HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 9/14/2022City of Springfield
Development & Public Works
225 Fifth Street
Springfield, OR 97477
Permit Type
Dept of Motor Vehicles -New: ❑
Land Use Compatibility Statement: ❑
City: ❑
Dept of Motor Vehicles -Renewal: ❑ Zoning Verification Letter: ® UGS: ❑
Project Information
Applicant: Dustin Stanton
Phone: 916-460-1803
Company: Levy Craig Law Firm
Email: DStanton@levycraig.com
Address: 4520 Main St., STE 1600, Kansas City, MO 64111
Cel I:
Address: B G) 3 (V"
0Y 0ML10 5�
ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-03-26-24
TAX LOT NO(S): 902, 903, 1002
Property Address: Pioneer Townhomes, 1920 3rd St.
Description of Proposal: Zoning verification/compliance letter certifying the following
information regarding the properties described below: 1) the zoning of the property; 2) the
approved uses under such zoning; and 3) whether there are any known violations of zoning
pertaining to such property
Record Information
Record No: 811-22-000204-TYPS
Date Received: September 14, 2022
Application Fee: $365.00
Technical Fee: $18.25
TOTAL FEES: $383.25 Assigned Planner: Drew Larson
Revised 11.2.11 Id
SMITH Thayne
Friday, September 09, 2022 11:48 AM
FW: Request for Zoning Verification/Compliance Letter
Could you or perhaps Mark respond to this request. All of the questions are specific to zoning
From: Dustin A. Stanton <DStanton@levycraig.com>
Sent: Friday, September 09, 2022 11:27 AM
To: SMITH Thayne <tsmith@springfield-or.gov>; LINBARGER Michele <mlinbarger@springfield-or.gov>
Cc: Danielle M. Wallace <dwallace@levycraig.com>; Dustin A. Stanton <DStanton@levycraig.com>
Subject: RE: Request for Zoning Verification/Compliance Letter
Good afternoon, Thayne and Michele.. I'm needingto request a zoning verification/compliance letter certifying the
following information regarding the properties described below: 1) the zoning of the property; 2) the approved uses
under such zoning; and 3) whether there are any known violations of zoning pertaining to such property. Please let me
know if you have any questions or need anything further in order to respond.
NOTE: The nzcparty address as shoun on the Assessvx's R:17 is:
1926, 1530, 1540 And 1360 3rd Svneev
p-_n4£=e1d, OR 57477
21-_, 343 and 2se R Stzeat
Spr-tg£leld, OR 57477
NOTE:a. Ancoca: 1%. 1cEE.CC6, Fssessoz's Nap Mc. 17 93 26 2 4. t502, Code
2521-2522St the am.unt of EE1,562.22, PAID =f FULL.
Taxes, Acccurt N,— 1-sEEC13, Azsessox's Mag No. 17 03 26 2 4. #503, Code 15-90,
20[1-^_022, =t the amoan, of 437,57SAZ, PAID :F FULL -
T..., Aooptt-, 1:c. 15E512e, i..- .wap Nc. 17 93 26 2 4, 11902, Code 15-V0,
2.121-2022, _.. the aaaw:n of __E.4, FAII. IN FL]
;a:ddi 2 antl 3, LFSiD P 7100 ;LRT Inc. ZC17-P21—, as ?!acted and recerdxd on Luly 15,
2:17, graver ion Ne. 2217-9353661 Late County Deeds and Racers , -n Lane County, Oregon.
EXCE;T THEREFRDB that portion described -c. Deed to the City rE Springfield r corded
Tanuary 3, 2.2f, Re:ectinn No- 2629-QD0255, Lane County Deeds and Pancras, _a Lane
Co -r. C'ag'n-
The North Z; -CL fest :f the follcxieg dee=r -bed =.pert,: b port-:. pf chat ?rope^y in
Section 26, T-,xnth-'x 1: Scarth, Pang. 3 Kest, and Willaaetta iker-d-an described -n that died
xr Eeaney doBac icy raerded hs:gnst Z2, 1696, Receptiam No. 166127, Lane Cctnty C=egnt
r -
Deed Rezos, and w .chff ore ?articularly described as follows: Beginning at the
Spathe ase darner _.f the Catch Halstead D=sat-s. land Clain fle- 47, Dr-ansh-p 17 South, Range
3 West, Willacce to Har -d -an; thence South E5' PSI it Fest alcrg the Sosaid
line of aid
clamia distance of 1564.56 feet re a p int or sheEastar`y right of way d£ Ncttb 2nd Seree-
pro..ct.d; -hand. Truth 9' 91' 37^ Ea. along last .aid line a d-a-_ance cf 3}.93 feet t -
,be _.ca-icr, of Vestment 1 an -he ior..... tics e£ the Ndr-h cigh- of xay of "Q" Street and
the East t_ght of way . Znd Street .s shtwn -n Lana Cc.unty Snrcep File 12664 as filed as
the Lane Catnty Et_^eaydr's. Off -de; chants d.otinn-ng North C' Cl' 37"' East along -he =-ght
xa3+ is nod Scree: a ciscanoe of 4C5 -Ce feu: c.: the tope 4-_nt tf tris iner , ; thence North
37^ East al_v:g said right cf array a distance df 2 1 feet; -hands lams -ng said right
of way Worth g5e s. ' 45" Eas- Farai lei -c the E...uth line d` th. e:alssead "rrs.rr Lard Zlalm
a s-anc. =f2 feet; thee ncE - 1,1' ".^ Wes- tance
a disd rlfeat; thence
SraJh 3- SE' 45" asset a distance ..
cf 32.CC feet -c the c_r - n., of beginning, in Lena
Thank you,
Dustin Stanton, PP Direct: (816) 460-1803
Fax: (816) 03
— 4520 Main Street E-mail: dstantonanton@levycraie.com
Suite 1600 www.levycraiF,.com
Kansas City, MO 64111
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