HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 4/21/2022B r JOHNSON CBRODERICK ENGINEERIN Memorandum To: Clayton McEachern Dae: From: Mikael Shields, P.E. Project Name: Subject Stormwater System Design 1BE Project Number 325 West 131h Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97401 541-338-9488 (office) w JBE.usxom April 20, 2022 Dave's Hot Chicken 21016.02 This memo describes the design intent of the stormwater system for the referenced project located at 1570 Mohawk Blvd., Springfield. The total site area is approximately 32,507 S.F of which 22,330 S.F., or 61 % is impervious surface (buildings and pavement). The non -building impervious area is 19,415 S.F. The remaining 10,177 S.F. of the site is composed of landscaped areas including the stormwater treatment/infiltration areas. The site is currently developed with a building and paved parking area that drains to the public piped stormwater system in Mohawk Blvd. with no stormwater treatment provided. 57% of the non -building impervious area runoff will be treated through vegetative means in Rain Garden "A" and Rain Garden W. The remaining 8,354 S.F. of non -building impervious area runoff will receive mechanical treatment through double chamber catchbasms that include replaceable oil filtration filters. Roof drains from the proposed building will connect to the existing public storm drain system. The rain garden treatment facilities are designed in accordance with the City of Eugene Stormwater Design Manual (ESDM) and sized using the Stormwater Surface Filtration/Infiltration Facirrty Sizing Spreadsheets which are attached for reference. O1-101 November 5, 2020 Stormwater Surface Filtration/Infiltration Facility Sizing Spreadsheet 24 Hour Storm, NRCS Type 1A Rainfall Distribution City of Eugene Name: Dave's Hot Chicken Address: 1570 Mohawk Blvd. 1.4 intoes Sorinafield. OR :r: MDS ry: Johnson Broderick Engineers Data 5/28/2021 Permit Number: N/A Catchment ID: Rain Garden "A" Complete this form for each drainage catchment in the project site that is to be sized per the Presumptive Approach. Provide a distinctive Catchment ID for each facility coordinated with the site basin map to correlate the appropriate calculations with the facility. The maximum drainage catchment to be modeled per the Presumptive Approach is 1 acre (43,56D SF) For infiltration facilities in Class A or B soils where no infiltration testing has been perfromed use an infiltration rate of D.5 in/hr. For all facilities use a maximum soil infiltration rate of 2.5 in/hr for topsoillgrowing medium, "yes"from the drops own boxes below next to the design standards requirements for this facility. Pollution Reduction (PR)Yes Flow Control (FC)j No Destination(DT) Yes 'An inflbaWn fxiltt,must be crM1am w8w boxy toe to mea deBmbon RQ:rernem Total Square Footage Impervious Area= 4778 sgfl Impervious Area CN=j 98 Total Square Footage of Drainage weighed Averat Data Total Square Footage Pervious Area= 1765 sgfl Pervious Area CN::85 Time of Concentration Post Development= min Pre-0evelopmeM CN= 94 Time of Concentration Pre-0evelopmeM= 10 min Tested Soil Infiltration Rate= in/hr(See Nme 4) Destination Design: in/hr Design Soil Infiltration Rate= 2.5 in /hr Soil Infiltration Rate Re uiremeM Rainfall De [h Desi n Storm Pollution ReducBan 1.4 intoes Wale Quality Flow Control 3.8 inches lFlood Control Destination I 3.8 inches lFlood Control Facility Ty{ Surface W d Surface Lang Facility Side Slop( Max. Ponding Depth in Stormweder Facility= Depth of Growing Medium (So EIY.'AY.'rYYA1F5�581 Facility Surface Facility Surface Perri Facility Bottom Facility Bottom Perri Ratio of Facility Area to Pollution Reduction-Calculation Results Peak Flow Rate to Stormwater Facility e 0 D3? cfs Peak Facility Overflow Rate= D.DDD cfs Total Runoff Volume to Stormwater Facility= 480 of Total Overflow Volume= Def Max. Depth of Stormwater in Facility= 0.3 in Drawdown Time= 0.2 hours 77-7-1Facility Sizing Meets Pollution Reduction Standards? YES Meets Requirement of No Facility Flooding? YES Meets Requirement for Maximum of 18 Hour Drawdown Time? Flow CoMroltalculation Results Peak Flow Rate to!tormwater Facilitya 0.129 efs Peak Facility Overflow Role= D.DDD efs Total Runoff Volume to Stormwater Facility= 1823 of Total Overflow Volume= Def Peak ORSite Flow Rate Max. Depth of Stormwater in Facility= 5.4 in Filtration Facility Underdrairn NVI cfs Drawdown Time= 0.2 hours Pre-Develooment Runoff Data Peak Flow Rate= D 114 cfs Total Runoff Volume =1 1599 cf NT Facility Sizing Meets Flow Control Standards? NSA Meets Requirement for Post Development offsite flow less or equal to Pre-Development Flow, L Nj Meets Requirement for Maximum of 18 Hour Drawdown Time? Destination{alculation Results Peak Flow Rate to Stormwater Facility a 0.129 efs Peak Facility Overflow Rate= 0088 cis Total Runoff Volume to Stormwater Facility= 1823 of Total Overflow Volume= 265 cf Max. Depth of Stormwater in Facility= 6.0 in Drawdown Time= 3.2 hours NO Facility Sizing Meets Destination Standards? =Meets Requirement of No Facility Flooding? =Meets Requirement for Maximum of 30 hour Drawdown Time? EFXVX YYAA.SI5 "J Stormwater Surface Filtration/Infiltration Facility Sizing Spreadsheet 24 Hour Storm, NRCS Type 1A Rainfall Distribution City of Eugene Name: Dave's Hot Chicken Address: 1570 Mohawk Blvd. Yes Sorinafield. OR :r: MDS ry: Johnson Broderick Engineers Data 5/28/2021 Permit Number: N/A Catchment ID: Rain Garden "B" Complete this form for each drainage catchment in the project site that is to be sized per the Presumptive Approach. Provide a distinctive Catchment ID for each facility coordinated with the site basin map to correlate the appropriate calculations with the facility. The maximum drainage catchment to be modeled per the Presumptive Approach is 1 acre (43,56D SF) For infiltration facilities in Class A or B soils where no infiltration testing has been perfromed use an infiltration rate of D.5 in/hr. For all facilities use a maximum soil infiltration rate of 2.5 in/hr for topsoillgrowing medium, "Yes"from the dropdown boxes below next to the design standards requirements for this facility. Pollution Reduction (PR)Yes Rainfall De [h Desi n Storm Flow Control (FC)j Yes Wale Quality Destination(DT) Yes •Aninab,mn nmp must be clxsm wdw boxy toe to mea deBmbon RQ:rernedc; Total Square Footage Impervious Area= 6283 sgfl Impervious Area CN=j g8 Total Square Footage of Drainage weighed Averat Data Total Square Footage Pervious Area= 61%sgfl Pervious Area CN::85 Time of Concatenation Post Developmem= min Pre-0evelopmeM CN= 94 Time of Concentration Pre-0evelopmeM= 19 min Tested Soil Infiltration Rate= in/hr(See Nme 4) Destination Design: in/hr Design Soil Infiltration Rate= 2.5 in /hr Soil Infiltration Rate Re uiremeM Rainfall De [h Desi n Storm Pollution ReducBan 1.4 intoes Wale Quality Flow Control 3.8 inches lFlood Control Destination I 3.8 inches lFlood Control Facility Ty{ Surface W d Surface Leng Facility Side Slop( Max. Ponding Depth in Stormweder Facility= Depth of Growing Medium (So EIY.'AY.'rYYA1FYJ5rl Facility Surface Facility Surface Parti Facility Bottom Facility Bottom Parti Ratio of Facility Area to Pollution Reduction-Calculation Results Peak Flow Rate to Stormwater Facility eIcfs Peak Facility Overflow Rate= D.DDD cfs Total Runoff Volume to Stormwater Facility=of Total Overflow Volume= Def Max. Depth of Stormwater in Facility=in Drawdown Time=hours 777-71Facility Sizing Meets Pollution Reduction Standards? YES Meets Requirement of No Facility Flooding? YES Meets Requirementfor Maximum of 18 Hour Drawdown Time? Flow Controltalculation Results Peak Flow Rate to Stormwater Facilitya 0.220 efs Peak Facility Overflow Role= D,DDD efs Total Runoff Volume to Stormares Facility a 2?88 cf Total Overflow Volume= D of Peak ORSite Flow Rate Max. Depth of Stormwater in Facility= 3.9 in Filtration Facility Underdrairn NV�cfs Drawdown Time= 0.2 hours Pre-Develooment Runoff Data Peak Flow Rate= D,218 cfs Total Runoff Volume =1 31)51) of 77-771Facility Sizing Meets Flow Control Standards? YES Meets Requirement for Post Development offsite flow less or equal to Pre-Development Flow, VES JMeets Requirement for Maximum of 18 Hour Drawdown Time? Destination{alculation Results Peak Flow Rate to Stormwater Facility e D,221) efe Peak Facility Overflow Rate= 0039 cis Total Runoff Volume to Storman's Facility a 2788 of Total Overflow Volume= 223 ci Max. Depth of Stormwater in Facility= 6.0 in Drawdown Time= 2.7 hours NO Facility Sizing Meets Destination Standards? =Meets Requirement of No Facility Flooding? =Meets Requirement for Maximum of 30 hour Drawdown Time? EIY.'AY.'rYYA%YJ:SI