HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 04 AIS for 2022 Slurry SealAGENDA ITEM SUMMARY SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Staff Contact/Dept.: Staff Phone No: Estimated Time: Council Goals: 4/4/2022 Regular Meeting Amanda Clinton 541-726-3628 Consent Calendar Maintain and Improve Infrastructure and Facilities ITEM TITLE: 2022 SLURRY SEAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT (IGA) ACTION APPROVE OR REJECT THE FOLLOWING MOTION: APPROVE THE 2022 REQUESTED: SLURRY SEAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT (CITY CONTRACT #3027) BETWEEN THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AND LANE COUNTY. AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY. ISSUE Staff seeks Council authorization for the City Manager to execute the STATEMENT: Intergovernmental Agreement for the 2022 Slurry Seal IGA with Lane County. The total estimated cost of the project is $208,353.54 with construction anticipated this coming summer. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Intergovernmental Agreement 2. 2022 Slurry Seal Roads & Maps DISCUSSION/ When the state transportation package (HB 2017) went into effect, and the City FINANCIAL realized an increase in apportionment from the State, a portion of the increase IMPACT: ($150,000) has been transferred annually to the Street Capital Fund with the intent to facilitate the preservation of local streets. Currently the estimated total of the funds set aside for FY23 is $318,583, and the City will partner again with Lane County to conduct slurry seal preservation work this summer. This partnership has allowed the City to realize economic benefits and efficiencies in the management of the project. This Intergovernmental Agreement formalizes roles and conditions for both the City and Lane County. The list of residential streets that will receive slurry seal treatment is included and Exhibit A in the agreement. INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT (IGA) (Contract Form A-2,07/01/2021) 2022 LANE COUNTY SLURRY SEAL WITH CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, C#3027 This Agreement is entered into by and between Lane County, a political subdivision of the State of Oregon ("County"), and City of Springfield ("Agency"), each a "party," and referred to collectively in this Agreement as "the parties." County and Agency agree as follows: 1. RECITALS 1.1 ORS 190.010 and the Lane County Home Rule Charter provide that units of local government may enter into agreements for the performance of any or all functions and activities that a party to the agreements, its officers, or agents, have authority to perform. 1.2 County will be performing slurry seal applications on County -owned streets within the Springfield area and Agency has requested that County include Agency -owned streets in the slurry seal work. 2. SCOPE OF AGREEMENT 2.1 County will: 2.1.1 Provide slurry seal applications to certain Agency -owned streets as shown in Exhibit A (List of City of Springfield Streets and Map) in the Springfield area during the summer of 2022, herein referred to as "Project." 2.1.2 Provide Agency an Engineer's Estimate (Exhibit B) for Agency's portion of costs prior to bid letting. 2.1.3 Provide administrative services to include design, bid and award, residential notifications, and utility coordination and notifications. 2.1.4 Provide contract administration, inspections services, final as-builts, and cost accounting for each Agency street within Project. 2.1.5 Comply with all requirements under ORS Chapter 279C regarding the solicitation and award of the public improvement contracts and payment of prevailing wage rates. 2.2 Agency will: 2.2.1 Provide written authorization to County to award Agency -portion of contract prior to final award by County. 2.2.2 Compensate County for its portion of slurry seal application costs (construction costs) based on Project unit bid costs applicable to Agency -owned streets. Lump sum bid items including, but not limited to Mobilization, Temporary Protection & Direction of Traffic (TP&DT), and Traffic Control Supervisor (TCS) will be pro -rated based upon the percentage of Agency's portion of entire Project. 2.2.3 Compensate County an additional 16% of its total Project construction costs for County's administration, design, and inspections services. 3. DOCUMENTS FORMING THE AGREEMENT 3.1 The Agreement. The Agreement consists of this document and all exhibits listed below, which are incorporated into this Agreement by this reference. 3.2 Exhibits. With this document, the following exhibits are incorporated into the Agreement: • Exhibit A List of City of Springfield Streets & Map • Exhibit B Engineer's Estimate 4. CONSIDERATION AND PAYMENT 4.1 County's Payment Obligations 4.1.1 Invoice Agency for services upon completion of Project. 4.2 Agency's Payment Obligations 4.2.1 Reimburse County within 30 days of receipt of final invoice up to an estimate amount of $208,353.54. Actual costs to be determined by the contract bid estimate. 5. EFFECTIVE DATE AND DURATION 5.1 Effective Date. Upon the signature of all parties, this Agreement is effective. LC Contract Form A-2, Intergovernmental Agreement, rev. 07/01/2021 Attachment 1, Page 1 of 5 5.2 Duration. Unless extended or terminated earlier in accordance with its terms, this Agreement will terminate October 31, 2022. However, such expiration shall not extinguish or prejudice either party's right to enforce this Agreement with respect to any breach or default in performance which has not been cured. 6. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES AND NOTICE. Each of the parties designates the following individuals as its authorized representative for administration of this Agreement. Either party may designate a new authorized representative by written notice to the other. 6.1 County's Authorized Representative. Peggy Keppler, PE, County Engineer, (541) 682-6990, Peggy. keppler@lanecountyor.gov, 3040 North Delta Highway, Eugene OR 97408. 6.2 Agency's Authorized Representative. Kristi Krueger, PE, Managing Civil Engineer (Capital Engineering Program Manager), (541) 726-4584, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield OR 97477, kkrueger@springfield-or.gov. Any notice, demand, consent, approval, or other communication to be given under this Agreement must be in writing and provided by email addressed to the party's authorized representative, except as provided below in this section. However, if, in either party's discretion, email is not the most appropriate method for providing notice, then notice may be provided by personal delivery; certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested; or nationally recognized overnight courier. The effective date of notice shall be: for notice by email, the date and time sent if sent between the hours of 8 am and 5 pm, otherwise effective at 8am the following Business Day; for notice delivered in person, the date and time of delivery; for notice by U.S. mail, three days after the date of certification; and for notice by overnight courier, the next business day after deposit with the courier. If no representative is identified in this section, notice may be given to the person executing the Agreement on behalf of that party below. 7. SPECIAL CONDITIONS 7.1 Minimum Wage Rates. This Contract is subject to Federal Executive Order 14026 requiring that workers working on or in connection with a Federal Government contract be paid an hourly minimum wage of $15.00. All workers not subject to the Federal minimum wage must be paid not less than the Oregon minimum wage for their work location. 7.2 Compliance with Coronavirus Guidelines, Laws, Rules, and Orders. Each of the parties is aware of the COVID-19 emergency and agrees that it is and will remain familiar with the CDC prevention guidelines and with federal, state, and local laws, rules, and orders regarding COVID-19 throughout the term of this Agreement, and will take all necessary precautions relating to COVID-19, including those set out in the guidelines, laws, rules, and orders described in this paragraph. The parties have anticipated the costs of compliance with the present guidelines, rules, laws, and orders prior to entering into this Agreement, and that no claim will be made by either party for such compliance. However, in the event that after the effective date of this Agreement the COVID-19 guidelines, laws, rules, and orders are changed in such a way as to adversely affect the parties' ability to carry out their obligations under this Agreement, either party so affected must give notice to the other party of any potential need to modify the Agreement to accommodate or respond to such changes in the guidelines, laws, rules, and orders. 8. INDEMNIFICATION. To the extent permitted by the Oregon Constitution, and to the extent permitted by the Oregon Tort Claims Act, each party agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the other party and its officers, employees, and agents from and against all damages, losses and expenses, including but not limited to attorney fees and costs related to litigation, and to defend all claims, proceedings, lawsuits, and judgments arising out of or resulting from the indemnifying party's negligence in the performance of or failure to perform under this Agreement. 9. PUBLIC BODY STATUS. In providing the services specified in this Agreement (and any associated services) both parties are public bodies and maintain their public body status as specified in ORS 30.260. Both parties understand and acknowledge that each retains all immunities and privileges granted them by the Oregon Tort Claims Act (ORS 30.260 through 30.295) and any and all other statutory rights granted as a result of their status as local public bodies. 10. MODIFICATION AND TERMINATION. LC Contract Form A-2, Intergovernmental Agreement, rev. 07/01/2021 Attachment 1, Page 2 of 5 10.1 Modification. No modification or amendment to this Agreement will bind either party unless in writing and signed by both parties. 10.2 Termination. The parties may jointly agree to terminate this Agreement at any time by written agreement. 10.3 Non -Appropriation. Each of the parties certifies that it has sufficient funds currently authorized for expenditure to finance the costs of this Agreement for the period within the current budget; however, the parties understand and agree that, if a party does not appropriate funds for the next succeeding fiscal year to continue payments otherwise required by the Agreement, this Agreement will terminate at the end of the last fiscal year for which payments have been appropriated. The non -appropriating party will notify the other party of such non -appropriation not later than 30 days before the beginning of the year within which funds are not appropriated. Upon termination pursuant to this clause, neither party will have a further obligation for payments beyond the termination date. 11. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 11.1 Disputes. The parties are required to exert every effort to cooperatively resolve any disagreements that may arise under this Agreement. This may be done at any management level, including at a level higher than the persons directly responsible for administration of the Agreement. In the event that the parties alone are unable to resolve any conflict under this Agreement, they are encouraged to resolve their differences through mediation or other cooperative dispute resolution process. 11.2 Waiver. Failure of either party to enforce any provision of the Agreement does not constitute a waiver or relinquishment by the party of the right to such performance in the future nor of the right to enforce that or any other provision of this Agreement. 11.3 Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is declared by a court to be illegal or in conflict with any law, the validity of the remaining terms and provisions are not affected; and the rights and obligations of the parties are to be construed and enforced as if the Agreement did not contain the particular provision held to be invalid. 11.4 Governing Law, Forum, and Venue. All matters in dispute between the parties to this Agreement arising from or relating to the Agreement, including without limitation alleged tort or violation, are governed by, construed, and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Oregon without regard to principles of conflict of laws. This section does not constitute a waiver by County of any form of defense or immunity, whether governmental immunity or otherwise, from any claim or from the jurisdiction of any court. All disputes and litigation arising out of this Agreement will be decided by the state or federal courts of Oregon. Venue for all disputes and litigation will be in Lane County, Oregon. 11.5 Time is of the Essence. The parties agree that time is of the essence with respect to all provisions of this Agreement. 11.6 No Third -Party Beneficiaries. County and Agency are the only parties to this Agreement and are the only parties entitled to enforce its terms. Nothing in this Agreement gives or may be construed to give or provide any benefit or right to third persons, either directly or indirectly, that is greater than the rights and benefits enjoyed by the general public, unless that party is identified by name in this Agreement. 11.7 Headings. The headings and captions in this Agreement are for reference and identification purposes only and may not be used to construe the meaning or to interpret the Agreement. 11.8 Force Majeure. Neither party will be held responsible for delay or default due to force majeure acts, events, or occurrences, including but not limited to fires, riots, wars, and epidemics, unless such delay or default could have been avoided by the exercise of reasonable care, prudence, foresight, and diligence by that party. 11.9 Multiple Counterparts. This Agreement and any subsequent amendments may be executed in several counterparts, facsimile or otherwise, all of which when taken together will constitute one agreement binding on all parties, notwithstanding that all parties are not signatories to the same counterpart. Each copy of this Agreement and any amendments so executed will constitute an original. 11.10 Merger and Construction. This Agreement contains the entire agreement of County and Agency with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement, and supersedes all prior negotiations, agreements and understandings. This Agreement is the result of bilateral negotiations between the parties, and the provisions of this Agreement are to be interpreted and their legal effects determined as a whole, with no part to be construed against the drafter of such part. LC Contract Form A-2, Intergovernmental Agreement, rev. 07/01/2021 Attachment 1, Page 3 of 5 11.11 Compliance with Law, ADA. County and Agency agree to comply with all federal, state and local laws applicable to the parties or the subject matter of this Agreement. During the performance of this Agreement, the parties will comply with all applicable provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, 42 USC Section 12101 et seq., and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. SIGNATURES FOLLOW ON NEXT PAGE LC Contract Form A-2, Intergovernmental Agreement, rev. 07/01/2021 Attachment 1, Page 4 of 5 EACH PARTY, BY EXECUTION OF THIS AGREEMENT, HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGES THAT IT HAS READ THIS AGREEMENT, UNDERSTANDS IT, AND AGREES TO BE BOUND BY ITS TERMS AND CONDITIONS. AGENCY: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD By: Name/Title: Nancy Newton, City Manager Date: Address: 225 Fifth Street Springfield OR 97477 REVIEWED & APPROVED AS TO FORM KrGatuza-Kracr�� DATE: SPRINGFIELD CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE COUNTY: LANE COUNTY By: Name/Title: Steve Mokrohisky, County Administrator Date: Lane County, Public Service Building 125 E. 8th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97401 LC Contract Form A-2, Intergovernmental Agreement, rev. 07/01/2021 Attachment 1, Page 5 of 5 EXHIBIT A ROAD NAME FROM TO LENGTH (MILES) SLURRY SEAL TYPE II (SY) PAVEMENT BAR (SF) PAVEMENT LEGENDS (EA) (See Note 1 & 2) 8TH ST Q ST T ST 0.229 3354 0 0 9TH ST FUCHSIA ST R ST 0.049 71S 0 0 9TH ST T ST NORTHRIDGE AVE 0.094 1373 0 0 10TH ST Q ST T ST 0.217 3186 0 0 15TH ST Q ST 15TH ST 0.416 6103 0 0 17TH ST S ST RAMBLING DR 0.162 2374 0 0 ASPEN ST ASPEN ST KELLOGG RD 0.078 1144 0 0 CANAL ST POLTAVA ST WALNUT PL 0.104 1527 0 0 CARRIAGE PL 17TH ST CARRIAGE PL 0.096 1411 0 0 DIAMOND ST POLTAVA ST DIAMOND ST 0.025 363 0 0 DIAMOND ST DIAMOND ST POLTAVA ST 0.035 519 0 0 DIAMOND ST RAINBOW DR DIAMOND ST 0.128 1879 0 0 DIAMOND ST DIAMOND ST DIAMOND ST 0.066 969 0 0 DOTIE DR ANDERSON LN DOTIE DR 0.104 1519 0 0 FUCHSIA ST 9TH ST 10TH ST 0.072 1058 0 0 KELLOGG RD ASPEN ST OAK MEADOWS PL 0.155 2277 0 0 KELLY BLVD W D ST W CENTENNIAL BLVD 0.544 7986 0 0 KIEV ST KIEV ST POLTAVA ST 0.036 523 0 0 MARILYN CT RAINBOW DR MARILYN CT 0.071 1040 0 0 OAK MEADOWS PL KELLOGG RD OAK MEADOWS PL 0.145 2121 0 0 0KSANNA ST ASPEN ST POLTAVA ST 0.115 1681 0 0 POLTAVA ST WALNUT RD KELLOGG RD 0.273 4001 0 0 R ST 8TH ST 10TH ST 0.159 2326 0 0 RAINTREE WAY RAINBOW DR RAINTREE WAY 0.072 1063 0 0 RAMBLING DR 15TH ST RAMBLING DR 0.031 448 0 0 RIVERSTONE LANE 9TH ST RIVERSTONE LANE 0.164 2410 0 0 S ST 8TH ST 10TH ST 0.163 2391 0 0 T ST T ST 7TH ST 1.023 14997 0 0 W E ST MILL ST KELLY BLVD 0.124 1818 0 0 W F ST MILL ST KELLY BLVD 0.110 1610 0 0 W G ST MILL ST KELLY BLVD 0.111 1621 0 0 W H ST MILL ST KELLY BLVD 0.126 1853 0 0 W I ST MILL ST KELLY BLVD 0.146 2136 0 0 W J ST MILL ST KELLY BLVD 0.157 2306 0 0 W KST MILL ST KELLY BLVD 0.167 2452 0 0 WALNUT RD ASPEN ST POLTAVA ST 0.120 1763 0 0 WATER ST W D ST W CENTENNIAL BLVD 0.524 7682 0 0 WIMBLEDON PL WINDSOR CT WIMBLEDON PL 0.144 2110 0 0 WINDSOR CT ASPEN ST WINDSOR CT 0.061 895 0 0 SPRINGFIELD ROADS TOTAL 6.614 97,003 0 0 Attachment 2, Page 1 of 6 EXHIBIT A Attachment 2, Page 2 of 6 L. N St. a Menlo Lp. M St. (n Z a Q) L St. E a -0 Cottonwood Ave. oN w ° MENLO PARK W. Cent(}� Y U` 0 ZmZ ci a Cooks ° `� o° U a Q)F; (D U W D atterson isla u— Campbell Garden c� e uoia Ave. °-� o woo Rd. U L Z o n (, Zo a v Centennial Blvd. Centennial Blvd. a NOT TO SCALE ��a o L �— Z s Q W 3 WUi n Kellogg Rd. Brand �, imbledon PI. S�. 0. Janus oW St. o Way o -0 1< 0 J°�vs -> �•�rds° c,� St. 00 Q 2 G'� Island L o Dotie Dr. cn 0 0 Y e//ogg �\��0� a -0 Hamilton \oo Rd. F a Ishand o� c cn >, J QFn U 0 St )o P I . c cn ° a) —'°' Oksanna St. Hamilton St. -° U) o� q : Q �e Q > a, o Crest X' < -3: o Marilyn Ct-I > G� o 0al mr Q� a a) Diamond St. o° Diamo d St. Diamond Kiev St. °�o Q Q) Raintree Way Q Riverview Dr. Canal St. Edgem nt N Z W Walnut Rd. w i W a U Y� O Garden J o¢ < w L- wv a M to cn I CD to ANG 1 Ne/�� UJ N D:fUj W 18546PE o Q Ln N CN (� N O ON Oj oCN 1-1 N cY a KEQe Attachment 2, Page 3 of 6 Expiration Date 6/30/23 SHEET 4A No. (/) lympic St. 01pnpic ° N St. ry.. U) U) W. Centennial Blvd. o01W K St ^U z i Gd V\\O CD Janus W J St. — -B �. Island St. �' L: 00 W I St. L a� Hamilton 00 o u7 \\o G� W H St PI. ° v� c N 'o U) cn cn N St. cn cn U�Z a 0 U7 E a d 0c c M St �W aW -cZmZ v } d � QDo v a L St. ON W o QwZ a d NOT TO SCALE a o Centennial o04-1 ~Z ` QW 3 Z U QW , n Broadway C U) ° St. –JS a_ Q I St. Depue St. L W G St. MEADOW PARK G St. 0 Crest a W F St. o L (n U) M U) N U) c'n ^3` '^ -co W v I o 0 iz KV 00 V) O W E St =W Edgem nt Riverview Dr. o; D St. CO v ° �L �o (n o ¢ W st L. �p PR Z w �' 0 a M S I "' Ci. /� Z a C St. CjG� ANG I NFA Q /�� N w M 18546PE o = ¢ N j N N B St.ONC w N O p� 'elN �cc y , Q� � St. f 6 Expirotion Dote 6/30/23 SNOT Attachment , Pa e 4 4B s Hayden � -- Br. PI. 0 -a � Old Orchard Ln. HAYDEN 6 4 o Q - � Ln CO U r` Y enta a, - W BRIDGE RD. oma'== U O V St. ) a po to V�¢ N f� �S/ N Q w o M ANG Cjf W IY U 0 o 18546PE CN J Otto N N y E WN PAGE PARK V G a, 00 co O SCO A . kc1QQ� Expiration Date 6/30/23 SHEET N0. 4C — 10t o m -0 Cn m &Web Bike Trail �� a Q) id e Ave' �� CD L Wnr Rarr,bling Dr. Northridg QQ n'D' n� m iverstone Ln o �Qc Q 0 a Cn .R �Q M J__j 0 Carriage PI. Cn con) . T —1 St. `n o a T St. T St. T St. St. Cn +' R St. cin C 4-1 R St. 00 rr O Fuchsia St. Q St. a_ D_ U 4 ° m ° 01vmnir. St) C(� Cn Cn Cn C N St. Cn Cn Piedmont St. C � J in C Pleasant— st- U) \� 01 +-� O Olympic St. cVn -h- t9 N St. Attachment 2, Page 5 of 6 rn CxnIDII K C/)Z a Y N 025 a c W U U a r } 0 z ac°� �Z > D o O° a O N ZZO a v NOT TO SCALE _J5: W a >- Z �x aW =3 Z w� 0w z W_ Q U W O mw oma'== U O nDPRz W �' M C a po to V�¢ N f� �S/ N Q w o M ANG Cjf W IY U o ¢ N 18546PE CN J N N y E WN V G a, ccYy � o . � SCO A . kc1QQ� Expiration Date 6/30/23 SHEET N0. 4C 2022 LANE COUNTY SLURRY SEAL CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ESTIMATE Bid Item Item Forecasted Unit Cost 1 Mobilization (8%) $33,860.37 2 Temporary Work Zone Traffic Control, Complete (2%) $8,465.09 3 Traffic Control Supervisor $300.00 4 Slurry Seal, Type II $1.53 EXHIBIT B 366399404 Springfield Measured Cost 0.351 $11,873.17 0.351 $2,968.29 0.351 $2,103.91 97,003.00 $148,414.59 Total Contingency 10% Contract Administration 16% Adj. T $165,359.95 $16,536.00 $26,457.59 $208,353.54 Attachment 2, Page 6 of 6 H:\Eng\fld\INSPECTION\2022 Projects\21.22-xx 2022 Slurry Seal\21.22-xx 2022 Slurry - 12 Plans & Specs\Estimate\2022 Slurry Master Cost Estimate Worksheet-01.26.2022.xlsx