HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 6/15/2022LlarwiuruCourdv Diana. sand Inanely oawMeR N M E8 WEST COAST E'VESTMENT GROUP, LLC IIIIII 1111111111111111111 IIIVIIIIIIIIIII1 4IIIIIIIIII 111 IV '31.00 EnCRi NO. ELTEOM0 TSX ACCT, EVO9— Mss' No T. NO. 039101 MAP NO. 1403331100600 WARRANTY DEED � STATUTORY FORM BETTY 1ROT�T'EeA cr,mue�. Neme mW oast.. Aner �ernre�¢ Nmla: EVERGREEN LAND TITLE COd1PANY 1509 WH.LAMETTE EUGENE OR 7/401 ,W aeFwge�6wr�e¢9aMe]. BII r°hslelmeom Jun h rw W aw SAME AS GRANTEE U04 ezae98tee9seteseen 11/19/2004 01:12:34 PR RPR—DEED gsk_t tMw9 CASHIER 03 110.00 Ett.W E30.00 (INDNIDUAL OR COICPORATION) XNOWALL ABN BY TME PIlBSBNTS, TTme WEST HAST INVESTMENT GROUP, LLC hereingher called 8mnm4 forth¢ comWewion hereinq/ter luded, to 8ronrorpaW 6y BETTY TROTTER hereinq/rercaOM gmmee, does hereby gmnL bargain, se0 and convey umo ehe said gmmee aM granke9 heirs, surressorz and mslgnr, thm main realpmPerr➢, wish the xnemertk, hereddmrxmr and oppurtemnces tM1ereumo belareging orappermining, siwmedW Ac Candy oJLANG and Smte of Oregon, described ar fdlaws, to -wit SEE EXIIBIT A WHICH IS MADE A PART HEREOF BY THIS REFERENCE To Nave andvo Ndd themrm-unto Me mh!-granke aMgruruee'r heirs, sucreamrs and arsgns forever. And and gmnmrderebY m.rmnk roeM wdk said gmmee and gmmeel hairs, mmesmrs and asrlgrtr, mm 8raomr is lawfully xtrzd inJee simple ofthe above granted premuu, free from aU nmumbroncea ercept Subject m any and v0 easemeuM, renricmna and cowrtama vJrecoM and that grnnfor wi!(warmm aMjarexr dhod the said premix[ and every part and parcel [hereof vgdnsi the lawfd comma and diamAmimpad onds afaR persons whommever, ¢leapt thox dm'mkg under the adore described encumbmrzces. The nve and as[ual cansidewionpadJar thu fromq'er, .coed in terms oJddiary is$ 150,000.00. ).* (T9fe ktdence between the sgxdrolr*, dnot applicable almu(d 6e deleted. See ORS 93.030.) I. construing alis deed and where the conkrt m reavires, the singulm iuludes Me p(urvl aM al(Bmmnmdml cAanges rlmB be implied to make the pmvleions MreolapplY egudfy m Torporadomr aonndry udiriduds. /n Wuness W/xre^1,tAe grantor And executed this innrumenf this daY of Vrm�✓ IO ly§ ifs corparuregmnmr, it has muxd iu nwru ro 6e signed and sed affixed 6Y us oJfiren, daily vuthoriud therero by ode olitr 6oaW afdirecmre. TH19 ]N4fRUM8NP WILL NOT PLI.OW 09EOFT1@ PROPHBTY OK4:WBL➢INTHI¢ P'9rR1A10Ve tN VIOLATSON OF APPI.ICA6LE IANO V9E L1W9 AND R8GULAT30N9. BHFOHG IIGMNG OH gCCBPTING TNISN9T81NrEMr� TI@PER90N ACQVIAING FECTITLB TOTIm P80PlHTY BROULO CH0C1C WITS TN@ APPBOPRrATH CITY OR CAfM]'Y PLANMNGOItPABTM@ff 3Y1 YeR1FY APPHOV80 USPS ANO TO DESHHMW6 ANY LPHTS ON L4W301'rS AGAINST FAWAING OH FOA8.4f PRACfICe9 ABDEFlN80 'NOW 30.930. WPST qSf INVESTM GBOVP, LLC BYfiI�MEMBBB ]]SANK TROT R CiAOPLgFlL NEN BOT$T NDLARY NEOE-OYE00N COMk1591N IAT 38592 ANEMWSNRI f'PYFSkmNI,A06 STATEOF OABGON, CO[1N1'Y OF THI9INST%MIPNT WAB�9 YOWL®G ME ON //� (3 :n�,BY FRANK T%O1TPR, A6MFAIDHH, OP WeTT COAST INVY'RF ROUP. —✓� _/� I My eo exp'rer: v / Notary l4Wic Nr Oregm, / +' Exhibit R Beginning at a point 9.49 chains North of a stone set in County Survey No. 673, for the Northeast corner of a certain half acre tract; said stone being according to survey 18.03 chains East of a point 9.78 chains South of the Southeast comer of the Mahlon H. Harlow Donation Land Claim No. 57, in Township 17 South, Range 3 West, Willamette Meridian, and running thence North 2.879 chains; thence West 1.58 chains to the West line of the R.E. Campbell Donation Land Claim No. 59, thence South along said West line of Claim No. 59. 2.879 chains; thence East 1.58 chains to the place of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon.