HomeMy WebLinkAboutStudies APPLICANT 5/19/2022Geotechnical Investigation and Seismic Hazard Study South Hills 3rd Level Reservoir Replacement Springfield, Oregon Prepared for: Springfield Utility Board Springfield, Oregon May 16, 2022 Foundation Engineering, Inc. Foundation Engineering, Inc. Professional Geotechnical Services Steven Wages, P.E. May 16, 2022 Springfield Utility Board 202 S 18th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 South Hills 3rd Level Reservoir Replacement Project No.: 2211098 Geotechnical Investigation and Seismic Hazard Study Springfield, Oregon Dear Mr. Wages: We have completed the requested geotechnical investigation and seismic hazard study for the above -referenced project. Our report includes a description of our work, a discussion of the site conditions, a summary of laboratory testing, and a discussion of engineering analyses. Recommendations for site preparation and foundation design and construction are also provided. A seismic hazard study was also completed to identify potential geologic and seismic hazards and evaluate the effect those hazards may have on the proposed site. The study fulfills the requirements presented in the 2019 Oregon Structural Specialty Code (OSSC 2019) for site-specific seismic hazard reports for essential and hazardous facilities, and major and special -occupancy structures. The 2019 OSSC is based on the 2018 International Building Code and ASCE 7-16. Results of the study (provided in Appendix D) indicate there are no geologic or seismic hazards that require special design consideration or would preclude construction of the proposed reservoir. The study was completed by Brooke Running, R.G., C.E.G. There are numerous values in geotechnical investigations that are approximate including calculated parameters, measured lengths, soil layer depths, elevations, and strength measurements. For brevity, the symbol "±" is used throughout this report to represent the words approximate or approximately when discussing these values. It has been a pleasure assisting you with this phase of your project. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or if you require further assistance. Sincerely, FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, INC. David L. Running, P.E., G.E. Senior Geotechnical Engineer ,��Ep PROF�IO SVS/ENGINE yl 62641PE reOUGON 9y�0 L. RUN�v RENEWS: 12-31-2022 820 NW Cornell Avenue • Corvallis, Oregon 97330 • 541457-7645 7857 SW Cirrus Drive, Bldg 24 • Beaverton, Oregon 97008 • 503-643-1541 GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION AND SEISMIC HAZARD STUDY SOUTH HILLS 3RD LEVEL RESERVOIR REPLACEMENT SPRINGFIELD, OREGON BACKGROUND The Springfield Utility Board (SUB) is planning to replace an existing reservoir located in the south hills of Springfield, east of S. 66th Place. The site location is shown on Figure 1 A (Appendix A). The existing site layout is shown on Figure 2A (Appendix A). The existing reservoir is a 98 -foot diameter, 1.5 MG, concrete tank designated as Reservoir No. 1. It is proposed to replace Reservoir No. 1 with two smaller, 67 -foot diameter, 0.58 MG, steel tanks designated as Reservoir No. 2 and Reservoir No. 3. The proposed layout for the new tanks is shown on Figure 3A (Appendix A). Reservoir No. 2 will be constructed first and put in service. Then, Reservoir No. 1 will be taken off-line and demolished and Reservoir No. 3 will be constructed in the existing Reservoir No. 1 footprint. Both new reservoirs will be welded steel tanks, with a finish floor elevation (FFE) of EI. 961 .50, a maximum operational water surface elevation of El. 982.75, and an overflow elevation of El. 983.75. SUB is the project owner, Murraysmith is the lead design consultant, and Peterson Structural Engineers (PSE) is the structural designer. SUB retained Foundation Engineering, Inc. to conduct a geotechnical investigation for the project. Foundation Engineering previously completed an investigation for a seismic evaluation of the existing Reservoir No. 1 in 2013. The investigation included drilling three exploratory borings at the site to evaluate the subsurface conditions. The findings of the investigation were presented in a memorandum dated November 19, 2013. Information from that previous investigation was used to supplement the current investigation. Geotechnical information included in the as -built plans for Reservoir No. 1 was also utilized. [Q*7_1Wc134]IU4i Detailed discussions of the local and regional geology, tectonic setting, local faulting, historical seismicity, seismic hazards, and design earthquakes are included in the Site-specific Seismic Hazard Study report (Appendix D). References cited in this section are found in Appendix D. An abbreviated discussion of the local geology is provided below. The reservoir site is located on bench on a north -facing slope at the southeast edge of Springfield where it transitions from the Willamette Valley to the western foothills of the Western Cascades. The Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI) SLIDO and HazVu web viewers indicate the area is mapped as landslide terrain. South Hills 3rd Level Reservoir Replacement Mat 16, 2022 Geotechnical Investigation and Seismic Hazard Study 1 Project No.: 2211090 Springfield, Oregon Springfield Utility Board A mapped landslide extends across the site with the headscarp located ±800 to 1,200 feet to the south (uphill) and landslide debris extending up to ±3,500 feet to the north (downhill). A series of smaller scarps are mapped uphill and downhill of the reservoir site. DOGAMI estimates the landslide to be more than 150 years old. We completed a reconnaissance of the reservoir site including the slopes immediately uphill and downhill of the existing and proposed tanks. We did not observe any signs of recent or active slope instability. Local geologic mapping indicates the project site and immediate surrounding area is generally underlain by volcaniclastic rock (Yeats at al., 1996; Hladky and McCaslin, 2006; McClaughry et al., 2010). The subsurface conditions in our explorations are generally consistent with the geologic mapping. Colluvial soils were encountered in each of the explorations extending to depths of up to ±20 feet below the ground surface. Colluvium consists of material that has been transported downslope and deposited via erosion, creep, or landslide activity. Based on the terrain, we anticipate the colluvium was deposited during previous landslide activity. The colluvium is typically underlain by residual soil li.e., bedrock that has decomposed in place to the consistency of soil) followed by tuff, sihstone, sandy siltstone, and silty sandstone. Details are provided in the Subsurface Conditions section below, cross-sections in Appendix A, and on the boring logs in Appendix B. FIELD EXPLORATION 2013 Investigation We drilled three exploratory borings (BH -1 through BH -3) at the site as part of our previous investigation on October 9, 2013. BH -2 and BH -3 were drilled adjacent to Reservoir No. 1 and BH -1 was drilled uphill of the reservoir site on Jessica Drive to provide information to develop a subsurface cross-section. The borehole locations are shown on Figures 2A and 3A. Drilling was completed using a truck -mounted, CME 75 drill rig with mud -rotary drilling and HQ wire -line coring techniques. The borings extended to maximum depths ranging from ±30.8 to 35 feet. Disturbed samples were obtained in the borings in conjunction with the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) at 2.5 -foot intervals to ±15 feet, then at 5 -foot intervals thereafter. The SPT provides an indication of the density or stiffness of the soil. Continuous, HQ -sized coring was completed in BH -1 from ± 15 to 35 feet, after competent bedrock was encountered. Upon completion of drilling, BH -1 and BH -2 were backfilled with bentonite chips in accordance with Oregon Water Resources Department (OWRD) guidelines. The bentonite backfill was capped with gravel and asphaltic concrete (AC) cold patch in BH -1, which was drilled on Jessica Drive and with gravel in BH -3, which was drilled on the gravel access road adjacent to the tank. South Hills 3rd Level Reservoir Replacement Mat 16, 2022 Geotechnical Investigation end Seismic Hazard Study 2 Proiect No., 2211098 Springfield, Oregon Springfield Utility Board A one -inch inside diameter (I.D.) standpipe piezometer was installed in BH -2 to allow measurement of groundwater levels. The standpipe extends to a depth of ±25 feet and is slotted from ± 15 to 25 feet. The installation was capped at the ground surface with a Morris monument set in concrete. After installation, the boring was bailed to remove the drilling fluid, then allowed to recharge over a period of several days before measuring. The explorations were continuously logged during drilling. The final logs (Appendix B) were prepared based on a review of the field logs, the laboratory test results, and an examination of the soil and bedrock samples in our office. Photos of the rock core from BH -1 are also provided in Appendix B. 2021 Investigation We drilled two exploratory borings (BH -4 and BH -5) adjacent to the proposed Reservoir No. 2 location on October 27, 2021. The borehole locations are shown on Figures 2A and 3A. Drilling was completed using a track -mounted, CME 55 tracked drill rig with mud -rotary drilling techniques. BH -4 extended to a depth of ±26.5 feet and BH -5 extended to a depth of ±30.4 feet. Both borings terminated in bedrock. Disturbed SPT samples were obtained in the borings at 2.5 -foot intervals to ±20 feet, then at 5 -foot intervals thereafter. Upon completion of drilling, the boreholes were backfilled with bentonite chips in accordance with OWRD guidelines. The bentonite backfill was capped with soil cuttings in BH -4, which was drilled in an undeveloped area, and with gravel in BH -5, which was drilled on the edge of the gravel access road. The explorations were continuously logged during drilling. The final logs (Appendix B) were prepared based on a review of the field logs, laboratory test results, and an examination of the soil and bedrock samples in our office. Previous Explorations by Others SUB provided as -built plans (latest revision dated August 1982) for the existing Tank 1 prepared by CH2M Hill, Inc. The plans indicate CH2M Hill dug exploratory test pits as part of their investigation for the tank. The test pits extended to depths ranging from ±5 to 12 feet and were dug prior to the site grading for the current facility. Selected sheets are provided in Appendix B including Sheet 1 (Vicinity Map, Site Layout, Index to Drawings) which shows the test pit locations and Sheet 2 (Test Pit Lags, Reservoir Excavation, Roadway Section) which shows the test pit logs. The locations of the test pits nearest to existing and proposed reservoirs are also shown on Figures 2A and 3A. Information from the test pits was used to help characterize the site conditions. South Hills 3rd Level Reservoir Replacement Mat 16, 2022 Geotechnical Investigation and Seismic Hazard Study 3 Praieat No.: 2211098 Springfield, Oregon Springfield utility Board The topographic contours shown on Figures 2A and 3A are based on the current North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88). Topographic contours shown on plan Sheet 1 are based on the older National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD29). The ground surface elevations on Sheet 1 may be adjusted to NAVD88 by adding 3.55 feet to the NGVD29 contours. LABORATORY TESTING The laboratory testing included moisture content and Atterberg Limits tests to help classify the soils according to the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) and estimate their overall engineering properties. Non -tested samples were visually classified in accordance with ASTM D 2487 and ASTM D 2488. USCS symbols shown on the boring logs for untested samples should be considered approximations. The test results are summarized in Table 1 C (Appendix Q. The moisture contents are also shown on the boring logs (Appendix B). The Atterberg limits tests indicate the colluvium and residual soil that underlie the site have high plasticity with liquid limits (LL) ranging from 67 to 85, plasticity indices (PI) ranging from 31 to 37, and a USCS classification of MH. SUMMARY OF SITE CONDITIONS Surface Conditions The existing Reservoir No. 1 (and proposed Reservoir No. 3 location) occupies a cut bench. There is a gravel access road that extends along the perimeter of the existing tank. Surface elevations on the bench range from :LEI. 968 on the south (uphill) side to ±EI. 960 on the north (downhill) side. Photos 1A through 3A (Appendix A) show the current site conditions. The proposed Reservoir No. 2 site slopes gently down to the north. Surface elevations within the proposed tank footprint range from ±EI. 968 on the south (uphill) side to ±EI. 961 on the north (downhill) side. The ground surface in this area is densely vegetated with grass, weeds, ferns, blackberries, and scattered trees. Photos 4A and 5A (Appendix A) show the current conditions. South Hills 3rd Level Reservoir Replacement Mat 16, 2022 Geotechnical Investigation and Seismic Hazard Study 4 Proica No., 2211098 Springfield, Oregon Springfield Utility Board Subsurface Conditions The borings encountered subsurface profiles that typically include the following strata: • Fill. Fill was encountered in the borings adjacent to Reservoir No. 1 extending to depths of ±8 feet in BH -2 and ±7 feet in BH -3. The fill was used to backfill around the lower portion of the tank and to grade the terrain for the access road. The fill is variable and includes stiff gravelly clay and soft to medium stiff clay with some sand, and soft to medium stiff clay and silty clay or clayey silt with trace gravel and scattered cobbles and boulders. The fill is similar in consistency to the underlying colluvium and was likely generated from onsite excavations during the construction of Reservoir No. 1 . Fill is also exposed at the ground surface across the eastern portion of the proposed Reservoir No. 2 location east of BH -4. The surficial fill at this location consists of silt and clay with gravel to boulder -sized basaltic rock fragments. Based on the as -built plans, it appears this fill represents material that was excavated from the Reservoir No. 1 footprint and stockpiled at this location. Surficial fill was also encountered in BH -1 and BH -5. The fill in BII was limited to the pavement section (i.e., AC and base rock) on Jessica Drive and the fill in BH -5 was limited to ±g inches of silty gravel used to construct the access road. • Colluvium. Colluvium (i.e., landslide deposits) was encountered in BH -1 beneath the Jessica Drive pavement, extending to ±7 feet. Adjacent to Reservoir No. 1, the colluvium was encountered beneath the fill, from ±8 to 30 feet in BH -2 and from ±7 to 20 feet in BH -3. At Reservoir No. 3, the colluvium extended to ±13.8 feet in BH -4 and ±5 feet in BH -5. The colluvium is variable, but primarily consists of stiff to very stiff sandy clay, sandy silt, or clayey silt with trace to some sand and gravel. Scattered cobble to boulder -sized rock fragments were observed in the colluvium in BH -2. The variable nature of the material is typical of colluvial soil. • Residual Soil. Residual soil (i.e., bedrock decomposed to the consistency of soil) was encountered beneath the colluvium all borings except BH -2. The residual soil was observed from ±7 to 10 feet in BH -1, from ±20 to 25 feet in BH -3, from ±13.8 to 18.8 feet in 31-1-4, and from ±5 to 20 feet in BH -5. Residual soil may also be present above the bedrock in BH -2, but it was not encountered within the selected sampling intervals. The residual soil includes very stiff to hard sandy clay or clayey silt with some sand. Relict sandstone texture was observed in samples of the residual soil in BH -4 and BH -5. South Hills 3rd Level Reservoir Replacement Mat 16, 2022 Geotechnical Investigation and Seismic Hazard Study 5 Proiect No.: 2211098 Springfield, Oregon Springfield Utility Board Bedrock. Bedrock was encountered in each of the borings at ± 10 feet in BH -1, at ±30 feet in BH -2, at ±25 feet in BH -3, at ±18.8 feet in BH -4, and at ±20 feet in BH -5. The bedrock includes tuff, siltstone, sandy siltstone, and silty sandstone. The bedrock is decomposed to slightly weathered at the surface and generally becomes less weathered with depth. The rock hardness ranges from extremely weak (RO) to very weak (R1). The rock typically becomes less weathered and harder with depth. The siltstone core from BH -1 from ±25 to 35 feet indicates the rock has very close to moderately close, planar to irregular, rough, open joints. Rock Quality Designation (RQD) values in the rock core ranged from ±82 to 90 percent consistent with good quality. The test pit logs provided in the as -built drawings by CH2M Hill typically describe silty clay with basalt boulders or basalt boulders in a silty clay or silty sand matrix. From the description and depths indicated in the logs, we expect these soils correspond with the colluvium encountered in the recent borings. TP -4 indicated weathered siltstone from ±4 to 12 feet. No further description of the siltstone was provided. Based on its depth, this material may be consistent with the material we are classifying as residual soil. We developed three cross-sections across the site utilizing topographic data and the subsurface information from the borings. The cross-section locations are shown on Figures 2A and 3A. The cross-sections are shown on Figures 4A through 6A (Appendix A). Groundwater Mud -rotary drilling precluded an accurate measurement of the groundwater in the borings at the time of drilling. The piezometer in BH -2 was used to evaluate the groundwater levels at the site. Groundwater measurements taken on October 16 and November 7, 2013, and on October 27, 2021, are summarized in Table 1. Table 1. Groundwater Depths and Elevations IBH-2) Date Groundwater Depth (ft) Groundwater Elevation (ft) 11/16/13 23.2 944.5 11/7113 16.0 951.7 10/27/21 16.4 951.3 The lower groundwater reading (±23.2 feet) was taken during a period of relatively dry weather, while the higher groundwater readings (±16 feet and 16.4 feet) were taken after several days of moderate rain. The available data suggests a significant rise in the water table can occur in response to moderate rainfall. South Hills Bird Level Reservoir Replacement Mat 16, 2022 Geotechnical Investigation and Seismic Hazard Study 6 Pro cut No.: 2211098 Springfield, Oregon Springfield Utility Board DISCUSSION Reservoir No. 2 Reservoir No. 2 will be a welded steel tank with a diameter of 67 feet, a FFE of EI. 961.50, a maximum operational water surface elevation of El. 982.75, and an overflow elevation of El. 983.75. The tank will have a N -inch thick steel floor plate and a perimeter ring footing. No interior column footings will be required. A minimum of 2 feet of compacted crushed rock will be placed beneath the floor and a minimum of 1 foot of compacted crushed rock will be placed beneath the perimeter footing. The current ground surface elevations within the planned footprint of the tank and perimeter access road range from ±EI. 961 to ±EI. 970. Site grading for Reservoir No. 2 will require excavations extending up to ± 10 feet below the current site grades to allow for construction of the perimeter access road and a granular building pad supporting the tank. Based on the available information, we anticipate the excavations will encounter surficial fill followed by colluvium or residual soil. The fill will likely consist of a mixture of fine-grained soil and sand to boulder -sized rock fragments. The required excavations will remove the fill and terminate in colluvium or residual soil comprised of predominantly clayey silt with some sand. SPT N -values recorded in the colluvium and residual soil correlate to medium stiff to very stiff consistency, however, these N -values were recorded in soil having moisture contents above 40%. Fine-grained soils with high moisture contents are typically sensitive to disturbance and develop pore water pressure when penetrated by a split -spoon sampler, resulting in low SPT N -values. Therefore, we anticipate the SPT N -values underestimate the soil strength and the colluvium and residual soil are generally stiff to very stiff. Reservoir No. 3 Reservoir No. 3 be a welded steel tank with the same general configuration as Reservoir No. 2 including a FFE of El. 961 .50, a maximum operational water surface elevation of El. 982.75, and an overflow elevation of El. 983.75. Reservoir No. 3 will have a N -inch thick steel floor plate and a perimeter ring footing. No interior column footings will be required. Reservoir No. 3 will be located within the existing Reservoir No. 1 footprint. Reservoir No. 1 has a 98 -foot diameter and a FFE of 956.75. Reservoir No. 1 will be partly demolished with the removal of the roof, interior support columns, and the portion of the perimeter wall that extends above -grade. The buried portion of the perimeter wall and the floor slab will remain in place. The as -built plans for Reservoir No. 1 indicate the existing floor slab is typically 6 inches thick, transitioning to a 16 -inch thick by 4 -foot wide perimeter footing. The plans also indicate the floor slab and perimeter footing are underlain by at least 1 foot of compacted granular fill. South Hills 3rd Level Reservoir Replacement Mat 16, 2022 Geotechnical Investigation and Seismic Hazard Study 7 Project No.: 2211098 Springfiel4 Oregon Springfield Utility Board Holes will be made in the existing floor slab to allow for drainage and compacted crushed rock will be placed over the floor slab to grade the terrain beneath the new tank. The crushed rock between the new tank floor will be up to 4.25 feet thick. Cut Slopes No retaining walls are currently planned. The site grading will require a permanent cut slope on the south side of Reservoir No. 2. Based on the terrain and the soil conditions, we recommend grading permanent cut slopes at 2(H):1 (V) or flatter. The site should be graded to drain surface water away from the tanks. All cut and fill slopes should be seeded as soon as practical to allow time to establish vegetation before the wet winter and spring months. Temporary cut slopes for the project should be made in accordance with OR OSHA standards. We anticipate the colluvium and residual soil will correspond to an OR -OSHA Class B soil due to its stiffness and plasticity. OR -OSHA recommends a maximum temporary cut slope of 1(H):1(V) in Class B soil. The soil may degrade when exposed to rainfall. Therefore, suitable cut slopes in these soils will have to be confirmed in the field at the time of construction. Construction Timing The colluvium and residual soil are predominantly fine-grained and will be moisture -sensitive. These materials will be susceptible to softening and erosion when wet. Therefore, we recommend completing the earthwork in dry summer months (typically mid-June through the end of September). Completing the earthwork during this period will also allow time to establish vegetation on the cut slopes before the wet season. ENGINEERING ANALYSIS Seismic Design A detailed seismic hazard study was completed for the site and the findings are summarized in Appendix D. The study concluded there are no seismic hazards that would preclude construction of the proposed reservoirs, provided the earthwork is completed as recommended herein. Site Response Spectra. We developed site response spectra for the site in accordance with AWWA D1OO-11 Section 13.2.7. The AWWA D1OO-11 site response is separated into components with an impulsive component representing the structure with 5% damping and a convective component with 0.5% damping representing the fluid contents. Based on the interpreted cross-sections, we anticipate the new tanks will be underlain by stiff to very stiff colluvium and residual soil followed by relatively shallow bedrock. We have concluded the subsurface conditions correspond most closely to an AWWA Site Class C. South Hills 3rd Level Reservoir Replacement Met 16, 2022 Geotechnical Investigation and Seismic Hazard Study 8 Pro act No.: 2211098 Springfield, Oregon Springfield Utility Board AWWA D100-11 references ASCE 7-05 for seismic design. Seismic design in ASCE 7-05 utilizes USGS 2002 seismic maps. For our evaluation of the tank site, we used the updated USGS 2014 maps referenced in ASCE 7-16 and OSSC 2019 to provide the spectral accelerations consistent with the current building codes. Risk -targeted maximum considered earthquake (MCER) spectral accelerations on bedrock were obtained using modified USGS 2014 maps with 2% probability of exceedance in 50 years (i.e., a ±2,475 -year return period). The modifications include factors to adjust the spectral accelerations to account for directivity and risk. We also used the USGS 2014 maps to determine maximum considered earthquake (MCE) spectral accelerations on bedrock for a 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years (i.e., a ±475 -year return period), in case it is needed for design. The bedrock spectral accelerations were multiplied Fa and Fv values selected from ASCE 7-16 Tables 11-4-1 and 11-4-2 to calculate spectral accelerations at the ground surface. The AWWA D100-11 site response spectra for 2% probability of exceedance in 50 years are shown on Figure 7A (Appendix A). The site response spectra for 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years are shown on Figure 8A (Appendix A). Vertical Accelerations. Design vertical acceleration (Ay) may be calculated as 0.14SDs based on AWWA D100-11 Section, using SDs from Figure 7A. Liquefaction. Liquefiable soils typically consist of saturated, loose sands and non -plastic or low plasticity silt (i.e., a PI of less than 8). Our borings indicate the site is underlain by predominantly stiff to very stiff soil with medium to high plasticity. These soils are not susceptible to liquefaction. Therefore, there is no liquefaction hazard at the site. Slope Stability Analysis. Because the site is located within mapped landslide topography, we completed slope stability analysis to address potential instability concerns. The analyses were completed for Cross -Sections A -A' and C -C' shown on Figures 4A and 6A. We did not complete analysis for Cross -Section B -B' because that cross-section is not aligned with the direction of movement of the original landslide. Also, the subsurface conditions on Cross -Section B -B' are similar to the other cross-sections. Both static and seismic conditions were analyzed. Strength parameters for the soil units were estimated from available correlations based on SPT N -values, laboratory tests, and visual classifications. Typical strength tests (e.g., direct shear or triaxial shear) were not practical based on the variable nature of the colluvium and residual soil. Strength parameters were assigned to the colluvium, residual soil, and bedrock, as well as an assumed thin soil layer at the interface between the colluvium and residual soil. South Hills 3rd Level Reservoir Replacement Mat 16, 2022 Geotechnical Investigation and Seismic Ha2ard Study 9 Protect No., 2211098 Springfield, Oregon Springfield Utility Hoard Reduced strength parameters were assumed for this interface layer because previous movement is expected to have occurred along this interface. Strength parameters were not assigned to the surficial fill because this material is limited in extent. The strength parameters vary slightly for static and seismic conditions. For static analysis, the soil strength was modeled using internal friction angles (0) and no cohesion (c) assuming drained loading conditions. For seismic analysis, an apparent cohesion was added for the colluvium and residual soil to account for the soil response to dynamic loading. Groundwater conditions for the analysis were based, in part, on the groundwater measurements from the piezometer in BH -2 and an estimation of the upper -bound and average groundwater levels. We assumed the phreatic surface would approximately follow the estimated slope of the bedrock surface. For static loading conditions, we assumed the phreatic surface would correspond to a depth of ±10 feet at BH -2. We anticipate this groundwater level represents an upper -bound condition. For seismic loading, we assumed the phreatic surface would correspond to a depth of ± 15 feet at BH -2. We anticipate this depth will represent an average groundwater condition during the winter and spring. Seismic conditions were simulated using pseudo -static analysis. For pseudo -static analysis, a design horizontal acceleration (kh) of one-third to one-half of the estimated peak ground surface acceleration (Aa) is typically used. The reduction accounts for the non -rigid nature of the soil and the fact the peak ground acceleration only exists for a short period of time and does not necessarily align perpendicular to the slope (Kramer, 1996). For the analysis, we assumed a kh value of 0.1 Bg corresponding to 0.5Ae. As was calculated by multiplying the estimated peak bedrock acceleration for a 2% in 50 -year return interval (0.308) by a site amplification factor (FPGA) of 1.2, assuming a Site Class C soil classification. The program SLIDE 5.0 was used to complete the two-dimensional stability analysis utilizing Bishop, Janbu, and Spencer methods. Circular and block failure modes were analyzed. The circular failure search was limited to areas where a slope failure could impact the reservoirs. The block failure search focused on the zone extending beneath the reservoirs and assumed a failure surface approximately following the interface between the colluvium and residual soil (i.e., along the failure surface of the previous landslide). For Reservoir No. 2, a nominal uniform pressure of 1,500 Ibslfoot2 (psf) was applied on the ground surface within the tank footprint to represent the dead load imparted by the water and the structure. For Reservoir No. 3, a nominal uniform pressure of 2,000 psf was applied on the ground surface within the tank footprint to represent the dead load imparted by the water, the structure, and the crushed rock used to backfill beneath the structure. South Hills Bud Level Reservoir Replacement Mat 16, 2022 Geotechnical Investigation and Seismic Hazard Study 10 Pro ect No.: 2211098 Springfield, Oregon Springfield Utility Board The output from the analyses is presented in Appendix E. A factor of safety (FS) of at least 1.5 is typically required for static conditions where slope stability can affect a critical facility. A FS of at least 1.1 is typically required for seismic conditions. For all cases, the results indicate FS values greater than 1.5 for critical failure surfaces that would impact the new tanks. The relatively high FS values are due to the stiffness of the colluvium and residual soil, the relatively shallow bedrock depth, and the relatively level bedrock surface. Bearing Capacity For Reservoir No. 2, we calculated an ultimate bearing capacity for the ring footing assuming the footing will bear on 1 foot of compacted crushed rock underlain by foundation soil with a � of 28 degrees and c of 200 psf. The calculations indicate an ultimate bearing capacity of 9,000 psf. This value corresponds to an allowable bearing pressure of 3,000 psf with a typical factor of safety of 3. A one-third increase in the allowable bearing pressure (i.e., 4,000 psf) may be used in evaluating short-term seismic loads. The allowable bearing pressures provided above may also be used for the design of Reservoir No. 3. We anticipate the allowable bearing pressures will be conservative for Reservoir No. 3 because the ring footing for that structure will be underlain by a thicker section of granular fill and the Reservoir No. 1 floor slab, which will help spread the foundation load. Settlement Reservoir No. 3. The maximum operational water level in Reservoir No. 3 will approximately match the operational water surface elevation in the original tank (Reservoir No. 1 ). The net increase in bearing pressure beneath the new tank is estimated to be±205 psf due to the weight of the steel floor and the thickened granular fill section under the floor. The existing Reservoir No. 1 floor slab that will remain in place beneath the new tank will also help distribute the load. For these conditions, we anticipate the total foundation settlement will be less than % inch and the differential settlement between the center and edges of the new tank floor will be N inch or less. Reservoir No. 2. The net increase in vertical stress for Reservoir No. 3 will be higher. We calculated a net increase of ±885 psf beneath the center of the floor to account for the removal of an average of 6 feet of existing fill and colluvium and the addition of 2 feet of crushed rock, a Ya -inch thick steel floor plate, and 21.25 feet of water. We assumed the perimeter ring footing will be 2.5 feet wide with a dead load in the range of 1,500 to 2,000 psf. We completed settlement analysis for Reservoir No. 3 using the computer program Settle3D. We assigned a range of compressibility parameters for the colluvium and residual soil based on our previous experience with similar stiff to very stiff soil. The underlying bedrock was assigned a low compressibility. South Hills god Level Reservoir Replacement Mat 16, 2022 Geotechnical lnvestigaticn and Seismic Hazard Study 11 Project No.: 2211098 Springfield, Oregon Springfield Utility Board Our analysis indicates the total settlement may be up to ± 1 inch with up to ± % inch of differential settlement between the center and edges of the tank. The calculations indicate most of the settlement is due to the weight of the water rather than the weight of the structure. Therefore, most of the settlement is expected to occur during or shortly following the initial filling of the tank. Some long-term, post -construction settlement (i.e., creep) should also be expected. Staging the initial filling of the tank may be used to help the structure adjust to the total and differential settlement. If this approach is selected, we recommend initially filling the tank only halfway and monitoring settlements for a period of at least 2 weeks. If the rate and magnitude of settlement are confirmed to be close to or below the estimated values and the pattern of settlement is relatively uniform, the tank may be filled relatively quickly. Otherwise, we recommend filling the tank in stages while monitoring the settlement. Sliding Coefficient and Passive Resistance for Footings The footings and tank floors will bear on compacted crushed rock. For sliding analysis, we recommend using a coefficient of friction of 0.5 between the base of the concrete and the crushed rock. Passive resistance of the backfill in front of the buried footings was calculated as an equivalent fluid density equal to y*Kp, where y is the unit weight of the backfill and KP is the passive earth pressure coefficient. We anticipate the footings for Reservoir No. 2 will be backfilled with compacted crushed rock surrounded by medium stiff colluvium or residual soil. For these conditions, we calculated the passive pressure on the footings assuming an average y of 120 pcf (lbs./ft') and an average o of 34 degrees. The calculations indicate the ultimate passive resistance may he modeled using an equivalent fluid density of ±420 pcf. We anticipate the ring footing for Reservoir No. 3 will be backfilled with compacted crushed rock extending at least 10 feet beyond the edges of the tank. For these conditions, we calculated the passive pressure on the footings assuming a y of 130 pcf and a 0 of 38 degrees. The calculations indicate the ultimate passive resistance may be modeled using an equivalent fluid density of ±550 pcf. The passive resistance may be combined with the sliding resistance at the base of the footings to evaluate the overall lateral resistance, however, the sliding and ultimate passive resistances will develop with different displacements. The sliding resistance will develop with very small transitional movement. Development of the ultimate passive resistance on the footings may require a lateral displacement corresponding to 1 % of the buried footing height. South Hills grid Level Reservoir Replacement Mat 16, 2022 Geotechnical Investigation and Seismic Hazard Study 12 Protect No., 2211098 Springfield, Oregon Springfield utility Board DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS Design and construction recommendations are provided in the following sections. We recommend contractors be provided a copy of this report to review the site conditions and recommendations for site preparation and foundation construction. The construction recommendations provided below assume earthwork will occur during dry weather. These recommendations will need to be modified if the work is completed during wet weather. General Earthwork 1. Select Fill as defined in this report should consist of % or 1 -inch minus, Glean (i.e., less than 5% passing the #200 U.S. Sieve), well -graded, angular crushed rock. We should be provided a gradation sheet for this material for approval prior to delivery to the site. 2. Drain Rock should consist of % to 1 %-inch, clean (less than 2% passing the #200 sieve), open -graded, angular, crushed quarry rock. Other gradations may be acceptable, provided the rock is durable and free draining. We should be provided a gradation sheet for this material for approval prior to delivery to the site. 3. Separation Geotextile should be a non -woven or non -woven geotextile with Mean Average Roll Value (MARV) strength properties meeting the requirements of an AASHTO M 288-17 Class 2 Separation Geotextile with a maximum AOS of 0.6 mm (max average roll value) and a permittivity greater than 0.05 sec'. We should be provided a specification sheet on the selected geotextile for approval prior to delivery to the site. 4. Subsurface Drainage Geotextile should be a non -woven geotextile with Mean Average Roll Value (MARV) strength properties meeting the requirements of an AASHTO M 288-17 Class 3 Subsurface Drainage Geotextile, with a maximum AOS of 0.22 mm (max average roll value) and a permittivity greater than 0.1 sec'. We should be provided a specification sheet on the selected geotextile for approval prior to delivery to the site. 5. Compact all fill in loose lifts not exceeding 12 inches. The lift thickness should be reduced to 6 inches where light or hand -operated equipment is used. Compact all fill to a minimum of 95% relative compaction. The maximum dry density of ASTM D 698 should be used as the standard for estimating relative compaction. The moisture content of the fill should be adjusted to within ±2% of its optimum value prior to compaction. Field density tests should be run frequently to confirm adequate compaction of the fill. South Hills 3rd Level Reservoir Replacement Met 16, 2022 Geotechnical Investigation and Seismic Hazard Study 13 Protect No., 2211098 Springfield, Oregon Springfield Utility Board Foundation Design and Construction 6. Design the tanks using the seismic design parameters and response spectra shown on Figures 7A and 8A. 7. Design the footings using an allowable bearing pressure of 3,000 psf. This value may be increased by one-third for transient loads. The allowable bearing pressure assumes the footings will bear on at least 1 foot of compacted Select Fill underlain by stiff soil. 8. For Reservoir No. 2, assume the total foundation settlement will be less than 1 inch and the differential settlement will be %4 inch or less. 9. For Reservoir No. 3, assume the total foundation settlement will be less than t/2 inch and the differential settlement will be '/4 inch or less. 10. Use a coefficient of sliding friction of 0.5 between the bottom of the footings and the compacted Select Fill and a coefficient of sliding friction of 0.4 between the bottom of the steel floors and the compacted Select Fill. The ultimate passive resistance for the buried ring footing at Reservoir No. 2 may be calculated using an equivalent fluid density of 420 pcf. The ultimate passive resistance for the buried ring footing at Reservoir No. 3 may be calculated using an equivalent fluid density of 550 pcf. Assume sliding friction will develop with very little movement, but a lateral displacement of up to 1 % of the buried footing height will be required to mobilize the ultimate passive resistance. Foundation Preparation Reservoir No. 2 11. Strip the existing ground as required to remove roots and organics. The typical stripping depth is expected to be ±4 inches. Deeper stripping and grubbing depths will be required where trees are encountered. Dispose of all strippings outside of construction areas. 12. Excavate the tank area as required to provide a minimum of 2 feet of Select Fill beneath the floor and 1 foot of Select Fill beneath the ring footing. The excavation of the ring footing would extend at least 1 foot beyond the edges of the footing. We recommend completing the final excavation using an excavator equipped with a smooth-edged bucket to reduce subgrade disturbance. All loose or disturbed soil should be removed prior to backfilling. 13. Use Select Fill to backfill the tank excavation. Place and compact the fill in lifts as recommended in Item 5. South Hills 3rd Level Reservoir Replacement Mat 16, 2022 Geotechnical Investigation and Seismic Hazard Study 14 Project No.: 2211098 Springfield, Oregon Springfield Utility Board 14. Grade the area surrounding the tank to promote runoff away from the foundation. Surface runoff should be collected by swales or a French drain and directed away from the tank. Concentrated runoff should not be directed onto native slopes. Reservoir No. 3 15. Demolish the roof, interior columns, and above -grade walls of the existing tank. Existing interior columns should be cut off at least 2 feet below the bottom of the new floor. Drill or punch several holes in the existing floor slab to allow for drainage. Haul all construction debris off site. 16. Use Select Fill to backfill inside the existing reservoir footprint as required to grade for the new ring footing and floor. Place and compact the fill in lifts as recommended in Item 5. 17. Grade the area surrounding the tank to promote runoff away from the foundation. Surface runoff should be collected by swales or a French drain and directed away from the tank. Concentrated runoff should not be directed onto native slopes. Access Road Reservoir No. 2 18. Excavate the access road subgrade to accommodate a minimum of 12 inches of Select Fill. Compact the subgrade surface to mitigate any surface disturbance. Proof -roll the subgrade using a loaded, 10 -yd' dump truck or other heavy construction vehicle approved by Foundation Engineering prior to placing the Select Fill. Soft or pumping subgrade identified during the proof -roll may be moisture -conditioned and recompacted, or overexcavated and replaced with compacted Select Fill and proof -rolled again. 19. We recommend providing a Separation Geotextile beneath the Select Fill to reduce the risk of subgrade intrusion into the base rock. The Separation Geotextile should be laid flat over the subgrade and pulled tight to remove wrinkles. A minimum of ±2 feet of overlap should be provided between adjacent rolls of the Separation Geotextile. The geotextile should be overlapped in the direction the fill will be placed to reduce the risk of separation. Place a minimum of 12 inches of Select Fill over the Separation Geotextile to construct the base rock section. Compact the Select Fill as recommended in Item 5. South Hills 3rd Level Reservoir Replacement Mat 16, 2022 Geotechnical Investigation and Seismic Hazard Study 15 Project No., 2211098 Springfield, Oregon Springfield Utility Board Reservoir No. 3 20. The perimeter access road for Reservoir No. 3 will be located within the footprint of Reservoir No. 1. We recommend backfilling the Reservoir No. 1 footprint using Select Fill placed and compacted as recommended in Item 5. A Separation Geotextile is not required at this location. Cut and Fill Slopes 21. Temporary cut slopes should be excavated or shored in accordance with OR OSHA recommendations. 22. We anticipate the medium stiff to stiff colluvium and residual soil will correspond to an OR OSHA Type B soil. OSHA recommends excavating temporary cut slopes no steeper than 1 (H):1 (V) in Type B soil. The soil may degrade when exposed to rainfall. Therefore, the appropriate soil type and suitable temporary cut slopes will have to be confirmed in the field at the time of construction. 23. The permanent cut slope on the south side of the tanks should be graded at 2(H):1 (V) or flatter. Fill slopes should also be graded no steeper than 2(H):1 (V). 24. Soil that is left exposed on slopes will also be susceptible to raveling and erosion. Therefore, following construction, all exposed ground surfaces should be vegetated as soon as practical so that a mature vegetation cover is in place prior to the onset of wet weather. Residual soil exposed in the cut slopes may be relatively sterile for growing vegetation. Therefore, it may be necessary to dress the finished surfaces with topsoil or use an appropriate fertilizer and erosion control blanket to help establish vegetation. We assume specific recommendations of the type of vegetation will be provided by others. Drainage A perimeter foundation drain is not required around the tanks if the site is adequately graded to direct surface water away from the foundations. However, a perimeter drain may be desirable for leak detection, if so, the system should be built as described below. These recommendations may also be used for constructing a French drain to intercept surface runoff. 25. The foundation drain, if needed, should consist of a 6 -inch diameter, perforated HDPE or PVC pipe. The flowline of the pipe should be set at least 12 inches below the bottom of the floor. The pipe should be bedded in at least 4 inches of Drain Rock and backfilled to within 6 inches of the ground surface with Drain Rock. The mass of Drain Rock should be wrapped in a Subsurface Drainage Geotextile that laps at least 12 inches at the top. South Hills 3rd Level Reservoir Replacement Mat 16, 2022 Geotechnical Investigation and Seismic Hazard SNdy 16 Project No.: 2211098 Springfield Oregon Springfield Utility Board 26. Provide clean -outs at appropriate locations for future maintenance of the drainage system. 27. Discharge the water from the drain system away from the tank in a manner that will not cause local erosion or ponding at the outlet of the drainpipe. DESIGN REVIEW/CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATIONITESTING We should be provided the opportunity to review all drawings and specifications that pertain to site preparation and foundation construction. Site preparation will require field confirmation of the subgrade conditions beneath the tanks. That confirmation should be done by a Foundation Engineering representative. Mitigation of any subgrade pumping will also require engineering review and judgment. Frequent field density tests should be run on all engineered fill. VARIATION OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS, USE OF THIS REPORT, AND WARRANTY The analysis, conclusions, and recommendations contained herein assume the subsurface profiles observed in the borings and test pits are representative of the site conditions. The above recommendations assume we will have the opportunity to review final drawings and be present during construction to confirm the assumed soil and groundwater conditions in the excavations. No changes in the enclosed recommendations should be made without our approval. We will assume no responsibility or liability for any engineering judgment, inspection, or testing performed by others. This report was prepared for the exclusive use of the Springfield Utility Board and their design consultants for the South Hills 3rd Level Reservoir Replacement project in Springfield, Oregon. Information contained herein should not be used for other sites or for unanticipated construction without our written consent. This report is intended for planning and design purposes as described herein. Contractors using this information to estimate construction quantities or costs do so at their own risk. Our services do not include any survey or assessment of potential surface contamination or contamination of the soil or groundwater by hazardous or toxic materials. We assume those services, if needed, have been completed by others. Our work was done in accordance with generally accepted soil and foundation engineering practices. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. South Hills Bird Level Reservoir Replacement Mat 16, 2022 Geotechnical Investigation and Seismic Hazard Study 17 Project No., 2211098 Springfield, Oregon Springfield Utility Board REFERENCES AASHTO, 2017, Geosynthetic Specification for Highway Applications, American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO), M288-17, June 2017. ASCE, 2017, ASCE 7-16: Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), ISBN 978-0-7844-7996-4. ASTM, 2011, Standard Test Method for Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unified Soil Classification System, USCS): American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) International, ASTM Standard D2487, DO[: 10.1520/D2487-11, 11 p. ASTM, 2009, Standard Test Method for Description and Identification of Soils (Visual -Manual Procedure): American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) International, ASTM Standard D2488, DOI: 10.1520/D2488 -09A, 11 p. AWWA, 2011, Welded Carbon Steel Tanks for Water Storage, fD 100-11): American Water Works Association (AWWA), July 1, 2011. DOGAMI, 2020, SLIDO (Statewide Landslide Information Database for Oregon) Viewer, SLIDO-4.2: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI), website: http://www.oregongeology.com/sub/slida/index.htm, updated October 30, 2020, accessed November 2021. IBC, 2018, International Building Code: International Code Council, Inc., Sections 1613 and 1803.3. Kramer, S.L., 1996, Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, Published by Prentice Hall OSSC, 2019, Oregon Structural Speciality Code (OSSC): Based on the International Code Council, Inc., 2018 International Building Code (IBC), Sections 1613 and 1803. OR -OSHA, 2011, Oregon Administrative Rules, Chapter 437, Division 3 - Construction, Subdivision P - Excavations: Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Division (OR -OSHA), 1926.650, www.osha.or/pdf/rules/division3/div3.pdf. South Hills 3rd Level Reservoir Replacement Met 16, 2022 Geotechnical Investigation and Seismic Hazard Study 18 Pro act No., 2211098 Springfield, Oregon Springfield Utility Board Appendix A Figures and Site Photos Foundation Engineering, Inc. Professional Geotechnical Services 3 a D fy f Y51 kIFLE Zr - =� -SITE �MDVEFNOb FU \� SCALE IN FEET NOTE: BASE MAP OBTAINED FROM THE USGS WEBSITE (https://ngmdb.usgs.gov). 0 1000 2000 4000 �V9n Foundation Engineering, Inc. VICINITY MAP FIGURE NO. Professionat Gcotmh icat Services ECT NO. DATE: DRAWN BY: SOUTH HILLS 3RD LEVEL RESERVOIR REPLACEMENT 1A ❑RM 2211098 ocT zozl MLM SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 10'PUE }} ig„ �V--��- -• �_ - - -�_ie-� B, P✓�N�''S"i ' y I - - _ IN 17 APPROX LOC OF EXIST W I -yeti_— I h ate _ ,lj ABAND 12 W IX f r EXISFSL`G €SMS v v „1 v s ,— �t�PP5Ed`v v' - EXISTING 1r 1 P-71 vv �� ES NO.3 \ vv I /g ,\ 3RD LEVEL RES NO. 1 \\\ \ P-5 98' DIA 1.5 MG {I � 9BH2. ^�-E�. X71 i EXIST PARTIALLY BURIED, PRE STRESSED CONC RES TP 6 r �— RZ \\ LEGEND , _�� �� vAAV,,AAAAvAvv vvv�Av .��vo ®"- .BH-1-Foundation Engineering Boring •�`vvVA vvvvvvvvvv`vvvv�v�,�A v �_ v /� �vvvv TP4 CH2MHill Test Pdvv��vv����vvvvyvvvvvvv���������`C,,, �A-A' Cross-Section Location SCALE IN FEET 0 20 40 80 NOTES: 1. EXPLORATION LOCATIONS WERE ESTABLISHED REFERENCING EXISTING LANDMARKS AND ARE APPROXIMATE. 2. SEE REPORT FOR A DISCUSSION OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS. 3. BASE MAP WAS PROVIDED BY MURRAYSMITH. 4. CROSS-SECTIONS A -A' AND C -C' EXTEND NORTH OFF OF THE PAGE. SEE FIGURE 3A FOR NORTHERN EXTENTS. 91 LEGEND BH -1 - Foundation Engineering Boring 19 TP -4 - CH21M Hill Test Pit A -A' - Cross -Section Location ' > V 5 MCY \ 1 RAGE TANK / BH -4/ V, NOTES: 1. EXPLORATION LOCATIONS WERE ESTABLISHED REFERENCING EXISTING LANDMARKS AND ARE APPROXIMATE, 2. SEE REPORT FOR A DISCUSSION OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS. 3. BASE MAP WAS PROVIDED BY MURRAYSMITH. 4. CROSS-SECTIONS A -A' AND C -C' EXTEND SOUTH OFF OF THE PAGE. SEE FIGURE 2A FOR SOUTHERN EXTENTS. 0: 8 MG 3RD LEVEL AGE TANK NO. 3 6]' DIA 1 1 71 I 1 'Il SCALE IN FEET 0 20 40 Em C B BH -1 NOTES: 1. EXPLORATION LOCATIONS WERE ESTABLISHED REFERENCING EXISTING LANDMARKS AND ARE APPROXIMATE, 2. SEE REPORT FOR A DISCUSSION OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS. 3. BASE MAP WAS PROVIDED BY MURRAYSMITH. 4. CROSS-SECTIONS A -A' AND C -C' EXTEND SOUTH OFF OF THE PAGE. SEE FIGURE 2A FOR SOUTHERN EXTENTS. 0: 8 MG 3RD LEVEL AGE TANK NO. 3 6]' DIA 1 1 71 I 1 'Il SCALE IN FEET 0 20 40 Em 0 PROPOSED RES. 3 13 1009 995 EXISTING RES. 1 990 \ 965 960 975 BH -2 TP -5 E 970 )rE1. 957.7) )rE197 anal bowlers and orsamg 0 965 BH -3 sol m medium and 9556 / •E19'CLHY F L 9505) - J site CLAY N _EI v- with bsaali boulders Q 960 6)Ifl9rawdly — — — — — — — — CLAY,¢ome send 11) _ — .EL s595 clayey SILT (fill) r l95L0 Bal boulder¢ in / W 955 7 Say Id. 9555 slltyssal mablx TP -4 rE1. 953EIL ,¢oma¢ W 950 (-El. sas l) Dias sil to Dead! sayey SILT, / slyeew,,ax¢anay CLAY ¢omasand, b¢wkwme �Zi 945 SEL 9M.3 Iffy CLAY D. Oravel (colluvium) grovel, scaMmtl cobbles rEi 9180 911ty CLAY w/smell5ilsbne (sbbles —y. and boistallluvil 940 EI, 9007 WeaNered 31LT5TONE Des, sfil sandy CLAY lresldael sell)_ s 'El. 9375 935 _ v _ v _ — p - rEl. 05 T 7 v rEl. 936.9 EarremelLTSTONE yweak (RD) SI Syd 930.0 Estemely weak (RD) TUFF 930 SEI. 929.2 925 920 SCALE IN FEET 0 15' 30' 60' NOTES: 1. CROSS-SECTION A -A' BASED ON SURVEY BY MURRAYSMITH. 2. SEE FIGURES 2A AND 3A FOR LOCATION OF CROSS-SECTION A -A'. 3. SEE REPORT FORA DISCUSSION OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS. 4. SYMBOL -? - DENOTES THE ASSUMED SOIL/BEDROCK CONDITIONS BETWEEN EXPLORATION LOCATIONS. B B' PROPOSED RES. 3 Jessica Dlive 1000 BH -1 995 EXISTING RES. 1 (x EI.882.6) 990 \9 . Slln sandy CAY m candy SILT. B85 — — — — — — — — — — 3E 1. 906 bane 92veHoll c 1 xE1 . 9022 b VeryaNl Aeyey 1LTd idunl soil) 980 �xE1. 977.6 @lremely week (RO)NFF 975 BH -2 In" c76is1 x / Entann ywnak W varyweak Z 970 (x E1. 96]7) 6v5vll Loulel1 e�J wyvni. /j (ROW RI) santly SILTBTONE O 965 BH -3 6GLlY y (x EL 984.E 9oll to msdlum 51111 spry filly wiN basafi boultlsm 960 CUYWd ayey SllT (fl IQ �L9fi9] 3EL861.0 E'dom JQ ELs SI@9mvelly O LAY.somesand Sci ClAV, Beall in / ±151 576 955 xE1. 863] some send (1,11) Vse, soffmyel,. so land clayey SILT slly mntl men's xE1xE1. 956 j W 950 some sand, trace to some Stiff to very ci CLAY, grmbouldeIkretl m6Lles 940 dedsantly Baca gmvel(mlluvNm) and boultlers (col Wvlam) y40 y ?—t£L M0.7 3 n_ Very stlR aa_dy GLAV (maldual sod) _xE1. 9307 935 — ] — 1 — xEl. 935.7 SE1. 936.8 ExVem ely weak(RO)SILTSTONE Fxlmm9ly weak (RO)TO FF 930 929.2 925 920 SCALE IN FEET 0 15' 30' 60' NOTES: 1. CROSS-SECTION B -B' BASED ON SURVEY BY MURRAYSMITH. 2. SEE FIGURES 2A AND 3A FOR LOCATION OF CROSS-SECTION B -B'. 3. SEE REPORT FOR A DISCUSSION OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS. 4. SYMBOL -? - DENOTES THE ASSUMED SOIL/BEDROCK CONDITIONS BETWEEN EXPLORATION LOCATIONS. C 1000 995 990 985 975 Z 970 O 965 F j 960 W 955 W 950 905 960 935 930 925 920 SCALE IN FEET 0 15' 30' 60' C' PROPOSED RES. 2 / BH -1 aeseica Drive REI. W2.0 Stilicantly 0Wll cantly SILT. tremrual aidalscolluvlum) F EL x 9058 'm' aid olayey SILT (residual sole EI 962.6 Eatremely'xeak(RD) TOFF E 9]]6 gHA / / Eeremdy wcaker,enak E1. (RDW RI)avdy SIL7nSl RHb 9660 ) (x EI. Bfi26) MsdlumslRls(IRola'sy ' Metllum s6HbstlN Clayay 6lLT, solea no(mll wiu m) 61LI',somaaan0(mlluvlLm� / DEL 95Tc xE1. 955 Q m. sns Veryrdddayey SILT, some santl Medium sllflb salfclay, SlL some sand and gerval(solluvium) xEL 9520 - I— EL 9522 Very still hard dayey SILT, Very sill Cady clayey SILT, some send (rea decal soli) santl (residual wil t— DE1.94T2 dome —1, t, very weak (R9 to RI) n _ — tEl. 9<20 some sandy SILTSTONE �p 6(remely weak (R9)silry $AN O6TONE xE1. 93L0 nF1, 936.5 Vary weak (R1)sandy SILTSTONE -EI. 9318 NOTES: 1. CROSS-SECTION C -C' BASED ON SURVEY BY MURRAYSMITH. 2. SEE FIGURES 2A AND 3A FOR LOCATION OF CROSS-SECTION C -C'. 3. SEE REPORT FOR A DISCUSSION OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS. 4. SYMBOL -? - DENOTES THE ASSUMED SOIL/BEDROCK CONDITIONS BETWEEN EXPLORATION LOCATIONS. M1 M 0.7 vi 0.6 0 43 0.5 d � 0.4 Q m 0.3 n fn W 0.1 0.0 1- - -- AW WA Response Spectrum Convective Components = AW WA Response Spectmm 1- -- Impulnve Componene - 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Period (seconds) Notes: 1. The Design Response Spectra are based on the General Procedure in AW WA D100-11 Section 13.2.7 with a 2% probability of exceedence in 50 years. 2. The following parameters were used for the impulsive component response spectrum: Site Class = C Damping = 5% Ss= 0.63 F,- 1.25 Sus` 078 Soo' 0.52 S, = 0.36 P„ = 1.50 So, = M4 Sm = 0.36 3. So and S, values indicated in Note 2 are USGS 2014 risk -targeted MCE spectral accelerations available from https/ksetsmicmaps.org. 4. F, and F, were selected from ASCE 7-16 Tables 11.4-1 and 11.4-2 based on the Ss and S, values. Son and Sm values include a 2/3 reduction on SMs and So, as discussed in AW WA ❑100-11 Section 13.2.7. 5. The response spectrum for the convective components was calculated based on AW WA D100-11 Eq. 13-12. 6. Site location is: Latitude 44.0347, Longitude -122.9097. FIGURE 7A AWWA D100-11 SITE RESPONSE SPECTRA 2% Probability of Exceedence in 50 years South Hills 3rd Level Reservoir Replacement Springfield, Oregon Project 12211098 0.6 0.5 rn 2 4 6 8 10 12 Period (seconds) Notes: 1. The Design Response Spectra are based on the General Procedure in AWWA D100-11 Section 13.2.7 with a 10% probability of exceedence in 50 years. 2. The following parameters were used for the impulsive componenlresponse spectrum: Site Class = C Damping = 5% Ss = 0.26 F, = 1.30 Sxs = 0.33 S,= 0.13 F,,= 1.50 So= 0.20 3. Ss and S, values indicated in Note 2 are USGS 2014 MCE spectral accelerations corrected for directivity available from hi:seismicmaps.org. 4. F, and F„ were selected from ASCE 7-16 Tables 11.4-1 and 11 4-2 based on the Ss and S, values. 5. The response spectrum for the convective components was calculated based on AWWA D100-11 Eq. 13-12. 6. Site location is: Latitude 44 0347, Longitude -122.9097. FIGURE 8A AWWA D100-11 SITE RESPONSE SPECTRA 10% Probability of Exceedence in 50 years South Hills 3rd Level Reservoir Replacement Springfield, Oregon Project 12211098 AWWA Response Convective AWWAResponse - Impulsve Spectrum Components - D Spectmm Components - - 2 4 6 8 10 12 Period (seconds) Notes: 1. The Design Response Spectra are based on the General Procedure in AWWA D100-11 Section 13.2.7 with a 10% probability of exceedence in 50 years. 2. The following parameters were used for the impulsive componenlresponse spectrum: Site Class = C Damping = 5% Ss = 0.26 F, = 1.30 Sxs = 0.33 S,= 0.13 F,,= 1.50 So= 0.20 3. Ss and S, values indicated in Note 2 are USGS 2014 MCE spectral accelerations corrected for directivity available from hi:seismicmaps.org. 4. F, and F„ were selected from ASCE 7-16 Tables 11.4-1 and 11 4-2 based on the Ss and S, values. 5. The response spectrum for the convective components was calculated based on AWWA D100-11 Eq. 13-12. 6. Site location is: Latitude 44 0347, Longitude -122.9097. FIGURE 8A AWWA D100-11 SITE RESPONSE SPECTRA 10% Probability of Exceedence in 50 years South Hills 3rd Level Reservoir Replacement Springfield, Oregon Project 12211098 Foundation Engineering, Inc. South Hills 3rd Level Reservoir Replacement Project No.: 2201098 Photo 1 A. Existing surface conditions south of Reservoir No. 1 looking east. Photo 2A. Existing surface conditions west of Reservoir No. 1 looking northeast. Foundation Engineering, Inc. South Hills 3rd Level Reservoir Replacement Project No.: 2201098 Photo 3A. Existing surface conditions north of Reservoir No. 1 looking east. Photo 4A. Existing surface conditions at the proposed Reservoir No. 2 location looking southeast. Foundation Engineering, Inc. South Hills 3rd Level Reservoir Replacement Prosect No.: 2201098 Photo 5A. Existing surface conditions at the proposed Reservoir No. 2 location looking southwest. A Eh Professional Geotechnical .Se'k. Appendix B As -Built Plans, Boring Logs, and Rock Core Photos Foundation Engineering, Inc. DISTINCTION BETWEEN FIELD LOGS AND FINAL LOGS A field log is prepared for each exploration by our field representative. The log contains information concerning sampling depths and the presence of various materials such as gravel, cobbles, and fill, and observations of groundwater. It also contains our interpretation of the soil conditions between samples. The final logs presented in this report represent our interpretation of the contents of the field logs and the results of the sample examinations and laboratory test results. Our recommendations are based on the contents of the final logs and the information contained therein and not on the field logs. VARIATION IN SOILS BETWEEN EXPLORATIONS The final log and related information depict subsurface conditions only at the specific location and on the date indicated. Those using the information contained herein should be aware that soil conditions at other locations or on other dates may differ. Actual foundation or subgrade conditions should be confirmed by Foundation Engineering during construction. TRANSITION BETWEEN SOIL OR ROCK TYPES The lines designating the interface between soil, fill or rock on the final logs and on subsurface profiles presented in the report are determined by interpolation and are therefore approximate. The transition between the materials may be abrupt or gradual. Only at boring or test pit locations should profiles be considered as reasonably accurate and then only to the degree implied by the notes thereon. SS -3-4 C - Pavement Core Sample Sample Number CS - Rock Core Sample Exploration Number OS -Oversize Sample (3 -inch O.D. split -spoon) Sample Type S - Grab Sample SH - Thin-walled Undisturbed Sample Top of Sample Attempt SS - SPT Sample (2 -inch O.D. split -spoon) Recovered Portion Standard Penetration Test resistance equals the number Unrecovered Portion of blows a 140 Ib. weight falling 30 in. is required to drive a standard split -spoon sampler 1 ft. Practical refusal is SH SS Bottom of Sample Attempt equal to 50 or more blows per 6 in. of sampler penetration. 0 Water Content(%) FIELD SHEAR STRENGTH TEST GROUNDWATER Shear strength measurements on test pit side walls, Groundwater Location blocks of soil or undisturbed samples are typically made with Torvane or Field Vane shear devices. (1/31/21) Date of Measurement Values reported as undrained shear strength (S„) in tsf. Foundation Engineering, Inc. Professional Geotechnical Services UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYMBOLS TYPICAL SOILIROCK SYMBOLS W - Well Graded Concrete ® Silt a� Basalt ® Organics Sand Sandstone ® Clay Gravel Siltstone Foundation Engineering, Inc. Professional Geotechnical Services UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYMBOLS G - Gravel W - Well Graded S - Sand P - Poorly Graded M - Silt L - Low Plasticity C - Clay H - High Plasticity Pt - Peat O - Organic EXPLORATION LOG KEY IMPORTANT INFORMATION AND SYMBOLS Explanation of Common Terms Used in Soil Descriptions Field Identification Cohesive Soils Granular Soils SPT' Sa** (tsf) Term SPT' Term Easily penetrated several inches by fist 0-2 c 0.125 Very Soft 0-4 Very Loose Easily penetrated several inches by thumb. 2-4 0.125-0.25 Soft 4-10 Loose Can be penetrated several inches by thumb with moderate effort. 4-8 025-050 Medium Stiff 10-30 Medium Dense Readily indented by thumb but penetrated only with grealefforf. 8-15 0.50-1.0 Stiff 30-50 Dense Readily indented by thumbnail. 15-30 1.0-20 Very Stiff >50 Very Dense Indented with difficulty by thumbnail. >30 '2.0 Hard ' SPT N -value in blows per foot (bpf) Undrained shear strength Term Soil Moisture Field Description Dry Absence of moisture. Dusty. Dry la the touch. Damp Soil has moisture. Cohesive sails are below plastic limit and usually moldable. Low Plasticity Grains appear darkened, but no visible water. Silt1clay will clump. Sand will bulk. Soils are oflan at or near plastic Moist limit. 15-30 Visible water on larger grain surfaces. Sand and cohesionless sill exhibit dilatancy. Cohesive soil can be readily Wet remolded. Soil leaves wetness an the hand when squeezed. Sail is wetter than the optimum moisture content and Easily rolled and re -rolled into thread. above the plastic limit. Term PI Plasticity Field Test Non -plastic U-3 Cannot be rolled into a thread at any moisture. Low Plasticity 3-15 Can be rolled into a thread with some difficulty. Medium Plasticity 15-30 Easily rolled into thread. High Plasticity '30 Easily rolled and re -rolled into thread. Term Soil Structure Criteria Stratified Alternating layers at least Y. inch thick. Laminated Alternating layers less than''/. inch thick. Fissured Contains shears and parfmgs along planes of weakness. Slickensided Partings appear glassy or striated. Blocky Breaks along so rfaces into smaller lumps or blocks. Slickensides may be visible. Lensed Contains pockets of different soils. Term Soil Cementation Criteria Weak Breaks under light finger pressure. Moderate Breaks under hard finger pressure. Strong Will not break with finger pressure. dI h Foundation Engineering, Inc.I EXPLORATION LOG KEY Professional Geotechnical Services COMMON SOIL DESCRIPTION TERMS Explanation of Common Terms Used in Rock Descriptions Term (ODOT) Weathering Field Identification Fresh Crystals are bright. Discontinuities may show some minor surface staining. No discoloration in rack fabric. Hardness Field Identification Moderatedly UCS (psi) Strength (000T) Indented by thumbnail. RO <100 Extremely Weak Extremely Soft Crumbles under firm blows with geological hammer. R1 100-1,000 Very Weak Very Saft Can be peeled by a pocket knife. >10ft Very Wide Very Thick (Massive) Can be peeled by a pocket knife with difficulty, shallow indentations R2 1,000-4,000 Weak Soft made by firth blow with geological hammer. Cannot be scraped or peeled with a pocket knife, specimen can be R3 4,000 - 8,000 Medium Strong Medium Hard freaured with a single blow of geological hammer. Specimen requires more than one blow of geological hammer to R4 8,000 -16.000 Strong Hard fracture it. Specimen requires many blows of geological hammer to fracture k. R5 >16,000 Very Strang Very Hard Term (ODOT) Weathering Field Identification Fresh Crystals are bright. Discontinuities may show some minor surface staining. No discoloration in rack fabric. Slightly Weathered Rock mass is generally fresh. Discontinuities are stained and may contain clay. Some discoloration In rack fabric. Moderatedly Significant portions of rock show discoloration and weathering effects. Crystals are dull and show visible chemical Weathered alteration. Discontinuities are stained and may contain secondary mineral deposits. Highly Weathered Rock can be excavated with geologist's pick. All discontinuities exhibit secondary mineralization. Complete (Predominately discoloration of rock fabric. Surface of core is friable and usually pitted due to washing out of highly altered minerals Decomposed) by drilling water. Decomposed Rock mass is completely decomposed. Original rock 'fabric" maybe evident (relict texture). Maybe reduced to soil Wide with hand pressure. Spacing (metric) Spacing (imperial) Spacing Tenn Bedding/Foliation <6 am <2 in Very Close Very Thin (Laminated) 6cm-30 cm tin -ift Close Thin 30 cm - go cm 1ft-3ft Moderately Close Medium go car -3.0on 3ft-loft Wide Thick >3.0on >10ft Very Wide Very Thick (Massive) Vesicle Term Volume Some vesicles 5-25% Highly vesicular 25-50N Scoriaceous >50% Stratification Term Description Lamination < 1 pan (e4 in) thick beds Fissile Preferred break along laminations Parting Preferred break parallel to bedding Foliation Metamorpic layering and segregation of minerals ROD % Designation ROD % Designation 0-25 Very Poor 75-90 Good 25-50 Poor 90-100 Excellent 50-75 Fair Rock Quality Designation (ROD) is the cumulative length of intact rock core pieces 4 inches or longer (excluding breaks caused by drilling and handling) divided by run length, expressed as a percentage. Foundation Engineering, Inc.I EXPLORATION LOG KEY Professional Geotechnical Services COMMON ROCK DESCRIPTION TERMS Depth Soil and Rock DescriptionElev ♦ SPT, • Moisture, % Bal antl Log Samples N -Value Instillalionsl Feet Comments Depth (] Recovery ® ROD., % Water Table 992.63 0 50 100 SPFALTIC CONCRETE. (+5 inches)_ 9902 Gapped with Dense CRUSHED GRAVEL (t] inches); grey, d amp, I . 991 6 7 AC ccltl patch and z tti-inch minus, base rock). S _ -- __J 1.0 gravel Siff sandy CLAY to sandy SILT, trace gravel:brown, SS - ♦ } 3 iron and man arse -stained, dam to moist, metlium 9 P -14 12 Backfilled 4 plasticity, fine to coarse sand, fine, subangular gravel, with (colluvium). bentonite 5 SS -1-2 �1 • chips 6 _ __-------- 985.6 Very stiff clayey SILT; light grey, iron and 7.0 ♦ • 8 manganese-sta ned damp, medium plasticity, S l 3 24 (residual soil). 9 10— _---- _ - 9826 • P Ea1remely weak(RO) TUFF; light grey and ?.-S� 188 56-14 64 11 iron -stained, decomposed. 12 3 • 66 13 i_ / SS1S 14 15 _ ----- 9n6 • Extremely weak(RO) sandy SILTSTONE; grey to ISO 8S1-8 48 16 crown, iron -stained, decomposed, fine to coarse sang _ - 17 18 19 — 20 Blu¢grey and highly to moderately weathered below SS -1-7 - IS/ 21 t20 feel _ 22 23 —_ 24 25 Very weak(R1), slightly weathered to fresh, very close — SS -1-8 1 3" CW1 26 to moderately close, planar to Irregular, and open CS -1-1 joints below 25 feet. — 37 28 —_ 29 _ 0 30- 31 31 _ 32 33 —_ 34 35 — 9576 BOTTOM OF BORING 350 Project No: 2131028-101 Boring Log: BH -1 Surtace, Elevation: 992.6 feet (Approx.) Springfield Utility Board (SUB) Date of Boring: October 9, 2013 South Hills Reservoir Wh Foundation Engineering, Inc. Springfield, Oregon Page 1 of 1 Depth Soil and Rock Description Ell ♦ SPT, Molslure, % Sol and Log Samples N -Value Installations/ Feet Comments Depth i] Recovery ® ROD.,% Water Table %T7 o so 109 Soft to medium stili silty CLAY to clayey SILT,some 0.0 Morns 1 sand, trace to some gravel, scattered cobbles antlmonument rounders; brown to red -brown, iron and satin 2 manganese -stained, moist, medium plasticity, fine to • concrete 3 coarse, subangular gravel, (fill). SS2-1 5 Bentonite 4 chips 5 Ail55-2-2 6 1 -inch I.D. ] PVC B -- ----- ------ ----- 959.]SS-2-3 Very stiff 10 hard clayey SILT, some sand, iroce to 8.0 9 some gravel, scattered cobbles and boulders; brown to grey, iron and manganese -stained, moist, medium 10 to high plasticity, fine to coarse sand, fne to coarse, SS2-6 11 subangulargravel,(colluvium) ai 6 -inch diameter boulder encountered from ±11 to 12 12.5 feet. 13 5625 19 14 Colorado 15SS sand 2c fi9 silica 6 Ground 17 water level 78 9 �'. 0.010 20 • machine slot SS 2 }J3 creep 21 22 23 Grountl 24 water level 25 «d,6 ( 10-16-13) SS2-6 26 2] Bentonite 28 chips 29 30-1— _ —_——__—___ _ 93}} _ malyweak(RO)SILTSTONE; blue -grey, slightly 300 SS29 S5 weathered. 936. 30.8 BOTTOM OF BORING Project No.: 21 31 02 8-1 01 Boling Log: BH -2 Surface Elevation: 967.7 feet (Approx.) Springfield Utility Board (SUB) Data of Boring: October 9, 2013 South Hills Reservoir Foundation Engineering, Inc. Springfield, Oregon Page 1 of 1 Depth Soil and Rock Description and Feel Comments Loose to medium dense CRUSHED GRAVEL, grey, 1 damp, i1.5 -inch mired, (fl11)(++9 inches.__ 2 Stiff gravelly CLAY, some sand; brown to grey, moist, medium plasticity, fine to coarse sand, fine to coarse, 3 subangular gravel,(fill). 4 Soft CLAY, some sand; brown, iron -stained, moist, 5 metlium plasticity, fine to coarse sand, (fill). 6 ] Stiff to very stiff sandy GLAV, trace gravel, brown to 8 light grey, iron end manganese -stained, moist, 9 metlium plasticity, fine to coarse sand, fine, subangular gravel, (colluvium). 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Very stiff sandy CLAY; light grey, iron -stained, damp, 21 low plasticity, fine to coarse sand, (residual soil) 22 23 24 25 EMremely weak (RO)Tl1FF; light grey grading [o 26 blue -grey, iron -stained, decomposed to highly weathered. 27 28 29 31 Log Elea. Depth 96066 Samples A SPT, 0 Moisture, % N -Value 0 Recovery ® ROD., % 0 50 100 Backfill Installations/ Water Table 959,9_ Capped with 5.8 gravel 0' 5531 13. Backfilled 956.7 - with 40 bentonite SS -3-2 chips 953 7 70 5533 1 SS 34q 9 SS -35 9 A • SS -3-6 tl 94a] L. A 20.0 55-&] 21 OF BORING I t 31,5 Project No.: 2131028-101 Boring Log: 1311-3 Surface Elevation: 960.7 feet (Approx.) Springfield Utility Board (SUB) Date of Boring: October 9, 2013 South Hills Reservoir 4` Foundation Engineering, Inc. Springfield, Oregon Depth Soil and Rock Description Ell ♦ SPT, Moisture, % Backfilll and Log Samples N -Value Installatiofil Feet Comments DepthDas 0 Recovery I9 RpD., % Water Table o w 100 Medium stiff to stiff clayey SILT, some and (MIH); 0.0 Capped with 1 brown and iron and manganese -stained, moist, high .1 ings plasticity, fine to coame sand -sized rack fragments, 2 (colluvium). Flo 3 ssdl Backfilled with 4 Orange -brown and iron and manganese -stained below . bentonite hips 5 t5 feet. --:f X4-2 A 6 7 - A 8 SS 13 9 to - --------------- 9560 9560. Metlium stiff t° stiff clayey SILT, some sand and 100 55-9-0 7 11 gravel WHO; orange -brawn and iron and - manganese -stained, moist, medium plasticity, fine to 12 coarse sand, fine to subangular grovel -sized rock A: 13 fragments, (colluvium) 359-5 11 952.2 14 _ __ Very stiff to hard clayey SILT, some d (M sanH); 13.8 15 yellowish brown and manganese -stained, damp to most, medium to high plasticity, fine sand, (residual SS -9-8 23: 16 sail). -. 17 18 SSt7 '� 947.2 19 _______ ____________ Extremely, weak to very weak INC to R1)sandy 1E.8 28 SILTSTONE grey, slightly weathered, fine volcanic — .and. 21 _ 22 23 _ 24 25 55-49 1D -- 26 BOTTOM OF BORING 26.5 Project No.: 2211098 Boring Log: BH -0 Surface Elevation: 966.0 feet (Approx.) Springfield Utility Board (SUB) Date of Boring: October 27, 2021 South Hills 3rd Level Reservoir Replacement 'I hl Foundation Enginccring, Inc. Springfield, Oregon � Page 1 of 1 Depth Soil and Rock Description and Feet Comments 1 1 moist, Icw plasticity silt, tine to coarse angular gravel, 2 I(fill).___ _________ SOR to medium stiff clayey SILT, some sand —IMF){ 3 orange -brown and iron and manganese stained, moist, high plasticity, ran to medium sand sided mck 4 fragments, (colluvium). 5 Very sfifr clayey BlLT, some santl (MH); yellowish 6 brown and iron and manganese -stained, moist, 7 medium to high plasticity, fine sand, (residual soil). 8 Relict sandstone texture below±7.5 feet. 9 10 11 Hand below 110.5 feet. 12 13 Light brown below ±12.5 feet. 14 15 16 17 18 19 Hua -grey and sandy below± 19 feet. 20 Extremely weak (RO) silty SANOSTDNE, brown and 21 iron-ittlinetl, moderately weathered, fine to medium 22 vcicanic sand. 23 24 25 Very weak(R1) sandy SILTSTONE; greyfid-r 26 blue -grey, slightly weathered, fine to medium volcanic .and. 27 28 29 30 BOTTOM OF BORING Project No.: 2211098 Surface Elevation: 962.0 feet (Approx.) Date of Boring: October 27, 2021 1` Foundation Engineering, Inc. Boring Log: 13115 Springfield Utility Board (SUB) South Hills 3rd Level Reservoir Replacement Springfield, Oregon 1oft A SPT, • Moisture, % Backfill) Elev. Log Samples N -Value Installations/ Depth 0 Recovery ® RQD.,% Water -Table 962 0 W 100 9612 Capped with 0.6 gravel and cuttings ssSt p Backfilled with bentonite 9570 ` • Ch, 5.0 S552 g • 5553 16 sa 3f • All, s5-55 3 SS •' 's8 -5L 9420 .... 20.0 SS37 8 1 93].0 25.0 SS -58 9316 SS -S9 Boring Log: 13115 Springfield Utility Board (SUB) South Hills 3rd Level Reservoir Replacement Springfield, Oregon 1oft Foundation Engineering, Inc. South Hills 3`° Level Reservoir Project No.: 2211098 Photo 1B. BH -1 Box 1 (25.0 to 33.0 feet) Photo 2B. BH -1 Box 2 (33.0 to 35.0 feet) /UMF' uS E/E NT/O/{ M'9XJl ACV'F8$ D"' </M/FS F • LEGEND® Ex<snN�' cONrouR :_?�,;`. ``•.''-..���4' �; � �� ,�•. 1 I t aria".✓ � -i \.w 1 SITE 1LFIN w � N d 9f i 2MHLL F YC P O� --H'OK'.4CKCY IM+Y A�SY ,,.- FASTF.FLY �—"`'6�UGFF x—s' +X Y �x Mak` fGEM2hG 1 G/NUT I —434'._x,.._ V.9OL} Q POYCA 9sG./ rT•} M TE- CN+3N6E PIPER. S RICW. f /-z" ez inN,E PrtENCH R5 � D R/ORTN SIX.TF GI'WM %bE nsdgY =� �•- � x� I 5rk/2e FRo'4 RfSeX`/oiL LEGEND® Ex<snN�' cONrouR :_?�,;`. ``•.''-..���4' �; � �� ,�•. 1 I t aria".✓ � -i \.w 1 SITE 1LFIN w � IY IYl.I VLl' SPRINGFIELD 1.3 MG RESERVOIR SPRINGflELD DTILDY 00ARD SPPINGmnp, OREGON VICINITY MAP N d 2MHLL F YC P IY IYl.I VLl' SPRINGFIELD 1.3 MG RESERVOIR SPRINGflELD DTILDY 00ARD SPPINGmnp, OREGON VICINITY MAP PR OJ llt SITE IND" TO DRAWING S EEt w NO. TITLE t YIOMIFY MnP.SITELAYOUT INDEX YG DRAWING$ P nn PIT LOGS, RiMRVO1A MAVATION. ROADWAY SECTION 3 Y. PIPING°LAN +MANHOLE NO.I DETAIL/EXCAVATION PLAN a FOUNDATION AND ROOF PLAN 8 WALL SECTION TYPICAL WALL AND MOT KG OPT LLI. FOOTING DEA L iY%CAL COIUNNwND R AOOPSECOONS I MISGELLANEOIA5 STRUCTURAL DETAILS E MIGCELLANEOMDETAIL8 S OxOEDDRAW SYSTEM, VALVE VAULT IO OVEPFLOVI AND DRAIN MAILS AS-6UtLT RECORD DRAWINGS IL SE qE OP WG N.Y AFfN ME.ggED .pAf PM1; MNP BA41S6F NFOpKiT10 O�N%E88vpT3YlW iFIEk M6 FAbE+1Y PER4T$EN iql LIIE FFI$ [OCATIflR TY E OF COMPONE 1 Np9 NWi�-0F WMS':PY `TIGH 3 NPI EtR 0. NJe'tlE FC+Yq lEt Op AW EPRpiq'9fl. 510MS W +CX vpVE BEEM1 Wi.Oq?OB A+£� MTO tipF Ixu'aDDApwrNs: FVICINIT'Y MAP, SITE LAYOUT DF III =, INDEX TO OHAWINOS DATE � ' C193I111 /s'-4 N d PR OJ llt SITE IND" TO DRAWING S EEt w NO. TITLE t YIOMIFY MnP.SITELAYOUT INDEX YG DRAWING$ P nn PIT LOGS, RiMRVO1A MAVATION. ROADWAY SECTION 3 Y. PIPING°LAN +MANHOLE NO.I DETAIL/EXCAVATION PLAN a FOUNDATION AND ROOF PLAN 8 WALL SECTION TYPICAL WALL AND MOT KG OPT LLI. FOOTING DEA L iY%CAL COIUNNwND R AOOPSECOONS I MISGELLANEOIA5 STRUCTURAL DETAILS E MIGCELLANEOMDETAIL8 S OxOEDDRAW SYSTEM, VALVE VAULT IO OVEPFLOVI AND DRAIN MAILS AS-6UtLT RECORD DRAWINGS IL SE qE OP WG N.Y AFfN ME.ggED .pAf PM1; MNP BA41S6F NFOpKiT10 O�N%E88vpT3YlW iFIEk M6 FAbE+1Y PER4T$EN iql LIIE FFI$ [OCATIflR TY E OF COMPONE 1 Np9 NWi�-0F WMS':PY `TIGH 3 NPI EtR 0. NJe'tlE FC+Yq lEt Op AW EPRpiq'9fl. 510MS W +CX vpVE BEEM1 Wi.Oq?OB A+£� MTO tipF Ixu'aDDApwrNs: FVICINIT'Y MAP, SITE LAYOUT DF III =, INDEX TO OHAWINOS DATE � ' C193I111 /s'-4 O r J arGT/ eL9Y .PT 61SgLr A.i"/GR'.CS' (ygS.NGT. b�.'/GLW.j$ -y, S/LTY G!9Y s/GrY ctFrFG 2 sigY tYryY H(SHq[k sir rsTa'✓E S L95N.VE 2"BKCs ( GRAY S/LTY CGgy � a�A5ALT W/l'H BdSAL1 DaU/CE/6 eWGO YO U/4. BgS1LT B.odGOERS, UP /N w A A114,1T CGPY R' y bP TO 9 /N DIA, /N SAE AsiLry sLPY MPTRIX BOULDERS SILTS 'Fs15/ER dG'G/N6 l .q �.. d otA RT. uv T m ,Bs &4FTV$' ESI PI% NESG CWNWEO d! A'fEpIBCC )319Ya" Hr?f N .MON 0.^ERE Ss5 MCK'A'1 N/.El.q L fJ 6UCKET Y h/C 4apIFI M?,/ rNTGtRbCt 8ET/JCCN SQ'L IYiCS l9 3. K oP/C TibN See $17C "L " p� Gf yGY.43C 4. IM NMTEa INgS dgSERVEO /N ANY r 'PST IT(/ER T/liN TP -/d. SFA$ONAG VAR/PT/ONS ARE EAP cl$O 5. THE CLGS SHOW SII56DRFACE CLWOITrO.V$ d 4y A'T TAC r/ME wb PGACE THE TEST FITS WEfiE MIA.''. TEST I'IT LOGS M'Ed0 Rs'OL1 �oiYZH i Ex,rnNc-.2.. cAvaNa suRrA £Cain-� �LRq Ec �5� C up$F NOTE: lvq r SA .rt4EA5 hNE56 OF Si/Ry c/NG qN qCL ROADWAY SECT/ON SECTIONI FB\ NTS / _ CH2M N ILL BZ u NORTHERLY 1 / cLEgRJNG L/MlT � I uor�s: 1 CLEARALLGROUNOWITHIFRTREU LARGERHAN CLEARINGRL IICHAREFTEORLYOFTARGERTSSV 08MEIFR WHICH UTS4.F SEELY CFTHE PgOP65EV WEST i%iYGE WNE AND OVTSIQE'!HE ROADWAY A OXG YATETNERESMVgMAREATOTHELWESAN668Ap. 9HOWN.THEEXCAVATEDMATERIALSHA .. 9TCCEPREO CFFSITEPEM SPECIFICATIONS ANC AS OISECTE. HT TME ENGINEER. TPP ( - SLOPE SOVTifERLY �` CLEgR/NGt(JMT- 0/ N,. 4 EOCE d/{ P+7UNLWi/GN- ilESERI/OIR EXGAVAT/ON PLAN ,.,Eorb• RECORD DRAWINGS THE RXS190f M6pq� I XfANP EpB F T ly EYpflE' SOMI6XGEQ14A PEEENy N gIL91E p 9pN E1 Ni�'MMLLNNTRieNtl ryq E OP f INTO SHE f F E4Pp p8 E FOg qXY ERPOHS TP qMINRITH8 WHIG E BFEN IXC6p p YERAPE q INTO ^1E AEcpATapgWINT3 I5 l RERELIT TEST PIT LOGS, RESERVOIR EXCAVATION, SP RIPRIEN FIELD!OOEGONRO ROADWAY SECTION c J w 61SgLr A.i"/GR'.CS' (ygS.NGT. b�.'/GLW.j$ -y, S/LTY G!9Y 4 G o .qNO FlP69NK5 MJLi ac�cpNLCs sigY tYryY H(SHq[k 5 { S L95N.VE 2"BKCs ( GRAY S/LTY CGgy � a�A5ALT W/l'H BdSAL1 DaU/CE/6 eWGO YO U/4. BgS1LT B.odGOERS, UP /N w A A114,1T CGPY R' y bP TO 9 /N DIA, /N /Wo 4PGgN/CS GHS9LJ 6o;JCL�A'S N./.q AsiLry sLPY MPTRIX BOULDERS 'Fs15/ER dG'G/N6 l .q �.. d otA RT. uv T m ,Bs sANd AiP rR(x &4FTV$' ESI PI% NESG CWNWEO d! A'fEpIBCC )319Ya" Hr?f N .MON 0.^ERE Ss5 MCK'A'1 N/.El.q L fJ 6UCKET Y h/C 4apIFI M?,/ rNTGtRbCt 8ET/JCCN SQ'L IYiCS l9 3. K oP/C TibN See $17C "L " p� Gf yGY.43C 4. IM NMTEa INgS dgSERVEO /N ANY r 'PST IT(/ER T/liN TP -/d. SFA$ONAG VAR/PT/ONS ARE EAP cl$O 5. THE CLGS SHOW SII56DRFACE CLWOITrO.V$ d 4y A'T TAC r/ME wb PGACE THE TEST FITS WEfiE MIA.''. TEST I'IT LOGS M'Ed0 Rs'OL1 �oiYZH i Ex,rnNc-.2.. cAvaNa suRrA £Cain-� �LRq Ec �5� C up$F NOTE: lvq r SA .rt4EA5 hNE56 OF Si/Ry c/NG qN qCL ROADWAY SECT/ON SECTIONI FB\ NTS / _ CH2M N ILL BZ u NORTHERLY 1 / cLEgRJNG L/MlT � I uor�s: 1 CLEARALLGROUNOWITHIFRTREU LARGERHAN CLEARINGRL IICHAREFTEORLYOFTARGERTSSV 08MEIFR WHICH UTS4.F SEELY CFTHE PgOP65EV WEST i%iYGE WNE AND OVTSIQE'!HE ROADWAY A OXG YATETNERESMVgMAREATOTHELWESAN668Ap. 9HOWN.THEEXCAVATEDMATERIALSHA .. 9TCCEPREO CFFSITEPEM SPECIFICATIONS ANC AS OISECTE. HT TME ENGINEER. TPP ( - SLOPE SOVTifERLY �` CLEgR/NGt(JMT- 0/ N,. 4 EOCE d/{ P+7UNLWi/GN- ilESERI/OIR EXGAVAT/ON PLAN ,.,Eorb• RECORD DRAWINGS THE RXS190f M6pq� I XfANP EpB F T ly EYpflE' SOMI6XGEQ14A PEEENy N gIL91E p 9pN E1 Ni�'MMLLNNTRieNtl ryq E OP f INTO SHE f F E4Pp p8 E FOg qXY ERPOHS TP qMINRITH8 WHIG E BFEN IXC6p p YERAPE q INTO ^1E AEcpATapgWINT3 I5 l RERELIT TEST PIT LOGS, RESERVOIR EXCAVATION, SP RIPRIEN FIELD!OOEGONRO ROADWAY SECTION c � w 4 G o H1SlLT l,Ps"YLLYAY' .INa LrE'f>HA/KS 5 { Cryv,Lr BIX/L0.'A' NJO O,PCaryh,/CS ( ei%ILT Rviy/(ygp$ � a�A5ALT BaUtAE/t5 OG /Wo 4PGgN/CS GHS9LJ 6o;JCL�A'S N./.q BOULDERS (NAS/GYY.. vAW13/X SIGTY CS/)Y J'kgiRlX .q �.. SIL VN q SILTY CLAY F09TRYk IN T �CAVINc Q IXRnY s/c7YcL.9Y L �{ N/d95 I�' ^ ,P UPTB .XB/,.DA. &4FTV$' ESI PI% NESG CWNWEO d! A'fEpIBCC )319Ya" Hr?f N .MON 0.^ERE Ss5 MCK'A'1 N/.El.q L fJ 6UCKET Y h/C 4apIFI M?,/ rNTGtRbCt 8ET/JCCN SQ'L IYiCS l9 3. K oP/C TibN See $17C "L " p� Gf yGY.43C 4. IM NMTEa INgS dgSERVEO /N ANY r 'PST IT(/ER T/liN TP -/d. SFA$ONAG VAR/PT/ONS ARE EAP cl$O 5. THE CLGS SHOW SII56DRFACE CLWOITrO.V$ d 4y A'T TAC r/ME wb PGACE THE TEST FITS WEfiE MIA.''. TEST I'IT LOGS M'Ed0 Rs'OL1 �oiYZH i Ex,rnNc-.2.. cAvaNa suRrA £Cain-� �LRq Ec �5� C up$F NOTE: lvq r SA .rt4EA5 hNE56 OF Si/Ry c/NG qN qCL ROADWAY SECT/ON SECTIONI FB\ NTS / _ CH2M N ILL BZ u NORTHERLY 1 / cLEgRJNG L/MlT � I uor�s: 1 CLEARALLGROUNOWITHIFRTREU LARGERHAN CLEARINGRL IICHAREFTEORLYOFTARGERTSSV 08MEIFR WHICH UTS4.F SEELY CFTHE PgOP65EV WEST i%iYGE WNE AND OVTSIQE'!HE ROADWAY A OXG YATETNERESMVgMAREATOTHELWESAN668Ap. 9HOWN.THEEXCAVATEDMATERIALSHA .. 9TCCEPREO CFFSITEPEM SPECIFICATIONS ANC AS OISECTE. HT TME ENGINEER. TPP ( - SLOPE SOVTifERLY �` CLEgR/NGt(JMT- 0/ N,. 4 EOCE d/{ P+7UNLWi/GN- ilESERI/OIR EXGAVAT/ON PLAN ,.,Eorb• RECORD DRAWINGS THE RXS190f M6pq� I XfANP EpB F T ly EYpflE' SOMI6XGEQ14A PEEENy N gIL91E p 9pN E1 Ni�'MMLLNNTRieNtl ryq E OP f INTO SHE f F E4Pp p8 E FOg qXY ERPOHS TP qMINRITH8 WHIG E BFEN IXC6p p YERAPE q INTO ^1E AEcpATapgWINT3 I5 l RERELIT TEST PIT LOGS, RESERVOIR EXCAVATION, SP RIPRIEN FIELD!OOEGONRO ROADWAY SECTION AD6 Appendix C Laboratory Testing Foundation Engineering, Inc. Professional Geotechnical Services Foundation Engineering, Inc. South Hills 3rd Level Reservoir Replacement Project No.: 2211098 Table 1 C. Moisture Contents (ASTM D 2216) and Atterberg Limits (ASTM D 4318) Sample Number Sample Depth (ft) Moisture Content (%) Atterberg Limits USCS Classification LL PL PI SS -3-4 10.0- 11.5 58.4 85 48 37 MH SS -4-1 2.5 - 4.0 38.9 67 34 31 MH SS -4-2 5.0- 6.5 43.3 SS -4-3 7.5 - 9.0 41.9 SS -4-4 10.0- 11.5 54.0 SS -4-5 12.5 - 14.0 65.4 SS -4-6 15.0- 16.5 54.4 SS -4-7 17.5 - 19.0 43.9 SS -5-1 2.5 -4.0 43.1 SS -5-2 5.0- 6.5 64.4 SS -5-3 7.5 - 9.0 60.5 78 47 31 MH SS -5-4 10.0 - 11.5L46.2SS-5-5 12.5 - 14.0SS-5-6 15.0 - 1 fi.5 Appendix D Seismic Hazard Study Foundation Engineering, Inc. Professional Geotechnical Services SEISMIC HAZARD STUDY SOUTH HILLS 3RD LEVEL RESERVOIR REPLACEMENT SPRINGFIELD, OREGON INTRODUCTION This seismic hazard study was completed to identify potential geologic and seismic hazards and evaluate the effect those hazards may have on the proposed project. The study fulfills the requirements presented in the 2019 Oregon Structural Specialty Code (OSSC), Section 1803 for site-specific seismic hazard reports for essential and hazardous facilities and major and special -occupancy structures (OSSC, 2019). The 2019 OSSC is based on the 2018 International Building Code and ASCE 7-16. The following sections provide a discussion of the local and regional geology, seismic and tectonic setting, earthquakes, and seismic hazards. A detailed discussion of the subsurface conditions at the project location, including exploration logs, is provided in the main report. The project site currently has an existing 98 -foot diameter concrete reservoir tank designated as Reservoir No. 1. A proposed, new, 67 -foot diameter steel tank (designated as Reservoir No. 2) is planned to the west of Reservoir No. 1 . Once Reservoir No. 2 is built, Reservoir No. 1 will be demolished and a new reservoir (designated as Reservoir No. 3) will be built in its place. Reservoir No. 3 will be a 67 -foot diameter steel tank consistent with Reservoir No. 2. This report is focused on the area that will include Reservoir No. 2 and Reservoir No. 3. LITERATURE REVIEW We reviewed available geologic, seismic, and hazard publications and maps to characterize the local and regional geology and evaluate relative seismic hazards at the site. We also reviewed information from geotechnical and seismic hazard investigations previously conducted by Foundation Engineering for Reservoir No. 1 and the South Hills 4th Level Reservoir located upslope. As -built plans for Reservoir No. 1 were also reviewed. Regional Geology Springfield is located within the eastern edge of the Southern Willamette Valley, which is a broad, north -south -trending basin separating the Coast Range to the west from the Cascade Range (Western and High Cascade Ranges) to the east. The project site is along the western foothills of the Western Cascades where it transitions to the southern extent of the Willamette Valley. At the western margin of Oregon is the Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ). The CSZ is a converging, oblique plate boundary where the Juan de Fuca oceanic plate is being subducted beneath the western edge of the North American continental plate (Geomatrix Consultants, 1995). The CSZ extends from central Vancouver Island, in British Columbia, Canada, through Washington and Oregon to Northern California in the United States (Atwater, 1970). The movement of the subduction zone has South Hills 3rd Level Reservoir Replacement November 23, 2021 Seismic Hazard Study 1 Pro net No.: 2211098 Springfield, Oregon Springfield Utility Board resulted in accretion, folding, faulting, and uplift of oceanic and other sediments on the western margin of the North American plate. In the early Eocene (±55 million years ago), the present location of the Willamette Valley was part of a broad continental shelf extending west from the Western Cascades beyond the present coastline (Orr and Orr, 1999). Basement rock underlying most of the north-central portion of the Valley includes the Siletz River Volcanics (early to middle Eocene, ±50 to 58 million years old), which erupted as part of a submarine oceanic island-arc (Bela, 1979; Yeats et al., 1996). The thickness of the basement volcanic rock is unknown; however, it is estimated to be ±3 to 4 miles thick (Yeats et al., 1996). The island-arc collided with, and was accreted to, the western margin of the converging North American plate near the end of the early Eocene. Volcanism subsided and a forearc basin was created and infilled to the south with marine sediments of the Eugene Formation and terrestrial sedimentary and volcanic deposits of the Fisher Formation and Little Butte Volcanics throughout the late Eocene and Oligocene (Orr and Orr, 1999; Wiley, 2008). These sediments typically overlie but are also interbedded with younger Tertiary volcanics in the Springfield area. After emerging from a gradually shallowing ocean, the marine sediments and volcanic formations were covered by the terrestrial Columbia River Basalt (CRB). The CRB poured through the Columbia Gorge from northeastern Oregon and southeastern Washington and spread as far south as Salem, Oregon (±17 to 10 million years ago, middle to late Miocene) (Tolan at al., 2000). Uplift and folding of the Coast Range and the Western Cascades during the late Miocene formed the trough-like configuration of the Willamette Valley (Orr and Orr, 1999; O'Connor at al., 2001; Wiley, 2008; McClaughry at al., 2010). Following the formation of the Willamette Valley, thick layers of Pliocene gravel filled the Southern Valley (McClaughry et al., 201 O). The deposits were then incised by the Willamette River, forming alluvial terraces. In the Pleistocene (±1.6 million to 10,000 years ago), the Central and Southern Valley was refilled with fan-delta gravel, originating from the melting glaciers in the Cascade Range. The Willamette and McKenzie Rivers in the Springfield area incised deeply into the fan-delta deposits during the Quaternary and deposited recent alluvium adjacent to the river banks and along major tributaries (Madin and Murray, 2006). Local Geology The reservoirs are located on bench on a north-facing slope at the southeast edge of Springfield. The project site located is down slope (north) from the newly constructed South Hills 4th Level Reservoir and Jessica Drive. Local geologic mapping and cross-sections indicate the project site and immediate surrounding area is generally underlain by volcaniclastic bedrock (Yeats at al., 1996; Hladky and McCaslin, 2006; McClaughry et al., 2010). Landslide deposits have been mapped in the vicinity of the site and are shown on the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI) SLIDO and HazVu web viewers. South Hills 3rd Level Reservoir Replacement November 23, 2021 Seismic Hazard Study 2 Proiect No.: 2211098 Springfield, Oregon Springfield Utility Board The subsurface conditions in our explorations are generally consistent with the geologic mapping. Colluvial soils were encountered in each of the explorations extending to depths of up to ±20 feet below the ground surface. Colluvium consists of material that has been transported downslope and deposited via erosion, creep, or landslide activity. Based on the terrain, we anticipate the colluvium was likely deposited as a result of previous landslide activity. The colluvium consists of predominantly sandy clay, sandy silt, or clayey silt with sand to boulder -sized basaltic rock fragments. Basaltic cobble and boulder -sized rock fragments were observed in the cut slope on the south side of Reservoir No. 1 and in the fill stockpiled on the proposed Reservoir No. 2 site. We anticipate the stockpiled fill was excavated from the Reservoir No. 1 site. Colluvium including cobble to boulder -sized rock fragments was also encountered in our previous test pits and boring completed up slope for the new South Hills 4th Level reservoir. The colluvium is typically underlain by residual soil (i.e., bedrock that has decomposed in place to the consistency of soil) followed by tuff, siltstone, sandy siltstone, and silty sandstone. A boring (ES9) and accompanying shear wave velocity log were completed near 7 o Street and Ivy Street (±2,000 feet southeast of the site) in 1996 by DOGAMI. This boring was part of a shear wave velocity study of the Eugene -Springfield area (Wang et al., 1998) Subsurface conditions at ES9 included fill and landslide deposits (colluvium) followed by vitric tuff below ±18.5 feet. The recorded shear wave velocities at ES9 included 387 feet/second (ft/s) extending to ±8 feet, 1,092 ft/s in the colluvium extending to ±18.5 feet, and 1,989 ft/s in the vitric tuff to ±29.5 feet (Wang at al., 1998). The shear wave velocities at ES9 should be fairly comparable to the South Hills 3rd Level Reservoir site. Details are provided in the Subsurface Conditions section of the main report, cross-sections in Appendix A, and on the boring logs in Appendix B. Seismic Setting and Local Faulting We completed a literature review of faults to evaluate the seismic setting and identify the potential seismic sources. The US Geological Survey (USGS) website includes an interactive deaggregation tool, which allows evaluation of the contribution of the various seismic sources to the overall seismic hazard (USGS, 2014). The USGS interactive deaggregation indicates the seismic hazard at the site is dominated by the CSZ (USGS, 2014). Crustal faults also represent a potential seismic hazard. A discussion of these earthquake sources is provided below. Cascadia Subduction Zone /CSZ). The site is ± 120 miles east of the surface expression of the CSZ and the subduction zone extends beneath the site at an estimated depth of about 31 miles. The CSZ is a converging, oblique plate boundary where the Juan de Fuca plate is being subducted beneath the western edge of the North American plate. It is estimated the average rate of subduction of the Juan de Fuca plate under the North American plate is ±37 mm/year northeast, based on Pacific and Mid -Ocean Ridge velocities, geodetic studies of convergence, and magnetic anomalies of the Juan de Fuca plate (Personius and Nelson, 2006; DeMets et al., 2010). The CSZ extends ±700 miles from central Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada, through Washington and Oregon to Northern California (Atwater, 1970). South Hills 3rd Level Reservoir Replacement November 23, 2021 Seismic Hazard Study 3 Project No., 2211098 Springfidd, Oregon Springfield Wilily Board Crustal Faults. Crustal faults are fractures within the North American plate. Numerous faults are presented on local and regional geologic maps. However, not all faults are considered to be active. Because the historical earthquake record is so short, active faults are identified by geologic mapping and seismic surveys. The USGS has defined four fault classifications based on evidence for displacement within the Quaternary (<1.6 million years) in their US fault database (Palmer, 1983; Personius et al., 2003). The fault classes are defined as follows: • Class A - Faults with geologic evidence supporting tectonic movement in the Quaternary known or presumed to be associated with large -magnitude earthquakes. • Class B - Faults with geologic evidence that demonstrates the existence of a fault or suggests Quaternary deformation, but either: 1) the fault might not extend deep enough to be a potential source of significant earthquakes or 2) the current evidence is too strong to confidently classify the fault as a Class C but not strong enough to classify it as a Class A. • Class C - Faults with insufficient evidence to demonstrate 1) the existence of a tectonic fault, or 2) Quaternary movement or deformation associated with the feature. • Class D - Geologic evidence indicates the feature is not a tectonic fault or feature. Class A and B faults are included in the USGS fault database and interactive fault map. USGS considers 17 features in Oregon to be Class C faults (USGS, 2006a), including Harrisburg anticline located ±21 miles northwest of the site. The USGS does not consider any features in Oregon as Class D (USGS, 2006a). Local geologic maps indicate no crustal faults mapped beneath the site (Yeats et al., 1996; Hladky and McCaslin, 2006). The site is located between approximate to concealed crustal faults that have been mapped less than 1 mile of the site (Hladky and McCaslin, 2006). However, none of the nearby faults show any evidence of movement in the last ±1.6 million years (Palmer, 1983; Geomatrix Consultants, 1995; Personius et al., 2003; USGS, 2006a). Six potentially active Quaternary Class A and B crustal fault zones have been mapped by the USGS within ±50 miles of the site (Palmer, 1983; Geomatrix Consultants, 1995; Personius et al., 2003; USGS, 2006a). These faults are listed in Table 1D. Figure 1 D shows the approximate surface projection locations of these faults. South Hills 3rd Level Reservoir Replacement November 23, 2021 Seismic Hazard Study 4 Project No.: 2211098 Springfield, Oregon Springfield Utility Board Table 1 D. USGS Class A and Class B Crustal Faults within a x 50 -mile Radius of the Site (1) nl Fault data based on Personius at al., 2003 and USGS, 2006a and It. (zl Distance and direction from site to nearest surface projection of the crustal fault. D) Quaternary time period defined at <1.6 million years based on the 1983 Geologic Time Scale (Palmer, 1983). Historic Earthquakes Available information indicates the CSZ is capable of generating earthquakes along the inclined interface between the two plates (interface) and within the descending Juan de Fuca plate (intraplate) (Weaver and Shedlock, 1996). The fault rupture may occur along a portion or the entire length of the CSZ (Weaver and Shedlock, 1996). CSZ Interface Earthquakes. The estimated maximum magnitude of a CSZ interface earthquake is up to a moment magnitude (M.) 9.3 (Petersen at al., 2014). No significant interface (subduction zone) earthquakes have occurred on the CSZ in historic times. However, several large -magnitude (>M —8.0, M = unspecified magnitude scale) subduction zone earthquakes are thought to have occurred in the past few thousand years. This is evidenced by tsunami inundation deposits, combined with evidence for episodic subsidence along the Oregon and Washington coasts (Peterson et al., 1993; Atwater et al., 1995). Numerous detailed studies of coastal subsidence, tsunami, and turbidite deposits have been conducted to develop a better understanding of CSZ earthquakes. The studies include investigations of turbidite deposits in the offshore Cascadia Basin that were used to help develop a paleoseismic record for the CSZ and estimate recurrence intervals for interface earthquakes (Adams, 1990; Goldfinger at al., 2012). Study of offshore turbidites from the last ±10,000 years suggests the return period for South Hills 3rd Level Reservoir Replacement November 23, 2021 Seismic Hazard Study 5 Project No., 2211098 Springfield, Oregon Springfield Utility Board Approximate Approximate Last Known Fault Name Fault Distance and Slip Rate and Class Number Length Direction from Site Deformation (e) (mm/yr) (miles) (miles)121 (years) Upper Willamette 863 ±27 ±33 SE <1.6 million <0.20 River R) Owl Creek (A) 870 ±9 ±34 N -NW <750,000 <0.20 Corvallis (8) 869 ±25 ±41 NW <1.6 million <0.20 Unnamed faults 862 ±17 ±44 S -SW <750,000 <0.20 near Sutherlin (B) White Branch 1808 ±11 ±46 E <750,000 <0.20 fault zone (A) Salem-Eola Hills 719 ±20 ±50 N <1.6 million <0.20 homed Be (AI nl Fault data based on Personius at al., 2003 and USGS, 2006a and It. (zl Distance and direction from site to nearest surface projection of the crustal fault. D) Quaternary time period defined at <1.6 million years based on the 1983 Geologic Time Scale (Palmer, 1983). Historic Earthquakes Available information indicates the CSZ is capable of generating earthquakes along the inclined interface between the two plates (interface) and within the descending Juan de Fuca plate (intraplate) (Weaver and Shedlock, 1996). The fault rupture may occur along a portion or the entire length of the CSZ (Weaver and Shedlock, 1996). CSZ Interface Earthquakes. The estimated maximum magnitude of a CSZ interface earthquake is up to a moment magnitude (M.) 9.3 (Petersen at al., 2014). No significant interface (subduction zone) earthquakes have occurred on the CSZ in historic times. However, several large -magnitude (>M —8.0, M = unspecified magnitude scale) subduction zone earthquakes are thought to have occurred in the past few thousand years. This is evidenced by tsunami inundation deposits, combined with evidence for episodic subsidence along the Oregon and Washington coasts (Peterson et al., 1993; Atwater et al., 1995). Numerous detailed studies of coastal subsidence, tsunami, and turbidite deposits have been conducted to develop a better understanding of CSZ earthquakes. The studies include investigations of turbidite deposits in the offshore Cascadia Basin that were used to help develop a paleoseismic record for the CSZ and estimate recurrence intervals for interface earthquakes (Adams, 1990; Goldfinger at al., 2012). Study of offshore turbidites from the last ±10,000 years suggests the return period for South Hills 3rd Level Reservoir Replacement November 23, 2021 Seismic Hazard Study 5 Project No., 2211098 Springfield, Oregon Springfield Utility Board interface earthquakes varies with location and rupture length. That study estimated an average recurrence interval of ±220 to 380 years for an interface earthquake on the southern portion of the CSZ, and an average recurrence interval of ±500 to 530 years for an interface earthquake extending the entire length of the CSZ (Goldfinger et al., 2012). Older, deep-sea cores have been re-examined more recently, and the findings may indicate greater Holocene stratigraphy variability along the Washington coast (Atwater at al., 2014). Additional research by Goldfinger for the northern portion of the CSZ suggests a recurrence interval of ±340 years for the northern Oregon Coast (Goldfinger at al., 2016). The most recent CSZ interface earthquake occurred ±321 years ago (January 26, 1700) (Nelson et al., 1995; Satake et al., 1996). CSZ lnfraplate Earthquakes. Intraplate (Intraslab or Wadati-Benioff Zone) earthquakes occur within the Juan de Fuca plate at depths of ±28 to 37 miles (Weaver and Shedlock, 1996). The maximum estimated magnitude of an intraplate earthquake is about Mw 7.5 (Petersen et al., 2014). The available record for intraplate earthquakes in Oregon is limited. The available data indicates a Me = 4.6 (compressional body wave magnitude) event occurred in 1963, located ±23 miles east of Salem at a depth of ±29 miles (Barnett at al., 2009). Based on its depth, this earthquake may be considered an intraplate event. The Puget Sound region of Washington State has experienced three intraplate events in the last ±72 years, including a surface wave magnitude (Ms) 7.1 event in 1949 (Olympia), a Ms 6.5 event in 1965 (Seattle/Tacoma) (Wong and Silva, 1998), and a Mw 6.8 event in 2001 (Nisqually) (Dewey et al., 2002). Crustal Earthquakes. Crustal earthquakes dominate Oregon's seismic history. Crustal earthquakes occur within the North American plate, typically at depths of ±6 to 12 miles. The estimated maximum magnitude of a crustal earthquake in the Willamette Valley and adjacent physiographic regions is about Mw 7.0 (Petersen at al., 2014). Only two historic crustal events in Oregon have reached Richter local magnitude (ML) 6 (the 1936 Milton-Freewater ML 6.1 earthquake and the 1993 Klamath Falls ML 6.0 earthquake) (Wong and Bott, 1995). The majority of Oregon's larger crustal earthquakes are in the ML 4 to 5 range (Wong and Bott, 1995). Table 2D summarizes earthquakes with a M of 4.0 or greater or Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI) of V or greater, that have occurred within a ±50 -mile radius of Springfield in the last ±188 years (Johnson et al., 1994; USGS, 2013). Note that the referenced earthquake catalogs are a composite of different earthquake catalogs and seismic networks; therefore, data errors may exist. Complete historic earthquake records may not yet be included in the referenced earthquake catalogs. Therefore, it is possible some earthquakes may not be included in Table 2D. South Hills 3rd Level Reservoir Replacement November 23, 2021 Seismic Hazard Study 6 Protect No.: 2211098 Springfield, Oregon Springfield Utility Board Table 2D. Historic Earthquakes Within a± 50 -mile Radius of Springfield "I Year Month Day Hour Minute Latitude Longitude Depth (miles) Magnitude or Intensity (21 1921 02 25 20 00 44.4 -122.4 unknown MMI = V 1942 05 13 01 52 44.5 -123.3 unknown MMI V 1961 08 19 04 56 44.7 -122.5 unknown M = 4.5 2015 07 04 15 42 44.1 -122.8 5.0 W = 4.1 The site is located at Latitude 44.034716, Longitude -122.909738. M = unspecified magnitude, Mn = compressional body wave magnitude, M, = primary coda magnitude. ML = local Richter magnitude, and MMI = Modifed Mercalli Intensity at or near epicenter. Seismic events in Oregon were not comprehensively documented until the 1840s (Wong and Bott, 1995). Earthquake epicenters located in Oregon from the late 19205 to 1962 were limited due to the number of and the distance between seismographs, the number of recording stations, and uncertainty in travel times. Therefore, information recorded during that time suggests only earthquakes with magnitudes >5 would be recorded in Oregon (Bela, 1979). Oregon State University (OSU) likely had the first station installed in 1946, and the first modern seismograph was installed at OSU in 1962 (Wong and Bott, 1995; Barnett at al., 2009). According to Wong and Bott (1995), seismograph stations sensitive to smaller earthquakes (ML <4 to 5) were not implemented in northwestern Oregon until 1979 when the University of Washington expanded their seismograph network to Oregon. The local Richter magnitude (ML) of events occurring prior to the establishment of seismograph stations have been estimated based on correlations between magnitude and MMI. Some discrepancy exists in the correlations. Table 3D summarizes distant, strong earthquakes felt in the Springfield area (Noson et al., 1988; Bott and Wong, 1993; PNSN, 1993; Stover and Coffman, 1993; Wong and Bott, 1995; PNSN, 2001 ). None of these events caused significant, reportable damage in Springfield or surrounding area. South Hills 3rd Level Reservoir Replacement November 23, 2021 Seismic Hazard Study 7 Pro act Na.: 2211098 Springfield, Oregon Springfield Utility Board Table 3D. Distant Earthquakes Felt in the Springfield Area Earthquake Modified Mercalli Intensities (MMI) 2001 Nisqually, Washington II to III 1993 Klamath Falls, Oregon IV 1993 Scotts Mills, Oregon IV 1965 Seattle - Tacoma, Washington I to IV 1962 Portland, Oregon I to IV 1961 Lebanon/Albany, Oregon IV 1949 Olympia, Washington IV 1873 Crescent City, California V Seismic and Geologic Hazards Section 1803.6.1 of the OSSC 2019 requires the evaluation of risks from a range of seismic hazards including landslides, earthquake -induced landslides, liquefaction and lateral spread, seismic -induced settlement or subsidence, fault rupture, earthquake - induced flooding and inundation, and local ground motion amplification (OSSC, 2019). We have developed conclusions regarding the seismic hazards based on the subsurface profiles encountered in the explorations completed at the project site. The conclusions are also based on our knowledge of the site geology, a review of .previous geotechnical and seismic studies performed at the site and in the vicinity, and available geologic hazard maps (including information available from DOGAMI). DOGAMI has completed geologic and seismic hazard studies, which include Lane County and Eugene -Springfield (Black at al., 2000; Burns et al., 2008; Calhoun at al., 2018), and provides online hazard information through HazVu, LiDAR, and SLIDO viewers (DOGAMI, 2018, 2020a, b). The above-mentioned maps and viewers refer to some, but do not cover all of the seismic hazards. The information available from DOGAMI is only considered a guide and does not have precedence over site-specific evaluations. In the following sections, information from the available seismic hazard maps is provided along with our site-specific evaluations for comparison. The relative earthquake hazard is based on the combined effects of ground shaking amplification and earthquake -induced landslides with a range in hazard from Zone A (highest hazard) to Zone D (lowest hazard). The relative earthquake hazard in the vicinity of the Reservoirs is mapped as Zone B (intermediate to high hazard) likely due to the Reservoirs being located in an area mapped as existing landslide deposits (Black at al., 2000; Hladky and McCaslin, 2006). South Hills 3rd Level Reservoir Replacement November 23, 2021 Seismic Hazard Study 8 Project No., 2211098 Springfield, Oregon Springfield Utility Board Landslides and Earthquake -Induced Landslides. DOGAMI references including SLIDO and HazVu web viewers indicate the area is mapped as landslide terrain (Hladky and McCaslin, 2006; Calhoun at al., 2018; DOGAMI, 2018, 2020b). A mapped landslide extends across the site with the headscarp located ±800 to 1,200 feet to the south (uphill) and landslide debris extending up to ±3,500 feet to the north (downhill). A series of smaller scarps are mapped uphill and downhill of the reservoir site. DOGAMI estimates the mapped landslide to be more than 150 years old (Calhoun at al., 2018). LiDAR imagery shows relatively smooth, gentle to moderate slopes for most of the site (DOGAMI, 2020x). We completed a reconnaissance of the reservoir site including the slopes immediately uphill and downhill of the existing and proposed tanks. We did not observe any signs of recent or active slope instability. We understand Reservoir No. 1 was built in 1981 and no landslide related issues have impacted Reservoir No. 1 to date. Any development within hillside terrain includes inherent risk of slope instability, particularly hillside terrain with mapped landslide topography. However, no recent or on-going active slope instability features were observed during the exploration phase. The existing and proposed reservoirs are sited on a relatively wide bench that is underlain by predominantly stiff to hard soil and shallow bedrock that has a relatively flat surface. Based on our observations, soil and rock conditions, and the results of the slope stability analysis (discussed in the main report), we believe the risk of landslides or earthquake -induced landslides (with design -level earthquake loads) occurring at the site is low. Investigating the potential for movement on the large, mapped slide extending downhill and uphill of the site is a complex and uncertain process and is not within the scope of this investigation. Liquefaction, Settlement, and Lateral Spread. Soil liquefaction occurs when loose, saturated cohesionless soil experiences a significant loss of strength during strong ground shaking. The strength loss is associated with rapid densification of the soil and corresponding development of high pore water pressure, which can lead to the soil behaving like a viscous fluid. Liquefiable soils typically consist of saturated, loose, clean sand and non -plastic to low plasticity silt with a plasticity index (PI) typically less than 8. The colluvium and residual soil underlying the site are comprised of predominantly fine-grained soil with medium to high plasticity. These soils are not susceptible to liquefaction. Therefore, we have concluded there is no liquefaction hazard at the project site. The DOGAMI hazard report and HazVu site indicate liquefaction susceptibility is moderate in the project area (Burns at al., 2008; DOGAMI, 2018). Lateral spread is a liquefaction -induced hazard, which occurs when soil or blocks of soil are displaced down slope or toward a free face (such as a riverbank) along a liquefied layer. The lateral spread hazard does not exist at the site due to the absence of a liquefaction hazard. South Hills 3rd Level Reservoir Replacement November 23, 2021 Seismic Hazard Study 9 Pro ect No.: 2211098. Springfield, Oregon Springfield Utility Board Subsidence. Ground subsidence is a regional phenomenon resulting from a large magnitude CSZ earthquake. It occurs because the subduction of the oceanic crust beneath the continental crust compresses the continental crust and pushes it upward. Prior to the earthquake, the continental crust is held in this position by friction at the CSZ interface. When the earthquake occurs, that frictional bond breaks allowing the continental crust to drop. The subsidence hazard map included in the Oregon Resilience Plan (OSSPAC, 2013), indicates the ground subsidence in the Springfield area during a Mw 9 CSZ earthquake could be up to 1 foot. Ground subsidence cannot be mitigated. Therefore, it should be assumed the site and surrounding area could drop by up to 1 foot during a large magnitude CSZ earthquake. Fault Rupture. The risk of fault rupture is expected to be low due to the lack of known active crustal faulting beneath the site (Personius et al., 2003; Hladky and McCaslin, 2006; USGS, 2OO6b, a; McClaughry at al., 2010). The closest potentially active (Class A) crustal fault is the Owl Creek fault, which is ±34 miles north-northwest of the site. Tsunami/ Seiche/Earthquake-Induced Flooding. Tsunami are waves created by a large- scale displacement of the sea floor due to earthquakes, landslides, or volcanic eruptions (Priest, 1995). Tsunami inundation is not applicable to this site because Springfield is not on the Oregon Coast. Seiche (the back and forth oscillations of a water body during a seismic event) is also not a local hazard due to the absence of large bodies of water near the site. According to HazVu, there is no localized flood potential for the Effective FEMA 100-year flood at or near the site (DOGAMI, 2018). Earthquake-induced flooding related to the failure of other structures (e.g., dams) or shallow groundwater and subsidence does not apply to the site. Local Ground Motion Amplification. Ground motion amplification is the influence of a soil deposit on the earthquake motion. As seismic energy propagates up through the soil strata, the ground motion is typically increased (i.e., amplified) or decreased (i.e., attenuated) to some extent. The site is underlain by medium stiff to hard colluvium and residual soil followed by relatively shallow bedrock. Based on the site conditions, we have concluded the amplification hazard is relatively low and is consistent with an OSSC/IBC Site Class C (i.e., very dense soil and soil rock). The DOGAMI hazard studies indicate the amplification susceptibility for the site is low (NEHRP Site Class B) (Black at al., 2000; Burns at al., 2008). Although the amplification hazard is low, the site is expected to experience strong ground shaking during a CSZ earthquake due to its proximity to the CSZ (DOGAMI, 2018). See the main report for more discussion on the site response. South Hills 3rd Level Reservoir Replacement November 23, 2021 Seismic Hazard Study 10 Protect No.: 2211098 Springfield, Oregon Springfield Utilay Board SEISMIC DESIGN Design Earthquakes The OSSC 2019, Section 1803.3.2.1, requires the design of structures classified as essential or hazardous facilities and of major and special occupancy structures to address, at a minimum, the following earthquakes: Crustal: A shallow crustal earthquake on a real or assumed fault near the site with a minimum May 6.0 or the design earthquake ground motion acceleration determined in accordance with the OSSC 2019 Section 1613. Intraplate: A CSZ intraplate earthquake with Mw of at least 7.0. Interface: A CSZ interface earthquake with a Mw of at least 8.5. The design maximum considered earthquake ground motion maps provided in the OSSC 2019, are based on modified (risk -targeted) 2014 maps prepared by the USGS for an earthquake with a 2% probability of exceedance in 50 years (i.e., a ±2,475 -year return period) for design spectral accelerations (USGS, 2014). The modifications include factors to adjust the spectral accelerations to account for directivity and risk. The 2014 USGS maps were established based on probabilistic studies and include aggregate hazards from a variety of seismic sources. The USGS interactive deaggregation for a 2,475 -year return period indicates the seismic hazard at the site is dominated by the CSZ. The principal seismic sources comprising at least 5% of the overall hazard are summarized in Table 4D. Crustal earthquakes were included in the studies; however, the crustal earthquakes are not listed in Table 4D because each of the individual crustal sources represent less than 5% of the overall hazard at the site. Table 4D. Principal Seismic Sources based on USGS (2014) Seismic Hazard Maps Source Mean Moment Magnitude, Mw Mean Source -to -Site Distance, R (km) Percent Contribution CSZ Megathrust Interface 9.10 74.5 ±41.3 CSZ Megathrust Interface 8.92 125.0 ±18.2 CSZ Megathrust Interface 8.83 137.2 14.7 CSZ Megathrust Interface 8.73 74.1 ±3.9 South Hills 3rd Level Reservoir Replacement November 23, 2021 Seismic Hazard Study 11 Project No., 2211098 Springfield. Oregon Springfield Utility Hoard The earthquake magnitudes and source -to -site distances used to generate the 2014 USGS maps satisfy the requirements of OSSC 2019. Seismic design parameters are discussed in the Site Response Spectra section of the main report. AWWA D100-11 design response spectra are shown on Figures 7A and 8A (Appendix A1. CONCLUSION Based on the findings presented herein, it is our opinion there are no geologic or seismic hazards that would preclude the design and construction of the proposed reservoirs. This site-specific seismic hazard investigation for the South Hills 3rd Level Reservoir Replacement, Springfield, Oregon, was prepared by Brooke Running, R.G., C.E.G. South Hills 3rd Level Reservoir Replacement November 23, 2021 Seismic Hazard Study 12 Project No.: 2211098 Springfield, Oregon Springfield Utility Board REFERENCES Adams, J., 1990, Paleoseismicity of the Cascadia Subduction Zone: Evidence from Turbidites Off the Oregon -Washington Margin: Tectonics, vol. 9, no. 4, p. 569 583. Atwater, B. F., Carson, B., Griggs, G. B., Johnson, H. P., and Salmi, M. S., 2014, Rethinking Turbidite Paleoseismology Along the Cascadia Subduction Zone: Geology, published online 29 July 2014, doi: 10.1130/G35902.1 . Atwater, B. 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FAULTS: #719 = SALEM-EOLA HILLS HOMOCLINE; #862 = UNNAMED FAULTS NEAR SUTHERLIN; #863 = UPPER WILLAMETTE RIVER; #869 = CORVALLIS; #870 = OWL CREEK; #1809 = WHITE BRANCH FAULT ZONE. 4. MAP IS NOT TO SCALE. MAPLEGEND: TIME OF MOST RECENT SURFACE RUPTURE Holocene - re"'reearsl Oregon L sr glaciation (�1g,g0g yearsr' no M1iaenc (, 13 In eam tromp >— Lab Ouaremary (a13...a years', prom penultimate glaciation) Lab aaa miama oaaramary (-IsQcgg years) red thermal ary,urre(arge or in sigiona ye,y — Class R sLucWre (age orerigin unmrbin) SLIP RATE TRACE �>onann em Mosgy mnammus at map scall 1.6iomMyear --- Mal tliswnEnuoua ar map stele —a.2.1 n mmNaar---mrerreeorrompopee — .c zmmrvaar t Normal or high angle reverse fault strips slip Taalt Tnmsthult —(— Anfidinal had —I— syndinm role Monotllnal Is Plunge propose N fold L Fault radion mage, CULTURAL AND GEOGRAPHIC FEATURES Dlvltletl highway / Pnmaryorrea, im oad rom Per -rmltlenllveror stream " PeemanenlcrinlmmittaM lake 1 DETAILED STUDY SITES ,s Y Trench are 1611 Suhsuctlon he Mso, sire k Foundation Engineering, Inc. QUARTERNARY CRUSTAL FAULT MAP FIGURE NO. F Professional Geotechnical Services SOUTHERN WILLAMETTE VALLEY 1D PROJECT NO. DATE: DRAWN BY: SOUTH HILLS 3RD LEVEL RESERVOIR REPLACEMENT 2211098 Nei za21 eKR SPRINGFIELD, OREGON ARh Appendix E Slope Stability Analysis Foundation Engineering, Inc. Professional Geotechnical Services OS£ We osz I m a m d m m a rn co7 0 n L I Z J i U� N � / W / N / U � a N N :3 n u N n EII� LL W 7 o0 f II J U � U _ LL Y U m U Z O H `m W � N � O vs U v � W >mo W `rn W MWN 2ipZ V =am LL 0 0'0 T O £ 00£ OSz OOZ I 3 I v OSL A. v LL c co 0 v 0 Z O J U_ N W U) 3 B OOl W U LL a 7 W D M ` 6 N J II LL NO �U g DSII E II a U I t U N � Q Q U�U Z O C r °1 U U W y 0 � y z O m = �m U LU 0 o N a GN mw W = _ o 2 � mz rad c 'o N LL LL d 3 B OOl a II as D M ` 6 N � II II O NO �U OZi� DSII E II a I N U�U 3 B OOl N �Ik a E E '� N d n„ n m �'c `r n O 6 E o � n r m a ydo Z J M Q a W N =a° O sav `.a U m If r°nLL a` Q j F y � N W c a U S L Q�� N y I K z 7 J a LL Y U O J m Q a z O cV F LU LL LU � Q Ix U W M W LL' C7 LL N �Ik n `r r m If $ U [ L Q�� z �m m mdo EWN N � p U Z�Z £°cavi O O 2 NLL0 e Cm 06£ ON OSZ ON m m a m m va co II d' yOd U N F mem d N C II V I v v m Ni err. nLl m r N N11O U ado a ar KJU � t 3 f a - H N U U LL � U OSS 04 CD m z m a a o o -N �- Q �a U > O O W U Q LL N m W m � I a a � UNL LL m s y�n U U N Q a H am U W _o" oNn _ d K�U °z U �a W NNO LO ON LW/ N n W N = p O ia? d LL c 'o 'o (nLL2 I0 W_ C II s Y 2 v 0 D Q a O � o n J u ar n N 03� 530 U�U W V LL W m a Q oL Qo - J a=� U Q: U d N _ ' D N U O � I 6Ln N aNN U y i n a LU w O � U U o W m W 7 U LL LL f I I �fI f le 9 o E � an 0 n F m�U co - U I m r a N m °�' o. 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