HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 5/3/2022City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Final Site Plan Review UPFUNQPI� WN IN n Type (Applicant., check one) Site Plan:Applicati, M _ Minor Site Plan Modification: ElMa'or Site Plan Modification: ❑ Required Project Information (Applicant., complete this section) Applicant Name: Colin Kelley colin@timbeNiewconst.com Phone: 503-929-3331 .Company: Timberview Construction Fax: Address: 3025 West 7th Place, Eugene OR 97402 Applicamrs Rep.: Teresa Bishow temsa@bishowconsulting.com Phone: 541-514-1029 Company: BIShOW Consulting LLC IFax: Address: P.O. Box 50721 Eugene, OR 97405 Pro ert Owner: Cherry Springs, LLC Phone: Com any: Bien[ Lanz, manager _ _Fax: _ Address: 3025 West 7th Place, Eugene OR 97402 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-02-32-41 ,TAX LOT NO 5 : 400 Property Address: Not assigned. East side of 48th St, north of Main Street Size of Property: 8.51 gross acres _ Acres ❑ Square Feet ❑ .Proposed Name of Project: Cherry Springs Apartments Description of If you are Blling " [his form by here, please attach your Groposal descriptlpn to this appllcabon. Proposal: Construct a multi fami resldenhal complex on portion of site fronting48th, Street. -- Exrsdng Use Vacant _ _ _ _ Tentative Case #: Si natures: Please slon and tint Xgur name and date in thea ro riate box on the next a e. Required Project Information (city Intake Staff: complete this sectio Associated Applications: Case No.: Date: My,—.S Reviewed b Application Fee: 1 �� Technical Fee: ; Posta a Fee: $0 TOTAL FEES: $ PROJECT NUMBER: Revise0 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 1 oro Signature Irepresent this applicatlon to be Complete for submittal to the City. I affirm thatthe Information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application Is provitletl herein or the Information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the Information as submitted This statement serves as written notice pursgant to the requirements or ORS 227.118 pertaining to e complete application. Owner: _ Date: u SignaturV Brent Lanz, Manager of Cherry Springs LLC Print Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 2 of 4 TM Bol SHOW Office: 375 West 41h Ave., Ste 204 Eugene, OR Mail: P.O. Box 50721 Eugene, OR 97405 w .bishowconsultim com tems @bishmmmulting.com May 3, 2022 Melissa Canino Senior Planner Development & Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 RE: CHERRY SPRINGS APTS FINAL SITE PLAN REVIEW On May 7, 2021, the City approved, with conditions, the Tentative Site Plan Review for Cherry Springs Apartments (case number 811-21-000015-TYP2). Due to City approved timeline extensions, this Final Site Plan Review is submitted prior to the expiration date. According to the City of Springfield Final Site Plan Review submittal requirements, the applicant hereby submits the following items: • Final Site Plan Review Application Form • Letter Addressing Conditions of Approval • Final Site Plan Review Drawings For Drawing Indexes, refer to Sheets C1 and A0.1 • Documents Requested as Conditions of Approval The conditions of approval are listed below followed by a description of how the conditions were addressed and current status of each item. Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant must provide their plan to provide electricity to the proposed residential project. SUB Electric advises the applicant contact them to begin the design process. SUB Electric Representative is Dan Norland, Electric Engineering Technician, 541.744.3784 (Office), or 541.735.0377 (Cell). Following the City's approval of the Tentative Site Plan, the applicant contacted SUB Electric to begin the design process. Per consultations with SUB Electric the electrical plan is complete. Please refer to the attached SUB Construction Agreement. 2. Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant must provide SUB Electric with at least a 10 -foot public utility easement (PUE) or a SUB -specific easement along the subject site's 481h Street frontage. SUB Electric will require connections to be made between 481h Street and some of the existing streets to the East to provide a loop feed for the development. SUB Electric will also require that the applicant provide the space and easements needed for placement of electric distribution infrastructure within the development. Since the City's approval of the Tentative Site Plan Review, SUB has determined there is no need for a new PUE or SUB -specific easement along the site's 481" Street frontage. The applicant is working closely with SUB Electric to provide a loop feed for the development and to ensure there is sufficient space and necessary easements for electric distribution infrastructure within the development. 3. In accordance with SDC 4.3-125, wherever possible, all utility lines shall be placed underground. Additionally, vaults and transformers for utility connections along the street frontage should be screened from view or placed out of sight at the side or rear of buildings. A note was added to the utility plan to clarify that wherever possible all new utility lines will be placed underground. Please refer to Sheet C7 Utility Plan. 4. As per SDC 4.3-105, the applicant must construct the required public sanitary sewer system using the City of Springfield Public Improvement Permit (PIP) Process for the connection to the existing lines in "B", Beaver, and "C" Streets, as well as for the new main to be builtin "B" Street. Confirmation of the approved PIP is required before Final Site Plan approval. The applicant concurs. Please refer to the public sanitary sewer system being reviewed during the City's PIP Process — City Project Number P 31070. 5. Priorto Final Site Plan approval, an approved PIP must be confirmed. The applicant must design and construct all stormwater improvements located in the existing or proposed public right-of-way (ROW), including areas required for access and required for this development using the City of Springfield PIP Process as per SDC 4.3-110. The applicant concurs. Please refer to the stormwater improvements being reviewed during the City's PIP Process — City Project Number P 31070. 6. Prior to approval of the Final Site Plan, the applicant must provide an Operations and Maintenance plan to the City for review to ensure the Cherry Springs Apts Page 2 of 9 QOq BISHOW Final Site Plan Review May 3,2022 6�DCONSULTING long-term maintenance and operation of the proposed stormwater treatment areas, consistent with maintenance criteria required by EDSPM 3.03.1. The plan should designate maintenance responsibility for operating and maintaining the system and should be distributed to all property owners and tenants of the site. Please refer to the Cherry Springs Stormwater Manaqement and O & M Manual by i.e. Engineering dated May 2, 2022. The O & M Manual designates maintenance responsibility for operating and maintaining the system and has been distributed to the property owner. As part of the PIP required for this subdivision, the applicant shall submit a vegetation plan for the detention ponds and any other vegetated treatment area that meets the requirements of the City's interim design standards as required in Section 3.02 of the EDSPM. The City of Eugene stormwater managementmanual may be referenced for design. ADVISORY NOTE: The vegetation plans as submitted for the luture public stormwater treatment areas are most likely sufficient, but they will be reviewed again by City maintenance staff for suitability for our long-term maintenance obligations. The vegetation plan for the detention ponds and any other vegetated treatment areas are shown on Sheets L4 and L5 Stonnwater Facility Landscape Plans & Details and Sheet L6 Stonnwater Facility Plant Schedules and Calcs. 8. To ensure a fully functioning water quality system and meet objectives of the city's MS4 permit, theapplicant must maintain the vegetation in the stormwater treatment areas for the 2 -year warranty period after acceptance of the PIP. The applicant concurs. Please refer to the Cherry Sorings Stonnwater Management and O & M Manual by i.e. Engineering dated May 2, 2022. 9. To ensure a fully functioning water quality system and meet objectives of Springfield's MS4 permit, the Springfield Development Code and the EDSPM, the proposed stormwater management areas shall be fully vegetated with all vegetation species established prior to approval of Final Site inspection. Alternatively, if this condition cannot be met, the applicant shall provide and maintain additional interim erosion control/water quality measures acceptable to the Public Works Department that will suffice untilsuch time as the swale vegetation becomes fully established. The applicant intends to plant vegetation in the proposed stormwater management areas prior to Final Site inspection. If the plants are not sufficiently established, the applicant will work with the Public Works Department to provide acceptable interim Cherry Springs Apts Page 3 of 9 Qo9 BI SHOW Final Site Plan Review May 3, 2022 6�gCONSULTING erosion control/water quality measures. 10. The applicant proposes a 10 -foot multi -use path on the eastern side of 481h Street. Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant must provide forthe PB -55 projects' required 12 -foot multi -use path in line with the City's TSP project description. Following the Tentative Site Plan approval, the applicant submitted PIP Plans showing the proposed improvements for the multi -use path and received confirmation the design was consistent with the City's TSP. The PIP Plans include a 10 -foot wide paved multi- use path with a 2 -foot buffer on each side. Please refer to plans being reviewed during the City's PIP Process — City Project Number P 31070. 11. While the subject site has frontage along Main Street on its most southern property boundary, the applicant states their plans to partition that portion of the site for commercial development later. Because this section of the subject site will remain vacant and undeveloped with this proposal, the applicant must fence off or provide a sufficient way for this section to restrict any access to/from MainStreet from the proposed residential development prior to Final Site Plan approval. The applicant has installed temporary construction fencing generally in line with the future property line between the apartments and the future lot fronting Main Street. To allow future pedestrian connectivity between the apartments and potential future commercial development, no permanent fencing is being proposed. The curb along the parking lot drive aisle serving the apartments and the landscape screening will prevent motor vehicle access to Main Street. It is anticipated that future development of the lot fronting Main Street will also provide a physical barrier such as curbs and landscaping to provide an attractive screen and further prevent motor vehicle access. 12. Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant must show dedication of this multi -use path area to the public ROW on the Final Site Plan and provide any other supporting documentation in accordance withSDC 4.2-105.G. The Final Site Plan shows the dedication of the new multi -use path as part of the public ROW. Please refer to Sheet C3 Paving & Striping Plan — North, Sheet C4 Paving & Striping Plan — South, and Sheet P3 Site Plan. Please also refer to draft supporting documentation for the 12 -foot wide ROW dedication along 4P Street. 13. Public ROW, 481h Street, has a unique frontage with a multi -use path and ditch section, which is not in line with standard City designs for driveways. Throat depth for curb return driveways is related to the increase speed of operations associated with this driveway type. A site-specific driveway design, which accounts for and controls the Cherry Springs Apts Page 4 of 9 Qo9 BISHOW Final Site Plan Review May 3,2022 6�DCONSULTING speed of entering vehicles before encountering the first parking stall will beevaluated and implemented as part of the Public Improvement Project process, prior to Final Site Plan approval. To better account for the speed of traffic entering the private driveways, the throat depth was further evaluated by the Applicant's engineer. The northern driveway throat depth was increased to be comparable with the southern driveway. In addition, the multi -use path was raised in height at both driveway entrances to improve visibility of bicyclists and pedestrians crossing the driveway and to help slow the speed of motor vehicles as they enter the site. The driveway approaches are being reviewed during the City's PIP process - City Project Number P 31070. Please also refer to Sheet C3 Paving & Strioina Plan - North, Sheet C4 Paving & Striping Plan - South, and Sheet P3 Site Plan. 14. Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant must provide for internal sidewalk connections to the public sidewalks at Beaver, "C", and 481h Streets as per SDC 3.2-240.D.1. The Final Site Plan shows the internal sidewalks extending to the edge of the property lines in the direction of public sidewalks at Beaver, "C", and 481h Street. Please refer to Sheet C3 Pavina & Strioina Plan - North, Sheet C4 Paving & Strioina Plan - South, and Sheet P3 Site Plan. Sidewalk extensions to physically connect to existing public sidewalks are off-site improvements and are being reviewed during the City's PIP process - City Project Number P 31070. 15. As part of the PIP for this development, the developer will relocate this pole and show streetlights to be installed on the existing poles to remain and install new poles for streetlights as required as per SDC 4.2-140. An approved PIP must be confirmed prior to Final Site Plan approval. The Applicant relocated the pole and provided a street lighting plan being reviewed during the City's PIP Process - City Project Number P 31070. 16. At least three (3) feet of clear space shall be maintained around the circumference of all fire hydrants in accordance with SFC 507.5.5. Working space around fire department connections shall be maintained 3 -feet in width on both sides of the connection point; 3 - feet in depth in front of the connection; and 78 inches in height above the connection in accordance with SFC 912.3.2. The Applicant worked with the fire department to confirm the desired locations of all fire hydrants. Working spaces around all fire department connections will be maintained and is shown on the Sheet P3 Site Plan. 17. In accordance with SFC 912.3, immediate access to fire department connections must be maintained at all times and without obstruction by fences, trees, shrubs, walls or any other Cherry Springs Apts Page 5 of 9 Qo9 B) SHOW Final Site Plan Review May 3, 2022 MCONSULTING objects. The Applicant concurs. Please refer to Sheet L2 Landscape Plan — North and Sheet L3 Landscape Plan — South. 18. Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant must work with the SUB Water division for the design of their water access and to ensure that the water supply meets the standards required by the Springfield Fire Code. The applicant contacted SUB Water division to assist with the design to extend water service and to ensure the water supply meets the standards required by the Springfield Fire Code. Please refer to Sheet C7 Utility Plan and the draft waterline easement documents. 19. In accordance with SDC 4.3-120, the developer must install all required utilities in the public ROW or asuitable easement and coordinate their placement with other utility providers and site features such as driveways, sidewalk and curb ramps to minimize disruption or compromise required design features. All utility locations to be shown and coordinated using the City of Springfield's Public Improvement Permit (PIP) process. All required utilities are in public ROW or suitable easements and were designed in coordination with utility providers and accounting for site features. All utility locations in the public ROW are being reviewed during the City's PIP Process — City Project Number P 31070. Please also refer to Sheet C7 Utility Plan. 20. As proposed, there will be a grasscrete connector between "C" and Beaver Streets for emergency accessand pedestrian/bike access into and through the proposed residential development. Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant must note their intentions to dedicate a public and emergency access easement over this connection on the plans. The Applicant intends to dedicate a public bike/pedestrian easement and an emergency vehicle access easement along the connector between "C" Street and Beaver Street. The public bike/pedestrian easement will be further extended from Beaver Street to the public sidewalk on "B" Street. The improvements within the proposed easements are being reviewed during the City's PIP Process — City Project Number P 31070. Please also refer to the draft easement documents. 21. The applicant must provide notes and documentation of all Easements and Dedications in their plans before Final Site Plan approval and building permit issuance. The Applicant provides documentation of the following proposed Easements and Cherry Springs Apts Page 6of9 Vd B)SHOW Final Site Plan Review May 3, 2022 6�gCONSULTING Dedications: Emergency Vehicle Access Easement Pedestrian Access Easement Water Line Easement Right -of -Way Dedication (481h Street) The dedication of public right-of-way for the extension of "B" Street will occur following completion of the street extension and City acceptance of the public improvements. 22. As proposed, there will be a grasscrete connector between C and Beaver Streets for emergency access and pedestrian/bike access into and through the proposed residential development. Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant must dedicate a public and emergency access easement over this connection. The applicant concurs as described above under condition #20. 23. The applicant shall provide proof and documentation of all Easements and Dedications before Final Site Plan approval and building permit issuance. The applicant concurs as described above under condition #21. 24. Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant must provide for internal sidewalk lighting currently not provided along the eastern extents of the site in accordance with SDC 3.2-240.D.1(7h). The applicant revised the on-site lighting to provide improved coverage for the public bike/pedestrian connection along the east side of the site. The enhanced lighting is being reviewed during the City's PIP process— City Project Number P 31070. For on- site internal sidewalk lighting, please also refer to Sheet E1.01.01 Site Lighting Photometrics Values, Sheet E1.01.02 Site Lighting Photometrics Lighting Web, and Sheet E1.01.03 Site Lighting Fixture Locations. 25. The applicant shall install bicycle parking facilities that meet the required dimensions (2'x6' with an overhead clearance of 7 -feet and a 5 -feet access aisle beside/between each row of bike parking) on Final Site Plans. The applicant has revised the site plan to replace the proposed bike lockers with bike parking spaces that meet the required dimensions including an overhead clearance of 7 -feet and a 5 -feet access aisle beside/between each row of bike parking. Please refer to Sheet P3 Site Plan and Sheet L9 Bike Parking. 26. Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant must either Cherry Springs Apts Page 7 of 9 Qo9 B) SHOW Final Site Plan Review May 3, 2022 MCONSULTING obtain approval from the Planning Commission regarding Alternative Design Discretionary Criteria or revise the site plan so that the standards of SDC 3.2-240.D.8.a are met. The applicant revised the site plan to comply with SDC 3.2-240.D.8.a by reducing the size of the parking lot on "B" Street and increasing the width of the landscape bed adjacent to the street. Please refer to Sheet C3 Paving & Striping Plan - North, Sheet P3 Site Plan and Sheet L2 Landscape Plan North. 27. As a "Best Practices" recommendation for this site, care must be taken during site construction and operation to prevent contamination from chemicals that may spill or leak onto the ground surface, including fuel and automotive fluids (such as lubricants and antifreeze, etc.). Fluid-containing equipment, including vehicles parked on the site, shall be monitored for leaks and spills. Any chemical spills or leaks must be cleaned up immediately and cleanup materials disposed off-site in accordance with Lane County and state DEQ requirements. The applicant concurs. 28. Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant must provide Wellhead Protection Notes on both the Site Plan and Construction Notes. Wellhead Protection Notes will be shown on the Final Site Plan and will be included in the Construction Notes. 29. Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant shall depict the locations of Springfield Wellhead Protection Area signs to be posted at the trash enclosures and the vegetated stormwater management facilities serving the development site. The applicant agrees to post Springfield Wellhead Protection Area signs at the trash enclosures and the vegetated stormwater management facilities serving the development site. 30. The property owner or their designee shall be responsible for ongoing and perpetual maintenance of the private stormwater facilities on the site to ensure they function as designed and intended, and to ensure protection of groundwater resources. Annual maintenance records shall be kept by the property owner or their designee and provided to the City for review upon reasonable request — normally within five business days. The Applicant concurs. Please refer to the Cherry Springs Stormwater Management and O & M Manual by i.e. Engineering dated May 2, 2022 setting forth the ongoing Cherry Springs Apts Page 8of9 Vd B)SHOW Final Site Plan Review May 3, 2022 6�gCONSULTING maintenance of the private stormwater facilities on the site and the requirement to keep annual maintenance records. In closing, please contact me if you have questions or need further information at teresa(a)bishowconsultina.com or 541-514-1029. Sincerely, Yerwa B(.b Teresa Bishow, AICP Documents Submitted Concurrently Application Form Signed City of Springfield Public Improvement Project Permit Agreement P 31070 SUB Construction Agreement March 2022 Cherry Springs Stormwater Management and O & M Manual by i.e. Engineering dated May 2, 2022 Draft Documents for Easements and Dedications by i.e. Engineering Final Site Plan Review Drawings — See Indexes on Civil Plan Sheet C1 and Architectural Drawing A0.1 Cherry Springs Apts Page 9 of 9 Qo9 Bj SHOW Final Site Plan Review May 3, 2022 MCONSULTING CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 23 day of March 2022, by and between the CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON, a municipal corporation, acting by and through the Springfield Utility Board, hereinafter referred to as the first party, and Cherry Springs LLG, hereinafter referred to as the second parry. WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the first party owns and operates municipal electric and water systems serving within and adjacent to the corporate limits of said city, and WHEREAS, the second parry is planning the development and construction of Cherry Springs Apartments located in Springfield, Oregon, County of lane, said development to be developed COMMERCIAL purposes, described with particularity as follows: TAX MAP #17-02-3231; TAX LOT #00400 WHEREAS, the second parry has applied to the first party for electrical services for said development; now, therefore, IT IS AGREED by and between the first party and the second party and each in consideration of promises and agreements of the others do hereby promise and agree as follows: (1) The Springfield Utility Board does hereby agree to install an electric distribution system for the service of STORAGE PLACE in accordance with plans for electric developments shown on Job Number 121085. (2) The second party agrees to pay the first parry the sum of $123,767.77 payable before the start of construction, which is credited the sum of $44,747.93 for providing all trenching, back filling, and the installation of all vaults, junction boxes or pedestals, and all conduits (with pulling tape) per the first party's specifications, and in accordance with the first party's Development Redevelopment Policy which shall be the responsibility of the second parry. The first party shall provide on- site all conduit, vaults and junction boxes and shall inspect the installation before backfill is permitted. The second parry shall provide glue, pulling tape, foam, grout and other incidental materials as needed. The second parry warrants to the first party that any breaks, omissions or facility placement errors in the installation shall be corrected by the second party at no cost to the first party. The first party shall take possession and accept responsibility of the installation at the time the system is energized. (3) The first party's plans, specifications and development charges are based on the assumptions that the complete distribution system shall be installed. Ifthe second party changes the plans and constructs the development other than originally stated, the second party shall pay for any additional cost incurred by the first party. Said payment to be made prior to the first party energizing the system electrical. (4) The second parry agrees to comply with all terms specified in the current Electric Development and Redevelopment Charge Policy in effect at the time this agreement is entered into. (5) The second party requests installation of distribution facilities to commence within 30 days of the payment date. (6) The first party agrees to make a concerted effort to commence installation of distribution facilities within 30 days of the second parry's requested installation date provided the second party does not obstruct or denies the first party's access. Within 180 days of the date of this agreement, if the second parry does not perform its responsibilities under the agreement, the first party has no further obligation under the agreement. (7) This agreement shall be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assignees of the respective parties. (8) Nothing herein contained shall beconstrued as limiting the first party or the second parry in any manner except as herein set forth insofar as service, location of services, meters and the reading thereof and the billing for consumption, and associated service charges are concemed. (9) "If suit or legal action Instituted by either party for the purpose of enforcing the terms of this agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to judgment against the other party for the prevailing parties reasonable attorney fees and court costs as determined by the Court at trial or any appeal therefrom". (10) By signing this contract, the second parry agrees to notify the first parry and await inspection by a first Parry representative prior to trench backfill. Upon inspection, any cost relating to connecting any and all deviations from the attached specifications for the location of conduit entering the vault will be the sole responsibility of the second party. Vault and trench inspection will be complete when all the attached specifications are satisfied. It is also the responsibility of the second parry to communicate these requirements to any and all contractors involved in the construction process. Dated this 22 day of March, 2022 By: Sanjeev King, Director Brent Lanzu Electric Engineering & Operations Timberview Construction Cherry Springs LLC Exhibit "A" A tract of land being a portion of Document Number 2020-16131, Deed Records of Lane County, located in the Southeast Quarter of Section 32, Township 17 South, Range 2 West, Willamette Meridian, Lane County, Oregon, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point located on the Easterly Boundary of said Document Number 2020-16131, said point being on the Westerly Right -of -Way Boundary of "C" Street, from which a 2 -inch iron pipe at the Northeast comer of said Document bears North 00008'40" East, 112.28 feet; Thence leaving said Easterly Boundary and said Westerly Right -of -Way Boundary South 89058'20" West, 25.50 feet; Thence South 00008'40" West, 277.24 feet; Thence North 89049'28" East, 25.50 feet, to a point on said Easterly Boundary, said point also being on the Westerly Right -of -Way Boundary of Beaver Street, from which a 5/8 -inch iron rod at the Southeast comer of said Document bears South 00008'40" West, 826.07 feet; Thence Northerly along said Easterly Boundary, coincident with said Westerly Right -of -Way Boundary, North 00008'40" East, 29.52 feet; Thence leaving said Easterly Boundary and said Westerly Right -of -Way Boundary North 50003'37" West, 7.81 feet; Thence North 00008'40" East, 212.16 feet; Thence North 50019'19" East, 7.81 feet, to a point on said Easterly Boundary, said point being on the aforementioned said Westerly Boundary of "C" Street; Thence continuing Northerly along said Easterly Boundary, coincident with said Westerly Right -of - Way Boundary, North 00008'40" East, 25.49 feet, to the point of beginning and there terminating. The above described property contains 5,766 square feet (0.13 acres), more or less EMERGENCY ACCESS EASEMENT EXHIBIT "B" LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 2 WEST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, LANE COUNTY, OREGON APRIL 29, 2022 2" IRON PIPE NE CORNER OF DOC. NO. N00'08'40"E 2020-16131 112.28"�, �rL1 "C" STREET DOu;jl:'�I�IN (50' RIGHT—OF—WAY) EASEMENT AREA = 5,766 SQ. FT. t OF LAND OMWIST I" LLI1. —i AMDER APN: yap J F� "304100 f � W� t7p� 4 LANDS OF 'tI/ > W(Q�)f. CHERRY S-RINGS LLC C-4 WJcV APA: 1.02324100400 n r'U N�I? N JN 3Vc� wJw oVW UJ 00 oc QJ o v cl o✓ rn� . LANDSITLEFSENS NATHAH4NIE DAN j" & SO APNp0y29 ti023y47 i.e. V� V� V `R REGISTERED BEAVER STREET PROFESSIONAL Y/ 50' RIGHT—OF—WAY SCALE: 1"=30' LAND SURVEYOR LL ( ) JOB NO. 2923-07 CLIENT: CHERRY SPRINGS LLC 3025 W 7TH PL 500.08,40"W�- EUGENE, OR 97402 OREGON . nENT H m, solo 826 07' S/8" IRON ROD BRENT H.KNAPP SE CORNER O 51118 �OF DOC. NO. Z V 2020-16131 EXPIRES: 6/30/2023 LINE TABLE LINE COURSE L1 S89'S8'20"W 25.50' L2 N89'49'28"E 25.50' L3 N00'08'40"E 29.52' L4 N50'03'37"W 7.81' L5 N50'19'19"E 7.81' L6 N00'08'40"E 25.49' Exhibit "A" A tract of land being a portion of Document Number 2020-16131, Deed Records of Lane County, located in the Southeast Quarter of Section 32, Township 17 South, Range 2 West, Willamette Meridian, Lane County, Oregon, more particularly described as follows: All that portion of said Document Number 2020-16131 lying Westerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point along the Southerly Boundary of said Document Number 2020-16131 from which a''N-inch iron pipe at the most Westerly Southwest corner of said Document bears North 89053'27" West, 12.00 feet; Thence leaving said Southwesterly Boundary North003' 19" East, 870.77 feet, to the beginning of a curve, concave Easterly, having a radius of 456.00 feet; Thence continuing along said curve an are distance of 44.51 feet through a central angle of 05028'40" (the long chord of which bears North 02047'39" East, 44.49 feet), to the point of termination on the North Boundary of said Document Number 2020-16131 from which a 2 -inch iron pipe at the Northeast comer of said Document bears North 89054'34" East, 334.04 feet. The above described property contains 11,013.61 square feet (0.25 acres), more or less RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION EXHIBIT "B" LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 2 WEST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, LANE COUNTY, OREGON APRIL 29, 2022 1 i N89'54'34"E 334.04' Vf HCl / 2" IRON PIPE NE CORNER OF DOC. NO. 2020-16131 r RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION AREA= 11,013 SQ. FT. t 00 00 O r 0 O 000 �I o .. o 0 Z iA Z LANDS OF CHERRY S?RINGS LLC U Ix APid: 1702324100400 WI OOI i i.e. 1 3/4" IRON PIPE � MOST WESTERLY SOUTHWEST CORNER 31 OF DOC. NO. SCALE: 1"=100' 2020-16131,,JOB NO. 2923-07 Ll CLIENT. CHERRY SPRINGS LLC 3025 W 7TH PL REGISTERED EUGENE, OR 97402 PROFESSIONAL LANDS OF LAND SURVEYOR ROBER7S7R S7SlDEN7/AL APN: 1702324100500 i.e. o10, ooN0 CURVE TABLE ORIENT H. KNArr j - 81118 CURVE CHORD RADIUS LENGTH DELTA EXPIRES: 6/30/2023 Cl N0747 -39"E 44.49' 465.00' 44.51' 05'28'40" LINE TABLE LINE COURSE L1 N89'53'27"W 12.00' Exhibit "A" A 8.00 -foot wide strip of land being a portion of Document Number 2020-16131, Deed Records of Lane County, located in the Southeast Quarter of Section 32, Township 17 South, Range 2 West, Willamette Meridian, Lane County, Oregon, lying 4.00 -feet on each side of the following described centerline: Beginning at a point located on the Easterly Boundary of said Document Number 2020-16131, said point being coincident with the Westerly Right -of -Way Boundary of "C" Street, from which a 2 -inch iron pipe at the Northeast corner of said Document bears North 00008'40" East, 105.61 feet; Thence leaving said Easterly Boundary and said Westerly Right -of -Way Boundary North 89°51'20" West, 21.50 feet; Thence South 00008'40" West, 290.52 feet, to a point hereafter referred to as POINT A; Thence South 00008'40" West, 6.75 feet; Thence South 2l°10'43"East, 32.50 feet; Thence South 00°19'40" West, 170.80 feet; Thence South 74014'59" East, 10.62 feet, to a point of termination along said Easterly Boundary, said point being coincident with the Westerly Right -of -Way Boundary of `B" sheet, from which a 5/8 -inch iron rod at the Southeast comer of said Document Number 2020-16131 bears South 00008'40" West, 608.70 feet. Together with the following described strip: Beginning at the above described POINT A, thence North 89055'13" East, 21.50 feet, to a point of termination along said Easterly Boundary, said point being coincident with the Westerly Right -of -Way Boundary of Beaver Street. The sidelines of said strips shall be prolonged or shortened so as to terminate on the above- described boundaries. The above described strip contains 4,401 square feet (0.10 acres), more or less PEDESTRIAN ACCESS EASEMENT EXHIBIT "B" LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 2 WEST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, LANE COUNTY, OREGON APRIL 29, 2022 2" IRON PIPE NE CORNER OF DOC. NO. 2020-16131 8.00 -FOOT WIDE PEDESTRIAN ACCESS EASEMENT LANDS OF CHERRY .S'PRINGS LLC APN: 7702.324 7 004 00 ISI �) An:i POINT "A REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR OREGON NOVEMBER 10, 2010 BRENT H. KNAPP EXPIRES: 6/30/2023 OF DOC. NO. 2020-16131 ( N00'08I40"E 105.61', "C" STREET (50' RIGHT-OF-WAY) U+.N BLON�T IS AMBER 4100230 EA 4 DI. �FSEYINS &ATHASOH P E 0" 9 17023010` BEAVER STREET (50' RIGHT—OF—WAY) LANDSL & BBRINNOG UNNS pPNp0220 1702324 WNOSTONEY JUNE APN' oi9 170232'}j00' "B" STREET 0' RIGHT—OF—WAY) S00'08'40"W 608.70' i.e. �l 0 2 SCALE: 1"=50' JOB NO. 2923-07 CLIENT: CHERRY SPRINGS LLC 3025 W 7TH PL EUGENE, OR 97402 i.e. IENGINEERING UNE TABLE UNE COURSE Li S89'51'20"W 21.50' L2 SOO'08'40W 290.52' L3 S0(r08'40"W 6.75' L4 S21'10'43"E 32.50' L5 SOO'19'40"W 170.80' L6 STV 14'59"E 10.62' L7 N89'55'13"E 21.50' REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR OREGON NOVEMBER 10, 2010 BRENT H. KNAPP EXPIRES: 6/30/2023 OF DOC. NO. 2020-16131 ( N00'08I40"E 105.61', "C" STREET (50' RIGHT-OF-WAY) U+.N BLON�T IS AMBER 4100230 EA 4 DI. �FSEYINS &ATHASOH P E 0" 9 17023010` BEAVER STREET (50' RIGHT—OF—WAY) LANDSL & BBRINNOG UNNS pPNp0220 1702324 WNOSTONEY JUNE APN' oi9 170232'}j00' "B" STREET 0' RIGHT—OF—WAY) S00'08'40"W 608.70' i.e. �l 0 2 SCALE: 1"=50' JOB NO. 2923-07 CLIENT: CHERRY SPRINGS LLC 3025 W 7TH PL EUGENE, OR 97402 i.e. IENGINEERING Exhibit "A" A 7.00 -foot ship of land being a portion of the property described in Document Number 2020- 16131, Deed Records of Lane County, located in the Southeast Quarter of Section 32, Township 17 South, Range 2 West, Willamette Meridian, Lane County, Oregon, lying 3.50 feet on each side of the following described centerline: Beginning at a point on the Westerly Boundary of said Document Number 2020-16131, said point being on the Easterly Right -of -Way Boundary of 481h Street (County Road No. 1028), from which a 5/8 -inch iron rod at the Northwest comer of said Document Number 2020-16131 bears North 00003'19" East, 243.14 feet; Thence leaving said Westerly Boundary and said Easterly Right -of -Way Boundary North 90000'00" East, 17.18 feet, to a point hereafter referred to as Point "A"; Thence North 90000'00" East, 155.46 feet, to a point hereafter referred to as Point `B", Thence North 90000'00" East, 18.77 feet; Thence South 00000'00" East, 175.00 feet; Thence South 28026'37" East, 63.73 feet; Thence South 00000'00" East, 69.93 feet, to a point hereafter referred to as Point "C"; Thence South 00000'00" East, 58.00 feet, to a point hereafter referred to as Point "D"; Thence South 00000'00" East, 109.38 feet, to a point hereafter referred to as Point "E"; Thence South 00000'00" East, 2.13 feet; Thence South 15026'29" West, 63.32 feet; Thence South 00000'00" East, 24.87 feet, to a point hereafter referred to as Point "F", Thence South 00000'00" East, 73.15 feet; Thence North 90000'00" West, 20.50 feet, to a point hereafter referred to as Point "G"; Thence North 90000'00" West, 185.01 feet, to the point of termination on the aforementioned Westerly Boundary of said Document Number 2020-16131, said point being on the aforementioned Easterly Right -of -Way Boundary of 48m Street (County Road No. 1028), from which a''/a-inch iron pipe at the most Westerly Southwest corner of said Document Number 2020-16131 bears South 00°03'19" West, 42.50 feet. The sidelines of said strip shall be prolonged or shortened in order to terminate on the above- described boundaries. Together with the following described 7.00 -foot strips, lying 3.50 -feet on each side of the following described centerlines: Beginning at said Point "A", thence South 00000'00" East, 10.25 feet. Beginning at said Point "B", thence South 00000'00" East, 11.25 feet. Beginning at said Point "C", thence North 90000'00" West, 10.50 feet. Beginning at said Point "D", thence North 90000'00" East, 123.00 feet. Beginning at said Point "E", thence North 90000'00" West, 12.25 feet. Beginning at said Point "F", thence North 90000'00" East, 45.00 feet. Beginning at said Point "G", thence North 00000'00" West, 12.75 feet. The sidelines of said strips shall be prolonged or shortened in order to terminate on the above- described boundaries. The above-described property contains 8,658.00 square feet (0.20 acres), more or less. WATER LINE EASEMENT EXHIBIT "B" LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 2 WEST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, LANE COUNTY, OREGON \\ APRIL 28, 2022 `5/8" IRON ROD NORTHWEST CORNER pi OF DOC. NO. N 2020-16131 w LANDS OF of CHERRY SPR/N S i_i_C r APN: 1702323100400 o Ii(,( i z POINT "A" N90'00'00"E POINT "B" 191.41' x \Mr`---155.46' \L11 L12 04 17.18' 18.77' o oCtjyiJ M 0.. O �o Z m D Q !� Z O U F L13 POINT "C" LLJ L14 O_ •)0. POINT "D"�z� N J 00 POINT "E" Ll 5// 1 L5 � J , n POINT "F" J L76 S00'03'19" t!P42.50' L17� L9 Z.e. POINT "G" i 3/4" IRON PIPE Z MOST WESTERLY REGISTERED SOUTHWEST CORNER SCALE: 1 "=100' PROFESSIONAL OF DOC. N0. JOB N0. 2923-07 LAND SURVEYOR 2020-16131 1 COENT: CHERRY SPRINGS LLC 3025 W 7TH PL EUGENE, OR 97402 OREGON NOVEMBER 10, 2010 BRENT H. KNAPP 61116 .e. EXPIRES: 6/30/2023 JENGINEERING LINE TABLE LINE COURSE L1 528'26'37"E 63.73' L2 500'00'00"E 69.93' L3 500'00'00"E 58.00' L4 500'00'00"E 109.38' L5 500'00'00"E 2.13' L6 51526'29"E 63.32' L7 500'00'00"E 24.87' L8 500'00'00"E 73.15' L9 N90'00'00"W 20.50' L70 N90'00'00"W 185.01' L11 500'00'00"E 10.25' L12 500'00'00"E 11.25' L13 N90'00'00"W 10.50' L14 N90'00'00"E 123.00' L15 N90'00'00"W 12.25' L16 N90'00'00"E 45.00' L17 N00'00' 00"W 12.75' CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PROJECT PERMIT AGREEMENT P 31070 Cherry Springs 48th Sl PIP Dated: October 1, 2021 Parties: City of Springfield, an Oregon municipal corporation ("City' 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 and Timberview Construction ("Developer") ARTICLE I. Acknowledgment of Obligation to Construct Required Improvements This Permit is issued by the City of Springfield to allow for the construction of public infrastructure that is funded and engineered by entities other than the City of Springfield, within public rights-of-way and easements within the jurisdiction of the City. The permit is an agreement between the City and Developer. Developer agrees to abide by the terms and conditions of this Public Improvement Project Permit Agreement ("Permit") for and in consideration of the City approving and allowing the construction of the proposed public improvement project City Project Number P 31070 . related to Land Use Application Cherry Springs Site Plan Review 811-21-000016-TVP2 ("Project', Developer acknowledges that it is Developer's obligation to cause said improvements to be designed and constructed in accordance with the Springfield Development Code; the City of Springfield Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual ("EDSPM'�; the City of Springfield Standard Construction Specifications; and all special conditions, permits, and approvals from the City Development and Public Works Director, Planning Commission, hearing body, agency, or other jurisdiction with authority over the proposed work. Developer hrrtheracknow/edges that the provisions ofEDSPM 0apter 12 are applicable ho this agreement. Developer hrrt/reragrees to abide by the termsand conditans In EDSPM Chapter 12, which are made part of this Permit by reference. ARTICLE II. Retainage of Design Professional(s) and Contractor(s) Developer agrees to retain design professionals and contractors appropriately licensed and skilled to design and construct the development. Design professionals may include civil engineers, environmental engineers, structural engineers, traffic engineers, registered geologists, lighting professionals, wetland consultants, licensed arborists, architects, landscape architects, or other professionals as required for the specific development proposal. Developer also agrees that only registered professional engineers with specialties in civil, environmental, structural, and/or traffic engineering, as appropriate to their respective expertise, will perform primary design and construction inspection activities of improvements to be publicly -owned and maintained. Further, in order to ensure coordination of design of the development and to facilitate effident communication with the City, the Developer has retained the following named professional engineer or Page 1 of 3 version July 2021 PIP Permit Agreement P 31070 engineering firm, registered and licensed to practice in the State of Oregon, to serve as the Developer's Design Professional, with duties as listed in Article III below, to provide developer with engineering and inspection services during the design and construction of all public improvements and professional design and construction observation services for regulated private improvements. If there is only one design professional/engineer responsible for preparing and submitting the entire project plan set to the City for review and approval, the listed design professional is automatically considered as the project's Coordinating Design Professional: PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERIENGINEERING FIRM (COORDINATING DESIGN PROFESSIONAL): Nick Jones i.e. Engineering OTHER PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS, FIRMS, OR DESIGN PROFESSIONALS: Alex Palm, i.e. Engineering If an engineer, engineering fine or any other design professional providing services is dismissed, or otherwise stops providing developer with on-going, required services, developer must promptly notify the City Engineer and retain a replacement. Under such circumstances, the City may, at its sole discretion, order work in progress to stop. As a condition to resuming work, the replacement engineer, engineering firm or design professional may be required by the City to attend a project orientation meeting with the City and may be required to submit documentation and other relevant information as deemed necessary by the City Engineer. ARTICLE III. Scope of Professional Services Developer agrees that the scope of work provided by any engineer, engineering firm, or other design professional hired by developer to work on the project includes, at a minimum, the scope of work set forth in Section 12.09 of the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. ARTICLE IV. Completion of Project. Developer acknowledges that a "complete project" is one that complies with the requirements set forth in EDSPM Section 12.12.1. Developer acknowledges that no Certificate of Occupancy will be issued by the City for an incomplete project. ARTICLE V. Indemnification. Developer agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City and its officers, agents and employees from and against all claims, actions, liabilities, loss, and costs including attorney's fees and costs of defense, arising in whole or in part from the acts or omissions of Developer, and the Developer's subcontractors, officers, agents, and employees, in performance of this contract. In the event any such action or claim is brought against City, upon tender by City, Developer will defend the same at the Developer's sole cost and expense, promptly satisfy any judgment adverse to City or to City and Developer, jointly, and reimburse City for any loss, cost, damage or expense, including attorney fees, suffered or incurred by City. City shall notify Developer, within a reasonable time, of any claim, threat of claim or legal action. Notwithstanding the foregoing, neither Developer nor any attorney engaged by Developer will defend any claim in the name of the Developer, nor purport to act as legal representative of the Developer, Page 2 of 3 Version Jury 2021 PIP Permit Agreement P 31070 without the prior written consent of the City Attorney' s Office. City may, at any time and at its election, assume its own defense and settlement of any claims. City reserves all rights to pursue any claims it may have against Developer if the City elects to assume its own defense. Per ORS 30.140, this agreement does not include indemnification by Developer for losses, claims, or actions resulting from the sole negligence of City or its officers, agents, and employees, whether within the scope of the Contract or otherwise. The absence of or inadequacy of any liability insurance required by Section 12.07 of the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manua/does not negate Developer's obligations in this agreement. ARTICLE VI. Enforcement The developer acknowledges that failure to adhere to the terms and provisions stated in this agreement may, in addition to other possible remedies, result in the revocation of the Public Improvement Project Permit, the issuance of a stop work order, a claim against the Developers bond, and/or commencement of civil proceedings for violation of City ordinances. This agreement is not transferable. 6A &&: Io a Signature of Developer or Autheized Representative Date Printed name: Colin Kelley Received by: For the City of Springfield Date Page 3 of 3 Version 3uly 2021 aPatrIWIEW CITY OF SPRINGFIELD -DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS onaae CONSTRUCTION PERMIT DEPOSIT FOR PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS PROJECT NUMBER AND TITLE: P31070 Cherry Springs 48th St PIP TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT: Public Street Improvements DEVELOPER'S NAME: TlmbeNleW COnstruCtinn DEVELOPER'S ADDRESS: 3026 West 7111 Place, Eugene OR 97402 CONTRACTOR: Timbewim Construction - Colin Kelley TOTAL COST OF PROJECT' $1,002,000 TOTAL STREET LENGTH: 126211nearft .Acopyofthe Engineer's project cost estimate must amompony pmject submission. BSt3471inearft. 48th St915linearR CITY PLAN EXAMINATION DEPOSIT SECTION I: City Plan Examination Deposit ESTIMATED COST $0 TO $100,000 $3,000 $100,001 AND OVER 1 $3,000+1%OF PROJECT OVER $100,000 $13,020 Sub -total City Plan Examination on Deposit $13,020 TECHNOLOGY FEE 1 5% of Sub -total City Plan Examination Deposit $651 Total City Plan Examination Deposit $13,671 CITY ENGINEERING AND INSPECTION DEPOSIT SECTION 2: City Engineering and InspeehOn Deposit ESTIMATED COST $o TO $100,000 $100.001 AND OVER $e,000 1 $6,000+1%OF PROJECT OVER $100,000 $36,060 JOB CONTROL TESTING TOTALS JOB CONTROL TESTS PER UNIT NUMBER OF TESTS Plca a now: llevelopmare respereable for the 'ob mix tat' SOIL BEARING TEST 1/500 L.F. SOB. DENSITIES 1250 L.F. CURB ROCK DENSITIES I/150 L.F. BASE ROCK DENSITIES 1/150 L.F. CONCRETE CLY. AND SLUMP 1/100 C.Y. A.C. EXTRACTIONS PER CLASS 1/500 TON ASPHALTIC CONCRETE DENSITIES"EACH ro-r 1/150L.F. 3 6 8 9 y Combined Total Both Sections 1 and 2 - Total Deposit Due $49,731 ASPHALTIC JOB MIX TESTING FEE (per project) (5475.00) $475 TECHNOLOGY FEE -5% of Asphaltic Job Mix Testing Fee $23.75 This form most be signed and dated by both parties below. TOTAL DUE $50,229.75 Project Engineer Signature Date 2021-10-04 PREVIOUS RECEIVED < > rDigitally s ones BALANCE DUE $50,229.75