HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, DRC PLANNER 10/14/2022AGENDA DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET Conference Room 616/ MS Teams Staff Review., Tuesday, November 1, 2022 9.•00-9.•30 a.m. 1. Site Plan Review 811-22-000228-TYP2 811-21-000153-PROJ Blue McKenzie LLC Assessors Map: 17-033542 TL: 2300 Address: adjacent to 702 A Street Existing Use: Vacant paved lot Applicant submitted plans to develop an 8 -story mixed use building with 84 residential units and commercial space on the ground floor Planner: Andy Limbird Meeting: Tuesday, November 1, 2022 9:00 — 9:30 virtual meeting via Microsoft Teams The Complete DRC Packet for this meeting is available online for you to review or print out from the laserfiche website: htto://www.springfield-or.aov/weblinkB/browse.aspx JI 1 C VICINITY MAP 811-22-000228-TYP2 Site Plan Review 17-03-35-42 TL 2300 A Street, between 7" and 8" Streets Blue McKenzie BLUE MCKENZIE MIXED USE Type II Site Plan Review — City of Springfield DATE October 2, 2022 APPLICATION Type I I Review Criteria SITE LOCATION A Street between 711 and 811 COUNTY ASSESSOR'S MAP: Tax Lot 17-03-35-42-02300 SITE SIZE 27 acres (11,761 so LAND -USE DISTRICT Mixed -Use Commercial District (M UC) firs Blue Wilenzle Mlzed Use ARCHITECTS 10.122022 1 PAGE 1 SUBMITTED TO City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Planner — Shannon Morris OWNER Blue McKenzie Apartments LLC Northwest Sustainable Properties Jean-Pierre Veillet 95 Freedom Loop Bellevue, ID 83313 APPLICANT Cynthia Schuster LRS Architects, Inc 720 NW Davis Street, Suite 300 Portland, OR 97209 Blue McKenzie Mixed Use Type II Site Plan Review — City of Springfield T$BLE OF CONTENTS Lrs BluehYKanzle Mized Use ARCHITECTS 10.12.2022 1 PAGE 2 Cover and Narrative Narrative Includes the Following Tabs Exhibit A: Type II Site Plan Review Application Form Exhibit B: Ownership Information &Title Reports Exhibit C: Geotechnical Report Exhibit D: Preliminary Stormwater Report Exhibit E: Traffic Impact Analysis Memo Exhibit F: Commercial Area Percentage Calculations Diagram Exhibit G: Luminaire Cut Sheets Exhibit H Prescreen Checklist Provided Separately Architectural Site Plan - 8.5c11 Blue McKenzie Mixed Use Type II Site Plan Review — City of Springfield August 2, 2022 Project Summary Northwest Sustainable Properties is submitting an application for a Type II Site Plan Review for a mixed-use apartment building. The proposed project is a single building of eight stories. Ground floor lot coverage is 8,653 square feet for a total gross building area of 75,600 square feet on a flat +/-11,761 site. . Uses Proposed: The project proposes eighty-four apartment units over a commercial lease space on ground floor. The larger commercial spaces can be set up to be a small restaurant or office. Smallertenant improvement commercial space can be used as office or a small boutique hotel. The Lobby proposes a small pour over coffee stand that will use no commercial cooking equipment. The Applicant (Northwest Sustainable Properties) requests Site Plan Review approval based on the above program. Below are the relevant City of Springfield Development Code (SDC) requirements and a description of how this request will meet the applicable criteria. These applications include the City forms, written materials, and preliminary plans necessary for City staff to review and determine compliance with the applicable approval criteria. The evidence is substantial and supports the City's approval of the application. Site Description The proposed project area is .27 acres and located mid block on A street between 7" and 8". The project site and the adjacent properties are all zoned Mixed -Use Commercial District (MUC). Existing use is a parking lot. The site topography is flat and slopes up towards the northeast. firs BlueWKenzle Mbnx1 Use ARCHITECTS 10.122022 1 PAGE 3 I. Applicable Review Criteria Springfield Development Code ( SDC) Chapter Section 5.1-130 Type II Applications (Administrative) Chapter Section 3.2-600 Mixed -Use Zoning Districts Section 3.3-1000 Nodal Development Overlay District Chapter4 Section 4..2.100 — 4.7100 Section 4.7.375 Architectural Design Standards. firs Blue Wl(anzle MNeI1 Use ARCHITECTS 10.122022 1 PAGE 4 CHAPTER 5THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PROCESS AND APPLICATIONS firsBlue McKenzie Mixed Use ARCHITECTS 10.122022 1 PAGE 5 5.1-130 Type I I Applications (Administrative) Type 11 procedure. Type ll development actions shall be decidedbythe director. 5771002. Afulthamilyresidential, commemial, public, and semi pubiig andindusbial development or uses, including construction ofimpervious surfaces forparking lots and storage areas, including a. Newdevelopment on vacant saes andredevelopment because of demolition andremoval ofexishng buildings and impervious surfaces on a forr eriyoccupied s1te, except where a proposed development qualifies as an MOSAppixatton in accordance with SDC Section 575 Response: The Applicant Is proposing a mixed-use apartment building on a site that Is a current parking lot. This would trigger a Site Design Review and Is, therefore, a Type II procedure. It Is understood that the Type II procedure requirements listed In this section apply to this application. CHAPTER 3 LAND USE DISTRICTS Section 3.2-605 . Establishment of Mixed -Use Zoning Districts. 3.2.600 Mixed Use Zoning Districts • A Mixed -Use CommeMa/D/sb/ct (MUC). The MUC District is established where a mix of commercial with residential uses is compatible with existing nearby uses Development within the MUC District shall have a commercial dominance, with residential and public uses also allowed The primary development objectives of the MUC District are to expand housing opportunities,, allow businesses to locate in a vane ryofsethngs; provide options for liwng, working, and shopping environments,, facilitate more intensive use of land while minimizing potentially adverse impacts,and to provide options for pedestrian- orientedlifestyles. Development areas one acre or more in size in the MUC District shall have frontage on either an arterial or collector street. Access to any MUC development area maybe from a local street if there is no negative impact on adjacent residential uses. Response: The Applicant is proposing eighty-four units with commercial uses that can Include the following allowed uses per Section 3.2-610. Eating and drinking establishment Business and Professional offices and personnel services Multiple family dwellings Including triplexes, Boutique Transient Housing Hotels The proposal meets the primary objective to expand housing and allow for a mix of business opportunities. 3.2-615 Base Zone Mixed Use Development Standards 3.2-625 Mixed -Use District Development Standards—General A Building Design Standards Intent New structures and improvements to facades requiring building permits shall ptowde amhitecturalreliefandinterest, w1th emphases at building entrances and along sidewalks, to promote and enhance a comfortable pedestrian scale and orlentathm. Blank wails shall be avoided to the maximum extent practicable bycomplying with the following minimum requirements. The following standards are intended to be specific and quantifiable while allowing for flexibildyin design. Response: The Applicant Is proposing a facade that is set back at one corner to create an outdoor space for the future eating/ drinking establishment. The building overhang will be providing shelter for pedestrians along A street. A welcoming recessed entry to the main Lobby firs BluehYKenzle Mixed Use ARCHITECTS 10.122022 1 PAGE 6 which will provide for a building management area and potential services like a coffee stand. A decorative screen is proposed to the left of the entry. 1. Groundfioorwindowsshaiiberequiredforaiicivic and commercial uses. Aiieievabons ofbu/id/ngs abutting anystreet shall provide at least 50 percent oftheiriength (e.g., a 100 -foot -wide building fagade shall heve a total of at least 50iinear feet of windows) and at least25percent of the ground floor wall area as windows and/or doors that allow views into lobbies, merchandise displays, or working areas. On corneriots/pameis this prowsion applies to both elevations. EXCEPT/ON.• Elevations ofbuiidings adjacent to alleys or vehicle accessways used pr/mathyfor service and delivery access is exempt from this requirement. Response: The Applicant Is proposing a street facing fagade that Is 81' long. The Applicant is proposing 63' linear feet of glazing, 78% of the length of the street facing front elevation In glass. 2. Ground floor windows are required as part of the primary entrance elevation for all Industria/ uses. Windows are required for at/east 30 percent of the primary entrance and ground/eve/ offices that are part of the entrance elevation. The windows sha//be measured/n linear fashion (e.g., a 100 -foot -wide bu/id/ng entrance and office fagade sha//ha✓e a total ofat/east 3O/inear feet of windows and/or doors on the ground floorthat a//ow views into lobbies, merchandise displays, or working areas). Response: The Applicant Is proposing 33' linear feet of glazing of the street facing main lobby/ office space. The overall length of the street facing fagade Is 81' 3. Along the vertical face of structure, offsets shall occur at a minimum ofe✓ery 50 feet byptowoing at/east one of the tollowing.- a. Recesses,/nciud/ng, but not limned to., entrances and floor area with of minimum depth of feet. A Erten/ons,/nclud/ng, but not i/m/tedto: entrances and floor area with a minimum clearance of feet, a minimum depth of feet, and a maximum length of an overhang shall be 25 feet. e Offsets or breaks in roof e/evanon with a minimum of feet or more in height Lrs Blue WIC& letahed Use ARCHITECTS 10.122022 1 PAGE 7 Response: Ground Level Main entrance Is located In an recessed alcove. We have a several offsets above the ground level that step back with a distance of 4'-7. The recessed alcove In the middle of the building contains tall window band to provide break and In the massing of the elevation. Refer to the 2nd floor plan for dimensions 4. In order to break up vast expanses ofsingie element building elevations, building design shall include a combination of architectural elements and features, including, but not limited to., offsets, windows, entry treatments, woodsiding, brick, stucco, textured concrete block Response: The Applicant Is proposing several different wall treatments used to enhance the Ins and out of the facades. Refer to the materials board. 5. In order to provide differentiation between the ground floor and upper stones, building design shall include bays orbalcomes for upperievels and awnings, canopies, or other Sunder treatments for iowerieveis. Varmtlon in building materials, mm, paint, ornamentation, windows, or other features including public aft, may also be used Response: The Applicant Is proposing building cantilevers of the upper stories. The upper stories have a push and pull of balconies that create recesses and Interest In the elevation of the upper floors. Three main siding materials are used In different ways - the two main siding types are light and dark panels and are used to Identify the wall planes and enhance the recessed walls. The new -wave metal Is used to provide emphasizes on the Southwest corner. B. Suiiding Orientation and Maximum Setbacks Intent To the greatest extent practicable, all ne w buildings in a mixed-use development shall be oriented toward both exterior and internal streets in a manner that accommodates pedestrian comfort, con✓enrence and safely. Response: The Applicant Is proposing that affront the public way with a 1' set back 1. In the Downtown Mixed Use Area, buildings shall be oriented towards honing streets in a manner that frames and defines both streets and pedestrian areas along those streets. The maximum building setback in the Downtown Mixed Use Area is 10 firs BluehYKanzle Mixed Use ARCHITECTS 10.122022 1 PAGE 8 feet Sul/dings in this area sha//not be separated from fronting streets byoff-street parking, ✓ehic/e circulation ais/es or dnve thru /ares. Response: The Applicant Is proposing a 10" set back for a majority of the main entry elevation. EXCEPTIONS.• Street setbacks in the Downtown Mixed Use Area maybe approvedbythe Director when. a. The building design incorporates public seating, plazas, or other usable public space as specified/n Subsection G below,, A The building design incofperates landscaped stormwater qua/dyfaci//t/es within the setback area that also enhance the pedestrian scale, on entabon andInterest,, e Necessary to preserve emsting healthymature trees; or d. Necessary to accommodate handicapped access requirements. Response: The Applicant Is proposing a 12' set back at the future tenant 3. Public entrances to all new bui/dings in the Downtown Mixed Use Area sha//be Nsib/e from the street and oriented so that pedestrians have a direct and convenient route from the street s/dews/k to building entrances. Response: The Applicant is proposing street facing main entry's Into lobby and larger future tenant space. C. Weather Protection IntentAwn/ngs and canopies are intended to protect pedestrians from the weather and add to the architectural Interest of bu//d/ngs. Newcommerc/a/ orm/xed--use residential development sha// provide a weather protectedarea adjacent to sidewalks and plazas. 1. Awnings or canopies sha//be at least 6 feet wide andsha// fol/ow building offsets to eliminate long expanses of awnIngs and or canopies. 2. Awnings andcaropies shall not obscure architectural features (e. g., transom area) of the building and shall not extend into the second story of the building. 3. Awnings and canopies shall be in proportion to the overall bui/ding and shall match the width of the storefront or window opening. 4. Back/it awnings and canopies are not permitted S. Awnings and canopies shall be suspended from the bulking and not supported by posts. 6. The proposal contains an equally good or superior way to achieve the intent of Subsections 1. through 5, above. Lrs BluehYKanzle Mlzed Use ARCHITECTS 10.122022 1 PAGE 9 Response: The Applicant Is proposing a upper level overhang over the public sidewalk rather than canopies to provide weather protection. .A 14'-2" clearance from the sidewalk to the underside of the soffit Is proposed/ D. Landscaping and Screening. 1. Intent Landscaping is intended to compi/mentbuilt forms within a development area, softening and providing v/suairei/efand contrast to buildings, sidewalks and parking lots. Trees, as part of landscaping pian, shaiiprov/de shade for pedestrian comfort as well The installation of landscaping shall be accompi/shed/n a manner that assures that planted stockrsce/ves adequate irrigation. Screening is intended to comp//mens a development area byshieid/ng trash receptacles, storage areas and other unsightlyfac/i/t/es from public wew within the development area. a. Mixed-use developments shaiiprovide landscaping and screening in accordance with Sections 4.4-100 and 44-110 and the following standards.' A Street trees shall berequired consatentwith Section 42- 140 Species shall be compatible with the design features specified in Subsection G, below and shall provk/e continuity with nearby landscaping. The Director maygrant a 1 -for -1 reduction in the number of street trees required when a development preserves healthy, mature trees located within 10 feet of the sidewalk Required street trees shall be placedin planter strips between sidewalks and curbs as specified/n Sections 42-135 and 42-140, orin indhiiduai tree pits. if/nd/viduai tree pits are utilized, each pit shall be a minimum of 64 square feet pertree, with a minimum width of45 feet Response: Refer to section 4 for more Information. 2. Screening ofparking areas, drives, mechanical equipment and trash receptacles sha//be as specifiedin Section 4 4- 110 /n addition: a. No trash receptacles shall be allowed within the front setback areas abutting residenbaid/str/cts. A All ground -mounted utiidy equipment notInstalled underground shaiibe placed to reduce v/suaiimpact orscreened with wails or landscaping. e Notwithstanding the timelines specified in Section 44-105, plants shaiibe sized to attain 50 percent coverage in 2years and 100 percent coverage in 4years. Response: Screening Is not required for this project. . Lrs Blue WiCanzle Mixed Use ARCHITECTS 10.122022 1 PAGE 10 3 Irrigation systems are required to support landscaping. Drought - resistant plants are encouraged See Sections 517-120D.3. and 44-105 Response: The Applicant Is proposing drought resistant plantings with Irrigation as noted on the landscape plan. 4. Parking areas, doves, andmechanicalequipment shall be screened as specifiedin Section 44-770 Trash receptacles shall be screened from on and offsite Newby placement of solid fenced or walled enclosure, from 5 to 6 feet in height No receptacles are allowed within front setback areas abutting residential clamors. All ground -mounted utilities equipment not placed underground shall be pieced to reduce visual impact or screened with walls or landscaping. Plants shall be sized to attain 50 percent coverage in 2 years and 100 percent coverage in 4years. Response: The Applicant Is proposing a utility access drive in the back of the building. Within the PUE. Trash collection is inside the building. Street Connectivity and Internal Circulation. Intent To make mixed-use developments part of connected street system that serves vehicles, pedesmans and bicycles. Public or private streets connect the development to adjacent neighborhoods and zoning districts. When street connections are not practicable, pedesman connections are made to and through the de✓elopmentin lieu ofplanned street connections. Pedestrian connections shall equal what would be available if they were on a street. 5. Pedestrian paths and sidewalks shall connect all building entrances with each other and with public rights -of --way in a manner that is direct and convenient for the pedestrian. Response: The Applicant Is proposing pedestrian access around the entire building that connects to all proposed building entrances. F. Neighborhood Compatibility Intent To achieve a compatible transition between mixed-use and otherzones of differing height, bulk and scale requirements, consideration shall be given to the scale and design of surrounding buildings to promote compatibility and complement or enhance the chamcterofexistingresidentia/neighborhoods. Deveiopmentinmixed- use districts must be appropriate andreiated to the setting and established character of the surrounding area orneighbothood Minimum standards adjacent to the R-1 Districts area Response: This section Is not applicable. Lrs BluehYKanzle Mixed Use ARCHITECTS 10.122022 1 PAGE 11 G. PedesmanAmenthes. Intent To provide appropriate pedestrian amenihes in mixed-use developments, pedesman amenihes, including, but not limited to benches, ornamental paving and public aft shall be pro wded and durably designed and integratedinto an overall design scheme or pattern. 1. Allnew structures and substantial improvements to existing buildings shall provide pedestnan amenities, as specifiedin this Subsection. The numberofpedesman amenities provided shall comply with the following sliding scale. Sae of Structure or Substantial Improvement number of Amenities <5,000 sq. ft. 1 5,000-10,000 sq. ft. 2 10,000-50,000 sq. ft. 3 >50,000 sq. ft. 4 Response: The applicant propose to provide the required (4) amenities, 2 Acceptable pedestrian amenihes include., a. Sidewalks incorporating ornamentaipaving treatments, including, but not iimited to., concrete masonry unit pa vets, brick, or stone, which are 50 percent wider than mquiredby this Code. A A pubix outdoor seating plaza adjacent to, or visible and accessible from, the street (minimum useable area of 300 square feet) C. Sidewaikpianters between the sidewalk and building including stormwater swaies. d Street tree densilymore extensme than requiredby this Section. e. Shmetscape scale containerpianters. f. Installation of 3 -Inch caliper size oriarger to fulfill the street hme requirement g. Pubiic aft, including, but not iimited to.: sculptures, fountains, clocks, or murals with a value equal to or greater than 1 percent of construction value of the structure. A Pocket parks with a minimum usable area of 300 square feet. Lrs Blus Wi(enzle Mixed Use ARCHITECTS 10.12.2022 1 PAGE 12 Response: The applicant propose the following amenity's 1) Sidewalks with ornamental paving. 2) A public outdoor seating area. 3) Side walk container planters. Refer to Landscape plans. 4) (2) Public Bike racks - Decorative 3. Guidelines for the siting, construction and character of pedestrian amenities.' a. Amenities shall be visible and accessible to the general public from a fullyimproved street Access to pocket parks, plazas, and sidewalks shall be provided via a public right -of --way or a public access easement A The size or capacityofpedeshtan amenities shall be roughlyproportional to their expected use, including use by employees, customers, residents, and other visitors. The Director may alter minimum area standards forpocket parks and plazas based on this guideline. C. Amenities shall be consistent with the character andsca/eofsurroundingde✓elopments Forexampie, similantyin awningheight, bench style, plantermatanals, street trees, and pavers1s recommended to foster conimuityin the design ofpedeshtan areas. Matenals shall be suitable for outdoor use, easilymaintained, andhave at least a 1&yearexpected service life. d Bus stops, as a pedestrian amenity, shall conform to standards of the Lane Transit District Response: The Applicant proposes all amenities to afront the Public way. 3.2-630 Mixed -Use Development Standards—Specific A. MUC Development Standards. 1. Preservation of the Commercial Land Supply a. One hundred percent of a new mixed use building footprint may be developed for commercial uses. Response: The Applicant Is proposing ground level commercial / public spaces, bike room along with and all building utility spaces on ground level. A A minimum of 60 percent of the ground floor area within a newbuiiding in the MUDDistrActshaiibe dedicated to commercial uses to ensure that commerciaiiandis firs BluehYKanzle Mixed Use ARCHITECTS 10.122022 1 PAGE 13 preser✓edforprimari/ycommerciaipurposes. Up to 100 CHAPTER 3 LAND USE DISTRICTS pement ofanybui/ding maybe developed forresidentia/ uses so long as 60 percent of the totalground flocrarea within the development area is devoted to commercial uses. Response: The Applicant Is proposing 71 %+/- of future Tenant Improvements spaces. This Include a portion of the required circulation and building services required. Refer to attached diagram and calculations In Exhibit F. a The commercial uses on an MUX site sha//be developed poor to or concument/y with other proposed uses. Concurrency may be establ/shed by appro val of a Master Plan that provides a mix of uses thatIncludes commercial and other proposed uses. Response: The Applicant Is proposing future Tenant Improvement spaces. 3. Minimum Floor Area Ratio. A minimum floor area ratio (FAR) of .40 shall be required for all new development or redevelopment in the MUC portion of the Downtown Mixed Use Area. A FAR of .30 is required for new development on lots/parcels greater than 1 acre in the MUC District outside of the Downtown Mixed Use Area. FAR is defined for this purpose as the amount of gross floor area of all buildings and structures on the building lot/parcel divided by the total lot/parcel area. Response: The Applicant Is proposing a building that exceeds FAR 40. 75,600+Vsquare feet /. 27 acres LrsBlue McKenzie Mixed Use ARCHITECTS 10.122022 1 PAGE 14 3.3-1005 Purpose, Applicability and Revlew CHAPTER 3 LAND USE DISTRICTS A. Purpose. The NodaiDeveiopment(NO) OverlevOstrictis estabiishedto 3.3.1000 Nodal Development Overlay work in conjunction with underlying land use districts to implement District transportation-reiatedland use policies found in Springfield Transportation System Pian andin the Metro Man. The NO O✓erleyDnsbk7 also supports pedestrian-lrnendly, mixed-use development"as outinnedIn the State Transportation Planning Rune. Design standards for the NO Overlay District are structured to foster the essential characteristics ofpedesman-Inendy, human scale development that define nodal development" These include., 1. Design elements that support pedestrian environments and encourage transit use, walking andbncychng,, 2 Transit access within walknng dnstance (generally 114 mile) of anywhere in the node; 3. Mixed uses and a core commemkil area so that services are available within walking distance; 4 Public spaces, including parks, pubinc and private open space, and public facilities that can be reached wnthout dnvnng,, and 5 A mix of housing types andresidentlei densities that achieve an overallnet densilyofat least 12 units per acre. Response: Site design as a mid -block parcel has considered and included a mid block pedestrian connection along the East side of the building. The project proposes developing half of the abandoned vehicular driveway with scored concrete paving and attractive concrete pavers. This will create a vibrant pedestrian connection to potential development on the block that will occur to the North of the site. The future commercial space Is set back to allow for the uses to expand outside along the proposed pedestrian connection The future goal as the historical car dealership is renovated for other uses to see the entire abandoned driveway developed with similar materials in the future that can share the amenity and enhance the pedestrian experience. The ground level will be dedicated to uses that enhance the vibrancy of the commercial core and which exceeds the 12 unit per acre. Lrs Blue Wtanzle Mined Use ARCHITECTS 10.122022 1 PAGE 15 B App/icabiiily The NO OvedayDismct applies to all propeny where NO O✓enayis indicated on the Springfield Nodal OveriayMap, unless the propenyls an historic propenyas specifiedin SDC 33-900 The ND Overlay District requirements describedin this Section appiyto the following., 1. New development on vacant land 2 New structures on already de✓eloped sites, including the conversion of parking area to a structure or demolition of structure and constructhon of new structure. 3 An expansion of 5O percent or more of the total existing building square footage on the development site. 4 The NO Overlay standards in this Section do not appiyto a building alteration. 5 Single unit dwellings for which building permits were filed poor to the designation of an area for nodal development are exempt from SDC 5 8- 120 and from the standards of this Section for the purposes of reconstruction if the dwelling unit is partially or completaydestroyedorifthe dwelling undergoes rero✓abon. Room additions or other expansions rypral of single -unit dwelling use shall also be allowed Response: The site Is applicable as a Nodal development since It Is an existing parldng lot. 3.3-1010 Permitted and Prohibited Uses (A) Allowed Use Categones Base Zone Those uses allowed within Mixed -Use CommerciaiMUCDistnctin SD032-610MU0, Response: The project development proposes apartments and tenant improvements on the ground floor that will only be allowed uses. Refer to responses In 3.2.610 3.3-1020 Minimum Density and General Development Standards The General Development Standards forMixed-Use describedin SDC32-625 describe the pedestrian-fnendly and transit oriented design standards that apply to mixed use and most development These standards apply to development within the ND Overlay District. in addition to those standards foundin SDC 32425, the following apply A. Minimum Densilyand FlocrArea Ratio (FAR). FAR means the amount of gross floor area ofallbuildings and structures on a building lot/parcel divdedbythe total lot/parcel area. A 2 story building that covers 50 percent Lrs Blue Wi(anzle Mlzed Use ARCHITECTS 10.122022 1 PAGE 16 ofa lot/parce/ lwuldhave a FAR of l.O Typicalsuburban FARs range from 03 to 1.O in mixed-use centers 2 Where the base zone is NO, CG MRC, MUC, or GO, the minimum floor area rabc(FAR) is. 40 Response: The Proposed Building exceeds the minimum FAR as noted In the applicants response to Section 3.2.625 S. Building Setbacks 1. Buildings occupiedbycommercial andindustnal uses shall beset back a maximum cf2O feet from the street There is no minimum setback from the street for commercial andindustrial uses. 2 Residential uses shall be setback a maximum 25 feet from the street. Response: The Proposed project has a "0" set back from A street. Residential uses are only located on the upper levels. 3.3-1025 Specific Design Standard A - Specific Development Standards for Residential uses. 1-- Single -unit dwelling, detached, and Middle Housing, Response: The applicant proposes Multiple Unit Housing use. This section Is not applicable 2- Multiple Unit Housing must comply with the design standards specifiedin SOC4.738O(or aitemative standards as approved under 47385 or 47390) and with SDC 32-6250 Response: The applicant proposes Multiple Unit Housing use. Refer to responses for section SDC4.7.380 8 Specific Development Standards for Commercial, Industrial, andMixed- Uses. Specificde✓eiopmentstandardsforcommercral,industrialandmixed- uses wdhin the ND ovedayDisthctshall conform to those standards specifiedin SDO32-630 3 Mixed -Uses. For mixed use developments, the dominant use of the building or development (dominant is defined as the use represented by the greatest floor area) shall determine the applicable development standardsffthedominantuse is residential, the applicable Subsection SDC of33-1025Development Standards For Single-unitAnd Multi -un? Residential Uses apply Response: The applicant proposes Multiple Unit Housing use. Refer to responses for section SDC4.7.380 LrsBlue MCKanzle Mixed Use ARCHITECTS 10.122022 1 PAGE 17 SECTION 4.2-100 INFRASTRUCTURE STANDARDS— TRANSPORTATION 4.2-135 Sidewalks CHAPTER DEVELOPMENT A.-Sidewalksandplanterstrips abuttingpubiicstreetsshaiibelocated STANDARDS wholly, within the pubiicstreetright-of-way, unless otherwise appro✓edbythe Director. Response: The Applicant Is proposing replacement of the existing sidewalk affronting the site and the additional of two street tree planters with In the public right of way. Construction will disrupt and mostly like damage the existing sidewalk. B- Sidewalks shall be designed, constructed, replaced orrepaired as specifiedin the Cdys Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual, the Development & Public Works SrandardConstmction Specifications and the Springfield Municipal Code. Response: The Applicant proposes to construct and replace sidewalks to City standards. 0- Concrete sidewalks must be pro wded according to Section 42-1050, Table 42-1, and the following criteria., 1. Sidewalks must conform to the existing orplanned street grades. 2. Sidewalks must conform to current ADA standards. 3. Sidewalks must be separated from the curb by the planting strip, except when necass ary for connecbwty, safety, or to comply with street design requirements, and subject to approval by the Director. It Newsidewalk width and type must be consistent with existing sidewalk design in the same block, but must physicaby transition to comply with current sidewalk standards as determined bythe Director. When replacing damaged sidewalk, new sidewalk must be locatedin the same position as the existing sidewalk 5 Facildies including, but not limited to, mail boxes, water meters, valves, junction boxes, manholes, utilitypoles, trees, benches, fire hydrants, signs and bus stops must not be located within the sidewalk, and must be removed or relocated prior to the construction orreconstructhm of the sidewalk, unless otherwise appro ved by the CiryEngmeer fffacilitles remain, there must be at least 5feet of unobstructed width on arterial class streets and 4 feet on all other streets. Response: The Applicant Is proposing replacement of the existing sidewalk affronting the site and the additional of two street tree planters with In the Lis BluehYKanzle Mixed Use ARCHITECTS 10.122022 1 PAGE 18 public right of way. Sidewalks will meet all applicable standards above. Public use bike racks are to be located in the planter zone as well as a new street light. A Planterstrips are requirsdaspartofsidewalkconstruchon.Planter snips must be at least 4.5 feet wide (as measured from the back of curb to the edge of the sidewalk) and long enough to allow the street tree to survive. Planter strips must have approvedlandscaping consisting of street trees and ground cover allowed per the City's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual Tree wells set in concrete or sidewalk areas must be a minimum of feet by feet Concrete, asphalt or other impermeable pavement are not allowed to substitute for landscaping within planter snips. EWEPT/ON.• Planter strips less than 45 feet wide maybe permitted when necessary for connas, bwry,, safety, or to comply with street design requirements, subject to approval by the Director. Response: The Applicant Is proposing (2) 4'x 6' street tree planters. This leaves 5'-6" of public sidewalk. 4.2-140 Street Trees Street trees are those trees required within the public right-of-way The primary purpose of street trees is to create a streetscape that benefits from the aesthetic and anwronmental qualities of an extensive tree canopy along the public street system. Street trees are attractive amenities that improve the appearance of the community, pro wde shade and visual interest, and enhance the pedesman environment Street trees also improve air quality, reduce stormwaterrunoff, andmoderate the micro -climate impacts of heat absorbedbypavedsurfaces. Street trees maybe located within a planter step or within individual tree wells in a sidewalk, roundabout, or median. A New Street Trees. New street trees shallbe atleast2 inches in caliper. New street trees shall be selected from the Ctry Street Tree List and installed as specified in the City's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual The Directorshall determine which species are permitted or prohibited street trees. Response: The Applicant Is proposing (2) Crepe Myrtle trees In planters with drought resistant ground cover. B. Existing Street Trees Street Tree Retention Standards. Response: There are no existing tress on site or In the public way Lrs Blue Wi(enzle Mixed Use ARCHITECTS 10.122022 1 PAGE 19 C. Street Tree Maintenance Responsibiliry. 1. Maintenance of street trees in the publd lightof-of be performedbythe City. 2. Maintenance of street trees onprivateproperry shall be performedbythe properryown. Response: The Applicant Is not proposing any trees on private property. 4.2-145 Lighting Standards C. Design Standards. 1. Lighting must comply with Illuminating Engmeenng Society, Amencan Natrona/ Standards Practice for Roadway Lighting - RP -8- 14 and applroab/e National Electrical Safely Code (NESC) and National E/ectricalCode (NEC) standards. Response: The Applicant Is proposing centering the fixture on the property lot line. City to provide lighting study to verify exact location. 2 Intersections must be illuminated to a lave/ equal to the sum of the average required illuminance of the 2intersecting streets. Response: Section is not applicable to mid -block project site 3. Mid -block crosswalks that are approvedby the Ciry Traffic Engmeermusthave 2 times the illumination required for the street. Response: The Applicant/City Is not proposing a mid block location. 4. Decorative poles with City -approved LED fixtures and lighting controls must be used on all streets within the Nodal Development 0venayDistnict and where any refinement plan or plan district requires decorative lighting. Decorative poles maybe used on streets, paths, and accessways in any other zone at the option of the developer as approvedbythe Director. Response: The Applicant Is proposing one decorative pole per the city standards. 8. Where lot frontages are 8O feet or less, poles must be locatedatproperrylinesunlassapprovedbythe Director. Thesne plan indicates the location of the existing streetlight fixture across the street Response: The Applicant Is proposing centering the fixture on the lot line In the planter amenity zone of the sidewalk. City to provide / verify enact location. Lrs BluaWKenzletAhed Use ARCHITECTS 10.12.2022 1 PAGE 20 The weak point illumination must not be less than O 1 foot candles. Response: City to provide lighting study to verify exact location. 12. Pok Height. d. Decorah✓e poles must be 12 feet tall, except that 16 -foot tall decorative poles maybe appro✓edbythe Director when the requiredidummabon levels cannot be achieved with 12 -foot tall decorative poles. Response: The Applicant Is proposing one 12' high decorative pole per the city standards. City to verify requirements. Lrs Blue Wi(anzle Mixed Use ARCHITECTS 10.12.2022 1 PAGE 21 SECTION 4.3-100 INFRASTRUCTURE STANDARDS—UTILITIES 4.3-105 Sanitary Sewers A. Sanitarysewers shall be installed to serve each new development within the citylimbs and to connect developments to existing mains. Installation of sanitary sewers shall provide sufficient access for maintenance activities and shall comply with the provisions of this Code, with the Public Works Standard Construction Specificat"ns the Ciry's Engineering Design Standards and procedures Manual, the Springfield Municipal Code, 1997andDepaftmentofEnwronmental Qualiry(DEO) regulations. Response: The Applicant is proposing connecting to the existing public 10" main north of the proposed building In a PUE (former alley). One 4" connection from a grease interceptor and a 6" connection from proposed building's sanitary line. 4.3-110 Stormwater Management A Stormwater Management Regulations. Syimpiementingthepoik;ies set forth in the currentlyapproved StormwaterManagement Plan, provide for the effective management of stormwaterand dtainage from the Otyinto the groundwaterand watercourses within the Ciryandits urbanizing area; minimize demand on the City's stormwatermanagement system, and alleviate future costs of treating the discharge; promote water quality, preserve groundwater and the vegetation andnvers it supports; reduce peak storm flows, mmmuze public andlinvate losses due to flood condmons; and minimize stormwater discharge impacts on water quality and quantify and stream flow patterns, including peak and base flows in intermittent and perennial streams, within the MCKenzIe River and Willamette River watersheds. Response: The Applicant Is proposing Is not Increasing Impervious area on the site from the existing to the proposed condition. The existing site Is completely paved. The proposed new Impervious surface will Include almost entirely building roof, with some paved exterior areas along the edges of the building with a few planter areas. No stormwater treatment is proposed. B. The ApprovalAuthomyshallgrant development approval only where adequate public and/orprivate stormwatermanagement systems provisions have been made as determined by the Pubix Works Director consistent with the policies set forth in the Stormwater Management Man and the Engineering Design Standards and procedures Manual The stormwater management system shall be separated from any sandafysewer system. Lrs BluelAcKenzle Mixed Use ARCHITECTS 10.12.2022 1 PAGE 22 Surface water drainage patterns shall be addressed on every PreliminafySele Pian, or Tentative Partition or Subdivision Pian. Response: The Applicant Is proposing to Install a new public manhole on the 10" storm main at T" street. A 10"public storm line will run east from the new manhole to the edge of the right-of-way, then continue east to the project site as a new 8" private line within an existing PUE. C. A stom water management system shall accommodate potentia/ run-offfrom its entire upstream drainage area, whethermside or outside of the development The Public Works Director shall determine the necessary size ofthe facilely, based on adopted Public Facility Plans and Stormwater Facilely Master Plans The developershall pays proportional share ofthe cost according to adoptedCelyCouncil policy Response: The Applicant Is proposing to Install slot drain and area drains around the perimeter of the site that will collect any run-off from within the site and adjacent areas that drain to the site. Building roof drainage will be piped to the private storm system. D. Runofffrom a development shall be directedto an approved stormwatermanagement system with sufficient capacryto accept the discharge. Where the Public Works Director determines that the additional run-offresulting from the development will overload an existing storm water management system, the Appro valA uthonly shall welhhold Development Approval until provisions, consistent with the Engmeenng Design Standards and procedures Manual, ha✓e been made to correct ormeligate this condelion. Response: The Applicant Is proposing connecting all slot and area drains to 6" storm lines within the site and to an proposed 10" main north of the site that runs west to the existing public 10" main on T" street. E. Any development with a stormwater threshold management requirement of 1, 000 square feet ofimpervaus surface area shall be required to employ stormwater management practices consistent with the Springfield Engineering Design Standards and procedures Manual, which minimize the amount and rate ofsufface waterrunoffinto rec*1wng streams. The following stormwatermanagementpractices maybe required in order to relieve demand on the Celt's piped drainage system, alleviate future costs oftreating the piped discharge, promote waterqualiry, preserve groundwaterand the vegetation andrivem it suppofts, andreduce peak storm flows., Response: The Applicant Is proposing not to Increase the Impervious area for the proposed development. The existing site is 100% paved asphalt parking lot. firs Blue Wi0anzle Mixed Use ARCHITECTS 10.12.2022 1 PAGE 23 4.3-120 Utility Provider Coordination A All utility providers shalibe responsible for coordinating utility installations with the Ciryand the developer through the Development Re New Committee or by separate written correspondence. B. The de✓eloper shall be responsible for the design, installation and cost ofutiiilyhres and facilities to the satisfaction of the utnityprovider. Response: The Applicant has worked with SUB on u ndergrou nding the power lines and the proposed utility plan has coordinated with a preliminary plan received from the Utility provider. The applicant will work with other Private utilities to provide data/phone and TV service to the building 4.3-125 Underground Placementot Utilities Whenever possible, all utiiyrylines shalibe placed underground However, overhead and above ground facilities are permitted forthe following. - (A) Emergency and temporary installations undertaken by unity providers for a maximum of 30 days. (B) Electrical transmission lines andbackbone distribution feeders that are consistent with the Metro Plan's PublycFachries and Serwnes Plan. These lines act as a main source of supply to primary laterals and direct connected distribution transformers and prymaryioeds. (C) Appurtenances and associated equipment, including, but not limited to surface -mounted transformers, pedestal -mounted terminal boxes, meter cabinets telephone cable closures, connection boxes. (D) Structures without overhead wires, used exclust vay for Are alarm boxes, streetlights, ormumcypal equipment installed with the approval of the Ci1yEngineer. (k7 Po war substations, pumping plants, and similarfachibes necessary for transmission or distribution ofudW yservices are permitted subject to compiyance with zoning dystnet regulations and the Metro Plan's Public Facriityes and Services Plan Requirediandscaping and screening must be approvedbythe Director under Type 2 procedures for ail these facilities prior to any construction being started (F) Public television transmitters andraceivers. (D) industrial developments requiring exceptionallylargepower supplies mayraquest direct overhead powerduring the Site Man Review process, without a variance. (H) Existing non -backbone distribution feeders located on existing streets on de✓eloped or unde veloped land. (6443) Response: The Applicant has worked with SUB on undergrounding the electrical power lines associated with the development and is not Lrs BluehYKenzle Mhed Use ARCHITECTS 10.12.2022 1 PAGE 24 responsible for any required Utility work outside of that per part B and C above. 4.3.127 Electrical Service. (A) Electrical utility facilities are available to serve the site at the time of development. (B) Electrical utility facilities have capacity to serve the proposed development. (6443) Response: The Applicant has been working with SUB to provide services to the new building. 4.3-130 Water Service and Flre Protection A Each development area shaiibe provided with a watersystem hating sufficiently sizedmams andiesseriines to furnish an adequate water supplyto the development with sufficient access formaintenance. Response: The Applicant Is proposing to Install a 2" domestic water and a 6" fire protection line to supply the proposed development. Connection will be made an existing SUB water main In A Street. B Fire hydrants andmams shall be instaiiedbythe developer as requiredby the Fire Marshal and the utilityprovkler Response: The Applicant Is not proposing to Install new hydrants. The existing site is adequately served by existing public hydrants. Location of the existing hydrant is at the Corner of 7`h and A and is indicated on the Civil Utility plan. 4.3-140 Public Easements A Utility Easements. The applicant shaiimake arrangements with the Ciryand each utildyprovider for the dedication of utully easements necessary to fully service the development orlandbeyond the development area, as necessary. The minimum width for public utiiiryeasements adjacent to streetrightsof-of]feet. Theminimum width foraiiotherpubix utiiiryeasements shall be also be ]feet. However, the utiliry proNderorthe Pubiic Works Directormayrequire a larger easement formajor watermams, major electric power transmission lines, sanitaryseweriines, stormwater management systems or in any other situation to allow maintenance vehicles to set up and perform the required maintenance or to accommodate multiple utoltylines Where feasible, utiliry easements shallbe centered on a lot/parceiline. Response: The Existing Utility Easement Is located to the North of the site and Is16' wide and centers the property line. Lrs BluaWKenzle Nhed Use ARCHITECTS 10.12.2022 1 PAGE 25 SECTION 4.4-100 LANDSCAPING, SCREENING AND FENCE STANDARDS 4.4-105 Landscaping A These regulations ensure thatnew development complies with the landscaping provisions of this Code and any applicable Refinement Plans, Plan Districts, Master Mans, and Conceptual Development Plans,, is adequately screened from less intensive development,, considers the effects of vegetation on public facilitles,,retains significant clusters of natural trees and shmbs wherever possible; minimizes run-off facilitates energy conservation and crime prevention; andimproves the appearance of the City to create a desirable place to five and work. B. Three types oflandscap/ng may be required, 1. Landscaping standards for private property as specified in this Sachon and other Sections of this Code. 2. Street trees in the public right-of-way as specified in Section 4.2-140 3. Curbsidep/anterstrips in thepubl/c right-of-way as specifiedin Section 42-135 C. Materials andinsta//ation costs ofplanting andurgation otherthan what is Wuiredby the Minimum Development Standards (Section 5 15-100) shallnot be required to exceed 10 percent of the value of the new development, including parking facil?ies. The Director shall determine the location, quantiryand quality ofrequiredlandscaping as specifiedin this Code. D. Unless otherwise specifiedin this Code, the following areas of lot/parcel shall be landscaped - 1. Allrequiredsetback areas andanyadditiona/planting areas as specifiedin the appropriate zoning district. 2. Parking lot planting areas requiredin this Secton. E. At/east 65pement of each requiredplaming area shall be covered with living plant materials within 5years of the date ofinstallation. The living plant materials shall be distributed throughout the required planting area. The planting acceptable per 1,000 square feet of requiredplantIng area is as follows. 1. As a minimum, 2 trees not less than 6 feet in height that are at/east 2inches in cancer (at the time ofplaming, not including root ball),, and 2. Ten shrubs, 5ga//ons or larger. Lrs Bise WICe le Mhe4 Use ARCHITECTS 10.12.2022 1 PAGE 26 I Lawn and/orgroundco✓ermaybe substituted for trees or shrubbery, unless required for screening when there are adequate provisions for ongoing maintenance. (F) Parking lot planting areas must include I canopy tree atleast 2 inches (dbh) in caliper that meets Oty street tree standards as maybe permitted by the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual and at least 4 shrubs, 5gallon or larger, for each 100 square feet ofplanting area. Shrubs that abut public right-of-way or that is placed in the interior of any parking lot must not exceed 25 feet in height atmatunty Parking lot planting areas must include.' G. Allnewrequiredplanting areas shall be provided with a permanent undergroundirrigation system unless where planted with native species or plant communities, or as maybe exemptedby the Director. H. Landscaped setbacks abutting required screening on the same propertymaybe exemptedby the Director from planting requirements if the area is not visible from anypublic right-of-way or adjacent property. Planting Installation Standards. 1. The applicant shall protide methods for the protection of existing plant material, which will remain through the construction process The plants to be asvedand the methodofprotection shall be noted on the Planting Pian. 2. Existing trees to be retained on private property shall not have construction occur within the drip line, unless a landscape architect certifies that affected trees will ha✓e at /east a 90 percent chance ofsur✓lval over a Syear period Trees to be saved shall be kept free from trunk abrasion. 3. The Planting Plan may be required to include specifications for topsoil, including depth and organic matter requirements, to ensure the health and vitalityofrequired planting. Where planting areas have been excavated, the Planting Pian shall protide for the replacement of topsoil All waste material shall be removed from required planting areas prior to the application of topsoil a. Inspection maybe made by the Directorpnor to planting to verryproper rough grade and installation ofinigabon systems. A Plant matenals andsoilpreparetion may be inspectedpnor to orin conjunction with the occupancyinspection to ensure that placement, quantity, size and variety conform to the approved Planting Plan and the requirements of thts Section. Nursery tags identifying vanlety and species shall remain on plant specimens until the Final Building inspection by the Building Official or the issuance of Certificate of Occupancy Lis EHue WMEzle Mizetl Use ARCHITECTS 10.12.2022 1 PAGE 27 Response: Refer to the landscape plans plants and plant spacing. A majority of the site is paved with concrete sidewalks / concrete pavers. The landscape plan proposes approximately 290 sf of landscape area and 24 square feet of plants In above grade planters. All pants shall be Installed per the Installation requirements. 4.4-110 Screening A. Unless otherwise specified in this Code, screening shall be required: 1. Where commercial and industrial districts abut residential districts and no approved screening exists; 2. For outdoor mechanical devices and minor and major public facilities; 3. For outdoor storage yards and areas in non-residential districts abutting residential districts along their common property line; 4. For trash receptacles; 5. For automobile wrecking and salvage yards; and 6. For multifamily developments. B. Screening shall be vegetative, earthen and/or structural and be designed to minimize visual and audible incompatible uses from adjacent properties. Unless specified elsewhere in this Subsection, screening shall be continuous to at least 6 feet above ground level. The following standards shall apply: Response: The Applicant proposes no screening since none of the required conditions exist with In the development. 4.4-115 Fences Fences shall not exceed the height standards in Table 44-1 and shall be located as follows A Genera/ 1. In any zoning, overlay or pian district not specificallyhated in Table 4.4-1, fence standards shall be determinedbased upon the use, for example a commercial use in the Mixed Use Commercial District shall comply with fence standards for the commercial disthcts in Table 44-1. 1. Fence height is measured from the average height of the grade adjacent to where the fence is to be located Ifa fence is to be constructed on top of berm, the height is measured from the top of the berm. Lrs Blue MI(enzle Mized Use ARCHITECTS 10.12.2022 1 PAGE 28 I Fences shall be permitted as specifiedin the screening standards in Section 44-770 Where permittedin the commercial, industrial and the PLO Districts, outdoor storage of matenals shall be screened by a sight obscuring fence when abutting residential properties along common propertylines. Partial screening along rights-cf-wayandnon-residential districts maybe permitted when necessary for secunly reasons. Response: The Applicant Is proposing no fencing. Lrs BissMKenzletAhetl Use ARCHITECTS 10.12.2022 1 PAGE 29 SECTION 4.5-100 ON-SITE LIGHTING STANDARDS 4.5-105 Purpose and Applicability A. On-site lighting standards are established to create a safe and secure environment during hours of darkness and reduce or prevent light pollution by minimizing glare. B. On-site lighting standards apply to any development requiring Site Plan Review approval. C. EXCEPTIONS: On-site lighting standards shall not apply to: 1. Individual single-family or duplex dwelling units. 2. City street light standards and design criteria, which are regulated by Section 4.2-145 and by the Citys Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual, 3. Lighting necessary for emergency equipment and work conducted in the interests of law enforcement or for the safety, health, or welfare of the City; and 4. Sign lighting and signs in general, which are regulated in the Springfield Municipal Code, 1997, Chapter 8. Response: The Applicant Is proposing Exterior building lighting only. No other on site light Is proposed. Applicant is also indicating a new street light to meet all City standards. Signage lighting will be reviewed under separate approval. 4.5-110 Illumination and Height A On-site lighting shall be the minimum illumination necessary for a given appixation including parking areas and vehicle sales areas. All exterior light fixtures shall be shielded or recessed so that direct glare and reflection are contained within the boundaries of the property, and directed downward and away from abutting properties; pubix rights -of --way, and riparian, wetlands and otherprotected areas identified in this Code on the same property Response: No on site pole lighting Is proposed firsBlueWKanzle MixeI1 Use ARCHITECTS 10.122022 1 PAGE 30 SECTION 4.6-100 MOTOR VEHICLE PARKING, LOADING AND BICYCLE PARKING STANDARDS 4.6-135 Loading Areas—Faclllty Design and Improvements A. A//necessaryloading areas for commercial andindustrlei development sha//be located off-street and pro✓idedin addithon to the required parking spaces. Response: No on site loading areas are required /proposed. 4.6-140 Bicycle Parking—Purpose and Applicability A Safe and convenient bicycle parking is requiredin most inning d/stficts andiand use categories to encourage the use of bicycles as a mode oftransportation. The requ/rednumber of spaces Is iowerforuses that do not tend to attractbicyc/e riders andhigher for those that do. Additional/y, some bicycle parking is required on the basis of specifically encouraging employee, student or customerre/atedbicyc/e use. The fol/owing standards ensure that bicyc/e parking is convenient to the cyclist in its location and provides sufficient secuntyfrom theft and damage. Long-term bicycle parking space requirements accommodate employees, commuters, students, residents and other persons who expect to leave that, bicyc/es for more than 2hours. Short-term bicyc/e parking spaces accommodate wsitors, customers, messengers, and otherpersons expected to depart within approx/mateiy2hours. B. Unless exempted else where in this Code, a// development shall comply with the bicycle parking provisions ofthis Section. (6412) Response: Refer to the Cover sheet of the plans for basic description of bicycle parking proposed. Since not all of the bike parking can be accommodated on the ground level and the building design cannot accommodate upper level storage facilities the applicant proposes locating some of the required bike parking in the units to meet the resident units requirements.. 4.6-145 Bicycle! Parking—Facility Design A Requ/redb/cycie parking spaces and facilities must be a powder coated staple cr/n✓erted--Urack as shown in Figure 4.6-8. Aiternahveiy, the requ/redb/cycie parking spaces must fulfil/ the criteria for quai/ryb/cycle parking, which are as follows., 1. Supports the bicycle frame in a stable positron without damage to wheels, flames, or components and provides two points of correct; 2. Aiiows locking of the frame and one or both wheels with a U4ock, LisBlue MCKsnzle Mired Use ARCHITECTS 10.122022 1 PAGE 31 I /s securely anchored to the ground or to a structure,, 4. Resists cutting, rusting, bending, or deformation, both from natural causes andfrom human abuse''.. Powdercoatedor durable, non -scratching surface,, and 6. Works vel/ for a var/etyofbicycle frame types (a g., should work for step -through frame as we//as diamond frame, children's bicycles as we// as adult bicycles, recumbent as we// as other styles of adaptive bicyc/es). B. Requiredbicyc/e parking spaces andfacildies must be constructed and/nsta/led/n accordance with Section 46-150 and Figures 46-8 and 46- 0 Bicyc/e parking must be provided at ground level unless an elevator w/th clear bicycle wayf/nd/ng s/gnage is easily accessible and directs users to an approvedbicyc/e storage area. Each requiredbicyc/e parking space must be accessib/e withoutremoving anotherbicyc/e. C. A//requiredlong-term bicycle parking spaces must be sheltered from prec/pdat/on and/nc/ude lighting. A Short-term bicycle parking must be sheltered as follows., 1. /f 10 or fewer short-term bicycle parking spaces are required, no she/ter/s required for short-term bicycle parking. 2. /f more than 10 short-term bicycle parking spaces are required, at/east 50% of the short-term bicycle parking spaces in excess of 10 must be sheltered 3. Shelters must have a minimum 7 -foot overhead clearance and must completely cover the bicycle parking rack and any btcycles that are parked in the way the rack was designed to be used E. Bicycle parking that accommodates cversizedbicycles and alternative bicycle types must be pro wded as follows., 1. Each overs/zedbkycle parking space must pro vide minimum clear area of feet by8 feet as shown in Figure 46-0. 2. At/east 10$ of the long-term b/cyc/e parking spaces for commero/a/ uses and residential uses must be overs/zedbkycle park/ng spaces. Response: The applicant proposes to provide onsite / ground level bicycle parking spaces with a powder coated Inverted -U rack. In the units where required a wall hook and the pad to be located In a spot with in the unit plan design. Lrs Bluaklcl(anzle Mixed Use ARCHITECTS 10.12.2022 1 PAGE 32 4.6-155 Bicycle Parking—Number of Spaces Required A The required minimum numberofbicyc/e parking spaces for each pr/ncipa/use is 4 spaces, unless otherwise spec/fled/n Table 46-3 Addihima/bicyc/e parking spaces maybe required at common use areas. When the number of requIred spaces results in a fraction/number, the total number of required spaces wi//be rounded up to the next whole number. When app/icabon of the long - and short-term bicycle parking percentages results in a fractional number of/ong-and short-term spaces, the number of/ong-term spaces required wi//be rounded up to the next whole number, the remaining number of requIred spaces wi//be designated as short- term bicycle parking. Response: The applicant Is providing bike parking as required and have rounded up number as state here. . BICYCLE PARKING SUMMARY: REQUIRED: 88 PROVIDED: 90 LrsBlue MCKanzle Mined Use ARCHITECTS 10.122022 1 PAGE 33 4.7.375 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN STANDARDS. (A) Purpose. The architectural standards are intended to provide detailed, human -scale design, while affording flexibility to use a variety of building styles for certain types of development. (6) Applicability. This section applies to the following types of buildings. (1) Multiple unit housing. (2) Public and institutional building in Residential Districts. (3) Commercial building in Neighborhood Commercial District. (4) Mixed-use building in Residential Districts and the Mixed - Use Residential District. (5) All other types of permitted/conditional nonresidential use buildings listed in Table 3.2.210 when built in a Residential District. Response : Refer to C (1), (2) and (3) for building architectural standards on how the project meets the following criteria. (C) Standards (Clear andOiWatfve). Aiibuiidings that are subject to this section must comply with all the following standards. The graphics provided with each standard are intended to show examples of how to comp/yand are fori//ustretive purposes only Otherbunding styles and designs can be used to comply, so long as they are consistent with the text of this section. An architectural feature maybe used to comply with more than 1 standard (1) Bu//d/ng Form. All buildings mustmcorporate design features such as offsets, balconies, projections, window reveals, or sunder elements to preclude large expanses of untntenuptedbuikding surfaces, as shown in Figure 47-0 below. Along the vertical face of structure, such features must occur at a minimum of every 4O feet, on each floor and must contain at least 2 of the following features. (a) Recess (e.g., deck, patio, courtyard, entrance, orsimiiar feature) that has a minimum depth of feet. (b) Extension (eg., floor area, deck, patio, entrance, orsimiiar feature) that projects a minimum of2 feet and runs horizontally for a minimum length of feet,, and/or (c) Offsets orbreaks in roofeievabon of feet orgreaterin height. Response: The proposed features of the exterlor building design Incorporates the following features: offsets, balconies, projections, 3"window reveals and recessed areas which minimize any large expanses of uninterrupted building surface. firs BluehYKanzleMizedUse ARCHITECTS 10.122022 1 PAGE 34 The Street facing elevations incorporates the following features: 1) Vertical offset along face of the structure at approximate 33' from the South West corner which Is emphasized with a recessed a tall band of vertical windows. Also another offset with recessed faces on the North East corner that Interlock each other. 2) Various projections for decks and floor areas. 3) Offsets breaks In roof elevation of 2 feet or greater In height from the solar array platform to the parapet condition (2) Bu//d/ng Odentablon. All building elevations adjacent to a street right-of-waymust provide doors, porches, baiconles, and/or windows. A minimum of40percent ofstreet-facing elevations, and a minimum of 3O percent of side andrearbuilding elevations, must meet this standard Percent of ale vation is measured as the horizontal plane (lineal feet) containing doors, porches, balconies, terraces and/or windows. The standard applies to each full and partial building story. Response : Refer to 3.b- Design review option (3) Deb//edDes/gn. Aiibuiidings must provide detailed design along aiielevations which are visible from the street(s) adjacent to the properly (i e., front, rear and sides) (a) Menu Opt/on. Detailed design may be provided, through a Type 1 approval process according to SDC S 1 300 by using at least 6 of the following 13 architectural features on all applicable elevations, as appropriate for the proposed building type and style (may vary features on rear/side/front elevations). A) Dormers. (/I) Gables. (/I/) Recessedentnes. (W) Coveredfrontporches. (v) Pillars orposts. (v/) Eaves (minimum 12 -inch projection). (v//) Window trim (minimum 3N inches wide). (v///) Bay windows. (LY) Balconies. (x) Offsets in the building face by minimum of 18 inches. (x/) Offsets orbreaks in roof elevation of feet or greater in height. (x//) Decorative patterns on the exterior finish (such as using shingles, wainscoting, and/orboantand batten) (x///) Variation in facade building materials, including, butnotiimitedto, Lrs BluehYKanzle Mixed Use ARCHITECTS 10.122022 1 PAGE 35 Tile brick and wood Response : Refer to b- Design review option. b) Design Review Option. Detailed design may be provided by showing compliance with the following design criteria through a Type 2 application process in accordance with SDC 5.1.400. (1) The general size, shape, and scale of the structure(s) are architecturally compatible with the site and with the surrounding neighborhood, unless such compatibility with existing structures does not reflect the long-term purpose or intent of the underlying land use district of the subject site. (11) If the project includes a structure or structures greater than 20,000 square feet in floor area, the design must incorporate changes in direction and divide large masses into varying heights and saes by breaking up building sections, or by using such elements as variable planes, projections, bays, dormers, setbacks, canopies, awnings, parapets, changes in the roofline, materials, color, ortextures. (III) Exterior finish on vertical surfaces must be primarily of materials such as masonry/wood siding, shingles, or stucco. The use of sheet metal or plywood must not exceed 50 percent of the wall area. No smooth - faced cinder block construction is permitted on front elevations. Cinder block construction for side and rear elevations is permitted by approval through the review process. (6443) Response : Proposed Project meets with the following Exterior Building features. Criteria I - Is met with an exterior design that Is architecturally compatible with the purpose of the nodal design overlay for a higher density, urban activating design. The exterior Is a modern expression of the local lumber industry with a touch of metal and wood like finishes and textures. The alternating stacked bays dove tall Into each other like stacked lumber of different lengths. The new modern looking building compliments the adjacent Historical Property Springfield motors, which Is considered an example of modern midcentury stream line style with clean lines and transitions. Lrs BlueWKanzle Mbx1 Use ARCHITECTS 10.122022 1 PAGE 36 Criteria II — Is met with an exterlor design that Incorporates changes In plane that are enhanced by material changes without being overly busy within any plane. The material changes divide the building mass Into varying heights, planes and size. Criteria III- Is met by the proposed Exterior materials which are of high quality, durable and low maintenance. Exterior finishes consist of Non—combustible Cement panel products of varying colors and texture and a limited amount of Nu -wave shaped metal siding. The Metal siding Is approx. 20% of the West elevation and 24% of the South facing elevation of the building. The bulkhead base will be wood formed concrete to provide a warmth through a wood texture and durable base. The soffit material Is noncombustible slatted metal planks with natural fir wood look. Exterior exposed columns are treated Douglas fir and encase Steel columns that reflect the actual wood structural columns left exposed In the Interior of the building. SDC 4.7.360 (OR ALTERNATIVE STANDARDS AS APPROVED UNDER 4.7.365 OR 4.7.390) Response : Applicable to R-1 and R-2 zones only. firsBlue MCKanzle Mixed Use ARCHITECTS 10.122022 1 PAGE 37 BLUE MCKENZIE MIXED USE Exhibit A: Type II Site Design Review Application Form Lrs EHue WMEzle Mizetl Use ARCHITECTS 10.122022 1 PAGE 38 City of Springfield Development & Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Site Plan Review SPRINGFIELD W 0#/ Type (Applicant. dieck Site Plan Review Pre -Submittal: Major Site Plan Modification Pre-SubmittalApplication , ❑ Site Plan Review Submittal: X Ma'or Site Plan Modification Submittal: ❑ Required Project Information (Applicant. complete this section) Applicant Name: Jean-Pierre Veillet Phone: 971.506.2337 Company: Blue McKenzie Apartments, LLC Email: Ip@nws-properties.c Address:95 Freedom Loop , Bellevue, Idaho 83313 Applicant's Rep.: Cynthia Schuster Phone: 03.807.7822 Company: LRSArchitects I Email: cschuster@lrsarchit Address: 720 NW Davis, Suite 300, Portland, OR 97209 Property Owner: Blue McKenzie Apartments, LLC Phone: 971.506.2337 Company: Blue McKenzie Apartments, LLC Email: Ip@nws-properties. Address: 95 Freedom Loop, Bellevue, Idaho 83313 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: TAX LOT NOS : 17-03-35-42-02300 Property Address: Site Location - A Street between 7th and 8th Size of Property: .27 aCreS Acres ❑X Square Feet ❑ proposed No. of • 311 dwellina uni Proposed Name of Project: Blue McKenzie Company DeSCf lPtlon of if you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Pf0 OSaI' Single building of♦/.76,008 at, eight stories, 84 apartment units with an 8th floor amenity space, commercial lease space on ground floor. The la[ger commercial space er 11 be set up to be a small restaurant, Existing Use: Parking Lot New Impervious Surface Coverage (Including Bldg. Gross Floor Area : 0 sf Si natures: Please si n and Drint Mour name and date in the aDDrociriate Required Project Information (City Intake Staff., Associated Applications: box on the next a e. complete this section) Signs: Pre -Sub Case No.: Date: Reviewed by: Case No.: Date: Reviewed by: Application Fee: $ Technical Fee: $ Posta a Fee: $ TOTAL FEES: $ PROJECT NUMBER: Revised 1/7/14 Id 1 of 11 Dm cts.con Dm s/ acre the BLUE MCKENZIE MIXED USE Exhibit C: Geotechnical Report Lrs EHue WMnzle Mizetl Use ARCHITECTS 10.122022 1 PAGE 40 BLUE MCKENZIE MIXED USE Exhibit D: Stormwater Report Lrs EHue WMnzle Mizetl Use ARCHITECTS 10.122022 1 PAGE 41 BLUE MCKENZIE MIXED USE Exhibit F: Commercial Area Percentage Calculations Diagram Lrs EHue WMEzle Mizetl Use ARCHITECTS 10.122022 1 PAGE 43 COMMERCIAL AREA PERCENTAGE CALCULATIONS DIAGRAM Lrs2210021 Blue McKenzie Co. I Site Plan Review NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ARCHiTEcTs 740 A Street I Springfield, OR 97477 LEVEL 1 FOOTPRINT PLAN W/ OUTDOOR COVERED AREAS LEVEL 1 USABLE AREA W/ OUTDOOR USE AREA 8723.68 sf 60% COMMERCIAL USE REQUIRED %Commercial SF 0 utility spaces -1,779 sf 10% 178 sf 0 commercial area - 4817 sf 100% 4,817 sf Leasing/ Building Management Office 402 sf Small Lobby Tenant - Coffee Bar 203 sf Tenant Improvement 1 2,472 sf Tenant Improvement 2 1,740 sf — bike storage - 610 sf - 50% 305 sf circulation -1,750 sf - 50% 875 sf TOTAL 71% 6,175 sf O 2022.08.02 ®NORTHWEST SUSTAINABLE PROPERTIES BLUE MCKENZIE MIXED USE Exhibit G: Luminaire Cut Sheets Lrs EHue WMRzle Mizetl Use ARCHITECTS 10.122022 1 PAGE 44 ARCHTECTURAL SITE PLAN A001 HUOHU — OHU OHU W NW ry I— U) 'o 0 0 0 c 0 B � I I „ D 64 0 5' 10' 20' Scale: 1" = 10'-0" 8 SD LFs 2 1002 1 Biue McKenzie C ARCHITECTS 740 A Street I Springfiel GENERAL NOTES A SITE INFORMATION IS BASED ON OWNER'S SURVEY DATED JUNE 12021 BY kpff B REFER TO GEO TECHNICAL REPORT DATED JULY 20,2021 BY NV5 C BUILDING IS PARALLEL SOUTH (A STREET) PROPERTY LINE D CURBS ARE PARALLEL OR PERPENDICULAR TO THE ADJACENT PROPERTY LINE. KEY NOTES �/ NEW STREET TREE AND TREE WELL PER CITY REQ. O EXISTING CONCRETE SIDEWALK O EXISTING CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER (4)EXISTING ASPHALT PAVEMENT- PATCH AND MATCH EX GRADES OCONCRETE CURB- HEIGHT WILL VARY WITH ADJACNET GRADE © FUTURE TENANT IMPROVEMENT SPACE O SHORT TERM BICYCLE RACK © VERSIZED BICYCLE RACK SPACE 4' X 8 O8 (14) STAGGERED WALL MOUNTED BIKE RACKS' (SHORT TERM) 10 EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT 11 ACCESS DRIVE CONCRETE PAVING (TYP) SEE CIVIL/ LANDSCAPE 74 CONCRETE FILL PIPE BOLLARD PER SUB 13 6X7 VAULT /ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER PER SUB -COORD W/ UTILITY 14 CATCH BASIN - SEE CIVIL 15 REPLACE EXISTING CONCRETE DRIVEWAY APRON CURB WITH CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER TO CITY STANARDS. TIE INTO EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER. SEE DEMOLITION SITE PLAN AND CIVIL DRAWINGS. ig TRASH BINS, NIC 17 CONCRETE SIDEWALK TO MEET CITY STANDARDS 18 GENERATOR LOCATION iS PUBLIC AMENITY-DECORATIVE(2) SHORT TERMS BIKES RACKS 20 DECORATIVE ACORN LIGHT PER CITY STANDARD 21 SUB POWER POLE TO BE REMOVED- UNDERGROUND POWER PER SUB 22 COM POLE TO REMAIN 23 GAS METER 24 CONCRETE SIDEWALK -PER GEO REPORT 25 PAVERS PER LANDSCAPE PLANS ® PLANTER -SEE LANDSCAPE 27 CORETEN PLANTERS TYP ® EXISTING STREET LIGHT ® AREA DRAIN ® MINI CHANNEL TRENCH DRAIN LEGEND SITE PROPERTY BOUNDARY SITE EASEMENT BUILDING CONCRETE SIDEWALKW/CJS *P PUBLIC ENTRY ON ACCESSIBLE ROUTE *R RESTRICTED ENTRY ON ACCESSIBLE ROUTE * ELEVATOR USED AS AN ACCESSIBLE MEANS OF EGRESS 0 PROJECT NORTH 2022.10.02 NORTHWEST SUSTAINABLE PROPERTIES