women's shelter. 5.)Recognize$58,797 in grant revenue from the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development(DLCS)and increase operating expense in the Development&Public Works Department Community Development Division for the Comprehensive Plan Map Clarification project. 6.)Increase Development&Public Works Department operating expense by$999,769 through the carryforward of ARPA funds to support projects related to housing insecurity,lack of affordable housing,and homelessness.At the April,18th 2022 Work Session,Council directed this money to fund new sprinklers for the Egan Warming Center at Ebbert Methodist,a Habitat for Humanity project at Fischer Village,and a backup can for Crisis Assistance Helping Out On The Streets(CAHOOTS). 7.)Recognize$3,000,000 in grant revenue from the Oregon Housing and Community Services and increase operating expense in the Development& Public Works Department to develop a manufactured dwelling park.The City of Springfield collaborated with Rep.Lively and St.Vincent de Paul to advocate for these funds to address the need for low-incoming housing. 8.)Recognize$14,335 in grant revenue from the State Historic Preservation Office(SHPO)and increase operating expense in the Development&Public Works Department operating expense for program expense. 9.)Carryforward$79,945 in prior year grant revenue from the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development(DLCD)and increase operating expense in the Development&Public Works Department to help bring natural resource assessments and protections for urban growth boundary areas to completion. 10.)Increase Development&Public Works Department operating expense by$36,681 through the carryforward of ARPA funds to complete the engineering analysis of City Hall Heating,Ventilation and Air-conditioning(HVAC)system replacement options.This work was contracted in Fiscal Year 2022 but work and billing carried on into Fiscal Year 2023. Resolution No. 2022-35 Exhibit A Page 3 of 10 Special Revenue Fund Commentary,Continued: 11.)Decrease Development&Public Works Department operating expense by$5,153 in order to true up the budget for the Council Chamber Security upgrades for expenditures which occured against this project in FY22 but which were not accomodated for in the adopted budget. 12.)Increase Development&Public Works Department operating expense by$700,000 through the use of ARPA funds to support additional funding for the Justice Center roof.Staffhave conducted more in depth scoping for this project and it is now apparent that the cost of this project will be more than what was originally budgeted. 13.)Increase Development&Public Works Department operating expense by$75,888 through the carryforward ofARPA funds to support the redesign of the old FireMed area into the new City Manager suite,expands the Library into the old CMO space and makes upgrades to the Library to improve services. 14.)Increase Development&Public Works Department operating expense by$150,000 through the use of ARPA funds to upgrade security at the Springfield Municipal Court.This work will help to protect participants from security threats and improve general physical and digital safety. 15.)Increase Development&Public Works Department operating expense by$150,000 through the carryforward ofARPA funds to support the Springfield Museum Elevator upgrade and repair. 16.)Recognize$100,000 in grant revenue from the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds(CSFRF)and increase in the Development& Public Works Department Operations Division operating expense to support project planning related to the 42nd Street Levee. 17.)Recognize$85,000 in grant revenue from the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds(CSFRF)and increase in the Development& Public Works Department Community Development Division operating expense to support the costs associated with updating a Union Pacific train trestle. 18.)Recognize$750,000 in State American Recovery Plan Reserve(ARPA)funds and increase Development&Public Works Department operating expense to support a partnership with Springfield Utility Board(SUB)to expand the fiberoptic capabilities for Springfield businesses and residents. 19.)Increase Finance Department operating expense by$1,000,000 through the carryforward ofARPA funds to provide for the Council authorized pass- through ofARPA funds to Willamalane Parks and Recreation. 20.)Increase Fire and Life Safety operating expense by$630,000 through the carryforward ofARPA funds to replace radio equipment. 21.)Recognize$14,000 in grant revenue and increase the Library operating budget to provide support for Vox audiobooks,databases,AV materials,and Oregon Battle of the Books titles. 22.)Increase the Library operating expense by$45,240,offset by several new grant awards(Strategic Plan:$9,500,Mills Davis Grant:$17,750,Donation for New Baby Welcome Kits:$3,200,Friends for Teen programming:$5,000,Oregon Community Foundation for programming and translation:$2,500, and Library Foundation:$7,290). 23.)Increase Library operating expense by $76,000 through the carryforward of prior year grant funds to support the purchase of a branded library vehicle,marketing services,Spanish language translation services and related programming expenses.Budget authority was requested and granted in Fiscal Year 2022 Supplemental Budget#1,but because of current automotive industry demands the vehicle was not delivered until early Fiscal Year 2023. 24.)Recognize$6,500 in grant revenue and increase Library operating expense to support several initiatives including$6,000 from the Springfield Public Library Foundation to support a limited duration position at the museum and$500 from the Friends of the Library to support programming expenses. 25.)Increase$108,009 in miscellaneous grant revenues and increase Police Department operating expense.Approval ofthis request will allow for use of unexpended grant funding approved in Fiscal Year 2021-22 with grant timelines that crossed multiple fiscal years.Unexpended grant funds include $21,416 from the 2021 JAG award,$7,292 from the DOJ Body-Worn Camera Implementation grant,and$14,847 in traffic safety overtime enforcement grants.This request will also allow for the use of$22,500 in newly awarded traffic safety overtime enforcement grants,$22,201 for the non-competitive 2022 DOJ Justice Assistance Grant(JAG),$9750 for the Bureau of Justice Bulletproof Vest award,and up to$10,000 in Drone program equipment supported by donations. 26.)Increase Police Department operating expense$65,000 using Police Forfeiture Reserve dollars to support the purchase of a mobile camera trailer to serve as a crime deterrent and support safety efforts at special events,accident scenes,and other incidents benefitting from increased lighting,video, and/or communication.The need for this trailer arose after development of the adopted budget. 27.)Increase Police Department operating expense by$115,185 through the carryforward of unspent funds from the prior year.This will provide for the replacement of the CAHOOTS van currently servicing Springfield that was delayed due to lack of availability of the desired Ford Transit vehicle.The new van was ordered with a unit cost of$51,738 and van upfit cost estimated at$63,447,for a total cost of$115,185.To fund the van,Lane County committed$60,000 in grant funding,the 2020 Justice Assistance Grant for$18,685 is allocated towards van upfit costs,approximately$27,500 will be funded by Springfield Fire&Life Safety within their existing budget,and the remaining$9,000 is proposed from the Police Department's vehicle reserve fund. 28.)Recognize$40,000 in new grant funds(State Homeland Security Grant Program:$27,000,Lane County:$13,000)and increase operating expense in Development&Public Works to prepare an Emergency Action Plan for the 42nd Street Levee. 29.)Beginning cash adjustment. Resolution No. 2022-35 Exhibit A Page 4 of 10 Appropriations FY23 Supplemental Transfers& FY23 Transient Room Tax Fund-208 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Adjustments Revised Budget Department Operating City Manager's Office $ 242,212 $ $ $ 242,212 Development&Public Works 32,874 32,874 Library 249,771 7,537 257,308 (1) Total Department Operating 524,857 7,537 532,394 Non-Departmental Transfers 944,444 - 944,444 Reserves* 1,772,561 240,730 2,013,291 (1-2) Total Non-Departmental 2,717,005 240,730 2,957,735 Total Transient Room Tax Fund $ 3,241,862 $ 248,267 $ - $ 3,490,129 Transient Room Tax Fund Commentary: 1.)Increase Library operating expense by$7,537 through carryforward of prior year unspent funds from the Tourism Promotion Reserve.$7,000 will support restoration of the Draft Horse Mural in downtown which was scheduled for repair in June of 2022 but was delayed into Fiscal Year 2023. Additionally,$537 is carried forward to support costs associated with musician performances during the Second Friday Artwalk events. 2.)Beginning cash adjustment. Appropriations FY23 Supplemental Transfers& FY23 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Adjustments Revised Budget Community Development Fund-210 Department Operating Development&Public Works $ 1,321,783 $ $ $ 1,321,783 Finance 26,041 26,041 Total Department Operating 1,347,824 1,347,824 Non-Departmental Reserves* 6,991 199,652 206,643 (1) Total Non-Departmental 6,991 199,652 206,643 Total Community Development Fund $ 1,354,815 $ 199,652 $ $ 1,554,467 Community Development Fund Commentary: 1.)Beginning cash adjustment. Appropriations FY23 Supplemental Transfers& FY23 Building Code Fund-224 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Adjustments Revised Budget Department Operating City Manager's Office $ 22,647 $ $ $ 22,647 Development&Public Works 1,396,226 1,396,226 Fire&Life Safety 84,213 84,213 Total Department Operating 1,503,087 1,503,087 Non-Departmental Contingency 35,000 35,000 Reserves* 3,680,726 312,548 3,993,274 (1) Total Non-Departmental 3,715,726 312,548 4,028,274 Total Building Fund $ 5,218,813 $ 312,548 $ - $ 5,531,361 Building Code Fund Commentary: 1.)Beginning cash adjustment. Resolution No. 2022-35 Exhibit A Page 5 of 10 Appropriations FY23 Supplemental Transfers& FY23 Fire Local Option Levy Fund-235 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Adjustments Revised Budget Department Operating Fire and Life Safety $ 1,647,095 $ $ $ 1,647,095 Total Department Operating 1,647,095 1,647,095 Non-Departmental Contingency 45000 45,000 Reserves* 1,639,130 27,207 1,666,337 (1) Total Non-Departmental 1,684,130 27,207 1,711,337 Total Fire Local Option Levy Fund $ 3,331,225 $ 27,207 $ - $ 3,358,432 Fire Local Option Levy Fund Commentary: 1.)Beginning cash adjustment. Appropriations FY23 Supplemental Transfers& FY23 Police Local Option Levy Fund-236 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Adiustments Revised Budget Department Operating Finance $ 701,355 $ $ $ 701,355 Legal Services 89,700 89,700 Police 7,134,929 492,000 7,626,929 (1) Total Department Operating 7,925,984 492,000 8,417,984 Non-Departmental Contingency 150,000 - 150,000 Reserves* 2,104,665 56,373 2,161,038 (1-2) Total Non-Departmental 2,254,665 56,373 2,311,038 Total Police Local Option Levy Fund $ 10,180,649 $ 548,373 $ $ 10,729,022 Police Local Option Levy Fund Commentary: 1.)Increase Police Department operating expense by$492,000 from reserves to support increased costs associated with the City's contract for jail medical services.The Springfield Municipal Jail contracted with a new jail medical and mental health service provider,Wellpath.The new contract was necessary as the prior service provider was acquired by a larger correctional health care company and terminated their service contract after the adoption of the FY23 budget. 2.)Beginning cash adjustment. Appropriations FY23 Supplemental Transfers& FY23 Bond Sinking Fund-306 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Adiustments Revised Budget Non-Departmental Debt Service $ 4,016,880 $ - $ $ 4,016,880 Unappropriated Ending Fund Balance* 425,458 31,656 457,114 (1) Total Non-Departmental 4,442,338 31,656 4,473,994 Total Bond Sinking Fund $ 4,442,338 $ 31,656 $ $ 4,473,994 Bond Sinking Fund Commentary: 1.)Beginning cash adjustment. Appropriations FY23 Supplemental Transfers& FY23 Development Assessment Fund-419 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Adjustments Revised Budget Non-Departmental Reserves* $ 798,816 $ (8,308) $ $ 790,508 (1) Total Non-Departmental 798,816 (8,308) 790,508 Total Development Assessment Fund $ 798,816 $ (8,308) $ $ 790,508 Development Assessment Fund Commentary: 1.)Beginning cash adjustment. Resolution No. 2022-35 Exhibit A Page 6 of 10 Appropriations FY23 Supplemental Transfers& FY23 Development Projects Fund-420 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Adjustments Revised Budget Total Development&Public Works Capital Projects $ 313,812 $ $ $ 313,812 Non-Departmental Reserves* 3,674,469 557,162 4,231,631 (1) Total Non-Departmental 3,674,469 557,162 4,231,631 Total Development Projects Fund $ 3,988,281 $ 557,162 $ - $ 4,545,443 Development Projects Fund Commentary: 1.)Beginning cash adjustment. Appropriations FY23 Supplemental Transfers& FY23 Regional Wastewater Capital Fund-433 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Adjustments Revised Budget Department Operating Development&Public Works $ 3,896,000 $ 1,331,580 $ $ 5,227,580 (1) Total Department Operating 3,896,000 1,331,580 5,227,580 Total Development&Public Works Capital Projects 30,900,000 14,412,431 45,312,431 (1) Non-Departmental Transfers 24,744 - 24,744 Reserves* 62,722,029 (9,277,729) 53,444,300 (1) Total Non-Departmental 62,746,773 (9,277,729) 53,469,044 Total Regional Wastewater Capital Fund $ 97,542,773 $ 6,466,282 $ $ 104,009,055 Regional Wastewater Capital Fund Commentary: 1.)Supplemental Budget to increase beginning cash by$6,466,281,carryover a total of$4,412,432 in various capital projects,carryover a total of $656,580 in Equipment Replacement,$105,000 in Major Rehab and$100,000 in Capital Outlay at the WWTP. Also included is an additional capital project spending request in the amount of$10,000,000 and Equipment Replacement new money request of$470,000. Appropriations FY23 Supplemental Transfers& FY23 Street Capital Fund-434 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Adjustments Revised Budget Department Operating Development&Public Works $ 137,069 $ $ $ 137,069 Total Department Operating 137,069 137,069 Total Development&Public Works Capital Projects 2,773,100 1,900,000 4,673,100 (1) Non-Departmental Reserves* 7,197,612 (2,621,260) 4,576,352 (1-2) Total Non-Departmental 7,197,612 (2,621,260) 4,576,352 Total Street Capital Fund $ 10,107,781 $ (721,260) $ $ 9,386,521 Street Capital Fund Commentary: 1.)Increase Development&Public Works capital project expense by$2,500,000($1,900,000 from Street System Development Charges Reserve and $600,00 from the Stormwater Capital Reserve)to provide for the City's match for the Federal RAISE grant of$10.1M which will support construction of Phase 2 of the Franklin Boulevard Capital Project.The grant and match amount were unknown during the regular budget process. 2.)Beginning cash adjustment. Resolution No. 2022-35 Exhibit A Page 7 of 10 Appropriations FY23 Supplemental Transfers& FY23 Sanitary Sewer Operations Fund-611 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Adjustments Revised Budget Department Operating City Manager's Office $ 81,907 $ $ $ 81,907 Development&Public Works 5,013,493 5,013,493 Finance 61,922 61,922 Total Department Operating 5,157,322 5,157,322 Total Development&Public Works Capital Projects 10,421,782 10,421,782 Non-Departmental Debt Service 1,708,000 1,708,000 Contingency 150,000 - 150,000 Reserves* 25,632,532 874,715 26,507247 (1) Total Non-Departmental 27,490,532 874,715 28,365,247 Total Sewer Operations Fund $ 43,069,636 $ 874,715 $ $ 43,944,351 Sanitary Sewer Operations Fund Commentary: 1.)Beginning cash adjustment. Appropriations FY23 Supplemental Transfers& FY23 Regional Wastewater Fund-612 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Adjustments Revised Budget Department Operating City Manager's Office $ 17,222 $ $ $ 17,222 Development&Public Works 22,115,080 100,000 22,215,080 (1) Finance 187,593 - 187,593 Total Department Operating 22,319,896 100,000 22,419,896 Non-Departmental Transfers 14,600,000 - 14,600,000 Debt Service 4,108,550 - 4,108,550 Reserves* 10,760,277 1,320,719 12,080,996 (1) Total Non-Departmental 29,468,827 1,320,719 30,789,546 Total Regional Wastewater Fund $ 51,788,723 $ 1,420,719 $ $ 53,209,442 Regional Wastewater Fund Commentary: 1.)Increase beginning cash by$1,420,719.Carryforward$29,800 related to a Fiscal Year 2022$100,000 appropriation for Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission(MWMC)to pay for the Regional Sewer SDC's when the applicant meets their City's criteria for the subsidy.Add$70,200 to bring the aforementioned$29,800 back up to$100,000.The remaining$1,320,719 will be add to the operating reserve. Appropriations FY23 Supplemental Transfers& FY23 Ambulance Fund-615 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Adjustments Revised Budget Department Operating Fire and Life Safety $ 6,781,261 $ 32,600 $ $ 6,813,861 (1) Total Department Operating 6,781,261 32,600 6,813,861 Non-Departmental Contingency 150,000 - 150,000 Reserves* 5,683 (81,152) (75,469) (2) Total Non-Departmental 155,683 (81,152) 74,531 Total Ambulance Fund $ 6,936,944 $ (48,552) $ $ 6,888,392 Ambulance Fund Commentary: 1.)See General Fund Commentary#3. 2.)Beginning cash adjustment. Resolution No. 2022-35 Exhibit A Page 8 of 10 Appropriations FY23 Supplemental Transfers& FY23 Storm Drainage Operating Fund-617 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Adjustments Revised Budget Department Operating City Manager's Office $ 82,228 $ - $ $ 82,228 Development&Public Works 6,969,180 198,000 7,167,180 (1) Finance 61,923 - 61,923 Total Department Operating 7,113,330 198,000 7,311,330 Total Development&Public Works Capital Projects 6,964,464 600,000 7,564,464 (2) Non-Departmental Contingency 200,000 - 200,000 Debt Service 551,718 551,718 Reserves* 17,197,422 (235,766) 16,961,656 (1-3) Total Non-Departmental 17,949,140 (235,766) 17,713,374 Total Drainage Operating Fund $ 32,026,934 $ 562,234 $ $ 32,589,168 Storm Drainage Operating Fund Commentary: 1.)Increase Development&Public Works Department operating expense$198,000 through the carryforward of funds to support the purchase of floodlight supplies that were not able to be purchased due to supply chain issues. 2.)See Street Capital Fund Commentary#1. 3.)Beginning cash adjustment. Appropriations FY23 Supplemental Transfers& FY23 Booth-Kelly Fund-618 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Adjustments Revised Budget Department Operating City Manager's Office $ 50,583 $ - $ $ 50,583 Development&Public Works 529,946 300,000 829,946 (1) Total Department Operating 580,528 300,000 880,528 Total Development&Public Works Capital Projects 190,000 190,000 Non-Departmental Transfers 84,237 84,237 Contingency 15,000 15,000 Reserves* 1,007,633 (40,366) 967,267 (1-2) Total Non-Departmental 1,106,870 (40,366) 1,066,504 Total Booth-Kelly Fund $ 1,877,398 S 259,634 $ $ 2,137,032 Booth-Kelly Fund Commentary: 1.)Increase the Development&Public Works Department operating expense$300,000 through the carryforward of unspent funds from the prior year to support the Carter Building Demolition project and to remove hazardous materials from the building prior to demolition. 2.)Beginning cash adjustment. Resolution No. 2022-35 Exhibit A Page 9 of 10 Appropriations FY23 Supplemental Transfers& FY23 Regional Fiber Consortium-629 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Adjustments Revised Budget Department Operating Finance $ 252,150 $ $ $ 252,150 Total Department Operating 252,150 252,150 Non-Departmental Reserves* 413,282 63,031 476,313 (1) Total Non-Departmental 413,282 63,031 476,313 Total Regional Fiber Consortium Fund $ 665,432 $ 63,031 $ $ 728,463 Regional Fiber Consortium Commentary: 1.)Beginning cash adjustment. Appropriations FY23 Supplemental Transfers& FY23 Insurance Fund-707 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Adjustments Revised Budget Department Operating Human Resources $ 877,871 $ $ $ 877,871 Health Insurance 8,589,515 8,589,515 Property&Liability 1,687,609 1,687,609 Worker's Compensation 741,958 741,958 Total Department Operating 11,896,953 11,896,953 Non-Departmental Contingency 200,000 200,000 Reserves* 14,014,211 (273,387) 13,740,824 (1) Total Non-Departmental 14,214,211 (273,387) 13,940,824 Total Insurance Fund $ 26,111,164 $ (273,387) $ $ 25,837,777 Insurance Fund Commentary: 1.)Beginning cash adjustment. Appropriations FY23 Supplemental Transfers& FY23 Vehicle and Equipment Fund-713 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Adjustments Revised Budget Department Operating Development&Public Works $ 948,400 $ 585,584 $ $ 1,533,984 (1-2) Finance 500 - 500 Fire&Life Safety 328,300 747,378 1,075,678 (3-4) Information Technology 636,115 - 636,115 Library 8,000 8,000 Police 370,250 - 370,250 Total Department Operating 2,291,565 1,332,962 3,624,527 Non-Departmental Transfers - 36,500 36,500 (5) Reserves* 8,830,184 517,462 9,347,646 (1-6) Total Non-Departmental 8,830,184 553,962 9,384,146 Total Vehicle and Equipment Fund $ 11,121,749 $ 1,886,924 $ $ 13,008,673 Vehicle and Equipment Fund Commentary: 1.)Increase Development&Public Works Department(Community Development Division)operating expense$25,551 to support vehicle replacements which were budgeted in fiscal year 2021 but were delayed due to supply chain constraints. 2.)Increase Development&Public Works Department(Operations Division)operating expense$560,033 to support vehicle replacements which were budgeted in the prior fiscal year but were delayed due to supply chain constraints. 3.)Increase Fire&Life Safety operating expense$64,850 to support the replacement of C-3(Battalion Chief Command Vehicle)and turnout sets. Replacement occurring now due to end of life arriving before anticipated replacement date. 4.)Increase Fire&Life Safety operating expense$682,528 through the carryforward of appropriations from the prior year to support the purchase a Pierce Pumper Truck.Budget authority was granted in FY21,but due to unforeseen delays FLS did not take possession of pumper until FY23. 5.)See Special Revenue Fund Commentary#27. 6.)Beginning cash adjustment. Resolution No. 2022-35 Exhibit A Page 10 of 10 Appropriations FY23 Supplemental Transfers& FY23 SDC Administration Fund-719 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Adjustments Revised Budget Department Operating Development&Public Works $ 469,638 $ $ $ 469,638 Finance 45,054 45,054 Total Department Operating 514,693 514,693 Non-Departmental Contingency 10,000 10,000 Reserves* 380,710 103,914 484,624 (1) Total Non-Departmental 390,710 103,914 494,624 Total SDC Administration Fund $ 905,403 $ 103,914 $ $ 1,009,317 SDC Administration Fund Commentary: 1.)Beginning cash adjustment. TOTAL RESOLUTION $ 388,789,800 $ 24,639,582 $ 1,000 $ 413,430,382 *Reserves and Unappropriated Ending Fund Balance are not appropriated for spending and are shown for information purposes only. Resolution No. 2022-35