HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 16- Amendment to Deadly Force PlanAGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Staff Contact/Dept.: Staff Phone No: Estimated Time: 5/16/2022 Regular Meeting George Crolly, Police 541-726-3729 10 Minutes SPRINGFIELD Council Goals: Strengthen Public Safety CITY COUNCIL by Leveraging Partnerships and Resources ITEM TITLE: AMENDMENT TO LANE COUNTY USE OF DEADLY PHYSICAL FORCE PLAN ACTION Adopt the following resolution: A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN REQUESTED: AMENDMENT TO THE LANE COUNTY DEADLY PHYSICAL FORCE PLAN AS CREATED BY THE LANE COUNTY DEADLY PHYSICAL FORCE PLANNING AUTHORITY ISSUE Should the City of Springfield adopt the amendment to the Lane County Deadly STATEMENT: Force Plan created by the Lane County Deadly Physical Force Planning Authority. ATTACHMENTS: 1 — Resolution approving Lane County Deadly Force Plan Amendment 2 — Amended Lane County Use of Deadly Force Plan DISCUSSION/ The Lane County Deadly Force Planning Authority has submitted the amended FINANCIAL Lane County Deadly Force Plan for approval or disapproval by the City of IMPACT: Springfield. The plan was developed pursuant to 181A.775-815 and approved by the City of Springfield on January 17, 2008. The amended plan is required to be submitted to the supervising body of each jurisdiction within the County that employs a law enforcement agency. The amended Lane County Deadly Force Plan is included as attachment 2, with page 15 documenting the 2022 Amendment to Deadly Physical Force Plan. With the passage of House Bill 4301, the Interagency Deadly Force Investigation Team, as part of its investigation will determine, amongst other things, whether the deadly force was objectively reasonable, under the totality of the circumstances known to the police officer, and whether there was reasonable opportunity prior to the use of deadly physical force for the officer to consider alternatives..., or give a verbal warning that deadly force may be used with time for the person to comply. No other changes were made to the Deadly Physical Force Plan, itself. However, numerous IDFIT protocols were changed, partially in response to recommendations made in the 2021 OIR report. Approval of the Amendment to Deadly Physical Force Plan by the Lane County Board of Commissioners is included in attachment 2, page 16. City Council is asked to approve or disapprove of the resolution regarding the amendment to the Lane County Deadly Force Plan included as attachment 1. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE LANE COUNTY DEADLY PHYSICAL FORCE PLAN AS CREATED BY THE LANE COUNTY DEADLY PHYSICAL FORCE PLANNING AUTHORITY WHEREAS, Senate Bill 111 (SB111) passed by the 2007 Oregon State Legislature, requires each county to create a deadly physical force planning authority made up of the following members: District Attorney and Sheriff of the county, a non -management police officer selected by the District Attorney and Sheriff, the City's Police Chief, a representative of the public selected by the District Attorney and Sheriff, and a representative of the Oregon State Police selected by the Superintendent of State Police. SB111 was codified as ORS 181.781-799 and subsequently renumbered ORS 181A.775-815; WHEREAS, ORS 181A.775-815 requires that the planning authority develop a plan regarding education, outreach, training, investigation and aftermath of incidents in which a police officer uses deadly force; WHEREAS, the planning authority shall submit the plan, and revisions of the plan to the governing body of each law enforcement agency within the county except for the Department of State Police and the Department of Justice; WHEREAS, a governing body shall approve or disapprove the plan submitted to it within 60 days after reeving the plan. The governing body may not amend the plan; WHEREAS, if the plan is not approved by at least two-thirds of the governing bodies to which the plan is submitted, the planning authority shall develop and submit a revised plan; WHEREAS, if the plan is approved by at least two-thirds of the governing bodies to which the plan is submitted, the planning authority shall submit the approved plan to the Attorney General; and WHEREAS, on March 29, 2022, The Lane County Board of Commissions adopted Board Order 22-03- 29-04 approving an amendment to the Lane County Deadly Physical Force Plan; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD: Section 1: The City of Springfield determined that amendment to the Lane County Deadly Physical Force Plan created by the Lane County Deadly Physical Force Planning Authority, and attached as Exhibit A, complies with ORS 181A.775-815 and by resolution, approves this plan. Section 2: As per ORS 181A.780, upon approval of the plan by at least two-thirds of the governing bodies and the Attorney General: 1. Each law enforcement agency within the county to which the plan applies is subject to the provisions of the plan; and 2. Each law enforcement agency subject to the plan is entitled to grants as provided in ORS 181A.805. PAGE 1 of 2 ATTACHMENT 1, Page 1 of 2 Section 3: This Resolution will take effect upon adoption by the Council and approval by the Mayor. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this _ day of , 2022, by a vote of for and against. ATTEST: City Recorder Mayor PAGE 2 of 2 ATTACHMENT 1, Page 2 of 2 r►cu:]rr_1 March 30, 2022 The Honorable Sean VanGordon Mayor of Springfield 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Dear Mayor VanGordon: By this letter the Lane County Deadly Force Planning Authority hereby submits for your approval the amended Lane County Deadly Force Plan. This Plan was developed pursuant to Senate Bill 111 passed by the 2007 Oregon Legislature and approved by the City of Springfield on January 17, 2008. The amended plan is required to be submitted to the supervising body of each jurisdiction within the County that employs a law enforcement agency. By the terms of Senate Bill 111, you must approve or disapprove of the Plan as submitted, you are not allowed to amend the Plan. Enclosed for your reference is the board order passed by the Lane County Board of Commissioners. The undersigned are co-chairs of the Planning Authority, and will make ourselves available to answer any questions as part of the approval process. Thank you for consideration of this matter. atricia W. Perlow District Attorney Enclosures c: Nancy Newton, City Manager Andrew Shearer, Chief of Police a� Clifton G. Harrold Sheriff ATTACHMENT 2, Page 1 of 16 EXHIBIT A DEADLY PHYSICAL FORCE PLAN Lane County Use of Deadly Physical Force Planning Authority ATTACHMENT 2, Page 2 of 16 EXHIBIT A a Table of contents MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING AUTHORITY....................................................3 PREAMBLE..........................................................................................................4 SECTION 1: ADMINISTRATION..........................................................................4 SECTION 2: APPLICABILITY OF THE PLAN.....................................................4 SECTION 3: DEFINITIONS..................................................................................4 SECTION 4: IMMEDIATE AFTERMATH.............................................................5 SECTION 5: SERIOUS PHYSICAL INJURY/DEATH ..........................................6 SECTION 6: INVESTIGATION PROTOCOLS.....................................................9 SECTION 7: DISTRICT ATTORNEY....................................................................9 SECTION 8: DEBRIEFING.................................................................................11 SECTION 9: REPORTING, TRAINING, OUTREACH........................................11 SECTION 10: FISCAL IMPACT.........................................................................13 SECTION 11: PLAN REVISION.........................................................................13 Plan page 2 January 25, 2021 ATTACHMENT 2, Page 3 of 16 EXHIBIT A Members of the Planning Authority (rev. 1/25/2021 Patricia Perlow, Lane County District Attorney (co-chair) Sheriff Cliff Harrold, Lane County (co-chair) Lieutenant Craig Flierl, Oregon State Police Chief Andrew Shearer, Springfield Police Department Deputy Eric Churchill, Labor Union Representative David Crowell, Public Member On January 2, 2007, this Plan was approved by the Planning Authority, and submitted for approval to governing bodies of the following jurisdictions: Lane County ----------------------------- City of Coburg ------------ City of Cottage Grove ----------------- City of Eugene -- City of Florence ---------- City of Junction City ---------------- City of Oakridge --- City of Springfield -------------------------- Plan page 3 January 25, 2021 A�proved February 20, 2008 ------------------Approved February 12, 2008 4proved January 14, 2008 Approved March 10, 2008 ---------Approved February 4, 2008 Approved February 12, 2008 ----Approved January 17, 2008 ATTACHMENT 2, Page 4 of 16 Approved January 17, 2008 EXHIBIT A Preamble The use of deadly physical force by law enforcement personnel is a matter of critical concern both to the public and to the law enforcement community. The purpose of this Plan is not to set the standards for the use of such force, or to be a substitute for agency policy regarding use of force, but rather to provide a framework for a consistent response to an officer's use of deadly physical force that treats the law enforcement officer fairly, and promotes public confidence in the criminal justice system. Section 1: Administration (1) In the event that a member of the planning authority is unable to continue to serve, a replacement shall be appointed as provided in Section 2(1) of Senate Bill 111, Oregon Laws 2007. (2) There shall be six voting members of the Planning Authority. The approval of the Plan, elements or revisions thereof, shall be by majority vote. (3) The presence of 2/3 of the voting members shall be required in order to hold any vote. (4) Any meeting of a quorum of the voting members of the Planning Authority is subject to Oregon's open meeting law. Section 2: Applicability of the Plan (1) This plan shall be applicable, as set forth herein, to any use of deadly physical force by a police officer acting in the course of and in furtherance of his/her official duties, occurring within Lane County. Section 3: Definitions Agency — Means the law enforcement organization employing the officer who used deadly physical force. Plan - Means the final document approved by the Planning Authority, adopted by two-thirds of the governing bodies employing law enforcement agencies, and approved by the Attorney General. Any approved revisions shall become a part of the Plan. Plan page 4 January 25, 2021 ATTACHMENT 2, Page 5 of 16 EXHIBIT A Police- Means a police officer or reserve officer as defined in ORS 181.610 and Officer who is employed by a law enforcement agency to enforce the criminal laws of the State of Oregon. Deadly — Means physical force that under the circumstances in which it is used is Physical readily capable of causing death or serious physical injury. Force Serious- Has the same meaning as "serious physical injury" as defined in ORS Physical 161.015(8). Injury Physical- Means impairment of physical condition or substantial pain that does not Injury amount to "serious physical injury." Involved- Means the person whose official conduct, or official order, was the cause Officer in fact of the death of a person. "Involved Officer" also means an officer whose conduct was not the cause in fact of the death, but who was involved in the incident before or during the use of deadly physical force, and this involvement was reasonably likely to expose the officer to a heightened level of stress or trauma. Section 4: Immediate Aftermath (1) When an officer uses deadly physical force, the officer shall immediately take whatever steps are reasonable and necessary to protect the safety of the officer and any member of the public. (a) After taking such steps, the officer shall immediately notify his or her agency of the use of deadly physical force. (b) Thereafter, the officer, if able, shall take such steps as are reasonably necessary to preserve the integrity of the scene and to preserve evidence. (c) Upon request, the officer shall provide information regarding the circumstances as necessary to protect persons and property, preserve any evidence, and to provide a framework for the investigation. (2) If the use of deadly physical force results in physical injury, the Agency may employ its own resources to investigate and document the incident. Plan page 5 January 25, 2021 ATTACHMENT 2, Page 6 of 16 EXHIBIT A (a) This section does not prohibit the Agency from requesting assistance from an outside law enforcement agency. Section 5: Serious Physical Injury/Death When the use of deadly physical force results in death or serious physical injury to any person, in addition to the requirements of Section 4 (1) of this Plan, and notwithstanding agency policy, the following provisions apply: (1) Upon the arrival of additional officers, sufficient to manage the scene, each Involved Officer shall be relieved of the above duties set forth in Section 4 (1) of the Plan, and the duties shall be re -assigned to uninvolved police personnel. (2) As soon as practicable, each Involved Officer shall leave the scene, as directed by his or her supervisor, and be offered an opportunity for a medical examination. If the officer is not in need of medical treatment, the officer shall be taken to the Agency offices. If requested by the Involved Officer, the officer's union representative shall be notified. (3) As soon as practicable, the duty weapon of any officer who fired their weapon or who was in the immediate vicinity where weapons were fired, shall be seized by investigators, and replaced with a substitute weapon, if appropriate. (4) Interview of an "Involved Officer": As used in this section "interview" refers to formal interview of the officer by assigned investigative personnel that occurs a reasonable time after the incident, and after the officer has had an opportunity to consult with counsel, if so desired. (a) The interview of the involved officer(s) who discharged a firearm during a use of deadly physical force incident resulting in death or serious physical injury, shall occur after a reasonable period of time to prepare for the interview and taking into account the emotional and physical state of the officer(s). The interview shall occur no sooner than 48 hours after the incident, unless this waiting period is waived by the officer. (b) The waiting period does not preclude an initial on -scene conversation with the officer to assess and make an initial evaluation of the incident. (c) The on -scene supervisor shall take immediate action to stabilize the situation, ensure notification of the appropriate staff and agencies, and shall obtain a Plan page 6 January 25, 2021 ATTACHMENT 2, Page 7 of 16 EXHIBIT A preliminary statement from the involved officer as soon as possible. The purpose in obtaining this statement will be to obtain public safety information (e.g. outstanding suspects, location of evidence, direction of travel, etc.). (d) The scene shall be secured and managed consistent with the control of any other major crime scene. Only personnel necessary to conduct the investigation shall be permitted access to the scene. When it is determined that no evidence will be contaminated or destroyed, the officer (s) involved may conduct a "walk through) to assist in the investigation. (5) For at least 72 hours immediately following an incident in which the use of deadly physical force by a police officer resulted in the death of a person, a law enforcement agency may not return an Involved Officer to duties that might place the officer in a situation in which the officer has to use deadly force. (a) Officer (s) involved in discharging his or her firearm that results in death or serious physical injury shall immediately be placed on administrative leave until such time as sufficient information exists to determine the justification in the use of deadly physical force and that the officer (s) have had an opportunity for mental health counseling with an outcome that no issues would preclude the officer (s) from performing the duties of a police officer. (6) In the 6 months following a use of deadly physical force incident that results in a death, the Agency shall offer each Involved Officer a minimum of two opportunities for mental health counseling. The officer shall be required to attend at least one session of mental health counseling. (a) At agency expense, the involved officer (s) shall be scheduled for an appointment with a licensed mental health counselor for a counseling session with a follow-up session scheduled at a date determined by the mental health professional. (b) The counseling sessions are not to be considered fitness for duty evaluations, and are to be considered privileged between the officer and counselor. (7) After consultation with the involved officer, the Agency or officer shall notify the officer's family according to the Agency's General Order, or other policy regarding such notification. (8) As soon as practicable after the arrival of a supervisor, notification shall be made to the District Attorney as provided in Section 8 (1) of this Plan. Plan page 7 January 25, 2021 ATTACHMENT 2, Page 8 of 16 I W /:11.111 W-11 (a) This provision does not prevent the Agency from requiring additional notification requirements within their respective agency policies. (9) In the event of a use of deadly force that results in death or serious physical injury, the investigation shall be conducted by the Interagency Deadly Force Investigations Team (IDFIT). A written agreement shall be adopted and approved by each jurisdiction employing a law enforcement agency. At a minimum, the agreement shall provide for: (a) A mission statement. (b) Who will be the supervisor of the investigating officers, and the manner in which conflicts of interest will be resolved. (c) The membership of the team, and the manner for selecting the members. (d) Investigative protocols that do not conflict with the requirements of this Plan. (e) Training of the members in the investigation of use of deadly force incidents. (f) The assignment of at least one officer from an agency other than the involved officer's agency. (g) The assignment of at least one officer from the involved officer's agency. (10) In the event that a conflict exists in the use of the IDFIT, the Involved Officer's Agency and the District Attorney shall consult and determine the appropriate manner in which the investigation will proceed. (11) The assignment of outside investigative personnel does not preclude the agency involved from conducting a concurrent investigation for administrative purposes as established by that agency. Such investigations may be necessary for civil preparation, determination of policy violations or training issues. (12) In order to preserve the integrity of the investigation and prosecution, if one occurs, the scene supervisor and investigative supervisor shall notify all involved officers to refrain from making public statements about the investigation, until Plan page 8 January 25, 2021 ATTACHMENT 2, Page 9 of 16 EXHIBIT A such time as the investigation has concluded and the District Attorney has made a determination regarding the criminal responsibility of all involved persons. (13) The Agency shall designate a representative to make an initial public statement about the incident. Such statement shall include: (a) The time and place of the incident. (b) The condition of any suspect. (c) The nature of the use of deadly physical force. (14) Prior to a final determination being made by the District Attorney, the District Attorney and the primary investigative agency shall consult with each other and make a public release of information as is deemed appropriate. Section 6: Investiciation Protocols (1) The investigation, at a minimum, shall consist of: (a) Eyewitness interviews. (b) Evidence collection. (c) Scene documentation. (d) Background interviews. (e) Involved Officer interview(s) (2) The investigation shall be documented in written reports. (a) The IDFIT shall include in the Standard Operating Procedure, a provision regarding the filing of reports regarding the criminal investigation. All police reports regarding the criminal investigation shall be made available to the IDFIT. (b) All police reports shall be provided to the District Attorney. Plan page 9 January 25, 2021 ATTACHMENT 2, Page 10 of 16 EXHIBIT A Section 7: District Attorney (1) When an incident of the use of deadly physical force by an officer occurs, and death or serious physical injury results, the agency shall, as soon as practicable notify the District Attorney's Office. (a) Notification shall be made to the District Attorney, Chief Deputy, or other senior member of the District Attorney's staff. (2) When a use of deadly physical force by an officer occurs, and death or serious physical injury results, the District Attorney, and/or a senior member of his staff will consult with the agency regarding the investigation and implementation of the other elements of this plan. (3) The District Attorney has the sole statutory and constitutional duty to make the decision on whether to present a matter to a Grand Jury. (a) Preliminary Hearings will not be used as a method of reviewing an officer's use of deadly force. (b) The District Attorney will consult with the investigating agency and make the decision on whether to present the case to a Grand Jury. (1) The timing of the decision will be made by the District Attorney at such time as he has determined that sufficient information is available to competently make the decision. (c) If the District Attorney decides to present a case to the Grand Jury, the District Attorney shall promptly notify the investigating agency, the involved officer's agency, and the involved officer's representative. (d) If the District Attorney decides that the investigation reveals that the officers use of deadly force was justified under Oregon law, and that Grand Jury review is unnecessary, the District Attorney shall so notify the Agency, the involved officer, the involved officer's representative, and the public. (4) If the use of deadly physical force results in physical injury to someone other than a police officer, upon completion of the investigation, all investigative information shall be forwarded to the District Attorney for review. Plan page 10 January 25, 2021 ATTACHMENT 2, Page 11 of 16 EXHIBIT A Section 8: Debriefing The use of deadly physical force by an officer has the potential to create strong emotional reactions which have the potential to interfere with an officer's ability to function. These reactions may be manifested immediately, or over time. Further, these reactions may occur not only in an officer directly involved in the incident, but also in other officers within the Agency. The requirements of this section provide a minimum framework, and are not intended to take the place of Agency policy. Agencies are encouraged to develop formal procedures to deal with an officer's stress response following a use of deadly force incident. Such policies should include a procedure that is implemented from the time of the incident and continue over time. (1) Upon a final determination by the District Attorney, the Agency shall conduct an internal review of the matter for compliance with agency policy. Such review, at a minimum shall include a review of the incident with the involved officer. (2) If the incident is of such a magnitude that agency -wide morale is implicated, the Agency shall take such steps as it deems necessary to ensure professional police services are provided, and to develop strategies to restore morale. (3) Each agency shall provide for a process for any officer who makes a request, to participate in a critical incident debriefing. (4) If available, agencies should encourage officers to take advantage of Employee Assistance Programs, and if appropriate, agencies should request assistance from other agencies that may have in place formal programs for dealing with critical incidents. Section 9: Reporting. training, outreach (1) Each law enforcement agency within Lane County, shall include in the agency policy regarding the use of deadly force, a provision regarding engaging members of the community in a discussion regarding the Agency's policies on the use of deadly force, and well as discussions regarding the use of deadly force by the Agency's personnel. Plan page 11 January 25, 2021 ATTACHMENT 2, Page 12 of 16 EXHIBIT A (2) Each law enforcement agency within Lane County shall provide a copy of this Plan to every officer, incorporate the plan into agency policy documents and provide training to officers on the implementation of the plan. (3) Upon the conclusion of the investigation, the announcement by the District Attorney pursuant to Section 8 (3) of this Plan, and the debriefing, the Agency shall complete the Attorney General's report regarding the use of force, and submit the report to the Attorney General. (4) The Board and Department of Public Safety Standards and Training requires 8 hours per year, 24 hours over a 3 year period of training from either the "firearms" or "use of force" subject areas. Each agency subject to this Plan shall require that a minimum of 4 hours per year, 12 hours over a 3 year period, of that training be on the use of force. The training must include education on the agency's use of force policy. This training may also include, but is not limited to: a. Defensive Tactics. b. Tactical Shooting. SWAT training. d. Use of force in making an arrest. Use of less than lethal force. f. Crisis intervention and the use of force. g. Use of force in dealing with the mentally ill. Each agency shall have a written policy and monitoring system to ensure that the standards are met. (5) Upon adoption of this Plan, to the extent they are fiscally able, each agency shall take steps to publicize the Plan to their respective communities, by providing information to the media, general public, community organizations, and quasi - governmental bodies. (6) At least once per calendar year, the Agencies subject to this Plan shall collectively conduct a seminar intended to educate the media, government lawyers, and selected members of the Lane County community in the use of force by law enforcement officers ,and the investigation of such incidents. (7) Prior to the adoption of this Plan, the Planning Authority shall take steps to engage the Lane County community in a discussion regarding the purpose of the Plan page 12 January 25, 2021 ATTACHMENT 2, Page 13 of 16 EXHIBIT A Plan, and the elements contained therein. Such steps shall include, but are not limited to general public release of the draft, discussion with the media, providing the draft to agency employees, union representatives, elected officials, and members of relevant boards or commissions. Section 10: Fiscal Impact (1) At the conclusion of each fiscal year following the adoption of the Plan, each agency shall submit to the administrator of the Plan, a report outlining the fiscal impact of each element of the Plan as described in sections (a) to (e) of Section 2 (4) of Senate Bill 111, Oregon Laws 2006. Section 11: Plan Revision (1) As provided in the IDFIT written agreement, the Planning Authority shall meet to review and discuss the operation of the Plan and the IDIFT. (2) If a revision of the Plan becomes advisable, the Planning Authority shall meet and discuss such a revision. If the Planning Authority adopts a revision, such revision shall be submitted for approval as provided by statute. Plan page 13 January 25, 2021 ATTACHMENT 2, Page 14 of 16 EXHIBIT A 2022 Amendment to Deadly Physical Force Plan Pursuant to ORS 161.195 to 161.275, as amended by section 8 of House Bill 4301, Oregon Laws 2020, the objective of the Interagency Deadly Force Investigations Team will be to investigate to determine the following: (1) Whether the involved officer(s) use of deadly physical force was objectively reasonable, under the totality of the circumstances known to the peace officer, to believe that the person against whom forced was used posed an imminent threat of death or serious physical injury to the peace officer or a third person and the use of deadly force was necessary to (1) make a lawful arrest when the peace officer had probable cause to believe the person had committed a violent felony, (2) defend the peace officer or a third person from imminent death or serious physical injury, or (3) to prevent the escape from custody of the person when probable cause exists to believe the person committed a violent felony; and (2) Whether there was a reasonable opportunity prior to the use of deadly physical force for the involved officer to (1) consider alternatives to the use of deadly physical force, or (2) give a verbal warning to the person that deadly physical force may be used with time for the person to comply. ATTACHMENT 2, Page 15 of 16 EXHIBIT A BEFORE THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF LANE COUNTY, OREGON ORDER NO: 22-03-29-04I In the Matter of Approving the Amendment to the Lane County Deadly Physical Force Plan WHEREAS, the 2007 Oregon legislature passed Senate Bill 111 which requires the Sheriff and District Attorney as co-chairs of the planning authority to prepare a Deadly Physical Force Plan; and WHEREAS, the Lane County Use of Deadly Physical Force Planning Authority has prepared an amendment to the plan and submitted it to the Board of County Commissioners for approval; and WHEREAS, the Board has considered the amendment to the plan and being otherwise fully advised; NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of County Commissioners of Lane County ORDERS as follows: That the Lane County Board of Commissioners approves the amendment to the Lane County Deadly Physical Force Plan amendment submitted to it by the Lane County Use of Deadly Physical Force Planning Authority. ADOPTED this 29th day of March, 2022. Pat Farr, Chair Lane County Board of Commissioners ATTACHMENT 2, Page 16 of 16 Revised 1/5/2021