HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1996-02-15PERM'T # SEPTIC SYSTEM AUTHORIZATIONBEOUEST FOR: correctqb OATE all information ls true,-/s:ly read PROC sldes ol s app PR|NT NAlvlE KEVIN E. I have IW DATEAPPROVED BY,FEES DUE: $ 68 '-40657,cU TtoNs),ArsrBFOBFOBMOFBACK(sEEINSPECTIONSLCAFOBL current,areunless1after80dayserLLAthexplreopermltsneforodoyearerego LMD 040 Rev. 6/92 -gl -% #e!8 00 rc.ssToRrs NO. OF EA4PLOYSWAERNTAUD CITY PHONEG' OWNER STBSUHSNWqTMEHIYEXISTING S INGLE FAMILY DWELLING CCI.ITRACTOfi /INSTALLEW BUIUEE DESCnPIO{ OF PrcPCSED wcK KEVIN E.PROCIW SAME AS THE ABOVE LEAI IE AUUHS!847 S.47TH ST., SPRINGFIELD, SAME AS THE JOB ADDRESS ABOVE oREGON 97 478 PROPOoEOIJSE SEPTENSI&@ AUTHORIZATIONSEPTIC SYSTEM ROAD. LAST HOUSE ON THE RIGHTFROM JASPERST. ,END OF SOUTH 7 46-4L54 SA}iIE AT THE JOB ADDRESS ABOVETO THE OWNER and READ CAREFULLYI Authorlzatlon ls Based On The CondltlonsYour lnspectlons SEPTIC permlts Ilave the following information ready when you call: 6874M5 Permit number - Job address - Typ" of inspection required - When it will be ready Your name and phone number - Any special directions to the site PowrRroENrERUP.NLAr{D. ,*""i#,:l!"R:181\*'3FllffiffirH'"H#'"iffi[ffiH.ffIiHt*?-***oFrrBrRFuNcrroNs,MAy ENTER.I']PON ANY LA!{D AND MAIG EXAI\,IINATIONS AND SURVBYS AND PLACE AND MAINTAIN lHE NECBSSARY MONI'MBNTS AND MARTGRS THERBON. FoLJNDATIoN INSPECTIoN: To be made arter excavationsll?H*f,?#":E.ff:X any required reinforcing steer is in place.LINDERGRoUND PIPING INSPECTION: To be made after all underglund piping has been'instalted, prior to any backfill.coNcRETE SLAB oR UNDER-FLooR INSPECTIoN: To be made lrter au in-slab or under-floor building service equipment, conduit, pipingaccessories and other ancillary equipment items are in place but before any concrete is placed or floor sheathing fu,stalled, including the subfloor,RoUGH MECHANICAL INSPECTIoN: To be madoafts all du"tirrg *a g* piping has been installed and prior to being covered.RoUGH PLUMBING INSPECTION: To be made-after all plumbingiougt iin i, in place, prior to being coveredFRAMING INSPECTIoN: To be made after the all framing, rire tro"cun!, tracing and roof are in place and all pipes, chimneys and vents are completeand the rough electrical, plumbing, and mechanical inspections have bee,n-made and approved.INSULATIoN INSPECTIoN: To be made arter !l insulation "a rupo, trr.i"o are in place, prior ro covering.LATH AND/oR GYPSUM BoARD INSPECTIoN: To be made after all lathing and gypru- uo"ra, interior and exterior, is in place bur before anyplastering is applied or before gypsum board joints and fasteners ,r" t"pJ *a n rirn a.ADDITIONAL INSPECTIONS MAY BE iEQUIRED, SUCh AS bUiNOt IiMitCd tO;BLocK WALL: To be made after reinforcing ist-place, but before u,y g-ut is poured. The inspection is required for each bond beam pour. Therewill be no approval until the plumbing and electricdinspections ha.,e beeimade and approved.FINAL MECHANICAL INSPECTIoN: To be made just prior to ae smcture or ,"rnod"l"d arca being occupied and prior to operating any equipmeot.FINAL PLUMBING lN[Llgp-ft:{o be made iusitryl . trr" u"ilaing, itn "!'e or remodered area being occupied.FINAL BLIILDING INSPECTToN: To be made: artel irnith grrdi"g ;; ;ilbuilding, suuchue * r".oa"u area is compreted and ready for occupancy.MoBILEMANUFACTURED HoMES: An inspection is requirea-ater the mobile home is connected to an approved sewer or septicsystem, prior to covering sewer or water lines, for setback rquiron"rrt , blocking, tiedowns and plumbing connections.Footings and piers to comply with state found *t, rL, mouit" homes or as recommended by the manufacrurer.Minimum finished floor elevation shall be certified when required by Floodplain ManagementTiedowns' if required' shall be installed and ready for inspe"iior, *ririn so iay, ur." oJ"upancy. Tiedowns shall be installed per enclosure. APPROVAL REQT.IIREDNo work shall be done o" 3{ qtt of the building o|;trucnue beyond the point indicated in each successive inspection without first obtaining theapproval of the building official' such approval tnat ue giten only after an inspection shall have been made of each successive step in the constructionas indicated by each of the irspections ."quir"a. rllls PERMIT wI* *r*' " *#5%H',o1?S"K'i^I+il?T#iTfj:il'"$i-?#-tr#HS,ryf lr"^ffi$Ji"ffi M'RE TrrAN rEo DAys.susPENsIoN oR RrvocATroN MAY occIJR IF Trlls PERNITT wAs tss]uro oN rHs BAsIs oF NCoMpLETE oR ERRoNEous INF'RMATT.N. ANYONE PROCEEDING PAsr rHE PorNT oF REeLITRED INspECTroNs wILL Do so AT THErR owN RrsK. Your signature on the front of this form verifies the following: I HAYE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THIS coMpLETED AppLICATIoN and dohereby certify that all information hereon is tru" *a correct, and that I have a regal inter;i r" * *;; as owner of record or authorized agent. Iturther certifv that anv and all work performea shai ue done in """orJ*""Grrr-trr orain*; ;fi;;6"Tty and tlr; i;;;;th; State of oregon per_taining to the work described herein' I further certify that if L," il tlr";;"i or me property, my registration with the Builders Board is in full forceri;'31frr[:fffl"53$ir'ihTl;,fl*t3i'""iffi:'.r:ili;il;il"#,"pd""il ';# il;;:*a 'n"' o'ilv ;b"';;;;;; ana e*prov"es *rro SUBSURFACE & ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS:when subsurface construction is-complete, the permit hold"r "rr"u "otfy rrr" co.rrray Land Management Division by submitting the installation recordform' An irspection will be made by a qualified r*it ri*. If *;tr,r;[;."-o* with all d;;;;tft"ate of completio. iuill b" issued to ttre permitholder' If construction does not comply with rules, tire permit rrra* *iliL *un"a, *a"u "".""ir*, ,rr"u ue maae'ueiore " *iin""t" of completionwill be issued' Failure to:meet satisfaciory "o-pl"iiorr wi*rin tt " arottJ ti.e "onsrirures a riotation of oRs 454.605 to 454.745and this rule. SUBSURT'ACE SEWAGEbISBOSAL SETBACKS SEPTIC TANKFrom: Interior property lines l0' Edge of road right-of_way lO, Building foundation 5,'lVells or other water sources 50, VIOLATIONS SBTBACXS AND OTHBR CONDMONS OF APPROVAL MUST BB STRTCTLY OBSBRVBD. VIOLA-TIO.N CAI{ RESI'LT IN RBVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT' crrArroNs MAy Ba rssusD lrNo;i'iid-r,iiovilois opLAllscouiffi'i nwtlcnoN ononmr'tce INp/onoTHERREMEDIFS ALLoWED BYLAw' A MIMMUM OF AT LEAST 24 HOURS ADVA}ICE NOTICE MUST BE GTVEN FOR INSPECTION REQTJESTS DRAINFIELI) 10' 10' 10' 100' PERMIT # IC SYSTEM AUTHORIZATIONSEPfREAUEST FOR: FROM JASPER ROAD. LAST HOUSE ON THE RIGHT L@ATIo.{ ADORESS NO.C BEDMISMTBIOFPffiEDffi OiAIEFS NAME E ADORESS @..rRACTOfi II{STAITP SUII'DER NAATE OWNER PHOT'IE PHONEcca ATION 0 #e05!8 SPRTNGFIELD, oPEGON 97 47847TH ST.,847 S SEPTIC SYSTEI,I AUTHORIZ otnecrtofls ro sng rrcM NEAREST rAlN END OF SOUTH 47TH ST., SAME AS THE JOB ADDRESS ABOVEKEVIN E. PROCTW, SAivIE AS THE ABOVE 7 46-4L54 SAI{E CITYRES. tI SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGATRUCIURES NOW q{ PNOPEF EXISTING I OWNER AT THE JOB ADDRESS ABOVEMAIL wOTY TO THE all lnlormatlon ls true and correct3.1;*-I have carefullY read BO KEVIN E. PROCIW y certi PRS NEE andoTH sides of thls aPPl READ CAREFULLYT Your Authorlzation ls Based On The Followlng Condltlons DATEAPPROVED BY:FEES DUE: $ )ALL FOR TNSPECTTONS (SEE BACK OF FOBM FOR INSTBUCTIONS) SEPTTC permlts are good for one year. ALL other permlts explre after 180 days 687-4065 unless lnspectlons ate cunent' LMD 040 Bev.6r'92 rc.GSIqE NO.OFsrePNOPGEDIJSE 8EIPEIA.IE frr1rf16 looo 5115t{,. T*k _ t-e: lLlr.^()a\.\ I & € \fln# L--_J "'$ G €)o ?ou!3; Llaq-t Td.F\on.h\L( R.16 X"L hr.{tF-} 865 So..$ tl*( S1...+6rd; ti trd ; I zoNE i I u*,te I srr,a:r:lHINIHUH SETBACKS - INTERIOR LOTS,llt eeasureoents are froo proDerty LiGes -Ftont yard to House 10 feet-Frot)t yard to Garage lg feet.srde yard to House or Garage 5 feet-Rear yard to House or Garage l0 feet P.U.E. HAY CIIANGE SETBACKS sxT trPL ll i - (rw.ea ih': c(-{rr.drs rr€nd oF ts^vf dtEd ictltwlo trlF ^";..r,-". riolca'to tx ':,'!oRao 'f,nc'L 'H^io(':; -;;;i;;;."j k,o. ^ralk c'!' {'{to* 'rt^LL 'tamvdo ay t8! HUlLOlre O/rlClaL. - CITY OF SPRIT.IGFIELD' ONEGON ?.Fr.o {o,rrc E p"r/ 6.^ra Drive -l I , rxisrrg_ , Q-uel APPROVED ONTY FOR RESIDENTIAI. USE IN ACCOR!,I.NCE WITH ARTICI.E 16 OF THE SPITINGfIEID DEVETOP.\1EI{T CODE s4'-ot---*-rt. scALE @. I = 2o'- Or ATV oatt. Arffv@ Ely Qv\tr \3 qb tl( cUp^ilcY -_GiOU? i I I t I I I I