HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlan, Tentative APPLICANT 9/13/2022Division 01 00 00 - General Requirements 1. General 1.1. All work shall be done in accordance with these drawings and the project specifications. 1.2. All work shall conform to the local laws and ordinances of the jurisdiction in which the project is located and shall be subject to the codes listed below as adopted and amended therein. 1.3. These structural drawings show the structure in its completed state and do not convey information regarding the means or methods of construction; the responsibility for which lies solely with the Contractor. Such items include shoring, temporary supports, formwork, and all other means of support required to safely erect the structure under all imposed loads during construction. 1.4. In the event that conflicting information is presented in these documents the Contractor shall assume that the more expensive alternative was the design intent and shall consult with the Engineer and Architect for clarification prior to continuing related work. 1.5. The Contractor shall coordinate all requirements in these structural drawings with those of the Architect and all other trades prior to commencing work. 1.6. Any information contained in these drawings regarding underground or overhead utilities are not guaranteed to be accurate; it shall be the Contractor's responsibility to locate and safely avoid all such hazards before and during construction as required by state and local laws. 1.7. All dimensions and locations of existing structures and utilities shown in these drawings are to be verified in field by the contractor and any discrepancies affecting the project shall be brought to the attention of the Engineer prior to continuing related work. 1.8. This work shall be subject to the special inspection requirements enumerated in these drawings, and the Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating and meeting those requirements. 1.9. These drawings are not intended to be a stand alone document. Construction of this project will require information contained in these documents as well as all the reference listed herein including but not limited to Codes of Standard Practice, Evaluation Reports, Building Codes, Manufacturers Printed Instructions, Institutional Specifications, and Drawings of other Disciplines. 2. Project and Scope 2.1. General Project Description This project involves a near complete remodel and rebuild of a warehouse addition on a manufacturing facility. The new structure will maintain the same 160'x22' footprint as well as the size and locations of exits. The structure will be a 22 ft tall single story steel framed building. The warehouse will be seismically isolated from the existing building. East-West, the building will have two bays of braced frames on the North and South walls. In the North-South direction, therewill be six steel moment frames. The roof will consist of 3" metal decking with a TPO membrane roof. 2.2. Deferred Submittals (Specialty Engineered Components) None 2.3. Items not covered by these structural drawings include but are not limited to: Fire & life -safety - including egress, fire rated partitions, and/or suppression systems Moisture, pest, and rodent protection Thermal performance of building envelope Temporary or permanent bracing of items not included in these structural drawings - by the Contractor 3. Submittals 3.1. The Contractor shall provide submittals for products, shop drawings, test reports, and Specialty Engineered Components (see Deferred Submittals by Contractor above) to the Engineer and Architect for review as required by the material specific sections which follow. 3.2. The Contractor shall have provided a review of all submittals PRIOR to submission to the Engineer to ensure completeness, dimensions and quantities. Submittals received without the Contractor's final review stamp will be outright rejected and returned without review. 3.3. Submittals shall be provided with sufficient planning to allow for a 10 working day review period prior to starting fabrication or installation. 3.4. Due dates listed in submittal documents which do not provide for this review period will be ignored. 3.5. Requests for expedited review on critical items maybe considered; however, no guarantee is provided as to whether the request will be accommodated. 3.6. Submittals containing design change requests or substitution requests requiring engineering analysis may require a longer review period. 3.7. If the Contractor elects to fabricate or install items submitted for review prior to receiving a response, the Contractor shall be responsible for the costs associated with removal, repair, and/or re -fabrication of those items and all portions of the structure thereto connected should they be rejected or modified in the review. 3.8. Shop Drawings 3.8.1. All shop drawings reviewed by the Engineer are reviewed strictly for general conformance with the design intent. The Contractor and fabricator retain responsibility for the detailing of components and coordinating dimensions and locations with field conditions and other trades. 3.8.2. Where erection or shop drawings are prepared with the aid of copies of these structural drawings, the Contractor shall remove all company names and references to these drawings. The erection and/or shop drawings shall be as if entirely prepared by the Contractor/Specialty Engineer. 3.9. Specialty Engineered Components 3.9.1. Submittals for Specialty Engineered Components shall contain drawings and calculations signed and sealed by an Specialty Engineer demonstrating conformance with the Governing Codes and Standards and all Loads and Design Criteria contained in these drawings. 3.9.2. Specialty Engineers shall be currently licensed professional or structural engineers in the state the project occurs and shall have specific specialty knowledge and expertise in the design of the components. 3.9.3. The construction and material requirements for these elements shall be no less stringent than the requirements of the remainder of the project as enumerated in these drawings. 3.10. Substitution Requests 3.10.1. Alternative products may be proposed by the Contractor for review by the Engineer as a substitution request. Such a request shall have suffident documentation to establish an equivalency to a specified product, or the contractor shall provide an engineered request signed and sealed by an appropriately licensed professional engineer demonstrating the proposed product's adequacy under all code imposed loads as set forth in the Loads and Design Criteria. 3.11. Design Change Requests 3.11.1. Where the Contractor feels that some aspect of the structure could be adjusted to achieve better economy or efficiency, they may submit a design change request to the Engineer for discussion/review. If the Engineer finds sufficient merit to the request, the Engineer may consider changes to the structure to accommodate the request. 3.11.2. Design change requests are reviewed at the exclusive expense of the Contractor including any required changes to these structural drawings. 3.11.3. Review or consideration does not guarantee approval. 4. Requestsfor Information (RFIs) 4.1. Where the Contractor is not clear on the requirements set forth in these structural drawings, they may submit an RFI to the Engineer. 4.2. RFIs shall be provided with sufficient planning to allow for a 10 working day review period prior to starting fabrication or installation. 4.3. Due dates listed in RFIs which do not provide for this review period will be ignored. 4.4. Requests for expedited review on critical items may be considered; however, no guarantee is provided as to whether the request will be accommodated. 4.5. If the Contractor elects to fabricate or install items which are the subject of an RFI, prior to receiving a response, the Contractor shall be responsible for the costs associated with removal, repair, and/or re -fabrication ofthose items and all portions of the structure thereto connected should they be rejected or modified in the review. 5. Governing Codes and Standards All codes and standards listed herein are as referenced and amended by the local authority having jurisdiction: City of Springfield International Building Code Oregon Specialty Structural Code 6. Statement of Special Inspection and Testing 6.1. The owner shall employ an independent approved testing agency to oversee and inspect the portions of structural work requiring special inspection in accordance with the Schedules of Special Inspection listed in each division of these notes. 6.2. The Special Inspector shall observe structural work performed for compliance with the code, standards, and these structural drawings. 6.3. The Contractor shall make accommodations for special inspections and testing without additional cost to the owner. 6.4. Each inspection shall be followed by a report by the Special Inspector to the Engineer, Contractor, Building Official, and Owner. 6.5. Discrepancies and/or deficiencies shall be immediately brought to the attention of the Contractor for correction and shall be noted in the special inspection report. Items not immediately corrected shall be brought to the attention of the Engineer and Building Official. 6.6. Additional testing and/or inspections resulting from the rejection of more than 5% of the work on any inspection item (See Schedules of Special Inspection) shall be performed at the exclusive expense of the Contractor. 6.7. At the end of the project, the Special Inspector shall prepare a final report identifying all inspections, discrepancies, and the repairs/remediation thereof. 6.8. Inspection and testing by the Special Inspector or the Engineer does not relieve the contractors responsibility to provide inspections, testing, and other quality control measures to furnish proper materials and workmanship in accordance with these drawings. 6.9. Special inspections for fabricators shall be as follows for all types of construction. Special Inspections - Fabricators Subject of Inspection Reference Frequency Notes Fabricators IBC 1704.25 Periodic Special inspaction is requiredfor structural bad bearing members and assemblies fahrirakdanthe premises afafabrbatoes shop. 1.2 11 8.3 Special inteacor shall verify that the fabricator maintains detailed fabrication and quality control pracedwes and shall revkwfar Fabricators IBC 1704.2.5.1 2.4 DEG cam kfenss and adequacy relative to the code requirements. Seismic Design Category D Sok Special inspections required by section 1705 are not required where the work is done on the premises of a fabricator registered and SDS 0.569 Perimeter Roof Beams approved to perform such work without special inspection. Approval shall be based upon review of the fabricators written procedureal Fabricators IBC 1704.2.5.2 - and quality control manuals and periodic auditing of fabrication practices by a nationally recognized accrediting authority. At completion AWS DIA - CastinPlaceAnchorBois/Rods affahrication, the approved fabricator shall submit a certificate of compliance to the building official stating that the work was performed Gr. 36 Unless otherwise noted, Grade 36 or Grade 55 F1554anchor bolts may be provided as plain steel or galvanized; Grade 105 F1554anchor bolts shall be plain steel unless explicitly noted in these structural drawings. 1' T' in accordance with the approved constrmtian documents. 7. Structural Observations 7.1. The Engineer will periodically and at the Engineers sole discretion, provide structural observations for work relevant to these structural drawings. 7.2. In addition to the Engineers discretionary structural observations, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer in a timely manner at the following project phases to permit on-site observations of existing conditions and conditions of installation: Demolition At the conclusion of demolition when the existing foundations at Grids ASS are exposed Foundation When the reinforcement for the first footing has been placed and tied. When all reinforcement, anchor bolts, embeds, and vapor barriers have been installed but not later than 48 hours prior to the first pour of concrete for spread/pad footings. Steel Erection When the first bay of structural steel has been erected. When all structural steel has been erected. When the first bay of decking has been installed and fastened to the framing. When all of the deck and edge angle/bent plates have been installed but no later than 48 hours prior to the deck being covered by either roofing or insulation. 7.3. The Engineer's structural observations do not constitute any guarantee ofthe Contractor's work; the Contractor retains the responsibility for acts, omissions, and/or failure to complete the structure in accordance with these drawings. 8. Contractor's Statement of Responsibility 8.1. The Contractor and all sub contractors thereto who are responsible for the construction of the Main What Force Resisting System and/or Seismic Force Resisting System shall submit a written statement of responsibility to the Building Official, Owner, Engineer, and Architect prior to commencement of work. This statement of responsibility shall contain acknowledgement of awareness of the special requirements contained in the statement of special inspection. 9. Loads and Design Criteria General Risk Category Occupancy Construction Type Occupant Load II Factory and Industrial IIA 26 Snow Loads Importance Factor (Is) Exposure Factor(Ce) Thermal Factor (CQ Ground Snww Load(pg) Fiat Roof Snow Load(pQ Mn Snow Load 1.0 0.9 1.2 11 8.3 25 Far mare detailed snow loading imlucing drill loads, see project calculations. Live Loads Raaf 20 psf Wind Load Parameters - MWFRS Wind Load Parameters - Components and Cladding Wird Load Analysis per ASCE 7-16 Ch 27 -Parti- All Heights Directional Procedure C&CWind Loads per ASCE7-16Ch30-(LRFDI.OW) Basic Wind Speed Exposure Category Enclosure Classification a h B 98 mph C Emlosed 3 f 22ft 2.4 DEG Seismic Force Resisting System - N -S Seismic Force Resisting System Seismic Parameters Response Mod. Factor (R) Seismic Parameters Calculated in Accordance with ASCE 7-16 Ch 11 using site parameters from SEAOC/OSHPD seismicmaps.org or ATC Hazard Viewer using 2018 IBC as the reference standard. Site Class D(Assuned) Sh 0.369 Ss 0.676 Impartame Factor 1.0 Sul 1.115 Sue 0.853 Seismic Design Category D Sok 0.743 SDS 0.569 Seismic Force Resisting System - N -S Seismic Force Resisting System Steel Ordinary Moment Frame Response Mod. Factor (R) 3.5 Overstrenglh Factor (W 3.0 Deflection Amp. Factor (Ca) 3.0 Impartame Factor 1.0 Sul 1.115 Sue 0.853 Seismic Design Category D Sok 1.0 SDS 0.569 Analysis Method Equivalent Lateral Farce Method - ASCE 7-16 Ch 12.8 Seismic Force Resisting System - E -W Seismic Force Resisting System Steel Ordinary Camentricaly Braced Frame Response Mod. Factor (R) 3.25 Overstrenglh Factor (Ori 2.0 Deflection Amp. Factor (Co) 3.25 Importance Factor 1.0 Sul 1.115 Sue 0.853 Seismic Design Category D Sok 0.743 SDS 0.569 Analysis Method Equivalent Lateral Farce Metirod- ASCE 7-16 Ch 12.8 Vertical Deflection Limits (IBC Table 1604.3) IBC Table 1604.3 Structural Element LL/ SL DL -LL Typical Floor Beams U360 U240 Pedmeter Floor Beams U360 or y/4" L240 cryo" Beams Supporting Masonry U600 U400 Typical Roof Beams (Bdftle Ceilings) U360 U240 Typical Roof Beams (Non-bnftle Ceilings) U240 U160 Typical Roof Beams (Not Supporting Ceiling) U180 U120 Perimeter Roof Beams U360 or y/4" L240 wy4" Division 03 00 00 - Concrete 1. Reference Standards All work shall be performed in accordance with the following standards: 2019 OSSC - Chapter 19 - Concrete ACI 301-16 - Specifications for Structural Concrete ACI 302.1 R-15- Guide to Concrete Floor and Slab Construction ACI 304R-00 - Guide for Measuring Mixing Transporting, and Placing Concrete ACI 305R-10 - Guide to Hot Weather Concreting ACI 306R-16 - Guide to Cold Weather Concreting ACI 315R-18 - Guide to Presenting Reinforcing Steel Design Details ACI 31 B-11 - Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ACI 347R 14- Guide to Formwork for Concrete ACI 117-10 - Specifications for Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials SP -066(04) - ACI Detailing Manual CRSI - Manual of Standard Practice 2017 ANSI/AWS D1.4:2011 - Structural Welding Code- Reinforcing Steel 2. Materials Out of Plane Deflection Limits Structural Element WL Walls with Stucco/ Plaster U360 Walls with Otter Bdftle Finishes U120 Walls with Flexible Finishes U120 'Deflection may be checked at the 50 year Md-0.7.0.TWLi a 2.1. Unless otherwise stated, all concrete construction materials and products used in this project shall conform to the following standards: Reinforced Concrete Materials Reinforced Concrete Material Standard Grade Cement ASTM 0150 TYPE I / I I Normal Weight Aggregates ASTMG33 WA Ughhweight Aggregates ASTM C330 WA Wafer ASTMG1602 N/A Plain Reinforcement ASTMA615 Gr. 60 Weldable Reinforcement ASTM A706 Gr. 60 Welded Wire Mesh ASTMA1064 Gr. 65 Shear Reinforcing Stud Assemblies ASTMA1044 - HeadedConcreteAnchors AWS DIA - CastinPlaceAnchorBois/Rods ASTM F1554 Gr. 36 Unless otherwise noted, Grade 36 or Grade 55 F1554anchor bolts may be provided as plain steel or galvanized; Grade 105 F1554anchor bolts shall be plain steel unless explicitly noted in these structural drawings. 2.2. Concrete Mix Design Requirements 2.2.1. Concrete for various aoolications shall conform to the following: Concrete Mix Requirements Location Cover Min 28 day T' 48- #18 Bars in concrete exposed to earth orweather Z' M- 45 Bars in concrete exposed to earth or weather 1.5" Class by Category Compresskre UnitExposure Air Max Max Aggregate Application 45 Strength Weigh Entrainment W/C Ratio Size (in) U-91 (Fc PSI) (PeQ Bar Size W1 #B t9 F S P C Exterior Architectural Features 9/i" 1'-3" 1' T' 01P%4" 1'-5" Top Bar 36" 46" 57" 68" 100" 114^ 128" (Curbs, Sidewalks, Steps, etc.) F1 SO PO CO 3000 145 4.5% 045 1" Unless otherwise specified by CMI Drawings Top Bar 28" 38^ 47' 56" 61" 93" 105" 118^ 131" S Other Ba 22" 29" 36" 43" 63" 72" Interior Slab on Ground FO SO PO CO 4000 145 - 0.45 1" Footings, Columns, Piers, Pilasters, and Walls FO SO PO CO 4500 145 - 0.45 1" Slab on Metal Deck FO SO PO CO 3000 145 - 045 1" 3. Submittals 3.1. Concrete Mix Design -Submit mix design and substantiating strength test results for each concrete mix used on the project. Strength results shall be provided in accordance with ACI 318 Section 5.3. 3.1.1. Where other materials such as admixtures, supplementary cementitious materials, fibrous reinforcement, many other material not covered by the above standards are approved for use, the engineer reserves the right to require that these materials meet the requirements of an industry common standard to be selected by the engineer. 3.2. Reinforcement Shop Drawings - Submit shop drawings in accordance with ACI 301 Section 3 for all reinforcement showing size, placement, spacing, and fabrication dimensions. 3.3. Reinforcement Mill Certificates- Submit mill certificates indicating physical and chemical properties of reinforcement to be used in elements of the SFRS. 3.4. Welder Certification -If welding of reinforcement is specified, submit documents for all welders performing this work demonstrating certification to perform the welding in accordance with ANSI/AWS DIA. 3.5. Product Submittals - Submit manufacturers product data and testing results demonstrating conformance with applicable standards for proprietary products used such as admixtures, supplementary cementitious materials, 3.6. Contraction Joint Layout - Submit proposed plan for contraction and construction joints in slabs on grade. 4. Execution 4.1. Formwork 4.1.1. Design of formwork to resist imposed loading during concrete placement is the responsibility of the Contractor. 4.1.2. All formwork shall conform to ACI 301 Section 2. 4.1.3. Contractor is responsible for determining appropriate concrete cure times prior to removal of forms and for determining any required additional temporary shoring of the structure during this time. 4.2. Reinforcement 4.2.1. Fabrication of reinforcement shall conform to ACI 301 Section 3.2.2 and ACI SP -66. 4.2.2. Placement of reinforcement shall conform to ACI 301 Section 3.3.2 and shall be subject to the tolerance limits in ACI 117. 4.2.3. All bars shall be sufficiently tied and positively supported so that they will remain in place during concrete placement. 4.2.4. Where welding of reinforcement is specified, welding shall be performed only on A706 reinforcement by welders thusly certified to ANSI/AWS D1.4 and shall be subject to the requirements ofACI 4.2.5. Unless otherwise stated, all slab reinforcement shall be centered in the slab. 4.2.6. Corrosion resistant bar supports shall be provided for all reinforcement in concrete exposed to ground or weather. 4.2.7. Minimum cover for reinforcement shall be provided in accordance with the following: Minimum Reinforcement Cover Location Cover Concrete cast against earth T' 48- #18 Bars in concrete exposed to earth orweather Z' M- 45 Bars in concrete exposed to earth or weather 1.5" Concrete not exposed to weather or in contact with the ground 1.5" Beams and columns 1.5" 4.2.8. Lap splicing of black bar reinforcement shall conform to ACI 301 Section Typical splice length shall be as noted in the following table. Splice lengths specified elsewhere in the drawings shall be as specified in that detail but not less than the typical length. Typical Reinforcement Lap Splices Standard Hook Dimensions Bar Size D Class'B' 90° Hooks A A 43 Typical 0-5" 0-6" #4 T' 0-6" Wire Contact Lap 45 3y/a' Class B Splice Length (Inches) 9-191 #5 V2" U-91 T-91 N7 Bar Size W1 #B t9 410 411 U-111, 1,41 Grade60 9/i" 1'-3" 1' T' 01P%4" 1'-5" Top Bar 36" 46" 57" 68" 100" 114^ 128" 144" 160" .a 1644^ Other Bar 27" 35" 44^ 53" 77" BB^ !8r 111" 123" 3-5" 4 Top Bar 28" 38^ 47' 56" 61" 93" 105" 118^ 131" S Other Ba 22" 29" 36" 43" 63" 72" 61" 91" 101" iZ Top Bar 25" 33" 41" 49" 71" 81" 91" 102" 114" 2 Other Ba 19" 25" 31" 37" 54^ 62" 70" 79" 87" L' U P Top Bar22" 28" 35" 44^ 63" 72" 81" 92" 102" S OtherBer 17^ 23'Mir 34" 49" 56^ 63" 71" 78^ P Tap Bar 20" 27" 3i 40" 58^ 66^ 74" B4^ 93^ S m OtherBa 16" 21" 1 26" 1 31" 1 45" 51" 57" SC 71^ Nates: 1. Use these tabulated values only where lengths we not indicated in drawings. Dimensions 2 Tabulated values are based on grade 60 reinforcement with no coating and normal weigh concrete. 90° 3. Increase schedule lengths by 30%for lightweight concrete. Bar 135° Seismic Hook 4. The smaller bar lap length shall be used when splicing different size bars. D Aorta 5. Contact EOR far bundle bar splices. Aorta H^ D Aorta 6. Top bar indicates horizontal reinforcement pined so that mare than 12" of fresh concrete is cast in the member below the development length or splice. to 1Y^ 04 4.2.9. Location of splices of reinforcement in columns and beams have specific requirements that are shown in the details for those items. In all other cases splices shall be staggered in adjacent lays by at least one development length. 4.2.10. Field bending of reinforcement shall conform to ACI 301 Section Only bars #3, #4, and #5 may be field bent. Field bending shall be done only once on a bar, bars shall not be twisted, and bars shall not be bent beyond 45°. 4.2.11. Corner bars shall be provided at all corners and intersections of walls and footings. Comer bars shall be of the same size and spacing as the adjacent reinforcement and shall have typical lap splices. 4.2.12. For all walls, vertical reinforcement shall be cast with hooks into the footing as detailed. It is not acceptable to insert vertical reinforcement into the footing after the footing has been poured regardless of how soon after pouring this is done. D 180° 90° Standard Hook Dimensions Bar Size D 180° Hooks 90° Hooks A A 43 ZW 0-5" 0-6" #4 T' 0-6" 0-8' 45 3y/a' 0-7" 9-191 #5 V2" U-91 T-91 N7 544' 0-10' T -Z' tB 6' U-111, 1,41 49 9/i" 1'-3" 1' T' 01P%4" 1'-5" 1'-10' t#1 12" 1'-7" 2-0" #14 1644^ 2-3' 2-7" #18 24^ 3-0" 3-5" D = Finished inside bend diameter t"my ACI 316 min. bend diameter: ,sw2- Ang (includes spdngback) Date: 2022.06.21 6d for through J LU 0J 2i ~ > uJ LU U) of = Bar diameter LU Of A o ed for*, #10 and #11 m Q E d CF) 10d for#14 and #18 Bd for43 # t5 12d for $48, #7 48 s p Bd 3'min x _ x D 0 a Fd d DD Q Q 90° 135° 135° Seismic Stirrup/Tie Hook Stirrup Tie Hook Dimensions Dimensions Bar 90° 135° Bar 135° Seismic Hook D Aorta Aorta H^ D Aorta H^ Size Size to 1Y^ 04 #-4^ 0? -2v^ M 1Y^ 0 444^ 0? -3' #4 2^ 0? -2" #-W" U-3' #4 21 1442^ OLT 45 2z" g -2Y" 04" g -3Y44^ 45 2,z" 0-SY2^ g-3%4^ #s 4:^ YAK. I, -or 0? 4:^ 48 4:^ U_r 04:^ #7 544" (Y -5Y4" 1'-2" 0-5%4^ #7 V44" 0-9" G?'V44^ tB 6" u-6" 1'-c u-6" tB 6' 0-1014" I 0-6" ^H dimension is approximate M A E E N G I N E E R I N G 1355 Oak Street, Suite 200 Eugene, Oregon 97401 ph: 541.484.9080 www. mae-eng i neers. co m F0 Digitally x.`u Pa,'O t"my signed by Jok ,sw2- Ang 'ata e"N° Date: 2022.06.21 1525:56-07'00' THESE DRAWINGS ARE THE PROPERTY OF MAE ENGINEERING AND ARE NOT TO BE USED OR REPRODUCED N ANY MANNER EXCEPT WITH THE PROPER WRITTEN PERMISSION OF MAE ENGINEERING. C/) Z O Q U_ LL U LU a_ () Q z Q U) LU O Z J Q IY b w F z LU _ U w LU U O= W J LU 0J 2i ~ > uJ LU U) rn 0 ❑ LU _ LU Of A o LL Z_ m Q E d CF) REVISIONS: DIMENSIONING NOTATION TAKES PRIORITY OVER SCALE. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. DATE: 06/21/2022 DRAWN BY: BA CHECKED BY: BO WORK ORDER NO. 22901 : MI`441 S101 4.3. Handling, Placing, Constructing and Curing 4.3.1. All exposed corners shall be chamfered 3/4" unless otherwise noted. 4.3.2. Concrete shall contain no embedded aluminum nor shall it be delivered in aluminum pipes or chutes. 4.3.3. Under no circumstance shall it be acceptable to add water to concrete after it has been mixed and proportioned by the supplier. 4.3.4. Construction and contraction joints shall be provided in accordance with these drawings. Joints may be provided in slab on metal deck at the Contractors option, however these are unlikely to control cracking. 4.3.5. Cast in place slabs may require require evaporation reducers to prevent excessive slab curling in dry, hot, or windy conditions. Contractor is responsible for evaluating whether this measure is required. 4.3.6. All concrete slabs shall have a minimum floor flatness as required/specified by the Architect. 4.4. Post Installed Anchors 4.4.1. Installation of post installed anchors shall conform to the manufacturer's printed instructions, the current evaluation report listed above, and these drawings. 4.4.2. Anchors shall be installed only in locations allowed by the Engineer. 4.4.3. Under no circumstance shall a post installed anchor be substituted for a cast in place anchor bolt unless explicitly approved as a design change by the Engineer. 4.4.4. Where a specific brand and model of anchor is called out in these drawings, those anchors shall be as specified. For all other anchors, any of the products of that type listed in the materials section above may be used but must be of the type, size, and embedment listed in the drawings. 4.4.5. Adhesive anchors installed into concrete denoted as "Creep Critical" must be installed by personnel certified for overhead continuous tension applications. This certification must be granted by a program that includes written and performance testing in accordance with the ACI/CRSI Adhesive Anchor Certification Program or an equivalent program recognized by the local authority having jurisdiction. 4.4.6. Reinforcing bars present in concrete shall not be damaged during installation of post installed anchors. 5. Special Inspection 5.1. Special inspections and testing shall be performed in accordance with the Statement of Special Inspections in Division 01 00 00 and the following table Special Inspections - Concrete (Reference IBC Table 1705.3) Subject of Inspection Reference Frequency Notes ASTM A992 IBC 1908.4 HP Shapes Tolerances and reinforcement placement per ACI 7.5; spacing limits for reinforcing ACI 7.6; Reinfarcemerd/Tendons- Placement ACI 318: CH. 20, 25.2, Periotic protection of reinfarcemert per ACI 7.7 Hollow Structural Sections Rnd. 25.3,26.6.1-26.6.3 Fy = 42 ksi once a day, nor less than once far each 150 yds of concrete, nor less than once for each 5000 fl? CancretdShetcrete- Strength Reinforcement - Weldability Continuous Periotic Verificatian afwadability of reinforcing steel other than ASTM A706. Codified Mill Test Reports TE IBC 1903.1 Reinforcement -Seismic Systems continuousReinforcing steel resisting flexural and inial forces in intermediate and special moment flames, 'e 5 samples for a given class of concrete, samples shall be made from at least 5 randomly selected ACI 318: 26.6.4 Py=36 ksi ant bauMary elements of special structural walls of concrete and shear reinforcement 3 m AWS DIA Reinforcement -Shear Reinforcement Cartinuous recognized accrediting authority. At completion of fabrication, the approved fabricator shall rc ASTM C 143 Reinfarcement-Other Periodic Floor ant Roof Deck - Welder/Inspector Qualifications IBC Table 1705.3 periotic Concrete - Air Content ASTM 0231 Continuous Inspection of anchors cast in concrete where allowable loads have been increased or where Cast in Place Anchors ACI 318: 17.8.2 Periodic strength design is used. ASTMOID64 a Adhesive anchors installed in AISC 360-N3.2, A3.4 2 horizontally or upwardly inclined ACI 318- IBC Table 1705.12.1 Cantininus A615 reinforcement used to resist earthquake indeed had in special moment frames, special orientations in hardened concrete Applicable Product ICC Continuous structural walls, and end coupling beam connecting structural walls in structures assigned tu ¢` members to resist sustained tension Report seismic design categories B, C, D, E, and F. Special inspections apply to anchor product name, type, and dimension, hole dimensions, E loads. 1705.12.1.1 AISC 341-16 Chapter J-OuaffyCanbuland OwilyAwmauce in its entirety shall be used as the reference for all special compliance with drill bit requirements, cleanliness of the hole and anchor, adhesive expiration e inspections and testing pertaining to work an Steel Seismic Farce Resisting Systems. Periotic Exception: Special inspection is not required for shear walls, braces, diaphragms, drag strut, and date, anchor/adhesive installation, anchor embedment, and tightening torque. @ _ b. Mechanical anchors and adhesive : ACI 318 17.8.2 Periodic apprwed construction documents. anchors in hardened concrete members Applicable Product ICC Periodic o not defined in part a. Report Periodic Manufacturefs Certified Test Reports IBC 1904, 1904.2, Herein Concrete - Mb Design 1908.2,1908.3 Periodic Verifying use afregdred mix design ACI 318- Chapter 19, IBC 1705.21 26.4.3, 26.4.4 Concrete -Placement ACI 318-26.5 Continuous Inspection ofconcrete placementfar proper applicationtechniques. Composite Concrete Slab -Concrete Placement ASCE 9- Chapter 3 Continuous Periodic ConcretdShetcrets - Cuing IBC 1908.9 Periodic Inspectionfar maintenance ofspecified curing temperature and techrvgres. Farmwork ACI 318- Periodic Special inspections applyto shape, location, anddinameonsafthe concrete member being Sections formed. Testing - Concrete Subject of Testing Reference Frequency Notes ASTM A992 Py = 50 ksi HP Shapes Fabricate specimens attime fresh concrete is placed. Py = 50 ksi IBC Table 1705.3 ASTMA500 Gr. C Samples for strength tests of each class of concrete placed each day shall be taken not less than Hollow Structural Sections Rnd. IBC 1908 Fy = 42 ksi once a day, nor less than once far each 150 yds of concrete, nor less than once for each 5000 fl? CancretdShetcrete- Strength Fy = 35 ksi Continuous of surface area for slabsAvalls, nor less than once each shift from impime work or from test panel. Py = 36 ksi ASTM 039 (Concrete) ASTMA36 If the total volume of concrete is such that the frequency of testing note above results in less than Plates (SFRS) ASTM 042 IShetcrete) Py=50 ksi 5 samples for a given class of concrete, samples shall be made from at least 5 randomly selected ASTMA36 Py=36 ksi Length, Grade, and Lotto be used batches or from every batch if fewer than 5 batches are used Concrete - Slump IBC Table 1705.3 Continuous recognized accrediting authority. At completion of fabrication, the approved fabricator shall Verifying Use of Proper WPS's ASTM C 143 Periotic At the time strength specimens are fabricated, perform slump and air contort tests, and determine Floor ant Roof Deck - Welder/Inspector Qualifications IBC Table 1705.3 periotic Concrete - Air Content ASTM 0231 Continuous the temperature of the concrete. Concrete - Temperature IBC Table 1705.3 Continuous Periodic ASTMOID64 Anchor Baits and Threaded Rads - Material AISC 360-N3.2, A3.4 Verification Unlesscodified mill test reports are provided, perform tensile testing an all heatstbathes of ASTM Reinforcement-Afi15 in Seismic Systems IBC Table 1705.12.1 Cantininus A615 reinforcement used to resist earthquake indeed had in special moment frames, special Periotic ACI 318- Frame Joints - Details structural walls, and end coupling beam connecting structural walls in structures assigned tu Periodic Verification of home joint details including member and component hcatians, bracing, and Periodic special inspection is required during welding seismic design categories B, C, D, E, and F. Division 05 10 00 - Structural Steel 1. Reference Standards All work shall be performed in accordance with the following standards: 2019 OSSC Chapter 22 Steel ANSI/AISC 303.10 - Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges ANSI/AISC 360-10 - Specificetion for Structural Steel Buildings ANSI/AISC 341-10 - Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings RCSC/AISC 348-09- Specification for Structural Joints Using High -Strength Bolts ANSI/AISC 358-10 - Prequalified Connections for Special and Intermediate Steel Moment Frames for Seismic Applications ANSI/AWS D1.1-15- Structural Welding Code - Steel ANSI/AWS D1.8-16- Structural Welding Code - Seismic Supplement 2. Materials 2.1. All Structural steel shall conform the the standards and minimum grades listed below unless noted otherwise in the drawings. 2.2. Items that are marked as a part of the Seismic Force Resisting System shall be constructed of the materials marked SFRS below. Structural Steel Materials Structural Steel Shape Standard Mn Yield Strength Wide Flanges ASTM A992 Py = 50 ksi HP Shapes ASTM A572 Py = 50 ksi Hollow Structural Sections Rect. ASTMA500 Gr. C Py = 46 ksi Hollow Structural Sections Rnd. ASTMA500 Gr. C Fy = 42 ksi Pipes ASTMA53 Gr. B Fy = 35 ksi Angles ASTMA36 Py = 36 ksi Plates ASTMA36 Py=36 ksi Plates (SFRS) ASTMA572 Py=50 ksi Channels ASTMA36 Py=36 ksi 2.3. All structural steel specified as galvanized shall be hot -dipped galvanized in accordance with ASTM A123. 2.4. Unless otherwise stated, all exposed exterior steel shall be hot -dipped galvanized. 2.5. Where galvanized steel is to be painted, that steel shall not be quenched in the galvanizing process. Structural Steel Fasteners & Misc. Products Fasteners Etc. Standard Grade Structural Bolts ASTM F3125 A325 Type 1 Non Stmctuml Boles ASTMA307 Grade Threaded Rod (Not ABs) ASTMA307 Grade Nuts ASTMA563 Heavy Hex Washers ASTM F436 Type 1 Welding Electrodes - E70XX - 20 ft -Ib at 40° F Noo-Shrink Grout ASTMG1107 5008 psi Anchor Bolts See DMsion 03000 Concrete 3. Submittals 3.1. Steel Shop Drawings- Submit shop drawings for review showing the complete information necessary for the fabrication of all structural steel on the project including: Location, type, size, and grade of anchor bolts. (This maybe included at GC's option in the concrete reinforcement submittal). Location, type and size of welds and bolts including which of these are to be performed in the shop vs. field Member sizes, grades, locations, and dimensions 3.2. Erection Drawings- Submit erection drawings for record. Engineer reviewwill only be performed to identify possible conditions which may affect the final structure; see general notes section 1.1 regarding Contractor responsibilities during construction. 3.3. Quality Control Package- Submit the following items for review: Welding Procedure Specifications - Submit specifications for all work to be performed. Welding Personnel Performance Qualification Records- Submit current AWS certifications for all welders who are to perform work. Procedure Qualification Records- Submit PCI for proposed procedures that are not prequalified with AWS DIA. Quality Control Manual - Fabricator and Erector shall submit their written quality control manuals for record. No review provided. Manuals shall include as a minimum, the following items: Material Control Procedures Inspection Procedures Nonconformance Procedures 3.4. Material Test Reports- Submit material test reports for review for the following items: Structural steel to be used in members identified as part of the SFRS Welding consumables to be used in welds identified as part of the SFRS 3.5. Product Submittals- Submit manufacturer's product data and appropriate certifications for review for the following items: Non -shrink Grout Structural Steel Paint 4. Execution 4.1. Protide non -shrink grout below base plates as detailed in these drawings. 4.2. Grout shall have achieved design strength prior to installation of decking. 4.3. Grout shall be formed at base plates. It is not permissible to fill the column blackout with grout. 4.4. Sufficient thread extension for anchor bolts shall be provided above the top of footing to allow the nuts to be fully engaged. 4.5. Welding of anchor rods is prohibited unless specifically approved by the Engineer. 4.6. All steel below grade shall be primed with a high solids rust inhibitive alkyd primer. 4.7. If enclosure of the structure occurs between October 1st and June 1st, all structural steel shall be shop primed with a high solids rust inhibitive alkyd primer. 4.8. Paint shall not be applied to steel which will be fireproofed, embedded in concrete, or on Paying surfaces designated as slip critical in these documents. 4.9. Field repairs of damage to galvanizing layer shall be in accordance with ASTM A780 and shall be performed with a coating of a composition and thickness sufficient to provide at least as much zinc as is present in the typical coating on the remainder of the component. 4.10. All welding (Shop and Field) shall be exclusively performed by welders currently and appropriately certified in accordance with AWS DIA by a third party and independent testing agency. 4.11. Welding shall only be permitted where shown in these drawings and all welding shall be in accordance with AWS DIA or where applicable AWS D1.8. 4.12. Where welding is not performed in accordancewith the required standards or is performed by welders not properly or currently certified as above, all affected welds shall, at the sole cost of the Contractor, be tested via non destructive testing by a qualified and independent testing agency. Welds failing testing criteria shall, at the sole cost of the Contractor, be completely removed and replaced. 4.13. Omit paint from embedded sections of structural steel that are encased in concrete. 4.14. All steel members shall bear identification correlating to the piecemark in the shoplemotion drawings. Such labeling shall be durable and remain legible throughout fabrication and erection. 4.15. Structural steel members shall not be spliced except where explicitly detailed in these drawings. 4.16. Welds identified as part of the SFRS shall conform to the requirements of AWS D1.8. 4.17. Unless otherwise stated, all bolts used on structural steel shall conform to ASTM F3125 Grade A325/1e1852. 4.18. Where camber is provided, the curve should approximate a circular curve and shall be uniform over the entire length of beam. 4.19. Whether specified or natural, all beams shall be installed with camber up. 5. Special Inspection Special Inspection - Structural Steel Subject of Inspection Reference Frequency Notes ASTM A653 or A1063 IBC 1705.2 Roof Deck The special inspector shell verity that the fabricator maintains detailed fabircation and clusity Magnetic Particle (MT) and Ultrasonic (Urn Testing of Welds NIT - AWS D1.1-6.14.4 Per Drawings control procedures and shall review for completeness and adequacy relative to the code 'Concrete materials shall conform to Diulsion 03000 Concrete UT -AWS D1.1-6.13 & rn O ❑ W_ requirement. Roof Deck- Installation 6.14.3 Periotic Exception: Special inspections required by 1705 are not required where the work is done on Load Bearing Members and Assemblies IBC 1704.2.5 Periotic the premisis of a fabricator registered and approved to perform such work without special Fabricated in a Fabricatofs Shop RCSC Specification For Periodic inspection. approval shall be based upon review of the fabricatofs written procedural and Bolts AISC 360 N2 Length, Grade, and Lotto be used quality control manuals and periodic auditing of fabrication practices by a nationally Material Verificaban of Weld Filler Metals ASTM A325 or ASTM in the work. recognized accrediting authority. At completion of fabrication, the approved fabricator shall Verifying Use of Proper WPS's A49D Bats -Saban 7 Periotic submit a certificate of compliance to the building official stating thatthe work was performed in Floor ant Roof Deck - Welder/Inspector Qualifications IBC 1705.2.2 periotic accordance with the approved construction documents. AWS D1.3 See submittals section regarding documentation of such codification. Structural Steel- Material Verification IBC 1705.21, 2203.1 Periodic Codified Mill Test Reports Anchor Baits and Threaded Rads - Material AISC 360-N3.2, A3.4 Verification ASTM -As Referenced Periodic Manufacturefs Certified Test Reports collectors and bracing, and sheanvall festering, anchorage Herein Periotic All connections visually inspected Frame Joints - Details Al SC 360 N5.7 Periodic Verification of home joint details including member and component hcatians, bracing, and Periodic special inspection is required during welding stiffeners. Steel Seismic Force Resisting SystemsIBC 1705.12.1.1 AISC 341-16 Chapter J-OuaffyCanbuland OwilyAwmauce in its entirety shall be used as the reference for all special Periodic special inspection is required for screw attachment, inspections and testing pertaining to work an Steel Seismic Farce Resisting Systems. Periotic Exception: Special inspection is not required for shear walls, braces, diaphragms, drag strut, and bolting, anchoring and other fastening of components within For other steel, identification markings to conform to ASTM standards specified in the Other Non Structural Steel- Material Verification AISC 360-M2.5 Periodic apprwed construction documents. are side only and fastener spacing is greater than 4" on center. AISC 360-A3.3, N3.2 High Strength Bolts, Nds, ant Washers ASTM -As Referenced Periodic Manufacturefs Certified Test Reports Material Verification Herein RCSC 2.1 IBC 1705.21 RCSC Specification for High Strength Bolts - Snug Tight Joint Structural Joints using Periodic All connections inspected and verified snug. Installation ASTM A325orA490Bats - Sections AISC 360-M2.5 IBC 1705.2.1.1 ca High Strength Bolts- Pretansioned/Slip RCSC SpecOcationfar Critical Installation of Turn -of -Nut (Math Sbuchral Joints using All connections inspected. Connections using Direct Tension Indicators, all bolts shall be a Marking), Twist -Off, or Direct Tension ASTM A 325 or A490 Baits- periodic inspected after snugging and after pretansioning. Indicators Section 9 AISC 360-M2.5 IBC 1705.21 High Strength Bolts - Pretereioned(Slip RCSC SpecOcationfx Critical Installation of Turn -of -Nut (No Structural Joints using Continuous All connections inspected Match Marking) or Calibrated Wrench ASTM A325orA490Bats - Sections AISC 360-M2.5 AISC 341- J7 High Strength Bolting of the Seismic RCSC Specification for AISC 341-16 ChaplwJ- Quality Consul adOuaf/yAssurace in its entirety shall be used as the reference far all special Force Resisting System Structural Joints using inspections and testing pertaining to work an Steel Seismic Force Resisting Systems. ASTM A 325 or A490 Baits Weld Filler Metals- Material Verfiicaton AISC 360-N3.2, A3.5 Periodic Manufacturefs Certificate of Compliance AWS AS Complete and Partial Joint Pertetrathn Groove Welds Mdtipass Fillet Welds Continuous Single Pass FilletWelds>Y,c" AWS DIA - Sect 6 All welds visually inspected per AWS D1A 6.9 Plug and Slot Welds .e Single Pass Fillet Welds 5 Y1a" Periodic 3 Welding Procedure Specifications AISC 360-N3.2 Periodic Copy of welding procedure specifications Welder ant Welting Inspector IBC 1705.2 Periodic Copy of qualification cards Qualifications IBC 1705.12 Welding of the Seismic Force Resisting AISC 341A AISC 341-160hspmrJ- OmMyCanbuladOuzf/yAssurace in its entirety shall be used as the reference far all special System AISC 360 inspections and testing pertaining to work an Steel Seismic Force Resisting Systems. AWS DIA Welding Star ant Railing Systems IBC 1705.2 Periodic All welds visually inspected per AWS D1.1-6.9 AWS D11.11 -6 Testing - Structural Steel Subject of Testing Reference Frequency Notes ASTM A653 or A1063 IBC 1705.2 Roof Deck ASTM A653 or A1063 Magnetic Particle (MT) and Ultrasonic (Urn Testing of Welds NIT - AWS D1.1-6.14.4 Per Drawings Type 'Concrete materials shall conform to Diulsion 03000 Concrete UT -AWS D1.1-6.13 & rn O ❑ W_ Special inspections apply to decking type, depth and gage, power actuated fasteners, screws, Roof Deck- Installation 6.14.3 Periotic proprietary side seam attachments, butron punches and shear connectors. Metal Deck- Material Verificatian IBC 1705.2 Periotic Manufacturer's Codified Test Reports Pre -Installation Verification of Pretensioned High Strength RCSC Specification For Each combination of Diameter, Welding lnspectan and Welding Inspector qualification shall be in accordance will, AWS D1.3 Bolts Structural Joints Using Length, Grade, and Lotto be used Material Verificaban of Weld Filler Metals ASTM A325 or ASTM in the work. Manufacturers Certifed1rest Report Verifying Use of Proper WPS's A49D Bats -Saban 7 Periotic Copy of Welding Procedure Specifications Division 05 30 00 - Steel Deck 1. Reference Standards All work shall be performed in accordance with the following standards: 2019 OSSC Chapter 22- Steel SDI Code of Standard Practice 2017 SDI Manual of Construction with Steel Deck 2013 2. Materials 2.1. All steel decking shall conform the the standards and minimum grades listed below unless noted otherwise in the drawings. Steel Decking Materials Item Standard Grade Floor Deck ASTM A653 or A1063 Fy=50 ksi Roof Deck ASTM A653 or A1063 Fy=50 ksi Headed Shear Connectors AWS DIA Type 'Concrete materials shall conform to Diulsion 03000 Concrete 3. Submittals 3.1. Deck Shop Drawings 3.2. Product Submittals 4. Execution 4.1. Typical framing spacing is based on the maximum allowable spans and loading for decking in a three span continuous configuration; Decking shall be continuous for a minimum of three spans. 4.2. Puddle welds are the preferred and specified method for attachment of the decking to the structural steel framing. Substitution of PAF or screw fasteners will not be considered for perimeter conditions or for SFRS collector lines identified in the framing plans. 4.3. The diameter of conduit placed in concrete on metal deck shall not exceed 1/3 of the clear distance between the top of the flute and the top of the slab nor 1", and in no case shall be spaced any closer than 18" o.c. Where these parameters cannot be met, conduit shall not be placed in deck. 4.4. Only openings shown on the deck plan and having wide flange supports mall sides bay be cut into deck prior to concrete placement. In all other cases without exception, the deck shall remain in place and uncut until after concrete has been poured and sufficiently cured to function compositely as intended in the final condition. Concrete block-outs maybe provided or the concrete maybe saw-cutloom-drilled to accommodate penetrations. 5. Special Inspection Special Inspection - Metal Deck SWjectaflmpection Reference Frequency Notes Floor ant Roof Deck Welds IBC 1705.2 Periotic All weldsvisually inspectedperAWS D1.3-7.1 AWS D1.3-7 O= W Df Q J W Ow 2i ~ > LU LU = rn O ❑ W_ Special inspections apply to decking type, depth and gage, power actuated fasteners, screws, Roof Deck- Installation IBC 1705.1.1 Periotic proprietary side seam attachments, butron punches and shear connectors. Metal Deck- Material Verificatian Periotic Manufacturer's Codified Test Reports Floor and Roof Deck- Weldadinspectar Qualifications IBC 1705.2.2 periotic Welding lnspectan and Welding Inspector qualification shall be in accordance will, AWS D1.3 AWS D1.3 Material Verificaban of Weld Filler Metals AWS D1.3-7 Periotic Manufacturers Certifed1rest Report Verifying Use of Proper WPS's AWS D1.3-7 Periotic Copy of Welding Procedure Specifications Floor ant Roof Deck - Welder/Inspector Qualifications IBC 1705.2.2 periotic Copy of qualification cards AWS D1.3 Welcingafthe Seismic Farce Resisting System IBC 1705.12 periotic All welds visually inspected per AWS D1.3-7.1 AWSD1.3-7 Connections for diaphragm atrachment, diaphragm chords, collectors and bracing, and sheanvall festering, anchorage IBC 1705.11 Periotic All connections visually inspected and holdowns. Periodic special inspection is required during welding All welds visually inspected per AWS D1.3 - 7.1 operations of elements of the seismic force resisting system. Periodic special inspection is required for screw attachment, IBC 1705.12 Periotic Exception: Special inspection is not required for shear walls, braces, diaphragms, drag strut, and bolting, anchoring and other fastening of components within AWS D1.3- 7 held downs if sheathing is gypsum or fireboard or if sheathing is wood structural panel/stael sheet the seismic force resisting system, including shear walls, are side only and fastener spacing is greater than 4" on center. braces, diaphragms, collectors and hold downs. 3M M A E E N G I N E E R I N G 1355 Oak Street, Suite 200 Eugene, Oregon 97401 ph: 541.484.9080 www. mae-eng i neers. co m 1y pFj�f, Digitally All signed by Jok Ang Dae: s.'„Ho 2022.06.21 (- -,,,,_a 15:26:14-0700' THESE DRAWINGS ARE THE PROPERTY OF MAE ENGINEERING AND ARE NOT TO BE USED OR REPRODUCED N ANY MANNER EXCEPT VVTTH THE PROPER WRITTEN PERMISSION OF MAE ENGINEERING. Z O U_ ILL U LU U) Q z Q U) LU H O Z J Q Of LU Z LU V LU U O= W Df Q J W Ow 2i ~ > LU LU = rn O ❑ W_ LU CO o LL Z_ CD Q E d CO REVISIONS: IDIMENSIONING NOTATION I TAKES PRIORITY OVER SCALE. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. IDATE: 06/21/2022 DRAWN BY: BA CHECKED BY: BO WORK ORDER NO. 22901 SHEET: S102 STITE PLAN SCALE: 3/32" -1'-0" 3S" IRON ROD V icnu DID= J I � N88009'35"W 180.07' 1" IRON PIPE SHELLEY ST NOTE: THIS SITE PLAN IS NOT BASED ON A BOUNDARY SURVEY. UNES ARE BASED ON FIELD TIES OF EXISTING MONUMENTS AND SURVEYS ON FILE AT LANE COUNTY. FIELD LOCATING EXISTING STRUCTURE ON LOT PERFORMED BY COLE SURVEYING ON APRIL 11, 2022. NORTH um M A E E N G I N E E R I N G 1355 Oak Street, Suite 200 Eugene, Oregon 97401 ph: 541.484.9080 www.mae-engineers.com parr, Digitally `;�eW Y signed by Jok Ang vJ Date: 2022.06.21 15:26:36-07'00' THESE DRAWINGS ARE THE PROPERTY OF MAE ENGINEERING AND ARE NOT TO BE USED OR REPRODUCED N ANY MANNER EXCEPT WTTH THE PROPER WRITTEN PERMISSION OF MAE ENGINEERING. z Q J I W H L7 Wrn vJ O= W Of Q J LU r-) p ~ > LU LU J LU S rn O ❑ LU _ LU Ifyo U) LL Z m Q d cf) DIMENSIONING NOTATION TAKES PRIORITY OVER SCALE. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. DATE: 06/21/2022 DRAWN BY: BA CHECKED BY: BE WORK ORDER NO. 22901 SHEET S201 FOUNDATION PLAN SCALE: 1/R" =1'-B' FOUNDATION NOTES g GONG SLAB ON GROUND W/ AS REINF S1 @ 12' OC EACH WAY CENTERED IN SLAB FINISH FLOOR EL = d-0" MATCH ELEVTO (E) BUILDING SLAB BRACE . INDICATES WHERE BRACE IS ATTACHED Digitally signed TO COLUMN BASE SEE BASE PLATE DETAIL �O s B H9q 9'�FgF �q BASE PL TYPE DETAIL BP -1 M500 BP -2 2/5500 BP -3 35500 40AA cS �O 3m M A E E N G I N E E R I N G 1355 Oak Street, Suite 200 Eugene, Oregon 97401 ph: 541.484.9080 www.mae-engineers.com THESE DRAWINGS ARE THE PROPERTY OF NAE ENGINEERING AND ARE NOT TO BE USED OR REPRODUCED N ANY MANNER EXCEPT WTTH THE PROPER WRITTEN PERMISSION OF NAE ENGINEERING. Z Q J n z O Q z O LL Wl^ StgN;NolF o Digitally signed �. � byJok Ang Date: E a„ ,m 2022.06.21 15:26:56-07'00' C=7 ~ > LU LU J LU S THESE DRAWINGS ARE THE PROPERTY OF NAE ENGINEERING AND ARE NOT TO BE USED OR REPRODUCED N ANY MANNER EXCEPT WTTH THE PROPER WRITTEN PERMISSION OF NAE ENGINEERING. Z Q J n z O Q z O LL Wl^ VJ O= W Of Q J LU r-) O ~ > LU LU J LU S rn 0 ❑ LU _ LU Ifyo A LL Z m Q d cf) aa969u 01 DIMENSIONING NOTATION TAKES PRIORITY OVER SCALE. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. DATE: 06/21/2022 DRAWN BY: BA CHECKED BV: AA WORK ORDER NO. 22901 SHEET S202 5 -- 5203 S500 AT CONC 12 �sWALL gb S401 ATCFS — -- — — WALL C----- - --- _ k 5203 _ - — J d It 5 5500 9" ^ WALL FRAMING PLAN Ue" NORTH® SCALE: = 1'-0' SCALE: Ue" =1'-0' WALL INTERIOR ELEVATION SCALE: Ue" =1'-0" (E) CMU WALL NE M A E E N G I N E E R I N G 1355 Oak Street, Suite 200 Eugene, Oregon 97401 ph: 541.484.9080 www. mae-eng i neers. co m G"t42022.06.21 itally sign by Jok Ang Dale: O 1527:22-07'00' THESE DRAWINGS ARE THE 'ROPERTY OF MAE ENGINEERING AND ARE NOT TO BE USED OR REPRODUCED N ANV MANNER EXCEPT WITH THE PROPER WRITTEN PERMISSION OF MAE ENGINEERING. Wl^ VJ O= W [)f Q J LU 0 p ~ > J W S rn O ❑ LU _ LU n o LL Z m Q E d cf) F V W O rc a DIMENSIONING NOTATION TAKES PRIORITY OVER SCALE. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. DATE: 06/21/2022 DRAWN BV: BA CHECKED BV: AA WORK ORDER NO. 22901 SHEET n n - L, mL, e L•, m 7-11" 32'-0" 3Z -B' 24'-0" 24'-0" 24'-B' 15'-1W" U NUMBER OR EQUALLY X SPACED SHEAR /-� STEEL SECTION -,,,,CONNECTORS ALONG AXIAL COLLECTOR BEAM LOADS(1.OXOaE) �J ( SIM♦ wyxx ()O() <XK>!!!. X -X" M A E CONNECTION TYPE E G I E E R I G SPECIAL CONDITION SIM�T/STEEL N N N PER LEGEND TO CONN BY SYMBOL. ELEVATION 1355 Oak Street, Suite 200 SEE DETAIL FOR INFO Eugene, Oregon 97401 ph: 541.484.9080 STEEL BEAM LEGEND ww .mae-engineers.00m 18=5 VERCO ,' DECK UNFILLED ROOF DECK, OR GALVANIZED, sgio PBU¢ ® Digitally signed D1 FY=50 KSI (4)�"PUDDLE WELDS AT EACH SUPPORT, BUTTON � "� � 5Y Jok Ang PUNCHED SIDE SEAMS @ 24" OC. SEE PLAN FOR DECK DIRECTION. Date: DECK PANELS SHALL BE CONTINUOUS FOR (2) SPANS MINIMUM ^�, „ 2022.06.21 °rs nw° 15:50:58-07'00' O BRACINDICATES WHERE BRACE IS ATTACHED TO BEAM4COLUMJ ROOF FRAMING PLAN LEGEND A SFRS-BOLTED FLANGE PLATE MOMENT FRAME BMCOL CONN PER IIS520 •" H SFRS - SINGLE ROW SFRS- DBL ROW COLLECTOR R CONN PER COLLECTOR CONN PER IM520 SIMPLE BMBM CONN SIMPLE BMBM CONN PER 55520 =�pER yS520 SIMPLE BM WF COL CONN SIMPLE BMWF COL CONN PER 45520 PER 4IS520 STEEL FRAMING CONNECTION LEGEND THESE DRAWINGS ARE THE PROPERTY OF NAE ENGINEERING AND ARE NOT TO BE USED OR REPRODUCED N ANY MANNER EXCEPT WTTH THE PROPER WRITTEN PERMISSION OF MAE ENGINEERING. Z J n 0 Z_ Q LL LL O O Ify Wl^ 06/21/2022 DRAWN BY: BA VJ AA O= W Of Q J LU O ~ > J LU S rn ❑ LU _ LU Ifyo A LL Z m Q d cf) REVISIONS: DIMENSIONING NOTATION TAKES PRIORITY OVER SCALE. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. DATE: 06/21/2022 DRAWN BY: BA CHECKED BY: AA WORK ORDER NO. 22901 SHEET: S204 I MAE E N G I N E E R I N G 1355 Oak Street, Suite 200 Eugene, Oregon 97401 ph: 541.484.9080 www. mae-eng i neers. co m Digitally signed by Jok An Dae: 2022.06.21 15:51:35-07'00' THESE DRAWINGS ARE THE PROPERTY OF MAE ENGINEERING AND ARE NOT TO BE USED OR REPRODUCED N ANY MANNER EXCEPT WTTH THE PROPER WRITTEN PERMISSION OF MAE ENGINEERING. FLASHING, DEFLECTION /// ---�� JOINT, ROOFING, Erc, ( I BY CONTRACTOR L — / z �II O o FLASHING, DEFLECTION 0 JOINT, ROOFING, GUTTER, ETC, BY CONTRACTOR U -_l U) SIMPSON SCB411.5 AT EA STUD IQI I I I STEEL BEAM , PER PLAN I I J I F 101 F I QN SIM>SON SCB47.5 w AT EA STUD uT3 I I I 4005162-545TU05 li I @24"O.C. IIQI I I I IQII I I I I I I I I I LU 400Si62-54 STUDS@24"OC li (n W/ CRC BRIDGING @ 4'-0"OC O PER 7/5510 O J cf) LU I W LU O N O J ❑ LL Y'OTITENHDW/Q 2i = LU 3v<"EMBED @3B"OC > w 400T15D•54X CONT INSTALL PER ICC ESR 2713—\li > Z W/ (2B #10 EA LEG D_' o Z TO EA STUD E I m d o Q CO I 15'-T 600SIS2-54STUDS@16"OC NEW BUILDING 1 (E)BUILDING d °^ F W 4 0 a STUD BRIDGING PER d DETAIL 7/5510 @ 4'-0" OC REVISIONS: Sln HEADER PER DETAIL 1/5510, TYP (E) CMU WALL (E) FTG GONG SLAB PER PLAN 9-4" RO 4 d- d d 3-4" RO I I II 4 ° d d DIMENSIONING NOTATION Q '4 - TAKES PRIORITY OVER SCALE. Q d °d ° o (E) BLDG d ° ° 4 DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. 4 ° JAMB PER 1/S510, TYP li li a d ° ° 4 ° 4 d d° d d DATE: 06/21/2022 ° d DRAyV{.I BY BA \\//j\// d 4 d ° ° / ///\\//j //\\//\\/\\ F //\\//\\//\\ \\ \NX \\ DOORS, AND CHECKED BV: AA FRAMES PER 4 d WORK ORDER NO. M4NUF, TYP ��//� ° d ° 22901 SHEET: S401NOTE: �51 RIGID FRAME FOOTING -TYPE F2 10 WALL ELEVATION SIM FRAMNGATOPENINGS ATGL-10. 12 WALL SECTION 5500 SCALE: I"= 1'-0" 5401 SCALE: 1/4" a 1'-0" 5203 SCALE: I"= 1'-0" a GR 36 LWASHER W12 COLUMN BASE PLATE - BP -1 SCALE: 1-IZ a 1'-P KY GROUT (E) CMU WALL SLAB REINF W1 STD HOOK AT EDGE OF FOOTING (E) FrG #1 DOWEL x 32"@ 32" OC GONG SLAB PER PLAN W/ r MIN EMBED TO (E) FTG ° a ° 4 ° ° a ° ° e 4 �74 4 4 WALL FTG 3-0" T (5) AB x CONE. RIGID FRAME FOOTING -TYPE F2 SCALE: I"= 1'-P W12 COLUMN BASE PLATE - BRACED FRAME - BP -2 SCALE: 1-IZ a 1'-P SCALE: I"= 1'-P STOP EVERY OTHER BAR T AWAY FROM JOINT �ja" SAWCUT JOINT Y SLAB DEPTH Q a NOTE: SAW CUTTING SHALL BE PERFORMED AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE TO REDUCE THE DEVELOPMENT OF RANDOM SHRINKAGE, CRACKS, BUT NOT SO EARLY AS TO CAUSE RAVELING OF THE CONCRETE DURING CUTTING. x RED D A572 GR 50 W12 COLUMN BASE PLATE- BRACED FRAME -BP -3 SCALE: 1-IZ a 1'-P SCALE: I"= 1'-P MAE E N G I N E E R I N G 1355 Oak Street, Suite 200 Eugene, Oregon 97401 ph: 541.484.9080 www. mae-eng i neers. co m pain Digitally signed by Jok Ang Date: 2022.06.21 ra� 715:52:04-07'00' THESE DRAWINGS ARE THE PROPERTY OF MAE ENGINEERING AND ARE NOT TO BE USED OR REPRODUCED N ANY MANNER EXCEPT WITH THE PROPER WRITTEN PERMISSION OF MAE ENGINEERING. AS U -BAR @ EA VERT t,6x CONT EA w FACE @ 1Z' OC F F w SCALE: I"= 1'-P U) J_ Q H W Z 0 F Q z 0 LL W NATHI 01 DIMENSIONING NOTATION TAKES PRIORITY OVER SCALE. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. DATE: 06/21/2022 DRAWN BY: BA CHECKED BY: AA WORK ORDER NO. 22901 SHEET S500 U J ~ U) rn A,6 VERT = w � @16'OCT LU 0 Of W 0 J ❑ LU 2i T: S LU _ LU A LL O o Z co Q cf) NATHI 01 DIMENSIONING NOTATION TAKES PRIORITY OVER SCALE. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. DATE: 06/21/2022 DRAWN BY: BA CHECKED BY: AA WORK ORDER NO. 22901 SHEET S500 #12@ 12'0( �i, COLD FORMED STEEL HEADER TO JAMB CONNECTION JAMB PER SCHED r LONG STUD (MATCH JAMB) W/ (4) #12 TO JAMB 4" LONG TRACK (MATCH HEADER) W/ (4) #12 TO JAMS 54 ML 1.5"x1.5" W/ (3) #12 FINISH MATERIAL STUD BRIDGING - CRC IY'kIY'k54 mil CLIP ANGLE LENGTH=STUD WIDTH LESSY2" ATTACH TO EA STUD 8 CHANNEL W/ (2) tB EA MEMBER IY'k54 mil COLD ROLLED CHANNEL (CRC) STUDS TO BE FULLY SEATED AGAINST TRACK Ve" MAX GAP) TRACK PER PLAN ANCHOR SCREW PER PLAN STUD PUNCHOUf STEEL STUDS PER PLAN STUD FLANGE TYP EDGE OF CMJ WHERE OCCURS PER PLAN NOTE: THIS DETAIL APPUES TO BOTTOM TRACKS OF ALL STRUCTURAL STEEL STUD WALLS U.N.O. TYPICAL TOP AND BOTTOM TRACK DETAIL TYPICAL TRACK SPLICE SCALE: I"= 1'-D" SCALE: N.T.S s�� SCALE: N.T.Ss� SCALE: N.T.S 7 AN MAE E N G I N E E R I N G 1355 Oak Street, Suite 200 Eugene, Oregon 97401 ph: 541.484.9080 www. mae-eng i neers. co m ESS 1CK ,`t°m Ppo�Fso% signed by Jok Ang K f Date: 2022.06.21 O 15:52:26-07'00' THESE DRAWINGS ARE THE PROPERTY OF MAE ENGINEERING AND ARE NOT TO BE USED OR REPRODUCED N ANY MANNER EXCEPT WT(H THE PROPER WRITTEN PERMISSION OF MAE ENGINEERING. SHALL BE STAGGERED 46' MIN. V Wl^ U) VJ J_ Q J LU p ~ > LU LU J LU S H LU Ifyo W LL Z m Q D d cf) C7 Z_ V W Q ry LL O w J F a FF W W 2 y Wl^ VJ O= W Of Q J LU p ~ > LU LU J LU S rn O ❑ LU _ LU Ifyo U) LL Z m Q d cf) F V W O rc a DIMENSIONING NOTATION TAKES PRIORITY OVER SCALE. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. DATE: 06/21/2022 DRAWN BY: BA CHECKED BY: AA WORK ORDER NO. 22901 SHEET: S510 AA PL (3) SIDES, DO NOT WELD IN'K REGION TYP BOTH SIDES OF COLUMN 3 -SIDED NS It FS, TYP x REDDx READ STIFFENER PLATE WIDE FLANGE WEB STIFFENER AND COLUMN CAPS Y SCALE: 1 -1/T -1' -IT GIRDER PER PLAN— BEAM PER PLAN I T/STEEL PER PLAN BB PLAN C�o- I G C? 0-I I COPE BEAM + FLANGE AS READ + + + SCALE: 1-1/T e 1' -IN Y" COLUMN CAP SEE 35520 FOR PLATE SIZE AND THICKNESS ASTM F3125 BOLTS SEE 3/S520 FOR SIZE, QUANTITY, AND GRADE PARALLEL DECK EDGE CONNECTION SCALE: 1-1/2"= 1'-0' 09 CONTINUITY PLATE SCALE: 1-IZ e 1' -IT I m AT BRACED 3520 FRAMES PL Y44" x READ, TYP ASTM A572 GR 50 �e D1.8 CP EA END, TYP �a 7 wWIN I 4 I7 �, r., yr v 9 qlc 11, 420 SCALE: 1-IZ e 1' -IN CONNECTION PER 45520 iQ I II II II I + II III + WP *BASTMABBBCLEMSW/MIN /j z, D1.8 25,600 LB WORKING LOAD Yie TYP (3:1 FACTOR OF SAFETY) 1.25"0 ASTM A36 6" PLY"x REDD ROD BRACING --,, ASTM A572 GR 50 BRACED FRAME BEAM TO COLUMN WEB CONNECTION DETAIL SCALE: 1-1/2" a 1'-0' STRUCTURAL STEEL DETAIL NOTES: I. THESE ARE GENERAL DETAILS SHOWING THE INTENDED CONFIGURATION OF TYPICAL JOINTS AND DO NOT REPRESENT SPECIFIC JOINTS. SOME LEVEL OF INTERPRETATION IS EXPECTED TO BE PERFORMED BY THE DETAILER. IF THERE IS ANY QUESTION AS TO THE INTENDED CONFIGURATION OF A CONNECTION OR COMBINATION THEREOF, SUBMIT AN RFI OR CLEARLY IDENTIFY SUCH LOCATIONS IN THE SHOP DRAWINGS. 2. TYPICAL WIDE FLANGE "SINGLE PLATE CONNECTION" SCHEDULE: SINGLE PLATE CONNECTION SCHEDULE SHAPE PLATE DIMENSIONS (1 COLUMN) PLATE DIMENSIONS (2 COLUMNS) SIZE ANNDD GGRRADE BOLT QUANTITY W30 PL%'kCN2C PL3"x7)Tx2C %"A325 B W27 PL%'kCN21" PL3"x7Y"x21" %"A325 7 W24 PL%N4V2NIr PL%"x7Y"x18" %"A325 6 W21 PL%'k4'x11" PL%"x7"x11" %4"A325 5 W1B PL%'kCx12" PL%"x7"x12" %4"A325 4 W16 PL%'kCx12" PL%"x7"x12" %4"A325 4 W14 PL%"xCx9" PL%"x7'k9" %4"A325 3 W12 PL%"xCx9" PL%"x7'k9" %4"A325 3 W10 PL%"xCx6" PLY,"O"xUr %4"A325 2 W8 PL 3"xCx6" PL%"x7"xr %4"A325 2 3. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL CONNECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TO ALIGN THE CL OF THE MEMBERS BEING CONNECTED. THE SIDE TO WHICH THE WEB PLATE IS AFFIXED SHALL BEAT THE DISCRETION OF THE DETAILER AND ERECTOR UNLESS AESS IS SPECIFIED. 4. PLATE DIMENSIONS PER TABLE SHALL BETAKEN FROM THE PLANE DEFINED BY THE EDGES OF THE COLUMN FLANGE. SINGLE PLATE CONNECTION NOTES MS CONTINUITY PLATE PER 2/S520 AT T&B STEEL COL PER PLJ SCALE: 1-IZ e 1' -IN T/ STEEL PER PLAN I YtK: bmK Vhbm a"O A325 BOLTS L BEAM PER PLAN xt)Z X16" I A572 GR 50 INTERMEDIATE COLLECTOR CONNECTION - BEAM TO COLUMN SCALE: 1-1/2"= 1'-0' 'A' FAYING PLATE TO INS AND I.30 CLIP CORNER OF VERT PLATE e/4" TO CLEAR STIFFENER WELDS. DO NOT PLACE WELDS ON TOP OF STIFFENERICAP WELDS — EXTEND PL TO COL WEB, SEE NOTE 4 BEAM PER PLAN ASTM F3125 BOLTS SEE 35520 FOR SIZE, QUANTITY, AND GRADE T/ STEEL PER PLAN SEE 35520 FOR PLATE SIZE AND THICKNESS— COL CAP PER M520 PROFILE EXTENDED PLATE AS SHOWN �/ 3 -SIDED yle TYP WEB STIFFENER PER 1/S520, TYP COLUMN PER PLAN EXT. SINGLE PLATE CONN - WF BM TO WF COL WEB - AT TOC SCALE: 1"= 1' -IT MAE E N G I N E E R I N G 1355 Oak Street, Suite 200 Eugene, Oregon 97401 ph: 541.484.9080 www. mae-eng i neers. co m 'yQF�"ptilr�n Digitally ,a signed by Jok " Ang +�"°°°• 022.06.21 C., 15:53:06-07'00' THESE DRAWINGS ARE THE 'ROPERTY OF MAE ENGINEERING AND ARE NOT TO BE USED OR REPRODUCED N ANY MANNER EXCEPT WTTH THE PROPER WRITTEN PERMISSION OF MAE ENGINEERING. J_ Q H— w 0 J W W H— (n LU U O= W Of Q J LU p ~ > LU LU J LU S rn O ❑ LU _ LU Ifyo n LL Z m Q d cf) vATI w w01s DIMENSIONING NOTATION TAKES PRIORITY OVER SCALE. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. DATE: 06/21/2022 DRAWN BY: BA CHECKED BY: AA WORK ORDER NO. 22901 SHEET S520 ABT WAREHOUSE REMODEL 402 SHELLEY ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS VICINITY PLAN SCALE: 1:3660 Imagery ©2922 Maxar Technologies, State of Oregon Map data 92022 NORTH ABBREVIATIONS SHEET INDEX S100 COVER SHEET ABBREVIATIONS Digitally signed n "��¢ AB Anchor Bolt EQUIP Equipment PCF Pounds per Cubic Foot ABT About EQUIV Equivalent PCWT Plate Connected Wood Truss ABV Above E.S. Each Side PERP Perpendicular AC Asphalt Concrete EST Estimated PL Plate ACI American Concrete Institute EW Each Way PLF Pounds per Linear Foot ADA Americans with Disabilities Act EXP Expansion PLWD Plywood ADDL jAdditional EXT Exterior PREFAB Prefabricated AES Architectural Exposed Steel FD Floor Drain PSF Pounds per Square Feet AFF Above Finished Floor FDN Foundation PSI Pounds per Square Inch AGS Aggregate FIN Finish PSL Parallel Strand Lumber AISC American Institute of Steel Construction FLG Flange P -T Post Tensioned AISI Amencanlron and Steel Institute FLR Floor PT Point, Pressure Treated ALT Alternate FTG Footing RC Reinforced Concrete APA American Plywood Association GA Gauge RD Roof Drain APPROX Approximately GALV Galvanized REF Reference ARCHL Architectural GL Glue Laminated Timber REINF Reinforcing ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials GWB Gypsum Wall Board REQ'D Required ATR All Threaded Rod HD Hold-down REV Revision AWS American Welding Society HDR Header RT Right B/ Bottom of HGR Hanger S South B2B Back to Back HORIZ Horizontal SCHED Schedule BM Beam HP Helical Pier SECT Section BP Base Plate HSS Hollow Structural Section SEOR Structural Engineer of Record BLDG Building IBC International Building Code SF Square Foot BILKS Blocking ID Inner Diameter BHT Sheet BOT Bottom IF Inside Face SHTHG Sheathing BRG Bearing INT Interior SIM Similar BTWN Between KSF Kips Per Square Foot BOG Slab on Grade CJ Control Joint, Construction Joint JST Joist SPECS Specifications CL or Center Line L Angle SQ Square CLR Clear LBS lPounds STAG Stagger, Staggered CMJ Concrete Masonry Unit LG Ught Gauge STD Standard COL Column LL Live Load STIF Stiffener CONC Concrete LLH Long Leg Horizontal STL Steel CONN Connection LLV Long Leg Vertical STRUCT Structural CONT Continuous LONG Longitudinal SWWJ Solid Web Wood Joist CONST Construction LSL Laminated Strand Lumber SYM Symmetrical CTRD Centered LT Left T&B Top and Bottom D Deep LVL 1 Laminated Veneer Lumber T&G Tongue and Groove DBL Double MAX Maximum TDS Tie Down System DEMO Demolish MIS Metal Building System THKND Thickened DIA oro Diameter MECH Mechanical THRD Threaded OF Douglas Fir MFR Manufacturer THRU Through DIAG Diagonal MN Minimum T/ Top of DIMS Dimensions NS Non -shrink TOS Top of Steel DIST Distance N.T.S. Not to Scale TRANS Transverse ON Down 0/ Over TYP Typical DP Depth OC On Center UBC Uniform Building Code DWG'S Drawings OD I Outer Diameter U.N.O. Unless Noted Otherwise (E) Existing OF Outside Face VERT Vertical EA Each OPNG Opening W Wide orWest ED Edge Distance OPP Opposite Hand W/ With EF Each Face OSB Oriented Strand Board W/0 Without EJ Expansion Joint OWSJ Open Web Steel Joist WF Wide Flange EL Elevation OWWJ Open Web Wood Joist WHS Welded Headed Stud ELEC Electrical PAF Powder Actuated Fastener WP Working Point ELEV ElevatorPC Precast WT Weight EMBED Embedment OWWJ Open Web Wood Joist WWF Welded Wire Fabric EQ Equal IPAF I Powder Actuated Fastener jWWM I Welded Wire Mesh ABBREVIATIONS SHEET INDEX S100 COVER SHEET • Digitally signed n "��¢ by Jok Ang Date: S101 GENERAL NOTES AND SPECIFICATIONS • "^"s O 08:59:18-0700' n7 V -B S102 GENERAL NOTES AND SPECIFICATIONS • r` DIMENSIONING NOTATION O= J rn LU S201 SITE PLAN • DATE: 06/21/2022 W LU LU S202 FOUNDATION PLAN • Df pJ LN ❑ S203 WALL FRAMING PLAN AND ELEVATIONS • 2i S LU _ S204 ROOF FRAMING PLAN • n LL Of o Z S401 SECTIONS • CD d CO Q S500 FOUNDATION DETAILS • S510 FRAMING DETAILS • MAE Engineering S520 STEEL DETAILS • 1355 Oak Street, Suite 299 GENERAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION Remodelfreplacement of an existing 159'X18' wood -framed warehouse addition. PROJECT INFORMATION SITE ADDRESS: 402 Shelley St, Spdngfeld,OR 97477 OWNER: ABT Gn MAE E N G I N E E R I N G 1355 Oak Street, Suite 200 Eugene, Oregon 97401 ph: 541.484.9080 www. mae-eng i neers. co m THESE DRAWINGS ARE THE PROPERTY OF NAE ENGINEERING AND ARE NOT TO BE USED OR REPRODUCED N ANY MANNER EXCEPT VWH THE PROPER WRITTEN PERMISSION OF MAE ENGINEERING. H— LI.J W of LU 0 U 17-03-27-10-07900 `�,co P„��4� Digitally signed n "��¢ by Jok Ang Date: U 2022.09.09 "^"s O 08:59:18-0700' n7 V -B THESE DRAWINGS ARE THE PROPERTY OF NAE ENGINEERING AND ARE NOT TO BE USED OR REPRODUCED N ANY MANNER EXCEPT VWH THE PROPER WRITTEN PERMISSION OF MAE ENGINEERING. H— LI.J W of LU 0 U MAP 8 TAX LOT: 17-03-27-10-07900 LU LOT SIZE: 33,645 SO FT U LIGHT -MEDIUM INDUSTRIAL CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V -B ~ r` DIMENSIONING NOTATION O= J rn LU > O DATE: 06/21/2022 W LU LU DRAWN BY: BA Df pJ LN ❑ WORK ORDER NO. Q 2i S LU _ LU n LL Of o Z E CD d CO Q PROJECT TEAM Structural Engineer: MAE Engineering 1355 Oak Street, Suite 299 Eugene, OR 97491 F Contact: w Jok Ang p joka(dmae-engineem.com W (541)484-9080 REVISIONS: MAP 8 TAX LOT: 17-03-27-10-07900 LOT SIZE: 33,645 SO FT ZONING: LIGHT -MEDIUM INDUSTRIAL CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V -B DIMENSIONING NOTATION CODE JURISDICTION: City of Springfield TAKES PRIORITY OVER SCALE. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. APPLICABLE CODES: 2019 OSSC DATE: 06/21/2022 DRAWN BY: BA CHECKED BY: BS WORK ORDER NO. 22901 ATTENTION: Oregon law requires you to follow rules adopted by the Oregon Utility Notification Center. Those rules are set forth in OAR 952-001-0001 through 952-001-0090. You may obtain copies of the rules by calling the center. NOTE: The telephone number for the Oregon Utility Notification Center is (503) 232-1987. SHEET S100