HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 5/17/2022City of Springfield Development & Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Site Plan Review fIOAL S IDE PW (5Mfi if fl/`.r 8Pii1NOP1� W 0# ,Application•. Site Plan Review Pre -Submittal: ❑ Ma'or Site Plan Modification Pre -Submittal: ❑ Site Plan Review Submittal: Ma'or Site Plan Modification Submittal: ❑ Required Project Information (Applicant complete this section) Applicant Name: Or-Ajj 'IG Phone: -' - 8-70� Com an F -Vic -w Email: i?*JG Address: 7e7y P3A:0-og ST. oLA+d ®{Z- ZZ- Applicant's Rep.: EN t1LS,F Phone: -Z +5-<p!5" O Company: rcEAjgont r1: di -6U I Email: Address:5&301 SW bolfJ15-5 Lr4 PCC L,yy Property Owner: FIV,,egEWS L,L,4�—. Phone:5b3'" 1 --ra- 0 Cam an Email: Aav W -c, Address: 7© c, Lc4t Ti nuD c)P. 6T*7z.;;-73 Cern ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 1701-3gS Zmn4,AQs2 TAX LOT NOS : 05,4 QO Property Address: 5D z4 H414S Proposed No. of Size of Property: 1.111 kc- Acres Square Feet ❑ •2 Proposed Name of Project: I fly' E Cl Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Proposal: 54 0,ll. RPAP-, titM Existing Use: VA LI New Impervious Surface Coverage (including Bldg. Gross Floor Area): 54,3(a3 sf Signatures: Please si n and print our name and date in thea ro riate box on the next a e. Required Project Information (City Intake Staff: complete this section) Associated Applications: Signs: Pre -Sub Case No.: SII-2if Date:? a. 20 al Reviewed by: Case No.: Date: Reviewed by: Application Fee: $ Technical Fee: $ Posta a Fee: $ TOTAL FEES: $ PROJECT NUMBERBJII-Z9-DDOIyF K= -J Owner Signatures This application form is used for both the required pre -submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stages in the application process. An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. bm ittal The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meeting. If the applicant is not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf. Uwe do hereby acknowledge that I/we are legally responsible for all statutory timelines, informationn,,j, requests and requirements conveyed to my representative. ner: �C�F���,% Date: S_Z/3/ZZ IgnatUre T bmittal I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Re -Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application. Owner: Date: Zr— Si not e mhiF j P[c acs f7 J q Print O KENNETH 5636 S.W. HAINES ST City of Springfield Development & Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 A PAULSEN ARCHITECT PORTLAND, OREGON 97219 (503) 245-6540 RE: Supplemental Narrative for Site Design Review Application. Ridgeview Gardens Apartments May 16, 2022 We are proposing a 54 unit Apartment complex at 5024 Main Street in Springfield. The apartment units include eighteen 3 bedroom / 2 bathroom units, thirty 2 bedroom / 2 bathroom units and six 1 bedroom / 1 bathroom units. We're also proposing parking to comply with code requirements plus approximately 50%. This narrative is submitted to provide a commentary on design issues related to the Springfield Development Code. The comments address various issues in section 3.2- 240 Multi -Family Design Standards. We have applied for a Type II procedure. 1. Building Orientation Multi -unit developments, when abutting a private, local, collector, or arterial street that has existing or planned on -street parking, shall have Building Oriented to the street along a minimum of 50 percent of the site's frontage (See Figure 3.2-M). The "orientation" standard is met when all of the following criteria are met: a. Primary building entrances shall face the street; b. The front of the buildings shall be within 25 feet of the front lot/parcel line, EXCEPTION: Open, courtyard space in excess of 25 feet may be placed in front of building entrances. Open courtyard space is defined as usable, hard -surfaced space with pedestrian amenities including benches, seating walls or similar furnishings. C. Off-street parking or vehicular circulation shall not be placed between buildings and streets used to comply with this standard; d. Wetlands, slopes over 15 percent as specified in Section 3.3-500, and wooded areas protected by Section 5.19-100, shall not be counted as "frontage" for determining required building orientation. For example, if jurisdictional wetlands and/or wetland buffer occupy 100 feet out of a total of 400 feet, then only 300 feet is counted as "frontage" for determining required building orientation. In this example, 150 feet (50 percent) is the required amount of frontage to meet the building orientation requirement. 0 KenPaulsen.com 0 0 FAX (503) 922-3118 ❑ Springfield May 16, 2022 Page 2 of 11 Comment: Our buildings front on private drives with parking and are oriented to those drives. The primary entrances orient toward those streets and are within 25 feet. This property is a flag lot, with a 205' long flag pole, the frontage on Main Street is only 40'-6" wide. We are proposing a courtyard that will include a stormwater planter water feature. An existing parking lot serving NW Community Credit Union separates this development from Main Street. 2. Building Form. New multi -unit construction shall comply with the following building form standards (See Figure 3.2-N). a. Structures that have 1 or 2 stories shall not have continuous horizontal distance exceeding 160 feet (measured from end wall to end wall). EXCEPTION: As specified in Subsection 3.d., below, structures that have 3 or greater stories shall not have a continuous horizontal distance exceeding 120 feet (measured from end wall to end wall); b. Roofs shall have gable, hip, or gambrel forms (minimum pitch 3 to 12) with at least a 6 -inch overhang; C. A minimum of 15 percent of the front facade (area measurement) shall contain windows or doors. All windows and doors shall provide 4 -inch trim or be recessed (i.e., into the front facade) to provide shadowing. d. Garages attached to living units and accessed from the street (front setback) shall be recessed at least 4 feet behind the front facade of a dwelling structure; and e. Exterior building elevations shall incorporate design features including offsets, balconies, projections, window reveals, or similar elements to preclude large expansions of uninterrupted building surfaces. Along the vertical face of a structure, the features shall occur at a minimum of every 30 feet, and on each floor shall contain a minimum of 2 of the following features: f. Recesses (e.g., deck, patio, courtyard, entrance, window reveals) that have a minimum depth of 3 feet; g. Extensions (e.g., floor area, deck, patio, entrance) that have a minimum depth of 2 feet and minimum length of 4 feet; and/or Springfield May 16, 2022 Page 3 of 11 h. Offsets or breaks in roof elevation of 2 feet or greater in height. Comment: Variance for length of 3 -story Multi -family buildings that are 20% longer than 120' has been approved. (144' long buildings) A. Description. The Director may approve an adjustment of up to 20 percent to the multifamily design standards listed in Section 3.2-240. The multifamily design standards are: Building Orientation; Building Form; Storage; Transition and Compatibility Between Multi -unit and LDR Development; Open Space; Landscaping; Pedestrian Circulation; Parking; and Vehicular Circulation. There is 1 general criterion in Subsection B., below that applies to all the design standards. In addition, each design standard has applicable criteria as specified in Subsections C. through K., below. The Director shall find that the application complies with the criteria for each applicable design standard; i.e., design standards modifications that the applicant does not specifically request in the application shall not require a finding by the Director, and shall not be subject to review under this Section. Requests to modify the standards of Section 3.2-240 by more than 20 percent shall require review under Section 5.21-130. B. General Criterion. The adjustment is necessary due to topography, natural features, easements, and similar physical or legal constraints preclude full compliance. Self-imposed conditions do not satisfy this criterion. The building area of the site is accessed via a shared easement "flag pole" that connects the property to Main Street. This portion of the site area reduces the useful buildable area for the structures as the flag pole portion is too narrow and limited to the existing use as an accessway. Although this property could potentially support taller buildings to facilitate the allowed density, the proposed shorter buildings are less imposing and provide acceptable density. The slightly longer buildings at 144' long are less of an imposition than taller buildings that would be allowed. In addition, we believe this development offers compensatory amenities together with existing conditions that each merit consideration, and which further support this request: 1. The surrounding uses are predominantly commercial / institutional. (Credit Union, Lumber Yard, School, Church) 2. Due to the distance from Main St., and orientation of the buildings, the perceived building size is reduced. 3. This building is extremely efficient in meeting various building code requirements while providing exceptional amenities at an affordable market rate. Building Code Fire Walls define "separate buildings" within each structure. 4. Four or five -story buildings could reduce the current building lengths to comply with code while providing the necessary density, but would result in more imposing structures that are less compatible with neighbors. Such building massing would dwarf neighboring buildings and be out of character. Springfield May 16, 2022 Page 4 of 11 5. A 10' wide "ally type" void between buildings cut in half would consume useful open space, while reducing efficiency. 6. Our articulated roof forms and have greater slopes and overhangs than required; 7. More than 15% of our facade is comprised of windows and doors (approximately 23%); 8. Our buildings provide profuse articulation. We are required to provide two out of the following three elements - We provide all three: f. Recess decks (or patios, courtyard, entrance or window reveals) that have a minimum of 3' depth. g. Extension of decks (or patios, floor areas, entrance) that have a minimum depth of 2' and a minimum width of 4'. h. Offsets or breaks in roof elevation of 2' or greater in height. 9. We are proposing the use of siding patterns and coloring to further enhance visual interest and identity of building portions. 3. Transition and Compatibility between Multi -unit and LDR Development. Multi -unit developments adjacent to properties designated LDR shall comply with the transition area and compatibility standards listed below, unless it can be demonstrated that adjacent LDR property is committed to a non-residential use e.g., church) that is unlikely to change (See Figures 3.2-0 and 3.2-P). In evaluating the status of an adjacent property, the Metro Plan designation shall take precedent over the current zone or use. Comment: We had understood that the Metro Plan designation takes precedence for the small LDR property at the NE corner of our project. However, that understanding was incorrect and have now modified the site plan to be in compliance with the transition and compatibility buffer requirements. 4. Storage. Multi -unit development shall provide space for trash receptacles, storage and equipment as specified in the following standards (See Figure 3.2-M): a. Adequate, accessible and secure storage space shall be provided for each dwelling. A minimum of 112 cubic feet of enclosed storage is required separate from the living unit. Garages and storage units adjoining a dwelling (e.g., attached to decks and patios) shall qualify as storage space; b. Trash receptacles shall be screened from view by placement of a solid wood fence, masonry wall, or similar sight -obscuring, gated enclosure, from S to 6 feet in height, Obscuring landscaping shall be planted a minimum 24 inches in height at planting around all exposed sides of the wall or fence, unless breaks are provided for gates. See also, Section 4.4-110; Springfield May 16, 2022 Page 5 of 11 C. No trash receptacles shall be located in any front yard setback, or within 25 feet of property lines abutting LDR zoned or designated properties; and d. Ground -mounted equipment, including exterior transformers, utility pads, cable television and telephone boxes and similar utility services, shall be placed underground, where practicable. When placed above ground, equipment shall be placed to minimize visual impact; or screened with a wall or landscaping. When walls are used they shall be tall enough to completely screen the equipment at the time of the equipment installation. Landscaping shall be planted tall enough to attain 50 percent coverage after 2 years and 100 percent coverage within 4 years. Comment: Required storage, trash enclosure and ground mounted equipment shall be provided as required. In speaking with the local hauler, they voiced concerns that carport structures could reduce needed clearances for their vehicles. I assured them that no carports were included in our proposal. Another concern mentioned was that occasionally oversized (long) cars are parked in compact parking stalls. S. Open Space. Multi -unit developments shall provide both Common Open Space and Private Open Space as specified in the following standards (See Figure 3.2-q): a. General. Inclusive of required yards, a minimum of 15 percent of the gross site area shall be designated and permanently reserved as open space. The total required open space is the sum of setbacks, common open space, and private open space. Inventoried natural features (including regulated wetlands) and/or historic features on-site may be counted toward up to 50 percent of common open space requirements. See Chapter 6 for definitions of open space; open space, common; and open space, private. I. Multi -unit developments in mixed-use buildings are exempt from these standards. H. Multi -unit developments at densities exceeding 30 units per gross acre shall include a minimum of 10 percent of the gross site as open space, which may be any combination of yards, common open space and private open space. iii. Multi -unit developments at densities less than 30 units per gross acre shall provide open space as specified in the amounts specified below. Springfield May 16, 2022 Page 6 of 11 b. Common Open Space shall be provided in all newly constructed multi- unit development as specified in the following standards: L A minimum of 0.25 square feet of common open space shall be required for each square foot of gross residential Floor area; Ii. Common open space areas provided to comply with this standard shall be at least 500 square feet with no horizontal dimension less than 15 feet; iii. A maximum of 15 percent of the required common open space can be on slopes greater than 25 percent; and iv. Multi -unit developments shall designate within common open space a minimum of 250 square feet of active recreation area (including, but not limited to: children's play areas, play fields, swimming pools, sports courts) for every 20 units or increment thereof. For example, a 60 unit development shall provide a minimum area of 750 square feet for active recreation. No horizontal dimension shall be less than 15 feet. EXCEPTION: As determined by the Director, qualified senior housing developments may be excluded from this requirement; however, all other common open space requirements apply; V. Placement of children's play areas shall not be allowed in any required yard setback or transition area; Vi. Landscaping and/or natural vegetation shall occupy a minimum of 50 percent of required common open space. On-site natural resources and historic features which are accessible to residents (including, but not limited to: by trails, boardwalks) may be used to partially or fully satisfy this requirements; and vii. Indoor or covered recreational space (including, but not limited to: swimming pools, sports courts, weight rooms) shall not exceed 30 percent of the required common open space area. viii. Exemptions to the common open space standard may be granted for multi -unit developments of up to 60 units (or for the first 60 units of a larger project) when the developments are within 1/4 mile (measured walking distance) to a public park; and there is a direct, improved, permanent, public, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)- Springfield May 16, 2022 Page 7 of 11 accessible, lighted, maintained pedestrian trail or sidewalk between the site and the park. An exemption shall be granted only when the nearby park provides active recreation area, as defined by Subsection iv., above. ix. Phasing shall not be used to circumvent common open space standards. X. Common Open Space does not include required yards or transition areas unless authorized under Sections 3.2-245 or 3.2-250. C. Private Open Space shall be provided in all newly constructed multi -unit developments, to comply with the following standards: I. All private open space shall be directly accessible from the dwelling unit through a doorway; H. Dwelling units located at or below finished grade, or within 5 feet of finished grade, shall provide a minimum of 96 square feet of private open space, with no dimension less than 6 feet; and iii. Private Open Space provided may be deducted from the required amount of Common Open Space. For example, a project with 37,500 square feet of gross floor area requires 9,375 square feet of Common Open Space under Subsection b.l., above. If 2,400 square feet of Private Open Space is provided, the minimum Common Open Space requirement may be reduced to 6,975 square feet (9,375 — 2,300). Comment: Proposed Private and Public open space is provided and exceeds areas required. In addition to compliance, this development is within % mile of Blue Bell Park. 6. Landscaping, Fences and Walls. Multi -unit developments shall provide landscaping as specified in Section 4.4-105 and the following standards (See Figure 3.2Q): a. A minimum of 15 percent of the site shall be landscaped with a mix of vegetative ground cover, shrubbery and trees. Trees, a minimum 2 inches (dbh) in caliper, and shrubbery, a minimum of 24 inches in height, shall be planted. Bark mulch, rocks and similar non -plant material may be used to compliment the cover requirement, but shall not be considered a sole substitute for the vegetative ground cover requirement; Springfield May 16, 2022 Page 8 of 11 b. Street trees, a minimum 2 inches (dbh) caliper, shall be placed within the planter strips between the curb and the sidewalk. Street trees shall be planted 1 per every 30 linear feet (minimum) of street frontage, as specified in Section 4.2-140; C. Fences in front yards and along any frontage used to comply with the building orientation standard shall be limited to 3 feet in height. Fences in other yards shall comply with the fence standards specified in Section 4.4-115, and the vision clearance standards specified in Section 4.2-130; and d. The use of native and/or drought -tolerant landscaping is encouraged. All landscaping shall be irrigated with a permanent irrigation system unless a licensed landscape architect submits written verification that the proposed plant materials do not require irrigation. The property owner shall maintain all landscaping. Comment: Proposed Landscaping, fences and irrigation meet or exceed requirements. 7. Pedestrian Circulation. Multi -unit developments with more than 20 units shall provide pedestrian circulation as specified in the following standards (See Figure 3.2-R): a. Continuous internal sidewalks shall be provided throughout the site. Discontinuous internal sidewalks shall be permitted only where stubbed to a future internal sidewalk on abutting properties, future phases on the subject property, or abutting recreation areas and pedestrian trails; b. Internal sidewalks shall be separated a minimum of 5 feet from dwellings, measured from the sidewalk edge closest to any dwelling unit; C. The internal sidewalk system shall connect all abutting streets to primary building entrances; d. The internal sidewalk system shall connect all buildings on the site and shall connect the dwelling units to the parking areas, bicycle parking, storage areas, all recreational facilities and common areas, and abutting public sidewalks and pedestrian trails; e. Surface treatment of internal sidewalks shall be concrete, asphalt or masonry pavers, at least 5 feet wide. Multi -use accessways (e.g., for bicycles, pedestrians and emergency vehicles) shall be of the same materials, at least 10 feet wide. Where emergency vehicle access is required, there shall be an additional 5 feet on either side of the accessway. The additional 5 foot area may Springfield May 16, 2022 Page 9 of 11 be turf -block, grass-crete or similar permeable material on a base of gravel capable of supporting fire equipment weighing 80,000 pounds. f. Where internal sidewalks cross a vehicular circulation area or parking aisle, they shall be clearly marked with contrasting paving materials, elevation changes, speed humps, or striping. Speed humps shall be subject to review and approval by the Fire Marshal. Internal sidewalk design shall comply with Americans with Disabilities (ADA) requirements; g. Where the internal sidewalks are parallel and abutting to a vehicular circulation area, the sidewalk shall be raised or be separated from the vehicular circulation area by a raised curb, bollards, landscaping or other physical barrier. If a raised sidewalk is used, the ends of the raised portions shall be equipped with curb ramps; and h. All on-site internal sidewalks shall be lighted to a minimum of 2 foot- candles. Comment: Proposed Pedestrian circulation complies with requirements. 8. Parking. Multi -unit developments shall provide parking design as specified in the following standards: a. Parking lots shall be placed to the side or rear of buildings as specified in the Building Orientation Standards. Parking shall not be placed along that portion of the street where building frontages are used to comply with the building orientation standard; b. Lighting shall be provided for safety purposes, and focused/shielded to avoid glare on adjacent properties or dwellings as specified in Section 4.5-100; C. There shall be 1 planter island for every 8 parking spaces. Planter islands shall be a minimum of 6 feet wide, exclusive of the curb, the full length of a parking space containing 1 shade tree (a minimum 2 inches (dbh) in caliper at planting) and vegetative ground cover. Trees shall be specimens capable of attaining 35 feet or more in height at maturity and shall not produce excessive fruit, nuts, or sap (i.e., die to pest damage). Bark mulch is not an acceptable substitute for vegetative ground cover in the planter island. Water quality features may be incorporated into planter islands. Landscape areas shall be evenly distributed throughout the perimeter of interior parking areas, where practicable. See Section 4.4-105F. for recommended shade trees; Springfield May 16, 2022 Page 10 of 11 d. A minimum 6 -foot wide planter area shall separate and visually screen parking from living area windows. The planter area shall include a mix of ground cover, shrubbery, and trees with appropriate growth habit (i.e., for narrow planters and any height limitations including balconies, overhangs, and eaves). Shrubbery in this planter area shall be at least 24 inches in height at the time of planting, and trees a minimum of 2 inches (dbh) in caliper at the time of planting. See Section 4.4-110; e. Parking lots shall be connected to all building entrances by means of internal sidewalks; f. All parking stalls fronting a sidewalk, or landscaped area shall be provided with a secure wheel bumper not less than 6 inches in height and set back from the front a minimum of 2 feet to allow for vehicle encroachment. Wheel bumpers, if used, shall be a minimum of 6 feet in length. As an option, the sidewalk or planter may be widened 2 feet beyond the minimum dimension required to allow for vehicle encroachment. The sidewalks and planters shall be protected by a curb not less than 6 inches in height. See also, Section 4.6-120C; g. On corner lots/parcels, parking areas shall not be located within 30 feet of an intersection, as measured from the center of the curb return to the edge of the parking area (curb or wheel stop); h. All parking, maneuvering and loading areas abutting a property line or right-of-way shall provide perimeter lot/parcel landscaping. A minimum 5 -foot wide planting strip shall be planted with shade trees, a minimum 2 inches (dbh) in caliper, and a low level (e.g., 30 to 40 inches) evergreen hedge. See also Section 4.4-105; L Decorative walls may be used in place of the hedge in Subsection h., above, and shall be placed no closer than 4 feet from the property line. The decorative wall shall be a minimum of 30 inches in height and no more than 40 inches in height, and shall comply with the vision clearance standards specified in Section 4.2-130. Decorative walls shall be constructed of textured concrete masonry (CMU) or similar quality material, and include a cap. The wall may be partially see-through (up to 40 percent) as appropriate for security purposes. The area between the wall and property line shall be landscaped with shade trees; j. Parking area landscaping shall be designed to reduce storm water runoff (e.g., through infiltration swales and other measures), as practicable; and Springfield May 16, 2022 Page 11 of 11 k. Bicycle parking shall be provided as specified in Section 4.6-140-155 and may be incorporated into the landscaping design. Comment: Proposed Parking complies with requirements. We have provided nearly 50% more parking than is required by the development code. One part of this plan is to provide profuse landscaping in larger, but fewer areas. However, we are counting 10 islands immediately adjacent to parking areas for the 80 stalls shown. In addition, we understand that 70% of the 54 required parking shall consist of "standard" stalls measuring 9'x 18'. Therefore, we will provide at least 38 stalls (70%) that meet this requirement. Additional stalls beyond those 38 are anticipated to comply with the City's compact size requirement of 8'x 16'. 9. Vehicular Circulation. Multi -unit developments shall provide vehicular circulation as specified in the following standards (See Figure 3.2-R): a. The on-site driveway (or private street) system shall connect with public streets abutting the site; b. Shared driveways shall be provided whenever practicable to minimize cross turning movements on adjacent streets. On-site driveways and private streets shall be stubbed to abutting MDR/HDR properties, at locations determined during Site Plan Review process to facilitate development of shared driveways; and C. Parking areas shall be accessed from alleys when properties abut an alley, or an alley can reasonably be extended to serve the development. Comment: Our vehicle circulation shall be provided as required. The intent of the circulation design is to provide accommodation for delivery / trash collection / emergency vehicles that would not require backing up. The twenty-four conditions of approval issued February 15, 2022 through the previous Site Plan Review have been addressed in the revised drawings and documents. See the attached summary. Sincerely, Ken Paulsen Architect for Ridgeview Gardens KENNETH A PAULSEN ARCHITEC. 5638 S.W. HAINES ST. PORTLAND, OREGON 97219 (503) 245-6540 Summary of Ridgeview Gardens Conditions of Approval and Comments May 16, 2022 Listed below are the Site Design Conditions of Approval issued by the City of Springfield February 15, 2022. Conditions of Approval: 1. The applicant must retain a private professional civil engineer to design the site improvements and all public improvements in conformance with City codes, this decision, and the current Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual (EDSPM) pursuant to SDC 5.17-125.B and SDC 4.1-110.B. The private civil engineer is required to provide construction inspection services. The Owner has retained AO Engineers 2. The applicant must work with and obtain approval from the City's Public Works Department during the Public Improvement Permit (PIP) process in accordance with SDC 4.1-110A and B for all public improvements. Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant must provide evidence that the PIP is completed, approved, and bonded. This item is being addressed by AO Engineers. 3. Pursuant to SDC 4.3-120, as part of utility provider coordination, the applicant must install electric meters to provide service to each dwelling unit in the proposed residential buildings. This will be verified during the building and site inspection processes. Individual meters will be provided in proposed locations shown on the site plan subject to electrical code review and approval. 4. The applicant must place new utility lines underground and provide screening from any utility vautts&ansformerslconnections along the Main StreettHwy 126 frontage. Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant must identify where screening is needed and what kind of screening will be used. Screening must conform to the standards in SDC 4.4-110.B. This item is being addressed by AO Engineers. 5. Prior to approval of the Final Site Plan, the applicant must provide an Operations and Maintenance plan to the City for review to ensure the long-term maintenance and operation of the proposed stormwater treatment areas. The plan must designate maintenance responsibility for operating and maintaining the system and must be distributed to all property owners and tenants of the site pursuant to SDC 4.3-110.6. This item is being addressed by AO Engineers. City of Springfield May 16, 2022 Page 2 of 4 6. The applicant lists the plants for the proposed stormwater facilities on Sheet A1.6. This sheet and information listed must be submitted to the City along with the applicant's Operation and Maintenance plan to the City. See Landscape Architect's documents Sheets L1 and L2. 7. The proposed infiltration planter systems and rain gardens must be fully installed and fully functioning for stormwater management mitigation prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy for the proposed buildings. The system must be inspected and approved by the City prior to building occupancy issuance. This item is being addressed by AO Engineers. 8. The applicant must remove the existing non -conforming driveway entrance and replace with a conforming driveway entrance. The applicant must include notes on the removal of the existing driveway and construction of the new driveway entrance on the Final Site Plan. This item is being addressed by AO Engineers. 9. An ODOT Miscellaneous Permit must be obtained for any work that is to be performed in the public right-of-way in accordance with SDC 42-120.A2. This item is being addressed by AO Engineers. 10. All fire apparatus access routes are to be paved all-weather surfaces able to support an 80,000 -Ib. imposed bad in accordance with the 2019 Springfield Fire Code (SFC) 503.2.3 and SFC Appendix D102.1_ The applicant must meet fire access road standards to obtain occupancy certificates. This item is being addressed by AO Engineers. 11. Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant must include "NO PARKING -FIRE LANE" signage posted on both sides of the portion of the access drive according to SFC D103.6. The location and detail of these signs must be shown in the Final Site Plan submittal documents to meet the requirements of SDC 4.2-120. The updated site plan shows required "NO PARKING FIRE LANE" signage. 12. The applicant must extend and construct the public sanitary sewer system located in the northern side of Main Street/Hwy 126 as shown on the Utility Plan (Sheet C-2.1) using the Citys Public Improvement Permit (PIP) process prior to Final Site Plan approval. The PIP will include the connection to the public sanitary sewer system and the installation of a new sanitary sewer manhole. As part of the PIP, the driveway must be reconstructed to meet ADA standards. This item is being addressed by AO Engineers. City of Springfield May 16, 2022 Page 3 of 4 13. The applicant must contact SUB Water Division's Backflow Prevention Specialist at (541)726-2396 to discuss the backflow prevention and fire protection service requirements. This item is being addressed by AO Engineers. 14. Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant must show the locations of the above ground assemblies for reduced pressure backflow and double check detector. This item is being addressed by AO Engineers. 15. Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the proposed new fire hydrant must coordinate with SUB Water and show the location on the Utility Plan. With development and prior to occupancy the fire hydrant must be installed and must provide a minimum flow of 1,500 gpm at 20 psi in accordance required by the 2019 SFC Appendix B in accordance with SDC 4.3-120. This item is being addressed by AO Engineers. 16. The developer must install all public utilities in the public ROW or a suitable easement and coordinate their placement with other utility providers and site features such as driveways, sidewalk, and curb ramps to minimize disruption or compromise required design features. All utility locations must be shown on the Final Site Plan and coordinated using the City of Springfield's Public Improvement Permit process in accordance with SDC 4.3-120. This item is being addressed by AO Engineers. 17. The applicant must provide documentation of all new recorded Easements and Dedications with Lane County before Final Site Plan approval and building permit issuance as per SDC 4.3-140.A. This item is being addressed by AO Engineers. 18. Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant must provide all the required lighting information including elevations of all types of light fixtures proposed (i.e., 1-2-1 elevation not provided), locations, photometric data, cut sheets, and shielding data for the subject site that meet all the standards listed in SDC 4.5-110, which describes the requirements regarding to illumination and height limits of light fixtures. An updated Site Lighting Plan is included in this application, together with photometric data, details and cut sheets. 19. The applicant must provide details on how they will provide house shielding from the existing home on Tax Lot 4303 prior to Final Site Plan approval in accordance with SDC 4.5-110.B.2b. The Site Lighting man, together with the photometric data, details and cut sheet provide this information. City of Springfield May 16, 2022 Page 4 of 4 20. Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant must submit specifications (type of system, installation locations, etc.) of the proposed permanent underground irrigation system for the on-site landscaping pursuant to both SDC 32-240.D.6.d and SDC 4.4- 105.G. The Landscape Architect is providing this information. 21. Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant must submit a revised Site and Landscaping Plan, showing a planter island for every 8 parking spaces that complies with the development standards of SDC 32-240.D.8_c and 4.4-105.F, Landscaping in Parking Lots. Per discussions with the City, the Site Plan has been revised to include an additional landscape island within the west bank of parking stalls to comply with this requirement. 22. Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant shall depict the locations of Springfield Wellhead Protection Area signs to be posted at the trash enclosures and the vegetated stormwater management facilities serving the development site in accordance with SDC 3.3-200. This item is being addressed by AO Engineers. 23. The property owner or their designee is responsible for ongoing and perpetual maintenance of the private stormwater facilities on the site to ensure they function as designed and intended, and to ensure protection of groundwater resources. Annual maintenance records must be kept by the property owner or their designee and provided to the City for review upon reasonable request — normally within five business days. This item is being addressed by AO Engineers. 24. Groundwater protection must be observed during construction on the site. The applicant must maintain the private stormwater facilities on the site to ensure the continued protection of surface water and groundwater resources. This item is being addressed by AO Engineers. NAFCO" PRODUCT FAMILY Proudly dogineerecl and mrl.tactvr d in Wisconsin. onsin. USA - our NAFCO= family of 1 -ED fighting products combines 50 years of ranuhclvring mxpedise wt[h premium rompOnent and op nol-h Mld wrkm 'Tern oanshiphm . am high output outdoor applications to extreme indoor in e us t re n Ironmer`is I NAFCO ° ou s products dua : cJly ddcued energy consumption end mefnt,nancc caste and come supported by WILL'e unt^atch„p de..lgq ergrneoni_g and project s Ippon capabilities. 10 parch pgmns or an,"In lana RsmyT 6B:1 L;D inipS Erti pG4r5 h: rardlo INPmanen VdY MdaJM1 1'.k1r - :atn:mel - ptl tlimnQuel6y aan, a r:a 1m1 _. snpetm -1 do LEp wur, n Iar,reu2 'plu_e . app4 ... jW ln-ela, drol herbal ad lR'aim¢Nand 6Ubblp in -el (lo: madl w:Scnl �IN ilti'9i or, too) al plglt Yr, fUe1 n9 eIP I t III 1� W:.h Ncl _ a.1, ei jahlif e aromrep. - Is 11, t �Y ",a"I1111 j V1'In ad \\ pprvq:ar, 4 lir. I. 'fBBtl drnre: rm'nd Cbchl'" cap, m6failiP.phndGgy llpg:etlaE untl:T4�rlPnpn2' . Area/Flood/Roadway LED Lighting 4 wLL WIBaON51N gAsGXiINa NAFCO® SLX SLIM LED LIGHTING mace w � 5 r 6i C 1 Area/Flood/Roadway osemoa. em>Kr cam Highlights Compliance & Warranty Designed, engineered, and manufactured in Wisconsin, USA from premium domestic and imported components PPGm Commercial Performance Coatings custom color matching of RAL codes and architectural colors IES files, photometric reports, and lighting simulations available from factory design team Proprietary heat sink design with low drive current resulting in reported Lou LED life over 100,000 hours Easy driver and LED module access for technology upgrades and maintenance Flexible mounting options with custom adapters available Applications Area, site, and flood lighting Roadways and streets Parking lots, ramps, and walkways Car dealerships, schools, and hospitals Hotels and gas stations Retail stores and commercial buildings Outdoor sports facilities including tennis courts Amber and turtle applications Conatrpctlon & Finish Rugged aluminum chassis with excellent heatlimpact resistance and hinged electrical access Architectural grade powder coat enclosure and black anodized heat sink Highyrade stainless steel hardware for superior strength and corrosion resistance Driver Components are fully encased in potting material for moisture and vibration resistance Light Poles & Arms WILL offers one of the most comprehensive light pole, bracket, and arm catalogs in the industry Aluminum, steel, fiberglass, and concrete materials Straight, tapered, and decorative designs Custom fabrication, finishing, and accessories available Dedicated light pole application support team wlaumcea.mWm�ove. ETL Certification for UL STD 1598 & CSA STD C22.2 N 250.0 for of locations Meets Buy American AM requirements Standard 5 -year limited warranty with extended factory warranties available Turtle and wildlife compliance options (consult factory) Light Engine & Electrical • Premium tier l LED chips for extreme efficiency and high-quality color rendering for a broad range of applications Optical assembly constructed of UV stabilized polycarbonate with silicone seal •-40•Cto+45•C ambient operating temperature Standard AC input voltage of 120-2]]V 50/60 Hz; up to 480V available • isolated l-1 OV PWM/3-timer-modes dimmable(standardh and dim-tooff with standby power s 0.5W (optional) Power factor of 0.90 min Total harmonic distortion of 20% max Drivers include integral input Surge Protection of Differential Mode 6kV, Common Mode 10kV per EN 61000-4-5 Thermally protected secondary l DkA surge suppression available (optional) Always -on auxiliary power'. 12VDQ 200MA (optional) Local specifying engineer recommended for product selection and local Compliance Licensed electrician required for installation Control Options Integral passive infrared Bluetooth® sensor for motion, photo, dimming, and daylight harvesting control Synapse® wireless system for large-scale control of zones, dimming, schedules, and sensors DMX control options available from factory ears. LIGHTING q�o�nwamn..m...,, ...wmio oeo.e Ln6' �L l wL "O VNGIN EPA Chart Area/Flood/Roadway Speclficatlons & Typical Lume33 Output (WHITE LED) Baa Motlel WeIgM Old S/e@m. m anptMCuNell[ g " (q) TypiwIN10 pephgmani andidnVOon 3poni,a, Curter$ a U 0 Nn/W p001{, ]OGgI Wmene B U G Im/W 9adn'd" ENI Lumens e U 0 1. NF-SLM 'a]92 2 0 2 133 14 2 0 2 ttl 6,15p 8 0 2 Idl Speclficatlons & Typical Lume33 Output (WHITE LED) Baa Motlel WeIgM Old S/e@m. m anptMCuNell[ g " (q) TypiwIN10 pephgmani andidnVOon 3poni,a, Curter$ a U 0 Nn/W p001{, ]OGgI Wmene B U G Im/W 9adn'd" ENI Lumens e U 0 1. i8=Typal Oharl 'a]92 2 0 2 133 6,15d 2 0 2 ttl 6,15p 8 0 2 Idl 2M=Type 11 Metllum $j92 2 0 2 133 6,156 2 D 141 6.156 8 0 2 141 3M =Lypelll MetlWm 5)23 1 0 l 131 6,001 1 0 1 6.001 1 0 1 139 NPSL945 13 p3) 1 0525 iWi50W 3W =Type 111 Wrtle 5,605 2 0 2 128 2 0 2 136 5,934 $ 0 2 136 QM=Type IV MCEIum 5,99D 2 0 2 l36 6.301 0 2 144 63p1 2 0 2 10.4 SW=150•Type V9gaare 6,13J 3 0 1 iq0 6.520 3 0 l 149 6,520 3 0 l 149 SM=90'TypeV Metllum 6.206 ld2 6.594 3 0 1 6,594 3 0 l 151 SN=>0'iypeVNatFW 6.068 3 p l 139 6,g4J 9 0 1 6.44J 3 0 1 lde SVN =30•TypaV Very Nnmw GB96 3 0 1 ill 5,202 3 0 l 119 5,202 9 0 1 119 t6=Type l$hwl 11654 3 0 3 139 12308 3 0 3 161 12308 3 0 3 141 2M=Type 11 MetliYm 11.594 3 0 3 133 3 3 0 3 161 12.308 3 14l 3M=Type III MBtlIUm t1iQ46 2 0 8 131 12161 2 0 2 139 12.161 2 0 2 139 NFSLS9U 135 6J.6 2' 0.525 tap-25DW 3W=Typ¢III WItle fl.i]0 3 0 3 II8 11,868 3 0 3 136 11868 3 0 3 qM=Type IV MMium 11,860 P u l96 12,601 2 p 3 lId 12601 2 0 3 Ip4 SW =150'TypeV59uate 1R,2]d p 0 2 13.041 9 p 149 13,041 4 0 2 149 SM=90'Typetl Metllum 12,611 3 0 1 142 13.1BJ 3 0 1 l51 13,10] d 0 1 1S1 SN=]0'iypeVNartory 12136 q p 1 139 12894 4 0 1 iqe 12,B9d Q 0 1 148 5VN =30TypeV Vrry Nartow 9,]91 4 0 1 112 10603 4 0 1 10,403 4 0 1 it9 1S>Typel Bhrel 1],3]6 3 0 3 133 18,462 3 0] 149 18p62 3 0 3 141 2M=Type 11 Metllum 1J.3J6 3 0 3 133 ,163 3 0 5 141 18 3 0 3 I41 3M=Type 111 Metllum �1fi9 3 0 9 l31 18142 9 0 3 139 de tp2g2 9 0 3 139 3W=Type 111 WlCe 16,]55 3 0 6 120 iJ.003 3 0 136 9,803 3 0 4 136 NFSLS-135 14 131.1 9 OSRS 250H2OW dM=type lV MCEIum 1]]90 3 0 I 136 18,902 3 D 144 18,902 3 0 d 144 5W=1541'dr 18410 4 0 3 140 1A5G1 Q 0 149 19}61 d 149 NIYn, n $M=90'TypeVMm 10,61] 4 0 1 lI4 19,]01 4 0 1 151 l9.]81 q 0 151 5N-]0'TypeVNeltuW 19103 < 0 1 139 19.341 4 0 1 148 "9.311 d o l 140 5VN=30'TypeV Very NmrOw 14,6HJ 5 0 1 112 15,605 6 0 1 15605 6 0 l 119 IS=Type l3ha11 23.168 1 0< 133 21.616 p 0 4 141 24,616 4 0 4 141 2M=Type 11 Mcdlum 23,160 3 0 3 133 84,616 3 0 3 24,516 3 0 3 141 3M=Type 111 MetliUm 22092 3 D 3 131 24.323 3 0 3 139 24,323 3 0 3 I39 3W=iype 111 WltlP pM=TypelV MeeM1Um 22,3<1 23J20 3 D q 3 D 5 lib 136 R3]9J 25.2DR 3 0 4 3 0 5 2523] 25202 3 0 4 3 0 5 136 141 NFSLS180 i4$ Oq8 4 0.525 320d00V/ 5W=150'iype VBquere 24,Sd] 5 0 3 140 26,081 5 0 3 1d9 26.081 5 0 3 149 SM-90'iypeVMBOiam 24823 6 0 1 "42 26.9Jp 4 0 1 151 26.3]4 d 0 1 151 $N=JO'TypeVNenwv 34,2]1 5 0 1 139 RS,JHB 5 0 l WB 25]88 5 0 1 1qB 6VN=30`iVpeV Very Nazluw 19,582 5 D 2 112 RQ806 5 0 2 119 2-Adf5 6 121 119 10=Type)BhoN 28,96D q 133 30,J]0 4 0 4 14l O,710 4 0 4 141 RM=Typell MetlWm 28,960 4 0 6 l38 30]]0 6 0 E 1% 30,]JO 4 0 4 161 3M=Type 111 MetlWm 28,615 3 0 4 131 30,404 3 0 p 139 3D,406 3 0 4 139 3W -Type Ill Wife 2]926 4 0 5 29.6)1 d 0 5 136 29.6>1 6 0 5 136 N1.L.121f TJ 2135 5 p.525 d.I.V! 4M=Type N Anmin. 965D d 0 5 136 31,503 4 0 $ 164 3L503 q 0 5 164 SW-150'Type V S'.e 3068d 5 0 9 Ido 32,602 5 0 6 1<9 32602 5 p 149 SM-90'Type V MetlWm 3"029 5 D l 162 32968 5 0 151 32968 5 0 1 15l d, =70 VNatlrw 30.339 5 D l 139 32,235 5 D 1 148 32235 5 0 1 148 5VN= 30' Type V Very NaTOw 24p]8 3 D 2 112 26000 5 D 2 119 26,008 5 0 2 119 16=Type l SMn 31.584 d 0 4 194 3$559 d 0 4 14> 95.559 'Q 8 6 1Q 2M=Type 11 Medium 3&534 6 0 6 134 35559 d 0 6 14] 35559 d 0 q 3M=Type Ill MetlNun 32196 3 0 d 133 35.136 3 0 4 145 35,136 3 0 d 145 NFSLA4250 9 2623 fi OABB ]SOW 3W=Type111 Wltla 31 A20 d 0 5 l3D 36,269 p p 5 ID2 3d,209 1 0 5 142 qM=TypelV MMWm 33.360 4 0 5 138 36406 < 0 5 150 36p06 1 0 $ 150 SW=ISPTVp¢VBgUere 34,524 5 0 Q 162 3]6]6 5 0 4 155 3]696 5 0 d 155 SM=90°TypeV MetlWm 34.911 5 p 144 33099 5 p l 18] 38,099 5 0 1 15] SN =]u'TypeV Natm'x 3p,13G 5 D 16l 3J152 5 p 154 3J.262 5 0 1 154 SVN v30'TypeVVery NenOW R9.v41 5 0 2 114 30OSfi 5 0 2 124 30,056 5 0 2 124 IS=Type l311o11 dL469 5 0 5 l35 M,OH9 5 0 5 164 y,009 5 0 5 164 2M=iype 11 Medium 41A69 6 D < 135 14,089 6 0 q 144 44,089 4 0 d 144 3M=Type 111 Metllum 409]5 4 D 6 139 q3$!N 4 0 4 W2 d3.6W 4 0 4 142 NFSLL330 20 306.7 0 0663 ]SD9000W 3W=Type 111 Wltle 39988 4 0 5 130 42514 q D 5 139 dR.51d Q 0 5 139 qM=Type lV Metllum 42656 4 p 138 65,13e < 0 5 147 05.139 4 0 5 l4] fiW=15p'Type V6quate p3,93] 6 0 4 143 46,]14 6 0 4 158 4G,]l9 5 0 4 l92 SM=90'TVPeV Metllum M,43t 5 0 2 165 6]238 5 p 154 4],238 5 D 2 SN =JO'Typ¢VNartory 4],4d/ 5 0 2 142 46.180 6 0 2 l51 46,100 i 0 R 151 5VN=30'TypeV Very Narow 35851 5 0 2 3]A6fi 5 0 2 32266 5 0 2 122 p Typical lumen .1—le on phobmetrle testipeetotmetl n,amordaneewldt ANSUI6 LM-]9-19.A¢Wel peetormance may differ resulting ft Mepticel conOgumtkn,.10 temp antl CPI, glare menageman4 owner environmert, and application. N. ii. a base0 on 2S'C endientrperel, termini ure. Nate: Bdd rNinga are eW.Ulaletlwilh(vturelihsHm ,dreeldeldreI 111111L apo nag wme�e¢.mn¢wncee. o-er.3m,.rrromnaLem rr.,a,w+o r=c22 �L■ IµggGON51N ` LAB- °GHT1N3 Area/Flood/Roadway Specifications & Typical Wmen Output (AMBER LED) Lumen b ient Temperawre Sale MOGJ W'^eM SyOMm Wetle Enpine qF prNOl LWSOu ree Lumens >1.x. a1czoo Nb) PM) 981 (A (A) » 020D0 25°C/]]'F 10c0 NFSLSCW50.TA 125 520 2 6 lluegmbe!(593 nm) 1,>86 >1 p2000 NF5L8{W86PCA 12.5 790 2 015 PbospOOKorntleh Amber(590 nm) 6.108 9].]5 NF-SLFCWl06TA 165 104.0 0969 04 rue Am her(SG nm) 3.572 Input Currvm l' 17V (/Q NfSLSCW166PCA 14.4 158.0 4 145 PM1oePM1 or ConVerleE Ambx (590 pm) 12376 Input LU, 0V 1 (Al NPBLM{015 STA D 156.9 OW OA 1meFmber(593 nm) 5,358 MµtCwmnl W.6d0V (Aj Nr SLM{WM4 PCA 17 236.9 045 PM10 pM1or.o .N.d Amber(590 nm) 10.564 NFSLLLW2fOTA 20 2079 8 04 TneAmber (593 nm) 1°1W NPSLL{Wy00-0CA ]jl 297.0 8 046 Ppoeph..ConvelleC Amher (590 pm) 20.678 Lumen b ient Temperawre Lumen MUXg1i0r M21 Lwnm MBMMru 6O.WSN ) pE'Gerne 0 (brei FORM" a 70 (MrsJ p`C/32'f 1.039 9001 >1.x. a1czoo 10'C/SPF 1023 981 >102a00 » 020D0 25°C/]]'F 10c0 902 IDy000 » p20p0 30'C/06'F 0998 97.95 '102000 >1 p2000 35'C /9SF 0904 97.86 '102000 '102.000 40'C/IOPF 09]7 9].]5 » 0200 » p2000 45°C/l13'F 0969 97.62 'im, 00 >102.00p Note: UI mlcubleE -ding to l SGNA TAF441 t methodology LED 100 380 430 480 530 me 630 680 730 780 Wavelength (nm) —PC Amber —Amber s.ugea W ciwreo mmc.a ncve. P- <a9 9um®4wiW:em� •......m -21 ��� WISCONSIN IGHTING LAB' trent ) VOIMge (VI q5M Spy/ 1350 YdW ISOW Input Gurmm La l20V 11) p.93 109 77 1.82 2b2 2SI, 256 Input Gmtnn (a Z03V (p) 021 042 p.63 103 i16 1A7 lnpulCmnnl (031 pV (q) 013 036 055 091 101 1S8 Input Currvm l' 17V (/Q 0.16 03p 2 O6] N9 OB] Lll Input LU, 0V 1 (Al 013 p.25 Odd OW O.W 0]0 O8p MµtCwmnl W.6d0V (Aj 009 p,lD O04] 045 050 064 380 430 480 530 me 630 680 730 780 Wavelength (nm) —PC Amber —Amber s.ugea W ciwreo mmc.a ncve. P- <a9 9um®4wiW:em� •......m -21 ��� WISCONSIN IGHTING LAB' 00NSIN T#�LIGHTIIJG ue• Photomatric Diagrams LEGEND Mose Ott, 0,�,c 225WSLM (10) Type I short 25'..'1@p° 225W SLM ,W) Type III Wide 25 Height 10° 22. SW (SM)9P Type V M"JUM 2s HeIgM@3° SImuM@tl per Ii LMd39995 225WSLM (2M) Type II Midi 25'HeIgM@0' 2Y5W SLM (AM) Type IV Metliom 2riE IgM@o° 2 5WSLM (SN) TO- Type V Nei 25'HeigM@tl° Area/Flood/Roadway 225W SLM (3M) Type III Metliom 25'HeIgM@D° 225WSLM (5W) 150Type V steer, 25'Lehi @o' 225W SLM (5VN) 30• Type V Very Nmcw 25' Heidi @0' wgeum MeopenNnmrc°ow. We. 1.h amme.na..m,ewn «^nv..e 4�Se ■ WIBCONGIN ` LIGHTING AB' VAUlws °""" ua�'"c Area/Flood/Roadway Dimensional Dlagmms SLL T i I 0 SLM T T i I WILL � w HTING Ae AGCGNS'N LIGHTNG Area/Flood/Roadway 's., �WIOCO.W IA' LIGHTIYF tAe• Ex: NF-SW-2S0-S0-MV-5M-B*6S pawWnpamryy Duan Color Lamp 10a=yp,00V pCA=pCgmlur(590 nm) 2Rs=30a. TA_ Tmegmhel Is93 nm) zso=a'000 CT=Co¢lom 6a• 6' Nm (Saone Pole) WHP3Np=2'COMw/o p1u4SVlppetl Piglall Is V'sr. (Isse Pole) WXllNp% VCON w/o%ua amppatl pigtail C. - -I m I MPS=i Olinmin9r ws say. yostem protlucb, conOguaaonc.aptlonx, antl accea"o,raavellable lmm hctery. Ne[e:Y9t4ecign6pMc.ery�¢NM<opO9urallenxareCLC quaIIOM. IF Arm Mounts Slipfitler Maunt Trunnion Yoke Mount Roadway Most Arm Mount Tennis Davit Adapter TLPCI =TWIN-Lo[kplpbcalL 1R69NINcl Installed) TLPC4- TwiatieM Phebrell,3<T/4.V(Nol l nctahetl) ¢ .aaw�.Yd+nlae-all..une,n—ea 1N P,9,aae M_hre�- W,aCON5 Wf1.1.IUGXnN LAB' Area/FlOOd/Roadway Voha9e"$G a. FiaLgM1 Cast 1242JJV, an ey Mark(G rd.l) =277 9yl Metliam B2=ar— =Custom I Marm WX_Whlla M Witle Np_Nal A—Sllve¢ MMIom LC_Lghl Gray v Square SG=slate 6my Tennis Davit Adapter TLPCI =TWIN-Lo[kplpbcalL 1R69NINcl Installed) TLPC4- TwiatieM Phebrell,3<T/4.V(Nol l nctahetl) ¢ .aaw�.Yd+nlae-all..une,n—ea 1N P,9,aae M_hre�- W,aCON5 Wf1.1.IUGXnN LAB' ��wlaoousw axrwo ena Area/Flood/Roadway ■ 6• & AP Arm Drill Pattern (Olmenslons Not To Scale) TOP OF POLE Q�ormwxunamm.i I .+..wwm �Oe< �� �BCCN' NGG NAFCO"' PRODUCT FAMILY Proudly engineered and Inanuhctur�tl in Wisconsin. USA -our NAFGO' fmfly pf LED flghlmg products combines 50 years of manvfaaunng experts, with premium components and top notch Midwestern woAonanshl9. From bph output outdoor applications to extrane Indoor Indusirlal environments - NAFCC' Cortes products drestirally reouce energy oonsmmphon and maintenance costs and come supported by WILLs unmatched design, cnglncering, and projecl support eapabilltios. - I■ t •I p at 0001171.'s 11F prti 0dck —J-1 I.Iefor d1,1,111 tl.... pdM1On 3no Id and er"P. r1ruldmil IM nvc Amcor cru vncnono� G .�m�faa tvcl Anew ,I-_.vc Lcpwig.owm, 11 Y-- i tl l 9 1 3°. OAo1o, 11 1, f 1 1 a � i �1"n9 J I I 1 flue -oornn,, c,,a,rin, IndLue ana0r-,I I M1 E iCOHEy a 3 tl onver 4Wr reLZll, ievF:noln9y 1,p9hW&i. aJltl "t, OGnn II M1 C.. T}'nPu pngmf a .a m n tl ae o: a. p. eloll 1413easrd l91t 1-ru. .11"In pl gM1 suer y; p fum Wall Mount LED Lighting i >n Y.. — a WLL (LIGTI A3H 0 GfN _ aU ,aNiIPoG Po 'I, NAFCO® WCX WALL MOUNT LED LIGHTING MIJUDEAN Wali Mount Highlights Compliance & Warranty _ Designed, engineered, and manufactured in Wisconsin, USA from premium domestic and imported components PPGe Commercial Performance Coatings custom color matching of RAL codes and architectural colors IES files, photometric reports, and lighting simulations available from factory design team Output options over 30,000 lumens Proprietary heat sink design with low drive current resulting in reported L90 LED life over 100,000 hours Easy driver and LEO module access for technology upgrades and maintenance Building facades, parking garages, entrances, and stairways Commercial buildings, schools, universities, hotels, and hospitals Security, pathway, and perimeter lighting Storage areas, loading docs, and parking areas Amber and turtle applications Construction & Finish Rugged aluminum chassis with excellent heat/impact resistance and hinged electrical access Architectural grade powder coat enclosure and black anodized heat sink High-grade stainless steel hardware for superior strength and corrosion resistance Driver components are fully encased in potting material for moisture and vibration resistance ETL Certification for UL STD 1598 & CSA STD C222 # 250.0 for wet locations Meets Buy American Act requirements Standard 5 -year limited warranty with extended factory warranties available Turtle and wildlife compliance options (consult factory) & Electrical Premium tier 1 LED chips for extreme efficiency and high-quality color rendering for a broad range of applications Optical assembly constructed of UV stabilized polycarbonate with silicone seal -40-C to +45-C ambient operating temperature Standard AC input voltage of 120-27IV 50/60 Hz; up to 480V available Isolated 1-10V PWM/3-timer-modes dimmable (standard) and dim -to -off with standby power s 0, SW (optional) Power factor of 0.90 min Total harmonic distortion of 20% max Drivers include integral input Surge Protection of Differential Mode 6kV, Common Mode 1OkV per EN 61 D00-4-5 Thermally protected secondary IOkA surge suppression available (optional) Always -on auxiliary power: 12VDC, 200mA (optional) Local specifying engineer recommended for product selection and local compliance Licensed electrician required for installation Integral passive infrared Bluetooth® sensor for motion, photo, dimming, and daylight harvesting control Synapsed wireless system for large-scale control of zones, dimming, schedules, and sensors DMX control options available fmm factory �ea gcnswbleawcwyvmnommx�. c�arsawuo,a�ocem' w,wwm arum wGHTINGlry GHTING PB' WILLin......N Lumen Output (WHITE LED) Wall Mount Rae.Moa, death ON) M.W. (W) Snpine Qty OMeCurteT (A1 ggnl6u0an Wmena I'M 7OCRI B U G Im/W Lumens 4000K]OCRI I G N G 11. IaMren¢ S.'. CW R U G IMW NFWCSWS 12 037 l 0.525 S=TypalSmN 5]926154 9795 >e"u. 27x000 SIS /95°F I 037 97,86 0 »272000 l4, 6,154 9>J5 0 2 141 2M=Type IIMOEmm 5]92 2 0 2 133 6154 2 0 2 141 SAM 2 0 2 141 3M=Typelll Metllam 5,723 1 1 0 1 131 Suet 1 0 1 1 199 6.081 1 0 1 139 3W=Type111WMa 5.555 2I 0 2 129 5.934 2 0 2 5.934 2 0 2 136 MIS 4M=Type IV Venture 5,930 2 0 2 136 6,301 2 0 2 144 6.301 2 0 2 n idd WN = 150'Type VS quare 6,137 3 0 1 140 6,520 3 0 1 149 6.520 3 0 1 10 5M=90°True V Metllam 6,406 S o l 112 6,594 0 1 6,594 6N=]D°Trye V Nnmw 6.068 6pe7 3 p 108 6,447 3 0 1 151 148 SVN- 30' Type V Vary N a now 4096 3 0 1 112 5,202 3 0 1 119 62M 3 0 1 ill NFt4C1A90 125 5]4 2 0525 IS=Tyr. l BMn 1,504 S 0 3 I. 12300 3 3 141 12.300 3 0 3 141 2M -Type 11 Medium II in 3 0 3 133 12300 3 c 3 141 123GO 3 0 3 Wi 3M =Type 111 Manuel, IIA46 2 0 2 131 12.161 2 0 2 139 12.161 2 0 2 Tel W=Typa III Wla. 117,4 128 11068 11868 3 136 4M=Type lV MetlNm l,M 601 2 12601 2 0 3 ld4 SW=150°Type V3quale 12274 0 2 140 13,041 0 169 13041 4 0 2 id9 SM -M0 T,MVMetllum 12411 3 0 142 13187 3 0 1 161 13107 3 0 1 151 SN=Jc'Type V Narrow 12136 4 0 1 139 12994 4 0 1 146 12890 0 1 146 qVN= 30' Type V Very Nauow 9.791 4 0 112 10,403 4 0 1 119 1QAS 4 0 1 Ill NF-WCM-135 14 1311 3 0.525 l3=Tpe I SM1cn 2M=Type 11 Medlum 17976 17976 3 3 0 0 3 S 133 133 18,462 18.462 3 3 c 0 3 3 W1 141 18p62 18,462 3 3 0 3 0 3 141 141 3M=Type III MMIum 17,169 3 0 3 131 16242 3 0 3 139 18242 3 0 3 139 3W=Type 111 Wide '16]55 3 0 4 128 17,003 3 0 4 13 17.803 3 0 d 136 dM =1}ye IV Medium i]]9c 3 0 4 136 18.902 3 c lµ ISM32 3 0 d lµ 9W=150°Type V3puare 13.010 0 0. 3 140 19,561 6 0 3 149 19.661 0 3 SM O'TpeV Metllam 18,617 19)81 151 19]81 d 0 W9 151 SN=W. Type V Nana, 18,203 139 19341 0 169 18b1 D I 108 MN =30'Type VVuy Narrow 1460] 5 D iR 15,605 5 0 1 119 15,605 5 0 1 119 NF-WCM-100 14.5 1740 4 0. SR5 I3 =Type l3M1on 23.168 4 0 4 133 24,616 4 0 4 141 24.616 4 0 4 141 2M =Type 11 Medium DT60 3 0 3 l33 24,616 3 0 3 141 26,616 0 3 141 3M =Type 11 Madem 2x,092 3 0 3 131 20,313 S 0 3 l39 24323 3 0 3 3W =Typelu Wide 22341 3 0 12B 21,73] 139 136 OM=type IV Medium 21.72,4 1.ID nM2 3 0 S 144 SW-150•Ty, V Squ¢re 24547 5 0 3 100 26,001 5 0 26.081 5 0 3 109 SM=it' Type V MedWm 24.923 4 0 1 id2 26.374 d c 269]4 4 0 1 161 5N-70°Type V No Tow 24271 5 0 1 139 25.708 5 0 25788 5 0 1 140 SVN-3c°Type V Very Narrow 19.582 5 0 2 112 2c.eo6 5 0 20906 6 0 2 119 NF-WOL-225 iJ 210.5 5 0.525 1S- Type 1Snctl 28,10 4 0 133 30,]70 4 0 30,JID 4 0 4 141 2M=Type ll Madura 28,960 d 0 4 138 $0°770 4 0 M0 70 4 D 4 IC ;41N 9M=Type 111 Medium 2&515 3 0 4 131 30,04 3 0 30404 3 0 4 139 3W=Type Ill Wlde 2].926 6 0 5 128 29.671 d 0 29,6]1 4 0 5 136 414=Type lV Medlum 29,650 4 0 5 136 315M 4 D 3LW3 4 0 5 104 5 0 6 id0 32a02 5 0 32W2 5 0 4 W9 SM=9c'TpaVMe6um 31,029 5 0 1 162 3268 5 0 32968 5 0 i5l 5N-70°Type V Nartaw ID939 5 0 1 199 31235 5 0 32235 5 0 1 WB 5VN=30°Type V Very Narrow 'I q 5 0 26,40. 526,008 5 Not.T"lcal lumen valuaaarebeied"'holoommic leeb pe domed In aamrdance votb ANSVIES LMd0-n Atlual peRorman. may IIIraeuling Dom optical mn09umtloM1 CNol lamp anb CRL glare nageme add epplkailan. Note: Son p.eeb on 25C ambient operating me"naure. NOIe:SUa'alingaarecalculaled oA plon. fin me to P. Lumen Mult[I8 Maintenance AmblaM Tempealum LunnMUXlpller TW 21 lvmm Malniemnea (,re,ODo nml REDORI'6DL90 (M) RMORISDUO (nrs) O•c 733'F Tc39 98,1 »Oz.cao 2O°C/SPF 1023 98.1 llzoo0 >l,zWp 214 25°ClpVF 1000 98.2 ]10200,4 >lf/[000 3PC/06T 27992 9795 >e"u. 27x000 SIS /95°F I 037 97,86 074 »272000 40'C/104°F en, 9>J5 It➢20C0 ury.e. »OR,cO, 45'C/113'F I a, 0969 97,62 >ID2.000 ]102.000 Note: Va[mue undulated according To I VNA TM214 t matnodokegy. aupam m comae, rvtnownnaa. _ WISCONSIN 9-eiaecwma.eae<a•. r....,... LIGN NG W e•aoi7 11.qLAT artmR(A) Vole9B 4M90W 135W iSOW IISW 1 Input Current nil 20V(e) a aJ 214 v2 141 136 mpuroorromia 200V(in 1 0.21 1 0 1 064 1 0.86 1 lm InWi Current @240V(e) In I 037 I055I 074 0.93 Input Cumnt, 11V(4) 016 I Od8 0.54 let Input Current, 3.V (A) 013 0.26 0.39 O.SI C64 Input Cement/91480V(A) 009 019 1 028 037 Ddb aupam m comae, rvtnownnaa. _ WISCONSIN 9-eiaecwma.eae<a•. r....,... LIGN NG W e•aoi7 11.qLAT VMVI" 0"N Specifications & Typical Lumen Output (AMBER LED) Well Mount Base Irm,d .".(I 6yLgr Watls(YI) Englnefiv mWeDment(A) M$.me jr NFWCBA,Ar. 12.5 2fi I p4 Tme Amber I., nm) B93 NF WCG 40 PCA 12.5 40 Bps Prospb r ComeetleO Amber (SOD nm) 3094 NFWCMCW— 105 78 3 0.4 Trre Amber("" nm) 2679 NF-WCMCW1RByCA 14.5 120 3 045 phosphor ConeerAd Amber (r90 nm) 9,i.2 N1WOLLW136rA 17 130 5 04 Roe Amher G. nm) 4465 NF-WCL{MOIHKA 17 200 5 045 Ph.GbrGvme.d Ambtt(59onm) 15470 LED Chip Wavelangths 100 80 0 380 430 480 530 580 630 680 730 780 Wavelength (nm) SPC Amber -Amber Derr s o rwme^ae.,nmm„onee a��w.���o-�h,�.�om rw..,,,, ILL LIGHTING N <4el, Baal LAB' LAB' ' __I��1� w600N6N LiGNnNG I� Ln3' LEGEND �06k �20 tc SOh �101e ZSR 9muleletlpellESNALM5 1995 135W WC% ('S)Tpel Sport 5Neighl@0' 135 mx (SM) 90'TypeVmM'um 15eelehlp.- 135W WCx (2M)Type 11 Medum 15' H,fil 0' Wa1PMouM GVV- (3v�rypelnwme JLLH Jg01®0' 135W. ,V) Type IV Metlllim 15'..'G,@0' 13.WW x (SVQ 150' Type V Square 15' Ilel9hl @ 0' pmaz ':..,q..vov a.,epow omme. aaouwuere�a,:�= ..,.m a -e LL LG TI.91ry DGNTiNG B' wscumsw ucHrwc ua' T° WCS f wall Mount II aGe oni♦ °cnanOevMwNna�en. c�wu.,Dwi.cra.tlr�ci� �w.vawuoma¢■ LL ■ N/OH NGIN 'Gn" LAB' ° aGe oni♦ °cnanOevMwNna�en. c�wu.,Dwi.cra.tlr�ci� �w.vawuoma¢■ LL ■ N/OH NGIN 'Gn" LAB' SCONSIN HGHTING LAB' IMormetlon Mc NF-WCM-100-50 W-4M-BK-1AIM Wail Mount Pmtluvl Purdy oesgn (Wma- N°mma Lummq mode Tewp voNN oisWbWan N."Caw NF=NAFCO' WCB - small Hocemg 45=6,W0 Np=3DOVK.]O CPI Mor =l2aznV 1B-T11alsb°n BR - Black(ScurdsM) VICM=aed— Housing NO=12,000 40=W00K, IO CPI HV -111 Bgl RM =Type 11 uear-I Ba=BronID WCL - Large Nousing 135=18000 11-5000K, 11 ON cV=Custom 1.=Type 111 Metllum WH-WM1IN 100=84000 PCA - PCAmber(Sam nm) O,v-Typa 111 Witle NA - Nal Alum NoPI 825-3o.. TA= Twe Ambm(593nm) 41A-Tyyd IVMe41um W-LIgM GIay CW- rusiom B Amber CT-WaNm SW = 150' Type V Square sm=BIMa Gray SM 'g- Tape VMetlNm da Nark Green u, a. Type V Narrow NP=Ned, Plallnum NN=. Tyye V VeryNarrow GM- Graphite Metallic CB -..om PAL=Custom ML Ma\cM1 Note. Cuwom protludy mnOgumtlons, optloni snd .¢baso. s available fmm to., etecnuvnrs wheal w<nansa.nno�lrwnr. WISCONSIN _ WI OHTINS reyo va Free' rmw.wuo oboes LAB' Optlane 8acamna l e ( W as Suf xi Mowlel9 ObMm lattuMea WM=SAnderd Well Mout SPG21110-10kA Surge SJPWeasm(Fleltl Peplaceable), 120211 BPC1-Burma PholocanVo1, 1262J]V(Nat instellad) W =Cus1INn SRG48010=10"arge SUrpPurcr(Flet Perdurable), 34]-030V "Ban"Na.comml, Neu hu.1 lnalletl) rude rt NSP=NEMA Spin T', N.Lock Pecedeals BPC4-Burdon... N nucl, 480V(Nor lnaYlletl) MPS - Programmable Motion SeesorWON/OFF+ Oimmi,+Protractor NuateMM1 Satliogs Adjust 8-4a Mounting HeIgM TLPC1-TWIsFLwk Photocell, 12N2]7'k'(Nm Installed) EB1RF1=1ROD m90 min EmergencyBffiery BacWp. O'G40'C PmrieM Opemting Temp, B -1-m- bels Only(cmvull Fecaj TLP04=ryns4Lock Photocell, 342/480Vgoes modules) EBt2Flc-20001. 90 men CaI I Wealhm Emeryenoy..may Backup, 20'L50 -C Ambient Oymtl o g Temp, Select Model a Only(Oc sult Fanoly) SFB-5ingla Fu., Si ngdxPhase Ony(Nw Installed) SYN - Syneyse Wluleaa 0—.1 s'slem(Bonsulr Faat.,) DFS - Double Fusa ThrenPoa¢e Coll No' Installed) Note. Cuwom protludy mnOgumtlons, optloni snd .¢baso. s available fmm to., etecnuvnrs wheal w<nansa.nno�lrwnr. WISCONSIN _ WI OHTINS reyo va Free' rmw.wuo oboes LAB' LlghtPoIe$PIUS` PRODUCT FAMILY Proudly angmeared and manufactured in rqa,,, ;sin. USA - our UghlPolesPm.' family of LED lighting products combines 50 years of manufacturing oweresa vith premium compononfs end top notch Midwestern workmanship. LfghtPolasRuss^rlss products I'_ a variety os profassi-nal-grace general hght,qaispl 1,4lors InCIudlPg area, ffeod, o am g bullarg and wall mount ani come suupor[od by WILCs :enmaicn¢d design eaoineertrg, and project support capabilities. Ii a. ggeu i tli .ai . I Iot uo3r.4. st �rvim JN�riW �� n4 I I I�s-.m Er au r i. U pi, al - ,hr, -I�, k,-, av,3t u a pnoE I�sura I r : a rr�l. Iwai enoKelicne arm nrN ocs�lcaein I ISI ne i e -a ISI �cvr teas+..usi,rrma r...�a zrM arm i I u Is"I'll J M t-.girol e �n moknn Ills, a i w.., .,, s qua rci Bollards Ieaters a ua' LightPolesPlus° RXB & SXB BOLLARD LED LIGHTING Designed, engineered, and manufactured in Wisconsin, USA from premium domestic and imported components PPG® Commercial Performance Coatings custom color matching of RAL codes and architectural colors IES files, photometric reports, and lighting simulations available from factory design team Proprietary heat sink design with low drive current resulting in calculated L90 LED life over 100,000 hours Removable light engine head for easy maintenance and upgrades Slatted and rotational mounting base to assist with retrofit applications and final positioning Building entrances Path and walkways Car dealerships, schools, and hospitals Architectural and landscape lighting Retail stores and commercial buildings Accent and general lighting Amber and turtle applications RGB DMX color tuning applications Construction & Finish Extruded aluminum chassis with removable light engine head for easy maintenance and upgrades Architectural grade powder coat finish Lens constructed of PMMA material for excellent light transmittance and distribution Slotted and rotational mounting base to assist with retrofit applications and final positioning High-grade stainless steel hardware for superior strength and corrosion resistance Driver components are fully encased in porting material for moisture and vibration resistance Bollard pummeMs Compliance & Warranty ELL Certification pending for UL STD 1598 & CSA STD C22,2 # 250B for wet locations Meets Buy American Act requirements Standard 5 -year limited warranty with extended factory warranties available Turtle and wildlife compliance options (consult factory) Light Engine & Electrical Premium tier i LED chips for extreme efficiency and high-quality color rendering for a broad range of applications Optical assemblies constructed of UV stabilized polycarbonate with silicone seal -40•C to +45-C ambient operating temperature Standard AC input voltage of 120-277V 50/60 Hz; up to 460V available Isolated 1-SV/1-1GV/10V PWM/3-Timer-Modes Dimmable Power factor of 0.90 min Total harmonic distortion a0%max at 220-240VAG and 20% max at 1 GO- 2]]VAC Drivers Include Integral Input Surge Protection of Differential Mode 4kV, Common Mode 6kV per EN 61000-4-5 Thermally protected secondary 10kA surge suppression available (optional) Local specifying engineer recommended for product selection and local compliance Licensed electrician required for installation Control Options Integral passive infrared Bluetooth' sensor for motion, photo, dimming, and daylight harvesting control Synapse+wireless system for large-scale control of zones, dimming, schedules, and sensors RGB color mixing and DMX integrations Dynamic scene entertainment packages Wired and wireless configurations available Turnkey factory commissioning with on site support options L■ WlscoNSIN ` w5coLIGHTING LAB' WiLLI;IGA rv3'N Lumen s- ModY WY9At (W) SyMem Walla � tew. � .1i (A) RiaNbuNan Lunrtna ImN/ 1039 LRP%8/0%PI0 15 104 1 013 5=Type V Round 1661 I6c >1.rls A=AsymmeNcal 155] 150 L=Wuvers 1454 140 F-Frmtd tAuI L0.R%0/5%0&0 15 211 1 025 5=Type V Rountl 3.036 144 >102000 A'4aymmetncal 234E 135 L -Louvers 2656 In F -1m 1.il 2656 126 LARXB/5%830 15 302 1 035 5=Type VRwnd 4.100 l36 >102.0 A`AcnnmeViml G. 41 L= Lounun 3$07 119 F=Fleeted 3.561 119 LRR%5/6%62SGCA 15 26 1 031 s=type V Round 249 97pboepLw Con=dAmba, 1590 nm) A'Aaymmetdnl 1.3]1 91 L= Louvers 2520 05 F=Boated RT20 35 '•) LP R%Bls%62. 15 20 1 031 5 -Type V Round 650 <3 Tne Ambw (593 nm) A-Aaymmebital ]99 40 L=Lauvets J48 3] F=Fmctetl ]46 3] Nate: Tp.1 lumen values we Aa den pbobmeGC tarts pW rnnd in 3c uN nage t. anL and epplice Ncle'. Gte be eetl on 25C amblem o"nung IempRMum. Lumen Multiplier 8 Maintenance (WHITE LEDs) Pippreu TFnpaMure L. MUI11pPer Malmwwnce (Sp00BHoun) Glw un) L90 Ihre) CeIC OhnI U0 6th Ts 32°F 1039 9001 >luzu. >W2000 10°C/50°F 1.@3 96.1 >1.rls >102000 25'C/]]°F 1.000 9fl2 >ID2000 »02000 30'C/86'F 0993 0.09 >102000 020. 35°C/95°F0.934 002 004 >102000 OZ000 40°C/104°F 0.9]] 97,75 >102.0 >ID2000 11 C1113'F 0969 9]62I »02000 >1020c0 None. Valuescalculatetl sccoMln810153NAT.2111 melAodolog, C 20 0 Bollard mlo,lamp end ORA 9Hle CwreM(A) YWaga IOW LIW 30W In,. Curter[ QL 120V(A) 0.09 0.10 0.25 Input Cumn 1, 208VW 0.05 0.10 ul, Input .-,t 24.(s) 0.04 009 c.i3 Input Current QL 2➢V(A) 0.04 000 01l Input Current@34]V(A) 0.09 0.06 009 Input Curren[@480V (A) 002 004 006 380 430 980 530 580 630 680 730 780 Wavelength (nm) _PCAmber —Amber mseq=umcnsnmvlmmnmmlce. WISCONSN 9 aurvcern,o=wm ....wr LIGHTING ewe rzws erznrz. LAB' LIGNwa�iN uNanno Bollard Dimensional 421n. RDB RFS SFB Base Detail 421n. 42 in. �6in. I 6h �6in.� 3/8 XS'ZI—Ph@O Seel MMor Boh M anclutlNj P ■ ■ wHTI IN > va ms iw mxc..+mno��wwn. x.vwm.,eFumn w.vwwi.io umrze. • LIHTING NG .. ��-iFF�``���OO L46" WILLI�aHTIINGW IG: LP-SF11142-30-50-MV-5-BK-SI) i Bollartl PwtlW[FamAy ONipn Lenplh voa mnaa Colw Tame Volppe .--an nnl.x cpwt nwncalar nyma-NomlrW LumeM) (Hwwmp) (Lwvere) LP=LipM1[PoleaPlu¢a SFB=SPuare fla[Tap Sollatl ¢2=42' 10=1,500 0=3000 K, JO CRI MV=120.2]]V geUntl d.G[. w/Giese 82=Bronze(3landartl) Day =Bleck(SanEaztl) Lene enie Round Rat Tap Dallazd CIL-Custom 20=3,00040-400 1 HV=2]]-030v SF - Type V Pountl SK=Carry BZ=Bronze ."..R Lena RDB= Round Dome Top Gollerd 30-4000 0=50001]0 LRI LV=120V Asynern lw/ WX=Whlb WH Who rry mora.. Near Len a 25 -PG Amber PG'Amber CV=CUTom AF- A¢Vrnmaldalw/ GA A. Amo Clore, NA-NalAlum 0,[— Dnn ma ) Passed Lena 20=True Amber he'True Amber nm) CO= .AGn LG -DO Gray Lc =Light may cW-cuBART, Ambm, RGs Cur _cu¢Nm SC=met, Gray DO MITI Cray Oc- set FcAm Dc=Dery Graeo DP -Dad"..— so=Gore Platinum GM' Grepxile Maugh, GM= Carter. .."I'sM 'Lestam PAL A. IWL-Custam RAL M¢LLi Optlom B Accesswies(I as SUHix) MoulaWlp0 s OpEon: saasswdas SD'Obsolete Be CPL Base "i your LamemFlease arser SRG2 70-10MAW eSuppresmr(Field Replaceable), 12G2]]V GFS=9ngle luxe, SinglePFese Cnly(NM Installed) FST=Feetoon Pmvlalon, lndudes ISAGFCI PTFE=PNm(P mal SPGI801e=10kA Swge Guppressm(FeIC Peplaceeble), 3G] -080V DFS -Dabs, "In, ThreePM1ase Only (Not ONbtB WeStheryoePomer (120VAC Only) Inamiletl) CM=Custom ID,- 180' Cubn.,as 5M1i." SPC''DUtlon shol-sergel, i IC C171 GFX - Wireless DAs% Con[ml Console (Consult Postmy) LV=Lowers BROS=Cut— PM1otaootrol. 307V DR" =human Pholaeonlml. 4501 MPS = Programmade Motion Sensor w/ GN/OFF+pimming+ PhAssmtlmL DluelwN Sminga Adjust svN = Cynapae wlrelaxe Conwl System (Conwh ...tory) IRAN Ine. I Comms Sone, (Consult Faawy) Note: Custom Product, aon0guratmne, opals, and acrossanea.vmlmla ham Parts, Festoon Provision Custom Bollartls Available: Length I Color I LED s"slxeraru srmno m ma„Pa.ui r,r nesho �orn.e.�.o..��_. WILL UG GrvslN Pan��soos v 1 .w..i caoz ��� PaCC NG Operations and Maintenance Agreement Private Stormwaler Management and Treatment System Land Development Application Number: Owner's Name: Fidgeview Gardens, LLC Phone No.: Mailing Address: 7070 Baylor Street City Portland State QR Zip 97223 Site Address: No address assigned City State Zip Site Map and Tax lot No.: 17-02-33-32 T.C.: 3800 (Oranaeh dacumeni ivlrh addfrlmral ]or infonnmimr e'(die fncitiry cr¢ccea mme rhar one tad Type of Facility(ies) Storm water l and and rain Gardens. Requirements 1) Stormwater Management Site Plan, (min. 8 1/2" x 11" attached to this form) showing the location of the facility(tes) in relation to building structures or other permanent monuments on the site, sources of runoff entering the facility(ies), and where stonnwater will be discharged to after leaving the facility(ies). Landscape and vegetation should be clear on the Plan submitted or submit a sepal ate Landscape Plan document showing vegetation type, location, and quantity (landscape plan). These can be the same Plans submitted for development review. The stormwater management facility(ies) shown on the Site Plan are a required condition of development approval for the identified property. The owner of the identified property is required to operate and maintain the facility(ies) in accordance with the Facility Specific Operation and Maintenance Plan(s) (O&M Plan(s)) attached to this form and on file with the City. The 0&M Plan for the facility(ies) will be available at the Development and Public Works Department, 225 5'h Street, Springfield, Oregon between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. 2) Financially responsible party (circle one): ro erty wn Homeowner Association Other (describe) 3) Partv(ies) responsible for maintenance (only if other than owner). Daytime phone no. C ..... ) Emergency/after-hours contact phone no ( 1 Maintenance Contact Party(ies) Name & Business Address: 4) Maintenance practices and schedule for the sterrmwater facility(ies) are included in the Facility Specific O&M Plans) attached to this form and filed with the Development and Public Works Department, City of Springfield. The operation and maintenance practices are based on the version of the City of Eugene's Stomrwater Management Manual in effect at the date of development application, as modified by any plans attached to this document at the time of signing. Application Date: By signing below, Filer accepts and agrees to the terms and conditions contained in the Operations and Maintenance Plains) and in any document executed by Filer and recorded with it. Filer Signature: Print Name: dQ [7i-_ 4-X- ,-4, iw Appendix 3A-2 Re, 01n&16 Pa¢e 1 of 1 EDSP Adopted December 03. 2012 ..,\. _ ,m-mv uuqs«&V-0|§ ||¢ . Ig | _ .� | |�, ■ � §| . §� R Q j� �, b &■ w� �� � w h� h� d|�■■ r�|�� � � H [ m*. �Ego ® *. Ego &§| | %•• \ � /®\!Z ||t®�� �� r\� I���I G�� �■&%|�|� 1 f=7d M �H||| 'III oil, 13; N*. LJ'®�R\|§/®»§ .. ! || . ~~2���|��¢| � �• §.• §� § STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK -- (Area below this line filled out byAppiieunt) --- (Please cdurxWMauStouder@ City ofSpringfreld Public Works Engineering, F"# 736-1021, Phone # 7361035.) Project Name: Ridgeview Gardens Apartments Applicant: A&O Engineering LLC Assessors Parcel M 17-02-33-32-3800 Date: 8111/2020 Land Use (s): Mulfi-Family Residential Phone #: (541) 302-9790 Project Sia(Acres): 1.98 acres Fax #: Approx. Impervious Area: 1.8 acres Email: kylemorris@ao-engr.com Project Description (Include a copy of Assessor's map): The proposed project is to construct an apartment complex (approximately 54 units) with private infrastructure such as drives, parking and utilities. Drainage Proposal (Public connection(s), discharge location(s), ete..Attach additional sheet(s) if necessary: It is proposed to construct vegetative stormwater treatment facilities (rain gardens, swales or storm planters) to treat and convey stony water runoff from the impervious pavement surfaces. Proposed discharge locations are infiltration (if site soils allow) and/or public stoma main on the north side of Main Street. Proposed Stormwater Best Management Practices: A vegetated facility (awale, rain garden or planter) is proposed to treat slormwater runoff from the impervious pavement. Infiltrator, will be utilized from this facility if possible. — (Area below this line filled out hr the On, and Returned to the Applicant) — (At a minimum, all bores checked by the City an the front and back ofthis sh ret.sholl he xaboritted for nn application to he c»mplete far submittal, although other "strenuous may he neaacsatv.) Drainage Study Type (EDSPM Section 4.03.2): (Note, UIQ may be substituted for Rational Method) ❑ Small Site Study— (use Rational Method for calculations) QMid -Level Development Study— (use Unit Hydrograph Method for calculations) Full Drainage Development Study— (use Unit Hydrograph Method for calculations) Environmental Considerations: [9 Wellhead Zone: -1;= ri Q v ear` ❑ Hillside Development: ❑ Wetland/Riparian: /t/nn ❑ Floodway/Floodplain: jJ�t4 []t Soil Type: (11-5. &r6— arb. fang El Other Jurisdictions: Downstream An(a17vtiS 6)r rjfl Orhait (aa d tt ® N/A — rto dn$}re A Canitrd4rl Cnt:sm - Sivin r A4- 1 R jh tri q)Io v L0hA1e,+1 i ❑ Flow line for starting water surface elevation: ❑ Design HGL to use for starting water surface elevation: ❑ Manhole/Junction to take analysis to: Return to Matt Stouder City of Springfield, email: mstouderr;ei.s rin ticid.or.us. FAX:(541)736-1021 9 of :o COMPLETE STUDY ITEMS I Tor Olpclal E. Ooty. * Based upon the information provided on the f.nt t f this.sheel. the f nflosving represents If mountain of o hat is needed jman application to he complete jot suhmillal lith respect to drainage; however, anis list should nor he used in /fen of the Springfieid Development Code (SDC) or the City Engineering Design Manual. Compliant n'ith these requirements does nor constinde.sire npprorol; Additional sitespeciftc infnr'nrmio,, rnav be required..M1ote: Upon scoping shtel submittal, enama completed fiu'm has been signed in the space provided below; Interim Design Standards/Water Quality (EDSPM Chapter 3) Req'd N/A ® ❑ All non -building rooftop (NBR) impervious surfaces shall be pretreated (e.g. multi-chambered catchbasin wbil filtration media) for stornmaler quality. Additionally, a minimum of 50% of the NBR impervious surface shall be treated by vegetated methods. ❑ Where required, vegetative stormwater design shall be consistent with interim design standards (EDSPtsf Section 3.02), rrss�r,� set forth by the Bureau of Environmental Services(BF.S) or Clean Water Services( CWS). ILN ❑ For new NBR impervious area less than 15,000 square feel, a simplified design approach may be followed as specified by the BES for vegetative treatment. ❑ If a stormwater treatment s -ale is proposed, submit calculmiuns/speci0cations for sizing, velocity, flow, side slopes, bottom slope, and seed mix consistent with either BES or CWS requirements. ❑ Water Quality calculations as required in Section 3.03.1 ortbe EDSPM ❑ All building motion mounted equipment, or other fluid containing equipment located outside of the building, shall be provided with secondary containment or weather resistant enclosure. General Study Requirements (EDSPM Section 4.03) n ❑ Drainage study prepared by a Professional Civil Engineer licensed in the state of Oregon. ® ❑ A' complete drainage study, as required in EDSPM Section 4.03.1, including a hydrological study map. ® ❑ Calculations showing system capacity for a 2 -year stomt event and overflow effects of a 25 -year stone event. ® ❑ The time of concentration (Tc) shall be determined using a 10 minute smtt time for developed basins. Review of Downstream System (EDSPM Section 4.03A.C) ❑ Vs A downstream drainage analysis as described in F,DSPM Section On-site drainage shall be governed by the Oregon Plumbing Specialty Code (OPSC). ❑ ® Elevations of the HGL and flow lines for both city and private systems where applicable. Ids Design of Storm Systems (EDSPM Section 4.04) ❑ Flow Tures. slopes, rim elevations, pipe type and sizes clearly indicated on fire plan set. ❑ Minimum pipe cover shall be 18 inches for reinforced pipe and 36 inches for plain concrete and plastic pipe materials, or proper engineering calculations shall be provided when less. The cover shall be sufficient to support an 80,000 lb load without failure of the pipe structure. ❑ Manning's "n" values for pipes shall be consistent with Table 4-1 of the EDSP. All stall, pipes shall be designed to achieve a minimum velocity of three (3) feet per second at 0.5 pipe full based on Table 4-1 as well. Other/Mise ❑ Existing and proposed contours, located at one loot interval. Include spot elevations and site grades showing how site drains ® ❑ Private aturn warcr easements shall be clearly depicted on plans when private slormtwter flows from one property to another ❑ Drywells shall not receive runoff from any surface w/o being treated by one or more BMPs, with the exception of residential building roofs (EDSP Section 3.03.4.A). Additional provisions apply to this as required by the DEQ. Refer to the website:I 't I d a i e I for more information. ❑ Detention ponds shall be designed to limit runolf to pre -development rates for the 2 through 25 -year storm events 'This form shall be included as an attachment, inside the front cover, ofthe stornmarter study * IBfPOBTAA'T, ENCLtiEER PLEASE READ BELOMAN'D SIGNI As the engineer of racord.fi hereby cenify the above required iters are complete and included with the submitted stormwater.atudy and Si n Signature: r � � 1//�-- Date: �//fL /�Za 20 Signature: / Jtt --- r' 10 of 10 380 Q Street, Ste 200 Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541)302-9790 Scoftmorris@ao-engr.com LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Date: May 17, 2022 At+n- Me -U0... Lari.ao TO: 64ii of 5P+'n76'elrj PlaAni,.7 Pe -P4 zs5 fid Sd+�-+ S Iringf'elot UR 97't'77 WE ARE SENDING YOU... c A & O Engineering LLC Civil Engineering and Site Consulting Re: IVOe.vieU 6.r.64s 5A-- reM64 From: Scott Morris, PE (5`H) 3ol- 9740 CITY DESCRIPTION } CMC Plan Se -f Si eat O&M form (GoP.7) i au) 5foryj Sc rr.Aj 51he..4 (Cory) () For your use () As requested ( ) Approved as submitted () For approval ( ) Returned for correction ( ) Approved as noted Q For review & comment ( ) For your distribution SYttMorriPE S