HomeMy WebLinkAboutStudies APPLICANT 6/7/2022ranch ENGINEERING - March 21, 2022 Cynthia Koza & Judy Hardin 88489 Stephens Road Springfield, Oregon C/O Jed Truett RE: GEohctimc lNVES11GA110N Tac Mn /LOT18-02-03-11 EUGENE, OREGON BRANCH ENGwBNtwG WC PROJECT No. 22-123 Pursuant to your authorization, Branch Engineering Inc. (BEI) has conducted a limited geotechnical engineering investigation at the subject site for the proposed development of a land partition on a parcel of land approximately 0.93 -acre in size. This report is intended to present field investigation findings and site research to assess the feasibility of the proposed site development from a geotechnical engineering perspective and provide pertinent geotechnical recommendations for design and construction. The following report has been prepared in accordance with the City of Springfield Engineering and Design Standards and Procedures Manual. Sincerely, Branch Engineering Inc. Ronald J. EXPIRES: 12/31/2023 -07'aa' Sam Rabe EIT Ronald J Derrick, P.E, G.E. Engineering Technician Principal Geotechnical Engineer Branch Engineering, Inc. 11Page Land Partition: Kota -Hardin Property BEI PN- 22-123 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................................................3 1.1 Scope of Work 3 1.2 Site Information Resources 3 2.0 PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION...........................................................................................4 2.1 Site Description 4 2.2 Proposed Development 4 2.3 Site Observations and Soils 4 2.4 Ground Water 5 3.0 GEOLOGIC SETTING......................................................................................................................5 3.1 Regional Geology 5 3.2 Site Geology 6 4.1 Summary of Site Subsurface Conditions 6 4.2 Presence of Expansive Soils and Other Special Considerations 6 4.3 Recommendations 7 5.0 REPORT LIMITATIONS..................................................................................................................9 FIGURE 1— Sita Investigation Map FIGURE 2— Site Geology Map FIGURE 3— Site Landslide Map Appendix A Soil Logs -Well Logs -USDA Soil Survey Map & Soils Branch Engineering, Inc. Page 12 Land Partition: Kota -Hardin Property BEI PN- 22-123 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report presents the results and findings of Branch Engineering, Inc. (BED field observations and research for the subject site. The purpose of our investigation was to assess the geotechnical suitability of the subject site for the proposed development. Our work was commissioned for the client, Cynthia Koza and Judy Hardin by Jed Truitt of Metro Planning, Inc. 1.1 Scope of Work Our scope of work included a site visit and limited subsurface investigation on March 1, 2022. Three test pits were excavated using hand tools to a maximum depth of 4 -feet below ground surface (BGS). The soil was visually classified in accordance with the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) Method D-2488. See the attached Figure -1, Site Investigation Map, for test pit locations. Our work scope also included pertinent site research activities, engineering data review, analysis, and preparation of this Report A summary of findings from the exploratory test pits on site is presented in Section 4.1 of this report, and copies of nearby well logs from the Oregon Department of Water Resources online database along with the soil survey mapping of the site are presented in Appendix A- 1.2 1.2 Site Information Resources The following site investigation activities were performed and literature resources were reviewed for pertinent site information • Review of USGS Geologic Map of Oregon, Walker and MacLeod 1991 and review of the 2010 Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMD Geologic Map Open File Report 0-10-03 Digital Geologic Map of the Southern Willamette Valley by Jason D. McClaughry, Thomas J. Wiley, Mark L Ferns, and Ian P. Marlin. • Review of online aerial photographs of site since 1994. • Three exploratory test pits performed on the site. • Review of the Lane County Area Web Soil Survey, United States Department of Agricultural (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), see Appendix A • Review of Oregon Department of Water Resources Well Logs, see Appendix A • Oregon Structural Specialty Code 2019 (OSSC 2019), applicable building code criteria • Geology of Oregon, sixth edition by On, Orr and Baldwin, 2012. • Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMD website, Statewide Geohazards Viewer (HazVu), http://www.oregongeology.org/hazvu/ Branch Engineering, Inc. Page 13 Land Partft on: Kota -Hardin Property BEI PN- 22-123 • DOGAMI website, Statewide Landslide Information Layer for Oregon (SLIDO) Viewer. https://gis.doganii.oregon.gov/maps/shdo/ • DOGAMI Interpretive Map 60: Landslide Hazard and Risk Study of Eugene -Springfield and Lane County, Oregon. 2018. Nancy C. Calhoun, William J. Burns, Jon J. Franczyk, and Gustavo Monterver de. Q I)♦77UI0O W-11DMI 11:1O:4144R191G7,1 The analyses, conclusions and recommendations contained in this report are based on site conditions as they presently exist and assume the exploratory test pits are representative of the subsurface conditions throughout the site. If, during construction, subsurface conditions differ from those encountered in the exploratory test pits, BEI requests that we be informed to review the site conditions and adjust our recommendations, if necessary. 2.1 Site Desmption The subject site is located at latitude 44.040342° north and 122.909337° west off South 6i Street in Springfield, Oregon. The nearest cross street is Glacier Drive, located approximately 330 -feet to the south. The site is bordered by developed single-family lots to the north and south, by forested land and Forest Ridge Drive to the west, and South 67° Street to the east. Surface elevations on the site are highest in the southwest corner at approximately -735-feet above mean sea level (MSL), sloping to an elevation of approximately 640 -feet along the northeastern edge of the site. Site topography slopes to the east - northeast at <10 -degrees along South 67° Street, to greater than 45-degees in places along the western third of the lot. Generally, site slopes average 20 -degrees. Minor site grading occurred at an unknown date along portions of the eastern third of site, and consists of leveling along the road frontage, and another leveled area the runs from the southeast to the northeast. The site has been cleared of vegetation along much of the road frontage to the second graded area. The rest of the site is heavily vegetated, predominantly by mature Douglas fir and a scattering of deciduous trees. The under story is mostly mosses and ferns, with some Oregon grape and other unidentified shrubs. No surface springs, delineated wetlands, or areas of water loving vegetation were found during the site investigation 2.2 Proposed Development Based on documents provided to BEI by the client, the proposed development will be a land partition. At the time of this report, the tentative partition is to divide the land into two parcels. Parcel 1 in the northeast corner will be approximately 10,002 SF, and Parcel 2 which is L-shaped and will be approximately 30,646 SF. The area of Parcel 2 includes the approximate western half of the Tax Lot and is labeled as a "Proposed slope and tree conservation area". See Figure -1 Site Investigation Map for proposed site partition. 2.3 Site Observations and Soils The USDA NRCS Lane County Area web soil survey maps the majority of the site as Nekia silty clay loam (89F) 30 to 50 percent slopes. Described as well drained colluvium and residuum derived Branch Engineering, Inc. Page 14 Land Partft on: Kota -Hardin Property BEI PN- 22-123 from basalt and tuff. Along the eastern side of the site the soil is mapped as Dixonville-Philomath- Ilazelair complex (43C). This soil unit is characterized by 3- to 12 -percent slopes, described as well drained, and originating from colluvium and residuum derived from basalt. Visual classification of the near surface soils was performed in accordance with the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) Method D-2488 and the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). The site subsurface soil conditions generally consisted of existing vegetation and topsoil overlying medium stiff clay with abundant gravel to cobble sized pieces of sub -angular to angular basalt rock. In Test Pit 1 approximately 2.5 -feet of fill was found overlying material similar to what was found in the other site excavations. This fill is likely associated with the construction of South 67° Street or the limited site graded that was observed There were no observations of gross land movement and some slight "pistol -butting" of fir trees, which is an indication of common shallow soil creep on slopes. 2.4 Groundwater No groundwater was encountered during the site exploration; however, the area is known for the presence of springs, seeps, and seasonally wet soil conditions. Surface runoff and subsurface seasonal groundwater should be expected to be encountered during, and after construction of the proposed development Nearby geotechnical boring logs show no groundwater encountered to a depth of 30 -feet BGS. (See attached Oregon Department of Water Resources well logs in Appendix A) We expect that ground water levels (from the regional water table or perched lenses) will fluctuate with the seasons and should be expected to be highest during the late winter and spring months when rainstorms are more intense and frequent, and soils are near saturation The hillside topography above the site will contribute to surface water on, and crossing the site. 3.0 GEOIDGIC SETTING The following sections describe the regional and local site geology. Our field findings are consistent with the geologic mapping of the site area on USGS Geologic Map of Oregon (Walker and MacLeod 1991) and the 0-10-03 Digital Geologic Map of the Southern Willamette Valley (Open -File Report DOGAMI, 2010). 3.1 Regional Geology The subject site lies within the southern portion of the Willamette Valley Geomorphic Province (WVGP), east of the Coast Range and west of the Cascade Mountains Provinces. The WVGP is regional lowland that extends from just south of Eugene, Oregon to Vancouver, Washington In Oregon, this alluvial plain is approximately 130 miles long and 20 to 40 -miles wide (Orr and Orr, 1996). The WVGP is drained by the north flowing Willamette River. Deposits of silt and clay from fluvial and lacustrine environments covered the bedrock to various depths during the presence of low energy streams and lakes in the mid -Willamette Valley. Subsequent compression forces and uplifting of the Cascade and Coast Range Mountains depressed the Willamette River Valley. The rapid uplift of the Cascade and Coast Range mountains steepened stream gradients causing Branch Engineering, Inc. Page 15 Land Partft on: Kota -Hardin Property BEI PN- 22-123 increased erosion of the mountains and resulting deposition of thick gravel layers incised within the fluvial and lacustrine deposits. The area of the subject site is believed to be underlain by marine Eugene formation of residuum of sedimentary rock from the late Eocene to Oligocene epochs (approximately 20 to 40 million years ago). 3.2 Site Geology The 0-10-03 2010 DOGAMI Digital Geologic Map of the southern Willamette Valley maps the site geology near a boundary of three geologic units. Landslide and Debris Avalanche Deposits (Qld) are mapped on the site and to the north, south, and east. To the west the geology is mapped as Early Western Cascades Laves (Twcl) and Early Western Cascades Volcaniclastic Rocks and Tuff (Twcv). The landslide and Debris Avalanche Deposits unit is described as unconsolidated, chaotically mixed and deformed rock, colluvium, and soil deposited by landslides. The Early Western Cascades Laves are described as basalt and basaltic andesite, andesite, and dacite lavas that are part of the upper Eocene Fisher Formation and the upper Eocene to lower Miocene Little Butte Volcanics. Also mapped in the area to the south and east is the Early Western Cascades Volcaniclastic Rocks and Tuff. Described as terrestrial volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks and ash - flow tuffs. These strata are interbedded with the Early Western Cascades lavas. Rocks in this formation are prone to landslides along high angle contacts with lavas or intrusive rocks and where bedding planes are steeply dipping. The nearby geotechnical boring logs obtained by the Oregon Department of Water Resources website for the water tower across South 671° Street from the site show silt, and silt with gravel to a depth of 20 -feet BGS. Below that the logs show slltstone to at least 30 -feet BGS. It is BEI's opinion that the slltstone is more likely to be volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks associated the Early Western Cascades Volcaniclastic Rocks mapped in the site vicinity. Surfldal geology logged in the test pits consisting of basaltic rock with clay/silt, is likely colluvium and landslide deposits. 4.0 CONCLUSIONS 4.1 Summary of Site Subsurface Conditions The site soil consists of medium stiff clay with abundant basalt gravel and cobble to at least 4 -feet BGS. The observed soil conditions in the exploratory test pits are consistent with the USDA NRCS and site geologic mapping. 4.2 Presence of Expensive Soils and Other Special Considerations Based upon previously conducted testing of similar geologic conditions and soil within 0.5 -miles of the site, a low to moderate shrink/swell potential is expected of the upper 2- to 3 -feet of the site soil profile. Exposed soil should be covered with compacted aggregate in a timely manner to minimize fluctuations in the moisture content of the subgrade soll. Slope Instability: The site is mapped as very high risk, or existing landslide on the DOGAMI online hazard viewer. Based on the SUDO viewer and the RMS 60 report the mapped landslide runs parallel with South 67th Street, beginnin in the hills to the south The unique ID is Eugene -348 Branch Engineering, Inc. Page 16 Land PartBion: Kota -Hardin Property BEI PN- 22-123 and the landslide has a movement classification of "deep set rock slide -translational" and is dated as "pre -historic", indicating a date greater than 150 -years before the present. Although the boundary of the landslide is not exact, it would be reasonable to assume that site soils on the eastern third of the property were likely affected. Surfrcial soils found in the site test pit excavations are interpreted by BEI as colluvium derived from the hills to the west. Nearly the entire area surrounding the site is also mapped within the landslide inventory and has been developed over the past several decades. Because of steep site slopes, mapped landslides in the site vicinity, and the likelihood of springs and higher overland water flow, site slopes should be considered at high risk of landslide. The risks of slope instability on the site may be managed with Geotechnical Engineering oversight and incorporating the recommendations of this report into the design and construction of the project. Recommendations to reduce the risk of slope instability to the site are discussed below. 4.3 Recommendations The following recommendations are for earthwork in the building foundation areas and parking areas. Earthwork shall be performed in general accordance with the standard of practice as generally described in Appendix J of the 2019 Oregon Structural Specialty Code and as specified in this report. All areas intended to directly or laterally support structures, roadways, or pavement areas shall be stripped of vegetation, organic soil, unsuitable fill, and/or other deleterious material such as moisture softened exposed soil. These strippings shall be removed from the site or reserved for use in landscaping or non-structural areas. In areas of existing trees, vegetation, or previously placed fill the required depth of site clearing/stripping may be increased. The subsurface conditions observed in our site investigation test nit excavations are consistent: however. the test pits only represent a very small portion of the site. Should soft or unsuitable soils extend to a depth greater than that described herein or areas of distinct soil variation be discovered this office shall be notified to perform site observation and additional excavation may be reauired. Buflding Foundation Subgrade Preparation In areas of building foundations, the foundation excavation shall be advanced through any organic topsoil zones or previously placed fill material into suitable subgrade consisting of the colluvial clay with scattered rock or residuum from volcanic rocks. Stumps and roots greater than approximately 1.5 -inches in diameter, and root clusters should be removed from foundation subgrade areas. The depth to suitable subgrade is expected to be approximately 12 -inches unless in areas affected by tree stumps and vegetation where deeper excavation depths will be required to remove organic materials. To reduce the risk of slope instability, site grading should be kept to a minimum and existing mature vegetation left in place. Cutting into the toe of the existing slope for landscaping or building pad construction is not recommended Due to the hillside nature of the site topography, we expect that the building pads consisting of level platforms, or benches separated by vertical cuts may be required. Footings set above vertical cuts shall be set back a distance equivalent to the height of the cut or structurally connected to adjacent foundation elements and any remaining void spaces backfilled. Footings shall be set back Branch Engineering, Inc. Page 17 Land Partft on: Kota -Hardin Property BEI PN- 22-123 horizontally so that bearing splay, calculated by a plane extending downward at a 1:1 (H:V) slope from the outside edge of footings does not intersect the face of excavation, or native slopes. To facilitate drainage and mitigate the potential for differential settlement we recommend that building pads be prepared with a minimum of 8 -inches of compacted open graded rock where the averaged sized rock is at least 3 -inches in diameter. A cap consisting no less than 4 -inches of compacted %"-0 aggregate shall be placed on the open graded rock and is recommended to extend a minimum of 12 -inches beyond foundation elements. The base of the open -graded rock shall have a daylight drain at the low point with drainage to a suitable place of disposal. Compacted aggregate with a thickness of 12 -inches or more should be compacted to a minimum 90% relative compaction as determined by modified Proctor (ASTM D-1557) which may be confirmed with compaction testing by nuclear densometer if required by the building permit. If certification by our office of the building pad preparation is required, we request notification to confirm the excavation to suitable subgrade material prior to the placement of structural fill. Engineered Fill Placement: Compacted aggregate placed on the site to support foundations equal or greater than 12 -inches in thickness shall meet the following specifications as included in Section 1803.5.8 of the 2019 Oregon Structural Specialty Code (OSSC). • Unless otherwise described above the fill material shall consist of compacted aggregate. • A modified Proctor (ASTM D1557) shall be used to determine the maximum dry density of the aggregate to be used. A prior moisture -density curve may be submitted from the aggregate source. • The fill material shall be placed in lifts and compacted with loose lift thickness not exceeding 8 -inches in thickness. • Compaction testing by nuclear densometer shall be used in the field to determine the in- place dry density of the fill material. • 90% relative compaction as determined by modified Proctor testing is required for a passing test. • One passing test per structure shall be required to confirm conformance with the above specifications. Allowable Bearing Capacity: Conventional perimeter style foundations and spread footings for column loads are suitable for the proposed building construction and we recommend that loads are distributed evenly to mitigate the potential for differential settlement If foundation areas are prepared as described in this report, the allowable bearing capacity is 1,500 pat and may be increased by 1/3 for short term loading such as wind or seismic events. Drainage: We recommend that the foundation perimeter be backfilled and graded away from the structure as soon as concrete curing allows. Footing drains are recommended on the perimeter of the foundation to be conveyed to suitable downslope location for disposal of runoff. Permanent surface drainage shall be established to convey water to suitable locations for disposal, downslope of the foundation. Final perimeter landscape grades shall slope away from the foundation and surface water shall not be allowed to pond adjacent to the foundation. A subdrain, or outlet for water that may accumulate under the building pad in the foundation excavation is recommended. Branch Engineering, Inc. Page 18 Land Partft on: Kota -Hardin Property BEI PN- 22-123 The subdrain may consist of a perforated pipe with a downslope outlet, or a shallow ditch, or swale filled with open -graded rock to convey drainage to a suitable point of disposal, downslope of structures. Erosion of any exposed and in cut slopes or fill slopes shall be mitigated by establishing vegetation or other means. 5.0 REPORT LU4rFATIONS This report has presented REI's site observations and research, subsurface explorations, geotechnical engineering analyses, and recommendations for the proposed site development. The conclusions in this report are based on the conditions described in this report and are intended for the exclusive use of Cynthia Koza and Judy Hardin and their representatives for use in design and construction of the development described herein The analysis and recommendations may not be suitable for other structures or purposes. Services performed by the geotechnical engineer for this project have been conducted with the level of care and skill exercised by other current geotechnical professionals in this area. No warranty is herein expressed or implied. The conclusions in this report are based on the site conditions as they currently exist and it is assumed that the limited site locations that were physically investigated generally represent the subsurface conditions at the site. Should site development or site conditions change, or if a substantial amount of time goes by between our site investigation and site development, we reserve the right to review this report for its applicability. If you have any questions regarding the contents of this report, please contact our office. Branch Engineering, Inc. Page 19 LEGEND N Q Approximate Location of Sub -Surface Exploration APPROXIMATE SCALE Site Survey by Donn Rowe, PLS o Sao' MGIanch SITE INVESTIGATION MAP - Koza/Hardin Property FIGURE -1 NEERINGm Tax Map/Lot 18-02-03-11-8000 Springfield, OR 3-16-2022 PROJECT NO. 22-123 i Ha Ha Hoa Tsvcl Id LEGEND tll[� L—dal4ae iud ueexr Anabaena Depnab<evebmax➢l ,a, ale. ea.,. Uuaon;: dated. ehaarreaRy mired and defmcolluvium. ormed h. and sfl depaimed by landslides. Landslide de,., cover at least 3Iekmt (122 mi"-) In the map aaa. A 'felonry(>er willatmecombof) Honda uspostf oaw a.ng theeasmrnmagi. ofthew'. Willamette Valleywithin wetsaithe ed.butte Vooafcs(maP units Twat. Twcm, Twcv. Twcp. The mit includes.bete debar avalanche deposits dung the areabm boot adore calear,ndelid Hills likely emplaced d oche rhe iridal eebatm— failure of amajorddelane mmPlh Mediaand.there--falll}i¢eei+ne mxhewma(mmmor ideaenddaboiao. 1.meea may toodeheave cwfdL of mantra, eabasiveeem, aratimto--iveoc h re i fofurNecad Areas o(eurtwg Lmdalide depoata ahoWd be coasideced at high risk for oil ra elite movamevL Mapped m the baass o[5eld obskrvations aad seely sir of t m 4dee DE61a. Early Western Caaeadea Lavaa Power Mr«nue to middle Eorene) rimae... near Tb, Tem. Ter xob. ruLL Tome. MTime. Mb. Te. Tom ]mete Ties lineal[ end barcode andeery. mdesib. aad adsorb bear that are Pecs dthe niter Easae Fisbec Formation sed the nips. Erie. to baso M—. Tattle B. Volimmes me lavas arotimeallr dunetinuoas and move compos insert mafomhbe vete coeval "It ... I.., male (map unit T rv). The early western Caaeade levo are part da widespread ornamental vohmie pemwr that developed deem, the middle Eocene to euly Mlxene. Radiometric ago oblannell horn tbex lavas singe between 363 and 18 Me (1—, 1982. Hladky sad McCaalia 2006). These meta — abecaebrized b➢I— Permeability, low pe^®t➢, wad low well y elda Igeneeally � 5 gp m Higher par—le ity coda may mane lora]], within breeeuW amenarre mnmeta an iinbAbw breanea but may not recharge readily (Cad® sed .[live. 2605). Whw freed, this wit is — agga dinar aamw efinerhad zeal. - Early Western Cascades VolranlaUstic Rocks and Tuff Power Mromne to Torreaotiddle Eocene)D.a..anermme,Trtv.Teadtuffs int R e.'eare a thfaun. middle and upper Ebame xdimwbayationeake end &" upfire, teHa Ener ere 'eare mid. and upperExme Fisher Formation and Ne upper aEtienne rlyWbower—deoe tattlebate-deans.am., edamareiatecbrdded withearly Wertem Cewde)ever ,map wit Twee and edge the m mems aedimewsy, me6 (mar wits Tw, Tmm) alae the surae include the map maermpli Jieh e order.t tuts tier serve as mom 418 M tuff intieunit (410 in, trach i5outc order, treetuff oit(an atmRd. (418 Me). tutof Pm Hollow (4I0 Ma), tuff of South Willamette 9taeet Im dam]. tuff of bond Creek f33.9. 34.8 Ma), bicEim tntetUdoo Poto[ (no dam), Enfret DNvrd Rd (no dab), tvtof Poster D® (26-Y8 Ma), tutdDerta (269Mµ and the bPof lacomb (ne dab) P]atJ]eak endothm.2009; Moa.➢avd\Ldin.2W6: McCleughey.2gOB). These sores ere typically qwr eryJen. abed near tutbetls end ie reek m e eyme taw reladvelyhimleveta ear(iR.Meand orioreare These reeks am pinem laare idee st-p high "ogle mWaetawitb ban m inmuiw amts end where beddieg plwea.a sbeplr atppag. Site Geology Map from DOGAMI Qdf Approximate - — T'. Site Location )Id �-+Elia ) anch SITE GEOLOGY MAP - Koza/Hardin Property NGINEERING- Tax Map/Lot 18-02-03-11-8000 Springfield, OR / rvcl LN N A FIGURE -2 3-16-2022 PROJECT NO. 22-123 ■ FBry M_endeRde N Mapped Landslides from DOGAMI SLIDO 1//u//,f�,�T\, anch SITE LANDSLIDE MAP - Koza/Hardin Property FIGURE-3 NGINEERING= Tax Map/Lot 18-02-03-11-8000 Springfield, OR 3-16-2022 PROJECT NO. 22-123 • Exploratory Test Pit Logs • OWRD Well Logs • USDA Soils Map ONB,'ranch INEENING- RELATIVE DENSITY - COARSE GRAINED SOILS USCS GRAIN SIZE RELATIVE SPT N -VALUE D&M SAMPLER D&M SAMPLER FINES <#200(.075 mm) DENSITY (1401bshammer) (3001bshammer) SAND Fine #200-#40(.425 mm) Medium #40-#1012 mi VERY LOOSE <4 <11 <4 Coarse #10-#4(4.75 mm( LOOSE 4-10 11-26 4-10 GRAVEL Fine #4-0.75 inch MEDIUM DENSE 10-30 26-74 10-30 Coarse 0.75-3 inch DENSE 30-50 74-120 30-47 COBBLES 3-12inches VERY DENSE > 50 > 120 147 CONSISTENCY - FINE GRAINED SOILS CONSISTENCY SPT N -VALUE D&M SAMPLER D&M SAMPLER POCKET PEN. / MANUAL PENETRATION TEST (140lbshammw) (300lbshammw) UNCONFINED(TSF) VERY SOFT <2 <3 <2 <0.25 Easy several inches by fist SOFT 2-4 3-6 2-5 0.25-0.50 Easy several inches by thumb MEDIUM STIFF 4-8 6-12 5-9 0.50-1.00 Moderate several inches by thumb STIFF 8-15 12-25 9-19 1.00-2.00 Readily indented by thumb VERY STIFF 15-30 25-65 19-31 2.00-4.00 Readily indented by thumbnail HARD > 30 > 65 > 31 > 4.00 Difficult by thumbnail UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART MAJOR DIVISIONS GROUP SYMBOLS AND TYPICAL NAMES GRAVELS: 50% CLEAN GW Well -graded gravels and gravel -sand matures, little or no fines. COARSE- or more GRAVELS GP Poorly graded grovels and gravel -sand mixtures, little or no fines. GRAINED retained on GRAVELS WITH GM Silly gravels, gravel -sand -silt mixfures. SOILS: More than the No. 4 sieve FINES GC Clayey grovels, gravel -sand -clay mixtures. 50% retained SANDS: 50% or CLEAN SANDS SW Well graded sands and gravelly sands, little or no fines. Poorly -graded sands and gravelly sands, little or no fines. on No. 200SP sieve morepassing the No. 4 sieve SANDS WITH SM Silty sands, sand -silt mixtures. SC Clayey sands, sand -clay mixtures. FINES FINE-GRAINED ML Inorganic silts, rock flour, clayey silts. SOILS:CL LIQUID LIMIT Inorganic clays of low to medium plasticity, lean clays. Less than LESS THAN 50 OL Organic silt and organic silty clays of low plasticity. Son SILT AND CLAY MH Inorganic ey Noret. an Na. 200 LIQUID LIMIT 50 I higsilk. CH Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays. clays of sieve I OR GREATER QH Organic clays of medium to high plasticity. HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS I PT Peat, muck, and other highly organic soil. MOISTURE CONTENT STRUCTURE DRY: Absence of moisture, dusty, dry to the touch STRATIFIED: Alternating layers of material a color> 6mm thick. DAMP: Some moisture but leaves no moisture an hand LAMINATED: Alternating layers < 6mm thick MOIST: Leaves moisture on hand FISSURED: Breaks along definate fracture planes. WET: Visible free water, usually saturated SUCKENSIDED: Striafed, polished, or glassy fracture planes. BLOCKY: Cohesive soil that can be broken down into small PLASTICITY DRY STRENGTH DILATANCY TOUGHNE55 angular lumps Which resist further breckdown. ML Non to Low Non to Low Slow to Rapid Low, can't roll LENSES: Has small pockets of different soils, note thickness. CL Low to Med. Med. to High None to Slow Medium MH Med. to High Low to Med. None to Slow Low to Med. HOMOGENEOUS: Some color and appearancethroughout. CH Med. to High High to V.High None High LIST OF ABBREVIATION & EXPLANATIONS SPT Standard Penetration Test split barrel sampler G Grab sample D&M Dames and Moore sampler MC Moisture Content LL Atterberg Liquid Limit MD Moisture Density PL Afterberg Plastic Unlit UC Unconfined Compressive Strength PP Pocket Penetrometer VS Vane Shear TABLE A-1 anch GEOTECHNICAL SITE INVESTIGATION EXPLORATORY KEY INEERING_ Nm 310 5th Street Springfield, Oregon I p: 541.779.2577 1 www.branchengineering.com (&anCh Test Pk ID: TP- IXEEkIX6r Sheet 1 of 1 Ojent Kan/Hardin Pmjed Name: Tax Lot 8000 S 67th 4reet project Number: 22-123 project Location: Springfield, Oregon Date Started: Mar012022 Complbad: Mar012022 Logged By: SPR Checked By: RID mntradon Branch Engineering Inc. Latitude: Longitude: Elevabon: Ni Hand Auger Ground WahrW.6 Equipment Hand Auger Q Notes: MC: 0 a PL LL: N y Material Description E `y ( o a �— c tomaowwso 7e W Moist, Sok, Silt with Minor Clay, Topsoil, Moist, Medium Stiff, Brown Clay with Gravel and Cobble. Fill. 1 2 Moist, Medium Stiff, Brown Clay with Angular to Sub -Angular Gravel to Cobble Sized Pieces of Basalt. B a s 6 8- 9- 910 10 Q Fines onam B Myspae Cotert H Plamc Limit and liqutl Limit (&ranch Test Pk ID: TP- ���Eff66�gIMEE11X6r Sheet 1 of 1 Ojent Kan/Hardin Project Name: Tax tI8000 S 67th Street project Number: 22-123 Project Location: Springfield, Oregon Date Started: Mar012022 Completed: Mar012022 Logged By: SPR Checked ft RID f ntracton Branch Engineering Inc. Latitude: Longitude: Elevation: Method: Hand Auger Ground WaterW.6 Equipment Hand Auger Q Notes: MC: 0 a PL LL: N y Material Description E `y ( o a �— c tomzowwso 7o vaso Moist, Sok, Silt with Minor Clay, Topsoil. Moist, Medium Stiff, Brown Clay with Sub-Angular to Angular Gravel to Cobble Sized Pieces of Basalt. 1 2 3 4 5 6 8- 9 10 Q Fines onam B Myspae Corr H Plamc Limit and liqutl Limit (&ranch Test Pk ID: TP- ���Eff66�gIMEE11X6r Sheet 1 of 1 Ojent Kan/Hardin Project Name: Tax tI8000 S 67th Street project Number: 22-123 Project Location: Springfieltl, Oregon Date Started: Mar012022 Completed: Mar012022 Logged By: SPR Checked BY RID f ntracton Branch Engineering Inc. Latitude: Longitude: Elevation: Method: Hand Auger Gmund WahrW.6 Equipment Hand Auger Q Notes: MC: 0 a PL LL: N y Material Description E `y ( o a �— c tomzowwso 7o vaso Moist, Sok, Silt with Minor Clay, Topsoil. Moist, Medium Stiff, Brown Clay with Angular to Sub -Angular Gravel to Cobble Sized Pieces of Basalt. 1 2 3 4 5 6 8- 9- 110 30 Q %nes onam B Myspae Corr H %amc Limi[aM liqutl Limi[ STATE OF OREGON GEOTECHNICAL HOLE REPORT (ae required by OAR 690-2400035) (1) OWNER/PROJECT Hole Number PROJECT NAMENBR: Fl-M5/S LANE 72777 10117/2013 Fiml Nana L.tNama CmWmY SPRMGFBiLD UTILITY BOARU AM as 250ASTREET City SlaMO ELD State OR zip 97477 (2) TYPE OF WORK ONaw E]ListeningOAbarrdoanmt ❑ Alteration papairtraanifinn) (3) CONSTRUCTION F]RabryAir E]Hand Auger ❑ Hollowahmmger ORohryMud Elcable nNAr Pmbe ElOdar (4) TYPE OF HOLE: QUceased Terris., QCaaed Permanent QUricased permanent OSlape Slablity OOlher (5) USE OF HOLE GEOTECHNICAL (6) BORE HOLE CONSTRUCTION Spaial Standard DAlbrh ropy Depth of Completed Hole 3000 R BOREHOLE SEAL sake/ Dia From To Mala®1 From To Amt Iba 4 1 0 1 30 Bentonite Cb' a 0 M 4 S Page 1 aft (9) LOCATION OF HOLE (legal description) County Lnna Twp 1800 S NIS Range 20O W EWWM Ser 3 NE 1/4 of fine NE 1/4 Tac Lal 6700 Tac Mir Number Lal Lal a 44.04058333 Lang as -12290866667 DMS a DD afhale G Namesladdre® (10) STATIC WATER LEVEL Dela SWL(pei) + SWL(R) m[mg pmmg ampinted war re PlawingAAaimR� NATERBEARB4G ZONES Depmwahrwaacatfand Grand Elevation Material From To Date Started 1072013 Completed 107/2013 Backfill placed fmm at. R Material (12) ABANDONMENT LOG: Filer pall, Wan ft to QMahrud Sim Mfmml Pmr (7) CASING/SCREEN r le_oONE■��(qx ■ ■ 9_o ONE 000010001001 r�z4 ■ A_* ONE■��� Cox* ■ RM* ONE NIONNIONNION lox* 0 0=6� N��� [Oil 0 (8) WELL TESTS 0pump 0Rouler 0Air 0FbwngAAaeim Yridaal/mW Drawdown Drill Aem/Pumndenth Dumtiadlr) Tempamure °F LabaalyaiaE1Ya By Sugerviebg GmbgiAiEngiceer watergim0tycaceema4 n MS Date Started 10/7/2013 Completed 10/7/2013 Professional Certification (lo be signed by an Oregon licensed wAer m mmitmmgwellcmm We OregmregiAerM gmbgiAaprofessionalengineer). I accept responsibility for the emmbaafim, degrming, alteration, m abmdmmenl wmkperfmmeddunngthecroswcomdahsmpa d above. Allwmkpartbarad dining this time is in compliance wilh Orsi geotechnical hole consul ion Amdards. Thisrepo iswetotheb dao kcewledge andbelief Licrose/Re,kralim Number 10630 Dah 10/17/2013 FimlNana SANIES "d Name DENNta AdlrAmn WF.CTFliN STATES SOIL CONSFRVATfON. MC. 0mGINAL - WAMRRESOURCES DEPARTI THIS REPORT MUST BE SUals[[ ® TO THE WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT WITHM M DAYS OF COMPLETION OF WORK I. Vereim: Page 2 a 2 GEOTECtRJICA HOLE REPORT-Mapwilh loeation LANE 72777 idesdW dmust be attached and shall include an appmximate scale and nonh an. 10/17/2013 LANE 72772 Page 1 f STATE OF OREGON MONITORING WELL REPORT WELLI.D.LABELYL 111]13 (as required by ORS 53].]65&OAR 690,240095) 10)17)2013 START CARD # 1021238 FirstNene L.tName Caapary SPRINGFlELDUTILITYBOARD Address 250ASTREE[ City SPRBJGPIELD Sleds OR Zip 97477 (2) TYPE OF WORK ONew ❑Demwans ❑ convernm rIAllemtim(repionsconlition) r-JAbmdonmml 3 DRILL METHOD Rolery Air ORalaryMud ElCabh Hollow Stan Auger Cable Mud ❑Reveres Raley ❑ Other (4) CONSTRUCTION Piezaneler Well ❑K DgrMof Ccinpleted Well 3500 R Special SterderdE] MONUMENT/VAULT Below Ground From 0 To 1 BOREHOLE Diameter 5 Fran p To 35 CASING Dia. 1 Fran ❑ 0 To 10 Oman, Step Wld Thrd Material QSl«I ( 'sero El O LINER Dia. Frets❑ Ta Gmge Wld Thsd Material QSl«I 0"ladir El SEAL Fran 1 To g Material Bentonite Chios AramN 1 Secke Crmutweighl SCREEN Casng/Lner Casir Material PVC Diameter 1 From 10 To 20 Sid Size 0d20 FILTER From 9 To 21 Material SILICASAND Siaeofpack 10/20 (5) WELL TESTS QPaap OBailer 0Air 0Fkwng Adesim Yield d. an Drawdown Drill dem/Pum de th Duration Teniperawre °F Lab matyeis ❑Yee By MPevking Ged,dsun,neer Wder'aft,twreraR ❑Yea(desatabei.) Pran To Desai tin Amanl Unls (0) LUUA11U1N UC WDLL (legm description) Canty IANE Twp 18.00 S NIS Range 2,00 W E/ WM Ser 3 NE 1/4 dF Me NE 1/4 Tac Lal 6700 Tac Map Number Lal Lal a 44.0d027778 Long err -122.90863889 DMS a DD Str«[address afwell (, Newesladdrese 1 (7) STATIC WATER LEVEL Date SWL(p) + SWL(fi) uhng amgkkd WeO Plowing AdesnnR❑ Dry Hole?O WATERBEARINGZONES Deplhwahrwastimtfmnd Ground Elecatim (Date Started 1Wn 013 Completed loP/ o13 (unbnded) Monitor Well Constructor Cer[ificatin" 1 certify Mat the wok 1 performed on the c.manallin, deepening, alteration, a abandauaent of this well is in compliance with Oregon monitoring well condmdion standuds. Materials used and information reported above are Ove to Me bed ofmy knowledge and belief License Number 10630 Date 101172013 password: (iftiling electronically) Signed SAMEs DENNES (E -filed) (bonded) Mannar Well 1 accept responsibility n for Me cdmction, dery ing, alteration, a abmdonmml work performed on this well during Me construction dates reported above. All work performed during Mis time is in compliance with Oregn monitoring well conshvctsnstandards. Thisreportistiuetothebest ofmyknovledge andbelid License Number 10563 Date 10/17/2013 Password: (4'fiingelectionically) OWATER-WATPARE DEEARTDEPARTMPNT THIS REPORT MUST BE SUBMfIT®TO THE WATER RESOURCES DEPARTk1ENT WITBRJ 30 DAYS OF COMPLETION OF WORK Pam Vereron. MONITORING WELL REPORT continuation page LANE 72772 WELLLD. LABEL#L111719 START CARD # 1021298 10/17/2013 BORE HOLEFILTER PACK the Fc. To Fee. To hfakfial a hiptenal R. To And the .. Im CASING/LINER ♦ From To Goo, C■Z,■ ■ LOX* ■ ■ Cele ■ ■ [OZ, ■ ■ LOX* ■ ■ Cele ■ ■ [eZe ■ ■ SCREENS Pesf/ Casng/Sarem 9ameae/ Slot #of Tele/ (5) WELL TESTS Yield avaron Drawdown Drill sfi / mp depth Uvalim Water Quality Cape erne Fmm To Ue.notioo Aman! Unit, (7) STATIC WATER LEVEL Water Bearing Zones Page 2 of 3 (S) WELL LOG Comments/Remarks Page 3 a 3 MOMTORMG WELL REPORT- Map with beatim identified LANE 72772 mud be attached and shall include an approximate xaleand oaM enmv 10/17/2013 w zm'ry M°YM'N = Sal Map—Lane County Area, Oregon s (Tax La 8(M S. 67I1h Street) S r, w 91,Cm 9lltl 5811] 9lIA �➢] >aJ] 91411 912V SBHI 9A9 STSID SWiln 3 MV Sma 1:1,640 Rpntel on A 6Maapa(11"x S.S)sM1ui. S p Ntes a m as m im a Aa � ,m � 3m N�pJ Dzn: WAN 3a CammwtlYala:1W584 fb9eEm: NM]me1W WG584 LSM Natural Resources N Sod Survey 3/17/2022 i Conservation Serme National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 1 a 3 Shc Map—Lane County Area, Oregon (Tax Ld 8999 S. 8]th Street) _SD, Natural Resources web Sol Survey 3/172922 all Conservation Service National Cooperative Shc Survey Page 2 of 3 MAP LEGEND MAP INFORMATION Area at hmerest tA09 Spot Area The sal surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at Area of Interest(AOI) 1:29,999. Q Stany Spat Soils Very Sony SpaWam hc ing: SMap may not be vapid al Mrs le. sca 0 Soil Map Unit Polygons 9 Spot VJrf S Enlargement of maps beyond the scale of mapping can cause ,.,. Soil Map Unic Lines misunderslantling of the tletail of mapping and accuracy of soil 4 Other line placement. The maps do not show the small areas of Soil Map Unit Points contrasting soils that could have been shown at a more detailed Special Line FeeNres Special Point Features scale. Lg Blowout water Features Streams and Canals Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for map ® Boraw Pit measurements. Trenspartatian Clay Spot Rails Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service 0 Closed Depression Web Soil SurveyLIRL: Interstate Highways Coordinate System: web Mercator(EPSG:3B5]) Graces Pit US Routes Maps from the Web Soil Survey are based on the Web Mercator Gravely Spa Malor Roads projection, which preserves and shape but schdistorts and area, projection that preserves area, such as the ion that ® Landfill Local Roads Abersdistance o Albers equal-area conic projection, should be used if more Lara Flaw accurate calculations of distance or area are req uired, Background aga Marsh or swamp . Aerial Photography This productis generated from the USDA­gRCS certified data as of Ne version dates) listed below. * Mine or Query SSurvey Area: Lane County Area, Oregon ® Miscellaneous Ydscer Suavely 21 y Area Data: Version 19, OctOc12T, 2921 ® Perennial VMmer Shc map units are labeled (as space allows) for map scales y, Rock Outcrop 1:59,999 or larger. A Saline Spot Dates) aerial images were photographed: Jun 12, 20191 19, 2919 Sandy Spot The odhophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were Severely Eroded Spot compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor Sinkhole shifting ofmap and boundaries may be evident. �p Slide or Slip Sodic Spot _SD, Natural Resources web Sol Survey 3/172922 all Conservation Service National Cooperative Shc Survey Page 2 of 3 Sal Map�ane Connly Area, Oregon Map Unit Legend Tax La 8000 S. "h Street LSUa Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 3/17/2022 i Conservation Serme National Cooperatirve Soil Survey Page 3 of3 Map Unit Syrnl W Map Unit Name Acres in AOI Percent of AOI 43C OixonNlle-Philomath-llazaair complex, 3 to 12 percent slopes 5.4 44.2% 89F Nekia silly day loam, 3010 50 Percent slopes 8.8 55.8% Totals fcr Area of Interest 122 100.0% LSUa Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 3/17/2022 i Conservation Serme National Cooperatirve Soil Survey Page 3 of3 Map Unit Description: Dixontile-Milanath+azelair complex, 3 to 12 percent slopes -Lane Tax Lot 8000 S. 67th Street County Area, Oregon Lane County Area, Oregon 43C—Dixonville-Philomath-Hazelair complex, 3 to 12 percent slopes Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol. 236x Elevation. 200 to 2,000 feet Mean annual precipitation: 30 to 60 inches Mean annual air temperature: 50 to 55 degrees F Frost -free period. 160 to 235 days Farmland classification. Farm land of statewide importance Map Unit Composition Dixonville and similar soils: 35 percent Philomath and similar soils. 30 percent Hazelair and similar sails: 20 percent Minorcomponents: 4 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Dixonville Setting Landform: Hills Landform position (two-dimensional): Summit, shoulder, toeslope Landform position (three-dimensional): Interfluve, nose slope, base slope Down-slope shape: Linear Across -slope shape: Linear Parent material. Colluvium and residuum derived from basalt Typical profile Hl - 0 to 14 inches. silty clay loam H2 - 14 to 26 inches: silty clay H3 - 26 to 36 inches: weathered bedrock Properties and qualities Slope: 3 to 12 percent Depth to restrictive feature: 20 to 40 inches to paralithic bedrock Drainage class. Well drained Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat): Moderately lowto moderately high (0.06 to 0.20 inlhr) Depth to watertable: More than 80 inches Frequency of floodirg: None Frequency of ponding: None Available water supply, 0 to 60 inches. Low (about 4.6 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Lard capability classification (nonirrigated): 3e Hydrologic Sail Group: D LSDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 3/17/2022 i conservation Serves National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 1 or3 Map Unit Description: Oixonvile-PhilamaIh+azdair complex, 3 to 12 percent slopes --Lane Tax Lot 8000 S. 67th Street County Area, Oregon Ecologicalsde: R002XCO11OR - Low Hill Group Forage suitability group: Well drained < 15% Slopes (G002XY0020R) Other vegetative classification. Well drained < 15% Slopes (G002XY0020R) Hydric soil rating. No Description of Philomath Setting Landform: Hills Landform position (two-dimensional): Summit, shoulder, toeslope Landform position (three-dimensional): Interfluve, nose slope, base slope Down-slope shape: Linear Across -slope shape: Linear Parent material. Colluvium and residuum derived from basic igneous rock Typical profile H1 - 0 to 6 inches: cobbly silty clay 1-12-6to14inches. cobblysiltyclay H3 - 14 to 24 inches: weathered bedrock Properties and qualities Slope: 3 to 12 percent Depth to restrictive feature: 12 to 20 inches to paralithic bedrock Drainage class. Well drained Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat): Moderately Iowto moderately high (0.06 to 0.20 inlhr) Depth to watertable: More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Available water supply, 0 to 60 inches. Very low (about 2.2 inches) Interpretive groups Lard capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 6s Hydrologic Sal Group: D Ecological site: R002XC009OR - Bald Group Hydric sal rating. No Description of Hazelair Setting Landform: Hills Landform position (two-dimensional/: Summit, shoulder, toeslope Landform position (three-dimensional): Interfiuve, nose slope, base slope Down-slope shape: Linear Across -slope shape: Linear Parent material. Colluvium derived from sedimentary rock LSa1 Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 3/17/2022 i Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 2 or3 Map Unit Description: Oixonsile-Milornath+azelair complex, 3 to 12 percent slopes—Lane Tax Lot 8000 S. 67th Street County Area, Oregon Typical profile Hl - 0 to 11 inches: silty clay loam H2 - 11 to 15 inches: silty clay H3 - 15 to 36 inches: clay H4 - 36 to 46 inches: weathered bedrock Properties and qualities Slope: 3 to 12 percent Depth to restrictive feature: 20 to 40 inches to paralithic bedrock Drainage class. Moderately well drained Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat): Very low to moderately low (0.00 to 0.06 in/hr) Depth to watertable: About 12 to 24 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Available water supply, 0 to 60 inches. Low (about 4.8 inches) Interpretive groups Lard capability classification (irrigated): None specified Lard capability classification (nonirrigated): 4e Hydrologic Sal Group: D Ecaogicalske: R002XCO10OR- Claypan Low Hill Group Forage suitability group: Moderately Well Drained < 15% Slopes (G002XY0040R) Other vegetative classification. Moderately Well Drained < 15% Slopes (G002XY0040R) Hydric sal rating. No Minor Components Panther Percent of map unit: 4 percent Landform: Scales Hydric sal rating. Yes Data Source Information Soil Survey Area: Lane County Area, Oregon Survey Area Data: Version 19, Oct 27, 2021 LSLA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 3/17/2022 i conservation Serves National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 3 or3 Map Unit Description: Nekia silty clay loam, 30 to 50 percent slopes—Lane County Area.. Tax Ld 8000 S. 6711a Street Oregon Lane County Area, Oregon 89F—Nekia silty clay loam, 30 to 50 percent slopes Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol. 239k Elevation. 350 to 1,400 feet Mean annual precipitation: 40 to 60 inches Mean annual airtemperature: 52 to 54 degrees F Frost -free period. 165 to 210 days Farmland classification. Not prime farmland Map Unit Composition Nekia and similar soils: 85 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Nekia Setting Landform: Hills Landform position (two-dimensional/: Shoulder, backslope Landform position (three-dimensional): Nose slope, side slope Down-slope shape: Linear Across -slope shape: Linear Parent material. Colluvium and residuum derived from basalt and tuff Typical profile Oi-Oto 1 inches. slightly decomposed plant material H1 - 1 to 11 inches: silty clay loam H2 - 11 to 36 inches. clay H3 - 36 to 40 inches: unweathered bedrock Properties and qualities Slope: 30 to 50 percent Depth to restrictive feature: 20 to 40 inches to lithic bedrock Drainage class. Well drained Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat): Moderately high (0.20 to 0.57 in/hr) Depth to watertable: More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Available water supply, 0 to 60 inches. Low (about 5.7 inches) Interpretive groups Lard capability classification (irrigated): None specified Lard capability classification (nonirrigated): 6e Hydrologic Soil Group: C Ecological site: R002XCO12OR - Red Hill Group LSDA Natural Resources l4pb Sail Survey 3/17/2022 i conservation Serves National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 1 oft Map Unit Description: Nekia silty clay loam, 3D to 5D percent slopes --Lane County Nee, Tax Ld 8000 S. 871h Street Oregon Hydric sdl rating: No Data Source Information Soil Survey Area: Lane County Area, Oregon Survey Area Data: Version 19, Oct 27, 2021 LSDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 3/17/2022 i conservation Serme National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 2 oft