HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, DRC PLANNER 4/12/2022AGENDA DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET Conference Room 616/ MS Teams Staff Review; Tuesday, April 29, 2022 9;00-9,•30 am, 1. Site Plan Review 811-22-000091-TYP2 811-21-000325-PROJ David Loveall Assessor's Map: 17-03-35-31 TL: 8000 Address: 448 Main Street Existing Use: Commercial /mercantile /office Applicant submitted plans to remodel ground floor, add 2 new stories for 12 residential units Planner: Drew Larson Meeting: Tuesday, April 26, 2022 9:00 — 9:30 virtual meeting via Microsoft Teams The Complete DRC Packet for this meeting is available online for you to review or print out from the laserfiche website: htto://www.si)ringfield-or.gov/weblink8/browse.asi)x SITE VICINITY MAP 811-22-000091-TYP2 Site Plan Review 17-03-35-31 TL 8000 448 Main Street David Loveall City of Springfield Development & Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Site Plan Review SPNINGFI� Application Type ,, _ Site Plan Review Pre -Submittal: ❑ Ma -or Site Plan Modification Pre -Submittal: ❑ Site Plan Review Submittal: Ma'or Site Plan Modification Submittal: Required Project Information (Applicant: complete this section) Applicant Name: David Loveall Phone: 541 345.9900 Company: Masaka Properties Email: Address' 1657 Delrose Ave, Springfield, OR 97477 david@threesixteenministries.com Applicant's Rep.: Ryan Thomas Phone: 541.687.6918 Company: Ryan Thomas Construction LLC Email: Address: 91069 N. Willamette St., Coburg, OR 97408 ryan@rthomasconstmction.com Property Owner: David Loveall Phone: 541.345.9900 Company: Masaka Properties Email: Address: 1657 Delrose Ave, Springfield, OR 97477 david@thmesixteenministdes.com ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-03-35-31 TAX LOT NOS : 08000 PropertV Address: 448 Main St. (also 120 & 122 5th St.) Size of Property: 4800 AcresPraposetl ❑ Square Feet No. of Proposed Name of Project: Rivett Building @ 448 Main Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Proposal: Remodel ground floor; construct 2 new stories (12 apartments) on top of existing building Existing Use: Commercial/mercantile/office - 3 ground Floor tenant spaces New Impervious Surface Coverage [Including Bldg. Gross Floor Area): NONE / zero sf Si natures: Please sipL&al;Li2rint your name and date in thea Required Project Information (City Intake Staff., Associated Applications: roriate box on the next a e. complete this section) Date Received Si ns: Pre -Sub Case No.: Date. APRip 6 011 RUeview�6e,,,, b . Case No.: II"c'01'D �� Date: (p ZZ Application Fee: echnical Fee: � ItevilevC ,L40 Postage Fee: il3 TOTAL FEES: (,off • 40 PROJECT NUMBER: Revised 1/7/14 KL 1 of 11 CAMPFIRE COLLABORATIVE ARCHITECTURE &DESIGN X www. cam pH rel an.c am 4campffrelab April 5, 2022 Andrew Larson City of Springfield Development & Public Works Springfield, OR 97477 Reference: Rivett Building Q 448 Main Street (MAP/TL #17-03-35-31-08000) Response to Site Plan Pre -Submittal Comments dated January 7, 2022: iL'7J�69Yilil_\Y[iLp T1 The trip generation from the 12 additional dwelling units most likely will not generate enough traffic warranting traffic analysis according to SDC 4.2-105 thresholds. The applicant must include a trip generation estimate relating to the increase in trips documenting compliance with SDC 4.2-105. b See calculation from Access Engineering, included as an attachment to the Narrative. T2 Applicant must label the existing street lighting as current city standard decorative LED fixtures and label the existing streetlight associated with the signal pole. Lighting analysis was performed recently at the time of the decorative lighting project installation and not required as part of this application. b Labels for street lighting updated on drawings. T3 Applicant must show the correct location of the signal pole and mast arm for review. b Location of traffic signal pole field verified and updated on drawings. PUBLIC WORKS: PW1 Site plan and utilities prepared by Architect, not licensed PE. b No action required. PW2 Information not provided and probably not needed, building foundation detail is provided that looks to be prepared by a qualified structural engineer. I assume the detailed calculations and drawings are included in building permit package, including soil bearing information. Date Received Campfire Collaborative: Architecture & Design, PC 341 Main Street, Springfield, OR 97477 AF41ORWI1$2 Original Submittal_ ^_ CAMPFIRE COLLABORATIVE ARCHITECTURE &DESIGN X www.ca.'n. lvb. cam mcbmpllre I.b b No action required. Yes, detailed structural calculations and drawings will be included in the building permit package. PW3 Two different scenarios are included for possible power supply to building, both offsite. For either one to be approved full concurrence from the third party property owner and detailed plans for ALL work including new conduits needed and any road crossings will be required -and will also require an encroachment permit and detailed drawings for the demolition and restoration of all work in the ROW, including any ADA elements disturbed during the construction work. b See updated capacity letter, step plan, and aerial illustrations from SUB showing final solution for the power supply. All work is to be completed within existing utility easements and utilizing existing underground conduit runs, no demolition of road/sidewalk required. PW4 No grading or paving plan is required, but ALL disturbed concrete requires full panel replacement, this includes the existing saw cuts already made in the alley to be restored. This means the WHOLE, ENTIRE cut up concrete panel requires replacement, not just the removed portion, to the existing joints. This also applies to all existing sidewalk panels on both sides and any disturbed pavement must be patched also. NOTE: If this work was done without any encroachment permit, one is required with detailed demolition and restoration shown and any needed traffic control to be done by a professional engineer. b Any necessary removal/disturbance of concrete will be repaired by replacing full panels. This has been noted on the site plan sheet. PW5 Downspouts are shown on page a1.05 but not how this water will be conveyed across the sidewalk? additional details required. b Existing downspouts on Main St. and 5th St. are piped under the sidewalks to weep holes in the curb. Existing downspout at the NW comer is piped underground at alley. Existing downspouts will be replaced/extended, but no new downspout locations are proposed. Locations of existing downspouts and paths to weep holes are shown on the site plans. PW6 Additional item not related to the completeness of this application. A N report for the existing waste water lateral is required (this is standard for all intensification of connections downtown due to age of the infrastructure) to the sewer main connection. This is a 4" line and it should be confirmed via the architect and plumbing code that this is sufficient for the number of units to be built on this site (personal expertise is this is not sufficient, and a new 6" line should be installed but only required if plumbing code or design professional requires it). b See letter (attached to Narrative) from Harvey & Price summarizing video review comments and recommendations for waste lines. Campfire Collaborative: Architecture & Design, PC 341 Main Street, Springfield, OR 97477 541.914.0334 CAMPFIRE COLLABORATIVE ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN 7-d* www. complireloh.com Ncumpnreluh I1I&IIQIIIts 1[sllS.'F PL1 Title report cannot be older than 30 days at the time of submittal, this may need to be updated prior to tentative submittal. a New title report attached. PL2 The narrative needs to address the Site Plan Criteria, SDC5.17-125; and the Nodal Development Overal District, SDC 3.3-1000. b Narrative has been updated to address these sections. PL3 Label floodzone and TOTZ on Site Assessment sheet. b The site is not located in the 100 -year flood plain or have flood boundaries on the site as specified in the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps. b The site is not located in any of the Time of Travel Zones, as specified in SDC 3.3-200 and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file in the Development and Public Works Department b These notes have been added to the site plan sheets and the narrative. PL4 Label H2O main size. b Water main has been labeled on updated site plan sheet. PL5 Two different scenarios for power supply; you will need property owner to sign the application depending on which option you move forward with. b See attached construction agreement signed by the property owner and SUR. PLb Stormwater destination is not clear, please amend the plans to show final destination. b See response to item PW5 above. PL7 Additional item not related to the completeness of this application. For ease of review, please create each sheet in the checklist and show the required information within the checklist. There should be a Site Assessment; Proposed Site Plan; Existing Improvement and Public Utilities Plan; Proposed Utilities Plan; Architectural Plans; and an On-site Lighting Plan. Each should show the required information requested. All information should be presented as requested for ease of review. b We formatted the narrative to address the checklist items one by one, with the drawings as support documentation. Due to the limited scope of this project it seemed redundant to make so many individual drawings/sheets. However, in the future we will format accordingly. Campfire Collaborative: Architecture & Design, PC 341 Main Street, Springfield, OR 97477 541.914.0334 -0— CAMPFIRE COLLABORATIVE ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN N www.cp mpf trelo b.cpm #camp❑relpb PL8 Additional item not related to the completeness of this application. Move the Mixed -Use Commercial standards to the Architectural Plans/Elevations. a These notes have been moved to sheet A2.01 PL9 Additional item not related to the completeness of this application. There is an empty tree well on 5th Street that will require a new street tree. b There is not an empty street well along either street frontage. Campfire Collaborative: Architecture & Design, PC 341 Main Street, Springfield, OR 97477 541.914.0334 CAMPFIRE COLLABORATIVE 1 ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN IV www.camptirelab.com #camplirela4 December 17, 2021 UPDATED APRIL 5, 2022 Andrew Larson City of Springfield Development & Public Works Springfield, OR 97477 SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION: Rivett Building Cr4448 Main St. (Map/TL: #17-03-35-31-08000) CONTENTS: A. NARRATIVE • Project summary • Plan set review items summary • Specific code section summaries B. ATTACHMENTS ATT -1: Copy of the Site Plan Reduced to 8.5" x 11" size, separate from large format drawing set ATT 2: Copy of Deed ATT -3: Preliminary Title Report ATT -4: Trip generation calculation from Access Engineering ATT -5: Excerpt from ODOT Signal Design manual, and correspondence with Kathy Tourtillott and Scott Cramer from ODOT clarifying clearance requirements for the traffic signal ATT -6: Letter from Springfield Utility Board stating that the site will be adequately served for electrical service, along with Tentative Step Plan and supporting illustrations ATT -7: Signed construction agreement between the property owner and Springfield Utility Board for installation of increased electrical service ATT -8: Letter from Springfield Utility Board stating that the site will be adequately served for water service, along with email and utilities plan showing water service available ATT -9: TV Report for Waste Water Lateral - letter from Harvey & Price summarizing video review comments and recommendations for waste lines ATT 10: Lighting Cut Sheets - See attached lighting cut -sheet for more information about type of illumination, wattage, shielding, etc. for the proposed gooseneck wall -mounted fixtures proposed for building exterior. ATT -11: Recorded utility easement documentation C. DRAWING SET (4) Copies of the drawing plan sets required, large format sheets; also see outline within narrative for specific review items and where they are addressed in the plan set Date Received Campfire Collaborative: Architecture & Design, PC 341 Main Street, Springfield, OR 97477 APR1616.g2 Original Submittal CAMPFIRE CU2 ARCHITECTURREE & & OESISIGNGN X www.co mpfirela G.cam Ycomp[be 0 Campfire Collaborative: Architecture & Design, PC 341 Main Street, Springfield, OR 97477 541.914.0334 ACAMPFIRE COLLABORATIVE -3- ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN ..0 www. comph re l a p.c om Mca morel as o Interior bearing walls -staggered steel stud bearing walls between apartment units; bearing shear walls at ground floor o Interior non-bearing walls- new interior walls throughout apartment units, enclosing stairs, W.C., utility room, storage closets, etc. o New beams/columns as indicated on structural drawings o New stair systems throughout, including (2) egress stairs, (12) typical apartment interior stairs, and (1) mezzanine stair for live/work unit • Fire/life safety: o Fire rated assemblies- 1 hour separation between ground floor and apartments on second floor; i hour between apartments; 1 hour stair enclosures o New NPFA-13 sprinkler system to be installed throughout building, in all enclosed spaces on all floors, and under stairwells • Exterior improvements: o New paint on exterior concrete facade; new upper level walls to be clad in brick - look fiber -cement panels o New awnings/canopies over entrances along Main Street and 5'h Street o New planter boxes and outdoor seating elements c New gooseneck wall -mounted light fixtures around building n New bike parking stalls • Proposed uses: o Ground floor residential- l accessible live/work unit at NE corner of building with independent entrance on 5t' St. o Ground floor commercial- 1 largetenant space along Main St„ 1 smallertenant space along 5th St.; to be built as shell spaces forthis permit; tenants notyet identified; future buildouts to be submitted as separate T.I. permits • Systems: o Electrical-serviceto be upgraded, including new meters and panels, per SUB and code requirements; new wiring, lighting, and receptacles throughout; coordination with other trades for power requirements for equipment o HVAC - new mini-splitsto independently serve each apartment and each commercial space; new exhaust ducting for residential kitchens and baths in (13) apartments as well as (2) public W.C. on ground floor; exhaust ducting for laundry in 2"a floor hallway and ground floor live/work unit; mechanical chase provided for potential future commercial kitchen in main commercial space, though equipment not part ofthis permit o Plumbing- new meter and upsized line from meter into building; tie into existing sanitary connection; new fixtures throughout and supply/waste piping; floor drains in ground floor W.C.'s, utility room, and trash alcove; new underfloor 75 - gallon grease trap in utility room; 2 new gas water heaters in utility room o Fire suppression- new sprinkler system throughout; hottap into main fire supply line along Main St., backflow, device in SW corner of building; standpipe and fire alarm panel to be in utility room; fire department connection to be at SE corner of building along Sth St. Campfire Collaborative: Architecture & Design, PC 341 Main Street, Springfield, OR 97477 541.914.0334 ARCHITECTURE C H CAMPFIRE C COLLABORATIVE 4' ARCHITECTURE &DESIGN X www.[ampfire la b.c pm R[pmpliuMb PLAN SET REVIEW ITEMS a. Site Assessment of Existing Conditions -see Existing Site Plan on sheet A0.02 • Prepared by an Oregon licensed Architect • Vicinity Map shown on sheet A0.01 • Refer to the existing site plan on sheet A0.02 for all relevant existing site features and their names, uses, locations and dimensions, as well as what is to be removed. Existing building perimeter is at extent of property lines. Building shares a party wall with one building on the south-west side. • The site is not located along a water course as indicated by the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map on file in the Development & Public Works department. • The site is not located in the 100 -year flood plain or have flood boundaries on the site as specified in the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps. • The site is not located in any of the Time of Travel Zones, as specified in SDC 3.3-200 and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file in the Development and Public Works Department • For physical features such as tree diameters, refer to the existing site plan on sheet A0.02. There are no riparian areas, wetlands and rock outcroppings on or adjacent to site. b. Site Plan - see Proposed Site Plan on sheet A0.02 • Prepared by an Oregon licensed Architect • The location, dimensions, size, building adjacencies, and property lines are shown on the Proposed Site Plan on sheet A0.02. As this is an existing building with extents to the property line, there are no setbacks, so no surveyor was required. The Downtown Springfield parking exemption applies to this site. • For the locations and heights of walls,trash, and exterior features see sheet A2.01 No fences, or external site storage are proposed. New trash alcove shown the Proposed Site Plan on sheet A0.02, with more detail shown on the Level 1 - Dimensioned Plan on sheet A1.02. • Under the Downtown Springfield parking exemption no site-specific ADA parking spaces are proposed. The site is relatively flat for ADA use, and all entries are at grade. Please see plan 3/A0.02. • Dimensions of development are 40'x 120' as indicated on the Vicinity Plan on sheet A0.01. 100 percent ofthe property is building structure. There is no change in the footprint area of 4800 s.f., from existing to new proposal. All else is existing and is not proposed for change, such as sidewalks and other impervious surfaces. • As specified in 3.2-225 Base Solar Development Standards, the zoning of this site is MUC and does not need to observe solar access requirements. Campfire Collaborative: Architecture & Design, PC 341 Main Street, Springfield, OR 97477 541.914.0334 CAMPFIRE COLLABORATIVE ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN N www.campnralaEcom 4epm1Hrela6 5- • See site plans on sheet A0.02 for on-site loading areas, and vehicuIarand pedestrian circulation. • See site plans on sheet A0.02 for access to streets, alleys, and properties to be served, including the location and dimensions of existing curb cuts • Bicycle parking o See 2/A0.02 for proposed location of bicycle parking spaces o Short term stalls required: • Residential:1/unit, 75% long term, 25%shortterm • 13 units => 9.75 long term, 2.25 shortterm • Commercial/restaurant(TBD): 1/600 s.f., 25% long term, 75% short term • 2962 s.f. / 600 = 5 spaces; 1.25 long term, 3.75 shortterm o TOTAL REQUIRED: • 11 long term (9.75 + 1.25) • 6 short term (2.25 + 3.75) • t long term oversized o TOTAL PROVIDED/PROPOSED: • 11 long term vertical stalls+ 1 oversized stall, located in residential lobby through access -controlled exterior door 8 shortterm spaces provided by 4 new hoops; 2 hoops located near Main St. entrance, and 2 hoops located near lobby entry along 5'h St. Additional long-term storage if required for commercial tenant spaces to be provided within tenant spaces as part of future interior buildout (to be submitted in separate T.I. permit) • Lane Transit District Springfield Bus Station is located .1 miles south west of the site. • 100 percent of the property is building structure. No proposal to remove existing structure to dedicate or reserve for public and semi-public uses. • No proposed phasing development plan forthis project. c. Existing Improvement and Public Utilities Plan- see Existing Site Plan on sheet A0.02 • Prepared by an Oregon licensed architect. • There are no applicable easements to the existing footprint. All overhangs over sidewalk are proposed at 5 ft depth, within the allowable half -depth of sidewalks (typical depth of east side walk is 10 ft; depth of south sidewalk is 16-8 ".) • See 3/A.01 and 1/A0.02 for location,widths, names of right-of-ways within or adjacent to the site and downspouts for roof drainage connections. The only other jurisdiction is ODOT located within the boundaries of Main Street. • See 1 /A0.02 for existing street lighting locations. Campfire Collaborative: Architecture & Design, PC 341 Main Street, Springfield, OR 97477 541.914.0334 CAMPFIREDRI ARCHITECTUURREE&8 DESIGN �J , www.compfirolub.com Mcampinelab WE • See 2/A0.02 for existing traffic control devices. See 2/A0.02 for proposed Fire department connection and backflow preventers. No existing power poles ortransformers. Closest public (neighborhood?) mailbox is 0.1 miles north-east from site under City Hall. • See 1/A0.02 for existing sidewalks. No new paths of any kind are proposed. • See 1/A0.02 and 2/A0.02 for location and size of existing utilities on and adjacent to site, plus connection points. • See 1/A0.02 for existing spot elevation indicated by "+" symbol. North-east corner of site/building is at elevation of 459 ft above sea level. Site is relatively flat with gentle, declining slope from north to south, less than 5 percent slope. Adjacent existing paved surfaces are sloped towards storm drains. d. Proposed Grading, Paving and Utilities- see Proposed Site Plan on sheet A0.02 • Not proposing new onsite stormwater. Existing building covers entire property, no new impervious area proposed. Site has existing downspouts piped under sidewalk to weepholes at the curbs along Main St. and 5th St., and piped into storm sewer along alley. Drainage from new roof and canopies will tie into existing downspouts. • Not proposing new streets, alleys, or other rights -of -ways • There are no proposed easements. • Existing City -owned street light to remain. New wall -mounted gooseneck light fixtures proposed around building fa4ade, see Exterior Elevations on sheet A2.01 for locations. • Slopes are not greater than 5 percent. e. Landscape Plan- see Existing & Proposed Site Plans on sheet A0.02 • Landscape plan not required; site plan prepared by an Oregon licensed architect. • See 1/A0.02 for existing trees. No new proposed landscaping or street trees. f. Architectural Plans See attached drawing setfor architectural plans. The site does not abut residentially zoned properties, however exterior elevations are provided on sheet A2.01. g. On-site Lighting Plan • Existing City -owned standard decorative LED street lights to remain; see locations on 1 /A0.02. • New wall -mounted gooseneck down light fixtures proposed around building fa4ade, see Exterior Elevations on sheet A2.01 and plan 2/A0.02 for locations. • See attached lighting cut -sheets for more information about type of illumination, wattage, shielding, etc. Campfire Collaborative: Architecture & Design, PC 341 Main Street, Springfield, OR 97477 541.914.0334 CAMPFIRECOLLABORATIVE -7- ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN 74r waw. complirelobcom ifcompflrelob Additional Materials That May Be Deferred • New landscape materials are not proposed. • No new stormwater management system is proposed. • No irrigation plan is proposed. • Photometric test report for light source(s)to be provided as a deferred submittal if required. Additional Materials That May Be Required by the Director • A copy of a Preliminary Title Report -attached • No Traffic Impacf Study is required -the trip generation from the 12 additional dwelling units will be well below the thresholds outlined in SDC 4.2-105. Per staff request, we have included a memo from Access Engineering that provides a trip generation estimate. See attachment ATT -4 • Multi -family development- Per clarification with Planning staff, this section (SDC 3.2-240) does not apply to this project. The building is located in the Downtown Mixed Use area. The ground floor's greatest floor area is commercial; therefore, the commercial mixed use standards apply —not the multi -unit standards. • Site is not in riparian area/ or near a watercourse, so no Riparian Area Protection Report is required. • Site is not in an area of unstable soils or high water table, geotech report not required. • See below for code analysis pertaining to Mixed Use Overlay District (SDC 3.2-625) • No physical aspects of the proposed development include scale, odor noise, glare or vibrations that could impact the surrounding uses. • No trees are proposed to be removed, no tree felling permit necessary. • No wetlands are present on the property, to wetland delineation necessary. • No additional federal/state permits are required. • No grading, filling, or excavating is proposed that would affect drainage of site or surrounding area. • No Discretionary Uses or Variances are proposed. • No Annexation is proposed. Campfire Collaborative: Architecture & Design, PC 341 Main Street, Springfield, OR 97477 541.914.0334 CAMPFIRE COLLABORATIVE $ ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN X www. camptirelo E. cam tcamphreloh 5.17.125 SITE PLAN REVIEW CRITERIA A. No change in zoning is proposed; the existing zoning is consistent with the Metro Plan diagram, and/or the applicable Refinement Plan diagram, Plan District map, and Conceptual Development Plan. S. Capacity requirements for utilities will be met: • Electricity&water: see letters from SUB stating adequate capacity for utility serviceto the site • Sanitary sewer and stormwater management facilities: see report from Harvey&Price • Streets and traffic safety controls shall not be exceeded • Public improvements shall be available to serve the site at the time of development C. The proposed development shall comply with all applicable public and private design and construction standards contained in this Code and other applicable regulations. See code analysis below for sections: • 3.2-625 Mixed -Use District Development Standards—General • 3.2-630 Mixed -Use Development Standards- Specific 3.3-1000 Nodal Development Overlay District 3.2-240 Multi -unit Design Standards D. No new parking areas or ingress -egress points are proposed E. The site has no significant physical features requiring protection or special attention. There are no steep slopes, unstable soils, or considerable geologic conditions to address on site. The site is not located in the 100 -year flood plain or have flood boundaries on the site as specified in the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps. The site is not located along a water course as indicated by the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map on file in the Development & Public Works department. The site is not located in any of the Time of Travel Zones, as specified in SDC 3.3-200 and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file in the Development and Public Works Department. The site does not contain significant clusters of trees and shrubs, nor is it part of any riparian areas or wetlands. There are no rock outcroppings, natural open spaces, or areas of historic and or archeological significance on site. Campfire Collaborative: Architecture & Design, PC 341 Main Street, Springfield, OR 97477 541.914.0334 CAMPFIRE COLLABORATIVE - 9-ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN zftC www.com Dtu.I. b.c om rcu.,H,e lvb 3.2-625 MIXED-USE DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS—GENERAL A. Building Design Standards 1. On corner lots/parcelsthis provision applies to both elevations requirement: 50 percent of length of elevation must linearly be window at ground floor East wall = 120 ft length East wall windows length = 62 ft 62/120®.52 Requirement met South wall = 40.42 ft length South wall window length = 34.75 ft 34.75/40.42 =.86 Requirement met Requirement: at least 25 percent of the ground floor wall area as windows and/or doors that allow views into lobbies, merchandise displays, or working areas. East wall = 120 ft length East wall views -in window length = 43.1 ft 43.1/120 =.36 Requirement met South wall = 40.42 ft length South wall views -in window length = 32.92 ft 32.92/40.42 =.81 Requirement met Exceptions: north wall adjacent to alley, east wall is party wall 2. N/A 3. Requirement met -along the vertical face of the building, offsets occur at a minimum of every 50 feet by providing: recessed balconies with a depth of 4' - 2" and balcony overhangs with a depth of no more than 5 ft 4. Requirement met- building design breaks up vast expanses by a combination of architectural elements and features, including, but not limited to: offsets, windows, entry treatments, balconies, overhangs and faux brick Campfire Collaborative: Architecture & Design, PC 341 Main Street, Springfield, OR 97477 541.914.0334 CAMPFIRE COLLABORATIVE ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN K w ww.cpm pf irela a.c am 4ppmplhelal, S. Requirement met- design provides differentiation between the ground floor and upper stories, through balconies for upper levels, and awnings, canopies, or other similar treatments for lower levels. variation in building materials, paint, ornamentation, and windows. 6. N/A B. Building Orientation/Setbacks: N/A -existing building C. Weather Protection 1. Requirement met- proposed awnings and canopies are at least b feet wide (but not greater than 5' depth), and shall follow building offsets to eliminate long expanses of awnings. 2. Requirement met- awnings and canopies do not obscure architectural features (e.g., transom area) and do not extend into the second story of the building. 3. Requirement met- awnings and canopies are in proportion to the overall building and correspond to the width a nd locations of the storefront openings. 4. Requirement met- no backlit awnings or canopies are proposed. S. Requirement met- awnings and canopies are suspended from the building and not supported by posts. D. Landscaping & Screening 1. N/A- existing building/site 2. N/A -not adjacent to residential, no ground mounted equip., exist i ng street trees 3. Nil no new landscape areas 4. Requirement met - existing trash receptacles shared with neighbor and hosted on neighboring site behind buildings, does not abut residential districts; all utilities are wall - mounted on the rear/alley elevation facade; (e) street trees are fully grown E. Street Connectivity/Circulation: Nil existing site/development Campfire Collaborative: Architecture & Design, PC 341 Main Street, Springfield, OR 97477 541.914.0334 CAMPFIRE COLLABORATIVEAN 11 - ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN www.camptirelob.com #campnrelab F. Neighborhood Compatibility: N/A- not adjacentto TDR zone G. Pedestrian Amenities 1. Approximately 13,470 S.F. requires 3 pedestrian amenities 2. Requirement met- proposal includes new outdoor seating, existing and new container planters, new canopies over sidewalk, existing street trees, existing sidewalk lights, and view of mural across street 3. Requirement met - a. Amenities are available along both 5th and main streets b. Amenities are sized appropriately for available space c. Amenities are consistent with those throughout downtown, and suitable for outdoor use d. N/A- no bus stops adjacent to site 3.2.630 MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - SPECIFIC a. MUC development standard Requirement met - 86 percent of ground floor area within building is dedicated to commercial use; commercial use is proposed with residential uses concurrently 2. Requirement met- maximum square footage of a si ng Is tenant space is 2200 S.F.. 3. Requirement met- 100 percent of lot/parcel is building floor area Campfire Collaborative: Architecture & Design, PC 341 Main Street, Springfield, OR 97477 541.914.0334 CAMPFIRE COLLABORATIVE 12 - ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN Q www.comptlrelab.com Mcampurelab 3.3-1000 NODAL DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY DISTRICT 3.3-1005 Purpose, Applicability and Review 1. Design standard met - See Project Scope Exterior Improvements above 2. Design standard met- Lane Transit District Springfield Station busses located -1 miles or 3 minute walk from site 3. Design standard met - Grocery, cafes, restaurants, banks, post office, art gallery, museum, and library located within walking distance of site. 4. Design standard met- Library plaza, Millrace park, Island park, Booth Kelley Path Trailhead withing walking distance of site. S. Design standard met - Site is near residential area. Site will add 13 new residential units on 4720 S.F. footprint. 3.3-1005 (13)(3) Applicability: An expansion of 50 percent or more of the total existing building square footage on the development site. Existing: LEVEL 1 - 4720 S.F Expansion: LEVEL 2-4362 S.F. LEVEL 3 - 4326 S.F. TOTAL: 3 STORIES - 13,408 ST Expansion is over 50 percent oftotal existing building square footage. 3.3-1010 (A): Mixed commercial and residential uses permitted within base Mixed -Use Commercial MUC District in Section 3.2-610; none ofthe prohibited uses listed in section 3.3-1010(8) are proposed 3.3-1020 Minimum Density and General Development Standards Floor Area Ratio or FAR Gross floor area/ total lot parcel area. 13,408/4720= 2.8 A. Minimum Density and Floor Area Ratio 1. Requirement met - Site will add 13 new residential units in 4720 S.F. footprint 2. Requirement met- MUC minimum floor area is.4, actual is 2.8 3. N/A- Base zone is not LMI, CI, or MUE Campfire Collaborative: Architecture & Design, PC 341 Main Street, Springfield, OR 97477 541.914.0334 0 CAMPFIRE COLLABORATIVE -13- ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN 7� www. co mpl irela6.com xaamprirelah B. Building Setbacks 1. Requirement met- Commercial building is existing, with no setbacks from the street 2. Requirement met- Proposed residential uses will have zero setback from the street 3. Requirement met -Proposed building is existing and will have zero setback from the street C. Parking Between Building and the Street 1. NA- No new parking is proposed. Building is existing and falls under the Downtown Springfield parking exemption 2. NA- No new parking is proposed. Building is existing and falls under the Downtown Springfield parking exemption 3.3-1025 Specific Design Standards: Multi -unit residential dwellings shall comply with the design standards specified in Section 3.2-240 (see below) and Section 3.2-625C (see above). a 3.2-240 Multi -Unit Design Standards Per clarification with Planning staff, this section does not apply to this project. The building is located in the Downtown Mixed Use area. The ground floor's greatest floor area is commercial; therefore, the commercial mixed use standards apply — not the multi -unit standards. • Section 3.2-625C Weather Protection: Awnings and canopies are intended to protect pedestrians from the weather and add to the architectural interest of buildings. New commercial or mixed-use residential development shall provide a weather -protected area adjacent to sidewalks and plazas. The proposal achieves all requirements of this section; see details in code summary of section 3.2-625 above. Campfire Collaborative: Architecture & Design, PC 341 Main Street, Springfield, OR 97477 541.914.0334 A STREET AWACENT PROPERTY NOTINS NOT IN SCOPE WW1 K N INE AREA ERTYOF M) — F AREA OF WORK) y� ALLEY I MAIN STREET —7 I � III T1 448 MAIN STREET - RIVETT BUILDING SITE PLAN 1"=50" Projectnumber 21006 Date 2021.12.17 (E) FIRE HYDRANT U Date Receiv, J , vA�C9E COlLP00ap~\ APR 0 6 2011 Original Submittal "4L E.1]^ Pve. Suitt 2 ' `�genq.Oregon 9)001 'S6iv185.]H3 ?,nmas.a..aePn..e. Access Engineering LLC Td9%pert;tien En9ineertng - �' earns ossig.; Tap: aeMrauan "Ace nage...[ -tnwe mnaea -S1eeM L19atln9 OREGON--- ' '0 `kv ta. ygl:L WEBS RENEWS 6130122 Low -Rise Apartment Trip Generation Twelve low-rise apartment are planned for as an addition to a commercial building on Main Street in Springfield. Oregon. The City has asked the developer to include a trip generation estimate relating to the increase in trips documenting compliance with SDC 42-105.' The Springfield Development Code 42-105 states: A An applicant may be required to prepare a Traffic Impact Study (TIS) to identify potential traffic impacts from proposed development and needed mitigation measures. A TIS is required if any of the following criteria are met, 1. Peak Hour Threshold If a change in land use or intensification of an existing use generates 100 or more trips during any peak hour as determined by procedures contained in the most recent edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual, a TIS.shall be performed by a registered professional engineer. 2. Average Daily Traffic Threshold. If a change in land use or intensification of an existing use generates 1, 000 or more trips per day as determined by procedures contained in the most recent edition of the Institute of - Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual, a TIS shall be performed by a registered professional engineer. The trip generation for the 12 apartment addition on Main Street in downtown - Springfield, Oregmt is found using the I It Edition of the ITE Trip Generation Manual using the ITE Code 220 - Multifamily Housing (Low Rise) with the Dense Multi -Use Urban setting. The AM peak hour trips generated are 12 and the PM peak hour trips generated are 6. There is no daily trip data for the dense multi -use urban category. However, daily trips for the General Urban/Suburbam setting are 152 trips per day. As one can see, the 12 apartment unit addition will not generate enough_ daily or peak hour trips to warrant a Traffic Impact Analysis. ATf-4 Traffic -Roadway Section Traffic Signal Design Manual - Signal Plan 5.5.4 Utility Conflicts Always check to see if there is the possibility of overhead and underground utility conflicts when locating poles. Conflicts with overhead and underground utilities will need to be addressed during the design of the signal. A minimum of 10 feet from overhead high voltage lines is required as per OAR 437-002-0047. For low voltage utilities (e.g. communication, fiber optic, cable, etc.), the following minimum clearances should be provided (See Figure 5-90): • A minimum of 5 feet from access points (e.g. removable pole caps, handholes, and terminal cabinets) and illumination fixtures • A minimum of 1 foot from above the mast amn and backplates if there are any known conflicts with utilities, contact the Region Utility Specialist for help. See chapter 8 for more detailed information about identifying conflicts and working with the Region Utility Specialist. There are three possible solutions depending on the situation; l.) the signal pole location may need to be adjusted (which may require other auxiliary signal equipment such as pedestrian pedestals), 2.) the utility may need to be relocated, or 3.) a combination of number one and two. Utility conflicts shall be addressed and resolved before the design is complete. January 2022 Page 5-99 ATT -5 Traffic -Roadway Section Traffic Signal Design Manual - Signal Plan Figure 5-90 1 Low Voltage Utility Clearances Gex.. �orar ✓[n ,.am reare pw�e[elN =.-ft-1-1�: aam,+➢�ape�a a.✓2.anw,ce.a anowro.' mature o[ z/bw ba✓eimfam,`p[tetl vkwo% /9�,alM1eatlinM[a,iont z aMmamrtrtance attivnes. ➢ tleae2n[esal a em,M1 Nn Nese. Use uil/ry pmvber 4. C/ea aano apo�lo ty o as Pul,�➢ unY�i,ie wlgge u,iline wNeann[ mrt nn ret lo9rtM1MWRI3]-CO2-➢M] January 2022 Page 5-100 no SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD ELECT R I C S[R"ICE CENTER 1001 MainStreet Springfield, OR 97477-4819 Tel 541.726.2395 Faa 5419262399 wwwsvbuti I—. March 25, 2022 Jenna Fribley Campfire Collaborative Architecture & Design 341 Main Street Springfield, OR 97477 RE: Capacity requirements to adequately serve the project at 448 Main Street Dear Jenna: The requested electrical service has the following characteristics: Panel Size: 1,000 Amp Voltage: 1201208 Volt, Three Phase Given these criteria, SUB has the following capacity requirements to serve the project for which the cost will be the responsibility of the developer: 1. Utility Transformer capacity. SUB will install an upgraded vault and transformer to provide sufficient capacity for the development. 2. Utility Secondary capacity. SUB will install additional conduit and conductor to connect the new/upgraded transformer to the existing secondary conduiticonductor system. 3. Utility Infrastructure design. Utility infrastructure design will be completed by SUB and the utility will coordinate the adjustment and/or installation of electric facilities with the developer. 4. Utility Infrastructure Installation. Infrastructure will be installed in accordance to the terms of a construction agreement between SUB and the developer. The electric distribution system shall be designed and installed to adequately serve the development in accordance with the Springfield Utility Board's Development and Redevelopment Policy. ncer Si�tX/%'L lye /p /V J" Dan Norland Electric Engineering Technician 541-744-3784 Enclosure: Electric Utility Work Temporary Pole Location ATT-0 TENTATIVE STEP PLAN FOR TEMP OVERHEAD POWER SOUR E WEDNESDAY INSTALL POLE AND CONDUIT TO VAULT 75GG09 THURSDAY INSTALL OVERHEAD TRANSFORMER BANK AND CONDUCTOR FRIDAY EARLYSTART SAM-9AM TRANSFER SERVICES TO OVERHEAD TRANSFORMER BANK REMOVE PADMOUNT TRANSFORMERS AND PRIMARY/SECONDARY IN VAULT 99AO17/99AO18 WEEKEND - MONDAY CONTRACTOR TO REMOVE EXISTING VAULTS 99AO17/99AOIB TUESDAY CONTRACTOR TO TRENCH ALLEY AND INTERCEPT EXISTING 5" CONDUIT WEDNESDAY CONTRACTOR TO TRENCH ALLEY AND INTERCEPT EXISTING 5" CONDUIT THURSDAY CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL NEW S'X 7' VAULT 22C005 FRIDAY CONTRACTOR CLEANUP AND TEMPORARY ALLEY RESTORATION - WEEKEND - MONDAY PULL PRIMARY BACK TO NEW VAULT 200005 TUESDAY SECONDARY TO 500 MAI N VAULT AND SET TRANSFORMER ON VAULT 200005 WEDNESDAY NIGHT WORK 7PM— 12AM CONVERT 500 MAIN STREET TO 120/208V, 3 PHASE THURSDAY NO WORK. CREW ON REST. FRIDAY EARLYSTART 4AM —9AM CONVERT 141/149 STH STREET TO 120/208V, 3 PHASE. CONVERT 538 MAIN STREET TO 120/208V, 3 PHASE. SECONDARY TO VAULT 75GO09 - WEEKEND - MONDAY OVERTIME 7AM— 7PM SECONDARY FROM VAULT 75G009 TO 448 MAIN. CONVERT 440, 444, 448 MAIN STREET. TUESDAY REMOVE OVERHEADTEMP TRANSFORMER BANK AND CONDUCTOR WEDNESDAY REMOVE POLE AND CONDUIT. THURSDAY CONTRACTOR CONCRETE REPAIR FOR SIDEWALK AND 2 PANELS IN ALLEY. FRIDAY CLEANUP/FINISH Note: DatesMrnes are subject to change. Creative "' d dent t e t_ Our Sewing Room TB'np1fDf y C1O"'d merald Art Center M center ►r c�•r k The Simps> - � Z' +� Spnng(ield Mural +u Hearts For ospice fff- CONSTRUCTION ��AGREEMENT .paG�yR E EM EN T T MMREEMENImadeandaderedinmtksday iP�a M)'F 2G2z, by and between Me cm OF SPMNGEIEED, OREGON, a municipal mrmmtiorh zceng by and though the SPRINGFIELD UTUT, BOARD, hereinafter referred to as Me firs, party, ands Maab Pmp"m LLC, harebaRa mis ned m n Me second party. WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the Gnat parry owns and opera. munbipal assets, and water i share serving ends. and adjacent m Me corporation limits ofsald city, and WHEREAS. Me wound parry H planning Me deueloprnem and mnstruttbn of A Commerdal l ugdbq located at AIX Melts frreet In lane Coumy, Ctepn said devebped for COMMERCIAL purposes, described parficuhrhyasmicees, TA%MAP:17�3531, TAR EOE: M W 0 WHEREAS,tlmeaend party has applied tOthefira parrifor shaerlal seracesfm said devebpmes, mw, Maen, IT N AGREED by and between the For Party and Me seond patty and each M caolderaden m pmmlMs and agreemam ofMe others do hereby pmmbe ardagraeas "row : I. The Springfield MGM Board does hereby upon m fmMll an decade distribution syaem for Me service of A Commertal Bulling in acwdame adth plans nor ea emc devtlopmems shown on lob Number =W1 2. The second Party agree m pay Me first party Me wm of $4%899A payable before Me sten of wmerestion, in amordame will Me Springfield Wilily Boards Deeebpment and to deaslupm,Bt Charge Prlk, 3. TheMrt parWs pans,speciriaUoru and development charges are based on Me assumptions Mat themmplae dm tumnsysmm shall be lrestilel. BMettcmdPa h.l Mepbmandmntr Mederebpment othathon ArWg lV abtl.Mesaandparry Mat[myforamadditimalcotsfrmrredbytheAntparry. Said payment m be made prior m Me fi m party ennghing Me system alatr6al. 0. The second party ager to comply will all topes speeded in the mrent Elemdc 0eveloprsem and Redeveloper. Onew Policyin eRectatthe timethis agreemelrt Is entered into. S. The semnd any requests installation of distribution acilNes or commence whhin 30 days of Me nauseant data 6. The first parry agrees m make a conceited short m commence translation of distribution facilides within 30 this of Me second parrys requested installation; date provided Me seumd parry don rut ohMecl or dories Me Net partys auras. Within 180 days refthedateefthis agremem, lithe it party dons ml per( mics responsibilities underMe agreement, Me first parry has re, further obligation under this agreement 7. This agreement shall he binding upon bars, executars, admmistamre, su cexm¢ and assignee of the respecdy<wmn. 8. NolBingherein mmalnedenall bemnstrued as limbinUMefirat Wrtyorthesemnd party In anymanna ucept as herein sat fords impar re seMces, maers and Me reading therm(and Me billing for consumption, and asocamd serrAa clargex are toncaned. 9. "If sun or leplacfion hwlihrted by ekha party for Me purpose of<nforeing the tame of this ageemem, Me prevafling pads shall he entitled to judgnent spirit the oder party for Me preWiling parties reasonable aRwneyhn and court costsa �as ydaermine l bythe Court retrial or wry appealthere8wn. Rossinia3A� //re^4022 B, Z� B n�0ir- Wvftl R gnen CHoene Engineering &Gpermons PreP HARVEY$. PRfCE Project: 448 Main. Site Address 448 Main St. Springfield, Or. 97477 Regarding: Building Sewer Video. Author of document: gen Ellis, Harvey & Price. Date: 1/22/22 Upon reviewing the building drain videos offered on this project, here's our thoughts. The existing drain line makes multiple offsets that could and should be alleviated. The portion nearest the building has roots inside of the pipe. The roots appear to enter through inconsistent and poorly made pipe joints. The last few feet before the connection with the 10" sewer lateral appear to be sloped at roughly 45° upward off the 10". This same sloped run appears to be in good shape and is root free. Our recommendation is to replace the building sewerfrom the upstream end of the first piece off of the 10" main. This allows the existing 10" x 4" building sewer connection to remain in use while replacing the inferior section of existing 4" pipe. Regards, Ben Ellis. I/ILLIENNOWN LIGHTING Millennium Lighting w .millenniumlighting.com LEDRS10 -LED R SERIES OUTDOOR 10" ANGLE SHADE This item can be converted to a pendant or wall sconce with purchase of separate compatible downrod or goose neck Please see compatible downrods and arms below: Compatible downrods P5, R52, and R53 Compatible with arms: RGN10, RGN12, RGN13, RGN15, RGN22, RGNZ, RGN24, RGN30, and RCN41 Compatible with wire guard: RWG10 LEDRAS10-SB 12 SERIES Dimensions Width 10 - Height P - Wire Length 100" Weight 2.51 lbs. Finish 8 Material Finishes SB - Satin Black Material Metal LED Light Engine 11W LED 90 CRI 800 Lumens 3000k 50,000 Hour Lifespan Constructed in Aluminum S Year Warranty Replaceable LED Module Certification UL Listed Wet Location Item Number SKU'S LEDRASIO-SB xoh: al rhushes m o.J.r Iim fre must Is. properly ma Gln lautl 1—tru! T ererorg—suis. deaning rriod rs inch as reju lontNnlsM1 prearving8reneairng pmm,aearrn a:aan.4naG. `''M`^n`.(.e�g`^h`�n Vt10.1.Gn \IIIIVa Us NK VWn ��`�k UAA^AM1lil R SERIES ATT -10 R SERIES OPTIONS GOOSE NECKS - (WALL MOUNT) PGNIG PGNi2 RGNB 10, 314- RGN15 FINISHES ABR -Architectural Bronze P,l AL-Awminum ,o' W Aluminum Painted Satin Black y. E 14V CA G.I3, GA-Galvanizetl GV -Gray RGN22 RGN23 RGIIM NB- Navy Blue NC- Natural Copper '6a 'r T T SB -Satin Black 6y 1<-1'6 +I SG - Satin Green 11$ Jhi Red WH -W E I1x- ZI k IE SR Zr WH -White @ H 31 RGTN3G PGN41 13" B �' IE 3r �E 41 3 uavlP.m reNea STEMS AND CANOPY KITS -(CEILING MOUNT) RSCM WIRE GUARDS RSCKWmgle) O FINISHES w6 ABR - Architectural Bronze CPCopper ABR-Architectual Bronze e% CP - Copper RSI y --IF— 11- =� GA - Galvanized GV -Gray E SG - Satin Green _ NB - Navy Blue BR -hi Red RSCKSS(m°Aael•1 SB -Satin Black u SG - Satin Green O SA in Red R$2 RYI410 M WH - W WH White 4A Y� R53 WALL MOUNT SWIVELS WIRE GUARDS Mw FINISHES w6 ABR - Architectural Bronze CPCopper GA - Galva y --IF— 11- SB -Satin Black Black E SG - Satin Green flwR4 BR -hi Red E _" WH- - White >xJ, 14" PtlG¢ T,— 1=<3I RYI410 M R SERIES STEM CONNECTORS RC Accepts 3/4`stem FINISHES I`vJl ABR - ArchiteRural Bronze +x' AL -Aluminum CP - Copper GA - Galvanized GV - Gray NB - Navy Blue SB - Satin Black SG - Satin Green SR - Satin Red WH - White FINISHES ABR -Architectural Bronze CA - Cal,anized GY-Gray NB - Navy Blue SB - Satin Black SG - Satin Green SR - Satin Red WH - White