HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 7/26/2022City of Springfield Development & Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Historical Review Application SPRINGFIELD W 0#1 , ,© Historical Review Type I - Minor Alterations; Sites or Structures: Historical Review Type II - Major Alterations; Sites or Structures: ❑ Historical Review Type III: Addition of a Site or Structure to the Historic Landmark Inventory ❑ Removal of a Site or Structure from the Historic Landmark Inventory ❑ Demolition of Historic Land Mark Structures ❑ Required Project Information (Applicant., complete this section) Applicant Name: Michael Scrod, AIA Phone: 541 520.4558 Company: Agate Architecture, LLC Fax: Address: 1577 Pearl St., STE 145 Eugene OR 97401 Applicant's Rep.: Phone: Company: Fax: Address: Property Owner: Tawnee Suchey & Ewell James A Jr Phone: Company: Fax: Address: 440 9th St Springfield Oregon ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 1703351 3 TAX LOT NOS : 08200 Property Address: 440 9th St Springfield Oregon Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Proposal: The scope of work in BP 81 1-22-006151 -STR necessitates an existing west window be replaced with a shorter version. The new window and infill wall will match the material being replaced in composition, design, color, texture and visual qualities. Replacement is required as the existing window is vinyl and cannot be modified like a wood window. The infill wall will include lap siding to match the existing. Si natures: Please si n and print your name and date in the appropriate box on the next paclej Required Project Information (City Intake Staff., complete this section) Associated Applications: Case No.: Date: Reviewed by: Application Fee: $ Technical Fee: $ 1 Postage Fee: $ TOTAL FEES: $ PROJECT NUMBER: Revised 30.30.13ki 1 of 7 Signatures An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. Owner: The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate. Date: 07/22/2022 Signature Michael Soraci, AIA Print If the applicant is not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf. Date: Signature Revised 10.10.13ki 2 of 7 Historical Review The Historic (H) Overlay District is established to encourage the restoration, preservation and adaptive use of identified Historic Landmark Structures and Sites. The H Overlay District implements applicable Metro Plan policies, the Washburne Historic Landmark District, Section 2.500 et seq., of the Springfield Municipal Code, 1997 and OAR Chapter 660-023. The prospective applicant is encouraged to meet with planning staff to become familiarized with the review process and determine what is required for a complete application. 1. Applicant Submits an Application for Historical Review The application must conform to the Historical Review Requirements Checklist included in this application packet. 2. Review A. Type I applications for Minor Alterations of Historical Landmark Sites and Structures will be reviewed by City Staff. The types of Minor alterations reviewed are: 1. Construction, modification or demolition of accessory structures; 2. Additions, partial or total demolitions or substantial alterations to the building fagade of non-contributing and intrusive structures within the Washburne Historic District; 3. Replacement of damaged exterior features with virtually identical materials; 4. Additions, partial demolitions or alterations to Historic Landmark Sites and Structures which fully conform to the standards of Section 3.3-945 and which are not visible from the street; 5. Installation of fewer than four (4) parking spaces; 6. Installation of signs of less than four (4) square feet; or 7. Any similar alteration or use which does not detract from the character of a Historic Landmark Site or Structure. B. Type II applications for Major Alterations of Historical Landmark Sites and Structures will be reviewed by the Historical Commission. The Historical Commission acts as the Development Review Committee for issues involving Section 3.3-900 Historical Overlay District. Adjacent property owners and occupants are notified and may attend a public review meeting and state their concerns, or send written comments. The types of Major alterations reviewed are: 1. Additions, partial demolitions, or substantial alterations to a building fagade; 2. A change to a more intensive use category as defined in the underlying district; 3. Installation of four (4) or more parking spaces; 4. Removal or radical trimming of large established trees or vegetation, except where necessary for immediate public safety as determined by the City Engineer; 5. Specific Development Standards in the Washburne Historic Landmark District specified in section 3.3-935B.; 6. New construction of 1,000 sq. feet or more within the Washburne Historic Landmark District; or 7. Any other alteration or use that the Director determines may detract from the historic character of a Historic Landmark Site or Structure. Revised 10.10.13ki 3 of 7 C. Type III Applications for Establishment of Historic Landmark Inventory, Removal from Historic Landmark Inventory, Demolition of Historic Landmark Structures and any Discretionary Use listed in the underlying zoning district as specified in section 5.9-100 will be reviewed by the Planning Commission following a recommendation by the Historical Commission. Adjacent property owners and occupants are notified and may attend a public review meeting and state their concerns, or send written comments. Major and Minor Alteration Standards (3.3-945) The following standards apply to major and minor alterations as specified in Section 3.3- 915B. and C., within the H Overlay District. 1. Any proposed use shall minimize exterior alteration of the Historic Landmark Site or Structure and its environment; uses that require substantial exterior alteration shall not be permitted. 2. The distinguishing original qualities of the Historic Landmark Site or Structure and its environment shall not be substantially altered. The removal or alteration of any historic material or distinctive architectural features is prohibited unless an immediate hazard to public safety exists. 3. All historic Landmark Sites or Structures are recognized as products of their own time. Alterations which have no historic basis and which seek to create an earlier appearance are prohibited. 4. Changes that have taken place in the course of time are evidence of the history and development of a Historic Landmark Site or Structure and its environment. Where changes have acquired significance in their own right, this significance shall be recognized. S. Distinctive stylistic features and examples of local or period craftsmanship which characterize a Historic Landmark Site or Structure shall be retained. 6. Deteriorated architectural features shall be repaired rather than replaced. In the even replacement cannot be avoided, the new material shall match the material being replaced in composition, design, color, texture and visual qualities. Repair or replacement of missing architectural features is based on accurate duplicate features, substantiated by historic, physical or pictorial evidence rather than on conjectural design, or the availability of different architectural elements from other buildings or structures. 7. New design for undeveloped Historic Landmark Sites in the Washburne Historic Landmark District and for alterations and additions to existing Historic Landmark Sites and Structures are permitted when they complement significant historic, architectural or cultural features and the design is compatible with the size, scale, color, material and character of the property, neighborhood or environment. B. New additions or alterations to Historic Landmark Structures shall not impair the essential form and integrity of the structure. Revised 10.10.13ki 4 of 7 Demolition Standards (3.3-950) Demolition of Historic Landmark Sites or Structures is an extreme measure that may be permitted only after all other reasonable alternatives for preservation have been thoroughly examined. A. No demolition permit will be granted for any Historic Landmark Site or Structure unless the owner has demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Historical Commission that 1 of the following criteria applies: 1. The condition of the Historic Landmark Site or Structure constitutes a serious and immediate threat to the safety of the public or occupants that cannot be eliminated without repairs that would exceed 50 percent of the value of the structure itself. a. A MIA -certified appraisal shall be required to determine the value of the Historic Landmark Structure. b. At least 2 bids from qualified contractors shall be required to determine the cost of repairs to the Historic Landmark Structure. 2. The property owner has demonstrated that there would be no reasonable, long- term economic benefit from preservation of the Historic Landmark Site or Structure. In making this determination, the owner shall demonstrate that all potential uses or adaptive uses for the Historic Landmark Site or Structure have been thoroughly examined. For example: a. The fact that a greater economic return would result from demolition than preservation is insufficient to meet this criteria. b. A lack of adequate funds to pursue potential uses or adaptive uses is insufficient to meet this criteria (i.e., selling the Historic Landmark Site or Structure is an option that shall be considered). B. If a Historic Landmark Site or Structure is permitted to be demolished, the property owner shall provide the Historical Commission with: 1. Four sets of measured drawings prepared by a qualified draftsperson showing the primary floor plans and the primary exterior elevations. 2. A set of photographs that document the exterior and interior details, including significant architectural elements. C. The property owner shall also supply the Historical Commission with any artifact or other architectural element as identified by the Historical Commission. The artifact or architectural element shall be carefully removed and delivered to the Historical Commission in good condition to be used in future conservation work. Revised 10.10.13ki 5 of 7 Historical Review Requirements Checklist NOTE: If you feel an item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. ® Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development & Public Works Department. Any applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the time of complete application submittal. ® Historical Review Application Form ® A Brief Narrative explaining the purpose of the proposal. Please seethe description on page 1 of the application ❑ One (1) Copy of the Deed to show ownership. In Addition: ® Type I - Minor Alterations -Four (4) Copies of the Required Information: R Plot plan drawn to scale - See Plot Plan Requirements Checklist attached. 0 Photos of the existing structure and/or each damaged exterior feature to be replaced to sufficiently show existing structure and/or conditions. ® Exterior elevation drawings of the new and/or modified structure. ® Type of fagade materials to be utilized including manufacturer's specification brochures. ® Type of construction materials to be utilized including manufacturer's specification brochures. For Installation of fewer than four (4) parking spaces: NSA ❑ Plot plan drawn to scale - See Plot Plan Requirement Checklist attached. ❑ Location of trees and vegetation, indicating what vegetation is to be removed. ❑ Number of parking spaces shown as proposed (to scale). ❑ Type II - Major Alterations - Four (4) Copies of the Required Information: ❑ Plot plan drawn to scale - See Plot Plan Requirements Checklist attached. ❑ Photos of the existing structure and/or each damaged exterior feature to be replaced to sufficiently show existing structure and/or conditions. ❑ Exterior elevation drawings of the new structure, addition, alteration or area to be demolished drawn to scale. ❑ Existing type of fagade materials. ❑ Type of fagade materials to be utilized including manufacturer's specification brochures. ❑ Type of construction materials to be utilized including manufacturer's specification brochures. For Installation of four (4) or more parking spaces: ❑ Plot plan drawn to scale - See Plot Plan Requirement Checklist attached. ❑ Location of trees and vegetation, indicating what vegetation is to be removed. ❑ Number of parking spaces shown as proposed (to scale). ❑ Type III - Twelve (12) Copies of the Required Information: Revised 10.10.131d 6 of 7 N/A Addition of Site or Structure to Historic Landmark Inventory: ❑ Plot plan drawn to scale - See Plot Plan Requirements Checklist attached. ❑ Complete City of Springfield Historic Inventory Form. ❑ Current photo of each exterior wall of the structure or if a vacant site, one current photo of the site. ❑ Written findings which address the criteria for Establishment of Historic Landmark Inventory (SDC 3.3-920). N/A Removal of Site or Structure from Historic Landmark Inventory: ❑ Plot plan drawn to scale - See Plot Plan Requirements Checklist attached. ❑ Copy of the City of Springfield Historic Inventory Form. ❑ Copy of the National Register Designation (if applicable). ❑ Current photo of the site or structure. ❑ Written findings determining Historic Designation was erroneously applied according to the criteria for Establishment of Historic Landmark Inventory (SDC 3.3-920). N/ADemolition of Historic Landmark Structure: ❑ Plot plan drawn to scale - See Plot Plan Requirements Checklist attached. ❑ Information to meet the criteria of Demolition standards (SDC 3.3-950). Plot Plan Requirements A Plot plan must be drawn in ink on quality paper no smaller than 8 1/2' X 14" and must contain the following information: • The scale (appropriate to the area involvied and sufficient to show detail of the plan related data such as 1' = 30", 1" = 50' OR 1" = 100'), north arrow and the date of preparation; • The street address and assessor's map and tax lot number; • The dimensions (in feet) and size (either square feet or acres) of the property; • Proposed and existing buildings; location, size (gross floor area), conceptual floor plan, setbacks from property lines, distance between buildings, and height; • Off-street parking areas, vehiclular access points and their dimensions; and • The name and location of all existing and proposed public and private streets and sidewalks within or on the boundary of the proposed property. The following additional information may be required, please check with planning: • The on-site drainage system to an approved storm system; • The connection to the City sanitary sewer system; • The location and height of proposed or existing fences, walls, outdoor equipment, storage, trash receptacles and signs; • Required landscaped areas and street tree locations to include type of landscaping or trees and type of irrigation system; or • Any additional information necessary to address land use compatability or Metro Plan issues. Revised 10.10.13ki 7 of 7 From: LARSON Andrew Sent: Monday, July 11, 2022 8:31 AM To: Michael Soraci Subject: RE: 440 9th Street Good morning, The window replacement requires a Historic Review application. All other internal work does not require additional review and we can review it as submitted. I will redline all plans stating that no external works can be completed without a Historic Review. The code states "Deteriorated architectural features shall be repaired rather than replaced. In the event replacement cannot be avoided, the new material shall match the material being replaced in composition, design, color, texture and visual qualities." So if repair is not an option, the window must be replaced like for like, e.g., a wood window must be replaced with a wood window. You will need to document the existing window and its composition and submit an application stating that the window will be repaired by a professional window restoration specialist or provide documentation from that specialist stating that the window is beyond repair and provide a cut sheet and sizing of the proposed new window. We can review the window repair/replacement under a Type 1 Historic Application ($80.85). Drew Lmon City of Springfield Office: 541-7361003 From: Michael Soraci <michael@agatearchitecture.com> Sent: Friday, July 08, 20224:12 PM To: LARSON Andrew<ala rson(dspringfield-pr.gpv> Subject: Re: 440 9th Street Andrew, All work is internal with one exception. The west window in the proposed shower needs to be replaced to a shorter tempered unit. Thank you Michael Soraci, AIA Agate Architecture 1577 Pearl St. I Ste. 1451 Eugene OR, 97401 michael@agatearchitecture.com 541.520.4558 On Jul 8, 2022, at 4:05 PM, LARSON Andrew <alarson@sprinafield-or.Roy> wrote: Mr. Soraci, The home at 4409`h Street is located within the Washburne Historic District and most work within this district requires planning review. Will you please confirm the work is internal only and that no external work is being completed including updated windows. Drew Iarson City Planner City of Springfield Office: 541-7361003 SPRINGFIELD ��EGON sprinRfield-or.Roy 010000 Please contact me if any material in this email is not accessible to you. I'll do my best to provide it in another format. For more information please see the City's accessibility page: http://www.sprin¢field-or¢ov/accessibility.htmi CertainTeed SAINT-GOBAIN ,,rk SAINT-GOBAIN Installing vinyl siding is a smart investment, with one of the highest returns of any major home remodeling project what it's time to sell. 74.7o.. Return on investment for vinyl siding Source: Remodeling magazine 2020 Cost vs. Value Report n' n LhLh 46 MEN SON Choose great looks that last. 3 styles. 15 colors. Encore" clapboard and dutchlap siding, with its attractive woodgrain texture, has features that allow for precise installation on your home. Designed to stay beautiful with very little effort, Encore features fade -resistant colors, is very durable and offers exceptional value. 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When installed with Encore siding, CertaWrap7' Weather Resistant Barrier is the added layer of protection against air and moisture damage. 10 Sustainable CertainTeed vinyl siding offers significantly lower environmental impact than other cladding options! '6 sml if rycl&Stwvnen[rtutl/ea cVsvy war ugF Ne Natlorollwf/W@ o{Sfan tlam'a antl iecMNogy (N5i) What is your color and design comfort level? DESIGN TOOLS Color and Design Tools www.certainteed.com/colortools NOVICE INTERMEDIATE EXPERT You are not sure about colors and Vou understand color and You already know what colors are not sure where to start. enloy experimenting with color you want to use, but would like to combinations but aren't exactly sure see how the prod ucts available which color direction you want to g o. in your color theme will look together on your home. ColorCoach" Gives you virtual swatchbook to get get � Started. ed. 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Endless possibilities. Tuscany® Series is our premium vinyl window and patio door line with a broad range of operating styles for endless combinations. Awarded #1 Quality Vinyl Window in the Western US%this is our best-selling series custom-made to your exact measurements from a unique vinyl formula and crafted with award-winning hardware The result is high performing, energy efficient, elegant windows and patio doors that can beautify your home for years to come. •zozo euunEw.woon,re ®ora u,e vwr TUSCANY SERIES I V400 OFFERS: Durable vinyl frames that won't absorb moisture and don't require painting Innovative SmartTouch® lock technology thafs easy to use The bad itiona I styling of a wood window with even sightlines A variety of exterior Colors to enhance the look of your home A Full Lifetime Warranty that includes Glass Breakage coverage MILGARD. CDM 3 Why Milgard Windows & Doors Quality Milgard offers award-winning windows and patio doors built for long-lasting comfort For over 50 years, industry experts have consistently recognized Milgard as a trusted brand, ranking #1 in vinyl window quality in the Western US.' n«aemy m me mzo e„me. �n�e e,�w u,e swey Experience Since 1962, Milgard has designed and assembled superior custom-made windows and patio doors for replacement, remodeling and new construction. Milgard is known for their industry- leading designs, using patented technologies, that help make your home more comfortable. 4 1 ILc-'.Gcc::1 Service We have always taken great pride in our ability to provide exemplary customer service. We believe that being close to our customers allows us to provide a better service experience. You'll find Milgard factory trained technicians near you in the Western U.S. and Canada. Warranty We have a dedication to quality and build our windows and patio doors to last. With Tuscany® Series you're covered for as long as you own your home with our industry-leading Full Lifetime Warranty. See complete details at MILGARD.COM/WARRANTY Milgard windows and patio doors can help you create a beautiful home 5 Define Your Home with Windows Tuscany® Series vinyl windows offer the performance and energy efficiency you want coupled with award winning SmarITouch® hardware, exclusive to Milgard. Available in a wide variety of operating styles for endless combinations, Tuscany Series can make a lasting impression in your home. U Single/Double Hung HARDWARE SmartrouCh Lock, vent Stop ON Awning HARDWARE Folding Nesting Operator, Sash Lock (Optional oversize handle available) Picture and Radius HARDWARE Non-operable Casement HARDWARE Folding Nesting Operator, Sash LOCk (Optional oversize handle available) Horizontal Slider HARDWARE SmarthouCh LOCk, vent Slop Bay and Bow HARDWARE Dependent on your window selection vent son. wh,te SmartTouch' Innovation Exclusive to Milgard Milgard has a long-standing tradition of innovation. The SmartTouch window lock and door handle addresses the need for durable, easyto use windows and patio doors that exceed rigorous California forced -entry codes'. SmartTouch Window Lock INTUITIVE It's the easiest way to unlock and lock windows allowing you to open or close them in one smooth, single motion. No pinching, squeezing ortwisting. STREAMLINED The Smar7ouch window lock mechanism is incorporated into the window sash for a sleek, low -profile design. STRONG The lock assembly is constructed from die-cast zinc making it strong and built to last SECURE It offers peace of mind you can see. When the handle is down, the window is locked so you can rest assured your window is secure at a glance. SmartTouch Door Handle ERGONOMIC A simple one -touch motion unlocks, opens and closes the door, making it accessible and usable for all ages. SMARTTOUCN BOLT A fully integrated steel bolt that secures the slid! ng patio door firmly into the top frame with the fir p of a lever- an industry first! Let the fresh air in while keeping the door secure in a vented position. SECURITVMAX'PACKAGE Includes a mul5-point locking system paired with the SmartTouch Bolt The lock is activated with a single motion of the handle which engages four locking points and secures the door in the top frame and bottom track. This provides five points of security on your patio door - 'Bash unguldHin-set by Me A�A h,sxn ml ssu,,xh, rsA,s run. 8 MI L GAR D.CDM "links ure deslgnMblmparesxuntybutarenatguamnkeVl b krepin Wders wt undeiulla Ten Single Hung a F,ture gtn w %lith Flat ends 0 Statement Color Painted Exterior Finishes White interior only Standard Finishes Retzhin9 interior and exterior Colors shown ore approximate. Visityoui local Milgord Certified Dealer o see accurate finish somples. MILGARD. COM 9 1i Tuscany' Series I V400 Patio Doors Tuscany Series patio doors are the perfect balance of durability, beauty and security. Choose from sliding doors available with standard frames or an elegant French Rail to reflectyour personal style. Swinging French doors are also available in select markets. With superior energy performance and premium hardware options, you'll enjoy Tuscany Series patio doors foryears to come. bh,d,bt—Gla-adingMor � Fr..in]r_r ■v Sliding Doors Available in standard or French rail to reflect your style High quality rollers that allow for effortless operation and adjustment of door panels Innovative SmartTouch®tloor han die to open & close easily OPTIONS • SmartTouch Bolt locking and venting system Durable aluminum blinds between the glass to control light and privacy(Nm o.a..—.—„ ) • Low -profile handle or exterior keyed lack • Choose from standard or premium screen frame and standard or PureView® screen mesh for enhanced visibility Retractable screen also available (a t. ..—.—: ) SIZING (vies—va,by).m.n) 1 Panel: Mn 26'x 68' Max 50'x 80'(fxe) 2Panel: Mn 50'x 68' Max100'x 80' 3 Panel: Mn 90'x68' Max120'x 80' 4 Panel: Mn 100'x 68' Max160'x 80' HARDWARE Standard and decorative upgrade options available S¢es mn Y Y ron Youb� Swing French Doors • Elegant French rail for a classic look Two-way adjustable hinges for easy door panel alignment Available in AZ, CA, and NV only OPTIONS • Choose an inswing or out -swing operating style • Expand your view with sidelites and transoms SIZING (S-1. va ybymcauw,) 1 Panel: Min 2'0'x 6'6' Max 3'2"x 8'0' 1 Panel-15idelite: Min 3'4' x 6'6' Max 5'2-x 8'0' 1 Panel-2$idelitea Min4'8'x6'6' Max7'2'x8'0' 2 Panel: Min 40'x66' Max 64'x80' 2 Panel Sdelite: Min 54'x 66' Max 84'x 80' 2 Panek25delites: Min 68'x66' Max 100'x 80' HARDWARE Standard and decorative upgrade options available .1L6AID1.. 11 Choose Your Door Hardware Sliding Door Hardware STANDARD INTERIOR OPTIONS • SmartTOut h® Lock available in while, tan D handle available in white, tan STANDARD EXTERIOR OPTIONS • Exterior handle color will Compliment door frame color selection • Exterior handle can come either keyed, Or unkeyed DECORATIVE UPGRADE OPTIONS dMenor onfh Decorative interior handle upgrade options include oil rubbed bronze, brushed chrome, and satin nickel SMARTTOUCH BOLT Available for all Tuscany Series l V400 sliding door configurations Swing Door Hardware STANDARD OPTIONS pntenor and extenod Interior swing door handles are available in white, ali ✓ I, `IIII� tan, and oil rubbed bronze II ` DECORATIVE UPGRADE OPTIONS (rnrenorand exte W) C Decorative upgrade options include brushed chrome > and satin nickel SWING MOR INTERNORHANDLE SWING MOR ER ERKIR HANDLE SATIN NICKEL UPGRADE WHITE Hardware Finishes 1 11h, In arn,l dcTrome Setin NiAkal Oil RLDNEd Farm. Make it Your Own Grids Express your creativity and dramatically increase your home's curb appeal with our virtually endless grid options. Select grid choices placed inside our insulated glass units for easiest window cleaning. 0.GTGRID SQILPTUR®fi11D AMUTATED CKEGKML DNIDED Lrt6 Decorative Glass For rooms, such as the bathroom, we offer obscure glass for privacy or decorative flair. We also have tl med glass for additional shading from direct Sunlight. VISIT M ILGARD.COMASLASS TO SEE FULL COLLECTION OF OPTIONS Idt e'aL I P516 PAIN MATELIM CM4 REED 12 mILIA1o1or1 �LTAH Flim �LTAH Flim a..c..:. 13 Details That Matter Even Sightlines All Tuscany® Series windows come with even sightlines, from top to bottom, and across operating styles. This provides a streamlined and aesthetically pleasing effect throughout your home, no matter which window operating style you choose. Tuscany Series is suitable for a variety of architectural home styles, and multiple frame types allow for use in both new construction and replacement applications. Installation Configurations Exterior Trim Options rNo,ae,eoo�er, z-., lim Energy Efficiency Tested and Built for Your Climate At Milgard, we help homeowners like you make an impact on their energy consumption by offering energy efficient windows and patio doors designed for your homes comfort. We make It easy to meet local energy codes and green building efficiency standards with a selection of energy packages you can tailor to your specific climate. We conduct thermal simulations to improve energy performance and we adhere to ENERGY STAR® v6 requirements that meet or exceed U -Factor and Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) criteria in the areas we serve. Your energy efficient windows could include one or more of the following features based on your climate. Sun Coat- or SumCOatMAX® EdgeGardMAXO Spacer Foam Spacer Argon 4th Surface Triple Glaze • NORTHERN tI I 14 mTL HlErcom 15 NORTH -CENTRAL • SOUTH CENTRAL • SOUTHERN • ZONEA • ZONEa • ZONEC tI I 14 mTL HlErcom 15 pxuxa xATap VIXYL WXxxW .�/• p ao wlnoownnrxo 0 ao For more information including technical specifications and reviews, visit MILGARD.COMsfUSCANV TUSWnym, Puo View®,SCk,rioMAX", SunCol SunCOffiMsi Ed zGad Msi and SmartTOu<b° are trademaM1S Of Mllgartl Manufacturing, LIC ENERGY STARo IS a registered trademark ofthe LLS EnvlrOnmantal PrOtectlOn AgOnsy Mllgartl W irdi Is proud to be an ENERGY STAR^° partner, with all Tuscany Series prO hiss ENERGY STARo GuallflOtlfOr all LLS zones. MIIged Tuscany Series windows and door$ paled Criteria for structural Integrity and reliable performance established by the AmericanArCfiltecturalManufaRu**AWs iG iIOn(AAMA(.Consult your Mllgartl representable for specific rest l nform stlon. V400 1221 C 2022 Mllgartl Manufacturing, LLC