HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 9/16/2022City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Tree Felling Permit i ;1L D Required Project Information (Applicant., complete this section) Applicant Name: Nick Amann Phone: 541-744-3711 Company: Springfield Utility Board Fax: Address: 1001 Main Street, Springfield, OR 97477 Applicant's Rep.: .: Phone: Company: Fax: Address: Property Owner: Springfield Utility Board Phone: 541-726-2395 Company, Springfield Utility Board Fax: Address: 1001 Main Street, Springfield, OR 97477 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 18-03-03-114 I16j ITAX LOT NOS :01000 Property Address: 5060 Franklin Blvd, Eugene, OR 97403 Size of Property: 3.71 Acres ® Square Feet ❑ Description of If you are filling in this farm by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Proposal: Tree felling of 32 dead or dying hazard trees. Sinatures: Please si nand rint our name and date in theappropriate box on the next a e. ..IMM Associated Cases: Signs: Case No.: Date: Reviewed by: Application Fee: $ Technical Fee: $ Posta a Fee: TOTAL FEES: $ 1 PROJECT NUMBER: Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 1 of Signatures The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate. Date: September 8,2022 Signature Nicholas Amann If the applicant is not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf. Owner: Date: Signature Print Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 2 of 5 Tree Felling Permit Application Process 1. Applicant Submits a Tree Felling Permit Application to the Development Services Department The application must conform to the Tree Felling Permit Submittal Requirements Checklist on page 4 of this application packet. Planning Division staff screen the submittal at the front counter to determine whether all required items listed in the Tree Felling Permit Submittal Requirements Checklist have been submitted. Applications missing required items will not be accepted for submittal. 2. City Staff Conduct Detailed Completeness Check • Planning Division staff conducts a detailed completeness check within 30 days of submittal. • The assigned Planner notifies the applicant in writing regarding the completeness of the application. • An application is not be deemed technically complete until all information necessary to evaluate the proposed development, its impacts, and its compliance with the provisions of the Springfield Development Code and other applicable codes and statutes have been provided. • Incomplete applications, as well as insufficient or unclear data, will delay the application review process and may result in denial. 3. City Staff Review the Application and Issue a Decision • This is a Type II decision and thus is made after public notice, but without a public hearing, unless appealed. • Mailed notice is provided to property owners and occupants within 300 feet of the property being reviewed and to any applicable neighborhood association. In addition, the applicant must post one sign, provided by the City, on the subject property. • There is a 14 -day public comment period, staring on the date notice is mailed. • Applications are distributed to the Development Review Committee, and their comments are incorporated into a decision that addresses all applicable approval criteria and/or development standards, as well as any written comments from those given notice. • Applications may be approved, approved with conditions, or denied. • The City mails the applicant and any party of standing a copy of the decision, which is effective on the day it is mailed. • The decision issued is the final decision of the City but may be appealed within 15 calendar days to the Planning Commission or Hearings Official. Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 3 of 5 Tree Felling Permit Submittal Requirements Checklist NOTE: If you feel an item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. ❑ Submitted Concurrently with Site Plan Review or Land Division applications, where applicable. Not Applicable ❑ Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department. The applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the time of complete application submittal. [V Tree Felling Permit Application Form g Copy of the Deed ❑ Copy of a Preliminary Title Report issued within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances. Not required, per Andy Limbird email 9/8/22 Rr Narrative explaining the proposal and any additional information that may have a bearing in determining the action to be taken, including findings demonstrating compliance with the Tree Felling Permit Criteria as specified in SDC 5.19-125 (see page 4 of this application). NOTE: Before the Director can issue a Tree Felling Permit, information submitted by the applicant must adequately support the request. All of the Tree Felling Permit Criteria must be addressed by the applicant. Incomplete applications, as well as insufficient or unclear data, will delay the application review process and may result in denial. In certain circumstances, it is advisable to hire a professional planner or land use attorney to prepare the required findings. The Director or the Public Works Director may require the applicant to provide the services of a professional forester (approved by the City), licensed hydrologist, or licensed landscape architect in order to address the standards in SDC 5.19-125 for undeveloped property greater than 10 acres in size or 15% slope or above an elevation of 670 feet. [� Three (3) Copies of a Plot Plan drawn to scale to include: ® The species or common name of the trees ® The location of trees to be removed and their sizes ® The method of tree removal and the hauling route to be used ❑ A description of any plan (Vegetation and Re -vegetation Report) to replace, landscape, or otherwise reduce the effect of the felling that addresses the applicable criteria in SDC 5.19-125. No re -planting anticipated. La/ Copy of the Plot Plan Reduced to 81/2" X 11", which will be mailed as part of the required neighboring property notification packet. Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 4 of 5 5.19-125 Criteria The Director, in consultation with the Public Works Director and the Fire Chief shall approve, approve with conditions or deny the request based on the following criteria: A. Whether the conditions of the trees with respect to disease, hazardous or unsafe conditions, danger of falling, proximity to existing structures or proposed construction, or interference with utility services or pedestrian or vehicular traffic safety warrants the proposed felling. B. Whether the proposed felling is consistent with State standards, Metro Plan policies and City Ordinances and provisions affecting the environmental quality of the area, including but not limited to, the protection of nearby trees and windbreaks; wildlife; erosion, soil retention and stability; volume of surface runoff and water quality of streams; scenic quality; and geological sites. C. Whether it is necessary to remove trees in order to construct proposed improvements as specified in an approved development plan, grading permits and construction drawings. D. In the event that no Development Plan has been approved by the City, felling of trees will be permitted on a limited basis consistent with the preservation of the site's future development potential as prescribed in the Metro Plan and City development regulations, and consistent with the following criteria. 1. Wooded areas associated with natural drainageways and water areas shall be retained to preserve riparian habitat and to minimize erosion; 2. Wooded areas that will likely provide attractive on-site views to occupants of future developments shall be retained; 3. Wooded areas along ridge lines and hilltops shall be retained for their scenic and wildlife value; 4. Wooded areas along property lines shall be retained to serve as buffers from adjacent properties; 5. Trees shall be retained in sufficiently large areas and dense stands so as to ensure against windthrow; 6. Large-scale clear -cuts of developable areas shall be avoided to retain the wooded character of future building sites, and so preserve housing and design options for future City residents. E. Whether the applicant's proposed replanting of new trees or vegetation is an adequate substitute for the trees to be felled. F. Whether slash left on the property poses significant fire hazard or liability to the City. G. Whether the felling is consistent with the guidelines specified in the Field Guide to Oregon Forestry Practices Rules published by the Stale of Oregon, Department of Forestry, as they apply to the northwest Oregon region. H. Whether transportation of equipment to and equipment and trees from the site can be accomplished without a major disturbance to nearby residents. Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 5 of 5 AN SPRINGFIELD UTIL' ELECT RIC SERVICE CGNIFER 1001 Main Street Springfield, OR 97477-4819 — 541.726.2395 Fax 541.726.2399 wwwsubutil.com Narrative for tree felling permit for Tax Lot #18-03-03-14-01000 This property has not been annexed to the City, however, it lies within the Urban Growth Boundary. There are 40 trees on this lot and two on the adjacent lot which are dead or dying. These trees have been identified as a potential hazard to our personnel who would be traversing or working on the property. The recommended clearance is a distance of two tree lengths, with consideration given to slope, density and soil structure. The intent is to avoid felling trees on any slope greater than 15 degrees and those that are unlikely to fall toward the travel path and work areas on the property. The requested permit excludes the two trees on the adjacent property, as it is not owned by SUB. In addition, there are eight trees near the north boundary of the property that are on a steep slope, which would likely fall away from the travel path, which will be left in place. There will be 32 dead or dying trees removed in this scope of work. Access to the property is from East 22nd Ave, across SUB owned property. There is sufficient access overland and on existing routes to remove the trees without the construction of additional access roads. The cut trees and limbs would be chipped and spread on the property to the extent feasible. Large boles would be hauled out via E 22nd Ave. There is no intended replanting and other mature trees on the property will remain in place. In the diagram below, the Blue and Yellow trees will not be cut. This corresponds to the blue and yellow highlighting on the Table. Springfield Utility Board RE: Lot 1000 Tree Felling Permit page 12 Page 2 of 3 Springfield Utility Board, Electric Service Center, 1001 Main Street, Springfield, OR 97477, (541) 726-2395 Springfield Utility Board Page 3 of 3 RE: Lot 1000 Tree Felling Permit Tags Parcel ID Note Latitude Longitude Tree 1 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 24 dbh- 40ft Tall 44.03425777 -123.0310699 Tree 2 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 20" Dbh 30ft Tall 44.03424982 -123.030904 Tree 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 22"Dbh-45ft Tall 44.03428092 -123.030904 Tree 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 22"Dbh -37ft Tall 44.03427127 -123.0308158 Tree 5 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 32"Dbh - 65ft Tall 44.03427296 -123.0307427 Tree 6 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 20" Dbh - 40ft tall 44.03425223 -123.0306961 Tree 7 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 30" Dbh - 50ft Tall 44.03428622 -123.0306555 Tree 582344 Dead Doulas Fir 28"Dbh -60ft Tall 44.03421849 -123.0306156 Dying Douglas Fir Tree 34" Dbh - 85ft Tree 9 582344 tall 44.03431153 -123.030574 Tree 10 582344 Dead Douglas Fri 32" Dbh - 70ft Tall 44.03427802 -123.0305318 Tree 11 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 20" Dbh -40ft Tall 44.03410556 -123.0304632 Tree 12 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 34" Dbh - 60ft tall 44.03412231 -123.0304188 Tree 13 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 32"Dbh-70ft tall 44.03425139 -123.0304431 Tree 14 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 16" Dbh -45ft tall 44.03429273 -123.0304557 Tree 15 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 32" Dbh - 50ft Tall 44.03432985 -123.0304121 Tree 16 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 22"Dbh -40ft Tall 44.03436504 -123.030392 Tree 17 583243 Dead Douglas Fir 18" Dbh -40ft Tall 44.03449688 -123.0302706 Tree 18 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 20" Dbh - 35ft Tall 44.03458149 -123.030389 Tree 19 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 20" Dbh -45ft Tall 44.03457136 -123.0303333 Tree 20 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 18" Dbh -50ft tall 44.03472201 -123.0305167 Tree 21 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 30" Dbh - 60ft Tall 44.03478396 -123.0305908 Tree 22 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 30" Dbh - 50ft tall 44.03487688 -123.0304518 Tree 23 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 28" Dbh - 50ft tall 44.03480505 -123.0303399 Tree 24 583243 Dead Douglas Fir 16"Dbh -45ft Tall 44.03469791 -123.0301855 Tree 25 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 28"Dbh -60ft tall 44.03441566 -123.0307232 Tree 26 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 24"Dbh -50ft tall 44.03437564 -123.0307903 Tree 27 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 24" Dbh -60ft tall 44.03450412 -123.0304721 Tree 28 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 32"Dbh -70ft tall 44.03447808 -123.0308087 Tree 29 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 30"Dbh -50ft Tall 44.03450749 -123.0308493 Tree 30 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 24" Dbh - 60ft tall 44.03462813 -123.030819 Tree 31 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 16" Dbh -40ft Tall 44.03463596 -123.0307249 Tree 32 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 20" Dbh 45ft tall 44.03474949 -123.0308919 Tree 33 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 20" Dion -45ft Tall 44.03475865 -123.0310236 Tree 34 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 28" Dbh - 50ft Tall 44.03499607 -123.0309254 Tree 35 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 22" Dbh - 50ft Tall 44.03515178 -123.0308168 Tree 36 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 30" Dbh -50ft tall 44.03506597 -123.0307232 Tree 37 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 28" Dbh -50ft tall 44.03500523 -123.0308034 Tree 38 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 36" 60ft tall 44.03501077 -123.0306388 Tree 39 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 20" Dbh 40ft tall 44.03493051 -123.0306388 Tree 40 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 20" Dbh -45fttall 44.03497992 -123.0305828 Tree 41 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 20" Dbh - 50ft tall 44.03496112 -123.0305419 Tree 42 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 20" Dbh -45ft tall 44.03493196 -123.0305174 Springfield Utility Board, Electric Service Center, 1001 Main Street, Springfield, OR 97477, (541) 726-2395 07/29/22 RINK r TREE cAR� Dead/Dying Tree Removal Report Location: 5060 Franklin Blvd Springfield, OR Parcel ID - 0582344 Overview There are 42 dead/dying tree present on 2 tax lots 40 Trees On 5060 Frankl in Blvd — Parcel I D 0582344 2 Trees on 5310 Franklin Blvd — Parcel ID 0583243 Each tree has been marked with a number and plotted on a map. Please see attached inventory data including Tree Species Tree Diameter at breast height (Dbh) Tree height Page I1 Brinks Tree Care 83938 Enterprise Rd Pleasant Hill, OR 97455 • Email: travis@brinkslandimorovment.com • 541-554-8591 • brinkslandimprovment.com Travis Ray Arborist # PN 9085A Page 12 Brinks Tree Care 83938 Enterprise Rd Pleasant Hill, OR 97455 • Email: traviso0brinkslandimorovment.com • 541-554-8591 • brinkslandimprovment.com Travis Ray Arborist 9 PN 9085A \ � ��■�\¥f�2��/� a}������,�>�.%■ ���# , w «�/!�% z ,: � �«� 2 . � . � » y.� : �� /M (� � \: � \: \ :°f- �\� �\| f����� . . (�$�\ � � . _ ,� \ . \:J% / / \ • "�0 tiTj +� Page 16 Travis J Ray Certified Arborist Certificate # PN 9095A ® Expiration Date: 12-31-2023 t 0 541-554-8591 Disclaimer Although all the recommendations in this report are based on sound and accepted practices, the author cannot be held responsible for the outcome of the recommendations, or any liabilities associated with this project. Tree inspections, in this case, do not cover internal cavities, structural defects, or diseases with non-visible symptoms. Tr Is Ray Certified Arborist PN9085A Brinks Tree Care 83938 Enterprise Rd Pleasant Hill, OR 97455 Email: travistmbrinkslandimprovment.com • 541-554-8591 • brinkslandimprovment.com Travis Ray Arborist # PN 9085A Tags Owner Address Municipality County State ZIP Code Parcel ID Note Latitude Longitude Created Tree 1 SUB 5060 FRANKLIN Blvd Eugene-Springfield Lane Oregon 97403 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 24 dbh-40ft Tall 44.03425777 -123.0310699 2022-07-29 19:21:21 GMT-0400 Tree 2 SUB 5060 FRANKLIN Blvd Eugene-Springfield Lane Oregon 97403 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 20" Dbh 30ft Tall 44.03424982 -123.030904 2022-07-29 19:57:31 GMT-0400 Tree 3 SUB 5060 FRANKLIN Blvd Eugene-Springfield Lane Oregon 97403 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 22"Dbh -45ft Tall 44.03428092 -123.030904 2022-07-2919:59:41 GMT-0400 Tree 4 SUB 5060 FRANKLIN Blvd Eugene-Springfield Lane Oregon 97403 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 22" Dbh -37ft Tall 44.03427127 -123.0308158 2022-07-29 20:01:18 GMT-0400 Tree 5 SUB 5060 FRANKLIN Blvd Eugene-Springfield Lane Oregon 97403 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 32"Dbh - 65ft Tall 44.03427296 -123.0307427 2022-07-29 20:02:46 GMT-0400 Tree 6 SUB 5060 FRANKLIN Blvd Eugene-Springfield Lane Oregon 97403 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 20" Dbh -40ft tall 44.03425223 -123.0306961 2022-07-29 20:04:36 GMT 0400 Tree 7 SUB 5060 FRANKLIN Blvd Eugene-Springfield Lane Oregon 97403 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 30" Dbh - 60ft Tall 44.03428622 -123.0306555 2022-07-29 20:05:33 GMT-0400 Tree 8 SUB 5060 FRANKLIN Blvd Eugene-Springfield Lane Oregon 97403 582344 Dead Doulas Fir 28" Dbh - 60ft Tall 44.03421849 -123.0306156 2022-07-29 20:07:07 GMT-0400 Tree 9 SUB 5060 FRANKLIN Blvd Eugene-Springfield Lane Oregon 97403 582344 Dying Douglas Fir Tree 34" Dbh - 85ft tall 44.03431153 -123.030574 2022-07-29 20:08:11 GMT-0400 Tree 10 SUB 5060 FRANKLIN Blvd Eugene-Springfield Lane Oregon 97403 582344 Dead Douglas Fri 32" Dbh - 70ft Tall 44.03427802 -123.0305318 2022-07-29 20:16:35 GMT-0400 Tree 11 SUB 5060 FRANKLIN Blvd Eugene-Springfield Lane Oregon 97403 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 20" Dbh -40ft Tall 44.03410556 -123.0304632 2022-07-29 20:20:15 GMT-0400 Tree 12 SUB 5060 FRANKLIN Blvd Eugene-Springfield Lane Oregon 97403 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 34" Dbh - 6011 tall 44.03412231 -123.0304188 2022-07-29 20:21:15 GMT-0400 Tree 13 SUB 5060 FRANKLIN Blvd Eugene-Springfield Lane Oregon 97403 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 32"Dbh - 70ft tall 44.03425139 -123.0304431 2022-07-29 20:22:16 GMT0400 Tree 14 SUB 5060 FRANKLIN Blvd Eugene-Springfield Lane Oregon 97403 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 16" Dbh -45ft tall 44.03429273 -123.0304557 2022-07-29 20:23:02 GMT-0400 Tree 15 SUB 5060 FRANKLIN Blvd Eugene-Springfield Lane Oregon 97403 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 32" Dbh - 50ftTall 44.03432985 -123.03041212022-07-2920:33:47 GMT-0400 Tree 16 SUB 5060 FRANKLIN Blvd Eugene-Springfield Lane Oregon 97403 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 22" Dbh - 40ft Tall 44.03436504 -123.030392 2022-07-29 20:35:08 GMT0400 Tree 17 EWEB 5310 FRANKLIN Blvd Eugene-Springfield Lane Oregon 97403 583243 Dead Douglas Fir 18" Dbh -40ft Tall 44.03449688 -123.0302706 2022-07-29 20:37:14 GMT-0400 Tree 18 SUB 5060 FRANKLIN Blvd Eugene-Springfield Lane Oregon 97403 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 20" Dbh - 35ft Tall 44.03458149 -123.030389 2022-07-29 20:39:31 GMT-0400 Tree 19 SUB 5060 FRANKLIN Blvd Eugene-Springfield Lane Oregon 97403 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 20" Dbh -45ft Tall 44.03457136 -123.0303333 2022-07-29 20:40:19 GMT-0400 Tree 20 SUB 5060 FRANKLIN Blvd Eugene-Springfield Lane Oregon 97403 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 18" Dbh - 5011 tall 44.03472201 -123.0305167 2022-07-29 20:41:44 GMT-0400 Tree 21 SUB 5060 FRANKLIN Blvd Eugene-Springfield Lane Oregon 97403 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 30" Dbh - 60ft Tall 44.03478396 -123.0305908 2022-07-29 20:43:34 GMT0400 Tree 22 SUB 5060 FRANKLIN Blvd Eugene-Springfield Lane Oregon 97403 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 30"Dbh -50ft tall 44.03487688 -123.03045182022-07-2920:46:05 GMT 0400 Tree 23 SUB 5060 FRANKLIN Blvd Eugene-Springfield Lane Oregon 97403 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 28" Dbh - 50ft tall 44.03480505 -123.0303399 2022-07-29 20:47:48 GMT-0400 Tree 24 EWEB 5310 FRANKLIN Blvd Eugene-Springfield Lane Oregon 97403 583243 Dead Douglas Fir 16" Dbh -45ft Tall 44.03469791 -123.0301855 2022-07-29 20:48:49 GMT-0400 Tree 25 SUB 5060 FRANKLIN Blvd Eugene-Springfield Lane Oregon 97403 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 28" Dbh - 60ft tall 44.03441566 -123.0307232 2022-07-29 20:50:09 GMT-0400 Tree 26 SUB 5060 FRANKLIN Blvd Eugene-Springfield Lane Oregon 97403 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 24" Dbh -50ft tall 44.03437564 -123.0307903 2022-07-29 20:51:10 GMT-0400 Tree 27 SUB 5060 FRANKLIN Blvd Eugene-Springfield Lane Oregon 97403 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 24" Dbh - 60ft tall 44.03450412 -123.0304721 2022-07-29 20:51:58 GMT-0400 Tree 28 SUB 5060 FRANKLIN Blvd Eugene-Springfield Lane Oregon 97403 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 32"Dbh - 7011 tall 44.03447808 -123.0308087 2022-07-29 20:53:11 GMT-0400 Tree 29 SUB 5060 FRANKLIN Blvd Eugene-Springfield Lane Oregon 97403 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 30"Dbh - 50ft Tall 44.03450749 -123.0308493 2022-07-29 20:54:33 GMT-0400 Tree 30 SUB 5060 FRANKLIN Blvd Eugene-Springfield Lane Oregon 97403 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 24" Dbh - 60ft tall 44.03462813 -123.030819 2022-07-29 20:56:08 GMT-0400 Tree 31 SUB 5060 FRANKLIN Blvd Eugene-Springfield Lane Oregon 97403 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 16" Dbh - 40ft Tall 44.03463596 -123.0307249 2022-07-29 20:56:52 GMT-0400 Tree 32 SUB 5060 FRANKLIN Blvd Eugene-Springfield Lane Oregon 97403 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 20" Dbh 45ft tall 44.03474949 -123.0308919 2022-07-29 20:58:16 GMT-0400 Tree 33 SUB 5060 FRANKLIN Blvd Eugene-Springfield Lane Oregon 97403 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 20" Dbh -45ft Tall 44.03475865 -123.0310236 2022-07-29 21:01:06 GMT-0400 Tree 34 SUB 5060 FRANKLIN Blvd Eugene-Springfield Lane Oregon 97403 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 28" Dbh -50ft Tall 44.03499607 -123.0309254 2022-07-29 21:01:52 GMT0400 Tree 35 SUB 5060 FRANKLIN Blvd Eugene-Springfield Lane Oregor7 97403 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 22" Dbh - SOft Tall 44.0351517$ 423.MOTM 2011--07-29 210248 GMT-0400 Tree 36 SUB 5060 FRANKLIN Blvd Eugene-Springfield Lane Oregon 97403 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 30" Dbh - 50ft tall 44.03506597 -123.0307232 2022-07-29 21:03:33 GMT-0400 Tree 37 SUB 5060 FRANKLIN Blvd Eugene-Springfield Lane Oregon 97403 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 28" Dbh -50ft tall 44.03500523 -123.0308034 2022-07-29 21:04:30 GMT-0400 Tree 38 SUB 5060 FRANKLIN Blvd Eugene-Springfield Lane Oregon 97403 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 36" 60ft tall 44.03501077 -123.0306388 2022-07-29 21:05:05 GMT-0400 Tree 39 SUB 5060 FRANKLIN Blvd Eugene-Springfield Lane Oregon 97403 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 20" Dbh 40ft tall 44.03493051 -123.0306388 2022-07-29 21:05:46 GMT-0400 Tree 40 SUB 5060 FRANKLIN Blvd Eugene-Springfield Lane Oregon 97403 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 20" Dbh -45ft tall 44.03497992 -123.0305828 2022-07-29 21:06:39 GMT0400 Tree 41 SUB 5060 FRANKLIN Blvd Eugene-Springfield Lane Oregon 97403 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 20" Dbh - 50ft tall 44.03496112 -123.0305419 2022-07-29 21:07:48 GMT-0400 Tree 42 SUB 5060 FRANKLIN Blvd Eugene-Springfield Lane Oregon 97403 582344 Dead Douglas Fir 20" Dbh -45ft tall 44.03493196 -123.0305174 2022-07-29 21:08:49 GMT-0400 Land Use Owner Mailing Num Tags Acreage Land Use Class Code Elevation(Ft) Mailing Address 1 Mailing Address 3 Occupied Alternate ID 1 Updated Robust Id Address 2 Buildings Tree 1 3.91 (calculated) Commercial 6312 523 225 STH 5T SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 No 1.80303E+12 2022-Q1 AACgT3guTBBt-fqG Tree 2 3.91 (calculated) Commercial 6312 523 225 STH ST SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 No 1.80303E+12 2022-Q1 AACgT3guTBBt-fqG Tree 3 3.91 (calculated) Commercial 6312 523 225 5TH ST SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 No 1.80303E+12 2022-Q1 AACgT3guTBBt-fqG Tree 4 3.91 (calculated) Commercial 6312 523 225 STH ST SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 No 1.80303E+12 2022-Q1 AACgT3guTBBt-fqG Tree 5 3.91 (calculated) Commercial 6312 523 225 5TH ST SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 No 1.80303E+12 2022-Q1 AACgT3guTBBt-fqG Tree 6 3.91 (calculated) Commercial 6312 523 225 5TH ST SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 No 1.80303E+12 2022-Q1 AACgT3guTBBt-fqG Tree 7 3.91 (calculated) Commercial 6312 523 225 STH ST SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 No 1.80303E+12 2022-Q1 AACgT3guTBBt-fqG Tree 8 3.91 (calculated) Commercial 6312 523 225 5TH ST SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 No 1.80303E+12 2022-Q1 AACgT3guTBBt-fqG Tree 9 3.91 (calculated) Commercial 6312 523 225 5TH ST SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 No 1.80303E+12 2022-Q1 AACgT3guTBBt-fqG Tree 10 3.91 (calculated) Commercial 6312 523 225 5TH ST SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 No 1.80303E+12 2022-q1 AACgT3guTBBt-fqG Tree 11 3.91 (calculated) Commercial 6312 523 225 5TH ST SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 No 1.80303E+12 2022-q1 AACgT3guTBBt-fqG Tree 12 3.91 (calculated) Commercial 6312 523 225 5TH ST SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 No 1.80303E+12 2022-q1 AACgT3guTBBt-fqG Tree 13 3.91 (calculated) Commercial 6312 523 225 5TH ST SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 No 1.80303E+12 2022-q1 AACgT3guTBBt-fqG Tree 14 3.91 (calculated) Commercial 6312 523 225 5TH ST SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 No 1.80303E+12 2022-Q1 AACgT3guTBBt-fqG Tree 15 3.91 (calculated) Commercial 6312 523 225 STH ST SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 No 1.80303E+12 2022-Q1 AACgT3guTBBt-fqG Tree 16 3.91 (calculated) Commercial 6312 523 225 5TH ST SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 No 1.80303E+12 2022-Q1 AACgT3guTBBt-fqG Tree 17 7.74 (calculated) Industrial 4732 517 500 E 4TH AVJILIMWENE OREGON 97401 No 1.80303E+12 2022-Q1 AACgT6hgP2wkUKtZ EWEB 1 Tree 18 3.91 (calculated) Commercial 6312 523 225 5TH ST SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 No 1.80303E+12 2022-Q1 AACgT3guTBBt-fqG Tree 19 3.91 (calculated) Commercial 6312 523 225 5TH ST SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 No 1.80303E+12 2022-Q1 AACgT3guTBBt-fqG Tree 20 3.91 (calculated) Commercial 6312 523 225 5TH ST SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 No 1.80303E+12 2022-Q1 AACgT3guTBBt-fqG Tree 21 3.91 (calculated) Commercial 6312 523 225 5TH ST SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 No 1.80303E+12 2022-Q1 AACgT3guTBBt-fqG Tree 22 3.91 (calculated) Commercial 6312 523 2255TH ST SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 No 1.80303E+12 2022-Q1 AACgT3guTBBt-fqG Tree 23 3.91 (calculated) Commercial 6312 523 2255TH ST SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 No 1.80303E+12 2022-Q1 AACgT3guTBBt-fqG Tree 24 7.74 (calculated) Industrial 4732 517 500 E 4TH AVE EUGENE OREGON 97401 No 1.80303E+12 2022-Q1 AACgT6hgP2wkUKtZ EWER 1 Tree 25 3.91 (calculated) Commercial 6312 523 225 5TH ST SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 No 1.80303E+12 2022-Q1 AACgT3guTBBt-fqG Tree 26 3.91 (calculated) Commercial 6312 5232255TH ST SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 No 1.80303E+122022 -Q1 AACgT3guTBBt-fqG Tree 27 3.91 (calculated) Commercial 6312 523 225 5TH ST SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 No 1.80303E+12 2022-Q1 AACgT3guTBBt-fqG Tree 28 3.91 (calculated) Commercial 6312 523 225 5TH ST SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 No 1.80303E+12 2022-Q1 AACgT3guTBBt-fqG Tree 29 3.91 (calculated) Commercial 6312 523 225 5TH ST SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 No 1.80303E+12 2022-Q1 AACgT3guTBBt-fqG Tree 30 3.91 (calculated) Commercial 6312 523 225 5TH ST SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 No 1.80303E+12 2022-Q1 AACgT3guTBBt-fqG Tree 31 3.91 (calculated) Commercial 6312 523 225 5TH ST SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 No 1.80303E+12 2022-Q1 AACgT3guTBBt-fqG Tree 32 3.91 (calculated) Commercial 6312 523 225 5TH ST SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 No 1.80303E+12 2022-01 AACgT3guTBBt-fqG Tree 33 3.91 (calculated) Commercial 6312 523 225 5TH ST SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 No 1.80303E+12 2022-Q1 AACgT3guTBBt-fqG Tree 34 3.91 (calculated) Commercial 6312 523 225 5TH ST SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 No 1.80303E+12 2022-Q1 AACgT3guTBBt-fqG Tree 35 3.91 (" a - - 523 225 5TH ST SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 No 1.80303E+12 2022-Q1 AA%T3guTBBt-fqG Tree 36 3.91 (calculated) ercial ' 523 225 STH ST SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 No 1.80303E+12 2022-Q1 AACgT3guTBBt-fqG Tree 37 3.91 (calculated) Commercial 6312 523 225 5TH ST SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 No 1.80303E+12 2022-Q1 AACgT3guTBBt-fqG Tree 38 3.91 (calculated) Commercial 5232255TH ST SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 No 1.80303E+122022 -Q1 AACgT3guTBBt-fqG Tree 39 3.91 (calculated) Commercial 6312 523 225 5TH ST SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 No 1.80303E+12 2022-Q1 AACgT3guTBBt-fqG Tree 40 3.91 (calculated) Commercial 6312 523 225 5TH ST SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 No 1.80303E+12 2022-Q1 AACgT3guTBBt-fqG Tree 41 3.91 (calculated) Commercial 6312 523 2255TH ST SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 No 1.80303E+12 2022-Ql AACgT3guTBBt-fqG Tree 42 3.91 (calculated) Commercial 6312 5232255TH ST SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 No 1.80303E+122022 -Q1 AACgT3guTBBt-fqG A*TicxINTING, INC. DeeAnn, Thanks for the opportunity to quote the Tree work near Glenwood. The following will outline our Quote. 1. Tree work • Cut up to 40 Dead trees • Chip or mulch limbs and boles. Haul away Boles that are to big to chip. • Blow chips away from roads. • Trees will be marked and identified by SUB or another contractor. • Bid does not include getting tree permit. Total would = $11,695.00 Let me know if you would like more info from us. Thank you, Gerald R. Franklin Jr. P.O. Box 811 Pleasant Hill, OR. 97455 Offiee (541) 741-2501 Fax (541) 747-7639 Plot Plan for Tree Felling on Tax Lot 18-03-03-41-01000 Tags Note Latitude Longitude Tree 1 Dead Douglas Fir 24 dbh-40ft Tall 44.03425777 -123.0310699 Tree 2 Dead Douglas Fir 20" Dbh 30ft Tall 44.03424982 -123.030904 Tree 3 Dead Douglas Fir 2Z" Dbh -45ft Tall 44.03428092 -123.030904 Tree 4 Dead Douglas Fir 22" Dbh - 37ft Tall 44.03427127 -123.0308158 Tree 5 Dead Douglas Fir 32"Dbh - 65ft Tall 44.03427296 -123.0307427 Tree 6 Dead Douglas Fir 20" Dbh - 40ft tall 44.03425223 -123.0306961 Tree Dead Douglas Fir 30"Dbh -60ft Tall 44.03428622 -123.0306555 Tree Dead Doulas Fir 28"Dbh-60ft Tall 44.03421849 -123.0306156 Tree 9 Dying Douglas Fir Tree 34" Dbh - 85ft tall 44.03431153 -123.030574 Tree 10 Dead Douglas Fri 32" Dbh - 70ft Tall 44.03427802 -123.0305318 Tree 11 Dead Douglas Fir 20" Dbh - 40ft Tall 44.03410556 -123.0304632 Tree 12 Dead Douglas Fir 34" Dbh - 60ft tall 44.03412231 -123.0304188 Tree 13 Dead Douglas Fir 32"Dbh-70ft tall 44.03425139 -123.0304431 Tree 14 Dead Douglas Fir 16" Dbh - 45ft tall 44.03429273 -123.0304557 Tree 15 Dead Douglas Fir 32" Dbh - 50ft Tall 44.03432985 -123.0304121 Tree 16 Dead Douglas Fir 22" Dbh - 40ft Tall 44.03436504 -123.030392 Tree 17 Dead Douglas Fir 18" Dbh - 40ft Tall B 44.03449688 -123.0302706 Tree 18 Dead Douglas Fir 20" Dbh -35ft Tall 44.03458149 -123.030389 Tree 19 Dead Douglas Fir 20' Dbh - 45ft Tall 44.03457136 -123.0303333 Tree 20 Dead Douglas Fir 18" Dbh - 50ft tail 44.03472201 -123.0305167 Tree 21 Dead Douglas Fir 30"Dbh -60ft Tall 44.03478396 -123.0305908 Tree 22 Dead Douglas Fir 30" Dbh-50ft tall A 44.03487688-1 18 Tree 23 Dead Douglas Fir 28" Dbh - 50ft tall A 44.03480505 -123.0303399 Tree 24 Dead Douglas Fir 16" Dbh - 45ft Tall B 44.03469791 -123.0301855 Tree 25 Dead Douglas Fir 28" Dbh - 60ft tall 44.D3441566 -123.0307232 Tree 26 Dead Douglas Fir 24" Dbh - 50ft tall 44.03437564 -123.0307903 Tree 27 Dead Douglas Fir 24" Dbh - 60ft tall 44.03450412 -123.0304721 Tree 28 Dead Douglas Fir 32"Dbh - 70ft tali 44.03447808 -123.0308087 Tree 29 Dead Douglas Fir 30"Dbh-50ft Tall 44.03450749 -123.0308493 Tree 30 Dead Douglas Fir 24"Dbh -60ft tall 44.03462813 -123.030819 Tree 31 Dead Douglas Fir 16" Dbh -40ft Tall 44.03463596 -123.0307249 Tree 32 Dead Douglas Fir 20' Dbh 45ft tall 44.03474949 -123.0308919 Tree 33 Dead Douglas Fir 20" Dbh -45ft Tall 44.03475865 -123.0310236 Tree 34 Dead Douglas Fir 28"Dbh -50ft Tall 44.03499607 -123.0309254 Tree 35 Dead Douglas Fir 22" Dbh - 50ft Tall A 44.03515178 -123.0308168 Tree 36 Dead Douglas Fir 30' Dbh -50@ tall A 44.03506597 -123.0307232 Tree 37 Dead Douglas Fir 28" Dbh - 50ft tall 44.03500523 -123.0308034 Tree 38 Dead Douglas Fir 36" 60ft tall A 44.03501077 -123.0306388 Tree 39 Dead Douglas Fir 20" Dbh 40ft tall 44.03493051 -123.0306388 Tree 40 Dead Douglas Fir 20" Dbh -45ft tall A 44.03497992 -123.0305828 Tree 41 Dead Douglas Fir 20" Dbh - 50ft tall A 44.03496112 -123.0305419 Tree 42 Dead Douglas Fir 20" Dbh - 45ft tall A 44.03493196 -123.0305174 Project address: 5060 Franklin Blvd, Eugene OR 97403 Notes: This project is to remove dead and dying trees that pose a danger to personnel working on the property. Blue (A) and yellow (B) shaded areas will not have tree felling as part of the scope of work. . Trees and limbs will be cut with a chain saw, chipped and spread on-site. Boles that are too large to chip will be removed from the site. Access and egress for the site is via East 22nd Avenue. There is no replanting as part of the scope of this work, however, healthier mature trees on-site will remain. Project Owner: Springfield Utility Board 1001 Main Street, Springfield OR 97477 Contact: 541-726-2395