HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 5/19/2022 (2)Date:
Reviewed By:
May 18, 2022
Mr. Rick Satre
The Satre Group
Ben Foster, PE
Tom Boland, PE
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OR RE 81141
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RENEWS 12-31-21
South Hills 3rd Level Storage Tank Replacement- Grading Plan Report
As required by the City of Springfield (City) in support of a development land use review
application, the purpose of this Grading Plan Report (report, Plan) is to summarize and document
the proposed grading design for the Springfield Utility Board's (SUB) proposed South Hills 3rd Level
Storage Tank Replacement, which forms a part of their overall South Hills Improvements plan. This
report is intended to follow the format of the Springfield Development Code (SDC) Section 3.3-
530.B, Items I through 8.
Code Requirements and Responses
1. This Plan shall include existing and proposed details and contours (5 -foot intervals) of
Murraysmith Response: The Preliminary Design Drawings (drawings, sheets) included in this report
and development application for construction of a potable water storage tanks and applicable
facilities include the following sheets:
• Sheet C-1: Existing Conditions, Survey Control, and Tree Removal Plan. This sheet shows
the existing site to be developed as surveyed with 1 -foot elevation contour intervals.
• Sheet C-2: Demolition Plan. This sheet shows the removal of the existing prestressed
concrete potable water storage tank (Tank No. 1) and its associated piping.
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• Sheet C-3: Overall Site Layout Plan. This sheet shows the proposed site development
following demolition; however, the existing grade contours are still shown at 1 -foot
• Sheet C-4: Site Grading Plan. This sheet shows the proposed site grading following the
site development with 1 -foot elevation contour Intervals.
• Sheet C-5: Access Road Profile, Section and Details. This sheet shows the proposed north
access road profile and section, which connects the existing pump station site to the
storage tank site, following development with 1 -foot elevation contour intervals.
Additionally, the drawings show details for grading of the access road and a typical detail
for benched filling on slopes.
• Sheet C-6: Site Piping and Drainage Plan. This sheet shows the proposed drainage
infrastructure (drainage channels, catch basins, area drains, storm drain manholes and
storm drain piping) to capture and convey the site's storm water.
2. This Plan shall include details of terrain and area drainage.
Murraysmith Response: The drawings include details of the existing and proposed site, including
all applicable terrain features and area drainage. Additionally, the attached Stormwater Study for
the project, which has been developed by Murraysmith for SUB's use, describes in detail the
existing and proposed site drainage characteristics following all applicable requirements of
Chapters 3 and 4 of the City's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual (EDSPM), as
well as the City s Stormwater Management System Scope of Work completed in April, 2022.
3. This Plan shall include the location of any existing buildings or structures on the property
where the work is to be performed, the location of any existing buildings or structures on
land of adjacent owners which are within 100 feet of the property or which may be affected
by the proposed grading operations, and proposed or approximate locations of structures
relative to adjacent topography.
Murraysmith Response: The only buildings and structures, or facilities currently located on the
property cr adjacent tax lots, are shown on Sheet C-1, Existing Conditions. These structures include
the Tank No. 1 (to be demolished) and SUB'S recently constructed South Hills Pump Station located
on the adjacent western tax lot. The surrounding undeveloped properties are shown with adjacent
property lines on the drawings, but no other structures, except the afore -mentioned, exist in the
surrounding area. The drawings include all proposed structures on the site and their relation to
site and adjacent topography.
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May 2022 Springfield Utility Board
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This Plan shall include the direction of drainage flow and the approximate grade of all streets
with the final determination to be made as specified in Subsection D., below. (Note:
Subsection D reads as follows: "Verification of Slope and Grade Percentages. Prior to
acceptance of the Final Plot, all streets shall be cross-sectioned and their center -lines staked
in the field, to determine the accuracy of preliminary slope and grade percentages. If there
are significant differences between preliminary and final grade and slope determinations, i.e.,
density or street gradients exceed the limits specified in this Section, the Tentative Plan shall
be modified to reflect the revised information and resubmitted."
M urraysm ith Response: The drawings and attached Stormwater Study for the project show the
direction of drainage flow and the approximate grade of all streets, access roads, and surrounding
areas. Access road cross sections are included on Sheet C-5.
S. This Plan shall include limiting dimensions, elevations, or finished contours to be achieved by
the grading, Including all cut and fill slopes, proposed drainage channels, and related
Murraysmlth Response: The drawings and attached Stormwater Study for the project show the
limiting dimensions, elevations, or finished contours to be achieved by the grading, including all
cut and fill slopes, proposed drainage channels, and related construction.
6. This Plan shall include detailed plans and locations of all surface and subsurface drainage
devices, walls, dams, sediment basins, storage reservoirs, and other protective devices to be
constructed with, or as a part of, the proposed work, together with a map showing drainage
areas, the complete drainage network, including outfall lines and natural drainageways which
may be affected by the proposed development, and the estimated run-off of the area served
by the drains.
Murraysmith Response: The drawings and attached Stormwater Study for the project show
detailed plans and locations of all surface and subsurface drainage devices, including piping and
manholes, retaining walls, drainage channels or ditches, filter strips, grass -lined swales, and other
protective devices to be constructed. The attached Stormwater Study shows drainage areas, the
complete drainage network, including outfall lines and natural drainageways which may be
affected by the proposed development, and the estimated run-off of the area served by the
proposed piping and drainage facilities.
7. This Plan shall include a schedule showing when each phase of the project will be completed,
including the total area of soil surface which is to be disturbed during each stage, and
estimated starting and completion dates; the schedule shall be drawn up to limit to the
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May 2022 Springfield Utility Board
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A,rFFIDB_btthlldr, Alerel ianlm FINAL Gndny Plan R1AMd111
shortest possible period the time that soil is exposed and unprotected. In no event shall the
existing "natural" vegetative ground cover be destroyed, removed, or disturbed more than
15 days prior to grading or construction of required improvements. Within 15 days of grading
or other pre -development activity that removes or significantly disturbs ground cover
vegetation, exposed sail shall either be built upon (i.e., covered with gravel, a slab foundation
or other construction), landscaped (i.e., seeded or planted with ground cover) or otherwise
Murraysmith Response: The project will be constructed in a single phase, but will be sequenced in
the following general segments (final precise sequencing to be determined by Contractor during
1. Surveying and staking, installation of temporary erosion and sedimentation control (ESC)
best management practices (BMPs), tree removal, and clearing/grubbing for the access
road and the storage tank site.
2. Construction of the north access road and expanding the existing gravel plaza, including
excavation and grading, to allow construction vehicles to access the storage tank site,
including placement of Imported aggregate surfacing and construction of the site's single
high block retaining wall. Demolition of a portion of the site's existing decommissioned
storm drainage system. Construction of the site's new drainage system, including
drainage channels, area drains, catch basins, storm drain manholes and piping.
3. Construction of Storage Tank No. 2 and its associated seismic valve vault, water mains
and temporary connection to Tank No. 1's existing valve vault. Construction of Tank No.
2's overflow and drainage piping with a permanent connection to the site's existing
storm drain manhole (MH -3). Construction of electrical and control utilities. Demolition
of Storage Tank No. 1 and its associated water and drainage piping, including demolition
of the tank's inlet/outlet valve vault and monitoring manhole. Construction of Storage
Tank No. 3 and associated water mains with connection to the seismic valve vault.
Construction of Tank No. 3's overflow and drainage piping with a connection to Storage
Tank No. 2's newly constructed system.
4. Finish grading of the site and access roads with placement of imported aggregate
working surface, and site landscaping
5. Placement of permanent ESC BMPs.
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May 2022 Springfield Utility Board
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The requested schedule of ground disturbing activities is below, with segments corresponding to
the segments as described above:
'The timelines represented above area plaroxion ate and the selected Contractor will determine the exact
sequencing and durations of each work element. It is, however, anticipated that specifications will dictate
on-site construction activities may begin in October of 2022, and be completed by September of 2024.
' Soil disturbance areas are measured by the "clearing limits" shown on the drawings, which is also referred
to as the "disturbance area limits'. These are the areasthe Contractor will be required to stay within while
performing the work.
' The Contractor will be responsible to control sediment transport during construction and restrict
sediment laden water from leaving the construction site. The timeframes shown above are best guesses
based on previous experience with similar grading and construction activities. As required by weather, the
Contractor will determine exact timeframes that they will leave exposed soil during disturbance activities
priorto placement of stabilization materials such as imported aggregate, but theywill generally be required
to cover exposed soil quickly after any excavation activities are conducted.
The required base BMPs are shown in the ESC and Civil drawings, and will be refined/finalized by
the Contractor as they apply for the ESC permitting for construction. Permitting is expected to
include a Land Drainage & Alteration Permit (LDAP) for all construction activities on the project
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May 2022 Springfield Utility Board
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Area of Soil
Maximum Time
Short Description
Approximate Timeline'
Soil will be
ESC & Clearing
October- November
0 days
Access Road, Rough
November 2022 —
15 days
Grading, Site Drainage
January 2023
January 2023—May
15 days
Finish Grading and
15 days
June -August 2024
August — September
Oda s
'The timelines represented above area plaroxion ate and the selected Contractor will determine the exact
sequencing and durations of each work element. It is, however, anticipated that specifications will dictate
on-site construction activities may begin in October of 2022, and be completed by September of 2024.
' Soil disturbance areas are measured by the "clearing limits" shown on the drawings, which is also referred
to as the "disturbance area limits'. These are the areasthe Contractor will be required to stay within while
performing the work.
' The Contractor will be responsible to control sediment transport during construction and restrict
sediment laden water from leaving the construction site. The timeframes shown above are best guesses
based on previous experience with similar grading and construction activities. As required by weather, the
Contractor will determine exact timeframes that they will leave exposed soil during disturbance activities
priorto placement of stabilization materials such as imported aggregate, but theywill generally be required
to cover exposed soil quickly after any excavation activities are conducted.
The required base BMPs are shown in the ESC and Civil drawings, and will be refined/finalized by
the Contractor as they apply for the ESC permitting for construction. Permitting is expected to
include a Land Drainage & Alteration Permit (LDAP) for all construction activities on the project
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May 2022 Springfield Utility Board
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Iaymt�5L3_S a 111i rNAL6 d,ngnlan ,-d-
from the City of Springfield. Since Springfield is an NPDES Phase II City, and on the small municipal
separate storm sewer system (MS4) list, they are the executor of construction stormwater permits
within their jurisdiction for the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) for
construction projects that disturb less than 5 acres. Therefore, a 1200C Permit from the Oregon
DEQ is not required. The ESC drawings include notes for installation of sediment barriers to
stabilize graded areas and other requirements. The Contractor will be required to obtain the LDAP
Permit from the City prior to beginning construction, and will be expected to set up and maintain
all BMPs throughout all construction activities.
Temporary, construction -related BMPs include a gravel construction entrance to keep sediment
from being transported onto the roadways at the site entrance, sediment fencing to keep
sediment from migrating off-site, and inlet protection for all catch basins and other drainage
structures to avoid transporting sediment laden water into piped drainage systems. Permanent
ESC BMPs include imported aggregate surfacing for the storage tank site and access roads, jute
matting for all native areas with a 2 horizontal to 1 vertical slope or greater, and seeding surface
restoration for all disturbed areas that are not to be covered in gravel. Straw will be required over
all native surfacing until vegetation Is established following placement of seed stabilization.
The access road design has been conducted to balance the cut and fill requirements as much as is
feasible while maintaining the minimum grades. Roadside and gravel plaza ditches alongwith filter
strips and grassy swales shall be constructed to slow the flow of runoff will assist with controlling
the site and roadway drainage.
It is not anticipated that the Contractor will retain soil stockpiles after grading the site, as the spoils
will be hauled away and disposed of. However, plastic sheeting or other BMPs will be required to
cover any stockpiles on-site.
8. The Grading Plans shall he prepared by a civil engineer.
Murraysmith Response:
The drawings have all been prepared by, or under the responsible charge of, a licensed
professional Civil Engineer practicing under a valid registration in the State of Oregon.
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May 2022 Springfield Utility Board
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