HomeMy WebLinkAboutStudies APPLICANT 9/28/2022September 28, 2022 Branch ENGINEERING- GRADING PIAN REPORT 636 S 70TH, LLC TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION Branch Engineering Inc. Project No. 21-287 The following narrative (along with the noted plan sheets and referenced reports) are intended to follow the format provided per City of Springfield city code section 3.3-530.B items 1-8. Attached to this document are the Tentative Subdivision Existing Conditions and Site Plan. 1. Ekdsting and proposed details and contours (S-foot intervals) of property; Response: Existing Site Conditions: The site of the project addressed in this report is located at Tax Map: 18-02-02-23, Tax Lot 4300, totaling 1.76 -acres in Springfield, Oregon The site is currently undeveloped and located on the west side of S 70- Street between Glacier Drive and Ivy Street and extends westward to the current terminus of S 69- Place. S 70m Street is not developed up to current city standards with a ditch along its west side for stormwater drainage. The site has a fairly consistent slope from its southwesterly corner to its northeasterly corner of approximately 896 All of the existing runoff from the site flows via overland sheet flow to the backyards of the adjacent properties to the north of the site. The existing site consists of several trees, S of which are directly impacted by the Public Improvements. The remaining trees slated for removal conflict with building envelopes shown on the tentative subdivision plan See Sheet 1 Tentative Subdivision Existing Conditions for additional information on existing contours and conditions. Proposed Grading Plan: Please see Sheet 2 Tentative Subdivision Site Plan for reference. Proposed grading primarily consists of a 41 -foot roadway dedication to extend S 69- Place to S 70m Street which will include a 20 -foot -wide paving width with setback sidewalks, and the reconstruction and improvement of the west half of S 70- Street right-of-way along the frontage of the site. The entirety of the public improvements will consist of approximately 0.55 acres. Due to the nature of the slopes on site, the pavement will have a shed cross section to match the natural slope of the site. All fill material will be placed in lifts and compacted per geotechnical recommendations. Site strippings are expected to be removed from the site, though some could be stockpiled and then redistributed on non-paved(non-gravel)/disturbed soil areas and areas to be re- seeded as post -construction conditions and geotechnical recommendations allow. EUGENE -SPRINGFIELD ALBANY 310 Sth Street, Springfield, OR 97477 1 p- 541.746.0637 1 w .brancheng ineering.com Grading Plan Report (21-287) September 28, 2022 2. Details of terrain and area drainage; Response: The following is taken from the Proposed Development Stormwater Description section in the Stormwater Report that is included within the Tentative Subdivision Plan submitted prior to this application "The proposed stormwater development for the subject property will consist of four curb inlets along the northerly portion of S 60" Place and one along S 70" Street. The road will shed water to the north to match the existing direction of the slope on-site." It should be noted that the Stormwater Report also details that a portion of existing improvements to the south along S 69- Place will also be draining through the site. The Stormwater Report also details the appropriate pipe diameter to convey the stormwater offsite and downstream to the existing public stormwater capture system in S 70- Street. 3. Location of any existing buildings or structures on the property where the work is to be performed the location of any existing buildings or structlues on land of adjacent owners which are within 100 feet of the property or which may be affected by the proposed grading operations, and proposed or approximate locations of structures relative to adjacent topography; Response: There are various single-family residences that surround the site. To the north are four properties that are directly affected by the proposed grading of the site. These homes are currently in the path of all the drainage that comes off the existing slope. According to one of the neighbors, water runoff from this site has been a major issue for his foundation. Fortunately, the grading and the conveyance of stormwater from the improvements will remove anywhere between 70-7596 of the current area draining to the north, and instead direct it through the piped system to the public stormwater system on S 70- Street. The property located directly southeast of the property has agreed to a permanent slope easement on its north side to accommodate the public improvements running through the site. The remaining properties to the south and the west are all uphill of the site, and will remain unaffected by any improvements. 4. The direction of drainage flow and the approximate grade of all streets with the final determination to be made as specified in Subsection D., below; Response: All of the drainage will be directed from the southwest of the property to the east as described in the Stormwater Report referenced above. The grade of the street will range between 0.5%- 8.696 Building envelopes are also depicted on the site plan along with their proposed driveway approaches. Branch Engineering, Inc. Grading Plan Report (21-287) September 28, 2022 S. Uniting dimensions, elevations, or finished contours to be achieved by the grading, including all cut and fill slopes, proposed drainage channels, and related construction; Response: All dimensions, elevations, and finished contours to be achieved by the grading, including all cut and fill slopes, proposed drainage channels, and related construction can be seen on Sheet 2 Tentative Subdivision Site Plan. 6. Detailed plans and locations of all surface and subsurface drainage devices, walls, dams, sediment basins, storage reservoirs, and other protective devices to be constructed with, or as a part of, the proposed work, together with a map showing drainage areas, the complete drainage network, including outfall lines and natural drainageways which may be affected by the proposed development, and the estimated run-off of the area served by the drains; Response: Pont curb inlets will be located on the northerly side of the extended S 69' Place which will capture the runoff from the street as well as the lots to the south which will weephole to the street. The roofs from the northerly lots will be directed straight to the stormwater main located within the extended street The landscaping on the northerly lots will likely be similar to existing draining conditions. All grading for individual lot development will be addressed during home construction, as necessary. Originally, the plan was to have the proposed system connect into the piped system on S 70m Street. However, after extensive discussion with SUB Water, it was concluded that any pipe crossings along S 70m Street shouldbe avoided, as SUB Water has a water transmission line along the west side of S 70m Street. Any damage done to this line would remove water service to most of the easterly Springfield area until a repair is made. To avoid that, the following changes to the plan are described below. A manmade ditch is currently located along the westerly edge of S 70m Street. The proposed improvements will include a setback sidewalk and curb and gutter along the frontage of the property along S 70m Street The existing ditch will continue to function as normal to the north and south of the subdivision A ditch inlet will capture water in the upstream ditch and will join the proposed stormwater drainage system to outfall into the downstream ditch. This ditch is connected to the piped system on S 70- Street at the southwest corner of the Glacier Drive and S 70- Street intersection. 7. A schedule showing when each phase of the project will be completed, including the total area of soil surface which is to be disturbed during each stage, and estimated starting and completion dates; the schedule shall be drawn up to limit to the shortest possible period the time that soli is exposed and unprotected In no event shall the existing "natural" vegetative ground cover be destroyed removed or disturbed more than 15 days prior to grading or construction of required improvements. Within 15 days of grading or other pre -development activity that removes or significantly disturbs ground cover vegetation, exposed soil shall either be built upon (i.e., covered with gravel, a slab foundation or other construction), landscaped (i.e., seeded or planted with ground cover) or otherwise protected; Response: As per most Public Improvements, all the subsurface structures and pipes will be constructed first and backfilled with crushed rock as the work progresses. The same will be true for the grading of the road. Any additional grading that removes ground cover will Branch Engineering, Inc. 3 Grading Plan Report (21-287) September 28, 2022 follow the erosion control permit that is made part of the Public Improvement plan, which might include items like mulch matting, bamboo lattice matting or other erosion prevention measures. As the timing of the start of construction is unknown at this time, a schedule will be generated as part of the Public Improvement Project submittals that will meet the standards detailed in this item 8. The Grading Plan shall be prepared by a C ivi1 Engineer. Response: All grading plans were prepared under the responsible charge of a licensed professional Civil Engineer practicing under a valid registration in the State of Oregon. nWnenPeee�n UTALLYSIGNED OREGON 29� °Fc. 21, t/ EXPIRES: 12/31/22 Branch Engineering, Inc. 4