HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 6/15/2022City of Springfield SLAZ�;;;eQ ELD Development & Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) - Type II _OREGON Revis d Apr 3, 2018 Sandy BdJ Page lof4 A licant Name: Michael Zimmerman Phone: 503-699-4000 Com an if a licable : Email. traversecoOcomcast.net Mallin Address. 639 "C" Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477 A licant's Re .: Todd Miller AIA • 541-731-7009 Phone. Com an - Todd Miller Architecture Email:todd®toddmillererchitecture.com Mailing Address: 31740 Owl Rd. Eugene, Oregon 97405 Property Owner: Michael Zimmerman [Phone: • 503-699-4000 Company:Email: treversecoOcomcast.net Mallin Address: 639 "C" Street, S ringfield, Oregon 97477 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO- 17-03-35-244 TAX LOT NO 5 . 12000 ProAddress: 639 "C" Street, Springfield Oregon 97477 Size of Pro 5,949.5 Acres uare Type of ADU: _Conversion of part of house (describe existing use) IFee! (check one) _Conversion of accessory structure (describe existing use) Addition to house X New detached dwelling Zoning of Property: _Low Density XMedium Density _High Density Residential Si natures: Please si n and rint Your name and date in the a ro ,late box on the next a e. Associated Cases: LA /� 5 ✓l. CaseNo.: -ZZ-r) etLl -T�� Date: 611S Reviewed by: A lication Fee: 263,0() Technical O Posta a Fee: TOTAL FEES. v • U 0PROJECT NUMBER: Revis d Apr 3, 2018 Sandy BdJ Page lof4 Reason(s) for type II Procedure (check all that apply) x Located within the Historic Overlay District (must comply with Section 3.3-940 and 3.3-945) Parking utilization study showing that on -street parking is consistently available directly abutting the subject property and the roadway is of sufficient width to allow passage of emergency vehicles (Section 5.5-125F.2.b.) Meets Alternative Design Standards (Section 5.5-130C) Signatures The undersigned acknowledges tha the information in this application is correct and accurate, Date: Todd Miller, Miller, AIA �Date: 44,k 15, 7022 gnature , Michael Zimmerman Revised Apr 3, 7018 Sardy Belson Page 2of4 Accessory Dwelling Unit Application Process 1. Applicant Submits an Accessory Dwelling Unit Application to the Development Services Department • The application must conform to the Accessory Dwelling Unit Submittal Requirements Checklist on page 4 of this application packet. • Planning Division staff screen the submittal at the front counter to determine whether all required items listed in the Accessory Dwelling Unit Submittal Requirements Checklist have been submitted. • Applications missing required items will not be accepted for submittal. 2. City Staff Conduct Detailed Completeness Check • Planning Division staff conducts a detailed completeness check within 30 days of submittal. • The assigned Planner notifies the applicant in writing regarding the completeness of the application. • An application is not be deemed technically complete until all Information necessary to evaluate the proposed development, its Impacts, and its compliance with the provisions of the Springfield Development Code and other applicable codes and statutes have been provided. • Incomplete applications, as well as insufficient or unclear data, will delay the application review process and may result In denial. 3. City Staff Review the Application and Issue a Decision • This is a Type II decision, made after public notice, but without a public hearing, unless appealed, is issued within 120 days of submittal of a complete application. • Mailed notice is provided to property owners and occupants within 300 feet of the property being reviewed and to any applicable neighborhood association. In addition, the applicant must post one sign, provided by the City, on the subject property. • There is a 14 -day public comment period, starting on the date notice is mailed. • Type II applications within the Historic overlay District will be reviewed by the Historical Commission. The Historical Commission acts as the Development Review Committee for issues involving Section 3.3-900 Historical Overlay District. • Applications are distributed to the Development Review Committee, and their comments are Incorporated into a decision that addresses ail applicable approval criteria and/or development standards, as well as any written comments from those given notice. • Applications may be approved, approved with conditions, or denied. • At the applicant's request, the Planner can provide a copy of the draft land use decision prior to issuing the final land use decision. • The City mails the applicant and any party of standing a copy of the decision, which is effective on the day It is mailed. • The decision issued is the final decision of the City but may be appealed within 15 calendar days to the Planning Commission. Revised Apr 3, 2016 Sandy Belson Page 3of4 Accessory Dwelling Unit Submittal Requirements Checklist NOTE: If you feel an item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. © Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development & Public Works Department. The applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the time of complete application submittal. Accessory Dwelling Unit Application Form Narrative explaining the proposal and any additional information that may have a bearing in determining the action to be taken, including findings demonstrating compliance with the Accessory Dwelling Unit Development and Design Standards described in SDC 5.5-125 and 5.5-130. © Three (3) Copies of a Plot Plan Including the Following: ® The scale appropriate to the area involved and sufficient to show detail of the plan and related data, such as 1" = 30', 1" = 50' or 1" = 100', north arrow, and date of preparation Property lines including dimensions and size of the property ❑ Name and location of abutting street(s) and alley(s) ® Proposed accessory dwelling unit and its relation to the primary dwelling, showing location, dimensions, height, setbacks from property lines, and entrance locations © Existing and proposed structures, fences, walls, including required outdoor storage and garbage areas; showing location, dimensions, and setbacks from property lines ® Percentage of the lot covered by existing and proposed structures ® Location of utilities and meters ® Location of existing driveways, curb -cuts and required off-street parking areas Location of existing sidewalks and walkways and required pedestrian walkway ® Existing and proposed trees and landscaping © Three (3) Copies of a Detailed Floor Plan of the ADU, drawn to scale with labels on rooms indicating proposed uses ® Three (3) Copies of an Elevation Drawing of the ADU, including the following: ❑J Exterior finish materials ® Roof pitch © Window placement and sizes ® window and door trim ® Dimensions of eaves ® Height of accessory dwelling ❑ Parking Utilization Study (if applicable) Revised Apr 3, 2016 Sandy Belson Page 4of4 ADU Type II ADU Design Standards Narrative and Findings Proposed 663 sf Accessory Dwelling Unit above a two -car garage with concrete stem walyspread footing foundation, stick frame construction with ductless heat pump. A. The accessory dwelling unit shall meet all applicable standards in this Code including, but not limited to; setbacks, height, lot/parcel coverage, solar access and building codes to effect at the time of construction. The ADU will meet all applicable standards in this code induding, but not limited to setbacks, height &/parrel coverage, soloar saws and building codes M &Xi t at the time of construction. B. The accessory dwelling unit shall contain a kitchen, bathroom, living, and sleeping area that are completely independent from the primary dwelling. The ADU will contain a kitchen, bathroom, lfvfng, and sleeping area brat are completely independent from the primary dwelling. C. The accessory dwelling unit shall not exceed 800 square feet or the square footage of the primary dwelling (exclusive of the garage for the primary dwelling), whichever is less. The ADU not exceed 800 square feet or the footage of the primary dwarlfng whidbever is less. D. The accessory dwelling unit shall have an outside entrance that is separate from the entrance to the primary dwelling. 77reADU will have an outside enbance brat is separate from the entrance to tie primary dwel8ng. A hard surface walkway, a minimum of 3 feet wide, shall be required from the primary entrance of the accessory dwelling unit to the street or walkway serving the primary dwelling. A hard surface walkway, a minimum of feet wide, sha8 be required from the primary anbanre of ire ADU unit to tie street or walkway sating the primary dwelling. E. Each dwelling shall have its own address. The ADU cola have is own address. F. There shall be one parking space 9 feet by 18 feet in size for the aocessory dwelling unit, in addition to the parking spaces required by Section 4.6-100 for the primary dwelling. Off-street parking spaces may be paved or unpaved as described below. If unpaved, the parking space must be rocked and maintained With 310 minus compacted crushed rock. The parking space for the accessory dwelling may be provided either on -street or off-street as described below: The ADU shall have at least one parking spaoe 9 feet by 18 feet N stain paved or unpaved I . If the primary dwelling has more off-street spaces than required, a surplus parking space may be counted as the required parking space for the accessory dwelling unit. 2. An on -street parking space meets the requirement for parking for the accessory dwelling unit If one of the following conditions is met: Alert: This item has been affected by: Ordinance 6443. Visit the CodeAlert page for more information on pending legislation. 3. a. There is paved on -street parking available directly abutting the property, the abutting street includes parking on both sides of the street, and there are no adopted plans to remove the on -street parking; or b. Under Type 11 procedure, the Director determines based on a parking utilization study, that on -street paved parking is consistently available directly abutting the subject property and the roadway is of sufficient width to allow passage of emergency vehicles. An off-street parking space for the accessory dwelling unit accessed from a street must be paved, except as follows: a. There is a paved driveway at least 18 feet long measured from the property line that serves the parking space for the accessory dwelling unit; or b. The driveway abuts an unimproved gravel street. If an off-street parking space for an accessory dwelling unit is accessed from an alley, the 4. following provisions apply: a. If the alley providing access is paved, the off-street driveway and parking space must be paved for a minimum of 18 feet from the alley property tine; or b. If the alley providing access is not paved, the following provisions apply: i. The off-street parking space is not required to be paved, but the property owner must pave the alley for a distance of 18 feet from one of the access points from the street unless both access points are paved for at least 18 feet in conformance with applicable paving standards; and fl. The property owner must improve the alley from one of the access points of the street by grading and adding rock to the alley from the edge of the required 18 feet of paving to the driveway in conformance with the applicable improvement standards. The alley Provld V access to the ADU Is notpaved and will need to be paved for a distance of 18 feet from one access pant from the street in conforman a w/M 4PP/icable paving standards The property owner In addition will improve the alley from one of the access points of the street but grading and adding rock ro the alley from the edge of the tWuNad 18 feet of pa ft to the driveway m conformance With applkable improvement standards. G. Outdoor storage and garbage areas shall be screened from view from adjacent properties and those across the street or alley with a minimum 42 -inch tall 100 -percent site obscuring fence or enclosure on at feast 3 sides. Outdoor storage and garbage areas shall be screened from view from adjacent properties and Mose across the sheet OFalky WM a min 41 krch taN 100 percent site obscuring fence or enclosure on at least 3 sides. H. If a Type 2 manufactured home or a towable structure (that is permitted, Inspected and approved by the local authority having jurisdiction) is brought to the site as an accessory dwelling unit, it shall have its tongue and towing apparatus removed. It shall be placed on an excavated and back- filled foundation, enclosed at the perimeter with stone, brick or other concrete or masonry materials approved by the Building Official and with no more Man 24 inches of the an closing material exposed above grade. Where the building she has a sloped grade, no more than 24 inches of the enclosing material shall be exposed on the uphill side of the home (if the dwelling is placed on a basement, the 24 -Inch limitation will not apply). (6384; 6376) ThePro~ ADU w/N not be of Type 1 manufactured home or towable structure. End of Narrative and findings 3 ADU Type II Historical Application Narrative A. The following standards apply to major and minor alterations as specified in Section 3.3-9158. and C., within the H Overlay District. 1. Any proposed use shall minimize exterior alteration of the Historic landmark Site or Structure and its environment, uses that require substantial exterior alteration shall not be permitted. The proposed Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) is a new detached dwelling and will not affect any exhanor alteration Of Historic Landmark Site or Strucbrre. It will however affect the existing environment and wNl wmplement it by creating an ana7/ary courtyard space between the two structures at the Southam side of tine existing residence. 2. The distinguishing original qualities of the Historic Landmark Site or Structure and Its environment shall not be substantially altered. The removal or alteration of any historic material or distinctive architectural features is prohibited unless an immediate hazard to public safety exists. The addition of the proposed ADU wile cause no charges to tine anginal historical qualifies of the site, structure, or environment There will be ro mmovafaralteration of any historical material or distinctive ardulecturaf features 3. All Historic Landmark Sites or Structures are racagnized as products of their own time. Alterations which have no historic basis and which seek to create an earlier appearance are prohibited. 7heProposed ADU Will be recognizable OF Its own time, rarognimbk of Period crafismansimp, sensitive to are erdsting residence hatancal 519Mkance and w/// not create any afteradons to the exktmg residence. 4. Changes that have taken place in the course of time are evidence of the history and development of a Historic Landmark Site or structure and its environment where change, have acquired significance in their own right, this significance shall be recognized. The Proposed ADU w/ll have /tis own significance beirg of contextual appavraxe Mcogniztrg neighborhood architectural and cuftural appearances. S. Distinctive stylistic features and examples of local or period craftsmanship which characterize a Historic Landmark Site or Structure shall be retained. The Proposed ADU wNf have faaftims of bra/ orPerad cra2vnenship contextual appearance represented by Nems irMudfrg but not Nrn/4tl to exterior finishes, bufdbil massing, and suppatfve details. 6. Deteriorated architectural features shall be repaired rather than replaced. In the event replacement cannot be avoided, the new material shall match the material being replaced in composition, design, color, texture and visual qualities. Repair or replacement of missing architecture] features Is based on accurate duplicate features, substantiated by historic, physical or pictorial evidence rather than on conjectural design, or the availability of different arc hitecWral elements from Other buildings or structures. The proposed ADU will not affect any arrhftecfural features of the existing residence. 7. New design for undeveloped Historic Landmark Sites In the Washbume Hlstoric Landmark District and for alterations and additbns to existing Historic Landmark Sites and Structures are permitted when they complement significant historic, architectural or cultural features and the design is compatible With the size, scale, color, material and character of the property, neighborhood or environment. The proposed ADU will complement and be compatible with the limbrkal, architectural and cutturel features In size, scale, color and material of the property, nelghborhocrl and envirwtmen t. Me ADU will be we// wlbhin the contextual height ofproxlmttysliuctures, wd/ be at tlhe baric of the site adJacent to an alley acne -1w and w/l1 have Amiled view impact from "c-S&aet a. New additions or alterations to Historic Landmark Structures shall not impair the essential form and Integrity of the sbvcture. The pnytosed ADU will not impair the essential form and Integrity of the ax4tng res/derxr End of Narrative (E) POWER POLE 5ET IRON ROD 1 B E IN C A D In r D C) m m E E (E)OVERHEAD ELECT. 5ERVOE TAX LOT 12000 MAP/TAX LOT 11-03-35-2 4-12000 I J EXIST. GARAGE I I L J IRON ROD n S I T� fi L.41�1 NORTH -I scale 1'=1m PROP. LINE 115.99 ,ZIMI" «�M�,l�l iz�SfD�uC� ro39� 'G' STREET SPRINGFIELD OREGON 5'14-f N 0' 19" 52'' E Q F- - - - - I EXIST LJ IL (E) TREES TO BE REMOVED SET IRON ROD t (E) CONC. 5TEP5 AND SIDEWALK TO BE REMOVED CONC. DRIVEWAY ' .—W ^� o Lu A] - _ _ _ _ - - - - - o W (E) WATER METER AND LINE TO BE RE511-,)ENCE - RELOCATED (E) CONC. 51DEWALK PROP. LINE 50.00' EAST J PROP. LINE 115.99' N 0' 19" 52'' E DRALLIN: TAM DATE: 04-23-22 FROJ. NO: 2212 REVISION: IRON ROD TMARCHECTUREa11�hT0 U xmmua ei y 31740 OwL Rd. r� Eugene, Oregon, 97405 RUSIMOR 541-731-7009 Q� SOS2 OF 60 A Benjamin Moore® Recommended for mod, hardboard, vinyl, aluminum and fiber cement sidings; unglazed brick, concrete, stucco, ander block, and primed metal. ULTRA SPEC®EXT SATIN FINISH N448 MLCJRE%WM .. A professional quality 10D% acrylic exterior satin finish which features excellent hiding, film durability and color retention. Fast -ft formula allows ter quick me coamg as well as low temperature application. • Do not apply when air and surface temperatures are baba 40 -F (4.4 °C). • Do trot paint vinyl siding or Mm darker than the original color • Not for interior use InformationProduct • Exceptional film durability Technical pata0 Basel • Lang lasting gloss • Exceptional hiding power • Easy to apply • Resistant to color sdiig, • Rapid dry for quick blistering, and alkali mounting • May be applied! at • Provides mildew reslsmnt temperatures down to coating 40 T(4.4 -C) • Low VOC in any color Certifications & Qualifications: in allregulated V Pa ses ASTM Winaltetl areas Passes A e7M D6904 WiM Driven Rain Resistance: Over one coat of Ultra Spec Masonry IM/Eat 100% Acrylic Sealer (0808) Dry Time Q 77 •F TO Touch 1 Hour (25'C) 50% RH –To Recoat 4 Hours Recommended for mod, hardboard, vinyl, aluminum and fiber cement sidings; unglazed brick, concrete, stucco, ander block, and primed metal. ULTRA SPEC®EXT SATIN FINISH N448 MLCJRE%WM .. A professional quality 10D% acrylic exterior satin finish which features excellent hiding, film durability and color retention. Fast -ft formula allows ter quick me coamg as well as low temperature application. • Do not apply when air and surface temperatures are baba 40 -F (4.4 °C). • Do trot paint vinyl siding or Mm darker than the original color • Not for interior use InformationProduct Colors—Standard: White (01) Technical pata0 Basel Vehicle Type 100% Acrylic (May be timed With up to 2.0 0. oz. of Benjamin Moome Gennez® colorants per gallon.) Pigment Type Titemum Dlozide Volume Solids 37.7 # 2% —Tint Bases: Benjamin Moore' Genneae bases 1X, 2X, 3X & 4X Coverage per Gallon at 350-450 Sq. Ft. Recommended Film Thickness — Special Colors: Rac esmended Film – War 4.0 mile Contact your Benjamin Moore representative Tlddmeaa –Dry 1.5 mile Depending on snow mature and ponz0y, es sure re c amem Me fight amount of palm for the job. This wen ensure color unaomdty and minimize the disposal of excess paint Certifications & Qualifications: in allregulated V Pa ses ASTM Winaltetl areas Passes A e7M D6904 WiM Driven Rain Resistance: Over one coat of Ultra Spec Masonry IM/Eat 100% Acrylic Sealer (0808) Dry Time Q 77 •F TO Touch 1 Hour (25'C) 50% RH –To Recoat 4 Hours Painted sudama can be Washed after two Weeks. High humkay and mol runpoodums Will Mann In longer dry, nicoet and service times. Water vapor permeance (breathability) ASTM D1653: 53.01 perms Master Painters Institute MPI # 15 25 YEAR WARRANTY: Bem]a In Macre & Co. Warmnis mat chis product when used in accordance W M Me label Instructions, will not: 1. blister man property prepared and armed sudecea, 2. peel from properly prepared and primed sudaces, and 3, wear dawn or weather to expose Me previously painted sudace. This Warranty shall be emotive for 25 years and is made to the oripl.l maldrndel consumer paint purchaser. We Warranty is rmii-trarmferebm. d this product We m Perform as elromined above amen used according 10 label tnstruetlena Winn the womanly period, Benjamin Moore B Co. Wn. upon preeentilion of proof of purchase (anginal sales remipt), Provide an equivalent or mmpma ue pivdnmar ao mama. Slime We have no commit over sudaca Piaiwostmm or x1floodon, THIS LIMITED WARRANTY DOES NOT INCLUDE THE COST OF LABOR FOR APPLICATION Dries BY Evaporatlon, Coalescence Viscosity %t 2 KU Flash Point Nona Glass Sheen Satin (10 – 20 ® 60°) Sudace Temperature – Min. 40'F at Application – Maz. 100 °F Thin With Sea Chart OF PAINT. BENJAMIN MOORE SHALL IN NO EVENT BE LIABLE FOR INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE LIMITATIONS OR EXCLUSIONS CONTAINED IN THE ABOVE WARRANTY MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. This Warranty 9Nes you specific legal rights; you may also have other rights Which vary slate to slate. Clean Up Thinner Clean Water - - Weight Per Gallon 10.3 Poe –Mtn. 40°F Storage Temperature –Max. 90 •F Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) re48.9 GmsNter .40 Lbs./Gallon Technical Assistance Available trough your local authorized Independent Benjamin Moore retailer. For the location of the retailer nearest you, .111 -866-708-9160 or visit mrvi.ben'amimrwm cont Benjamin Moore a Co.,101 Paragon Odve, MoiWale, NI07645 Tel.: (2917573-9fi0a yyiW beniaminmoore wen M72 N4�8 US w,,21 A Benjamin Moore® • Exceptional film durability Colors—Standard: WMte (01) • Long lasting gloss • Exceptional hiding power • Easy to apply • Resistant to color fading, . Rapid dry for quick blistering, and elkall recasting • May be applied at • Provides mildew resistant temperatures down to coating 40 °F (4.4'C) • Low VOC in any color Dry Tama x.77 "F To Touch 1 Hour (25'C) 0 50% RH – To Recast 4 Hou. Water vapor permeance (breathability) ASTM. D1653; 53.01 perms Master Painters Institute MPI # 15 Recommended for wood, hardboard, vinyl, aluminum and fiber cement sidings; unglazed brick, concrete, stucco, cinder block, and primed metal. Vls=fty %12KU ULTRA SPEC® EXT SATIN FINISH N448 .• A professional quality 100% acrylic exterior. satin finish which features excellent hiding, film du.blfiry and colo retention. FastAry formula allows for quick m -coating as well as low tempemture application. rose • Do not apply when air and surtace temperatures are below 40'F (4.4 -C). • Do not paint vinyl siding or trim darker than the original color • Not for interior use InformationProduct Colors—Standard: WMte (01) Technical DataO Base Vehicle Type 1D0%Acrylic (May be tinted with up b 2.0 g, oz. of 8 -Jamin Maoma Gennexe colorents per gallon.) Plgmer Type Tilarlum Dioxide Volume Solids 37.7± 2% —Tint Bases: Benjamin Moree Gennee bases 1X, 2%. 3X & 4X Coverage per Gallon at 350 –450 Sq. FC Recommended Film Thickness — Special Colors: Contact your Benjamin Moore representative Recommended Film – Wet 4.0 mils Thickness -Dry 1.5 mils DeperMbg an surface taxkne and,,;;airy. Be care to estlmeb dhe amount of palm for the lob. This will ensure ca unlromdy 2d and minimize the dW,mel,(excess paint Certifications $ Qualifications: VOC compliant in all regulated areas Passes ASTM D8904 Wind Driven Rain Ree er (06Over one oat M UTI. Specs Masonry InRExt 100%Acrylic Sealler (0808) Dry Tama x.77 "F To Touch 1 Hour (25'C) 0 50% RH – To Recast 4 Hou. Water vapor permeance (breathability) ASTM. D1653; 53.01 perms Master Painters Institute MPI # 15 Painted surfaces can be waelred seer two weeks. High humidity and cool temPemNres willresult In Unger dry, recast end aawlx times. 25 YEAR WARRANTY: 8errjamin Mooia & Co. wenanb thattlhb protlM when used m aomnlance wIT the IabM insWctions, will not: 1. Nisfer fan P.Pedy prepared and primed surfaces, 2. peel from propedy prepared and primed surfaces, and 3. weer down or wee[Fsr b expose Ne previously pemtetl codecs. This werrenry shall be eRecgvq for 25 years end is made fon Te ori9irlsl residential censumar paint purchaxr. This wa;mrhry is non -transferable. If this product falls b perfom; es explained above ;Ten used arcortling b label insbuotions within the w(;aringainnaryi sporeerisod,reBeeeinpjqa,mpinmMNdoeorae n8 eCqou.hwailno,nut poor nmpmrepwanrzfaNtieonpmoftlpuroaboMf of pure ase noduge. Since we have no cenMl over surtace prepamtlah or app9celion, THIS LIMITED WARRANTY DOES NOT INCLUDE THE COST OF TABOR FOR APPLICATION Dries By Evaporation, Coalescence Vls=fty %12KU Flesh Point None Gloss/Sheen Satin 10– ( 20 @ W`) Min. SuraoTem .m 40 7 tAppliratlon_ Max. 100 °F Thin Wdh See Chart OF PAINT. BENJAMIN MOORE SHALL IN NO EVENT BE LIABLE FOR INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTALOR CONSEQUENTWL DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEDUENTIAL DAMAGES, S0 THE LIMITATIONS OR EXCLUSIONS CONTAINED IN THE ABOVE WARRANTY MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. This warranty gives you specific legal rights; you may also have other rights which vary state to state. Clean Up Thinner Clean Water Weight Per Gallon 10.3 Has Storage Temperature –Min. 40°F – Max. 90 °F Technical Assistance Available through your local authorized independent Benjamin Moore retailer. FW the Ioaation of the retailer nearest you, call 1-666-708-9180 or visit Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) a9Ww.beniaminmoorecam 48.9 Grams/Liter .40 LbeJGallon BeNamin Moore 6 Ca, 101 Paragon Drive, Marivale. NJ 07605 Tal.: (201) 5]39800 benlan; MM N448 US W2921 A Benjamin Moorelt • Exceptional film durability • Exceptional hiding power • Resistant to color fading, blistering, and alkali • May be applied at temperatures down to 40 °F (4.4 °C) Longlasting gloss Easy to apply Rapid dry for quick retorting Provides mile. resistant coating Low VOC in any color Recommended for wood, hardboard, vinyl, aluminum and fiber cement sidings; unglazed brick, concrete, stucco, cinder block, and primed melal. ULTRA SPEC° EXT SATIN FINISH N448 A professional quality 100% acrylic exterior satin finish which features excellent hiding, flet durability and color retention. Fast -dry formula allows for quick re -coating as well as low temperature application. • Do not apply when air and surface temperatures are below 40 °F (4.4 °C). • Do not paint vinyl riding or than darker than the original color • Not for interior use InformationProduct Colors — Standard: Technical DataO Basel White (01) Vehicle Type 100% Acrylic (May be tinted with up to 2.OIll. oz. of Benjamin Moores Gennexe colorants Pigment Type Titanium Dioxide per gallon.) Volume Solids 37.7 t 2% —Tint Bases: Benjamin Moores Gennex® bases 1X, 2X, 3X & 4X Coverage per Gallon at 350-450 Sq. Ft. Recommended Film Thickness — Special Colors: Contact your Benjamin Moore representative Recommended Film - Wet 4.0 mils Thickness -Dry 1.5 mils Depending an surface texture and porosity. Be sure to estimate the right amount of paint for the job. This will ensure color uniformly minimize the disposal of excess paint. CertificationsQualifications:and VOC compliant in all regulated areas Passes ASTM D6904 Wind Driven Rain Resistance: Over one coat of Ultra Space Masonry Int/Ext 100% Acrylic Sealer (0608) Dry Time @ 77 °F -To Touch 1 Hour (25 °C) @ 50% RH -To Repeat 4 Hours Painted surfaces can be washed after My weeks. High humidity and cool temperatures will result in longer dry, racial and service times. Water vapor permanence (breathability) ASTM D1653: 53.01 perms Master Painters Institute MPI 915 Dries By Evaporation, Coalescence 25 YEAR WARRANTY! Benjamin Moore & Co. warrants that this product when Viscosity 96±2 KU used in accordance with the label instructions, will not 1. blister from property prepared and primed surfaces, 2. peel from property prepared and primed surfaces, and 3. wear down or weather to expose the previously painted surface. This Flash Point None rranty shall be effective for 25 years and is made to the original residential consumer paint purchaser. This warranty is non -transferable. If this product fails to Gloss /Sheen Satin (10 @ 60°) Surface Temperature - Min. 40 °F at Application -Max. 100 °F perform as explained above when used according to label ladeputions within the warranty period, Benjamin Moore & Co. will, upon presentation of proof of purchase (original sales receipt), provide an equivalent or comparable product at no charge, Since we have no central over surface preparation or application, THIS LIMITED WARRANTY DOES NOT INCLUDE THE COST OF LABOR FOR APPLICATION Thin With Be. Chart Clean Up Thinner Clean Water OF PAINT. BENJAMIN MOORE SHALL IN NO EVENT BE LIABLE FOR INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OF INCIDENTAL OR Weight Per Gallon 10.3 the CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE LIMITATIONS OR EXCLUSIONS CONTAINED IN THE ABOVE WARRANTY MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. This warranty gives you spel legal rights; you may also have other rights which vary -Min. 40°F Storage Temperature - Max. 90 °F state to state. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Technical Assistance Available through your local authorized independent Benjamin Moore retailer. For the location of the retailer nearest you, call 1-866-708-9180 or visit www theniaminmoore.com 48.9 Gramslliter .40 Lbs./Gallon Benjamin Moore & Co., 101 Paragon Drive. Montvale, NJ 07645 Tel.: (201) 573-9600 www beniani nimwin M72 N448 US 062921 A Benjamin Moores ULTRA SPEC® EXT SATIN FINISH N448 Mum- .. Technical Datato Basel • Exceptional film durability • Long lasting gloss A professional quality 1006 acrylic exterior satin finish • Exceptional hiding power • Easy to apply which features excellent hiding, film durability and color • Resistant b color fading, • Rapid dry for quick reterdion. Fast -dry formula allows for quick re- coating as blistering, and alkali recoming well as low temperature applicaron. • May be applied at . Provides mildew resistant Pained sudacrs can be washed atter two weeks. High M1pmldily And mol temparelurea will result In longer dry, remet eAd ..W limes. temperatures down to mating Dries By Evaporation, Coalescence 40 °F (4.4'C) • Low VOC In any color OF PAINT. BENJAMIN MOORE SHALL IN NO EVENT BE-LLIBLE FOR INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION–OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE LIMITATIONS OR EXCLUSIONS CONTAINED IN THE ABOVE WARRANTY MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. This warranty, glass you specific legal rights; you may also have other rights which vary state b Aug.. Clean Up Thinner Clean Water Weigh Per Gallon 10.3 His –Min. 40°F Storage Temperature –Mex. 90'F Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) m 48.9 GraslLAer .40 LbslGallon Technical Assistance Available through your local authorized independent Benjamin Moore retailer. For the location of the retailer nearest you, call i-866.7065180 or visit www.beniaminmmremm Recommended for wood hardboard, vinyl, aluminum and fiber . Do not apply when air and surface temperatures are cement sidings; unglazed brick, concrete, stucco, ander block, below 40'F (4.4'C). and primed metal. • Do not paint vinyl siding or Min darter than the original color • Not for interior use InformationProduct Colors — Standard: White (01) Technical Datato Basel Vehicle Type 100% Acrylic (May be Anted wi01 up to 2.0 fl, oz of Benjamin Moorea Germs)& mlorants par gallon.) Pgment Type Titanium Dioxide Volume Bold. 37.7 S 2% —Tint Bases: Benjamin Mooren Genese bases 1X, 2X, 3X a 4X Coverage Per Gallon at 350-450 Sq. Ft. Recommended Film Thickness — Special Colors: Contact your Benjamin Moore refusiumbeb. Recommended Fgm – Wel 4.0 mils Thickness –Ory 1.5 mils Dependng on eudem Ursula and ponan y. Be sure At estimate Me light aM.urd of palm br tlw trio. This We ensure mbr unibnNry and minimtra the disposal alexcass paint Certifications & Qualifications: VOC mmp#ant in all regulated areas Posses ASTM D6904 Wind Driven Rain Resistance: Over one mat of Ultra SpecaMasonry InVExt 100%"Ic Easier (0608) Dry Tura @ 77 °F –To Touch 1 Hour (25 °C) @ S0%RH –Tc Ramat 4 Hours Pained sudacrs can be washed atter two weeks. High M1pmldily And mol temparelurea will result In longer dry, remet eAd ..W limes. Water vapor permeance (breathability) ASTM D1653: 53.01 perms Master Painters Institute MPI # 15 25 YEAR WARRANTY: BBnlemin Moore a Co. wairants gat ihispmtlud when used in acmmanm with the label insauNone, will not 1. Mister Ban prepedy prepared antl primedsurfaces, 2. peal from pmpedy prepared amt pruned surtaces, and 3. weer down or weather b expose 8a preaiovdy painted sudem. This warranty shall be effective for 25 years antl is made [o the original realdentiel consumer paint purchaser. Thio wananry Is non-trensferaWe. 8 tigs product fags b perform as explebetl above when used accwtling b lebel Inetruetioro wghln the warrantypenoq Benjamin Moore & Co. wie, upon presentation o1 proof of purdlase (origin.[ salas,�e.alpg, prwdtla an equivalent or mmpa�ade Protlucfat no rl,ame. Since we M1eve m control over surface preparation ar app8ratim, THIS LINKED WARRANTY DOES NOT INCLUDE THE COBT OF LABOR FOR APPLICATION Dries By Evaporation, Coalescence Viscosity 8612 KU Flash Paint No. Gloss /Sheen Satin i Surface TemPereture –Min. 40 °F at Application Thin Wgh See Chart OF PAINT. BENJAMIN MOORE SHALL IN NO EVENT BE-LLIBLE FOR INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION–OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE LIMITATIONS OR EXCLUSIONS CONTAINED IN THE ABOVE WARRANTY MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. This warranty, glass you specific legal rights; you may also have other rights which vary state b Aug.. Clean Up Thinner Clean Water Weigh Per Gallon 10.3 His –Min. 40°F Storage Temperature –Mex. 90'F Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) m 48.9 GraslLAer .40 LbslGallon Technical Assistance Available through your local authorized independent Benjamin Moore retailer. For the location of the retailer nearest you, call i-866.7065180 or visit www.beniaminmmremm aaalamin Moore & CA_ 101 Rantoul. Drive, Montvale. NJ 076,15 Tel.: (201) Sr}98W loan MIT, N44a Us 082821 City of Springfield Type II Historical Review Application 639 "C" Street Photo Inventory Residence °C street (North) elevation Pli Residence "C" street (Northwest) elevation Directly across "C" street facing (Northeast) 2 i mmffiw—"a I9— Wmm� a Residence (Southwest) Elevation -Bath addition 4�- _i:'a.11 Residence (S,�outheast) Elevation Residence (Southeast) Elevation Residence (East) Elevation -shower stall addition Residence "C" Street (North) Elevation at East side of property .. _..:_. _,. u_�A - - ADU site with (Northwest) Garage Elevation ADU site with (Southeast) Garage Elevation 11 ADU site facing (South) (behind Residence) ADU site City of Springfield Type II Historical Review Application 639 "C" Street Finish Material Inventory Item (01): ADU Lap board siding Pre -primed finger jointed Western red cedar 6" exposure —LL - <, M mage 02 r sl r_ M mage 02 Item (02): (E) Residence Cedar shingles Combed pre -primed, match existing type and ALLE MASTERCRAFT SIDEWALL SHINGLES MPNJfAQJNEO 9Y MILLEP SHINGLE [OMPTNY w.nni�E.v.. ^_'NATU0.ld GROOVEPRIWH1iE r 4retlnfD-RE101NED iPRIME GRAY r SANDED mage 03 I SIN5ES4fi,., `Image 04 Item (03): ADU Cedar shingles Pre -primed, rough -cut, Western red cedar I Image 05 Item (04): Composition roofing shingles 5 5/8" exposure DURATION' .-�& 1 6M1mgles�.m•e.m.IA s,..w ��r \ ENERGY STMIS FOR ROOFSTOO �.•.wxp r..r Man X Image 06 Image 07 Item (05): ADU windows Jeldwen Siteline Wood and Clad windows M.] Image 09 his. uJ` � - 61-- Image 10 Image 11