HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 6441 05/16/2022CITYOFSPRINGFIELD,OREGON 6441 ORDINANCENO. AN ORDINANCEANNEXINGCERTAINTERRITORYLOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST EDGE OF NDTH MOUNTAINGATE 2ADDITIONNEAR SOUTH 66PLACE AND JESSICA DRIVE TO THECITY OF SPRINGFIELDANDWILLAMALANEPARKANDRECREATIONDISTRICT; ADOPTING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS,theCityCouncil isauthorizedbySpringfieldDevelopmentCode(SDC) Article 5.7-100and Oregon Revised Statutes(ORS) Chapter222toaccept,process,andactuponannexationstotheCity; WHEREAS,a request to annex certain territory was submitted onMarch 16, 2022, said territory being Township 18South, Range 02West, Section 3, Map 00,Tax Lot302, whichisnot currently assigned a street addressand isgenerally depicted and more particularly described in Exhibit A to this Ordinance; WHEREAS, in accordance with SDC 5.7-125.A and ORS 222.111, the property owner initiated the annexation action by submittal of the required applicationforms and petition for annexation attached hereto as Exhibit Bto this Ordinance; WHEREAS, this annexation has been initiated in accordance with SDC 5.7-125.A and ORS 222; WHEREAS,theterritoryproposedfor annexationiswithintheSpringfieldComprehensivePlan Urban Growth Boundaryandiscontiguoustothecitylimits.(SDC5.7-140.A); WHEREAS,theannexation isconsistentwiththe Springfield 2030 ComprehensivePlan Urbanization Elementrequiringannexation totheCityofSpringfieldasthehighestpriorityfor receivingurban services; WHEREAS, all required urban services are immediately available to serve the siteand the applicant has executed an AnnexationAgreement (Exhibit C) that addresses the timing and financial responsibility for provision of public facilities and servicesto the property; WHEREAS,in accordance with SDC 5.7-150.A, upon annexation the Urbanizable Fringe Overlay District (UF-10) will cease to apply to the property and the underlying Low Density Residential zoning will be retained; WHEREAS,aStaff Report(Exhibit D)waspresentedtotheCityCouncilwiththeDirectors recommendation toconcurrentlyannexthe subjectterritorytothe WillamalaneParkandRecreation District,asthisspecialdistrictisaservice providerfor theCity(SDC5.7-140.B); WHEREAS,thisaction isconsistentwiththe intergovernmentalagreementbetween LaneCountyand SpringfieldregardingboundarychangesdatedMay21,2008;and WHEREAS,onMay 2, 2022,theSpringfieldCommon Councilopenedapublic hearingandcontinued the public hearing to May 16, 2022 and isnow readytotake actionon thisapplicationbasedonthe recommendation andfindingsin supportof approvingtheannexation requestassetforth inthe aforementionedStaff ReporttotheCouncil, incorporatedherein byreference,andtheevidenceand testimonypresentedatthispublic hearingheld in thematter ofadoptingthisOrdinance, NOW,THEREFORE,THECOMMON COUNCILOFTHECITYOFSPRINGFIELD ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section1.TheCommonCouncil oftheCityof Springfielddoesherebyapproveannexation of thefollowingdescribedterritorytotheCityofSpringfieldandWillamalaneParkandRecreation District, saidterritorybeinggenerally depicted and more particularlydescribedinExhibitAtothisOrdinance. Section2.TheCityManager ortheDevelopment&PublicWorksDirectoror their designee shall sendcopiesof thisOrdinancetoeffectedStateandlocalagenciesasrequiredbySDC5.7-155. Section3.SeverabilityClause. Ifanysection,subsection,sentence,clause,phrase or portion ofthisOrdinance is,for anyreason,heldinvalidor unconstitutionalbyacourtof competent jurisdiction, suchportionshall be deemeda separate,distinctandindependentprovision andsuchholdingshallnot affectthe validityofthe remainingportionhereof. Section4.Effective Date of Ordinance.ThisOrdinance shall becomeeffective 30 daysfrom the date of itspassage bytheCityCouncilandapprovalbytheMayor,oruponthe date of itsfiling with theSecretaryof StateasprovidedbyORS 222.180,whichever islater. May 16th ADOPTEDbytheCommonCouncil of theCityofSpringfield, this dayof, 2022, 0 5(1 Absent - Pitts) byavote of _____for and_____against. 16th May APPROVEDbytheMayorof theCityofSpringfieldthis dayof , 2022. Mayor ATTEST: CityRecorder 5/16/2022 Ordinance No. 6441 Exhibit A, Page 1 of 2 EXHIBIT A Ordinance No. 6441 Ordinance No. 6441 '5.72 8 ' 084 '55. 7031 ' 19.83 5 SOU TH ( (( ( ( (( ('44.63 ((5 W" 0S ' 003 ( (( ( (( ( (( (( ((( ( (( ( (( '65. 0131 ' 65.01 31 * E " 8 2' 7 1 ° 3 1 N W " 7 5 ' 9 5 ° 4 3 N ' 6 3 . W 7 " 3 23 3 ' 5 1 ° 7 3 S ' 06.6 93 )'23. 7442( HC2 0.73 (( (W "2'2°0 (N (( ( E "0 5'63° 0 N (( 67. 1591 E "0 5'63° 0 N '0 .165 HC 79.93 ' 8 6 . 1 8 2 * ( (((( ' 1 2 . 3 7 1 (( (( * * ( ( ( ( ( ( ' 9 5. 0 4 2( ( ( ( W "7( 1 '( 25 °( 8 0 S( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( *( ( ( (( ( ( ( ( ( E N I L R E T N *E C Y (A W ( H IG H N (O G E R O D E S O P O R P ' 5 7. 0 6 4 ( E "7 S 52°05'07" E1 '2 5 ° 8 0 N( ( 24.58' '7 3.329 ( ' W"12'14°104 S 1 . 9 6 4 E " 45 '3 2°5 (0 N ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (( S HC31. 58 W'54°( 0S( (( (( ( (( 542.9'( ((( ( K A L HC91. 42 M I A 623.78' W "51 '70°20 '71. 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DevelopmentIssues Meeting(SDC5.7-120):ADevelopmentIssuesMeeting(DIM)isrequiredofallpublic agencyand privatelandowner-initiatedannexation applications, unless waived by the Director. Finding:The property owner submitted an application for a Development Issues Meeting onDecember 10, 2021 and the meeting was held onJanuary 11, 2022(File 811-21-000318-PRE).Subsequently, apre-submittal meeting for the annexation request was held onMarch 4, 2022(File811-22-000056-PRE). Conclusion:Therequirementin SDC5.7-120ismet. AnnexationInitiationandApplicationSubmittal(SDC5.7-125):InaccordancewithSDC5.7-125.B.2.b.i andORS222.170(1),anannexationapplicationmaybeinitiatedbymorethan halftheownersoflandinthe territory,whoalso ownmorethanhalfthelandinthecontiguousterritory andofrealpropertythereinrepresenting morethanhalftheassessedvalueofallrealpropertyinthecontiguousterritoryconsentinwritingtotheannexation oftheirland. Finding:Thepropertyownerwhoownsallofthelandandrealproperty,andfullassessedvalueofreal propertyinthecontiguousterritory,hasfiledanapplicationandpetitionrequesting annexationtotheCity of Springfield(Attachment2, Exhibit B). Conclusion:TheapplicationrequirementsinSDC5.7-125 havebeenmet. SiteInformation:The subject annexation area consists ofan irregular-shapedresidentialparcelthat is approximately1.77acres in size and contains an existing1.5-million gallon water reservoir tank.Thepropertyis th locatednearthe intersection ofSouth 66Place and Jessica Drive on the southeast edge of the Mountaingate nd neighborhood(Mountaingate 2Addition subdivision).The subject site is inside the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) and is contiguous to the Springfield city limitson all sidesin accordance with SDC 5.7- 140.A.1. ZoningforthepropertyisLowDensityResidential(LDR)withanUrbanizableFringeOverlay(UF-10)applied. Accordingtotheapplicanssubmittal, the primary purpose of the annexation request is to facilitatefurther development of the site with water utility improvements, including replacement of the existing water reservoir tank. th Both theSouth 66Placeand Jessica Drivefrontagesin the vicinityof the propertyareconsidered improved to urban standardsand all required public utilities, including sanitary sewer,areavailable to serve the site.There are additional considerations for emergency secondary access to vacant propertyto the east of this sitealong the projected extension of Jessica Driveso provision of publicstreets,utilities, and servicesto thepropertyand in support of future development of other nearby properties,has beenexecutedfor this request(Attachment C). Existing public services are providedtotheannexation area asfollows: police(LaneCounty Sheriff),schools (SpringfieldSchoolDistrict),roads(City ofSpringfield),andFire(Eugene-Springfield Fire).SpringfieldUtility Board(SUB)operatesthe existingwater utilityinfrastructure on the subject property and adjacent lots to the west and south.There is no rural water service for unincorporated properties in the vicinityof this site.Upon annexation, theCityofSpringfieldwillberesponsibleforallurbanservices,includingsanitarysewer,water(through SUB), electricity(through SUB),andpolice/fireresponsetothesubjectarea. NoticeRequirements(SDC5.7-130):Consistentwith SDC5.7-130, noticewasprovidedasfollows: MailedNotice.NoticeoftheannexationapplicationwasmailedApril11, 2022,whichisatleast14 dayspriorto thepublichearing date,totheaffectedproperty owner(s);ownersandoccupantsof propertieslocatedwithin 300 feetoftheperimeteroftheproposedannexationterritory;affected specialdistrictsandallotherpublicutility providers;andtheLaneCounty LandManagementDivision,LaneCountyElections,andtheLaneCountyBoardof Commissioners.Thelist of recipients of the mailed notice is included with the Affidavit of Mailing for this Ordinance No. 6441 Exhibit D, Page 3 of 8 annexation application and is retained as part of the public record for PlanningFile 811-22-000074-TYP4. NewspaperNotice.NoticeoftheMay 2, 2022publichearingwaspublishedinTheRegister-GuardonApril 22& 29, 2022.The notification meetsthe requirements of SDC 5.7-130.B for two consecutive notices in the two-weekperiod before the hearing, but the initial notification was not provided atleast two weeks prior to the hearing date. The City Council continued the public hearing to May 16, 2022 to remedy the notification deficiencies.Notice of the continued public hearing was published in the legal notices section of the Register Guard on May 9, 2022. PostedNotice.NoticeoftheMay 2, 2022publichearingwaspostedinthreepublicplacesintheCity:alongboth th theSouth 66Place and Jessica Drivefrontagesnearthe property;andon the electronic display in thefoyer of the Development&Public Works office-all on April 19, 2022. Notice was also providedontheCity ofSpringfield website. The timing of posted notices didnotmeet the two-week posted noticerequirements of SDC 5.7-130.C. Notice of the continued public hearing was posted in five places in the City on May 4, 2022: along both the South th 66Place and Jessica Drive frontages near the property; on the public notices bulletin board in the City Hall lobby; Finding:UponannexationofthesubjectterritorytotheCity,theunderlyingLowDensity Residential zoningwill beretained,buttheUrbanizableFringeOverlayDistrict(UF-10)willnolongerapply.Duetothischange,the OregonDepartmentofLandConservationandDevelopment(DLCD)was notifiedinwritingoftheannexation proceedingspriortothepublichearing.NotificationtoDLCDregardingtheproposedannexationwassenton March 23, 2022, which is40days prior to the initial public hearing on the matter. Conclusion:Noticeofthepublichearingwasnotprovided consistentwith SDC5.7-130.The public hearing was continued to May 16, 2022 which remedied the notification deficiencies. Posted public notification of the continued public hearing was provided in accordance with SDC 5.7-130. Public Comment.Aletterwas receivedfrom the Fair Housing Council ofOregon in response to the notification of The staff report for 811-22-000074-TYP4 does not includ findings for Statewide Planning Goal 10, describing the effects of the amendments on the City. This is despite th annexation being of land which is zoned for residential purposes, thus requiring Goal 10 findings. These finding must demonstrate that theproposed change does not leave the City with less than adequate residential land supplie in the types, locations, and affordability ranges affected. Only with a complete analysis quantifying the potentia gain/loss in needed housing asstated by the\[Housing Needs Analysis\]and compared to the\[Buildable Lands Inventory\], can housing advocates and planners understand whether the City is achieving its goals through 811-22- 000074-TYP4 Staff Response:It appears the response from the Fair Housing Council misinterprets the effect of the proposed annexation action, which is to remove the Urbanizable Fringe Overlay District (UF-10) from the property.The proposed annexation is not aCode or comprehensive plan amendment assuggested bythe response letter. Additionally, although the subject site has been inside the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary for decades,it was Springfield 2030 Comprehensive PlanResidential LandUseand Housing Element.The site is classified asdevelopedon the Residential Land By ClassificationmaponPage17of theSpringfield Housing Needs Analysisprepared by ECONorthwestin 2011.The map was incorporated into theSpringfield2030 Comprehensive Plan-Residential Land Use and Housing Elementwith adoption of Ordinance 6268 in June 2011.It islikely thatevaluationof the subject property revealed its long-term use as a public utility siteresidential zoning notwithstandingso it was deliberately excluded from theHousing Needs Analysis. Because the site is being annexed for continued use as a public uti Residential Lands Inventory.For these reasons, therequestto defer adoption of the annexation Ordinance in favor of the City preparinganupdated Housing Needs Analysis and Buildable Lands Inventory has no merit. RecommendationtoCityCouncil(SDC5.7-135):TheDirectorshallforwardawrittenrecommendationonthe annexationapplicationtotheCityCouncilbasedontheapprovalcriteriaspecifiedinSection5.7-140,which are Ordinance No. 6441 Exhibit D, Page 4 of 8 providedasfollowswiththeSDCrequirements,findings,andconclusions.TheDirectorsrecommendationfollows SDC5.7-140,Criteria. Criteria(SDC 5.7-140):TheapplicationmaybeapprovedonlyiftheCityCouncilfindsthattheproposal conforms tothefollowingcriteria: A.Theaffectedterritory proposedto beannexediswithintheCitysurban growth boundary;andis 1.Contiguoustothecitylimits;or 2.SeparatedfromtheCityonlybyapublicrightofwayorastream,lakeorotherbodyofwater. Finding:Thesubjectannexationterritoryislocatedwithintheacknowledgedurbangrowthboundary(UGB)ofthe City of Springfield (see additional discussion in Subsection B below).Thepropertyrequestedforannexationabuts the Springfieldcity limitson all sides.Therefore,thisannexation applicationmeetsthestatutorydefinitionof contiguityasfoundinORS 222.111(1). Conclusion:Theproposalmeetsand complieswithCriterionA(1), Subsection 5.7-140. B.The proposed annexationisconsistentwith applicable policiesinthe MetroPlan andin anyapplicable refinementplansorPlanDistricts; Finding:TheMetroPlanwasacknowledgedbytheLandConservationandDevelopmentCommission(LCDC)in August,1982andhasbeensubsequently amended.The originalMetro PlanUGB encompassed both Eugene and Springfield, with I-5 being the acknowledged boundary between Eugene and Springfield. With the passage of House Bill 3337 in 2007 and adoption of Ordinance 6268 in 2011,a separate and distinct UGB was created for Springfield using a tax lot by tax lot delineation.as delineated by Ordinance 6268wassubsequently revised andexpanded upon adoption of Ordinance 6361in 2016.Therevised and expanded UGB is delineated on an individual tax lot basisandhasbeen acknowledged by LCDC.TerritorywithintheacknowledgedUGB ultimatelywillbewithintheCityofSpringfield. Finding:In December 2016, Springfield adopted theSpringfield 2030ComprehensivePlan-Urbanization Element asacomponent of Urbanization.TheUrbanization Elementexplicitly retainstheMetro Planlong-standing urbanization policy criteria for approving annexations. TheUrbanization Elementhas been acknowledged by LCDC. Finding:Theterritoryrequestedforannexationiswithin an areathat iszonedanddesignatedforLowDensity Residential (LDR) use.The adopted elements of theSpringfield 2030ComprehensivePlanapply to areas within the Springfield UGB, particularly theUrbanization ElementadoptedbyOrdinance 6361.At present, thereare noproposed changestothezoningorplandesignationfor the property, althoughtheUrbanizable Fringe(UF-10) overlaywill be effectively removed uponannexation. Finding:ThecontinuedannexationofpropertiestotheCityofSpringfieldis consistentwithPolicy29of the Springfield 2030ComprehensivePlanUrbanization Elementwhich specifies annexation as the preferred mechanism for provision of urban services to properties within the UGB,whichwillresultintheeliminationof specialdistrictswithintheurbanizablearea. Finding:More detailed discussion of Public Facilities and Services in theMetro Plan(Section III-G)and theEugene- SpringfieldMetropolitan AreaPublic Facilities and Services Plan(PFSP)a refinement plan of theMetro Plan contemplates eventual elimination of special service districts withineachciUGB as annexation occurs incrementally.Policy G.9 of the Eugene-SpringfieldPFSPstates thatEugeneandSpringfieldand theirrespective utilitybranches, EugeneWater&ElectricBoard(EWEB)andSpringfield UtilityBoard (SUB), shallultimatelybe thewaterservice providers withintheir respectiveurbangrowth boundary.The requested annexation is consistent with this adopted policy. rd Finding: The subject property is part of the 3Level water system facilities operated by SUB. In addition to the water reservoir tank on the site, SUB operates apump station onthe adjoining properties to the west. Planned rd improvements to the 3Level water facilities are listed on Table 14 and depicted on Map 8 of theadoptedPFSP. Ordinance No. 6441 Exhibit D, Page 5 of 8 Finding: In accordance with Policy 33 of theSpringfield 2030ComprehensivePlanUrbanization Element, SUB is the exclusive water service provider within the Springfield city limits.There is no rural water district serving unincorporated properties in this area of south Springfield. SUB will continue to operate the existing water system facilities on the property upon annexation. Finding:In accordance with Policy 34 of theSpringfield 2030ComprehensivePlanUrbanization Element,when unincorporated territory within the UGB is provided with any new urban service, thatservice shall be provided by one of the following methods in this priority order:a)Annexation to City; orb)Contractual annexation agreements with City. Finding: In accordance with Policy 35 of theSpringfield 2030ComprehensivePlanUrbanizationElement,the City shall not extend water or wastewater service outside city limits to serve aresidence or business without first obtaining a valid annexation petition, a consent to annexagreement, or when a health hazard abatement annexation is required. rd Finding: The requested annexation is tofacilitatefurther development of the property with 3Level water system improvements, including planned replacement of the existing water reservoir tank. It is not anticipated that sanitary sewer service willbe required for theunmanned water utility installation when the project is completed. However, th an existing joint access and utility easement that runs from South 66Place to the subject property (across intervening lots also owned by SUB) can be used forlegal and physicalprovision ofasanitary sewerconnection ifit isrequired in the future. Finding: Theapplicant hassubmitted an application for annexation to the City (Attachment2, Exhibit B), and has signedtheAnnexation Agreementprepared byCity staff(Attachment 2, ExhibitC).The Annexation Agreement has beensigned and executed by the City Manager and will be recorded at Lane County Deeds & Records. Finding:The applicant will be responsible for payingapplicable feesandSystem Development Charges (SDCs)and obtaininganynecessary permits for connecting the. Because allotherrequired public utilities are available to serve the property and the public street frontageshavebeen improvedto urban standards, staff advises thatnoAnnexationAgreementprovisionsfor off-site improvementsare warranted for this request. Conclusion:Theproposalmeetsand complies withCriterionB, Subsection 5.7-140. C.Theproposedannexationwillresultinaboundaryinwhichtheminimumlevelofkeyurbanfacilities andservicesasdefinedintheMetro Plancan beprovidedin anorderlyefficientandtimelymanner; and Finding:Inaccordance with Policy 29 of theSpringfield 2030ComprehensivePlanUrbanization Element, annexation shall continue to be a prerequisite for urban development and the delivery ofCity services in accordance with the SpringfieldComprehensive Plan and SpringfieldDevelopment Code. Finding: In accordance with Policy31 of theSpringfield 2030ComprehensivePlanUrbanization Element, key urban facilities and services are defined as wastewater service; stormwater service;transportation; solid waste management; water service; fire and emergency medical services; police protection; citywide park and recreation programs; electric service; land use controls; communication facilities; and public schools on a districtwide basis. Finding: In accordance with Policy 32 of theSpringfield 2030ComprehensivePlanUrbanization Element,urban services provided by the City upon annexation to Springfield include storm andsanitary sewer; water; transportation systems; police andfire protection; planning, building,code enforcement and library services; and public infrastructure maintenance of Cityownedor operated facilities. Finding:Theterritoryrequestedforannexation is contiguous with the City limitslinealongall sides.Urban utilities have been extendedalong adjacent public streetsand are availableto servethe subject property,adjacentproperties, and areas beyond the annexation territory.Therefore, theurbanservicedeliverysystemsare already available and inplaceor can be logically extended from points in the vicinity to serve the subject property.Inadditiontourban Ordinance No. 6441 Exhibit D, Page 6 of 8 utilities,thefollowingfacilitiesandservicesareeitheravailableorcanbeextendedtothisannexationarea: WaterThe SpringfieldUtilityBoardoperatesthe publicwater utilitysystemwithin incorporated areas ofsouth Springfield.As noted above,SUB is the exclusive water service provider for properties within the City limits. Upon annexation,SUB intends to develop the sitewith additional water system facilities. ElectricitySUBprovideselectricservicetotheneighborhoodsinsoutheastSpringfieldthat arenorth of the Mt. Vernon Road alignment.SUB owns and maintains electrical system infrastructurewithin the public streetfrontagesof the property.Existingelectricalsysteminfrastructurewithinthepublicrights-of-waywillcontinue to bemaintained bytheaffected utilityprovider. PoliceServicesSpringfieldPoliceDepartmentcurrentlyprovidesservicetoareasofsouthSpringfieldthatare alreadyinsidetheCitylimits.TheannexationterritoryiscurrentlywithinthejurisdictionoftheLaneCounty SheriffsDepartmentalthough it is surrounded by the City limits.Uponannexation,thisareawillreceiveSpringfield Policeservicesonan equalbasiswith otherpropertiesinsidetheCity. FireandEmergency ServicesBy default, fireprotectioniscurrentlyprovidedtotheannexationareabyEugene SpringfieldFireDepartmentas there is no rural fire service provider covering this specific area.Uponannexation, theEugeneSpringfieldFireDepartmentwillcontinue toprovidefire and emergency servicestothe subjectterritory. Emergencymedicaltransport(ambulance)servicesareprovidedonametro-widebasisbytheEugeneSpringfield FireDepartment.Theannexationareawillcontinuetoreceivethisserviceconsistentwiththeadoptedambulance servicearea(ASA)plan.Mutualaidagreements have been adopted bythethreeregionalASA providersto provide backup coverageforeachothersjurisdictions. ParksandRecreationParkandrecreationservicesareprovidedtotheCityofSpringfieldbytheWillamalane Park&RecreationDistrict.The park districtoperates severalindoorrecreationfacilities,suchastheWillamalane Park SwimCenter,Lively Park SwimCenter,Bob KeeferCenterfor Sports and Recreation, and WillamalaneAdult Activity Center.Theparkdistrictoffersvariousafter-schoolandotherprogramsfor childrenatschools and parks throughoutthecommunity.Also availableare pathwaysandseveralcategoriesof parks,includingcommunityparks, sportsparks, specialuseparks, andnaturalareaparks. ConcurrentwithannexationtotheCity ofSpringfield,thesubjectpropertywillbeannexedtotheWillamalanePark &RecreationDistrictconsistentwithCitypolicy, an intergovernmental agreement between the City of Springfield and LaneCounty,andtheadoptedWillamalaneComprehensivePlan. Library ServicesUponannexationtotheCity ofSpringfield,thesubjectareawillbeserved bytheSpringfield PublicLibrary. SchoolsTheSpringfieldSchoolDistrictservesthisareaofsoutheastSpringfield. Basedontheexisting and anticipated long-termuseof thesubjectpropertyas awater utility installation,it isnotexpected that the annexation territorywill sustainpermanent residentsorgenerateaschool-age population in the future.The SpringfieldSchool District has capacity to serve the annexation areain its current configuration, and in the event the property redevelops in the future. th SanitarySewerTheannexationterritoryhasaccess to existing publicsanitarysewerlinesalong theSouth 66 Street frontage to the west of the site.It is not expected that the existing or future water system facilities on the site will require connection to sanitary sewer. However,connection points are available if it is required to serve the annexation territory in the future. StormwaterThesubjectannexationterritoryisservedbythepublicstormwatermanagementsystem located in th South 66Place.Withfurther development orredevelopment of the site in the future,on-site stormwater facilities will need to be constructed to direct runoff to the public system. Review and approval ofprivate stormwater facilities necessary to serve the property willbe donein conjunction with approval of a Site Plan for water system improvements. Ordinance No. 6441 Exhibit D, Page 7 of 8 StreetsTheextreme southwesternboundaryof thesubjectannexationareaabutsa stub of Jessica Drive, which hasbeendevelopedto urban standardswithcurb, gutter,paving,sidewalks, street lights,sanitary sewer, and piped th stormwater facilities.Jessica Drive and nearby South 66Place areclassified as local streetsandaredeveloped with one vehicle travel lane in each direction. The pavement widthalsoallowsfor vehicle parking on both sides of the street. SolidWasteManagementTheCityandSanipachaveanexclusivefranchisearrangementforgarbageserviceinside theCitylimits.Upon annexation,solidwastedisposalservicewouldbeprovided bySanipac. CommunicationFacilitiesVariousprovidersofferbothwiredandwirelesscommunicationservicesinthe Eugene- Springfieldmetropolitanarea.Existingprovidersandthoseenteringthemarkethavethecapabilityto provide servicetothisarea. LandUseControlsTheannexationareaiswithinSpringfieldsurbangrowthboundary.Throughan intergovernmentalagreementbetweenLaneCountyandtheCityofSpringfield,theCityalreadyhasplanning and buildingjurisdictionforunincorporatedareasofSpringfield.TheCitywillcontinuetoadministerlanduse controls afterannexation. Finding:Theminimumlevelofkeyurbanfacilitiesandservices,asoutlinedintheSpringfield 2030 ComprehensivePlanUrbanization Elementareimmediatelyavailableto the site. Conclusion:Theproposalmeetsand complieswithCriterionC, Subsection 5.7-140. D.Whereapplicable,fiscalimpactstotheCity havebeenmitigatedthrough anAnnexationAgreementor othermechanismapproved bytheCityCouncil. Finding:Thearea proposed for annexationis autilityparcelcontaining anexistingwater reservoir tank.The Annexation Agreement provides for contingencies in the event that secondary emergency access is required from the stub of Jessica Drivealong the southern edge of the property, and if sanitary sewer service is needed for the property in the future. An Annexation Agreement that spells out the timing and financial responsibility for these off-site improvements has been prepared for signature by the City and SUB. Conclusion:Theproposalmeetsand complies withCriterionD, Subsection 5.7-140. CityCouncilDecision(SDC5.7-145):CityCouncilapprovaloftheannexationapplicationshallbeby Ordinance. Finding:The City Councilconducted afirstreadingoftheAnnexationOrdinance andopened thePublic HearingonMay 2, 2022forthesubjectannexationrequest.The public hearing was continued to the May 16, 2022 regular meeting. Basedonthestaffanalysisandrecommendations,andontestimonyprovidedatthePublic Hearing,theCityCouncilmay nowdeliberate and takeactiontoapprove,modify,ordenytheAnnexation Ordinance. Zoning(SDC5.7-150):Thearearequestedforannexationiszonedanddesignated Low Density Residential (LDR) in accordancewiththeSpringfieldZoningMapandtheadoptedMetroPlandiagram.Propertiesthatareoutside theCitylimitshavetheUrbanizableFringeOverlayDistrict(UF-10)appliedtothezoning.Upontheeffectivedate oftheannexation,theUF-10overlaywillbeautomaticallyremoved and the property will retain theLDRzoning. In accordance with SDC 3.2-210 and 4.7-160.A, high impact public utility installations are allowable in residential districts if they are shown on the adopted PFSP diagram. The subject water utility installation is depicted on Map 8 of the adopted PFSP. EffectiveDateandNoticeofApprovedAnnexation(SDC5.7-155):The subject annexation request is being presented to the City Council forsecond reading and potential adoptionat the regular meetingscheduled forMay 16, 2022.Therefore, iftheannexationisadopted after second readingonMay 16, 2022,theOrdinancewillbecome effective30 days later (onJune 15, 2022), oruponacknowledgementoffilingwiththeSecretaryofState Ordinance No. 6441 Exhibit D, Page 8 of 8 whicheverdateislater. Finding:TheannexationareaiswithinthedelineatedserviceterritoryofSUB(electricand water)but is not actively served by a rural fire district.TheCitiesofEugene/Springfield will continue to providefire andemergency servicesafterannexation,andtheCityofSpringfieldbyandthroughtheSpringfieldUtilityBoardwill continue toprovidewaterserviceafterannexation.ConsistentwithSDC 5.7-160,notice wasprovidedfor the public hearing onMay 2, 2022and for the continued public hearing on May 16, 2022. DIRECTORSRECOMMENDATION:Theproposalcomplieswiththeannexationcriteriaofapproval listedinSDC5.7-140,andCounciliswithinitsauthoritytoapproveannexationofthesubjectterritorytothe CityofSpringfieldandWillamalaneParkandRecreationDistrict.The posted and newspaper notice requirements of SDC 5.7-130.C that were not initially met for this annexation applicationhave been remedied by reposting and renotification of the May 16, 2022 public hearing. Ordinance No. 6441