HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 9/28/2022City of Springfield
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Interpretation of new uses, terms or phrases will be reviewed under Type II procedure, unless the
Director determines that the application should be reviewed as a Type III decision by the Planning
Commission or Hearings Official due to the complexity of the application or the need for discretionary
review. Planning Policy issues that include, but are not limited to the Springfield Development Code,
ado ted refinement nlans or the Metro Plan shall be reviewed under T e IV rocedure.
Application Type licant. check one)
New Use: Type II ✓ Tyle III ClarifyPlanningPolicy: a IV
Term or Phrase: T e II T e III
Required Project Information (Applicant., complete this
Applicant Name: Shaun Hyland
Phone: 541.726.8081
Company: Big Bass LLC
Fax: shaun@jhconst.com
Address: PO Box 7867, Springfield, OR 97475
Applicant's Rep.: Zach Galloway, AICP
Company: TBG Architects + Planners
Fax: zgalloway@tbg-amh.com
Address: 132 East Broadway, Suite 200, Eugene, OR 97401
Property Owner: Shaun Hyland,
Phone: 541.726.8081
Company: Big Bass LLC
Fax: shaun@jhconst.com
Address: PO Box 7867, Springfield, OR 97475
ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-02-28-00
1 TAX LOT NOS : 402
Property Address: 5230 High Banks Road, Springfield, OR 97478
Size of Property: 24.25 Acres 0 Square Feet ❑
Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application.
Proposal: RV parking/storage
Existing Use: Vacant
Signatures: Please si n and print your name and date in the appropriate
Required Project Information (City Intake Staff.,
Associated Applications:
box on the next Daae.
complete this section)
Case No.:
Reviewed by:
Application Fee: $
Technical Fee: $
1 Postage Fee: $
Revised 1/9/09 ddk 1 of 6
The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate.
,�7iiau12c, Pry� Date: 9-23-22
Shaun Hyland
If the applicant is not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf.
�ill'ur� �✓u lzdl Date: 9-23-22
Shaun Hyland
Revised 1/9/09 ddk 2 of 6
Interpretation Submittal Requirements Checklist
NOTE: If you feel an item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the
explanation to this form.
❑ Submitted Concurrently with Site Plan Review or Minimum Development Standards,
N/A where applicable
❑✓ Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee
calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development & Public
Works Department. The applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected
at the time of complete application submittal.
❑✓ Interpretation Application Form
❑✓ Interpretation of New Uses Narrative - explaining the proposal and any additional
information that may have a bearing in determining the action to be taken, including
findings demonstrating compliance with the Criteria described in SDC 5.11-120 B and
information on the following characteristics of the new use:
❑ Description of proposed structures and operational characteristics of the new use
❑ Commercial/Industrial Uses
❑ Emission of smoke, dust, fumes, vapors, odors, and gases
❑ Use, storage, and/or disposal of flammable or explosive materials
❑ Glare
❑ Use of hazardous materials that may impact groundwater quality
❑ Noise
❑ Potential for ground vibration
❑ Amount and type of traffic to be generated and parking required
❑ Hours of operation
❑ Residential Uses
❑ Density
❑ Amount and type of traffic to be generated and parking required
❑ Interpretation of Terms or Phrases Narrative - explaining the proposal and any
N/A additional information that may have a bearing in determining the action to be taken,
including findings demonstrating compliance with the Criteria described in SDC 5.11-125
B, as well as the following information:
❑ Particular term or phrase requiring interpretation
❑ Applicant's statement describing what the particular term or phrase means
NOTE: Before the Director or Planning Commission can make an Interpretation, information
submitted by the applicant must adequately support the request. All of the Interpretation
Criteria must be addressed by the applicant. Incomplete applications, as well as insufficient or
unclear data, will delay the application review process and may result in denial.
Revised 1/9/09 ddk 6 of 6
+ P L A N N E R S
September 27, 2022
City of Springfield
Development Services
Planning Division
225 5` Street
Springfield, Oregon 97477
RE: High Banks Annexation (202213/1.3)
Code Interpretation — Written Statement
Project Address:
Assessor's Map:
Tax Lots:
Property Owner:
Owner's Representative:
Land Use Request
5230 High Banks Road, Springfield, Oregon 97478
402 & 405
Big Bass LLC
PO Box 7867
Springfield, Oregon 97475
Contact: Shaun Hyland
TBG Architects+ Planners
132 East Broadway, Suite 200
Eugene, Oregon 97401
Kristen Taylor or Zach Galloway
ktaylor@tbg-arch.com or zgalloway@tbg-arch.com
Big Bass LLC (the "Applicant") requests a Code Interpretation per SDC 5.11. 100 to verify that
recreational vehicle ("RV") storage is a use permitted in the Light -Medium Industrial (LMI) zone, as
described in SDC 3.2.400. This code interpretation request (the Cl"Application") demonstrates that the
proposed use is permitted in the LMI zone. The Cl Application is subject to review and approval by the
Planning Director and is accompanied by the required fee.
The Applicant proposes to locate an RV storage facility on property it owns, identified as Map 17-02-28-
00, Tax Lots 402 and 405 (the "Subject Property") located north of High Banks Road that is located within
the City's urban growth boundary. As described below, the proposed RV storage facility is substantially
similar to and shares the operational characteristics of other permitted uses in the LMI zone. The
proposed use will include a large storage area for recreational vehicles, vehicular circulation with large
turning radii, minimal landscaping at the street edge, paved or graveled surface areas, and a chain link
security fence around the site perimeter.
541.687.1010 1132 EAST BROADWAY. SUITE 200 1 EUGENE. OREGON 97401 1 TBG-ARCH.COM
City of Springfield
September 27, 2022
Page 2 of 5
Code Interpretation: Supporting Facts and Findings
This section is organized by the applicable review criteria per SDC 5.11.120(B). The applicable criterion
and other codified text are included as bold italics below, followed by proposed findings in normal text.
5.11.120 Interpretation of New Uses
(B) Criteria. Anew use maybe considered to be a permitted use when, after consultation
with the City Attorney or other City staff, the Director determines that the new use:
(1) Has the characteristics of one or more use categories currently listed in the
applicable zoning district;
Finding: The Applicant's intended use of the Subject Property (RV storage) has similar characteristics of
one or more use categories in the LM zone. As described above, development of the Subject Property
will be designed to accommodate large vehicles, fenced for security, and landscaped at the perimeter to
create a vegetative buffer between uses. The proposed use will require no on-site employees. The RV
storage access for customers will be fully automated.
Per SDC 3.2.415, the LMI zone includes the following use categories, and the excerpted descriptions and
example uses have similar characteristics that are described in the findings that follow each category.
Category Example Uses
Industrial Use Storage
Generate income from the... handling of goods
Finding: As shown in the table above, the codified text uses the terms storage and warehousing. Both
terms are used to indicate that goods are being held for future use. Although implied by the term
warehouse, there is an expectation that some uses and activities will take place outdoors, as
acknowledged in SDC 3.2.405(B). The proposed storage use handles finished goods — recreational
vehicles — and provides space for the goods to be stored until the future when the owner retrieves the
Based on the use of these terms in the Industrial Use category, the Applicant considers the RV storage
use shares general characteristics with this use category.
Light Manufacturing, Relatively few customers come to the site
Fabrication, and Repair Manufacturing, assembly, or repair of machinery, equipment,
instruments, biotechnology
Breweries, distilleries, and wineries
Manufacturing of prefabricated or modular structures
City of Springfield
September 27, 2022
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Finding: The proposed RV storage use has low trip generation numbers. the use does not include retail
sales and services that increase trip generation. Each of the excerpted example uses above commonly
includes large material storage yards for oversized finished products, as well as paved/graveled areas
with significant turning radii for large vehicle circulation. Similarly, the proposed RV storage use will
include a large, paved/graveled area arranged to accommodate the circulation and turning radii of typical
RVs, which exceeds the required circulation needed for emergency vehicles.
Based on the findings above, the RV storage use shares general characteristics with the Light
Manufacturing use category.
• Heavy truck servicing and repair
• Contractors including building, heating...
• Recycling operations
• Fuel oil distributors
• Solid fuel yards
Finding: As described above, the proposed RV storage use will include a large storage area for
recreational vehicles, vehicular circulation with large turning radii, minimal landscaping at the street edge,
paved/graveled surface areas, and a chain link security fence around the site perimeter. Each of the
excerpted example uses above commonly includes large parking areas for necessary circulation and
large material storage yards, tanks, or open-air covered structures for oversized finished products or
storing source materials. Because of the large area dedicated to on-site storage in these example uses, it
is reasonable to conclude that they have a low employee per acre ratio. Similarly, the majority of the
Subject Property will be dedicated to the proposed RV storage use, and there will be no on-site employee
Based on the findings above, the RV storage use shares general characteristics with the Industrial
Service use category.
Category Exam le Uses Jr
Warehouse and Wholesale Wholesale distribution centers
Sales TruckAmight terminals
Stockpiling of sand, gravel, or other aggregate materials
Sale or rental of machinery, equipment, heavy trucks
Finding: As described above, the proposed RV storage use will include a large storage area for
recreational vehicles, vehicular circulation with large turning radii, paved/graveled surface areas, and a
chain link security fence around the site perimeter. The excerpted example uses above commonly
include external or outdoor elements that are similar to the proposed RV storage use, including large
parking areas with the necessary turning radii for large vehicle circulation and large material storage
City of Springfield
September 27, 2022
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yards, tanks, or open-air covered structures that are fenced for security. Also, in cases where stockpiling
of materials is a primary use, it likely has a similar minimal on-site employee presence.
Based on the findings above, the RV storage use shares general characteristics with the Warehouse and
Wholesale use category.
(2) Is similar to other permitted uses in operational characteristics, including, but
not limited to, traffic generation, parking or density; and
Finding: As described in the findings under criterion (1), the Applicant's intended RV storage use has
similar operational characteristics to one or more permitted uses in the LMI zone as listed and described
Low development intensity
• Development intensity is commonly measured in square feet per acre or floor -area ratio. The
proposed use is comprised of an outdoor storage yard and the necessary circulation for large
vehicles. This low intensity use is similar to the stockpiling and storage of building materials uses
that are provided as examples in SDC 3.2.415.
Paved/Graveled parking and circulation area
• The proposed use is comprised of a paved/graveled outdoor storage yard and the necessary
circulation for large vehicles. Dedicating the majority of the Subject Property to storage and
vehicle circulation is the same as the stockpiling and storage of building materials uses, as well as
significant portions of site development for truck/freight terminals, sale or rental of machinery,
equipment, heavy trucks, recycling operations, solid fuel yard uses that are provided as examples
in SDC 3.2.415.
Large outdoor storage yard
• The proposed use is comprised of an outdoor storage yard and the necessary circulation for large
vehicles. Dedicating the majority of the Subject Property to an outdoor storage yard is the same
as the stockpiling and storage of building materials uses, aswell as significant portions of site
development for sale or rental of machinery, equipment, heavy trucks, recycling operations, solid
fuel yard uses that are provided as examples in SDC 3.2.415.
Minimal on-site employee presence
• As described above, the proposed RV storage use will have a no on-site employee presence.
Again, this is similar to certain example uses listed in SDC 3.2.415, such as stockpiling sand and
gravel, storage of building materials, recycling operations, and solid fuel yard uses. These uses
dedicate the majority of the Subject Property to storage of finished products or raw materials.
They often have a low employee per acre ratio, and in some cases, employees are not
permanently at the site.
City of Springfield
September 27, 2022
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Based on the findings here, the RV storage use shares operational characteristics with the permitted
uses in the LMI zone.
(3) Is consistent with all land use policies in this code which are applicable to the
particular zoning district.
Finding: The Springfield Development Code does not include any policies for the LMI zone. Therefore,
this criterion is met.
The findings provided above demonstrate that the proposed RV storage use is similar to and shares
characteristics with example permitted uses in the identified use categories that are allowed in the LMI
zone. Therefore, with the criteria met, the Applicant requests that the Planning Director determine that
the RV storage use is permitted in the LMI zone.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me or Kristen Taylor at TBG Architects +
Planners (541.687.1010).
Zach Galloway, AICP
Senior Planner
cc: Shaun Hyland, Big Bass LLC
Mike Reeder, Attorney for Applicant
Anna Backus, PE KPFF Consulting Engineers
Z:TROA202213 Hyland 5320 High Ban ks\Corresp%gency\Coda Interpretation\202213-C ode Interp-Ltr.docx
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