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Studies APPLICANT 6/23/2022
EXHIBIT 5.F. lrerracon GeoReport Geotechnical Engineering Report Eugene Temple Springfield, Lane County, Oregon March 15, 2022 Terracon Project No. 82225098 Prepared for: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -Day Saints Salt Lake City, Utah Prepared by: Terracon Consultants, Inc. Portland, Oregon March 15, 2022 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -Day Saints 50 East North Temple Street Salt Lake City, Utah 84150 Attn: Mr. Corey Daniels P: (801)240 9582 E: coreydaniels@churchofjesuschrist.org Re: Geotechnical Engineering Report Eugene Temple 300 International Way Springfield, Lane County, Oregon Terracon Project No. 82225098 Dear Mr. Daniels: lrerracon GeoReport We have completed the Geotechnical Engineering services forthe above referenced project. This study was performed in general accordance with Terracon Proposal No. P82215098 dated November 23, 2021. This report presents the findings of the subsurface exploration and provides geotechnical recommendations concerning earthwork and the design and construction of foundations and floor slabs for the proposed project. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you on this project. If you have any questions concerning this report or if we may be of further service, please contact us. c� I. PR01-,, Sincerely, Terracon Consultants, Inc. ¢ 8y ?TOPE v� �i OREGON yU/ 9�C 99tH 1n.2°'CJ OREGON C AYNE F Ryan T Project Geologist 'rXPIRE& 12/31/22 Date Signed: 3/15/22 Brice Plouse, PE Geotechnical Department Manager Kristopher T. Hauck, P.E. Senior Principal I Office Manager Geotechnical Department Manager Terracon Consultants, Inc. 700 NE 55th Avenue Portland, OR 97203 P (503) 659 3281 F (503) 659 1287 terracon.com Geotechnical Engineering Report Eugene Temple • Springfield, Lane County, Oregon March 15, 2022 • Terracon Project No. 82225098 REPORT TOPICS INTRODUCTION.................................................. SITE CONDITIONS .............................................. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ................................... GEOTECHNICAL CHARACTERIZATION........... GEOTECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS ............... SEISMIC CONSIDERATIONS ............................. EARTHWORK..................................................... SHALLOW FOUNDATIONS ................................ FLOORSLABS ................................................... LATERAL EARTH PRESSURES ........................ PAVEMENTS....................................................... STORMWATER MANAGEMENT ........................ GENERAL COMMENTS ...................................... lferracon GeoReport Note: This report was originally delivered in a web -based format. For more interactive features, please view your project online at client.termcori ATTACHMENTS PHOTOGRAPHY LOG EXPLORATION AND TESTING PROCEDURES SITE LOCATION AND EXPLORATION PLANS EXPLORATION RESULTS SUPPORTING INFORMATION Note: Refer to each individual Attachment for a listing of contents. Geotechnical Engineering Report lrerracon Eugene Temple a Springfield, Lane County, Oregon - - — --- March 15, 2022 • Terracon Project No. 82225098 GeoReport INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of our subsurface exploration and geotechnical engineering services performed for the proposed temple building to be located at 300 International Way in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. The purpose of these services is to provide information and geotechnical engineering recommendations relative to: • Subsurface soil conditions • Groundwater conditions • Site preparation and earthwork • Excavation considerations Stormwater pond considerations • Foundation design and construction • Floor slab design and construction Seismic site classification Lateral earth pressures Pavement design and construction A Site -Specific Seismic Hazards Study in accordance with Section 1803.6.1 of the 2019 Oregon Structural Specialty Code (OSSC) The geotechnical engineering Scope of Services for this project included the advancement of seven borings and eight test pits to depths ranging from approximately 5 to 51 feet below existing ground surface. Terracon performed a preliminary exploration in August of 2020, including three borings and eight test pits to depths ranging from approximately 6 to 30 feet bgs. Results of the 2020 explorations are included in the Exploration Results section. Maps showing the site and exploration locations are shown in the Site Location and Exploration Plan sections, respectively. The results of the laboratory testing performed on soil samples obtained from the site during the field exploration are included on the exploration logs and/or as separate graphs in the Exploration Results section. Responsive a Resourceful . Reliable Geotechnical Engineering Report lrerracon Eugene Temple . Springfield, Lane County, Oregon -- — March 15, 2022 . Terracon Project No. 82225098 GeoReport. SITE CONDITIONS The following description of site conditions is derived from our site visit in association with the field exploration and our review of publicly available topographic maps. Parcel Information Oregon. The site is an approximate 11.05 -acre tract of undeveloped land consisting of four parcels located at 3755 Corporate Way, 3701 Corporate Way, 250 International Way and 300 International Way (Lane County Map Taxlot numbers 1703154003200, 1703154003300, 1703154003400 and 1703154003500). . Latitude: 44.0888°N . Longitude: 123.0316°W See Site Location The site has been historically undeveloped and/or agricultural land since at Existing least 1910. In the 2000s, gravel fill was place on the northeastern portion of Improvements the site, which has since been overgrown. Adjoining properties were historically undeveloped and/or agricultural land from at least 1910 until commercial and industrial development began in the 1990s; and 2000s. Current Ground The site was covered with waist high grass, blackberry bushes, scattered trees Cover and gravel fill in northeastern portion of the site. Existing Topography The site appeared relativelyflat; with a general natural grade toward McKenzie (As observed from field River to the north. Based on historic topographic imagery, a small drainage exploration) runs east -west along the southern property boundary and another drainage runs north to south along the center of the site. We also collected photographs at the time of our field exploration program. Representative photos are provided in our Photography Log. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Our initial understanding of the project was provided in our proposal and was discussed during project planning. A period of collaboration has transpired since the project was initiated, and our final understanding of the project conditions is as follows: Item .Architectural Site Plan (Sheet A1.01), prepared by HKS Architects, dated September 3, 2021. Information Provided . Requested infiltration locations via email from David Henderson at HKS Architects. The site layout provided is shown on the attached Exploration Plan. Responsive . Resourceful . Reliable Geotechnical Engineering Report lferracon Eugene Temple • Springfield, Lane County, Oregon ------ March 15, 2022 . Terracon Project No. 82225098 GeoReport Item Description We understand the project is confidential. In general, we understand the proposed large temple structure will be constructed near the center of the site with smaller ancillary structures (including bike shelters and grounds buildings) and parking surrounding the large structure. Project Description We understand this project is classified as a "Special Occupancy Structure' per Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) 455.447, and a site-specific seismic hazard study (SSSHS) will be required as part of the geotechnical report per Section 1803.6.1 of the 2019 Oregon Structural Specialty Code (OSSC). The project includes a large single -story building (temple) with a footprint of about 40,000 square feet. The temple will be about 45 feet in height with a spire extending up to 125 feet above ground surface. The large temple Proposed Structure building will be slab -on -grade with a basement on one section up to 12 feet below existing grade. The temple building is planned to be an Insulated Concrete Form (ICF) concrete structure. We assume all structures will be constructed atop conventional shallow Building Construction foundations and slab on grade with concrete or masonry framing. Finished Floor Assumed to be near existing grades. Elevation • Columns: 400 kips Maximum Loads • Walls: Up to 18 kips per linearfoot (klf) (assumed) Slabs: 150 pounds per square foot (psf) We assume up to anywhere from 2 to 5 feet of cut and fill will be required to Grading/Slopes develop final grade (based on existing fill encountered). Final slope angles of as steep as 4HAV (Horizontal: Vertical) are expected. Below -Grade Basement in one part of the temple as noted above. We expect excavations Structures on the order of about 12 feet to reach basement grades. Free -Standing We understand retaining walls will be utilized for vegetation planters with a Retaining Walls maximum height of 3 feet. We assume both rigid (concrete) and flexible (asphalt) pavement sections should be considered. Please confirm this assumption. Anticipated traffic is as follows: Pavements . Autos/light trucks: 500 vehicles per day . Light delivery and trash collection vehicles: 7 vehicles per week . Tractor -trailer trucks: <1 vehicle per week The pavement design period is 20 years. Estimated Start of 2�d Quarter 2023 Construction Responsive . Resourceful . Reliable Geotechnical Engineering Report lrerracon_ Eugene Temple • Springfield, Lane County, Oregon March 15, 2022 a Terracon Project No. 82225098 GeoReport. GEOTECHNICAL CHARACTERIZATION Regional Geology The site is located in the southern portion of the Willamette Valley physiographic province. The Willamette valley originated when a large slab of oceanic crust and associated marine sediments accreted onto the margin of North America during the late Eocene in a rough line from southwestern to northeastern Oregon. The Willamette Valley was covered by a shallow ocean during this time. Additional accretion, faulting, and folding created the Coast Range to the west and uplifted the Willamette Valley above sea level. Cascade Range volcanism filled much of the southern and eastern portions of the early Willamette Valley beginning in the Oligocene. Infilling of the Willamette Valley continued from weathering of the adjacent hills and deposition of alluvium by the Willamette River and its tributaries throughout the valley. Site Geology Based on our review of the Geologic Map of the Eugene East and Eugene West Quadrangles, Lane County, Oregon published by the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries, the project vicinity is mapped as Quaternary Fan -delta Alluvium (Qfd). The Fan -delta Alluvium is described as a broad fan of sand and gravel deposited by the Willamette and McKenzie rivers in the head of the Willamette Valley. Fan -delta sediments range from silt to boulder gravel but are predominantly sandy pebble -cobble gravel. Based on our review of the subsurface conditions and the geologic publications, we believe the soils encountered during our explorations are consistent with the mapped publication. Groundwater Conditions We observed our explorations while drilling and after completion for the presence and level of groundwater. The water levels observed in the explorations are provided on the boring logs in Exploration Results, and are summarized below. Responsive . Resourceful • Reliable 4 Geotechnical Engineering Report Eugene Temple . Springfield, Lane County, Oregon March 15, 2022 ■ Terracon Project No. 82225098 —Approximate Ground Boring-41P, oring Surface Elevation Observation Date Number (feet) lrerracon GeoReport Approximate Depth to Groundwater while Drilling (feet)' B-1 433 431 August 26, 2020 16% B-2 August 26, 2020 15 B-3 433 October 19, 2020 15' z B-101 432 December 7, 2021 16% B -102A 433 February 11, 2022 25 B-104 431 December 6, 2021 131 B-105 431 December 7, 2021 1 9 1. Based on elevations obtained from Google Earth and depth to the observed groundwater during explorations. Well togs available on the Oregon Water Resources Department (OWRD)' website indicate that groundwater levels in the area of the site generally range from about 5 to 30 feet below site grades, depending on topography. Groundwater level fluctuations occur due to seasonal variations in the amount of rainfall, runoff and other factors not evident at the time the borings were performed. Therefore, groundwater levels during construction or at other times in the life of the structure may be higher or lower than the levels indicated on the boring logs. The possibility of groundwater level fluctuations should be considered when developing the design and construction plans for the project. A vibrating wire piezometer was installed in boring B-102 and B -102A near the proposed basement. The instruments were placed at the approximate bottom of the basement elevation and below the groundwater table (8 and 27 feet below the existing ground surface). Groundwater levels will be measured within this boring for the next approximate year. GeoModel We have developed a general characterization of the subsurface conditions based upon our review of the subsurface exploration, laboratory data, geologic setting and our understanding of the project. This characterization, termed GeoModel, forms the basis of our geotechnical calculations and evaluation of site preparation and foundation options. Conditions encountered at each exploration point are indicated on the individual logs. The individual logs can be found in the Exploration Results section and the GeoModel can be found in the Figures section of this report. Oregon Water Resources Department, 2021. Well Log Records, accessed December 2021, from OWRD web site: hftp://apps..rd.state.or.us/apps/gw/well log/. Responsive • Resourceful . Reliable Geotechnical Engineering Report 1reffacnn Eugene Temple . Springfield, Lane County, Oregon _ _ March 15, 2022 . Terracon Project No. 82225098 GeoReport. As part of our analyses, we identified the following model layers within the subsurface profile. For a more detailed view of the model layer depths at each exploration location, refer to the GeoModel. Laver Name Topsoil - fine-grained, brown, moist, medium stiff 01 TOPSOILIFILL Fill - Poorly -Graded Gravel with Silt and Sand; angular, brown, medium dense to dense 02 FINE-GRAINED I Silt with Sand; Poorly -Graded Sand with Silt; Silty Sand; fine - ALLUVIUM medium grained, brown, very soft to soft, loose `'""""" Poorly -Graded Gravel with Silt, Sand, and Cobbles; fine to coarse 03 GRAINED grained, rounded, brown, moist, medium dense to very dense GEOTECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS Due to the soft near surface soils and planned varying soil bearing stratums (soft subgrade soils, granular undocumented fill and dense to very dense, native granular soils) we anticipate differential settlement could be as much as the total static settlement if foundations are not constructed atop ground improvements, or the soft subgrade soils are removed and replaced with Structural Fill. Based on review of the grading plan and communications with the project's Civil and Structural engineers, we understand due to the amount of grading already planned onsite they have selected to remove the soft subgrade soils down to the dense native gravels and replace with structural fill within the temple structure. Provided the site has been prepared in accordance with the requirements noted in the Earthwork section, the structures planned could be supported on conventional shallow foundations bearing directly on the dense gravels or structural fill placed on the dense gravels. Floor slabs for the temple building should also be supported directly on the dense gravels or structural fill placed over the dense gravels. As noted in Geotechnical Characterization and the Fill Area Map, explorations B-2, TP -3, TP - 4, B-104, IT -1, TP -102 and TP -105 encountered existing fill to depths ranging from about 11/2 to 3% feet. The fill appears to have been placed in a controlled manner, but we have no records to indicate the degree of control. Based on the Conceptual Plan provided to us by HKS Architects, we understand this portion of the site is planned to consist of a green space and stormwater facilities. Additionally, we understand significant quantities of fill is anticipated to be required to develop final grades within the building and parking lot footprints. To offset the amount of import fill for the project, we believe the granular fill noted within explorations B-2, TP -3, TP -4, B-104, IT - 1, TP -102 and TP -105 could be utilized onsite as structural fill. Based on the grain size analyses conducted within this granular fill material we believe it would be utilized as Select Fill or Crushed Rock Base Course (materials defined in Fill Material Types section of report). However, in order for this granular fill to be reused onsite the surface brush, roots and debris would need to be removed from the fill. Responsive. Resourceful . Reliable Geotechnical Engineering Report lrerracon Eugene Temple . Springfield, Lane County, Oregon March 15, 2022 • Terracon Project No. 82225098 GeoReport We understand the majority of the pavement onsite will be asphalt. However, we anticipate bus parking areas, garbage and recycling areas, entry and exit areas and other areas where extensive wheel maneuvering is expected would be constructed with concrete pavements. We have provided recommended pavement sections for light duty and heavy duty for both asphalt and concrete pavements. We have characterized light-duty pavement areas as drive lanes and parking, and heavy-duty pavement areas as bus parking, entrance and exits, garbage/recycling and other areas where extensive wheel maneuvering are expected. The Pavements section addresses the design of pavement systems. To evaluate dewatering forthe construction of the proposed basement a vibrating wire piezometer was installed in boring B-102 and B -102A near the proposed basement. The instruments were placed at the approximate bottom of the basement elevation and below the groundwater table (8 and 27 feet below the existing ground surface). Groundwater levels will be measured within this boring for the next approximate year. Information of groundwater depths measured during the exploration can be found in the Geotechnical Characterization section. The proposed development is classified as a Special Occupancy structure by the building department according to the Oregon Revised Statute 455.447. Therefore, we have completed a Seismic Hazard study according to the Oregon Structural Specialty Code. See the Seismic Considerations section for results. The General Comments section provides an understanding of the report limitations SEISMIC CONSIDERATIONS Seismic Setting Western Oregon is generally subject to earthquakes from three different sources: interface, intraslab, and crustal. All three sources are related to interaction of the Juan de Fuca plate with the North America plate and could cause strong ground shaking at the site. This plate interaction area is referred to as the Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ). The fault trace is located approximately 185 kilometers west of the project site. The CSZ is described as a broad, eastward dipping subduction zone where the North American plate is overriding the Juan de Fuca plate. A description of each earthquake source is provided below. Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ) The Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ) is located near the coast of Oregon, Washington, and southern British Columbia where the Juan de Fuca Plate is subducting beneath the North Responsive . Resourceful . Reliable Geotechnical Engineering Report lrerracon Eugene Temple . Springfield, Lane County, Oregon March 15, 2022 . Terracon Project No. 82225098 GeoReport, American Plate 2. Two zones capable of generating earthquakes (seismogenic) are attributed directly to the subduction zone: Interface (megathrust) earthquakes occur along the interface between the two plates at depths generally ranging from 0 to 30 kilometers where the plates become locked together. No earthquakes have been recorded from this source, but geologic evidence strongly supports the occurrence of large megathrust earthquakes up to M9.4 every 300 to 700 years. Geologic evidence indicates the last major event occurred in 17003. The eastern edge of the seismogenic portion of the subduction zone is located about 50 kilometers west of the site. For an earthquake return period of 2,500 years, interface sources account for about 80 percent of the strong ground shaking hazard. Intrastab earthquakes occur at depths greater than 40 kilometers where the curvature of the subducting plate increases as the advancing edge moves east, resulting in normal (extensional) faults within the plate. CSZ intraslab earthquakes are generally less than magnitude M7.54, and do not rupture the ground surface. Given their considerable depth, the ground motions from these earthquakes are relatively low, but are felt over a large area. A M6.8 intraslab earthquake occurred in 2001 near Olympia, Washington, at a depth of 52 kilometers (Nisqually earthquake). The site is located in the seismogenic portion of the intraslab earthquakes, which covers most of the Willamette Valley and portions of the Oregon Coast Range. For an earthquake return period of 2,500 years, intraslab sources account for about 10 percent of the strong ground shaking hazard. Crustal Faults Crustal earthquakes typically occur at depths within 35 kilometers of the surface and commonly rupture the ground surface to form an earthquake fault. The vegetative cover and thick sediment deposits in western Oregon obscure surface faults from being readily identified. The maximum magnitude earthquake that may be generated by one of these crustal earthquake sources is thought to be about M7.0. For an earthquake return period of 2,500 years, crustal sources account for about 10 percent of the strong ground shaking hazard. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) maintains the Quaternary Fault and Fold Database of the United States, which contains descriptions of known crustal faults throughout the United States. The three closest crustal faults to the project site include the Upper Willamette River fault zone (No.863), the Owl Creek fault DeMets, C., Gordon, R.G., Argus, D.F., Stein, S., 1990. Current plate motions: Geophysical Journal International, v. 101, p. 425-478. 3 Atwater, B.F., 1992. Geologic evidence for earthquakes during the past 2,000 years along the Copalis River, southern coastal Washington: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 97, p. 1901-1919. 4 Cascadia Region Earthquake Workshop, 2008. Cascadia Deep Earthquakes. Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources, Open File Report 2008-1. Responsive s Resourceful . Reliable Geotechnical Engineering Report lrerracon Eugene Temple n Springfield, Lane County, Oregon - - March 15, 2022 • Terracon Project No. 82225098 GeoReport (No.870), and the Corvallis fault zone (No.869). Published information pertaining to each fault or fault zone is provided in the following tables: Owl Creek fault (Class A) No. 870 Uooer Willamette River fault zone (Class B) No. 863 Strike 82-90° Less than 0.2 Distance from Fault zone (Class B) No. 869 Strike (degrees) Sense of Movement Most recent prehistoric deformation Undifferentiated Quaternary (<1.6 Me) Distance from Fault 52 km NW These crustal sources are considered remote to the site, and do not contribute to the overall ground shaking hazard calculated for the site. Seismic Hazards Seismic hazards resulting from earthquake motions can include earthquake -induced landslides, liquefaction, settlement, subsidence, surface rupture due to faulting or lateral spreading, seiche, and tsunami inundation. Definitions of each seismic hazard and their potential impacts to the site are provided in the following sections. Responsive o Resourceful • Reliable 9 Geotechnical Engineering Report lferracon Eugene Temple • Springfield, Lane County, Oregon March 15, 2022 • Terracon Project No. 82225098 GeoReport. Ground Shaking The release of energy from a fault results in shaking of the ground that generally decreases with distance from the fault. Buildings are required by code to withstand a prescribed level of ground shaking without collapse. The prescribed level of ground shaking is a function of proximity to a given fault and the potential size of the earthquake (i.e., its magnitude). Sites consisting of unconsolidated sediments will typically experience stronger ground shaking than sites composed of rock due to amplification effects. The Oregon Statewide Geohazards Viewer (HazVu)5 published by the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Studies (DOGAMI) categorizes the expected earthquake shaking from light, moderate, strong, very strong, severe and violent. HazVu indicates the site is located within an area that will experience "strong" ground shaking during a design level earthquake. Earthquake -Induced Landslides Earthquake -induced landslides may be characterized as inertial or weakening. Inertial landslides occur when the ground shaking adds a temporary horizontal force to the soil mass that, when combined with the existing gravitational force, exceeds the frictional resistance of the soil. Weakening failures occur when the soil mass losses strength (e.g., liquefaction) and can no longer provide the necessary frictional resistance to remain stable. Earthquake -induced landslides tend to decrease in number with increasing distance from the location of rupture. The risk of an earthquake -induced landslide at the site is low given the relatively flat nature of the site and surrounding area. The Statewide Landslide Information Database for Oregon (SLIDO)s, categorizes landslide susceptibility from low, moderate, high, and very high. SLIDO indicates the site has a "low" susceptibility to landslides, and no historic or mapped landslides are shown on the flat valley floor surrounding the site. Soil Liquefaction Soil Liquefaction occurs in loose to medium dense sands, and to a lesser extent silts and gravels, where the water table is close to the ground surface. Recently (Holocene epoch) deposited sands in deltaic environments have historically experienced the greatest amount of liquefaction during strong ground shaking. Liquefaction can cause a loss of soil strength and result in lateral or vertical ground movements. Structures located over soils that liquefy typically do not collapse Statewide Geohazards Viewer (HazVu) published by the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Studies (DOGAMI) https://gis.dogami.omgon.govlhazvu/, accessed December 2021. Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries, 2021. Statewide Landslide Information Database for Oregon (SLIDO), accessed December 2021, from DOGAMI web site: httoa://ais.doaami.oreaon.cov/mans/slido/. Responsive • Resourceful • Reliable 10 Geotechnical Engineering Report lrerr_acon Eugene Temple • Springfield, Lane County, Oregon March 15, 2022 • Terracon Project No. 82225098 GeoRepoCt provided they have been properly designed and constructed. However, the ground surface may settle several inches and there may be several feet of lateral ground movement if the liquefied site is adjacent to a river channel or other body of water. HAZVU categorizes the potential for seismically -induced liquefaction settlement at the site as "moderate" Based on the very dense nature of the materials encountered below the groundwater, the coarse- grained alluvium encountered at the site is considered non -liquefiable within the depths explored. Based on review of geologic mapping and our previous experience on the site, we do not anticipate liquefiable conditions are present at depths below those explored as part of this assignment. Ground Settlement In addition to liquefaction -induced settlement below the water table, ground settlement may occur during an earthquake in loose soils located above the water table. The ground vibration may cause these loose soils to collapse and densify. The amount of settlement is a function of many factors including soil type, initial density, thickness, and level of ground shaking but is typically less than a few inches. Given the very dense nature of the coarse-grained alluvium underlying the site that would be supporting structures at the site, the potential for seismically -induced ground settlement is considered low. Coseismic Subsidence Permanent subsidence, or a lowering of the land level, is expected to occur along the coast and Coast Range during a large magnitude, CSZ interface earthquake. DOGAMI produced maps showing the estimated subsidence expected during a magnitude 9 Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake'. The maps present the subsidence estimates in wide, color -coded bands, and indicates the site is in an area that will experience little to no permanent subsidence during a design -level CSZ interface earthquake. Fault Rupture Faults are recognized zones of differential earth movement. Stresses build in the Earth's surface over time and release stored energy along these existing zones of weak rock. The history of Madin, I.P. and Burns, William J., 2013. Ground motion, ground deformation, tsunami inundation, coseismic subsidence, and damage potential maps for the 2012 Oregon Resilience Plan for Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquakes. Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI) Open -File Report 0-13-06. Responsive n Resourceful is Reliable 11 Geotechnical Engineering Report _i(erraeon Eugene Temple • Springfield, Lane County, Oregon March 15, 2022 • Terracon Project No. 82225098 GeoReport movement along a given fault can be investigated with geologic studies. Structures located in the path of fault rupture typically experience considerable damage. Based on our review of the fault information presented in the Crustal Faults section above, the depth to bedrock, and the site's distance to the nearest known faults, it is our opinion that the risk of surface rupture due to ground faulting at the site is very low. Lateral Spread Lateral spread is the lateral movement of saturated soils that can occur on slopes steeper than about 3 degrees caused by underlying liquefied soils during a significant seismic event. Movement can range from a few inches to several feet, which can cause significant damage to structures supported on these soils. Given the non -liquefiable nature of the soils at the site, the risk of damage associated with lateral spread is considered to be very low. Seiche A seiche is a standing wave in an enclosed or partially enclosed body of water. Seiches and seiche-related phenomena have been observed on lakes, reservoirs, swimming pools, bays, harbors and seas. The key requirement for formation of a seiche is that the body of water be at least partially bounded, allowing the formation of the standing wave. A shallow water -filled depression is located immediately north of the site that could theoretically produce a seiche. However, the water is only about 1 foot deep during our site visit in December 2021, and is surrounded by berms up to about 6 feet in height. Based on the topography of the depression and limited water depth, the risk of a seiche affecting the project is low. Tsunami Inundation A tsunami inundation is defined as the advancement or covering of land by a very large ocean wave that is caused by an underwater earthquake or volcanic eruption and often causes extreme destruction when it advances on to land. Based on the distance and topographic relation of the site to the Pacific Ocean to the west, the risk of tsunami inundation to the site is negligible. Design Earthquake As described above, the primary contributor to strong ground shaking at the site is the interface source with a moment magnitude that ranges from M8.3 to M9.1 at distances of approximately 65 to 127 km. Responsive . Resourceful n Reliable 12 Geotechnical Engineering Report lrerracon Eugene Temple • Springfield, Lane County, Oregon March 15, 2022 . Terracon Project No. 82225098 GeoReport Design Ground Motions We understand that the basis of design is the 2019 Oregon Structural Specialty Code which states that structures shall be designed and constructed to resist the effects of earthquake motions in accordance with ASCE 7-16. Per ASCE 7-16, the design earthquake ground motions are two- thirds of the risk -targeted Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCER) spectrum, which is defined as the response spectrum that is expected to achieve a 1 percent probability of building collapse in 50 years. The table below lists the prescribed seismic design parameters for the project (latitude 44.0888 degrees north and longitude 123.0316 degrees west). The Site Classification is based on the upper 100 feet of the site profile measured at site defined by a weighted average value of the shear wave velocity in accordance with Section 20.4 of ASCE 7-16. These values should be verified by the structural engineer. Item Description Site Class C PGA, Ss, S, (g) 0.323, 0.681, 0.389 FPGA, Fe, F� 1.2, 1.228, 1.5 PGA, Sms, SMi (g) 0.387, 0.836, 0.583 SDS, SDI (g) 0.557, 0.389 TL (sec) 16 EARTHWORK Earthwork is anticipated to include clearing and grubbing, excavations, and fill placement. The following sections provide recommendations for use in the preparation of specifications for the work. Recommendations include critical quality criteria, as necessary, to render the site in the state considered in our geotechnical engineering evaluation for foundations, floor slabs, and pavements. Site Preparation Prior to placing fill, existing vegetation and root mat should be removed. Complete stripping of the topsoil should be performed in the proposed building and parking/driveway areas. Based on the explorations depth we anticipate this depth will vary between 3 and 12 inches, with an approximate average of 0.6 feet of topsoil. Due to the soft, near surface soils expected within the temple building pad, additional site preparation is necessary in the building pad to prepare a suitable subgrade for structural footing and floor slab support. These excavations for preparation of the subgrade will be on the order of 3 to 5% feet bgs based on the borings completed. Due to the alluvial nature of the soil deposition, we expect the excavation to have a varied surface and may exceed these depths in places. The Responsive • Resourceful . Reliable 13 Geotechnical Engineering Report lrerracon Eugene Temple . Springfield, Lane County, Oregon March 15, 2022 . Terracon Project No. 82225098 GeoReport excavation within the entire building pad (and a minimum of 5 feet beyond the extents) should expose medium dense or better gravels (GeoModel Layer 03 on the logs and GeoModel Figure). The site preparation of this subgrades should be evaluated by the Geotechnical Engineer prior to placement of structural fill or foundations on the prepared subgrade. The remaining subgrade portions ofthe sitewhere pavements and othersurface related coverings are planned should be proof rolled with an adequately loaded vehicle such as a fully -loaded tandem -axle dump truck. The proof rolling should be performed under the direction of the Geotechnical Engineer. Areas excessively deflecting under the proof roll should be delineated and subsequently addressed by the Geotechnical Engineer. Such areas should either be moisture conditioned and reccmpacted, removed and replaced or modified by stabilizing with cement. Excessively wet or dry material should either be removed or moisture conditioned and recompacted. Subgrade Stabilization Based on the outcome of the proof rolling operations, some undercutting or subgrade stabilization should be expected, even more so during wet periods of the year. Methods of stabilization, which are outlined below, could include scarification and recompaction, removal of unstable materials and replacement with granular fill (with or without geotextiles) and chemical stabilization. The most suitable method of stabilization, if required, will be dependent upon factors such as schedule, weather, and the size of area to be stabilized and the nature of the instability. More detailed recommendations can be provided during construction, as the need for subgrade stabilization occurs. Performing site grading operations during the warmer and drier months would aid in reducing potential need for subgrade stabilization. a Scarification and Recomoaction - It may be feasible to scarify, dry, and recompact the exposed soils. The success of this procedure would depend primarily upon favorable dry, warm weather and sufficient time to dry the soils. Even with adequate time and weather, stable subgrades may not be achievable if the thickness of the soft soil is greater than about 1 to I% feet. Granular Fill and Geotextiles - The use of crushed stone or gravel could be considered to improve subgrade stability, if necessary. The use of high modulus geotextiles (i.e., engineering fabric, such as Mirafi HP370 or geogrid, such as Tensar TX140 or BX1100) could also be considered. Equipment should not be operated above the fabric or geogrid until one full lift of granular fill is placed above it. The maximum particle size of granular material placed over geotextile fabric or geogrid should not exceed 1 % inches. Geotextiles can also be considered for severe subgrade conditions during winter months. It should be expected that a minimum of 12 inches of granular fill will be required with any geotextile application. Refer to the Fill Materials and Placement section of this report for additional fill specifications. Responsive • Resourceful . Reliable 14 Geotechnical Engineering Report lrerracon Eugene Temple • Springfield, Lane County, Oregon March 15, 2022 . Terracon Project No. 82225098 GeoReport Over -excavations should be backfilled with structural fill material placed and compacted in accordance with the Fill Materials and Placement section of this report. Subgrade preparation and selection, placement, and compaction of structural fill should be performed under engineering -controlled conditions in accordance with the project specifications. Frozen Subgrade Soils: If earthwork takes place during freezing conditions, all exposed subgrades should be allowed to thaw and then be recompacted prior to placing subsequent lifts of structural fill orfoundation components. Alternatively, the frozen material could be stripped from the subgrade to reveal unfrozen soil prior to placing subsequent lifts of fill. The frozen soil should not be reused as structural fill until allowed to thaw and adjusted to the proper moisture content, which may not be possible during winter months. Existing Fill As noted in Geotechnical Characterization and the Fill Area Map, explorations B-2, TP -3, TP- A, B-104, IT -1, TP -102 and TP -105 encountered existing fill to depths ranging from about 11% to 3% feet. The fill appears to have been placed in a controlled manner, but we have no records to indicate the degree of control. The table below expresses the observed existing top and bottom of fill elevation: Exploration Number Approximate Ground Surface Elevation (feet) Approximate Bottom of Fill Elevation (feet)' 429 B-2 431 433 433 TP -3 431 431 TP -4 B-104 431 428 IT -1 433 429% TP -102 433 431'/4 TP -105 431 4291/4 L Based on elevations obtained from Google Earth and depth to the observed granular fill during explorations. Based on the Conceptual Plan provided to us by HKS Architects we understand this portion of the site is planned to be a green space with stormwater facilities. Additionally, we understand significant quantities of fill is anticipated to be required to develop final grades within the building and parking lot footprints. To offset the amount of import fill forthe project, we believe the granular fill noted within explorations B-2, TP -3, TP4, B-104, IT -1, TP -102 and TP -105 could be utilized onsite. Based on the grain size analyses conducted within this granular fill material we believe it could be utilized as Select Fill (materials defined in Fill Material Types section of report). However, Responsive . Resourceful . Reliable is Geotechnical Engineering Report lrerraeon Eugene Temple • Springfield, Lane County, Oregon �---� March 15, 2022 • Terracon Project No. 82225098 GeoReport in order forth is granular fill to be reused onsite the surface brush, roots and debris would need to be removed from the fill. Based on these 7 explorations the average thickness of fill was approximately 2Ye feet and the approximate area is 140,000 square feet based on Google Earth Pro aerial imagery. Therefore, an approximate available volume could be 11,650 cubic yards of granular fill. We anticipate this fill area could then be replaced will excavated soils from the planned basement and foundation excavations, or other rough grading activities of the near surface fine-grained soils during site development. There is also a noted berm along the northeastern property line. Based on two hand dug holes to approximately 2 feet below the ground surface the material appears to be fine grained soils (silt and clays) with gravel. This material should not be used as Select Filll within the building pad; however, could be used as Common Fill in other areas of the site. Additionally, an eastern portion of the planned temple is located within this granular fill area. Due to the relatively high foundation loads and no information on the granular fill placement, we do not recommend direct support of footings or floor slabs within this noted granular fill layer. However, we believe pavements could be support atop or within the granular fill soils following the above- mentioned Site Preparation section. If the owner elects to construct pavements on the existing fill, the following protocol should be followed. Once the planned subgrade elevation has been reached the entire pavement area should be proof rolled. Areas of soft or otherwise unsuitable material should prepared following the Subgrade Stabilization section. Fill Material Types Fill required to achieve design grades should be classified as select fill, structural fill and general fill. Select fill is material used below turbine foundations, whereas structural fill is material used above or within 10 feet of foundation structures and within roadways or constructed slopes. General fill is material used to achieve grade outside of these structural areas. Fill materials used should meet the following material property requirements: Responsive • Resourceful • Reliable 16 Geotechnical Engineering Report lrerracon Eugene Temple • Springfield, Lane County, Oregon -- - -- — March 15, 2022 • Terracon Project No. 82225098 GeoReport Soil Type Specification Acceptable Parameters (for Yp _ Structural Fill)_ 2021 ODOT Standard Specifications for All I t ithe t d f th Buildin 1. Controlled, compacted fill should consist of approved materials that are free (free = less than 3% by weight) of organic matter and debris (i.e. wood sticks greater than % inch in diameter). Frozen material should not be used, and fill should not be placed an a frozen subgrade. A sample of each material type should be submitted to the geotechnical engineer for evaluation. 2. Material should have a liquid limit less than 40 and plasticity index of less than 10. 3. Material should have less than 50% fines, and non -plastic in nature. 4. Material should have a maximum aggregate size of 2 inches and no more than 8% passing the No. 200 sieve by weight determined by ASTM D 422. 5. Undocumented granular fill noted within the Fill Area Map can be considered as Select Fill. Where encountered, the native well -graded gravel can be considered as Select Fill if the pieces larger than 2 inches are removed. 6. The contractor shall select the appropriate material for use based on the current and forecasted weather conditions at the time of construction. Fill Compaction Requirements Recommended compaction and moisture content criteria for structural fill materials are as follows: Minimum Range of Moisture Contents for Compaction Compaction- _ Material Type and Location Requirement Minimum `aximum Common Fill Per the Modified Proctor Test (ASTM D 698) All locations where used 98 1 -2% 1 '2% Responsive ni Resourceful a Reliable 17 Construction (COOT SSC) oca Ions ou se o g Common Fill Section 00330.13 Pad Dry weather only Selected General Backfilla Granular COOT SSC Section 0030.13 Selected All locations across the site. Common Fill General Backfill 3 Dry weather only ODOT SSC Section 00330.14 Selected All locations across the site. Select Fill Granular Backfill4 Wet and Dry weather acceptable. ODOT SSC Section 02630.10 Dense Crushed Rock Graded Aggregate (2"-0 to V-0) with the Finished base course materials for Base Course modification that less than 5% pass the roadways and footing subgrades. (CRBC) No. 200 sieve as determined by ASTM D 422. ODOT SSC 00442 with the exception Lean Concrete that minimum 28 -day strength shall be All locations underneath mat (Mud -Mat) 500 psi. Higher strength minimums may foundations and spread foundations. be specified by the Structural Engineer as needed. 1. Controlled, compacted fill should consist of approved materials that are free (free = less than 3% by weight) of organic matter and debris (i.e. wood sticks greater than % inch in diameter). Frozen material should not be used, and fill should not be placed an a frozen subgrade. A sample of each material type should be submitted to the geotechnical engineer for evaluation. 2. Material should have a liquid limit less than 40 and plasticity index of less than 10. 3. Material should have less than 50% fines, and non -plastic in nature. 4. Material should have a maximum aggregate size of 2 inches and no more than 8% passing the No. 200 sieve by weight determined by ASTM D 422. 5. Undocumented granular fill noted within the Fill Area Map can be considered as Select Fill. Where encountered, the native well -graded gravel can be considered as Select Fill if the pieces larger than 2 inches are removed. 6. The contractor shall select the appropriate material for use based on the current and forecasted weather conditions at the time of construction. Fill Compaction Requirements Recommended compaction and moisture content criteria for structural fill materials are as follows: Minimum Range of Moisture Contents for Compaction Compaction- _ Material Type and Location Requirement Minimum `aximum Common Fill Per the Modified Proctor Test (ASTM D 698) All locations where used 98 1 -2% 1 '2% Responsive ni Resourceful a Reliable 17 Geotechnical Engineering Report Eugene Temple a Springfield, Lane County, Oregon March 15, 2022 . Terracon Project No. 82225098 Material Type and Location Select Fill, Granular Common Fill & CRBC All locations where used (e.q. beneath Utility Trench Backfill 1rerracon -GeoReport Minimum Range of Moisture Contents for Compaction Compaction _ Requirement Minimum J ----M axima - TY -1 __ Per the Modified Proctor Test (ASTM D 1557) 95 1 -0% 1 +2% Within the low permeability fine grained subgrades onsite, utility trenches are a common source of water infiltration and migration. Utility trenches penetrating beneath the building should be effectively sealed to restrict water intrusion and flow through the trenches, which could migrate below the building. The trench should provide an effective trench plug that extends at least 5 feet from the face of the building exterior. The plug material should consist of cementitious flowable fill or low permeability clay. The trench plug material should be placed to surround the utility line. If used, the clay trench plug material should be placed and compacted to comply with the water content and compaction recommendations for structural fill stated previously in this report. Grading and Drainage All grades must provide effective drainage away from the building during and after construction and should be maintained throughout the life of the structure. Water retained next to the building can result in soil movements greater than those discussed in this report. Greater movements can result in unacceptable differential floor slab and/or foundation movements, cracked slabs and walls, and roof leaks. The roof should have gutters/drains with downspouts that discharge onto splash blocks at a distance of at least 10 feet from the building. Exposed ground should be sloped and maintained at a minimum 5% away from the building for at least 10 feet beyond the perimeter of the building. Locally, flatter grades may be necessary to transition ADA access requirements for flatwork. After building construction and landscaping have been completed, final grades should be verified to document effective drainage has been achieved. Grades around the structure should also be periodically inspected and adjusted, as necessary, as part of the structure's maintenance program. Where paving or flatwork abuts the structure, a maintenance program should be established to effectively seal and maintain joints and prevent surface water infiltration. Earthwork Construction Considerations Shallow excavations for the proposed structure are anticipated to be accomplished with conventional construction equipment. Upon completion of filling and grading, care should betaken to maintain the subgrade water content prior to construction of floor slabs. Construction traffic Responsive . Resourceful • Reliable 18 Geotechnical Engineering Report lrerracon Eugene Temple • Springfield, Lane County, Oregon - - - — March 15, 2022 • Terracon Project No. 82225098 GeoReport over the completed subgrades should be avoided. The site should also be graded to prevent ponding of surface water on the prepared subgrades or in excavations. Water collecting over or adjacent to construction areas should be removed. If the subgrade freezes, desiccates, saturates, or is disturbed, the affected material should be removed, or the materials should be scarified, moisture conditioned, and recompacted prior to floor slab construction. To support design and construction of the proposed basement, we are conducting groundwater monitoring for one year at exploration B-102 and B -102A. The groundwater table encountered during the August 2020, October 2020, December 2021 and February 2022 explorations were between 9 and 25 feet bgs. Based on this groundwater information, groundwater could affect excavation efforts of the proposed basement. We anticipate multiple temporary dewatering systems consisting of well points or sumps with pumps could be necessary to achieve the recommended depth of excavation. The contractor is responsible for determining the equipment necessary to dewater the excavations. As a minimum, excavations should be performed in accordance with OSHA 29 CFR, Part 1926, Subpart P, "Excavations" and its appendices, and in accordance with any applicable local, and/or state regulations. Construction site safety is the sole responsibility of the contractor who controls the means, methods, and sequencing of construction operations. Under no circumstances shall the information provided herein be interpreted to mean Terracon is assuming responsibility for construction site safety, or the contractor's activities; such responsibility shall neither be implied nor inferred. Construction Observation and Testing The earthwork efforts should be monitored under the direction of the Geotechnical Engineer. Monitoring should include documentation of adequate removal of vegetation and topsoil, proof rolling, and mitigation of areas delineated by the proof roll to require mitigation. Each lift of compacted fill should be tested, evaluated, and reworked, as necessary, until approved by the Geotechnical Engineer prior to placement of additional lifts. Each lift of fill should be tested for density and water content at a frequency of at least one test for every 2,500 square feet of compacted fill in the building areas and 5,000 square feet in pavement areas. One density and water content test should be performed for every 50 linear feet of compacted utility trench backfill. In areas of foundation excavations, the bearing subgrade should be evaluated under the direction of the Geotechnical Engineer. If unanticipated conditions are encountered, the Geotechnical Engineer should prescribe mitigation options. In addition to the documentation of the essential parameters necessary for construction, the continuation of the Geotechnical Engineer into the construction phase of the project provides the Responsive . Resourceful • Reliable 19 Geotechnical Engineering Report lrerracon Eugene Temple . Springfield, Lane County, Oregon ------ March 15, 2022 . Terracon Project No. 82225098 GeoReport continuity to maintain the Geotechnical Engineer's evaluation of subsurface conditions, including assessing variations and associated design changes. SHALLOW FOUNDATIONS Due to the soft near surface soils and planned varying soil bearing stratums (soft subgrade soils, granular undocumented fill and dense to very dense, native granular soils) we anticipate differential settlement could be as much as the total static settlement if foundations are not constructed atop ground improvements, or the soft subgrade soils are completely removed and replaced with Structural Fill. Based on review of the grading plan and communications with the project's Civil and Structural engineers, we understand due to the amount of grading already planned onsite they have selected to remove the soft subgrade soils and replace with structural fill within the temple structure. If the site has been prepared in accordance with the requirements noted in the Earthwork section, the following design parameters are applicable for shallow foundations. Design Parameters —Compressive Loads Item Description Maximum Net Allowable Bearing 4,000 psf (foundations bearing within structural fill) Pressure 1,2 Dense gravel (GeoModel Layer 03) or compacted Required Bearing Stratum structural fill placed directly on top of the dense gravel (GeoModel Layer 03) Columns: 108 inches (for maximum load of 400 kips) Minimum Foundation Dimensions Continuous: 48 inches (for maximum load of 18 kips per lineal foot) Ultimate Passive Resistance 460 pof (granular backfill) (equivalent fluidpressures) Ultimate Coefficient of Sliding Friction 0.55 (granular material) Minimum Embedment below s 12 inches (Lane County frost depth) Finished Grade Estimated Total Settlement from Less than about 1 inch Structural Loads Estimated Differential Settlement2'7 About 112 of total settlement Responsive . Resourceful • Reliable 20 Geotechnical Engineering Report lrerracon Eugene Temple . Springfield, Lane County, Oregon GeoRe t March 15, 2022 . Termocon Project No. 82225098 p _ Description 1. The maximum net allowable bearing pressure is the pressure in excess of the minimum surrounding overburden pressure at the footing base elevation. An appropriate factor of safety has been applied. Values assume that exterior grades are no steeper than 20% within 10 feet of structure. 2. Values provided are for maximum loads noted in Project Description. 3. Unsuitable or soft soils should be overexcavated and replaced per the recommendations presented in the Earthwork. 4. Use of passive earth pressures require the sides ofthe excavation for the spread footing foundation to be nearly vertical and the concrete placed neat against these vertical faces or that the footing forms be removed and compacted structural fill be placed against the vertical footing face. 5. Can be used to compute sliding resistance where foundations are placed on suitable soil/materials. Should be neglected for foundations subject to net uplift conditions. & Embedment necessary to minimize the effects of frost and/or seasonal water content variations. For sloping ground, maintain depth below the lowest adjacent exterior grade within 5 horizontal feet of the structure. 7. Differential settlements are as measured over a span of 50 feet. Design Parameters - Uplift Loads Uplift resistance of spread footings can be developed from the effective weight of the footing and the overlying soils. As illustrated on the subsequent figure, the effective weight of the soil prism defined by diagonal planes extending up from the top of the perimeter of the foundation to the ground surface at an angle, 0, of 20 degrees from the vertical can be included in uplift resistance. The maximum allowable uplift capacity should be taken as a sum of the effective weight of soil plus the dead weight of the foundation, divided by an appropriate factor of safety. A maximum total unit weight of 125 pcf should be used for the backfill. This unit weight should be reduced to 62 pd for portions of the backfill or natural soils below the groundwater elevation. unfits orswi fa[ uplift Resistance Responsive . Resourceful a Reliable 21 Geotechnical Engineering Report lrerracon Eugene Temple . Springfield, Lane County, Oregon --- March 15, 2022 . Terracon Project No. 82225098 GeoHeport Footing Drains We recommend that footings drains be installed around the perimeter of the proposed buildings at the base of the foundations. Footing drains should consist of a minimum 4 -inch diameter, Schedule 40, rigid, perforated PVC pipe placed at the base of the heel of the footing with the perforations facing down. The pipe should be surrounded by a minimum of 4 inches of clean free - draining granular material, such as Oregon Standard Specifications Section 00430.11 Granular Drain Backfill 1%" - %". We recommend enveloping the drain rock with a non -woven geotextile, such as Mirafi 140N, or equivalent. Footing drains should be directed toward appropriate storm water drainage facilities. Water from downspouts and surface water should be independently collected and routed to a suitable discharge location. Foundation Construction Considerations As noted in Earthwork, the footing excavations should be evaluated under the direction of the Geotechnical Engineer. The base of all foundation excavations should be free of water and loose soil, prior to placing concrete. Concrete should be placed soon after excavating to reduce bearing soil disturbance. Care should be taken to prevent wetting or drying of the bearing materials during construction. Excessively wet or dry material or any loose/disturbed material in the bottom of the footing excavations should be removed/reconditioned before foundation concrete is placed. Overexcavation for structural fill placement below footings should be conducted as shown below. The overexcavation should be backfilled up to the footing base elevation, with Select Fill or CRBC placed, as recommended in the Earthwork section. Responsive a Resourceful a Reliable 22 Geotechnical Engineering Report lrerracon Eugene Temple • Springfield, Lane County, Oregon — - - March 15, 2022 . Terracon Project No. 82225098 GeoRepot# FLOOR SLABS Design parameters for floor slabs assume the requirements for Earthwork have been followed. Specific attention should be given to positive drainage awayfrom the structure and positive drainage of the aggregate base beneath the floor slab. Based on the planned grading plan and removal of the soft subgrade soils and replacement with Structural Fill within the temple footprint we have provided the following design parameters. Floor Slab Design Parameters Minimum 6 inches of free -draining (less than 5% passing the U.S. No. 200 Floor Slab Support' sieve) crushed aggregate compacted to at least 95% of ASTM D 1557 a, 3, 4 Estimated Modulus of Subgrade Reaction a 150 pounds per square inch per inch (psi/in) for point loads i. Floor slabs should be structurally independent of building footings or walls to reduce the possibility of floor slab cracking caused by differential movements between the slab and foundation. 2. Modulus of subgmde reaction is an estimated value based upon our experience with the subgmde condition, the requirements noted in Earthwork, and the floor slab support as noted in this table. It is provided for point loads. For large area loads the modulus of subgmde reaction would be lower. 3. Free -draining granular material should have less than 5% fines (material passing the No. 200 sieve). Other design considerations such as cold temperatures and condensation development could warrant more extensive design provisions. 4. Although the bearing stratum of the basement meets the percent passing the No. 200 requirement, to provide sliding friction and reduce "hard sports" caused by cobbles and probable boulders within this stratum it is recommended the crushed aggregate fill be utilized to develop a relatively homogenous base. The use of a vapor retarder should be considered beneath concrete slabs on grade covered with wood, tile, carpet, or other moisture sensitive or impervious coverings, or when the slab will support equipment sensitive to moisture. When conditions warrant the use of a vapor retarder, the slab designer should refer to ACI 302 and/or ACI 360 for procedures and cautions regarding the use and placement of a vapor retarder. Saw -cut control joints should be placed in the slab to help control the location and extent of cracking. For additional recommendations refer to the ACI Design Manual. Joints or cracks should be sealed with a water -proof, non -extruding compressible compound specifically recommended for heavy duty concrete pavement and wet environments. Where floor slabs are tied to perimeter walls or turn -down slabs to meet structural or other construction objectives, our experience indicates differential movement between the walls and slabs will likely be observed in adjacent slab expansion joints or floor slab cracks beyond the Responsive u Resourceful . Reliable 23 Geotechnical Engineering Report lferracon Eugene Temple • Springfield, Lane County, Oregon �---� March 15, 2022 m Terracon Project No. 82225098 GeoReport length of the structural dowels. The Structural Engineer should account for potential differential settlement through use of sufficient control joints, appropriate reinforcing or other means. Mitigation measures, as noted in Existing Fill within the Earthwork section, are critical to the performance of floor slabs. In addition to the mitigation measures, the floor slab can be stiffened by adding steel reinforcement, grade beams and/or post -tensioned elements. Basement Water Water Proofing Due to the potential fluctuation of groundwater within the planned basement elevations, we recommend the use of a water proofing barrier to prevent vapor and moisture intrusion. A specialized contractor should be contacted to determine the appropriate product for the projected use. Floor Slab Construction Considerations Finished subgrade, within and for at least 10 feet beyond the floor slab, should be protected from traffic, rutting, or other disturbance and maintained in a relatively moist condition until floor slabs are constructed. If the subgrade should become damaged or desiccated prior to construction of floor slabs, the affected material should be removed and structural fill should be added to replace the resulting excavation. Final conditioning of the finished subgrade should be performed immediately prior to placement of the floor slab support course. The Geotechnical Engineer should approve the condition of the floor slab subgrades immediately prior to placement of the floor slab support course, reinforcing steel, and concrete. Attention should be paid to high traffic areas that were nutted and disturbed earlier, and to areas where backfilled trenches are located. LATERAL EARTH PRESSURES Based on the Conceptual Plan provided by HKS Architects we understand the main below grade structure will be the basement near the northwestern entrance to the temple. Based on conversations with the design team we understand the bottom of basement elevation will be approximately 8 feet below existing grades. Additionally, we understand approximately 4 feet of fill, above existing grades, will be placed around the basement to develop final site grades. Based on this grading information we have provided earth pressures for native granular soils, as well as the use of Select Fill or Crushed Rock Base Course. The pressures presented in the table below are based on the following conditions: • No wall batter (vertical wall face) • No slope at toe of wall Responsive • Resourceful . Reliable 24 Geotechnical Engineering Report lrerracon Eugene Temple . Springfield, Lane County, Oregon -- - - --- March 15, 2022 . Terracon Project No. 82225098 GeoReport . No slope of fill behind wall Design Parameters Structures with unbalanced backfill levels on opposite sides should be designed for earth pressures at least equal to values indicated in the following table. Earth pressures will be influenced by structural design of the walls, conditions of wall restraint, methods of construction and/or compaction and the strength of the materials being restrained. Two wall restraint conditions are shown in the diagram below. Active earth pressure is commonly used for design of free- standing cantilever retaining walls and assumes wall movement. The "at -rest" condition assumes no wall movement and is commonly used for basement walls, loading dock walls, or other walls restrained at the top. The recommended design lateral earth pressures do not include a factor of safety and do not provide for possible hydrostatic pressure on the walls (unless stated). 5=surcharge (aW2 H to 0 OOP H) FerereaA pressure A ■ - Na MovementAm.m.d ---Retaining Wall Lateral Earth Pressure Desian Parameters EarthCoefficient for Backfill Surcharge Effective Fluid Pressures (psf) 2'4' 5 Pressure I Pressure aa 5 ;Condition t Typo pi (Pat) Unsaturated s Submerged - Native Granular -0.29 (0.29)S (37)H (85)H Active (Ka) Select Fill/CRBC - 0.27 (0.27)S (34)H (82)H Native Granular -0.47 (0.46)S (57)H (95)H At -Rest (Ko) Select Fill/CRBC - 0.43 (0.43)S (53)H (92)H Native Granular -3.39 --- (424)H (235)H Passive(Kp) Select Fill/CRBC - 3.69 --- (461)H (225)H Native Granular 6.2H psf (active) Seismic 10.7H psf at -rest Surcharge Select Fill/CRBC 6.OH psf (active) 10.4H sf at -rest 1. For active earth pressure, wall must rotate about base, with top lateral movements 0.002 H to 0.004 H, where H is wall height. For passive earth pressure, wall must move horizontally to mobilize resistance. 2. Uniform, horizontal Select Fill/CRBC backfill, compacted to at least 96% of the ASTM D 1557 maximum dry density, rendering a maximum unit weight of 125 per Responsive a Resourceful . Reliable 25 Geotechnical Engineering Report 1rerracon Eugene Temple • Springfield, Lane County, Oregon --- — March 15, 2022 • Terracon Project No. 82225098 GeoRei Lateral Earth Pressure Deal n Parameters Earth Surcharge j Effective Fluid Pressures s s'a's Coefficient for Backfill(P Pressure z Pressure a_ a, s _ Condition t Type p (pad) Unsaturated a Submerged a 3. Uniform surcharge, where S is surcharge pressure. Seismic surcharges should be applied as a uniform horizontal distribution, where H is the height of the wall. Surcharge pressures due to adjacent footings, vehicles, construction equipment, etc. must be added to these values. For traffic loads, we recommend using an equivalent 75 par soil surcharge. If loading docks are planned, point, continuous or evenly distributed loads above the dock will result in horizontal pressure on the wall. The appropriate loading conditions should be incorporated into the loading dock wall design, or we can provide surcharge criteria for loading conditions behind the loading dock wall, if requested. 4. Loading from heavy compaction equipment is not included. 5. No safety factor is included in these values. 6. To achieve'Unsaturated"conditions, fcllowguidoines in Subsurface Drainage for Below -Grade Walls below. "Submerged" conditions are recommended when drainage behind walls is not incorporated into the design. Backfill placed against structures should consist of granular soils or low plasticity cohesive soils. For the granular values to be valid, the granular backfill must extend out and up from the base of the wall at an angle of at least 45 and 60 degrees from vertical for the active and passive cases, respectively. Subsurface Drainage for Below -Grade Walls A perforated rigid plastic drain line installed behind the base of walls and extends below adjacent grade is recommended to prevent hydrostatic loading on the walls. The invert of a drain line around a below -grade building area or exterior retaining wall should be placed near foundation bearing level. The drain line should be sloped to provide positive gravity drainage to daylight or to a sump pit and pump. The drain line should be surrounded by clean, free -draining granular material having less than 5% passing the No. 200 sieve, such as No. 57 aggregate. It should be noted that the native gravels onsite meet the reouirements for drain rock. The free -draining aggregate should be encapsulated in a filter fabric. The granular fill should extend to within 2 feet of final grade, where it should be capped with compacted cohesive fill to reduce infiltration of surface water into the drain system. Responsive Resourceful ii� Reliable 26 Geotechnical Engineering Report lferracon Eugene Temple • Springfield, Lane County, Oregon - -- March 15, 2022 • Terracon Project No. 82225098 GeoReport Slope to drain away from building Layer of cobesive fill Foundation mall Perforated drain pipe (Rigid PVC As an alternative to free -draining granular fill, a pre -fabricated drainage structure may be used. A pre -fabricated drainage structure is a plastic drainage core or mesh which is covered with filter fabric to prevent soil intrusion, and is fastened to the wall prior to placing backfill. PAVEMENTS We understand the majority of the pavement onsite will be asphalt, however we anticipate bus parking areas, garbage and recycling areas, entry and exit areas and other areas where extensive wheel maneuvering are expected would be constructed with concrete pavements. However, we have provided recommended pavement sections for light duty and heavy duty for both asphalt and concrete pavements. We have characterized light-duty pavement areas as drive lanes and parking, and heavy-duty pavement areas as bus parking, entrance and exits, garbage/recycling and other areas where extensive wheel maneuvering are expected. General Pavement Comments Pavement designs are provided for the traffic conditions and pavement life conditions as noted in Project Description and in the following sections of this report. A critical aspect of pavement performance is site preparation. Pavement designs noted in this section must be applied to the site which has been prepared as recommended in the Earthwork section. Pavement Design Parameters Design of Asphaltic Concrete (AC) pavements are based on the procedures outlined in the National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA) Information Series 109 (IS -109). Design of Responsive n Resourceful a Reliable 27 Backfill (see report Free-dou inggradetl \� A requirements) IIS nular filter material or -graded freedra Nng l ledal encapsulated in AV A an appropriate filter Nate, undisturbed fabric (see repot) \ \ II or engineered fill Perforated drain pipe (Rigid PVC As an alternative to free -draining granular fill, a pre -fabricated drainage structure may be used. A pre -fabricated drainage structure is a plastic drainage core or mesh which is covered with filter fabric to prevent soil intrusion, and is fastened to the wall prior to placing backfill. PAVEMENTS We understand the majority of the pavement onsite will be asphalt, however we anticipate bus parking areas, garbage and recycling areas, entry and exit areas and other areas where extensive wheel maneuvering are expected would be constructed with concrete pavements. However, we have provided recommended pavement sections for light duty and heavy duty for both asphalt and concrete pavements. We have characterized light-duty pavement areas as drive lanes and parking, and heavy-duty pavement areas as bus parking, entrance and exits, garbage/recycling and other areas where extensive wheel maneuvering are expected. General Pavement Comments Pavement designs are provided for the traffic conditions and pavement life conditions as noted in Project Description and in the following sections of this report. A critical aspect of pavement performance is site preparation. Pavement designs noted in this section must be applied to the site which has been prepared as recommended in the Earthwork section. Pavement Design Parameters Design of Asphaltic Concrete (AC) pavements are based on the procedures outlined in the National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA) Information Series 109 (IS -109). Design of Responsive n Resourceful a Reliable 27 Geotechnical Engineering Report Eugene Temple ■ Springfield, Lane County, Oregon March 15, 2022 • Terracon Project No. 82225098 1%rracon GeoReport Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) pavements are based upon American Concrete Institute (ACI) 330; Guide for Design and Construction of Concrete Parking Lots. Based on our laboratory California Bearing Ratio (CBR) tests a subgrade CBR of 6 was used for the property AC pavement designs. A modulus of subgrade reaction of 150 pci was used for the property for the PCC pavement designs. A modulus of rupture of 580 psi was used for pavement concrete. Pavement Section Thicknesses The following table provides options for AC and PCC Sections, Asphaltic Concrete Design Thickness (inches) Layer — i -- Light Duty' Heavy DutyIMLx AC 3 4 Aggregate Base (CAB) 1. Light Duty pavements designed based on 40,000 ESALs. 2. Heavy Duty pavements designed based on 85,000 ESALs. 3. Although a separation geotextile is not needed for pavement structural support it can be utilized atthe base of the Aggregate Base (CAB), atop compacted subgrade soils, to provide long term protection of fine migration from the subgrade soils into the Aggregate Base. Portland Cement Concrete Design Thickness (inches) Layer "— Light Duty'Heavy Duty x PCC 5 6 Aggregate Base (CAB) 1. Light Duty pavements designed based on 44,000 ESALs. 2. Heavy Duty pavements designed based on 100,000 ESALs. 3. Although a separation geotextile is not needed for pavement structural support it can be utilized attire base of the Aggregate Base (CAB), atop compacted subgrade soils, to provide long lens protection of fine migration from the subgrade soils into the Aggregate Base. We recommend Portland cement concrete (PCC) pavements be utilized in entrance and exit sections, dumpster pads, loading dock areas, or other areas where extensive wheel maneuvering are expected. The dumpster pad should be large enough to support the wheels of the truck which Responsive n Resourceful • Reliable 28 Geotechnical Engineering Report lferracon Eugene Temple • Springfield, Lane County, Oregon - - March 15, 2022 . Terracon Project No. 82225098 GeoReport will bear the load of the dumpster. Although not required for structural support, the base course layer is recommended to help reduce potential for slab curl, shrinkage cracking, and subgrade "pumping" through joints. Proper joint spacing will also be required to prevent excessive slab curing and shrinkage cracking. All joints should be sealed to prevent entry of foreign material and dowelled where necessary for load transfer. Portland cement concrete should be designed with proper air -entrainment and have a minimum compressive strength of 4,000 psi after 28 days of laboratory curing. Adequate reinforcement and number of longitudinal and transverse control joints should be placed in the rigid pavement in accordance with ACI requirements. The joints should be sealed as soon as possible (in accordance with sealant manufacturer's instructions) to minimize infiltration of water into the soil. Pavement Drainage Pavements should be sloped to provide rapid drainage of surface water. Water allowed to pond on or adjacent to the pavements could saturate the subgrade and contribute to premature pavement deterioration. In addition, the pavement subgrade should be graded to provide positive drainage within the granular base section. Appropriate sub -drainage or connection to a suitable daylight outlet should be provided to remove water from the granular subbase. Based on the possibility of shallow and/or perched groundwater, we recommend installing a pavement subdrain system to control groundwater, improve stability, and improve long-term pavement performance. Pavement Maintenance The pavement sections represent minimum recommended thicknesses and, as such, periodic maintenance should be anticipated. Therefore, preventive maintenance should be planned and provided for through an on-going pavement management program. Maintenance activities are intended to slow the rate of pavement deterioration and to preserve the pavement investment. Maintenance consists of both localized maintenance (e.g., crack and joint sealing and patching) and global maintenance (e.g., surface sealing). Preventive maintenance is usually the priority when implementing a pavement maintenance program. Additional engineering observation is recommended to determine the type and extent of a cost-effective program. Even with periodic maintenance, some movements and related cracking may still occur and repairs may be required. Pavement performance is affected by its surroundings. In addition to providing preventive maintenance, the civil engineer should consider the following recommendations in the design and layout of pavements: . Final grade adjacent to paved areas should slope down from the edges at a minimum 2%. . Subgrade and pavement surfaces should have a minimum 2% slope to promote proper surface drainage. Responsive . Resourceful • Reliable 29 Geotechnical Engineering Report 1 ferracon Eugene Temple • Springfield, Lane County, Oregon - March 15, 2022 . Terracon Project No. 82225098 GeoReport . Install below pavement drainage systems surrounding areas anticipated for frequent wetting. . Install joint sealant and seal cracks immediately. • Seal all landscaped areas in or adjacent to pavements to reduce moisture migration to subgrade soils. . Place compacted, low permeability backfill against the exterior side of curb and gutter. . Place curb, gutter and/or sidewalk directly on clay subgrade soils rather than on unbound granular base course materials. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT The infiltration lest in explorations IT -1, IT -2 and IT -2A were performed using the encased falling head method using a 6 -inch inside diameter PVC pipe. We conducted the test in general accordance with the EPA falling head method by first performing a minimum soaking period of 4 hours. However, if two consecutive 12 -inches of water head infiltrate in under 10 minutes then we forewent the soaking period (Test IT -1 and IT -2A). At the end of the soaking period we utilized 6 - inches of water head to record infiltration rate in approximate 10 -minute increments until a relatively steady infiltration rate was observed, as provided on the table below. The table below summarizes the infiltration test data and provides our recommended minimum correction factor based on the test method. 1. Recommended minimum correction factor of 2 is based on anticipated ambiguities and the long-term system degradation due to siltation, biofouling, crusting or other factors. 2. Infiltration testing at IT -2 was reran due to suspect readings and results. IT -2A was conducted approximately 10 feet northeast of IT -2. The variance in results between IT -2 and IT -2A is likely due to the presence of cobbles at the base of infiltration pipe. Based on our field test results, we recommend using the measured rates expressed above for the stormwater facility. The measured rates should be reduced with the code prescribed correction factors. The long-term infiltration rates will depend on many factors, and can be reduced if the following conditions are present: Responsive . Resourceful . Reliable 30 Approximate Measured Exploration ID Exploration Test Depth Soil Type Infiltration Rate _ Elevation ft Below Grade (ft) Oni Poorly Graded IT -1 433 5 Gravel with Silt 36.0 and Sand Poorly Graded IT -2' 432 5 Gravel with Silt 5.0 and Sand Poorly Graded IT -2A 432 4 Gravel with Silt, 1300.0 Sand and Cobbles 1. Recommended minimum correction factor of 2 is based on anticipated ambiguities and the long-term system degradation due to siltation, biofouling, crusting or other factors. 2. Infiltration testing at IT -2 was reran due to suspect readings and results. IT -2A was conducted approximately 10 feet northeast of IT -2. The variance in results between IT -2 and IT -2A is likely due to the presence of cobbles at the base of infiltration pipe. Based on our field test results, we recommend using the measured rates expressed above for the stormwater facility. The measured rates should be reduced with the code prescribed correction factors. The long-term infiltration rates will depend on many factors, and can be reduced if the following conditions are present: Responsive . Resourceful . Reliable 30 Geotechnical Engineering Report lrarracon Eugene Temple . Springfield, Lane County, Oregon March 15, 2022 . Terracon Project No. 82225098 GeoReport. ■ Variability of site soils, ■ Fine layering of soils, or ■ Maintenance and pre-treatment of the influent Subsurface Variations Variations in subsurface conditions and the presence of fine layering can affect the infiltration rate of the receptor soils. Variable fines contents were noted in the near surface sand soils. These mixtures can impede vertical infiltration of stormwater. Due to the low in situ infiltration rates of near surface soils, we recommend the design and construction of an infiltration facility large enough to facilitate the appropriate average design rainfall event. Construction Considerations The infiltration rate of the receptor soils will be reduced in the event that fine sediment or organic materials are allowed to accumulate on the exposed soil surface. Use of an infiltration facility as a temporary construction phase sedimentation pond is not recommended. If site conditions are such that this cannot be avoided, it will likely be necessary to excavate the soils below the infiltration facility bottom that have been contaminated with sediment, organic materials, or other deleterious materials that may reduce the permeability of the receptor soils, prior to operation of the facility for infiltration purposes. Additional field infiltration testing may be necessary in order to verifythat the restoration activity has been successful and that the infiltration rate of the receptor soils is consistent with that considered in the design. Operation of heavy equipment may density the receptor soils below the infiltration facility. The soils exposed in the bottom of the infiltration facility should not be compacted. It may be necessary to scarify the infiltration facility subgrade to facilitate infiltration. Maintenance of Facilities Satisfactory long-term performance of an infiltration facility will require some degree of maintenance. Accumulations of sediment, organic materials, or other material that serves to mask the receptor soils or reduce their permeability should he removed on a regular basis. As part of the maintenance program, the contractor should be required to dispose of the fines at an approved facility in accordance with applicable regulation. GENERAL COMMENTS Our analysis and opinions are based upon our understanding of the project, the geotechnical conditions in the area, and the data obtained from our site exploration. Natural variations will occur Responsive . Resourceful . Reliable 31 Geotechnical Engineering Report lfelrracon Eugene Temple . Springfield, Lane County, Oregon March 15, 2022 . Terracon Project No. 82225098 �GeoReport. between exploration point locations or due to the modifying effects of construction or weather. The nature and extent of such variations may not become evident until during or after construction. Terracon should be retained as the Geotechnical Engineer, where noted in this report, to provide observation and testing services during pertinent construction phases. If variations appear, we can provide further evaluation and supplemental recommendations. If variations are noted in the absence of our observation and testing services on-site, we should be immediately notified so that we can provide evaluation and supplemental recommendations. Our Scope of Services does not include either specifically or by implication any environmental or biological (e.g., mold, fungi, bacteria) assessment of the site or identification or prevention of pollutants, hazardous materials or conditions. If the owner is concerned about the potential for such contamination or pollution, other studies should be undertaken. Our services and any correspondence or collaboration through this system are intended for the sole benefit and exclusive use of our client for specific application to the project discussed and are accomplished in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practices with no third -party beneficiaries intended. Any third -party access to services or correspondence is solely for information purposes to support the services provided by Terracon to our client. Reliance upon the services and any work product is limited to our client, and is not intended for third parties. Any use or reliance of the provided information by third parties is done solely at their own risk. No warranties, either express or implied, are intended or made. Site characteristics as provided are for design purposes and not to estimate excavation cost. Any use of our report in that regard is done at the sole risk of the excavating cost estimator as there may be variations on the site that are not apparent in the data that could significantly impact excavation cost. Any parties charged with estimating excavation costs should seek their own site characterization for specific purposes to obtain the specific level of detail necessary for costing. Site safety, and cost estimating including, excavation support, and dewatering requirements/design are the responsibility of others. If changes in the nature, design, or location of the project are planned, our conclusions and recommendations shall not be considered valid unless we review the changes and either verify or modify our conclusions in writing. Responsive . Resourceful . Reliable 32 FIGURES Contents: GeoModel Responsive • Resourceful . Reliable GEOMODEL Eugene Temple ■ Springfield, OR Terraced Project No. 82215098 lrerracon GeoReport 4au .._ . ........ .. ........_. Tapson-finegmined bream, moist medium stili 1 � 35... FlII- PooO,Gmded Gravel with Sig and Sand; angular, .. O Poodygraded Sand its 3. �s 2 2 Sitl wah Sand PoodyCvaded Sand Min Silt, Silty Sand; _. 3 U.< , PoodyGraded Gravel with S it and Sand, fine to cordae 425 ALLINIUM _.. . ...... .... TR101 TP -1 TR104 TP -103 TP -106 3 420 -' " 2 3 j 07 .. .,3. . ... ... ._........... ......__.......... 5�5 415 09 J m410 E ...... .......... ... _..... °... z O405......._ ata .. _. _._ . ..... ............. s:.. Q da 400 ... .. .. ............. ...3 395 ........._.. ....._ ..... _.__................... 390qAq ............ .. _..._ __ ........ .......... lrerracon GeoReport Britt General Descripi 11-1 ©Topao;l Tapson-finegmined bream, moist medium stili 1 � 35... FlII- PooO,Gmded Gravel with Sig and Sand; angular, ® Silt with Gravel O Poodygraded Sand its 3. �s 2 2 Sitl wah Sand PoodyCvaded Sand Min Silt, Silty Sand; _. ALLUVIUM finemediumgrained brown. very soRto soft, loose TP -107 t5TF 105 TR109 t 9 3[PI PoodyGraded Gravel with S it and Sand, fine to cordae 3 ALLINIUM e e����, • 2 3 • __ 3 e .. .,3. . ... ... ._........... ......__.......... 09 -4 3 •. .. ............. ..... _...... .._...... ata This is not a crass section. This is intended to display the Geotechnical Model only. See individual logs for more detailed conditions. All Layer; Layer Name General Descripi ©Topao;l Tapson-finegmined bream, moist medium stili 1 TOPSOIL -FILL FlII- PooO,Gmded Gravel with Sig and Sand; angular, ® Silt with Gravel O Poodygraded Sand brown metllum dense fc dense 2 FINE-GRAINED Sitl wah Sand PoodyCvaded Sand Min Silt, Silty Sand; �I'mor,Siltmdgraded Sand with ALLUVIUM finemediumgrained brown. very soRto soft, loose COARSEGRAINED PoodyGraded Gravel with S it and Sand, fine to cordae 3 ALLINIUM ggasni5ead,mantled, haven, al medium dense to very S Fred Water Observation Groundwater levels are temporal. The levels shown are representative athe date and time of our erplo26on. Significant changes are possible over time. Water revolt slwvn are as measured during ani after drilling. In some reset, borirg advanrrinem methods mask the preaencelahsence ofgaundweter. See individual logs for details. NOTES' Layering shown on this figure has been develoaetl by the geotechnical eryineer for purposes of modeling the sulaurece condifiche as required for the subsequent geotechnical engineering for this pajecl. Numbers atljaoeM to soil wlumn intlira[e tlepM below gaurltl sudare. LEGEND ©Topao;l ®FillSiatotlY9raded Sand with �G000dy-9raded Sand with urml m Silt with Sand ® Silt with Gravel O Poodygraded Sand ®Slody-graded Gravel with Silty Sand OS ordly-graded Gravel with Ej Silt and Sand Gravel with �I'mor,Siltmdgraded Sand with S Fred Water Observation Groundwater levels are temporal. The levels shown are representative athe date and time of our erplo26on. Significant changes are possible over time. Water revolt slwvn are as measured during ani after drilling. In some reset, borirg advanrrinem methods mask the preaencelahsence ofgaundweter. See individual logs for details. NOTES' Layering shown on this figure has been develoaetl by the geotechnical eryineer for purposes of modeling the sulaurece condifiche as required for the subsequent geotechnical engineering for this pajecl. Numbers atljaoeM to soil wlumn intlira[e tlepM below gaurltl sudare. ATTACHMENTS Responsive . Resourceful . Reliable PHOTOGRAPHY LOG Eugene Temple • 300 International Way Springfield, OR 1r�rracon Date Pictures Taken: December 8, 2021 . Terracon Project No. 82215098 Southern half of temple building pad, looking south towards B-105 Temple building pad, looking east towards B-104 Responsive ® Resourceful n Reliable PHOTOGRAPHY LOG Eugene Temple z 300 International Way Springfield, OR 1�erraeon Date Pictures Taken: December 8, 2021 . Terracon Project No. 82215098 Oak A114116- it �Cy" C Western half of temple building pad, looking west towards B-103 Western half of temple building pad, looking west-southwest towards B-102 after piezometer installation Responsive ■ Resourceful • Reliable PHOTOGRAPHYLOG Eugene Temple . 300 International Way Springfield, OR 1 r�rracon Date Pictures Taken: December 8, 2021 . Terracon Project No. 82215098 Temple building pad, looking west Responsive • Resourceful • Reliable Geotechnical Engineering Report 1(erraco_n Eugene Temple • Springfield, Lane County, Oregon March 15, 2022 • Terracon Project No. 82225098 GeoReport EXPLORATION AND TESTING PROCEDURES 2021 Field Exploration on Number Exploration Depth Exploration Type (feet) Locat_ Latitude Longit B-101 Drilled Boring 40.9 44.0895°N 123.0323'W B-102 Drilled Boring 50.8 44.0894ON 123.0325°W B -102A Drilled Boring 29 44.0894°N 123.0326°W B-103 Drilled Baring 31.5 44.0893°N 123.0326°W B-104 Drilled Boring 30.9 44.0893°N 123.0320°W B-105 Drilled Boring 41.4 44.0890°N 123.0323°W IT -1 Drilled Boring 6.5 44.0897°N 123.0307'W IT -2 Drilled Boring 6.5 44.0899°N 123.0328°W IT -2A Drilled Boring 5.5 44.0899°N 123.0327°W TP -101 Test Pit 5 44.0898°N 123.0334°W TP -102 Test Pit 5 44.0896°N 123.0317°W TP -103 Test Pit 5 44.0896°N 123.03300W TP -104 Test Pit 5 44.0891'N 123.0333°W TP -105 Test Pit 5 44.0891°N 123.0316"W TP -106 Test Pit 5 44.0888°N 123.0329°W TP -107 Test Pit 5 44.0888°N 123.0323°W TP -108 Test Pit 5 44.0886°N 123.0315°W 2020 Field Exploration Explorationxploration Number Depth Location Exploration TYPEL a Longi B-1 Drilled Boring 30.12 44.08930-N 123.0323°W B-2 Drilled Boring 26.5 44.08931°N 123.0313°W B-3 Drilled Boring 26.5 44.0887ON 123.0322°W TP -1 Test Pit 6 44.0899°N 123.0332°W TP -2 Test Pit 15 44.0899'N 123.0323°W TP -3 Test Pit 12 44.0899'N 123.0312°W Responsive. Resourceful Reliable EXPLORATION AND TESTING PROCEDURES 1 of Geotechnical Engineering Report lrerracon Eugene Temple • Springfield, Lane County, Oregon March 15, 2022 • Terracon Project No. 82225098 GeoReport Exploration Layout and Elevations: Unless otherwise noted, Terracon personnel provided the exploration layout. Coordinates were obtained with a handheld GPS unit (estimated horizontal accuracy of about ±10 feet) and approximate elevations were obtained by interpolation from Google Earth Pro. If elevations and a more precise exploration layout are desired, we recommend explorations be surveyed following completion of fieldwork. Subsurface Exploration Procedures: We advanced soil borings with a track -mounted sonic drill ng using barrels. Previous borings were advanced using a truck -mounted hollow stem auger drill rig. Four samples were obtained in the upper 10 feet of each boring and at intervals of 5 feet thereafter. Soil sampling was performed using thin-wall tube and/or split -barrel sampling procedures. In the thin-walled tube sampling procedure, a thin-walled, seamless steel tube with a sharp cutting edge is pushed hydraulically into the soil to obtain a relatively undisturbed sample. In the split barrel sampling procedure, a standard 2 -inch outer diameter split barrel sampling spoon is driven into the ground by a 140 -pound automatic hammerfalling a distance of 30 inches. The number of blows required to advance the sampling spoon the last 12 inches of a normal 18 - inch penetration is recorded as the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) resistance value. The SPT resistance values, also referred to as N -values, are indicated on the boring logs at the test depths. The samples were placed in appropriate containers, taken to our soil laboratory for testing, and classified by a geotechnical engineer. In addition, we observed and recorded groundwater levels during drilling and sampling. All explorations were supervised and logged by a field geologist or engineer who recorded field test data, classified soils, and collected the samples from the explorations. Our exploration team prepared field boring logs as part of standard drilling operations including sampling depths, penetration distances, and other relevant sampling information. Field logs include visual classifications of materials encountered during drilling, and our interpretation of subsurface conditions between samples. Final boring logs, prepared from field logs, represent the geotechnical engineer's interpretation, and include modifications based on observations and laboratory tests. Test Pits Explorations: A field engineer logged test pits and collected representative soil (grab) samples. The test pits were completed up to the depths described above. The test pits were Responsive Resourceful Reliable EXPLORATION AND TESTING PROCEDURES 2 of Exploration ExploratiorL De - anon - Longitude TP -4 Test Pit 8 44.0899°N 123.0302'W TP -5 Test Pit 10 44.0894°N 123.0332°W TP -6 Test Pit 15 44.0893°N 123.0300°W TP -7 Test Pit 15 44.0887°N 123.0334°W TP -8 Test Pit 15 44.0887°N 123.0312°W Exploration Layout and Elevations: Unless otherwise noted, Terracon personnel provided the exploration layout. Coordinates were obtained with a handheld GPS unit (estimated horizontal accuracy of about ±10 feet) and approximate elevations were obtained by interpolation from Google Earth Pro. If elevations and a more precise exploration layout are desired, we recommend explorations be surveyed following completion of fieldwork. Subsurface Exploration Procedures: We advanced soil borings with a track -mounted sonic drill ng using barrels. Previous borings were advanced using a truck -mounted hollow stem auger drill rig. Four samples were obtained in the upper 10 feet of each boring and at intervals of 5 feet thereafter. Soil sampling was performed using thin-wall tube and/or split -barrel sampling procedures. In the thin-walled tube sampling procedure, a thin-walled, seamless steel tube with a sharp cutting edge is pushed hydraulically into the soil to obtain a relatively undisturbed sample. In the split barrel sampling procedure, a standard 2 -inch outer diameter split barrel sampling spoon is driven into the ground by a 140 -pound automatic hammerfalling a distance of 30 inches. The number of blows required to advance the sampling spoon the last 12 inches of a normal 18 - inch penetration is recorded as the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) resistance value. The SPT resistance values, also referred to as N -values, are indicated on the boring logs at the test depths. The samples were placed in appropriate containers, taken to our soil laboratory for testing, and classified by a geotechnical engineer. In addition, we observed and recorded groundwater levels during drilling and sampling. All explorations were supervised and logged by a field geologist or engineer who recorded field test data, classified soils, and collected the samples from the explorations. Our exploration team prepared field boring logs as part of standard drilling operations including sampling depths, penetration distances, and other relevant sampling information. Field logs include visual classifications of materials encountered during drilling, and our interpretation of subsurface conditions between samples. Final boring logs, prepared from field logs, represent the geotechnical engineer's interpretation, and include modifications based on observations and laboratory tests. Test Pits Explorations: A field engineer logged test pits and collected representative soil (grab) samples. The test pits were completed up to the depths described above. The test pits were Responsive Resourceful Reliable EXPLORATION AND TESTING PROCEDURES 2 of Geotechnical Engineering Report lrerracon Eugene Temple • Springfield, Lane County, Oregon March 15, 2022 • Terracon Project No. 82225098 GeoReport excavated using a tracked excavator under subcontract to our firm. The test pits areas were backfilled with the excavated materials and tamped with the backhoe bucket as it was placed. Data Logging: All explorations were supervised and logged by a field engineer or geologist who record field test data, classified soils, and collected the samples from the explorations. Our exploration team prepared field boring logs as part of standard drilling operations including sampling depths, penetration distances, and other relevant sampling information. Field logs include visual classifications of materials encountered during drilling, and our interpretation of subsurface conditions between samples. Final boring logs, prepared from field logs, represent the geotechnical engineer's interpretation, and include modifications based on observations and laboratory tests. Vibrating Wire Piezometer: We installed one vibrating wire piezometer (VWP) in boring B-102 on December 8, 2021 and B -102A on February 11, 2022. The VWP at B-102 was installed at a depth of approximately 8 feet below the ground surface (bgs), at the proposed base of the basement elevation. The VWP at B -102A was installed at a depth of approximately 27 feet bgs. This depth was determined by the field professional following completion of drilling. During installation, low -permeability grout was extended from bottom of the exploration to about 1 -foot below the ground surface. During installation, the VWP was taped to a one -inch diameter PVC pipewith the pressure sensor facing upwards. The VWP cable was taped to the PVC pipe on approximate 3 -foot intervals as it was lowered into the boring. Once the VWP was at the target depth, a low permeability grout was introduced to seal the exploration and allow the mini data logger to record changes in the vibrating wire frequency, and thus changes in pressure. The VWP wire was connected to a mini data logger housed within a steel, flush -mount wellhead. The mini data logger at B-102 was set to record vibrating wire readings every 4 hours, starting December 22, 2021 at 10:OOAM, while the mini logger at B -102A was set to record every 4 hours, starting February 11, 2022 at 4:OOPM. Completion of the VWP is summarized in the following table: B-102 Description 1 to 50'/< Low permeability grout 50 PSI Grout for Medium to Hard Soils 30 -gallon Water/ 94 It. Portland Cement Responsive Resourceful. Reliable EXPLORATION AND TESTING PROCEDURES 3 of Geotechnical Engineering Report lrerracon Eugene Temple a Springfield, Lane County, Oregon March 15, 2022 n Terracon Project No. 82225098 GeoReport B-1 02A Depth Property Disturbance: We backfilled borings according to local jurisdiction requirements after completion of each exploration and test pits were loosely backfilled with cuttings. Our services did not include repair of the site beyond backfilling our boreholes and test pits. Excess auger cuttings were dispersed in the general vicinity of each borehole. Since backfill material often settles below the surface after a period, we recommend explorations be checked periodically and additional backfill added, if necessary. Geophysical Testing: As requested, geophysical testing was performed at one location representative of the subsurface conditions encountered at the project site. Terracon used a seismic refraction system (SRS) to collect seismic refraction data. The system consisted of a SeismicSource DAQLink III seismograph and a linear array of 24 geophones. The profile was collected using Multi -channel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW). MASW is performed by recording surface waves generated by a vertical impact seismic source such as a sledge hammer striking an aluminum plate on the ground surface. The resulting seismic energy was also recorded using Vibrascope software. At each location, the shot point was at the end of the line because the 1 -Dimensional (1D) models are defined as being beneath the center of the geophone array. The recorded data was processed using the computer program SurfSeis, published by the Kansas Geological Survey. This program extracts the fundamental -mode surface waves from the shot gathers to form dispersion curve(s). These curves are inverted and modeled to yield a 1 D shear -wave velocity versus depth (profile) for the line, as shown on the MASW Results. Laboratory Testing The project engineer reviewed field data and assigns various laboratory tests to better understand the engineering properties of various soil strata. Procedural standards noted below are for reference to methodology in general. In some cases, local practices and professional judgement require method variations. Standards noted below include reference to other related standards. Such references are not necessarily applicable to describe the specific test performed. Responsive a Resourceful Reliable EXPLORATION AND TESTING PROCEDURES 4 of Steel, flush -mount 0 wellhead Approximate 8 -inch diameter and 18 -inches tall 0 to 1 Void (open space) 1 to 5 Bentonite chips 27 VWP piezometer Geokon 45005-350KPA (51 psi) installation 5 to 29 Low permeability grout 50 PSI Grout for Medium to Hard Soils 30 -gallon Water / 94 Ib. Portland Cement Property Disturbance: We backfilled borings according to local jurisdiction requirements after completion of each exploration and test pits were loosely backfilled with cuttings. Our services did not include repair of the site beyond backfilling our boreholes and test pits. Excess auger cuttings were dispersed in the general vicinity of each borehole. Since backfill material often settles below the surface after a period, we recommend explorations be checked periodically and additional backfill added, if necessary. Geophysical Testing: As requested, geophysical testing was performed at one location representative of the subsurface conditions encountered at the project site. Terracon used a seismic refraction system (SRS) to collect seismic refraction data. The system consisted of a SeismicSource DAQLink III seismograph and a linear array of 24 geophones. The profile was collected using Multi -channel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW). MASW is performed by recording surface waves generated by a vertical impact seismic source such as a sledge hammer striking an aluminum plate on the ground surface. The resulting seismic energy was also recorded using Vibrascope software. At each location, the shot point was at the end of the line because the 1 -Dimensional (1D) models are defined as being beneath the center of the geophone array. The recorded data was processed using the computer program SurfSeis, published by the Kansas Geological Survey. This program extracts the fundamental -mode surface waves from the shot gathers to form dispersion curve(s). These curves are inverted and modeled to yield a 1 D shear -wave velocity versus depth (profile) for the line, as shown on the MASW Results. Laboratory Testing The project engineer reviewed field data and assigns various laboratory tests to better understand the engineering properties of various soil strata. Procedural standards noted below are for reference to methodology in general. In some cases, local practices and professional judgement require method variations. Standards noted below include reference to other related standards. Such references are not necessarily applicable to describe the specific test performed. Responsive a Resourceful Reliable EXPLORATION AND TESTING PROCEDURES 4 of Geotechnical Engineering Report Eugene Temple • Springfield, Lane County, Oregon March 15, 2022 ■ Terraccn Project No. 82225098 lrerracon GeoReport • ASTM D2216 Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass • ASTM D4318 Standard Test Methods for Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plasticity Index of Soils • ASTM D6913 Standard Test Methods for Particle -Size Distribution (Gradation) of Soils Using Sieve Analysis • ASTM D1883 Standard Test Method for California Bearing Ratio (CBR) of Laboratory - Compacted Soils The laboratory testing program included examination of soil samples by an engineer. Based on the material's texture and plasticity, we described and classified the soil samples in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System. Responsive , Resourceful Reliable EXPLORATION AND TESTING PROCEDURES 5 of SITE LOCATION AND EXPLORATION PLANS Contents: Site Location Plan Exploration Plan Fill Area Map Note: All attachments are one page unless noted above. Responsive • Resourceful w Reliable Ct u v a-li� r :e s FILL AREA MAP 11'erracon Eugene Temple • Springfield, OR GeoReport- March 15, 2022 • Terracon Project No. 82215098 DIAGRAM IS FOR GENERAL LOCATION ONLY, AND IS AERIAL MOTOGRAFFY PROVIDED NOT INTENDED FOR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES By MICROSOFT SING MAPS EXPLORATION RESULTS Contents: Boring Logs (B-101 through B-105, B-1 through B-3) Test Pit Logs (TP -101 through TP -108, TP -1 through TP -8) Infiltration Test Logs (IT -1, IT -2 and IT -2A) Shear Wave Velocity Profile from MASW Testing Atterberg Limits Results Grain Size Distribution Results (3 pages) Proctor Results (2 pages) CBR Results (2 pages) Responsive a Resourceful . Reliable BORING LOG NO. B-101 page 1 of PROJECT: Eugene Temple CLIENT: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Salt Lake City, UT SITE: 300 International Way Springfield, OR m V' Y `S — cop Q 0 U LOCATION Sce EMloration Plan Latilutle:44.0895°Lorgitutle: -123 0323• Suffice Ele-432(M.) OEPTH ELEVATION Et > w0 ¢ w p 3m w w d pe usc WZ 3z ATTERBERG LIMITS m — r U LL-PL-PI TOPSOIL OL fine grained, brown, moist, medium stiff 0-13 22.4 N=5 SILT WITH SAND IML), fine grained, low to medium plasticity, brown, X 17-16-17 N=33 ® oist, medium stiff $ 4.6 POORLY GRADED GRAVEL WITH SILT AND SANG (GP-GM1, fine la coarse grained. rounded, brown, moist, medium dense [o ease, fine 4.3 2-9-17 1p to medium grained sand bi 2-1 5010 5 very dense 5.6 7.6 24-30-20 9 N=50 ®® dense 1 Q 3-1617 N=32 74 sF ® wet, medium dense to dense red brown brawn 2 13-1-11 N=18 6.8 2 4-5-5 N=10 10.1 3 z8-25-21 7 g N=46 . 0 0 397 35-- 35.9 p00RLY fine to coarse sse 8-7-9 18.4 e .. densPl. short ratS,AJMI) wet, medAVEL ium rained, rounded, brown, wet, medium dense N=16 POORLY GRADED GRAVEL WITH SAND(SIR fine to coarse grained, rountled, brown gray, wet, very dense, medium grained sand 3915 aa.e Q 22-5011" 1 1.& Boring Terminated at Ia.fi Feef SVafificaHon lines are appmmander Imsin, the number may be godual. Hammer Type: Autumatic Maancemem el Sonic See Explanation and Testing Procedures fora description of field and laboratory procetlures Noade used and additional data (h arry). See Supposing lnfamation for explanation of Abandonment Method symbols and abblowations. Boring bock611ed with ramparts chips upon completion. Elere[Ions wereinterpplaLLN both Gurgle Earth WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS lrerracon Goring staneQ 12-07-2021 9cdng completed: 12-0-2021 Af completion oTdrilling Gml Rig'. ceopmbe elsots onner3pe@weatem surras 700 NE 550 Ave PoNand, OR Poland N0.: 82215090 PIEZOMETER LOG NO. B-102 Pae 1 of 1 PROJECT: Eugene Temple CLIENT: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Salt Lake City, LIT SITE: 300 International Way Springfield, OR rc i g dd 3 :� o LOCATION See Eq,bretion Plen teYWtle: 44.0894°LpngiNtle: -1230325° Suaace Elev.: 433 en.) DEPTH ELEVATION F1. ~ in �m WO rc¢La fw 3m 0 w � ob In op X a 3i O ATTFABQiG LIMITS w z z to in LL-PL-PI TOPSOIL OL fine grained, brown, moist, medium stiff 1-5-3 21.6 2 �;'. N=8 SAND WITH SILT fSPSM1. fine grained, brown, moist, very soft 21.6 0-0-1 4286 N=1 4 7 POORLY GRADED GRAVEL WITH SILT AND SAND 031 9ne to coarse grained, rounded, broom, moist, dense to very dense, fine to coarse grained sand, 2 in nominal max gravel size 5 12-28-27 N=55 fi-04-183.3 N=32 NP 14 4.5 23-38-28 N=66 15- 16-22-25 fi.4 N=47 medium dense, less silty 2 5-8-3 15.7 N=11 �© loose 2 3-2d N=5 C dense 3 8-17-27 N=µ4 11.2 I p medium dense 3 7-7-7 N=14 19.1 very dense 4 4232-34 13.3 N=66 O dense 4 7-21-18 18.2 N=39 Seo 383 - POORLY GRADED GRAVEL WITH CLAY.fGP-GC1, tested... 1 grained, rounded, brown gray, wet, very dense, 2 in nominal max gravel 5 44-5013" 13 8 ze Boring Terminated at 50.8 Feet Stratlnreron Innes are approximate. In- aftµ Pe berated may be gradual. Haran Type: Antoinette Advancement Method: sonic See Exploranda and Tenting Procedures fora deacnption of field and laboratory procetluros used and additional data (if aryl. Name: Vinand. wile piemmelpt Hour lalmbat8reel bgs and boreM1ole grouted full tlep[M1 wiYt benbnilegroul glnmrmions hr el�ylanalion or seesle Method AbBonn and abbreviations aymbola dna abbremanons. bem domplban.11etl µtor rement-hemonile grout upon completion. Eleoations wire ir,terpolaletlform Google EarM WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS lrerraeon Bonn, Stated 12-08-2021 Ibm d ComplMed: o8-2t-2021 Waferlevel not detannirred Onll Rig: Gepprobe 8150L5 Onller.Jce@Western States T00 NE 55N Ave Portland, OR Pmjevt N., 82215898 PIEZOMETER LOG NO. B -102A Pae 1 of t PROJECT: Eugene Temple CLIENT: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -Day Saints Salt Lake City, UT SITE: 300 International Way Springfield, OR rc u LOCATION see Examra,ion Plan "be un z w ba aF fleERG LIMITS or o wre S Lalnude: 44.0896°Longitude. -123.(132fi° — �¢ 3z LL -PL -PI be F S.-Foca Else.: 433 Lt)bu be re m LUb L Obe 3p O DEPTH ELEVATION (FL TOPSOIL OL fine grained, brown, moist, medium stiff SANDYSILT L be, soft POORLY GRADED SAND WITH SILT ISP -SMI fine grained, brown, s moist, loose alas 5 POORLY GRADED GRAVEL WITH SILT AND SAND (GP -GM), fine to coarse grained, rounded, brown, moist, dense to very dense, fine to coarse grained sand, 2 in nominal max gravel size r 1 i 2 medium dense, less silty 2 N;-7 Idose 9:o 404 Boeing Terminated' at 29 Feet Strati(dean lines are appmnmale. Irbi the transition may be gradual Hemmer Type: Arromatic Adeanramenl Marded: Sea Emloration and Imaging Procedures nor a No.: Sonic absorption of fe'd and laborabry procedures vanishing abre paboareater up Labeled at 27 feet baa and used and additional data (If any, boredle granted NII depth with remarks, grant sce Supporting lnN,marlon for explanation of symbols and abbreviations. Abandonmem earned Boring d.6fiill wide benronire cM1lps (mm 1 to 5 feet belcw the call surface. Below 51 icer lM1e eryloradon was Elevations were indurated from Becalm Earth WATER LEVEL ERVATIONS l ferraeon coring stanea: 02-11zazz canna completed: o2 -t1-2022 Mile dolling Drill Rlg: ceapmbe et W Ls Donee Jne �d wasrem scares 700 NE 55th Ave Portland, OR Prolmoire 82215098 BORING LOG NO. B-103 Pae 1 of t PROJECT: Eugene Temple CLIENT: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -Day Saints Salt Lake City, UT SITE: 300 International Way Springfield, OR o= cp LOCATION Sce Explpretion Flan m w A RH6 M" a o W o se Latiluds:44.0693°1-prgitude:-1290326° w d N ji LL -PL -PI U wre Surface Elev.: 433 (Ft.) 3m h ard DEPTH ELEVATION flmjG TOPSOIL OL fine grained, brown, moist, soft 0-2-3 24.0 r' N=5 POORLY GRADED SAND WITH SILT ISPSMI. fire grained, low to 3-7-12 3° medium plasticity, brown, moist, loose 430 N=19 POORLY GRADED GRAVEL WITH SILT AND SAND (GP-GMI, fine to coarse grained, rounded, brown, moist, medium dense.. fine to 5— q.9 8-17-20 medium grained sand N=37 dense 4.5 4-22-25 N=47 very dense 10— 7.6 34-31-33 N=64 wet 25-34-50/5" 4.7 i medium dense 2 7-8-8 7.3 N=16 • 25— --1TN=45 12.6 dense N=45 s _ 3 15-17-12 N=29 13.3 15 medium dense 401b Boring Terminated at 31.5 Feet SVafOrafon lines are appranmate. InsiW, Ne transiYpn may be gradual. Hammer Type: Automafia Advanoement Me1Md See E'droian and Tesfirg Procalures kr a Notes: sonic dos eptlon of field and lalbommory pmnadame used and adaitioral data if my). sea Suppomne Infn,matiw for eaylanafion of Abandonment Method: symbols and abbrdeatiors. Baring backfillad With reManite ships upon wmpletian. Elevations sere interpolated fiom Goa31e Earth WATER L L Bodng stadea.1a07-2o2t aoring completeaa2-07-2021 Gmundwafernorenmuntered Merriam Dnlleig: Gepplabs 815OL5 Odllen he (3 Western States I 700 NE 55M Ave Portland, OR Project No.: 82215098 M driller noted cave in at 155 test below as,,rd sarmse BORING LOG NO. B-104 Pae 1 of 1 PROJECT: Eugene Temple CLIENT: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -Day Saints Salt Lake City, LIT SITE: 300 International Way Springfield, OR w U' g o be a LOCATION Sea Erplo,alion Plan lat edl. 4,t.0893` Langtluae:-023.0320°al Surtaw Elev.: A l(Ft) DEPM ELEVATIONIF of tea' re 3m D w N W IT of 3Q TfEFSERG LIMITS af z he LL -PL -PI FILL- POORLY GRADED GRAVEL WITH SILT ANO SAND stab I. -11-10 t N=21 fine grained, angular, brown, moist. medium dense to dense •� ♦,�' � 3.a 4A5-18-16 POORLY GRADED GRADED GRAVEL WITH SAND (GPI, fine to coarse Send rounded, brown gray; moist, dense, fine to medium grained sa Send 5 10'9 N= 34 4.3 13-18-19 N=3T rvery dense .at 17-30-31 N=61 5.1 9] 18-3943 N=82 medium dense 5-5-7 15.1 N=12 f!" very dense 2 33-41-3T N=T8 11.5 D' a_ e ,A. 25— 1 N=65 N=66 g.g •��30s Loa 30 20-50/5" 7.1 Boring Terminated at 30.9 Feet Stratification lines are appoomari, load, the 0ansitian may be gradual. Hammar Type: Automata Aavanramenl Memos: Sonic description of fieri arra laboratory mbardb es used and additional dare (If any) grace Noles: See SuppMing bromiarloo for a planation of symbols and abbrevations. I Abandonment Matted are, baoldfled wirh bantanite chips aeon completion. Elevalioru were interyolafed from Google Emb WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONSDonna Irerracon 1. Ni son Ave Padlard, OR sfarcea:laas-zozl eanne comDletea:l 2-01:2021 Af completion o/tlnlling DnII Rig: Geaprobe S150LS Dnllec JceQWestem SMtes Proles No.: 02215090 BORING LOG NO. B-105 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: Eugene Temple CLIENT: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -Day Saints Salt Lake City, UT SITE: 300 International Way Springfield, OR oo m LOCATION See Explora4on Plan °' w TTERBERGUmi >g S LL w0 j F � WZ be _ Latitude: 66.0800-Lcrgitode: -123.8323° rcQTo a wFw r m to wp 3z LL -PL -PI p Surtace Elev.: 431 (FL) p 3m O DEPTH ELEVATION Int.I O TOPSOIL OL fine grained, brown, moist 0-1-7 26.0 N=8 SILTY SAND ISM). fine grained, low plasticity, brown, moist, loose 0-2-2 45 - 29A N=4 13 426 5 POORLY GRADED GRAVEL WITH SILT AND SAND (GP -GM), fine 8-15-18 3.6 - to coarse grained, rounded, brown gray, moist, dense, fine to coarse N=33 9-33-50/6" named sand Q 4.4 Very dense - 10— -73— 30 2-2 67 • -. N=52 Err •4% 1 7-13-44 12.2 i N=57 f 20- 17-4241 8.1 N=83 2 9-9-30 10.6 •. dense N=39 ® 3 15-21-23 15.3 N=44 medium dense 3 9-9-9 42,9 N=18 ®-1A very dense 389.5 4 19-2850/5" 13.6 I Boring Terminated at 41.4 Feet Stratifralion lines are appmtimaYe. iri Na transition may be gradual. Hammer Type: ANonatic Advancement MetM1 See EapereMb antl Testing Pmcadurea far. Notes: Sonic description of Geld and laboratory pmcaiures used And additional dam (if any). See Supparfnp Information far evµanaton d Abandonment MObod: serums and abhreNations. Peron backfilled with bentonite drips upon completion. Elewtions me—paboated V. Google Earn WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS 1rerracon Boring Stadia: 12-072021 aonng Completed: IM -0 2021 Af completion ofdnlling Drill Rig: Geoprobe 8150L5 Duller.ce JWestern states ]RNE55N Ave PCMand, OR Pmlect Na.: 82215098 BORING LOG NO. B-1 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: Eugene Temple CLIENT: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -Day Saints Salt Lake City, UT SITE: 300 International Way Springfield, OR w U' g O_ Jin he LOCATION See Exploration Plan 1-antude:M.0893°Lcreitude: -123.0322° surface Eley _ 639 (FL) GEPTH ELEVATION(RA LL in fice ce �o hi 3`n w 7, or �� LL wz 3z m ATLI See LIMITS y, r p Un n LLPL-PI t TOPSOIL OL Grass and rootlet zone - 6 inches 5-8-7 N=15 43 25 2'D SILTY SAND WITH GRAVEL ISMI, fine grained, rounded and a31 6-8-6 N=14 ubrounded, light brown, damp, medium dense 5 2.fi POORLY GRADED GRAVEL WITH SILT AND SAND IGP-GMfi rogross, unded and subrounded, gray and bromoist, medium dense 3.7 6-14-18 7 dense verytlense 1 N=32 3.1 18-26-32 N=58 3.5 22-27-26 N=53 .i' • dense, sample wet at tip of sampler 1 z- Q 2 N=454 5 1 wet, medium dense, increased sand content 2 6-8-13 9.6 N=21 �.zsa ° 4's2 POORLY GRADED GRAVEL WITH SAND (GP1, trace silt, rounded, gray and brown, wet, medium dense, heaving sands were encountered 5-18-3 N=23 4,3 -Y' in the boring causing drilling/sampling to be difficult. •' Sal 603 very dense 3.. Sol .gar use at J0. 12 Fast LiGoultl SVati&atlon lines are approximate. Infantµ me vanaieon may ba gradual. Hammerrype: rot take delayed wager level rafting. due to savem after parr ghollow stem Advansemerd Method See Egramtian and Testing Procedures for a Notes: Hollow stem auger description of field and laboratory procedmas mad and additional data (If any). B seemilocafed and rednlled approximately 10 feet north of the anginal boring location to the same depth and reaped See Supporting lndemabon for explanation of symbolsantlableeverche after ormal approximately and feet lags. Abandonment MatM6 Bodng backfilled Sph bentonite ships upon wmple8on. Elevations were Interpoletetl tmm Google Earth WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS lrerr�eon 700h Ave Pont",nI, OR eodng stared: 09-26 pace ..ring Completes: 09-26-2020 Q rletoa ode Rig : GME rs Onllen wemem states Oolong A! completion o/drilling tear Proiect Ni 02215099 BORING LOG NO. B-2 Pae 1 of 1 PROJECT: Eugene Temple CLIENT: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -Day Saints Salt Lake City, LIT SITE: 300 International Way Springfield, OR w LOCATION see Exploration w BERG ATTERBE LIMI y g m LatiWtle: 44.0893-Lo,giWde:-123.0313° _ w � l= so w — F in Ju aa sa aa 3~ a -PL -PI U Surface Elev: 431 (Fl) O 3 m N w m (> K DEPTH ELEVATION rFQ O FILL - P00RLY GRAOED GRAVEL WITH SILT AND SAND, angular, u gray, damp, very dense, smflcial gravels with sporadic dlaokbemy 42s 1 rushes and dry grassy areas, nominal max size aggregate l" 2-3-1e 4.9 5 FILL -SILTY SAND, fine grained, brown, moist, medium dense 4E6 $ N=13 6.29 - POORLY GRADED GRAVEL WITH SILT AND SAND IGP- Mfll 5-58 rounded and surrounded, gray and brown, medium tlense N=13 9-6-] 33.5 N=13 very dense t q_g 19-41-5c N=91 s ® weir dense 12-16-15 10.4 9 N=31 Z 1140-59/5" 8.9 very dense ® rounded gravels coming up from auger spoils 2 N=29 N=20 11.5 ss medium dense 401 Spring Terminated at 26.5 Feet SrreriMaOon lines are appmdmate.ln-sin,rlto marathon may, be goadarl. Hammer Type: Aulonwi =at lake delayed water level holdings due to care In after removing hollaw, stem Advancement Method, See EvVionien and Testing Prooedwea for a NWes: Hollow stem auger daitlprim of field and labaaicry procedures mead and additional data (if tons). See Sufferer, Information far explanation of ALardonmenl Method. symbols ondaNrenstions. deaths backfilletl witb bentonite cM1ips upon completion. Elevations were IntePolated from Google Earth Ree WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS 1rerracon ]00 NE SSM Ave Bbnng Staled: tie -261 Bonny C mpleted: 082s204 While sampling OnII Rig CME ]5 Dints, Weatem Stelae crimg -SL At dompieVerl of driilirlg POCrdrd, OR Project No.: 82215099 BORING LOG NO. B-3 Pae 1 of 1 PROJECT: Eugene Temple CLIENT: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -Day Saints Salt Lake City, UT SITE: 300 International Way Springfield, OR w Y g G O LOCATION See Erylaretion Plen La4IWe: Ad M81- Longitude: 423.0322° Sufface Elei 433 LI DEPTH ELEVATOR Ph -ro �Q 3 p Q O w wrpa w� E 3 z O ATTERBERG LIMITS ,e W LL -PL -PI TOPSOIL OL Grass and raatlet 2one-6inches 2-5-9 24.2 - N=12 2.0 SILT WITH SAND ML law plasticity, brawn, moist stili ae1 w SAND/SMl. fine grained, bran, moist, loose increased sand content 28 N2- 5 13.2 12.8 4-�5 78- 75 425.5 N-8 10-35-50/4" [2SILTY POORLY GRADED GRAVEL WITH SILT AND SAND (GP-GMI. 7.9 *� a prunded, gray and brown, moit very tlense 1 21 -34 - —IM " 4.1 8 3.6 medium dense 1 19-15-11 ].1 a. N-26 3 Q o� wet, dense 2 18-25-25 N=50 10.2 4065 25- 2 14-10-23 N-42 13.9 Boring Terminated at 26.5 F f Srralifice—l'mes are approtimate.Irisil4 the transition may be gradual. Hemmer Type: AAv is Advancement Method: Hallow stem anger See Exploration arb Testing Procedures for a description offed d and laboratory procedures Nares: used and scidear ldata(Ir arry). See Supporting In arommon for explanation of symbols and abdreNations, Apaodonmam Metbad: loran, backfilled will borealis chips upon otepleaon. Bleretions were interpolated from Google Bann WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS l�erraeon ]a0 NE 55M Ave Portland, OR Boring started: 10-19-2020 113o no completed: 10-191 SZ While sampling onn Rig: Geta 550 OHller western states Omung At completion oTtlnlling Prajec[ rva.: e2215098 TEST PIT LOG NO. TP -101 Pae 1 of t PROJECT: Eugene Temple CLIENT: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -Day Saints Salt Lake City, UT SITE: 300 International Way Springfield, OR rc m LOCATION See Egibmtion Plan wm w PTIEIt9EItG HI ,e w i 5 a it: Wo rc z � Lanwae: a4.aese-Lare�wde-1z3.o3a4- r rcp LL -PL -PI 0 opSurface Eley: 431(Ft) wp �ne x, 0 K DEPTH ELEVATION'FL G TOPSOIL (OL), low plasticity, dark brawn, moist, medium stiff, some models 24.5 d 430 SILT WITH SAND (MLI. low plasticity, dark brown, moist, medium stiff 2.0 429 SILTY SAND ISM), fine grained, brown, moist, medium dense 23.5 2 - S0 425 5 24.4 Test Pit Terminated at 5 Feet Stratification lines am approximate. Imsilq the transition may be gradual. Advancement Mated: See Exploration aM Testitg Procedures fora Notten Backee'atih bucket deacnplion of field ae laboratery procedures used and addiforel data (If arty). See Suppx n rg Information for explanation of Abandonmest Me1M1M: eyettals and abbreviation.. Teat Pit hackfillM with ..it cp.i,e upon whopper. Elevations were Irderpabted from Gcagle EaM WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS Irerraeon Teat Pit Stahel lznr-2oz1 Teat Pit completed: l2 -m-2021 Groundwater not encountered Excavator Case 5B0 BackM1oe Operator: Dan Flseber, 700NE551ths. Pentland. OR Protect No.: 82215090 TEST PIT LOG NO. TP -102 Pae f of f PROJECT: Eugene Temple CLIENT: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -Day Saints Salt Lake City, UT SITE: 300 International Way Springfield, OR a gi LOCATION see Exploration also �fe w t ATTERBERG LIMITS y i LL— no 5 s wtiwae: u.asss°rnmitnae:-lza oan° rc> z J x u 3 W LL -PL -PI a surtax Elev.: ala lRt.7 3m y o O DEPTH ELEVATION' t FILL- POORLY GRADED GRAVEL WITH SILT AND SAND(GP-GM1. fine grained, ].] g angular, gray, moist, medium dense to dense 12t 9 4315 woven geoteMile at 1.] feet bgs SILT WITH GRAVEL IMLI. low plasticity, brawn, maze[ medium stiff; 2 in max nominal gravel size 30 4M 23.9 POORLY GRADED GRAVEL WITH SAND AND COBBLES (GPI, Founded, brown to gray.. moist, medium dense, 4 inch max nominal gravel and cobbles, fine grained sand 2 ®pY a 50 4 5 5.9 Test Pit Terminated at 5 Feel Sonfiation lines am approximate. Imsim, the transition may be gradual. Advancement Method: see Exploodan and Testing Procedures her a ended; dal with bucket descdphon of field and laboratory procedures reel and aad.a l dote (Ifany). Sce Supporting Inbrtnation for explanation of Abandonment Melted: symbols and abbreviations. I est Pit backfilled with soil catlings upan completion. Elevationsexact Imemolated fiom Google Earth WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS lrerracon Tast Pia Stetted: 12-07-2MI Test Pit completed: 12-07-2021 Groonokaternot tmommfemd Excsvatoc Case 580 backhoe Operator. Dan Fischer 700NE55dr Ave Regional, OR Pralscl No: 82215098 TEST PIT LOG NO. TP -103 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: Eugene Temple CLIENT: The Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter -Day Saints Salt Lake City, UT SITE: 300 International Way Springfield, OR YJ LOCATION See Exgoratipn Plan �o a A ER�AG DMITB y as g V tatilude: dd.o996' Loritutle: -123.0330' w t as ww w J on p 3f' O LL -PL -PI surfaceElev.: 432 (FL) 3m Q as as DEPTH ELEVATimt. e m TOPSOIL IOLI, law plasticity, dark brown, moist, medium stiff, some rootlets 25A 1, Su/ 0 431 SILTY SAND (SMI. fine grained, brown, moist, medium dense 2 3.0 429 26.0 POORLY GRADED GRAVEL WITH SAND AND COBBLES ING rounded, be. to gray, moist, loose, 4 inch max nominal gravel and cobbles, fine grained sand b e �6a 44 . Wad 427 5 Test PI[ Termina[ed at 5 Fee[ Stlallficeppn lines ale approximate. Inaltu, the transition may be gredual. Advancement Method See Exploration am Teed, Procedures fora Notes: Backhoe With bucket description of field am leboretnry pmmdurse uses antl addi4otal data (If any), See SuppoM1inp" natimforexclarati not Abandonment Method symbols and abbrevlafions. Tent Pit backfilled writ sail cuttings upon rompletlon Elevations sate interyelakfd from Coo01e Earth WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS Teat Pit started. l2-0a2o21 Test Pit Completed 1207-2021 Groundwaternotencountered 1rerracon Ezcavato, Use SW BeckhOe Ope2torDan Fischer 700 NE 55N Ara PMIard. OR Project Na.: 82215098 I TEST PIT LOG NO. TP -104 Pae 1 of I PROJECT: Eugene Temple CLIENT: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -Day Saints Salt Lake City, LIT SITE: 300 International Way Springfield, OR m U' LOCATION See Eq,laralion Plan w ATiERBERG LIMITS ab w In O in WO z g o_ Latitude: ".0891'Lmgltoae: -1230333° to is isz ww a i~ LL-PL-Psp I V cs Surface Elev.: 432 (Ft.) I 3M (j to g DEPTH ELEVATION IRAO TOPSOIL fOLI. low plasticity, dark brown, moist, medium stiff, Same rootlets 25.8 0431 SILT WITH SAND (MLIlow plas4city, dark brown, moist, medium stiff 2.0 430 2 SILK SAND (SMI, foe grained, brawn, moist, medium dense 34.3 � 3.0 729 POORLY GRADED GRAVEL WITH SAND AND COBBLES fGPI, fn. grained, •�' rounded, brown to gray, moist, medium dense, 4 inch max nominal gravel and cobbles, 0. b floe grained sand ] •�'so 427 Test Pit Terminated at 5 Feet Brratifitatlon lines are approximate. in situ, the transition may be gradual. AdvancemerM1 Methotl: See Esploretion eM T.,, Posters.. fora Noies: Backhoe .,in bucker dsiddpfionoffieldend labaretorypuspead es used and additional time (If arry). See Suppwrin9 Information far eiplara(ion of Abandonment Methal symbols and abhreNatiora. Test Pit baticfilled wlth sail cMings upon completion. Elevations xere interpolated from Google Earth WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS lrerracon Test Pit Starred: l2-072021 Teet Pit completed: 12TS 2021 Groundwater not encountered ExcaveWc Case 589 BackMe Opataro[ Dan Fscher 700 NE 5501 Ave Parl OR Phys. No.: 82216098 TEST PIT LOG NO. TP -105 Pae 1 Of 1 PROJECT: Eugene Temple CLIENT: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -Day Saints Salt Lake City, UT SITE: 300 International Way Springfield, OR o' m LOCATION see Exploration Fan �h w A ABQG LIMfison O e z g 9 Latitude: 44D891°Longitude: -123.831fi° wp �Q pE LL w d Fw J 3� LL-PL-PI do Surface El— 431(F.) � m � � p � O DEPTH ELEVATION t. FILL -POORLY GRADED GRAVEL WITH SILT AND SAND (GP-GM1, fine grained, 6.4 6 angular, gray, moist, medium dense to dense t 1'a woven geotet¢ile at 1.7 feel best 429'5 POORLY GRADED SAND WITH SILT (SP -SMI, fine grained, brown, moist, medium tlense 2 2 ? a 42] POORLY GRADED GRAVEL WITH SAND AND COBBLES (GPI, rounded, brown to gray, moist, medium dense, 4 inch max nominal gravel and cobbles, fine grained sand ].3 r 'Y so 42a 5 Test Pit Terminated at 5 Feet Srrariecation lines are appmdmate. In-situ, the transition may be gradual Advancement Method: See E:,nIomon and Timor Procedures for a Nome: 6ackboe wiN bucket description of field and laboratory procedures used and additional data )If day). see Supporting Inf --- f nfareylostonor Abandonment Method sym WIs and abbreviations. Test Pit rebutted with soil cuttings upon P mplerer, ElevaSons were Interpolated from Gaoale EarM WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONSTest lrerraCo Pit StarteB. 12-17-2821 Test Pit completed: l2 -m-2021 Gmundwaternot encountered Excavator: coos we aackhoe opeator: oan Eiacner 700 NE 5M Ave Partand, OR Pmlect No.'. 82215098 TEST PIT LOG NO. TP -106 Pae t of 1 PROJECT: Eugene Temple CLIENT: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -Day Saints Salt Lake City, UT SITE: 300 International Way Springfield, OR rc cf LOCATION See E»ploation Plan _ m w v A I.IMIT3G be g O LL >O Zau Fz q laliNtle:4C.0888°lnn9ifWe: -123.0329° ptE j 30ab PL -PI O� Surface Elni 431 (Fl 0 3m se DEPTH ELEVATION It O N v TOPSOIL IOL1. law plasticity, dark brawn, moist, medium stiff, some rootlets 30.6 0.8 430 24.6 NP 34 SILTY SAND MINA, fine grained, brown, moist, medium dense 29.9 2 5 428.5 8.8 14 POORLY GRADFA SAND WITH SILT(SPSM1, fine grained, light brown, moist, °H so edium tlense 5 Test Pit Terminated at 5 Peet SVeartia ion lines are approwmafe.In-situ, the herseen may be gradual. AEvancemenl spur See EpAo20on and Testing Procedures for a Nees: Backhoe with bursel description of field and laborebry procedures dead and additional data (If all See Suppoding Information for explanation of Abandonment MetM1 symbols and abbreviations. Test Pit backfilled with soil outings upon cal on, Elevations were inleryolaletl from Google berth WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS lrerracon Test Pit started. 1ea7-2021 Test Pilnomplaled. --H H Groundwater not encountered Exravalac Case 5808ecklloe 0pe2fou Dan Fisdrer ]W NE55NAva FoNal OR P"not No.: 02215098 TEST PIT LOG NO. TP-107 Page t of f PROJECT: Eugene Temple CLIENT: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Salt Lake City, UT SITE: 300 International Way Springfield, OR ac 0A LOCATION See Exploration Plan ei w BAD 11MfrS y J — i g M mends: 46.0888°Lmgitutle:-123.0323' w� gp U a 3z LL-PL-PI somata Ess. :4s2La (FL7 3m a oas sa DEPTH ELEVATION El. o TOPSOIL (i low plasticity, dark drown, moist, medium stiff, some rootlets 28.5 i= O.e 4315 SILT WITH SANG (MLI. low plasticity, dark brown, moist, medium stiff 5 428.5 SILTY SAPID ISM), fine gained, brown, moist, medium dense T .30.3 50 427 5 20.3 Test Pit Terminatadaf 5 Feet Stre[iflcetian lines are approximate. Ii the raialtion may be gradual. Advancernem Meshed: See Exploration and Testing Pmkcd4res for a Mines. Backltoe with bucket d-aripllm of lod aM labo2tory precadures used and additional data (n any). See SuppoNng Inks. on fpr explanation of Abandonment Method symbols ardabbreviations. Test Pit eurduleb ath air ratlines upon cdndind.b. Elevations were imemalatetl from Google Earth WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS lrerraeon Test Pit Started: 12-0I-2021 Test PACenpleted. 14-0-2021 Groundwafernot encountered Excaeato[Caae 580 Backmm operator, Dan rarer 700 NE 551h Ave Portland, OR Protect Na.: 82215088 TEST PIT LOG NO. TP -108 Pae 1 of I PROJECT: Eugene Temple CLIENT: The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter -Day Saints Salt Lake City, UT SITE: 300 International Way Springfield, OR d' U' LOCATION See Eryloration Plan �`n w b.a ATTERBERG LIMITS y >w9 g — ulz — o_ LetitWe: 94.0886°lorglluEe: -1230315° pp yl z d 31 LL -PL -PI ob Surtace Elev.: 432 (F[.) o N Uobob DEPTH ELEVATION Ft. TOPSOIL IOL) IOW plasticity, dark brown, moist, medium stiff, some rootlets 15 25.6 10 631 SILTY SANG (SMI, fine grained, brown, moist, medium dense 24.11 31 24.8 35 Y: 40 4aOEO POORLY GRASANG (SPI, fine gained, brown, moist, medium dense 427 5 18 fi Test Pit Terminateof at 5 Feet Smarfearon INas are appmAmale. to iW, Me transient may be gradual. Advaneands" Method Sae Exploration and Testing PracNurea for a Notes: BaW and with bueket discdp5on or field and IB Wrabry procedures used and addl4ctal data (if any). see supWrog Infornauon for explanation of Abandonment Metlwd symbols and abbreviations. Test Pit backfilled-tM1 soli cuttings upon wmpletion. ElevaScns vrere'mreraplaletl Lam Goryle Ea,M WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS lrerraeon Tear Blt Started: a -0T-2021 Test Pit completed:lz-azzazl Gmundwa[er not encountered Excavatio Case Sag eaclmee opamrer: oan Flscber 700 NE 55N Ave Penland, OR Pro)ect Na.: 82215088 TEST PIT LOG NO. TP-1 Pae t Of 1 PROJECT: Eugene Temple CLIENT: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Salt Lake City, I SITE: 300 International Way Springfield, OR wO LOCATION see Exploration Plano PTfERBERG Intens se O LL v g U_ Leal 44.0899° LargXude: -123.0332° p a W ad W J en 30 LL-PL-PI an E Surtace all 432(P.) O 3m di O m da DEPTH ELEVATION F1. TOPSOIL (011 Crass and rootlet zone-9 inches as 431.5 SILTY SAND (M with gravel, pounded and submunded, brawn, ft loose to medium 2 dense 0 430 POORLY GRADED GRAVEL WITH SAND IGPI trace silt, rounded, brown, dry, loose to medium dense 0 5 8 0 42E Tesf Pif Terminated of 6 Feef sra(iFlcalion lines are approximate. In situ, He transition may be gradual. Hammer Type: ANrinsto Advancement Merin: see Exploration and Testing Procedures for a Notes: Exwvailon de5aiption of field and laboratory procedures dead and additlonel data (If any). Sae Sud"ning Information fir eaplaralion of Abandonment Meterd: symbols and abbreviation, eaad�tfilled win excavated sail upon completion Elevations were alerpolaled sur tarand Earn ER LEVEL..A 10 Irerracon Test Pit Slated. I(15 2020 TeSI Pii Completed'. 10-15-20WGrbuntlweternol encountered lines.,Opereloe Dan FlscM1n Excavatio 700 NE 551h Ave Porand, OR Protect No.: 82315093 Cantonal S to a TEST PIT LOG NO. TP -2 Pae 1 of 1 PROJECT: Eugene Temple CLIENT: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -Day Saints Salt Lake City, UT SITE: 300 International Way Springfield, OR rc w i g U a.3i O w LOCATION Sce Explpration Plan LaMu0e: 66.0899°1-on9itutla: -1230323°se Surface Elev.: 931 OR) OEmFH ELEVATION F1. _ u p �m ttp ¢m 3G a W Q man rc uti G "gams uMas LL z p LL PLPI TOPSOIL OL , Gress and rootlet zone - 3 inches SILTY SAND (SM). with gravel, rounded and subrounded, brown, moist to dry, loose to medium dense 23.5 40 2 moist 5- 14.1 14 go SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND (GM). Founded, brown, dry, loose to medium dense 10— 3 2.6 0 416 t Feet Test Pit Terminated at 15 Feet lines ere approximate. Ir,Aur the hanslllon may be gradual. HammeFType: "inatia Mvancement Meturd. See Exploration and T.,dr, PmceEurea for a Notes: ibabmatlon description of field and laboamry procedures used and additional data (It any). Sea supporting Vrfamaron for ewplanaton of Abandonment Method symWls and abbre,naters. 'begiletl with woavatetl sell upan uwnpl&Ion Elevatiore were in[eryolatetl linin Gwgle EatlM1 WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONSreataned: lrerracon inns-zozo Test Pu completee:lo-lszgzo P¢same Groundwater not encountered E.ra�l operator: Dart FlscherEttavaS 700 NE 55thAve PoNand, OR Pmjecl No.: B2P15o98 TEST PIT LOG NO. TP -3 Pae 1 of 1 PROJECT: Eugene Temple CLIENT: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -Day Saints Salt Lake City, LIT SITE: 300 International Way Springfield, OR rc 0 LOCATION see EyAomtion Plan ATTERMR LIMITS wO Q .•_. _ g = LaMmi.: 44.9898• Loyituds:-123.0312° " 1p wi WQ 3O LL -PL -PI z p Surface Ilas.: 431 (Ft) 32 Q K o w DEPTH ELEVATION F. FILL- WELL GRADED GRAWIL WITH SAND (GM, fine to medium grained, subangular, yellowish brown, moist, medium dense t 4.7 2 2 0 431 SILTY SAND (SM). trace gravel, rounded and submunded, brawn, dry, loose to medium dense, geolextile encountered at feet 22.0 1a0 2 5 427 WELL GRADED GRAVEL WITH SAND (GWI, trace sill, munded, brown, dry, loose to °�i`• medium dense 3.8 o :C O o :C O 'e s O• °Q C 1 O• °� o :G O• 421 Teat Pit Terminated at 12 Feet Sbalifisaton lines are appendmate.In-situ. me Vermilion maybe madual. Hammer Types lwlomahe Advancement Method! : Be. Panama. a. Testy Precemes. fora Notes: Escavallon descdptian of field and labm-4mry pronedma. masm and addimal data (If any). Sea Supporting hammed. far explanation of Abandonment Metund eMbols antl.1amom.ms. BacfRJlad Wm erravaled soil upen completion Elevations ves— Reryolaletl fmm reseal. Earth TER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS lrerr�con Test Pit Started 10.15-2020 Te9 fit Complete110-15-2020 Gamnduzlernotmmommered E..r: Opsome,. Dan Haab, E¢avale 700 NE 5581 Ave Portland, OR Pmlect No.: 82215098 C..'adarth TEST PIT LOG NO. TP -4 Pae 1 of 1 PROJECT: Eugene Temple CLIENT: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -Day Saints Salt Lake City, LIT SITE: 300 International Way Springfield, OR rc O LOCATION see Srporabion Pianic �m a A ERBERG LIM"dc 0 — g u letiWtle: 44.0899°Longitude. -123.0302° rc' m r di J di nr no ww' id ; LL -PL -PI to i SurfaceE93(Ft.) 3 m Lo ON DEPTH FL O — FILL - WELL GRADED GRAVEL WITH SAND(GVA fn. to medium grained, subangular, yellowish brown, moist, medium dense 4] 1 2.0 431 POORLY GRADED GRAVEL WITH SAND (GPI, Irate silt, rounded, brown, dry, loose to medium dense, georteztile encountered at 2 feet 1.3 S B I 8.0 425 Test Pit Terminated at 8 Feet Stratification lines are appmtinses.ln-sitc. Vie transition may be trends. Hammer Type: Accom ed, AUvancemeM MiSee Exploration add Test, Pmcedurea fora Notes: Edeavaten description offield and chamber, procedures doed and additional data(H any). Sce supportimg lnformaVm tar ewplarutian of Aba mermen Method symWls and abbrecabions. Sackfilind with meavated soil upon complsaon Elevations were lnterpolatM from Goa01e Farm WATER LEV L OBSERVATIONS lrerracon Teat Pa Started 10.15-2020 Test Pit completed: 10-15-2020 Gmundwaternotencountered Emavetoc Opemtoc Dan Fischer Fr vati 700 NE 55th Ave PorAand, OR Pmlect Na.: 82215088 �- Cave in death TEST PIT LOG NO. TP -5 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: Eugene Temple CLIENT: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -Day Saints Salt Lake City, UT SITE: 300 International Way Springfield, OR a 0 LOCATION sae Eeoratonplan aEd AIIE75 o _ g O_ luoude44.0894-Lontl1230332° r ub w¢ d r U 3� LL - Eli FI U, Surtass Elea: 432(n.) 0 3m Q ano O m DEPTH ELEVATION fFt. 1 `. TOPSOIL (DLI. Grass and rootlet zone -6 inches as 431.5 SILTY SAND ISM), remolded and subrcundetl, brown, dry, loose to medium dense 2 11.4 9 a POORLY GRADED GRAVEL WITH SAND IGP1, trace silt, rountletl, brown, dry, loose to medium dense no 5 3.3 1 • 10.0 422 1 me Test Pit Terminated at 10 Fee[ Stretlfiealion lines ere didbMindanIn -sitµ the transition may be gradual. Hammer Type: ANomatic Advancement Marled See Esporatim end Testing Procedures for a Nates: Emaviod. description of field and Iaborstary peacedtures used and additional data (If and SeaSuppight, Inhntation for amlartiiou or Abandonmem Method: symbols and abbreviations. all Who excavated a0u upoo dandy an Elevations were interpolated from Google EeM ATERL L I NS Test Pit Stared: 10irest Plt Oompleted:lo-1sP020 Gmundwatar not enmunrered lrerraeon Excseaton Operztor: Dan FiscMr Excevadn 700 NE SSN Aro Partners, OR Pmlect No, 02215098 ffi cave in de M TEST PIT LOG NO. TP-6 Pae 1 of 1 PROJECT: Eugene Temple CLIENT: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Salt Lake City, LIT SITE: 300 International Way Springfield, OR w0 LOCATION See Exploration Plan ith w — A ERBERG LIMRS y O_ _ �o a _ g Latitude: 44.oesa°Longitude:-1230900• LL w re w pa wrc a L1-PL.PI Surface Elev.: 4a0(R.) m Nap o G, DEPTH ELEVATION t. FILL-TOPSOIL(OLI. Grass and rootlet zone-6 inches 05 4265 FILL -SANDY SILT (ML), trace gravel, fine grained, subangular, brown, dry, medium dense 5.3 58 0 421 SILTY SAND (SMI, rounded and subrounded, brawn, dry, base to medium dense, gecleatte encountered at 3feet 2.7 2 4.5 4255 POORLY GRADED GRAVEL WITH SAND (GP), Vase silt, rounded, brown, dry, loose to medium dense 5 • some raving e 1 w • less silt content 'e 150 415 1 Test Pit terminated at 75 Feet Stratification lines are approximate. lni the transition may be gradual. Hammer Type: ANomatic Advancement MCNod Sce Exploration and Testing Procecures fora Notes: Excerm- description of field and laboratory procedures used and eddirardl darty (If any). Sce Suffocating lafortnaticn for explanation of Abandonment Method symbols and abhreNalions. Backfilled with excavated sail upon wmpletian Elevations wire imeryalafed (mm Gcogle EartM1 WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS lrerracon Teat Pit Staned:to-152120 Test Pit Completed, to-15-2020 Groundwater not encountered Esavatar. Operator: Dan Fischer Eraavad 70ONE55MAve Psi OR Prard, No.: 822150M TEST PIT LOG NO. TP -7 Pae t of f PROJECT: Eugene Temple CLIENT: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -Day Saints Salt Lake City, LIT SITE: 300 International Way Springfield, OR w 0 LOCATION See Erploration Plan_ da Z d ATTERBERG LIMITS ,p ta 3 w0.o33a° �^ w� v Latnaee:m0e87°Lpryauae:-123 �Q z J cow 3 LL -PL -PI at Surface Elev.: 431(Ft) c3m N O an DEPTH ELEVATION Ft)O TOPSOIL (01-1. Grass and rootlet zone- 6 inches Paas SILTY SAND (SM). rounded and subrounded, brown, dry, loose to medium dense 15] 24 z 5— 's 4z4 POORLY GRADED GRAVEL WITH SAND (GPI, trace silt, rounded, brown, dry, loose to medium dense 4.0 r. 1 • 0 15.0 water observed at base of excavation Test Pit Terminated at 15 Feet Stretifcation lines are appmtlmate.1—fin, ton transition may be gradual. Hammer Type: PYWmebc Advancement barred See Explomtion and Tesrim Procedures fora Hall Evicevalian dandopron of field and Inveretary prods uree used and additional data (if any). See Sn,wcrg lnfmmadon for explanation of symbols and abbrevialiorp. ,dolled mTb excawaledsoil up on completion Elevators vrere interpolated from Google Earth WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS lrerr�eon Test Pit Slarce110-15-2020 Test Pit Completed 10-152020 C-/ Y ✓t d. weavating Exesen.c operator. Dan Farrar Emaved TW NE SSV Ave Pension. OR Pmleetel, 64215090 r TEST PIT LOG NO. TP-8 Pae t of t PROJECT: Eugene Temple CLIENT: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Salt Lake City, UT SITE: 300 International Way Springfield, OR w LOCATION See Exploation Plan w e ATTER ERG LIMITS y w S O — re. Wo si p la z o Latiwtla:44.000]°Lo,gitWe:-123.0312° �Q w Q wpd 3� LL-PL-PI U se surface Ele, 424 (Ft 1 aa � he N osa oEpryl ELEVAMON IRAO 1 —`.05 TOPSOILIOL11 Grass and rootlet zone-6inches 4235 SILTY SAND IM rounded and subrounded, brown, drY, loose to medium dense 13.8 z 5 9.0 41 POORLY GRADED GRAVEL WITH SANG (i trace silt, rounded, brown, dry, loose to medium dense 3.6 m© 3 air 0 13.5 410.5 POORLY GRADED SAND WITH GRAVEL fSP1, medium to coarse grained, rounded and subrounded, brown, moist, dense 4.7 150 09 Test Pit Terminated at 15 Feet Stratification lines are appmwmats. ln-ad4 the transition may be gradual. Hammer Tyye: Athematic Advancement Melhw,'. See EVIoatlon antl Teong Flotsdures for a Notes. Exeaviii deecdabin of Ill and lLibeatary p—scares used and additional tlata (If any). Sec supposing Intonation for explanation d AbantlonmeM MetMd: symWls and ebbraNaliona. Backfilled Win excavated soil each completion Elevations wem,nterpole.d Rom Gurgle Earth WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS Merriam Test Pit waned: 10i Test Pit completedi 10-1e2020 Grountlwafernot encountered Excavate[ Oparem, sorselertimsom0 710 NE 55th Ave Proem, OR Pmject No.: 82215090 BORING LOG NO. IT -1 Pae 1 of 1 PROJECT: Eugene Temple CLIENT: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -Day Saints Salt Lake City, UT SITE: 300 International Way Springfield, OR r[U LOCATION See Exploration Plan 2 w -- ATiERBERG LIMITS m w o 5 _ _ WC a z Laliwae: 44.gew°Lo,mlwae:-1z3.aao2° rcp in wz w a �u oy 3z LL -PL -PI p Surtece Elev.: 433 (FL) in 03m N u O re U, O DEPTH ELEVATION IRA FILL - POORLY GRADED GRAVEL WITH SILT AND SAND IGP-GM1. fine gained, angular, brown gray, medium dense, fine grained sand, 3% inch nominal max gravel size at surface 6-13-9 11 11 N=22 1 1 2 3 3 5 429.5 POORLY GRADED GRAVEL WITH SILT AND SAND IGP-GMI, fine to coarse grained, rounded, brown, medium dense, fine W medium grained sand 4- 3-98 8.7 N=17 � 5 8-1g-12 N=22 6 as 4255 Bering Terminated at 6.5 Feet SYatiSalicm lines are apprasmate.ln-dile, the hereilion may be grztlual. Hammer Typa fwtoma[ic Advancement Method: See Exploation antl Testing Pencedures for a Notes: Sonic sessupbpn of field and laboratory procedures ItMlanni test perammed at 5 feet hes. See reperl text far test used and additional data (If any). esults. See Suppamry Infaeacron for explaretion of Abandonment Marred symbols and abbreviations. Pairs bartriled with bentonite [reps upon ccmpletim. ElevaYonswere interfwlatetl hcm Gocgle Earth WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS lrerracon gears started 12-05-2021 boss Completed. 12-08.2021 Groundwefernotencountenad unit Rig: Gmpmhe 815OLS Milan Joe ®Wesem States 7e0NE55El Ave Posed, OR Project No.: 82215096 BORING LOG NO. IT -2 Pae 1 of 1 PROJECT: Eugene Temple CLIENT: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -Day Saints Salt Lake City, UT SITE: 3001nternational Way Springfield, OR e U' LOCATION See Egiloration Plan h RBERG LIMBSba > g to _ LL ba 0 U LatlWoe: 0899- Longitude -123.0328° �w z co = 6 wp N tam 3z LL -PL -PI da Elev: 432(-) 3m N D in DEPTH ELEVATION TOPSOIL /OL1. fine grained, brown, soft 432 SILTY SAND /SMI. fine to medium graded, brown, very soft to soft 0-2-2 247 45 N=4 1 2 '. 3- 2 4 1-1-1 16.0 22 N=2 5- 2-3-10 N=13 80 426 6 POORLY GRADED SAND WITH GRAVEL ffine coarse 3 :'➢� di gained, rounded, brown, medium dense, fnsne t to medium grained sand fly 4255 Boring Terminatetl at 6.5 Fee[ SR6ti(mation lines are appending . lmsb4 the transition may be gradual. Hammer Type: Automatic Advancement dense: See Exposition and Testing processors W a Notes: Sonic hesc0pttan of field and labpratory p—Weree Inn test peRo,metl at 5 feet No. See report text for test useE and additional data (If any). resinralts. Sea Suppwf,pl lnfomletim for explanation of AbaMonment Method. symhols antl abbreviations. Botlrg handled Win habitations chips upon uundation. Elevaloona were onteRolatetl Rpm Goo31e EatlM1 WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS lrerracon Boring Stamm l3gFP021 aging completes: 12-gb2g21 Groundwater no[encountered Drill Rog'. Geapmbe ..S.Dnllec Joe pg WesternSla[es 700 BE 55M Ave Portland OR Prplect Na.: 82215099 BORING LOG NO. IT -2A Pae 1 of 1 PROJECT: Eugene Temple CLIENT: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -Day Saints Salt Lake City, UT SITE: 300 International Way Springfield, OR a ca LOCATION Sce Exploration lien m w ., ATTERi LIMITS m > g U _ wQ > F p LeYtutle: 440899°Lurgi:utle: -123032]° a Of rcra anin J do < 30ad LL-PL-PIan 0 do Surtace Elev:d32 (Ft) 3mLe LLot de DEPTH ELEVATION HFIA TOPSOIL IOL), fine grained, brown, soft 432 SILTY SAND (SMI, floe t0 medium grained, brown, very soft to soft z - o dao 2 -S POORLY GRADED SAND WITH GRAVEL finecoarse ®: iSPI, grainer,grainer,rounded, brawn, medium dense, foe to medium grained sand 3 s ® ,Q 4 5 55 Boring Terminated W S5 Feet Stratification Imes are appmnmafe. ImaiW, the 4eartion may be gradual. Advancement MetbW: SereEafaratlm and Testing Portraiture, fora Notes: Hantl Partner description of field she leborztar, pmxtlures Intiradarn lest padmmed at To feel bg. See report le.A for lest used and additional data (if antl results. Sed Suppatli,g Infannatian to upli n ri of AbaMonmeni MetMd symbols and abbreviators. Barlrg backrilled With roger cuttings uteri completion. ElevaAo,ls were in[erpolatetl from Gurgle Earth WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS Irerraeon Bann, Started: 12-22-2021 9.a- CampleteL: 12-22-2021 Grafrodeafernot eareentefed DTII as: Manual Hand Auger Bnller.BWP 700 NE a— Ave PoNaM, OR Poled Na.: 82215098 Shear Wave Velocity-ReMi Line N -S lrerracon Eugene Temple ■ Springfield, OR Field Data Collection: December 7, 2021 ■ Terracon Project No. 82215098 GeoReport ONi1m111MUMmmmUmIMM 11n1 um111nn111nlliIII lllll�linIII ' ®■�nii m�°iiiinuuiumnn�� ., n ■i��m�inui�n�����wu n�m�mnitnimnnn�n�n�� � ��m■����n��nminn�in�n�ni� in in11 IMMIMIIIIIIIIIMINIMUM ui m1i■ni1nn■m111 ON IIIIIIIII iii i�IIIIII'iiiIn■mnini1n�iIinmiini iti iInitmIIHIIIIIHIIIiinmiMinnni MI ;, nniiiminneIIHIMIInnnmIiMn;M 60 50 P L A S 40 T I C T 30 y I IN 20 E X c 10 ATTERBERG LIMITS RESULTS ASTM D4318 5 20 40 60 80 100 w LIQUID LIMIT U$C • B-102 10-11.5 NP NP NP 13.9 SM SILTYSAND p m TP -106 0.5-1.5 NP NP NP 34.3 SM SILTY SAND or 0+ V��eac O\� �y MH or OH ML r OL Ll CL -ML 5 20 40 60 80 100 w LIQUID LIMIT U$C • B-102 10-11.5 NP NP NP 13.9 SM SILTYSAND p m TP -106 0.5-1.5 NP NP NP 34.3 SM SILTY SAND Ey 0 0 x PROJECT: Eugene Temple PROJECTNIMRER: 82211111 lrerracon io0 a SITE: 3001ntemational Way CLIENT: The Church of Jesus Chnst of ° SpringfielQ OR id. OR Pomxm, oa Latler-Day Saints 5 Salt Lake City, UT o 0 7P-102 0-0.5 POORLY GRADED GRAVEL WITH SILT AND SAND (GP -GM) 5.90 60.04 m 7P-105 0-0.5 POORLY GRADED GRAVEL WITH SILT AND SAND(GP-GM)3.90 54.82 6 ♦ TP -108 1-2 SILTY SAND (SM) a * TP -2 1-2 SILTY SAND (SM) s 0 TP -3 1-2 WELL -GRADED GRAVEL WITH SAND (GW) 2.25 17.86 1 120 115 PROJECT: Eugene Temple SITE. 3001nt hr ional Way Springfield, OR MOISTURE -DENSITY RELATIONSHIP ASTM D698/D1557 Source of Material TP -106 Cd! 0 - 0.5 feet Description of Material Remarks: Test Method ASTM D698 Method A TEST RESULTS Maximum Dry Density 100.3 PCF Optimum Water Content 21.4 Percent Fines ATTERBERG LIMITS LL PL PI WATER CONTENT, h 1rerracon 700 NE 55M Ave bffl OR PROJECT NUMBER: 82215098 CLIENT: The Church of Jesus Chnst of Latter -Day Saints Salt Lake City, UT MOISTURE -DENSITY RELATIONSHIP ASTM/069801557 135 11 1 1 PROJECT: Eugene Temple SITE: 300 International Way Springfield, OR 20 25 WATER CONTENT.% lrerracon ]00 NE 55th A. PM ft OR M PROJECT NUMBER: 82215096 CLIENT: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-0ay Saints Salt Lake City, UT Source of Material TP -108@0-0.5 feet Description of Material 130 Remarks: 125 Test Method ASTM D698 Method A TEST RESULTS X MIX Maximum Dry Density 102.0 PCF 120 Optimum Water Content 20.9% Percent Fines % ATTERBERG LIMITS 115 LL PL PI 11 1 1 PROJECT: Eugene Temple SITE: 300 International Way Springfield, OR 20 25 WATER CONTENT.% lrerracon ]00 NE 55th A. PM ft OR M PROJECT NUMBER: 82215096 CLIENT: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-0ay Saints Salt Lake City, UT 7 6 CALIFORNIA BEARING RATIO ASTM D1883-07' ----- --- --- — --------- _ _._._._----------------- s a 3 e 9n 94 96 ms DRV DENSITY (PCF) E I Penetration (in) Source of Matenal _ Description of Material Percent Fines 1 s a 3 Sample Condition Soaked LL PL PI Attemarg Limits NP NP NP Sample No. 1 2 3 Sample Condition Soaked Compaction Method ASTM 696A Maxum Dry Density, (pd) 100.3 100.3 100.3 Optimum Mosses Content 1%) 214 214 214 Dry Density before Seeking(pd) 100.91 97.51 90.01 Moisture Content, (%) After Compadion 21.7 21.2 21.4 Top T' After Soaking 22.1 27.9 28.9 Surcharge,. lbs) 15.00 15.00 1500 S,,al. (%) -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 Boning Ratio, (%) 60 49 18 ' I Dry Density @ 90% 90.3 pd CBR @ 9D% Density 1.9 Dry Density @ 95% 95.3 pd CBR @ 91 Density 4.2 Dry Density @ 100% 100.3 pef CBR @ 10H, Density 6.3 ] PROJECTEugene Temple jerraeon PROJECT NUMBER: 82215098 SITE: 300 International Way 700NEaSNAye CLIENT: The Church of Jesus Chnst of Springfield, OR Poi ala Latter -Day Saints S Salt Lake City, UT 7 6 1, CALIFORNIA BEARING RATIO A9Tm Diw-:I72 I I I I 1 I I I I I 3 i I I I i I i I I I i I I I f Spoked! I I I Compaction Method I I i I 1 I: DER @95%Dens ity 5.5 I I I 102 i i i a Pn an 20.9 Q9 1m DRY DENSITY (PCF) a A 11 Penetration (in) Source of Maleial Descdptlon of Matenal Remarks: P.marif Pines Atferbe'g Limits LL PL PI Sample No. 1 2 3 Sample Condition Spoked! Compaction Method 96.9 ASTM 698A DER @95%Dens ity 5.5 Madmum Dry Density, (pc'0 102 102 102 Optimum Moisture Content, (%) 20.9 20.9 20.9 Dry DensitybefareSoaking,(pcQ 102.01 95.70 86.55 Moisture Content. I% Afro Compaction 197 20.1 20 Tq�1"After Soaking 25.8 24.3 29.9 Surcharge, (lap 15.00 15.00 15.00 Swei6 (%) -024 -0.40 -0.24 Beal Redo, 1%) 6.5 5.1 1.5 Dry Density@90% 91.8 I'd CBR @90%Dens ity 3.7 Dry Density @95% 96.9 pd DER @95%Dens ity 5.5 g Dry Density @ 100% 102.0 pd CBR @ 100% Density 6.8 PROJECT: Eugene Temple PROJECT NUMBER: 82215098 0 Iferracon a Way SITE: 3001n[field, 7NAw CLIENT: The Churchof Jesus Christof R Springfield, OR P00NE55 iny Latter -Day Saints B° Salt Lake City, UT SUPPORTING INFORMATION Contents: General Notes Unified Soil Classification System Note: All attachments are one page unless noted above. Responsive • Resourceful • Reliable GENERAL NOTES Ireffacon DESCRIPTION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS GeoReport Eugene Temple IN Springfield, OR Terracon Project No. 82215098 al SAMPL _ _ FIELD TEST N Standard Penetration Test S_ Waterinitially Resistance(BlowslFt) Encountered Grab Slartl Sample Penetandra tion Water Level Altera 5pecified Periodof Time (HP( Hand Penetrometer Test Water Level After ftl Torvane _L a Specified Period of Time jvwCave In (UCP) Dynamic Cone Penetrometer Encounteretl Water levels indicated on the soil boring logs are uc Unconfined Compressive the levels measured in the borehole at the times Strength indicated. Groundwater level variations will occur overtime. In low permeability, soils, accurate (PID) Photo -Ionisation Detector determination of groundwater levels is not possible with short tens water level observations. (OVA) Organic Vapor Analyzer DESCRIPTIVE SOIL Soil classification as noted on the soil boring logs is based Unified Soil Classification System. Where sufficient laboratory data exist to classify the soils consistent with ASTM D2487 "Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes" this procedure is used. ASTM D2488 "Description and Identification of Soils (Visual -Manual Procedure)' is also used to classify the soils, particularly where insufficient laboratory data exist to classify the soils in accordance with ASTM D2487. In addition to USCS classification, coarse grained sails are classified on the basis of their in-place relative density, and fine-grained soils are classified on the basis of their consistency. See "Strength Terms" table below for details. The ASTM standards noted above are for reference to methodology in general. In some cases, variations to methods are applied as a result of local practice or professional judgment. - ' " N AND ELEVATION NOTES Exploration point locations as shown on the Exploration Plan and as noted on the soil boring logs in the form of Latitude and Longitude are approximate. See Exploration and Testing Procedures in the report for the methods used to locate the exploration points for this project. Surface elevation data annotated with +1 indicates that no actual topographical survey was conducted to confirm the surface elevation. Instead, the surface elevation was approximately determined from topographic maps of the area. RELATIVE DE "OF COMSEGR NE L (More than 50% retained on No. 200 sieve) (50% or more passing the No. 200 slope.) Density determined by Standard Penetration Resistance Consistency determined by laboratory shear strength testing, field more -manual procedures or standaml penctralimL 'istance _ Descriptive Term Standard Personal or Descriptive Tenn Unconfined Compressive Strength Standard Penetration or (Density) N -Value (Consistency) Ou,(tsf) N -Value 131. sR. BlowalFt. Very Loose 0-3 Very Soft less than 025 0-1 Loose 4-9 Soft 025 in (1 2-4 Medium Dense 10-29 Medium Stiff 0.50 to 1.00 4-8 Dense 30-50 Siff 1.00 to 200 8-15 Very Oense >50 Very Stiff 2.000400 15-30 Hard >4.00 >30 RELEVANCL BORING LOG soil boring logs contained within this document are intended for application to the project as described in this Imenl. Use of these soil boring logs for any other purpose may not be appropriate. UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM Coarse -Gained Soils: More than 50% retained on No. 200 sieve „ p Names Using Labe Poorly graded gravely Clean Gravels: Cu>_4 and 1<Go 5 3 E Co < 4 and/or Cc< E [ 1 or Cc>3.0] Gravels: More than 50% of Leas than 5%fines t coarse fraction retained on Nc. 4 sieve Gravels with Fines: Fines classify as ML or MH Fines classify as CL or CH Silt, sand G. H.I More than 12% Lubec Clayey sand G. H.I Clean Sands: Cu>6 and 1<Cc<<3E Cu< 6 andlor[Cc<1 or Cd,3.0]E Sands: 50% or more of coarse Less than 5%fines° Sands with Fines: More than l2%fines ° Fines classify as ML or MH fraction passes No.4 sieve Fines classify as CL or CH Fat cla H• c. H L. is Inorganic. PI > 7 and plots on or above "A" Silts and Clays: PI <4 cr lots below "A' linea Liquid limit less than 50 Oa Liquid limit -oven dried Fine -Grained Soils: Organic Liquid limit -nal tldetl <0.75 50% or mare passes the No. 200 sieve PI plats on or above "A" line Inorganic: Llqultl Ilmit 50 or more A Based on the material passing the 3 -inch (75 -mm) sieve. a If field sample contained cobbles or boulders, or both, add'WiN cobbles or boulders, or both" to group name. C Gravels with 5 t 12% fines require dual symbols: GW -GM well -graded gravel with silt, GW -GC well -graded gravel with clay, GP -GM poorly graded gravel with silt, GP -GC poorly graded gravel with Gay. °Sands with 5 to 12% fines require dual symbols: SW -SM well -graded sand with silt, SW -SC well -graded sand with day, SP -SM poorly graded sand with silt, SP -SC poorly graded sand with clay. z ECu=D,,/Dr0 Cc= 010 x lea F If soil contains,_ 15% sand, add'With sand" to group name. Glffines classifv as CL -ML. use dual symbol GC -GM. or SC -SM. 50 40 30 20 10 7 4 0 0 lifierracan Geon port GP Poorly graded gravely GM Silty anarvel E. G.H GC Clayey gravel r. 0,H SW Well g raded sand - SP Poorly graded sandy SM Silt, sand G. H.I SC Clayey sand G. H.I CL Lean Clay H. L. M ML Silt H. L,s Equation of"A°-line or mod. IG4M,M OL Organic sib H. L. M,° CH Fat cla H• c. H L. is Liquid limit -even driedOiraniccla H. c.H Liquid limit - not dried <0.75 OH Organic silt H. L. si or, and organic odor I PT I Peal H If fines are organic, add With organic fires' to group name. I If soil contains 215% gravel, add Wth gravel" to group name. J If Aderberg limits plot in shaded area, soil is a CL -ML silty clay. H If soil contains 15 to 29% plus No. 200, add Wth sand" or "with gravel; whichever is predominant, L If soil contains_ 30% plus No. 200 predominantly sand add 'sandy" to group name. MY soil contains 2 30% plus No. 200, predominantly gravel, add .gravelly'to group name. M PI >_ 4 and plots on or above "A" line. 0 PI <4 or plots below "A" line. P PI plots on or above 'A" line. oPl plots below "A" line. For classiflcation of fine-grained soils and fine-grained fraction of coarse-grained soils �e Equation of"A°-line V; V Horimonal at PI=4 to LL=26.5. Men PI -073 (LL -20) ' Oa Equation of "U" - lineGc Vertical at -16to PI=7, Ga the PI=0i(LL-8) G�o`OV MH or OH ML or OL 10 16 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100