HomeMy WebLinkAboutStudies APPLICANT 5/3/2022 (2)Stormwater Report Willamette Valley Temple Prepared for The Corporation of the Presiding Bishop of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -Day Saints Prepared by. Melanie Greenfield, PE Engineer of Record: Matt Keenan, PE ApnI2022 I KPFF Project 92100170 KPFF'S COMM ITM ENT TO SUSTAINABILITY Asa member of the US Green Building Council, KPFF is committed to the practice of sustainable design and the use of sustainable materials in our work. When hardcopy reports are provided by KPFF, they are prepared using recycled and recyclable materials, reflecting KPFF's commitment to using sustainable practices and methods in all of our products. Table of Contents Tables and Figures TABLEis Basin Area Breakdown........................................................................................................................3 TABLE 2: Runoff Calculations Assumptions.......................................................................................................5 TABLE 3: 24-hour precipitation for Springfield, OR...................................................................... 5 Willamette Valley Temple I RPW Consulting Engineers 1 STORMWATER REPORT Appendices Appendix A Proposed Basin Map Appendix B NRCS Soil Report Appendix C City of Springfield Stormwater Facility Calculator Appendix D Contech Cartridge Selection Calculations Appendix E Conveyance Calculations Appendix F Backwater Analysis Willamette Valley Temple I KPFF Consulting Engineers STORM WATER REPORT Project Overview Existing Conditions The proposed Temple will be built on a 10.3 -acre site located at 300 International Way near the corner of Industrial Way and Corporate Way in Springfield, OR. Much of the area is an unimproved open field covered in dry grasses and sparse bushes and trees. A significant amount of engineered fill, approximately 4.5 -acres, was placed in the northeast corner in preparation for a proposed building that was never built. Any stormwater runoff that does not infiltrate sheet flows from the south to the north. Proposed Conditions The proposed improvements center around the construction of a new 23,484 SF Temple building. Surrounding the Temple, site improvements will include new parking stalls and drive aisles, pedestrian sidewalks, landscaped areas, covered bike parking, and two standalone buildings to the north of the site. The building pad elevation of the Temple will be the highest elevation on site. Stormwater runoff will drain away from the temple in all directions and be collected via a series of roof leaders, catch basins, trench drains and area drains. Water quality requirements will be met via City approved proprietary mechanical treatment technologies and a proposed rain garden facility. There is a regional detention facility located just north of the project site and no additional detention is proposed. Methodology Stormwater Management Requirements The project's stormwater system is designed in accordance with three design guides: 1. Chapters 3 and 4 of the City of Springfield's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual (EDSP) 2. City of Eugene's Stormwater Management Manual (SWMM) 3. The Temple Design Guidelines—Civil (design guidelines and standards provided by the client) Basin Summary The proposed project site has been broken up into five basins based on each area's ultimate discharge location. See Table 1 for a breakdown of each basin's size and surface type. Each basin is then broken up further into subbasins for the purpose of conveyance calculations. See Appendix A fora map of the proposed basins and subbasins. TABLE 1: Basin Area Breakdown Willamette Valley Temple I RPEF Consulting Engineers STORM WATER REPORT Basin A— Northwest Corner Basin A encompasses the northwest corner of the site and includes parking stalls, drive aisles, pedestrian walkways, a grounds maintenance building and pervious landscaped areas. Stormwater runoff from these areas is collected via a combination of roof leaders, catch basins and area drains. It is then conveyed through an Imbrium Stormceptor Manhole to meet water quality requirements. After treatment, the runoff is conveyed via an existing 12 -inch stormwater stub that connects to an existing 72 -inch stormwater pipe underneath the eastern sidewalk of Corporate Way. This 72 -inch pipe flows north and discharges into the regional detention facility located north of the project site. Basin B — Southwest Corner Basin B encompasses the southwest corner of the site and includes drive aisles, pedestrian walkways and pervious landscaped areas. Stormwater runoff from the pollution -generating drive aisle is collected and treated by a Contech Stormfilter catch basin to meet water quality requirements. Runoff from the pedestrian sidewalks and pervious areas will be collected by area drains and conveyed to an existing 12 -inch stormwater stub that connects to an existing 24 -inch stormwater pipe in Industrial Way. This pipe flows west and connects with the existing 72 -inch stormwater pipe mentioned above. Basin C—Southeast Corner Basin C is essentially a mirror of Basin B. It encompasses the southeast corner of the site and includes drive aisles, pedestrian walkways and pervious landscaped areas. Stormwater runoff from the pollution -generating drive aisle is collected and treated by a Contech Stormfilter catch basin to meet water quality requirements. Runoff from the pedestrian sidewalks and pervious areas will be collected by area drains and conveyed to a second existing 12 -inch stormwater stub that connects to an existing 24 -inch stormwater pipe in Industrial Way. This pipe flows west and connects with the existing 72 -inch stormwater pipe mentioned above. Basin D — Northeast Corner Basin D encompasses the northeast corner of the site and includes the temple roof, parking stalls, drive aisles, pedestrian walkways, a Temple clothing distribution building and pervious landscaped areas. Stormwater runoff from these areas is collected via a combination of roof leaders, catch basins and area drains. It is then conveyed to a rain garden east of the site's developed area. The rain garden will not be lined; therefore, the majority of runoff will be allowed to infiltrate. However, in large storm events, ponded water can flow out of the rain garden via an overflow structure set 1 -foot above the bottom elevation of the facility. The overflow structure connects to another existing 12 -inch stormwater stub and is conveyed north to the regional detention facility via an existing 48 -inch pipe. Basin E — Bypass Area Basin IF includes pervious landscaped areas along the north edge, the floodplain storage area in the northeast corner of the site and the area that includes the rain garden. These areas will not be treated for water quality. Willa matte Valley Temple I KVFFConsulting Engineers STORM WATER REPORT Analysis Stormwater Runoff Calculations Stormwater runoff calculations were completed using the Santa Barbara Unit Hydrograph method with a rainfall distribution of SCS Type 1A per section 4.03.3.C.1 of the EDSP. The hydraulic modeling software, Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis (SSA) were used to complete the calculations. The following assumptions were made: Value for Pervious Areas 1 69 1 Table 2-2a- Runoff curve numbers for urba n a reas, Urban The following rainfall depths for the respective storms were used: TABLE 3: 24-hour precipitation for Springfield, OR Water Quality Event 0.83 11 2 -Year 3.3 5 -Year _ _ 3.8 10 -Year 4.3 Mill 4.8 100 -Year 5.2 Water Quality The water quality requirements outlined in the SW MM will be met using vegetative facilities and proprietary mechanical treatment technologies. As mentioned above, the stormwater runoff from Basin D will be conveyed to a rain garden east of the developed project area. Rain gardens are depressions that collect stormwater and allow it to infiltrate through a soil growing media, filtering out pollutants and other harmful particles. They have no specific shape requirements except their side slopes cannot exceed 3:1. The proposed rain garden will be rectangular, 10 - feet wide, 275 -feet long, 3 -feet deep and will have side slopes at 4:1. Due to the adequate infiltration rates in the native soil, no permeable liner will be installed, and runoff will be allowed to infiltrate. The rain garden was sized using the Springfield Stormwater Facility Calculator. The calculator determines runoff using the Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph method and NRCS 24 -hr Type 1A Hyetograph as outlined in Appendix M of the City of Eugene's Stormwater Management Manual. The facility capacity is based on the requirements and facility details found in Eugene Stormwater Management Manual. See Appendix C for the Stormwater Facility Calculator results. Willamette valley Temple I RPrrconsuiting Engineers STORM WATER REPORT Pollution generating surfaces in Basins A -C will be treated for water quality via the City of Eugene approved proprietary mechanical treatment technologies. Before being conveyed to the existing public stormwater pipe in Corporate Way, runoff from Basin A will be conveyed through an Imbrium Stormceptor Manhole. This structure acts as a hydrodynamic separator and treats stormwater runoff by allowing pollutants, suspended solids and oils to separate or settle out of the stormwater runoff. Basins B and C both utilize a Contech Stormfilter catch basin to treat runoff from pollution -generating surfaces. These catch basins have filtration cartridges that remove harmful pollutants as the stormwater runoff flows through them. See Appendix D for cartridge selection calculations. Infiltration Testing The SW MM implements a hierarchy system in which infiltration facilities must be considered first. To confirm whether infiltration is feasible, infiltration testing was completed at three different locations on the site. Per the Geotechnical Engineering Report completed by Terracon Geotechnical in March 2022, the encased falling head method using a 6 -inch inside diameter PVC pipe was used to determine the infiltration rate of the site's subgrade. The testing location closest to the location of the proposed rain garden was found to have an infiltration rate of 36 in/hr. The proposed rain garden was designed with the assumption that no infiltration will occur to maximize the size and functionality of the facility. However, no impermeable liner will be installed, and stormwater will be allowed to infiltrate when in the rain garden. Conveyance Conveyance of the site stormwater system was calculated using the Santa Barbara Unit Hydrograph method per section 4.03.3.C.1 of the EDSP using the modeling software SSA. In addition to the City of Springfield requirements, the stormwater system is subject to the Temple Design Guidelines, which require the site stormwater system to be designed to convey the 100 -year storm event. See Appendix E for the results of the conveyance calculations for the 100 -year storm event. A backwater analysis was completed for the 100 -year storm and no structures pond during the storm event. However, the three pipe segments upstream of the rain garden become surcharged. The hydraulic grade line remains just above the top of the stormwater pipes and the surcharge condition only occurs for 10 minutes; therefore, the design team considers this condition acceptable. See Appendix F for backwater analysis results. Detention North of the project site is an existing regional detention facility. Master Plan documents from the City of Springfield show that the planned development of this project site was significantly impervious, with several office parks and parking lots. It is evident that this site will be more impervious upon the completion of the proposed Temple development than it is currently. However, the Temple development proposes a significant amount of landscaping and overall is only 37% impervious. It is a reasonable assumption that the peak flow leaving the site in the proposed condition will be less than the planned peak flow used for this area when designing the regional detention facility. The design team is confident that the regional detention facility can accommodate the increase in peak flow produced by this development and no additional detention measures are proposed. Willamette Valley Temple I RPFF Consulting Engineers STORM WATER REPORT Floodplain/Emergency Overflow The 100 -year floodplain slopes from the southeast corner of the site to the northwest corner and covers the entire project site. The Temple will be the highest point on the project site and will require additional fill placed in the floodplain. To offset the addition, an approximate 1.3 -acre depression will be dug out in the northeast corner of the property. The depression will be approximately 6 -feet deep, measured from the top of the proposed embankment. The depression will be connected to the regional depression facility via a culvert. After a major flood event, floodwater and any fish will be able to exit the depression via the culvert. A separate biological assessment for this site will be completed as part of a CLOMR-F submittal to FEMA which outlines the effects of a flood event near this site. Maintenance Strategy A separate Operation and Maintenance Plan for guidance on maintaining the stormwater system will be included in the next submission 2ID0110- prP Willamette Valley Temple I KPFFCcmulling Engineers STOWWATER REPORT This page intentionally left blank for double -sided printing. Willamette valley Temple I KPFF Consulting Engineers STORMWATER REPORT Appendix A Proposed Basin Map WIIIamMte Valley Temple I KPFFConsu N,,Enginee,s STORMWATER REPORT This page intentionally left blank for double -sided printing. Willamette Valley Temple I REEF Consulting Engineers STORMWNTER REPORT l •�• .L +___nWJ.�_;� 1 i I\ ao g / AtlM113 NMOJ � — _ °e -n " of 1 ,C I 118pI 1 1 L 1 inax '.i ten 1 __--_-----.—._1-_T 2W AtlM113 NMOJ � — _ Appendix B NRCS Soil Report Willamette Valley Temple I KPFF Consulting Engineers STORMWATER REPORT This page intentionally left blank for double -sided printing. Willamette Valley Temple I KPFF Consulting Engineers STORMWNTER REPORT USDA United States Department of Agriculture MRCS Natural Resources Conservation Service A product of the National Cooperative Soil Survey, a joint effort of the United States Department of Agriculture and other Federal agencies, State agencies including the Agricultural Experiment Stations, and local participants Custom Soil Resource Report for Lane County Area, Oregon Willamette Valley Temple March 2, 2022 0 ! A S. { i� /!) !| Q! /| 2 „ ea, . |!!: �■ ,aw X *44ce0>+:0,�* Custom Soil Resource Report Map Unit Legend Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name Acres in AOI Percent of AOI 26 Chehalis silty clay loam, 11.4 96.0% owasionalyfiooded 95 1 Newberg fine sandy loam 0.5 4.0% Totals for Area of Interest 11.9 100.0 Map Unit Descriptions The map units delineated on the detailed soil maps in a sail survey represent the soils or miscellaneous areas in the survey area. The map unit descriptions, along with the maps, can be used to determine the composition and properties of a unit. A map unit delineation on a soil map represents an area dominated by one or more major kinds of soil or miscellaneous areas. A map unit is identified and named according to the taxonomic classification of the dominant soils. Within a taxonomic class there are precisely defined limits for the properties of the soils. On the landscape, however, the soils are natural phenomena, and they have the characteristic variability of all natural phenomena. Thus, the range of some observed properties may extend beyond the limits defined for a taxonomic class. Areas of soils of a single taxonomic class rarely, if ever, can be mapped without including areas of other taxonomic classes. Consequently, every map unit is made up of the soils or miscellaneous areas for which it is named and some minor components that belong to taxonomic classes other than those of the major soils. Most minor soils have properties similar to those of the dominant soil or soils in the map unit, and thus they do not affect use and management. These are called noncontrasting, or similar, components. They may or may not be mentioned in a particular map unit description. Other minor components, however, have properties and behavioral characteristics divergent enough to affect use or to require different management. These are called contrasting, or dissimilar, components. They generally are in small areas and could not be mapped separately because of the scale used. Some small areas of strongly contrasting soils or miscellaneous areas are identified by a special symbol on the maps. If included in the database for a given area, the contrasting minor components are identified in the map unit descriptions along with some characteristics of each. A few areas of minor components may not have been observed, and consequently they are not mentioned in the descriptions, especially where the pattern was so complex that it was impractical to make enough observations to identify all the soils and miscellaneous areas on the landscape. The presence of minor components in a map unit in no way diminishes the usefulness or accuracy of the data. The objective of mapping is not to delineate pure taxonomic classes but rather to separate the landscape into Iandforms or landform segments that have similar use and management requirements. The delineation of such segments on the map provides sufficient information for the development of resource plans. If intensive use of small areas is planned, however, Custom Soil Resource Report onsite investigation is needed to define and locate the soils and miscellaneous areas. An identifying symbol precedes the map unit name in the map unit descriptions. Each description includes general facts about the unit and gives important soil properties and qualities. Soils that have profiles that are almost alike make up a soil series. Except for differences in texture of the surface layer, all the soils of a series have major horizons that are similar in composition, thickness, and arrangement. Soils of one series can differ in texture of the surface layer, slope, stoniness, salinity, degree of erosion, and other characteristics that affect their use. On the basis of such differences, a soil series is divided into soil phases. Most of the areas shown on the detailed soil maps are phases of soil series. The name of a soil phase commonly indicates a feature that affects use or management. For example, Alpha silt loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, is a phase of the Alpha series. Some map units are made up of two or more major soils or miscellaneous areas. These map units are complexes, associations, or undifferentiated groups. A complex consists of two or more soils or miscellaneous areas in such an intricate pattern or in such small areas that they cannot be shown separately on the maps. The pattern and proportion of the soils or miscellaneous areas are somewhat similar in all areas. Alpha -Beta complex, 0 to 6 percent slopes, is an example. An association is made up of two or more geographically associated soils or miscellaneous areas that are shown as one unit on the maps. Because of present or anticipated uses of the map units in the survey area, it was not considered practical or necessary to map the soils or miscellaneous areas separately. The pattern and relative proportion of the soils or miscellaneous areas are somewhat similar. Alpha -Beta association, 0 to 2 percent slopes, is an example. An undifferentiated group is made up of two or more soils or miscellaneous areas that could be mapped individually but are mapped as one unit because similar interpretations can be made for use and management. The pattern and proportion of the soils or miscellaneous areas in a mapped area are not uniform. An area can be made up of only one of the major soils or miscellaneous areas, or it can be made up of all of them. Alpha and Beta soils, 0 to 2 percent slopes, is an example. Some surveys include miscellaneous areas. Such areas have little or no soil material and support little or no vegetation. Rock outcrop is an example. 12 Custom Soil Resource Report Lane County Area, Oregon 26—Chehalis silty clay loam, occasionally flooded Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol. 2361 Elevation: 290 to 1,000 feet Mean annual precipitation: 40 to 60 inches Mean annual air temperature: 52 to 54 degrees F Frost -free period. 165 to 210 days Farmland classification: All areas are prime farmland Map Unit Composition Chehalis, occasionally flooded, andsimilarsoils: 85 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapund.. Description of Chehalis, Occasionally Flooded Setting Landform: Flood plains Landform position (three-dimensional): Tread Down-slope shape: Linear Across -slope shape: Linear Parent material. Alluvium from mixed sources Typical profile H1 - 0 to 13 inches: silty clay loam H2 - 13 to 55 inches: silty clay loam H3 - 55 to 70 inches: silt loam Properties and qualities Slope: 0 to 3 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Drainage class: Well drained Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksat): Moderately high to high (0.57 to 1.98 in/hr) Depth to water table: More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: OccasionalNone Frequency of ponding: None Available watersupply, 0 to 60 inches: High (about 11.5 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): 2w Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 2w HVdiologic of ou Ecological site: F002XCO03OR - Low Floodplain Group Forage suitability group: Well drained < 15% Slopes (G002XY0020R) Othervegetative classification: Well drained < 15% Slopes (G002XY0020R) Hydric soil rating: No 13 Custom Soil Resource Report 95—Newberg fine sandy loam Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol. 239v Elevation: 290 to 850 feet Mean annual precipitation: 40 to 60 inches Mean annual air temperature: 52 to 54 degrees F Frost -free period: 165 to 210 days Farmland classification: Prime farmland if irrigated Map Unit Composition Newberg and similar soils: 85 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Newberg Setting Landform: Flood plains Landform position (three-dimensional): Tread Downslope shape: Linear Across -slope shape: Linear Parent material. Recent silty alluvium Typical profile Hl - 0 to 14 inches: fine sandy loam H2 - 14 to 65 inches: fine sandy loam Properties and qualities Slope: 0 to 3 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Drainage class: Well drained Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat): High (1.98 to 5.95 in/hr) Depth to water table: More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: OccasionalNone Frequency of ponding: None Available water supply, 0 to 60 inches: Moderate (about 8.4 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): 2w Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 2w Hydrologic Soil Group: A Ecological site: F002XC00IOR - Riparian Group Hydric soil rating: No 14 This page intentionally left blank for double -sided printing. Willamette Valley Temple I KPFF Consulting Engineers STORMWATER REPORT Appendix C City of Springfield Stormwater Facility Calculator Willamette Valley Temple I KPFF Consulting Engineers STORM WATER REPORT This page intentionally left blank for double -sided printing. Willamette valley Temple I KPFFConsutting Engineers STORMWFTER REPORT SBUH Calculation Worksheet for City of Springfield Storm Events kpff Project Name: Willamette Valley Temple Date:4/17/2022 Designer: SPLS Basins: D-1 through D-16, North East Side User-Suppited Data Pervious Area Impervious Area Pervious Area, SF 62,657 l mpervicas Area, SF Pervious Area, Acres 0.98 Impervious Area, Acres 1.68 Pervious Area Curve Number, CNpery Impervious Area Curve Number, CNimp Time of Concentration, Tc, minutes M Note: minimum Tc is five minutes CItY of Springlleld 2LHour Rainfall Depths (NRCS Type lA distribution) 2.66 —WQ Total ProjectArea, Square Feet Recurrencelnterval WQ I 2 -Yr 1 5 Y 1 SUYr 1 25 -Yr 1 5PYr 100 -Yr Inches li 0.83 1 3.3 1 3.8 1 4.3 1 4.8 1 5 1 1 5.2 Calculated Data Total Project Area, Acres 2.66 —WQ Total ProjectArea, Square Feet 115,819 Recurrence Interval W4 2 -Yr 5 -Yr 10 -Yr 25 -Yr Sol 100 -Yr Peak Flow Rate, Opeak, cfs 0.30 SJ 2.18 2.50 2.63 2.]7 Total Runoff Vol, V, cubic feet 3,823 Al21,6H 25,]86 29,990 34,269 35,998 3],J37 Time tc Peak Runoff, hours ].83 ],83 ],83 ].83 7.83 7,83 7.83 RunoffHydrogroph 3.00 —WQ —2 -Year —5 -Year 250 —10 -Year —25 -Year 2.00 —50 -Year —100 -Year 0 c C 1.00 - 0.50 0.00 , 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Time, minutes aao Wlllamete street, sure 400 Eugene, OR 97401 541.6940902 kPR.com Springfield Stormwater Facility Calculator Instructions: 1. Choose Facility Type 2. Choose shape 3. Complete information in highlighted cells Facility Raingarden Shape Rectangular Bottom Width: Bottom Area:0108 Side Slope: Storage Depth: Growing Media: 3,605 sf ft to 1 in in 4,496 2.5 0.260 3,783 Surface Storage Capacity Infiltration Area @ 75% GM Infiltration Rate Infiltration Capacity(avg) 3,605 cf sf in/hr cis 4,496 2.5 0.260 Results Below -Grade creed Name: Willamette Valley Temple Basins: 0.1 through D-16, North East Side Date:4/17/2022 FACILITY DESIGNED WITH NO INFLITRATION BUT NO LINER WILL BE INSTALLED WATER QUALITY EVENT PASS ROCK CAPACITY N/A SURFACE CAPACITY 1% Recurrance Interval Peak Flow (cfs) Volume (cf) Rock Capacity WQ 0.2602 3,783 N/A 2 -Yr 0.3527 18,075 N/A 5 -Yr 1.7538 22,986 N/A 10 -Yr 2.1812 27,340 N/A 25 -Yr 2.5036 30,706 N/A 50 -Yr 2.6342 32,790 N/A 100 -Yr, 2.7658 34,158 N/A Meets Infiltration? Filtration Only 1201 Oak Street, Suite 100 Eugene, OR 97401 541.6844902 kpH.com Impermeable Liner Water Quality Event Surface Facility Modeling lrpff Prged Name: Willamette Valley Temple Basins: D-1 through D-16, North East Side Date: 4/17/2022 0.3500 % —Surface Inflow 0% 0.3000 — — — Infiltration Capacity 0% 0.2500 0% Percolation to Subsurface 0% x 0.2000 U 0% tri ��� flow over 0 0.1500 0 % 0a000 —surface capaeiri a% eo% o a500 well �90% 0.0000 100% 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Time, minutes 800 Willamette Street, Suite 400 Eugene,0897491 541.664.4902 Fpff.com This page intentionally left blank for double -sided printing. Willamette valley Temple I KPFF Consulting Engineers sTORMWATER REPORT Appendix D Contech Cartridge Selection Calculations Willamette Valley Temple I KPFF Consulting Engineers STORM WATER REPORT This page intentionally left blank for double -sided printing. Willamette Valley Temple I NPFF ConSWting Engineers sTORMWATER REPORT d c 0 W Y! OJ W 3 d ei °p d N c d o a o o a m 9 v 3 .y ti o ' 0 a a o E o in v m m a ri N v n n ry a C a - a �+ n 0. K F c o p• o 0 z � a a c h m u a n a a r o= u d a c o v� m Z � > 2 n m a � V E v 1T � a d o L K c ° °1 3 m m u a E t � N O � .q d o Q c 0 Y! OJ W d ei e4 d N a m 9 N N .y ti U a �+ 0. o c o p• o 0 a c h O C c o 0 m o a c a C N m a d L Z u, m m m u d 3 t .q d o y .Z y m ry N m 3 E E 00 L m d d C Q C O � c M � Vm m m O w O C z U ry Z Z m N Vf Q Q m m j cl N •- O O 6 m U U m d cr cr Willamette Valley Temple Appendix D KPFF Consulting Engineers Water Quality Sizing Calculations lob #2100170 4/22/22 Imbrium Stormcepter® Stormceptor STC® stormwater treatment systems shall be sized in accordance with the following Table. MAX FLOW RATE DURING THE WATER QUALITY EVENT IS 0 20 Kristar Enterprises Flogard Perk Filter® • Filter media shall be zeolite-perlite-carbon (ZPC) filter media as specified by Kristar • The 12 inch filter cartridge is limited to a maximum water quality flow rate of 6.8 GPM per cartridge • The 18 inch tall cartridge is limited to a maximum water quality flow rate of 10.2 GPM per cartridge Royal Environmental Systems ecoStrom/ecoStorm plus Treatment Train The ecostrom plus system must be used in conjunction with an upstream ecoStrom unit as a treatment train. ecoStrom plus units shall use the standard concrete filter. ecoStorm plus units shall be sized at a maximum water quality design flow rate of 180 GPM (0.40 CFS) per S foot diameter filter (19.63 square foot surface area) The upstream ecoStrom unit shall be sized in accordance with the following Table. Imbrium S ninceptorg Model Maximum Water quality treatment flow rate CFS STC 450i 0.32 STC 900 0.64 STC 1200 0.64 STC 1800 0.64 STC 2400 1.06 STC 3600 1.06 STC 4800 1.77 STC 6000 1.77 STC 7200 2.48 STC 11000 3.53 STC 13000 3.53 STC 16000 4.95 MAX FLOW RATE DURING THE WATER QUALITY EVENT IS 0 20 Kristar Enterprises Flogard Perk Filter® • Filter media shall be zeolite-perlite-carbon (ZPC) filter media as specified by Kristar • The 12 inch filter cartridge is limited to a maximum water quality flow rate of 6.8 GPM per cartridge • The 18 inch tall cartridge is limited to a maximum water quality flow rate of 10.2 GPM per cartridge Royal Environmental Systems ecoStrom/ecoStorm plus Treatment Train The ecostrom plus system must be used in conjunction with an upstream ecoStrom unit as a treatment train. ecoStrom plus units shall use the standard concrete filter. ecoStorm plus units shall be sized at a maximum water quality design flow rate of 180 GPM (0.40 CFS) per S foot diameter filter (19.63 square foot surface area) The upstream ecoStrom unit shall be sized in accordance with the following Table. Stormwater Management Manual Appendix E-3 Eugene 2014 Ro al Environmental System ecoStorm Model Diameter Maximum Water quality treatment flow rate GPM (CFS) 0.5 4 377 0.84 0.75 5 588(l.31) 1 6 848(l.89) 1.5 7 1,153 2.57 2 8 1,508 (3.36) 3 10 2,356 5.25 4 12 3,393 7.57 Stormwater Management Manual Appendix E-3 Eugene 2014 Appendix E Conveyance Calculations Willamette valley Temple I KPFF Consulting Engineers STORMWATER REPORT This page intentionally left blank for double -sided printing. Willamette Valley Temple I KPFFCansultng Engineers sTORMWATER REPORT Willamette Valley Temple Appendix KPFF Consulting Engineers Conveyance Calculations Job #2100170 Basin Areas and Runoff 4/22/22 BASIN AREA ac DRAINAGE NODE ID WEIGHTED CN PERCENT IMPERVIOUS % TOTAL RUNOFF in PEAK RUNOFF 100 -YR EVENT cfs A-01 0.03 STUB -02 98.00 100.00 4.95 0.03 A-02 0.26 CB -08 86.98 62.00 3.87 0.24 A-03 0.23 CB -07 88.14 66.00 3.98 0.22 A-04 0.18 CB -09 91.04 76.00 4.27 0.19 A-05 0.09 CO -15 80.60 40.00 3.24 0.06 A-06 0.08 AD -19 77.70 30.00 2.95 0.05 A-07 0.08 AD -01 72.48 12.00 2.44 0.04 A-08 0.11 AD -24 76.54 26.00 2.84 0.07 A-09 0.07 TD -01 69.87 3.00 2.18 0.03 A-10 0.33 CB -05 87.27 63.00 3.89 0.31 A-11 0.24 CB -06 91.62 78.00 4.32 0.26 A-12 0.09 AD -16 81.18 42.00 3.29 0.07 A-13 0.14 AD -17 71.90 10.00 2.38 0.07 A-14 0.01 STUB -07 98.00 100.00 4.95 0.01 A-15 0.05 STUB -03 98.00 100.00 4.95 0.06 A-16 0.22 CB -12 87.85 65.00 3.95 0.21 B-01 0.15 AD -23 69.87 3.00 2.18 0.07 B-02 0.19 AD -12 70.16 4.00 2.21 0.09 B-03 0.32 WQCB-01 89.01 69.00 4.07 0.31 B-04 0.13 AD -14 74.22 18.00 2.61 0.07 B-05 0.16 AD -15 78.28 32.00 3.01 0.11 B-06 0.10 AD -13 85.82 58.00 3.75 0.09 B-07 0.02 AD -22 84.95 55.00 3.67 0.02 C-01 0.10 AD -07 85.82 58.00 3.75 0.09 C-02 0.02 AD -21 84.95 55.00 3.67 0.02 C-03 0.15 AD -10 70.16 4.00 2.21 0.07 C-04 0.15 AD -08 73.64 16.00 2.55 0.08 C-05 0.16 AD -09 78.28 32.00 3.01 0.11 C-06 0.34 WQCB-02 84.95 55.00 3.67 0.30 C-07 0.16 AD -11 69.87 3.00 2.18 0.07 D-01 0.28 CB -01 86.11 59.00 3.78 0.25 D-02 0.19 CB -02 92.20 80.00 4.38 0.20 D-03 0.37 CB -04 84.37 53.00 3.61 0.32 D-04 0.24 CB -03 91.62 78.00 4.32 0.25 D -OS 0.09 AD -05 80.60 40.00 3.24 0.07 D-06 0.01 STUB -06 98.00 100.00 4.95 0.01 D-07 0.14 AD -06 72.19 11.00 2.41 0.07 D -OS 0.54 STUB -04 98.00 100.00 4.95 0.66 D-09 0.08 AD -04 73.93 17.00 2.58 0.04 Page 1 of 2 Willamette Valley Temple Appendix E KPFF Consulting Engineers Conveyance Calculations lob #2100170 Basin Areas and Runoff 4/22/22 BASIN AREA DRAINAGE NODE ID PERCENT WEIGHTED CN IMPERVIOUS % TOTAL RUNOFF PEAK RUNOFF 100 -YR EVENT ac in cfs D-10 0.09 AD -03 80.60 40.00 3.24 0.07 D-11 0.07 TD -03 69.87 3.00 2.18 0.03 D-12 0.08 AD -02 72.48 12.00 2.44 0.04 D-13 0.11 AO -20 75.96 1 24.00 2.78 1 0.07 D-14 0.21 CB -10 90.46 74.00 4.21 0.22 D-15 0.14 CB -11 89.30 70.00 4.09 0.14 D-16 0.03 STUB -01 98.00 100.00 4.95 0.04 E-01 0.18 Out -02 69.00 0.00 2.10 0.08 E-02 0.48 Out -02 69.00 0.00 2.10 0.21 E-03 1.59 Out -04 69.00 0.00 2.10 0.71 Page 2 of 2 zr 8'�a`aaaaa¢A 3" a39nvx9ans — 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 3WI11tl101 E o 2 H1d30 MOl3 Ntl3dS 'P" '^ ^v' ^ 00000aa00000aaa00000000.+.+0000000eeee M S Mala NV3a r OUV8 Mali N91530/MO,3NVad Mali d o `g T' pSe n.6 9 � o MOLlli N'JItDl 53a 6 ss3N.aw %9NINWW ll3l3Wtlla � d 3dO1539tltl3Atl M NOUVA373 n$,F Smn�a 1H3ANI J31L10 vvvvvvvvvavvaavavvvvvvvvvvvvvvveavaa a NO.VMA c o i n o n a e S 1ll3ANIl31N1 v � e a � a .�N rv"dm .�i$m nim F 030 o i 000�3ooa3dbbb6bSdSoo i og26 �3d3666 6oao38 d3a8888o of E E E 0 E aE9nnx]nns888 888888 88880 3WI11tl101 E o 2 x 30 n Y MO iMbd AL]Ol3A � m w 8 w S MOli ntl3d j ouI mml N91534/MOIi^ 8 ^ 8 ci NV3d $ MOli Mtl3d a d $ a allwdm — m Q r $ a c mmi n9rs3a MNx9nm �9NINNVW n3i3wn0 eld--Il ' 3dO1539tln3Atl 9 Noutln3l3 m m 8m P 38 88m Y r 1n3A3N]3l. aaaavavvovvvavaaaavvvvvvvveacvvavvaaa Q � e XOLLtlA313 ti II o � "MNI137NITIT °zo od3600a 03000 03333o3da �z dmdo o�a3afdodmo o�d`�o °�o4�odo8ZaAN d• 0 3 �.a E E n M na �< 'sa Of9nrH]aOs 3WLLItl1p1 E o i na."l ,yan MOHu Ma o.i...... oa 000am o$r6o'ao oorv0�0'n0 0a0�0 KY MOoVA0m� Ntlfe � e OLLtla MOV A.d Nrfa MOVNtl3e 1� o ulrvem ,��� F��mhg MOIi N91530 �- sssxNanon LLNINNtlw a3l3WtlIO e m o$ n 0 3eOlE 3Otla3A M 8 8 8 8 N.11vml3 O m ln3nxl13una Qaaeaaaaaeaaaaaeaaaeaeaaadaae a NOIIVA313y m e .�+ la3ANIl Nl of°Bi�soo�oobs>'3o3b3oo5 3e m�yww� wo4wao w W wwoorti�a$ 6365�633au¢a �a Ca�3333�3"�336 This page intentionally left blank for double -sided printing. Willamette valley Temple I RPFF Consulting Engineers STORM WATER REPORT Appendix F Backwater Analysis Willamette valley Temple I KPFF Consulting Engineers STORMWATER REPORT This page intentionally left blank for double -sided printing. Willamette valley Temple I MPPf consulting Engineers STORM WATER REPORT I N OW& §§Qe, \G#e! 9 2; I T This page intentionally left blank for double -sided printing. Willamette valley Temple I KPFF Consulting Engineers SFOWWATER REPORT 111 SW 5$ Avenue, Suite 2600, Portland, OR 97204 503-542-3860 1—ve.kpff.wm lqjff